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posted by Nojida
I've read a lot of comments about who is the copy of who, and also saw a few video theories, which have inspired me quite a lot. In this article, I'm not going to talk about what my opinion is, or what is true, but I'm going to show a battle between Ash and Red instead. Just because I'm in the mood for a fanfic! And because i have plenty of free time today, so yeah! Oh and, the fanfic going to be quite long... Anyway. enjoy~
P.S.: This is Pikachu's POV.

"Pika pika!" the yellow rato shouted, running after the baby dragon. Geez! Why did he have to be the one always running after Axew? The others were just following from behind, looking around and admiring everything, as if they were some 7-year-olds. He was right, from the very first moment they walked into the pokémon World Tournament, that things would end up like this.

"Hey Iris, look at this one!" Ash exclaimed at the distance "It's a Rare Candy! Here it says they make the Pokemon stronger! That's so cool! But hey, that's too much BP... I'll never be able to get it..." he said, his tone from happy turning to sad and disappointed.

"Geez, Ash! You're such a little kid!" Iris' voice sounded. pikachu wasn't watching, but he knew she had placed her hands on her hips, having her usual teasing smirk on her face.

"I'm not a kid!" Ash snapped.

"Relax, you two!" Cilan's voice sounded.

pikachu didn't have to listen anymore. He had already figured out the rest anyway. Cilan would start babbling about how they have to stop teasing each other and become mais polite, like real friends would do. He had listened to that talk many times, so he had lost his intrest.

"Pika! Pika pikachu!" he shouted at the Dragon-type again. The matches were over, and it was time they leave. But no, Axew just had to make his little run throughout the entire tournament with a result of getting Pikachu's nerves on, which he had succeeded.

And now they were running up the stairs. Again. The guard that was blocking the entrance wasn't there anymore, so there was no one to stop Axew from entering the main battlefield now. And so the baby Dragon-type runned in happily, always with that childish laugh coming out of its mouth. pikachu followed. He had to follow, or else Ash would keep being mad at him forever. Well, almost forever.

Suddenly, Axew stopped, making pikachu bump on him.

"Pika!" pikachu complained. Then, he realised what Axew was looking at. There was someone, standing in the middle of the stadium, staring at the big black screan. pikachu signaled Axew to step back, but Axew, as always, did the opposite. He ran over to the stadium happily, waving his hands in the air cheefully. Of course.

pikachu immidietally followed. Great, now they were going to make friends with a strange dude who was staring at screans.

Once they got close enough for them to see him well, but not enough for him to notice them, pikachu heard the teenage boy murmuring something.

"What is this place?" he heard him murmur under his breath "It looks like the pokémon World Tournament in Unova, but..." he paused for a segundo "...it's not.."

Huh? What did he mean por that? This was the Pokemon World Tournament! The sign outside the builting said so! They had battles, won some aleatório prizes that still got Ash happy, reunited with some Gym leaders, battled with them, too, and wondered around the whole place. How could it not be the pokémon World Tournament?

Wait. Did he just get into so much thought about something a aleatório guy said?

"Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed, entering the scene, with the other two kids following. The teenage boy quickly turned around, to see the group running over to him.

pikachu didn't turn to Ash, he was busy examining the boy. He had medium long brunette hair, and crimson eyes with brown highlights. He was wearing a red hat with a white Pokéball logo on it, a black camisa was under his red jacket. He was wearing light blue jeans and a pair of red and black shoes. pikachu didn't know why, but the boy kinda reminded him of....

His thoughts were cut off por his trainer picking him up "So that's where you were!" Ash said relieved.

"Axew!" Iris exclaimed running over and picking Axew up "Don't run off like that! I was so worried!" she cried snuggling him.

"A-xew!" The Dragon-type said cheerfully. pikachu simply frowned and started murmuring to himself angrily.

Ash then looked up at the boy and got a skeptical expression "Um.. Hey, whatcha doing?"

The boy stayed silent.

"Uh..." Ash said nervously "Oh, right, I'm Ash, and this is Pikachu!" he said, holding pikachu up.

"Pika" pikachu waved

"I'm Iris, and this is Axew!" Iris says, showing Axew, who cheered.

"And my name is Cilan" Cilan said with a bow "So, can we learn your name?"

The boy stayed silent.

pikachu could see Ash getting a sweatdrop. It was what his trainer did when he wasn't sure what to say "Um..."

"What is this place?" The boy finally spoke.

"Oh, this?" Ash asked, relieved that they finally opened a coversation "This is called the 'Pokémon World Tournament'! Trainers from all over the world come here to participate!"

The boy stayed silent again, but pikachu could see his expression becoming even mais worried.

"Are you okay?" Cilan, who probably noticed it also, asked.

"Ash..." The boy, after a small silence, said "...You said people from all over the world come here...so...where are you coming from?"

"Me?" Ash asked smirking "I'm coming from Pallet town, in Kanto! It's pretty famous because of Professor Oak's lab being there!"

The boy stared blankly at Ash, which pikachu noticed again, but his trainer didn't seem to.

"So, you haven't told us your name yet!" Iris said.

"Ash," The boy ignored her "Battle me"

"Huh?" Ash asked confused. pikachu was also confused. What was that, all of a sudden? "Why would you want me to battle you?" Ash asked.

"My name is Red" The boy said, giving Cilan and Iris a quick look, before turning to Ash again "I need to battle you" he took out one of his Pokéballs, and slowly walked to the one side of the stadium.

Ash stared after him in total confusement, but shook it off and ran to the other side.

"Pika!" pikachu complained. They were going to battle a stranger!?

"Ash!" Iris exclaimed "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to battle, of course!" Ash replied, taking out one of his Pokéballs and placing pikachu on the ground. The Electric-type simply sighs. He knew he couldn't go against his trainer's orders, even if it was obvious his desicion wasn't going to have a nice ending.

"I then shall be the referee" Cilan said, stepping to the side of the battlefield.

"Cilan!" Iris exclaimed "Don't tell me yu're encouraging them!"

"If you can't stop them, go with them" Cilan said with a shrug, then turned back to the two trainers "It will be a three-on-three battle, if all three of your pokémon faints, the opposite team wins!" he announced "Battle....begin!"

"Go, Snivy, I choose you!" Ash quickly exclaimed, sending out his Snivy.

Red simply threw his Pokeball into the battlefield, and his Venusaur got released.

"Whoa! A Venusuar!" Ash exclaimed surprised "That must mean...that you're from Kanto as well!"

Red stayed silent again.

"Uh... Right, you're not a big talker.." Ash said, scraching the back of his head "But that's enough for that! Let's start! Snivy, use Attract!"

"Sleep Powder" Red commanded.

Snivy made her usual pose and winked sweetly, making a few shiny hearts float straight towards Venusaur, who then unleased the hypnotising move, Sleep Powder. The two status attacks clashed with each other, with the result of none of the pokémon getting affected por them.

"Now that was a nice move!" Ash complemented impressed "But your luck isn't going to last for long! Snivy, let's see how strong that Venusaur is por using Leaf Blade!"

Snivy charged towards Venusaur, with her tail glowing a bright green color. Once she was close enough, she quickly jumped high and made her tail face her opponent as she landed.

"Sludge Bomb" Red commanded.

"Gah--!" Ash exclaimed.

Just as when Snivy was about to attack with Leaf Blade, Venusaur unleased the Poison-type mover Sludge Bomb, making Snivy get knocked in the air.

"Oh no!" Iris exclaimed covering her mouth with her hands, a worried look on her face.

"Axew!" Axew exclaimed, popping out of his trainer's purple hair.

"Snivy, are you okay?" Ash asked, looking down at his pokémon with a worried expression. Snivy, being weak to Poison-type attacks because of her type, had taken quite a lot damage from the poisonous Sludge Bomb. She was breathing heavily and trying to stand.

"I knew it..." pikachu thought to himself, getting a sweatdrop.

"Snivy, return!" Ash said, returning the badly hurt Pokémon. He stared worried at the Pokéball, then placed it back into his pocket, and took out another one "Charizard, I choose you!" he exclaimed, sending out his Fire/Flying-type Pokémon.

Red looked at the trainer, an unsurprised expression on his face "A Fire-type Pokémon..." he said under his breath.

"Hey what are you murmuring over there?" Ash asked, but quickly shook his head "Oh well! Let's finish this! Charizard, use Flamethrower!"

"Sludge Bomb" Red commanded.

"Don't take that!" Ash exclaimed "Fly up, Charizard!"

Charizard quickly flew up before Venusaur's poisonous Sludge Bomb could hit him. Then, finding the perfect timing to attack, he unleased a powerfull Flamethrower with all his might. Venusaur, being a huge and slow Pokémon, couldn't get away in time and eventually took the hit.

"....!" Red's eyes widened once his pokémon surprisingly got hit. Once the smoke around it cleared, it was looking badly hurt.

"Alright! That did it!" Ash exclaimed, bumping his fists into the air.

pikachu let out a sigh of relief. Maybe the battle wasn't over for them yet.

"Giga Drain" Red suddenly commanded.

The giant plant on Venusaur's back opened slowly, as green sparkles started going out of Charizard's body, who meanwhile was having an expression of pain. The glowing sparkles got swallowed por Venusuar's plant, which, after that, closed again.

"Giga Drain drained some of Charizard's energy..." Ash said to himself "But that still is a Grass-type move, which means it has no effection on Charizard-"

"Return" Red suddenly returned Venusuar.

"A switchout?" Ash asked. pikachu tilted his head. This was the first switchout Red did..

The teenage boy took out one of his Pokéballs, threw it into the battlefield and his Lapras got released.

"Another Kanto Pokémon?" Ash asked himself. pikachu sightly growled. This time it was a Water-type...

"Brine" Red commanded.

"Dodge it!" Ash exclaimed.

Charizard couldn't dodge it in time though. Brine was a hit. The Fire-type pokémon fell on the ground once it took the attack.

"Charizard!" Ash exclaimed "Are you okay?!"

Once the smoke around Charizard cleared, he got up, looked back to Ash and gave him a thumps up.

Everyone, exept for Red, breathed a sigh of relief. The battle wasn't over yet.

"Great, Charizard! Now use Steel Wing!" Ash said.

Charizard charged towards Lapras, his wings glowing a bright white color, and eventually becoming gray and smooth, just like steel.

"Blizzard" Red commanded.

Lapras unleased a strong blizzard on Charizard, making it hard for him to pass through and attack.

"He used Blizzard to push Charizard back?" Irs asked, watching the battle with a worried expression.

"Gah!" Ash growled "Hang in there, Charizard!"

"Raise it" Red said.

"Huh?" Ash asked.

Suddenly, Lapras' Blizzard started blowing an even stronger and colder wind, actually freezing the ground around the two Pokémon. Charizard's steel wings slowly started going back to normal as the Flame pokémon had started taking a lot of damage.

"If this keeps up..." Ash said with a sweatdrop "Charizard, get away from there!" he commanded

Charizard quickly flapped his wings and flew away from the Blizzard, which after that stopped.

"Now use Steel Wing!" Ash said.

Charizard, once again, charged towards Lapras with his wings turning into steel.

"Brine on the wings" Red commanded.

Once Charizard was close enough, Lapras quickly shoot boiling water on his wings, making the steel get hotter and hotter.

"Chaaaaaarizard!!" Charizard screamed in pain, quickly flying away from the opponent's Pokémon.

"Charizard!" Ash exclaimed worried. while his pokémon kept making pain screams and faces.

"Brine" Red commanded again.

The Fire-type Pokémon, this time, coudn't manage to take the hit. He fell strsaight on the ground, his eyes showing that he had now fainted.

"Charizard is unable to battle, Lapras is the winner!" Cilan, who was all this time watching the battle with intrest, finally announced.

"Ugh..." Ash growled, returning Charizard "You did a good job, Charizard" he said to the Pokéball, before putting it away. He looked down at Pikachu, who nodded, and charged into the battlefield.

"Pika pika!" It was his turn, and he was going to give it his best. He also had a type advantege, so this match was going to be quick.

"Now, Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded.

pikachu didn't waste time. He immidietaly unleased his strongest Thunderbolt, before Red could make a command.

The Thunderbolt was a hit on Lapras. It made a pain screams and then stayed stationary, staring blankly at the ground.

"Lapras is unable to battle, pikachu is the winner!" Cialn announced.

pikachu was right, it was a quick match. Although, he putter in mais power then he usually did...

"Sweet! One down, two to go!" Ash cheered. pikachu looked back at his trainer, then at Red, who was returning Lapras. That's right, two mais Pokémon...

The teenage boy took out another Pokéball, threw it into the battlefield, and his pikachu got released.

"A Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed surprised.

pikachu gulped. He looked at his opponent straight in the eyes. They were cold, and his look was saying that he was certainly not going to go easy on Pikachu.

"We don't have a type advantege anymore... Which means it's only the streight that counts now!" Ash said "Pikachu, use Quick Attack!"

"Quick Attack" Red commanded.

The two pokémon charged towards each other, and their attacks clashed, with Red's pikachu being mais stronger. pikachu got knocked in the air and fell staight into the ground.

"Whoa!" Ash exclaimed.

For the very first time, Red smirked "Volt Tackle"

"Pikachu, quickly, get up!" Ash exclaimed, and pikachu slowly did as told "Use Volt Tackle!"

pikachu again putted his best in that move, and ran towards his opponent, with volts coming out of his body. Once again, the two Pokémon's attacks clashed, with Red's Pikachu's attack being mais stronger again.

pikachu got knocked in the air again. But how? He had putted everything he had in that move... He felt his body crash into the ground, a horrible pain striking him.... He closed his eyes.... He could hear Ash calling out to him with a worried tone...

"No... Not that easily..." pikachu thought to himself, opening his eyes again. He stood up, feeling the horrible pain striking him, but he did his best to ignore it. He heard his trainer calling out a move...and he nodded...

He started running towards his opponent, his body again having volts coming out of it. He didn't care about the pain. He kept on running. Kept making his volts even stronger. Kept on going...

Another big clash. Which attack did his opponent use now? He honestly couldn't see. He felt his body getting knocked back again, but saw his opponent's doing the same. Did he...made it...?

He closed his eyes again. This time, he couldn't get up. He fainted. Before he did, though, a thought stiked his head...

Who won? Ash, or Red...?
added by Portia0623
added by Portia0623
added by Portia0623
added by Portia0623
added by Portia0623
added by Portia0623
added by LostOblivion
Source: Don't Know
added by LostOblivion
Source: not made por me
added by LostOblivion
Source: Not made por me
added by usernameinvalid
added by Magica
Source: Various Sources
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