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posted by AKetchum01
 Registeel, before the details...
Registeel, before the details...
Well hello there fellow spriters and wanna-be spriters! Today, our lesson is on Recolors! The art of simply changing the as cores of a sprite. Theses are quite easy, and basically anyone can do this. Also, before we begin, the answer to the anterior "SPRITER'S CHOICE!"! The Dusk-line were....A! Recolors! *Trainer's choice theme plays* Alright, let's begin!

Step 1-MUST have a editing program.

To begin your recolor, you must have the proper equipment. In this case, an editing program. This can differ from spriter to spriter. I prefer to use Paint.NET, but you may end up using something entirely different....
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Few things are as predictable in Pokemon (excluding Brock chasing after girls) as the Team Rocket Motto. Our favorito villains will always appear at least once per episode and recite their infamous lema (usually before getting blasted away por pikachu or another Pokemon). You know it's coming as soon as you hear that famous theme música signifying the "Prepare for trouble!" "And make it double!"

Team Rocket loves to pose and recite their bit of nonsense whenever possible, especially at inopportune times (like when they're attempting to sneak into a building). Meowth is skeptical of the motto's...
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"After Ash, Brock, Misty, Todd Snap, Luka, Ritchie, and Oliver rescued both Lugia from Team Rocket, they decided to unwind with a dia at the beach. "Totodile! Come on out!" replied Ash as he grabbed a cerceta, verde-azulado and red Pokeball known as a Lure Ball and sent out Totodile "Okay Staryu! Poliwhirl! Goldeen! Corsola! Psyduck! Come on out!" replied Misty as she sent out her Pokemon. As usual, however Psyduck struggled to stay afloat, forcing Misty to return to its Pokeball. Luka grabbed three Pokeballs and sent her Magikarp out. "Okay everyone. You all stay close. You never know what could be underwater."...
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Ash Ketchum Baby Daddy Chapter 12: Sweet Love

(At the woods where we find our coração broken Ash sitting and frowning. Serena and pikachu meets up to him and sits seguinte him. She pats his shoulder.)
Pikachu: Pika Pi.
Serena: It's gonna be okay.
Ash: I know it's just that that man treated Nikki like his drunken punching bags. I was afraid to tell you about the pregnancy call even though it was Georgia because I was afraid of hurting you and our future baby.
Serena: (she hugs him) Ash when you took care of Nikki, you never physically beaten her. Instead you loved her, played with her, and actually loved...
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posted by thetankmoment
5 years after Daylights newest Eevee, Candy, was born, it was time to go to the School of Wild Pokémon. "Okay," Daylight asked, "Have you got your snacks?" "We're READY, mom," Laila sighed. doces was anxious to leave. She was finally going to leave the house. "In that case," Daylight told Laila and Candy, "You can go."

doces bolted out the door, quickly followed por Laila. As soon as doces and Laila arrived at the school, doces became hesitant. "What if they tease me," doces whispered, "You know, because I'm off-colored?" "Hey," Laila reassured her, "Everything is going to be fine. In fact,...
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posted by silverexorcist
 The Martial Priest, Aloin D'Argent
The Martial Priest, Aloin D'Argent
Aloin flashed a grin up toward Lisanna as he stepped into the coliseum ring. Lisanna sat atop the highest balcony with her father to watch the competition, looking as beautiful and radiant as the goddess of beauty herself, her hair fluttering in the wind as she grinned back down at Aloin in reassurence. Her father remained as stoic and steely eyed as ever--Aloin had no idea what he thought of him. He could only hope that the man just didn't hate him.

Aloin's opponent walked into the coliseum then, flexing his own muscles as he happily acknowledged the crowd's applause. Aloin frowned as he watched...
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jasmim signals her arm for the start of the battle,"Let the battle begin".

Ash makes the first attack,"Pikachu use Quick Attack",pikachu quickly charges toward Arcanine is a quick speed.John Smith the captain of the segundo says,"Amazing his pokemon is got to be the fastest pikachu in the world".Pikachu is almost about to hit Arcanine,Ash happily says,"Yeah pikachu is totally going to hit his target".Then Leonardo makes an evil smile and tells Arcanine,"Move to your left",Arcanine moves to its left very quickly and pikachu misses and becomes surprise,"Pika".Ash is also surprise,"What ? but how...
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(Shinji's POV)

The perfect dia in Unova. Summer breeze, warm air, calm enviornment and Pokemon skipping through the fields. "Deerling!" A group of Deerling shout at the same time. Pathetic creatures. I sigh. Since I am new to the Unova region, people don't know me unless those idiots watch television. If others forgot that I participated in every Pokemon League created, I'm going to have to soco them. Some people are so...stupid. I mover my hair out of the way of my face. Now that I have mentioned it, I totally need a hair cut. "Deerling?" A Deerling pops up in my face. "Gah! Get away from me!"...
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As Rosalie and her re-united friends arrive back at the campsite, Aurora gasps. "What happened here?!" Rosalie and Volkner look at each other and grin, suddenly they burst out laughing. "Huh? Tell me!" Aurora says. Rosalie then tells Aurora about the incident earlier. Aurora and Tobias chuckle. "Wow Rosalie I didn't know you had such bravery to take out a kidnapper like that!" Rosalie holds her head up pridefully. "Of course!" Tobias looks down at the soaked blankets covering the dirt ground. "Uh, why would you leave all of these just lay on the ground like that? They'll get ruined." Aurora...
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posted by AKetchum01
Chapter 6-2: The Evolution Situation!

After winning the first Gym, the team is on the road again, heading to Eterna City, site of the seguinte contest and Gym Battle!

"The Coal Badge is great! Now to get a Forest Badge!" I said.
"Slow down, we just left Oreburgh Town! We still have to get through Floraroma Town, then Eterna Forest, where Gastly live!" Max replied.
"Gastly...those are Ghost-type! Um, just go on without me..." May said.
"There is nothing to be scared of, Ghost type are great!" I replied.
"We are working on a new motto, so we will get right to the point!" A familiar voice said.
"Team Rocket...
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Please no Misty bashing, I am a fan.(Ash's Pov)

1. Apparently, she doesn't like me getting her lost.

2.She doesn't like it when i ditch her, I wonder why.

3. Oh, remind me never to tell her, that if I was togepi's trainer, it would know mais moves.

4. For some reason, I am not aloud to like Giselle.

5.Don't EVER try to scare her, you will get hurt BADLY!

6.I remember when I asked her how she could be related to her beautiful sisters. Now, that DID NOT turn out well.

7.O.o Two simple words "Perfume Shop". Heh, heh, i guess that wasnt the best idea. But i was just trying to stop her from wasting her money.

8.Note to self, don't ever tell Misty that she actually looks like a girl. Don't wanna go through the 'Beauty and the Beach' thing again.
posted by AKetchum01

The team has reached Eterna City, just before the contest! But, there was a problem, the score board wasn't working! So, with a slight change of plans, the team heads to the Eterna City Gym! But...

"Now, we can wait in da plants for da contest to start, then swipe the Trainer's Pokemon!" Meowth exclaimed. Team Rocket was waiting for the contest to start, but they didn't know about the delay!
"I have a feeling that we should be at the Gym." James said.
"Here we are!" Max said.
"This is a 3-on-3 Gym." Ash said.
"That's not good! I only have 2 Pokemon!"...
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Misty had been at her gym, waiting for something to do. Suddenly she got an idea I have an idea! I can call up Serena and maybe Dawn, May, and Iris will want to come along with me too. said Misty After making her decision, she began calling Serena. Serena! said Misty Misty! What's up? Did you want to hang out? asked Serena Yeah. I actually wanted to have a night out on the town. said Misty Okay. There's Lumoise City that has lots of shops and restaurants for us to check out. said Serena Yeah! That sounds like a good city to check out! said Misty Who else did you want to invite? asked Serena...
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After I have heard the news about Ash being officially gone and no longer being the main character or the protagonist of the animê series, I decided to make this artigo because I wanted to share about my thoughts on both Ash's departure and for the new animê that is coming out soon on the seguinte year. Before the new Gen 9 animê was announced, I have some strange feelings that Ash will no longer continue staying as the main character after I saw him winning the pokémon World Championship against Leon and became the new world champion because that battle felt like that is going to be the end...
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In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Giratina has its own theme!! (Like Platinum)
Origin Forme is also seen too.
As people received their copy early, everything has leaked.
You can listen to it from the link below
Ash Ketchum Baby Daddy Ch 2: Carnivals, Phone Calls and Songs, Oh My!

(Serena got out of the pool and Iris, May, Dawn, and Misty got out walked to her.)
May: Well how was your encontro, data with Ash?
Serena: (Blushes) It was sooooo wonderful! We are sooo in love!
Georgia: (Walks up with her clothes on) Aw looks like Ash and Serena are together with a bad fashion trend!
Iris: Oh really? I thought the bad fashion trend is what you're wearing!
(All of the 5 girls even Burgundy laughed! Georgia glares at Burgundy.)
Burgundy: Was I not allowed to laugh at that one?
Georgia: YES!
Misty: Let's go to Professor Oak's...
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Ash, Misty, and Brock had been passing through on their way through Olivine City when they saw a boy and a girl who Ash and Misty recognized as Ralph and Emily and who Brock had no idea about. The two were in a battle when out of no where a smoke bomb dropped down and the smoke cleared revealing Team Rocket, who planned to steal Nidorino and Nidorina to sell them to their boss. After being told to leave, Jessie refused to give up and sent in Arbok to make the two comply, which went down after only one Thundershock from Pikachu. With that, they left and didn't get far when a wild Nidoqueen stopped...
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posted by GabsSaw
This is an artigo that is ALL about Electric pokemon, so if I miss any, please let me Know in the comments section below. Now, let us begin!

Pikachu: It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is someyimes struck por lighning in this pose.

Raichu: When its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated, and it becomes mais aggressive.

Voltorb: It was discovered when poke balls were introduced. It is said that there is some connection.

Electrode: It explodes in response to even minor stimuli. It is feared, with the nickname "The Bomb Ball".

Electabuzz: Electricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its body glows a whitish blue.

Jolteon: Every hair on its body starts to stand on end if it becomes charged with electricity.
posted by sturmelle15
Ash, Brock, and Misty were making their way through Johto, with pikachu in Ash's arms and Togepi in Misty's arms as usual until they heard familiar voices in town. Hey! I know those two! Those were the two trainers whose Electabuzz and Scyther got into a brawl. said Ash They got into town and saw the two side's pokemon brawling with each other. Hey. I got an idea! Let's get our pokemon to battle their pokemon. suggested Ash I don't think that's a good idea. advised Brock . Why would the kids want to battle the Yas and Kaz Gym? asked James. I don't know,but they could use our help. said Jessie...
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After a long walk Satoshi and company arrived at the Machida esquilo Park front gate “Wow” said Satoshi and Kasumi in union upon seeing the beautiful decorations of the party, while Yukio grinned. “I going to find the mayor and have I chat with him, you two go on ahead”, said Yukio and he walked away leaving his grandson and Kasumi at the park entrance. Satoshi and Kasumi looked at each other, both having a slight blush on their face. “Listen, I know this seems weird but…” before Satoshi could continue she quickly spoke, “I understand Satoshi-kun were are just friends and we...
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