my little pónei, pônei - a amizade é mágica Club
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I stepped on the floating platform in a dark room. I looked all around me, nothing there was to see, all but the platform and myself. A techie screen appeared out of no where in front of me. Moments later a dark figure showed up on the screen. I couldn't detect who it was, but it looked awfully familiar.
"Identify yourself," the figure commanded.
"Princess Eclipse," I replied nervously.
"This is the one," the figure said. "Prepare the tests immediately." The figure commanded. I knew he wasn't talking to me, but he was talking to someone else? All I knew is that the figure wasn't alone- where ever he was.
"I've been waiting a long time for this, Princess Eclipse," He said. He evilly laughed as the screen blacked out. The platform fell, and as do I. I tried to fly back up but the pressure wouldn't let me. I fell, into the deep dark abyss.
I opened my eyes to find myself in a cylinder filled with some type of chemical liquid. A tube was connected to my mouth to keep me breathing. I slowly looked around as my eyes fixed from being blurry. I saw scientist ponies surrounding me. They where walking around with clipboards levitating or held in their hoof, depending on the species they were. The ponies who were closer to me were pushing buttons. I could guess I was in a machine. Am I being tested? That dream wasn't true, was it? I closed my eyes and thought, "Never mind that, you've got to get yourself out of here." I opened my eyes to look around to use to my advantage to escape. Nothing. Nothing until I saw a lever that said drain and another that said release. I used what ever magic I had left to pull that lever. Carefully, I pulled it down without letting any trace that I was trying to escape. As soon as I pulled it down an alarm went off. The liquid around me started to drain as the ponies noticed that it was draining. "I have to get out of here faster!" I thought. I started to kick the glass cylinder, hoping it would crack. Fortunately the glass was pretty thin. Within a few kicks the glass shattered as the liquid poured out, pushing the ponies out of the way. As they started to recover, I took off the mask I had on my mouth and made a ran for it.
I heard one of the ponies getting up and pulling the emergency alarm to call the guards. With that I ran fast as I could to get out of the lab when suddenly two guards blocked my way. I was feeling weak and could not try to push them out of the way. I used what ever magic I could to teleport out. It failed. I looked up to see a vent, and for some reason it was open. I flew up there with a beat of my wings and crawled through the vent.
I had absolutely no idea where I was going, but if I followed the sound of the crickets of the night, I knew I would get out of there, some how. As I crawled through the vent, I started to flashback on what just happened. The scientists, the lab, the dream, it just didn't make sense. I don't even know who I am, or where am I, or what my name is. Ugh, this is so frustrating! Why can't I remember anything!? I ran into a vent mural which sounded an echo down the tunnel. "That was probably not good..." I thought as I pushed the vent door opened. Outside! Finally! I landed on the soft grama and then ran as fast as I could to get away from there.
I started to fly up to the mountain where a big city is. I flew higher, to the very tip and landed in a dark cave. "Darkness" I thought. "Somehow, comforting, yet disturbing." I walked into the cave, un-prepared for what might come at me. I heard low grumbling in the cave. Sounded like a dragon, but what type of dragões live up here? I continued to walk until whatever was growling pounced on to me and pinned me on the ground. There I saw the face of a dragon, but i wasn't just any dragon, it was... a universe dragon? The dragon started to charge up it's power. It's power, I could see the universe. All the planets and stars were there. On the moon, I saw, a pony? No, an alicorn. She looked so familiar, like someone who was close to me. I pulled myself together and pushed dragon off me as it released it's power onto the walls of the cave. I kept pushing it until it fell down the mountain. Pacing in stress, I finally curled up in the darkness to sleep. Before I closed my eyes, I saw a little wildflowers the layed seguinte to me. I looked at the full moon, it's brightness filled me up with strength. It felt strange, but good. I looked back at the flor and took a deep breath. I used my magic on the flower, I had no idea what I was doing but I did it anyway. The wildflower opened it's pedals. What I was doing, I was not sure. I continued to use my magic as the flor lifted from the ground. It started to transform into something. I was in the vision or a memory, and I saw my self. I was defending some ponies and once again the looked so familiar.
"Get close to me, now!" I yelled in the vision. The self me in the vision was using a power to defend the other ponies, but from who? Suddenly, my powers went chaotic and exploded sending poison purple darkness into the stormy sky, leaving a huge hole in the middle of the clouds. In the vision the other ponies were gone, but I layed there on the ground weak. I was lifted into the air and put in the back of a cart. 2 ponies pulled the carrinho away. Then I saw the same figure as I did earlier in the night. It looked like a male, and por the looks of it I'm guessing he was their leader? I was filled with mixed emotions of what I just saw. The vision dissolved and I layed my head down as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I've been waiting a long time for this," the figure said. It kept repeating over and over again in my head as I dreamed while asleep. What am I going to do when I wake up? I have no place to go, no one to look up to, nothing. I lifted my head to see the moon slowly disappearing as the sun rose. "I should get going," I thought as I stood up.
I prepared my wings for flight as I walked towards the edge of the cave. With a beat of my wings, I flew into the atmosphere of the sky above the clouds. The sun had not risen to it's fullest yet, so the topo, início of the clouds were a dark purple color, yet to be gone por the light of the sun. As I flew into the distance of the horizon, I started to notice that it was quite peaceful. I would think that everything would be in havoc because of what just happened, but apperently not. Where I thought would be a good spot to land I folded my wings against my body to gain speed down.
I landed in a clearing in a forest. This forest was dense looking and dark too. Looking around me, I started to see eyes in the dark staring at me. The glare made me uneasy then I started to notice the eyes were walking towards me. "Great, mais action," I thought. As the eyes revealed themself into the light, I saw a huge manticore, and this one seemed to be an alpha. "Think, quick." I said to myself. I used my magic infront of the maticore. It created a mural that seemed to distract it. "An illusion?" I thought. I shook my head and made a run for it away from the manticore. I ran into the forest as it seemed my only choice. I didn't exactly have any idea where I was going, but I had to be going somewhere. I stopped in my tracks to find my self infront of some object. I used some of my magic to light the place up a little, to find the entrance, if it did have one. I eventually found a wooden door. I knocked on it to see if anyone was home. Nothing. I opened the door to find myself in a dark room. I closed the door behind me and I heard foot steps.
"Who's there?" I yelled softly.
"Princess Eclipse?" A voice asked.
The lights turned on and I saw a pegasus at the bottom of the stairs.
"Yep. That's definitely her!" Another voice said. I spun around to find a earth pónei, pônei close up to me. She studied me por circling me, looking at my cutie mark and my mane. Then she stared deeply into my eyes.
"Um... who exactly are you?" I asked, pushing away the earth pony.
"I'm Fluttershy and this is Pinkiepie," The pegasus said.
"Oh, I see." I said, looking between them two. They both seem un-usually, calm.
"Where am I? I asked, feeling stupid for asking that question.
"You are in the Everfree Forest, a place where dangerous animais come out at dia and night." Said PinkiePie.
"How are you guys so, calm? Aren't you worried about the creatures that might attack your house?"
"Oh no, AppleJack is fighting them off so they don't coem attack us," Said Fluttershy.
"AppleJack?" Who's her?"
"She's the protector of the grounds. Keeps animais from getting in, and getting out." Said PinkiePie as she sat down on a couch. Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and, I'm guessing AppleJack, pulled in a creature inside the house, then closed the door.
"This one tried to escape, but I didn't let 'em." AppleJack said as she tossed the creature in front of everyone.
"AHH! GET THAT THING OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Fluttershy screeched as she backed up away.
"Relax Fluttershy! 'Dis creature here won' be goin' anywhere." maçã, apple jack said said as she pulled the rope tighter.
"Wait! You are hurting it!" I exclaimed as I advanced near the creature.
"And who in the feno do you think you are?" AppleJack said as she looked at me, then she realized who I was. "OH my, I'm so sorry, I didn't-!"
"It's okay, AppleJack," I said as I lowered my head near the creature. "There there, everything gonna be alright okay?" I used my magic to calm it down a little. I started to sing a lullaby. I don't know how or why I was cantar it but, I felt that I should. The volume was pretty loud I guess. All the noises from the forest you could hear was completely quiet. The creature started to deform. Soon it was nothing but an egg. I finished my lullaby and all was quiet. I summoned an egg holder with my magic and placed it on a shelf. Then I levitated the egg on to the holder. The other ponies stood there, amazed por the work I had just done. I looked out the window to see that clearing and I saw the manticore lying down, peacefully.
"Princess, I need to show yeh somethin'," AppleJack said as she opened the door. "Maybe I can help what yeh need with?" I followed her throughout the door. We started to walk out. I guess she was taking me out of the Everfree forest.
"Sugar cube, do ya remember anything?" She asked.
"Nope, not a single thing, except for my name is Princess Eclipse." I said
"Ye got that one right..." Her voice trailed off.
There was silence for a moment until I finally had the urge to ask a pergunta that I knew would have a long answer.
"What happened to Equestria?"
AppleJack sighed. "I guess you really don't remember do ya? It all started in the Badlands, where the King had took everything. We were fighting all kinds of creatures. There were thousands of us but millions of them. We lost everything. Everyone, dead on that battlefield. I couldn't believe my eyes. Blood, everywhere. The only ones that I know survived was me, Fluttershy, and PinkiePie. I saw no one else. We had no idea where Twilight, Rarity, or RainbowDash went. We thought they were dead, or imprisoned."
"How did you end up in the forest?"
"No town was seguro anymore, it was either heavily guarded or wiped of the face of equestria, so we found a big árvore in the forest and carved our início in there, and one por one transferred some stuff from Fluttershy's cottage."
"If the others were still alive, could you guess where they might be?"
"Well, for starters, I would think TwilightSparkle would be somewhere in the Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante North, RainbowDash somewhere in the skies down south, and Rarity, I would guess either somehow with the dragões or the griffins out south east."
"AppleJack... do you know what happened to your family?" She paused, looking at the ground. I noticed a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Dead, suffered from torture from the King."
I let out a small gasp. How cruel! What type of place is this?
"Well it looks like were out." Said AppleJack.
"Thanks, couldn't done it without you." I said.
"Pleasure, and Princess, if you do happened to see the others, let them know I said hi, and we are all seguro in the forest."
"Wouldn't forget it." I said, and winked at her. She turned around and ran back in the forest. I unfolded my wings and flew into the sky down south.
After reaching south so that I saw the badlands, I flew into the clouds, and I saw pegasi and griffins fighting eachother. I looked around, and there I saw her, RainbowDash.

One por one I would see a pegasus fall down in the sky, and every once in a while I saw a griffin fall. "The griffins are winning!" I thought to myself. I flew over to RainbowDash to help her fighting a whole lot of griffins.
"RainbowDash, um, hello?" I called over as I flew towards her.
"What?" Rainbowdash said. Her attention drew away from fighting to where I was flying. A griffin clawed at her face leaving a big scratch. "How stupid of my self!" I thought. I dashed over to help fight.
"Listen, this isn't really a good time to talk, can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" She said as she kicked a griffin in the head, sending it down to the ground.
"I need your help!" I said. I saw the griffin coming at me. I used my magic to confuse it, then I punched it away.
"If you wanna talk to me, your'e gonna have to help me first!" She yelled.
"Tell me what to do!" I yelled back.
"I'm going to perform a legendary mover that will give us sometime, I hope. I need you to distract them long enough so I can do it! You in?
"Let's do it!" I said as she flew up into the sky. "Okay, time to show what you got!" I thought. I started to fight the griffins. One por won they were going down, and the pegasi side started to win instead of the griffins. As I looked to my left, I saw the biggest griffin ever. It was, a monster griffin? Some type of demon I guess. I quickly flew up to RainbowDash to see why she wasn't doing her move, or whatever she needed to do. I saw her fighting another griffin, but this one seemed like the leader. I flew over and started to help RainbowDash.
"What are you doing! You're are suppose to be down there fighting them!" She yelled.
"We got bigger problems, literally!" I said, kicking the griffin. "I got a plan, follow me!" I said as I flew up farther into the sky. She followed, we were able to lose the griffin so that we could talk.
"What is this mover you are talking about?" I asked.
"Sonic Rainboom, I think it will blast away the griffins." She replied. "The pegasi know when it's about to happen, so they can dodge it."
"Great, now perform that move, and I'll be right por your side." I said. We both nose dived in the sky to the battle. If we could both just reach a high enough speed, we could make sure the griffins never came back. We were starting to get hot from the speed. Fast and faster we went, soon our tails were starting to create a trail.
"It's working! I exclaimed. "Now rotate around each other!" We did so spinning round and round so that our trails would combine. I started to see the clouds and all the pegasi and griffins. The power started to create a high pitch sound, we were about to break the sound barrier of the atmosphere. The pegasi looked up and flew for cover. The griffins, however clueless, didn't know what was going on, and cheered for victory. Soon we broke the barrier and we were spinning so fast, it created a Ultra Sonic Eternal Boom. All the griffins in the sky dissolved. Since we were going so fast, we crashed into the clouds. I'm just glad it wasn't land. The pegasi rose from there hiding places and cheered.
"Couldn't have done it with out you," RainbowDash thanked.
"No....prromblem," I said. I felt weak. Whatever I just did it drained me.
"Let's talk somewhere else, you know, where there isn't blood everywhere?" She said as she pointed to her base.
"Alright..." I said as I followed her.
Once we got there, she took me into a room that I guess was very secure, judging por all the guards in the area. She put her hoof on a scanner near the door of the room. It accepted, and the door automatically opened. I followed her, and we were in a room where I'm guess was the conference room. There was a long mesa, tabela straight down the middle. On the sides of the room, there were maps and tables with files on them. On the other side of the room had a tv screen which showed a whole bunch of numbers and letters in code. On the bottom left corner showed the map of Equestria. RainbowDash stood at the end of the mesa, tabela near the door as I sat to the right of her. A bunch of important looking pegasi gathered at the table. All the spots were taken, except for one, at the end of the table. It seemed like someone was there, but I couldn't tell because it was so dark.
"Permission to speak?" RainbowDash asked, but directly to the end of the table.
"Did you finish the job?" The voice said at the end of the table. It sounded feminine. I guess the voice was from a girl.
"Yes. I preformed a Sonic Rainboom, but differently."
"Tell me, how did you do so?"
"With someone else. An Ultra Eternal Sonic Boom."
There was a moment of silence. I something at the end of the mesa, tabela turn.
"With who, may I ask?" Said the voice.
"Princess Eclipse," RainbowDash replied as she pointed at me. "I guess that is my name, huh?" I thought to myself.
"Princess..... Eclipse," The voice said slowly. She moved from the shadows into the light. "You are, alive?"
That's when I noticed it. Princess Luna. I head started to hurt in all different ways. I started to have flashbacks of Princess Luna and I spending time together. She wasn't, was she?
"M-Mom?" My voice cracked.

I pushed my way through the pegasi to get to my mom.
"I-I, what-?" I cried.
"Eclipse, sweetie, thou shall be strong." She said as she hugged me.
"What happened, what's going on?"
"Mmm, I believe this conversation should be taken, privately." She said as she walked out the door. I followed her. "RainbowDash, I would like you to take charge of the meeting."
"Yes Ma'am!" She saluted. The doors closed behind us. We walked down the hallway upstairs.
"Tell me, how are thou be throughout of what has happened." I told her how I had the mysterious dream, and I told her about how I woke up in a testing lab. I told her everything. The universal dragon, the ponies in the forest, my strange magic powers, and the battle.
"Mmm, quite interesting." She said as she opened a door that lead outside. "Come, we shall talk out here." She held the door opened to let me walk out first. The light was blinding, but once my eyes adjusted, I saw the beauty of the clouds and the sky. It is so different from down below on the land!
"Mother, why is it so peaceful up here, and destroyed down there?" I asked as I layed down on the grass.
"The King is preparing his attack, but he does not want anyone to know he's coming. He likes to attack por surprise." She said as she joined me on the grass.
"The King? Who is the King?"
She paused in thought. "Thou is afraid to tell thou who thou is, but the King is the ruler of eternal destruction. She closed her eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek. Maybe I can bring up that vision, or memory again? I looked at the grama to hopefully see a wildflower. Luckily, one was not too far away from me. I levitated the tear onto the flower, then used my magic on it. It rose, just like before, and moments later we were in the middle of a scene.
"Keep telling your story." I said.
She nodded. "It was the last dia of the year. All of the ponies were celebrating. Celestia and I watched the crowd go wild as the saw the band performing on stage. I suddenly heard a high pitch sound. Looking to my left, there were tiny little red dots flying down fast in the sky. I glared at it even mais to see if I could get a better look. Celestia noticed what I was doing.
"Sister, what are you looking at?" She asked as she looked at the direction I was.
"Are...are those meteors crashing down onto Equestria?" Luna exclaimed. Celestia peered over.
"Of course not, those are just deathly creatures coming to attack Equestria!"
There was a long silence. We both watched the dots fly towards the face of Equeastria when suddenly we realized that what was happening is not going to end well.
"Quick warn the ponies, I'll get Ink coração to safety!" I said to Celestia. She nodded and flew down to the ponies. I flew out the window to the highest tower in Canterlot. In there I saw you, watching the ponies. You weren't much of a socializer. I blushed.
"Ink coração we have to go now!" I yelled.
"What? What's happening?" Ink coração asked as she trotted over to Luna. I pointed out of the window. "THAT'S happening!" Ink noticed the red dots in the sky.
"Mom! Don't leave without me! Let's go together!" Ink said as she readied her wings to fly off.
"No, I must stay here and help Celestia, NOW GO!"
"But Mom, what if I don't see you again?" Ink said as she started to cry.
"You will Ink Heart. But you probably won't if you dont leave now!"
Ink coração nodded. She flew out the window and flew south.
"Go, my daughter, my princess." I said. I flew down to help Celestia.
"Ponies of Equestria! You must leave here immediately and go to the Crystal Empire! There Princess Cadence and Shining Armor will await you! GO NOW, before it's too late!" Celestia commanded. The ponies didn't stop to argue, the immediately went north.
"Sister, we must accompany the elements in the Bad Lands!" I said to her. She nodded. We then took flight south. When we got there, we were almost too late. All the ponies that were fighting against the King were dead or imprisoned. The only ones we saw left were the elements of harmony. We were about to fly down to help when suddenly we saw you, defending the ponies. We then saw you use your magic against the King. I flew down there to stop it, when suddenly the magic was so equally matched that it exploded, wiping out the whole area. Everyone except for the elements of harmony, Ink Heart, and the King. I was blown away por the power it caused, I had no idea what happened to Celestia. I woke up in the swamp, seeing that I was okay. Everything but my flank, horn, and wings. They were partially dissolved, and slowly dissolving now.
The memory dissolved. A tear fell from my cheek.
"This is my fault, if I hadn't used my magic, none of this would happen."
"Don't blame this on yourself, Ink Heart," she said. Ink Heart, so that is my real name. I thought.
"What powers can I use?" I asked.
"If I can remember correctly, you can summon visions or memories from wildflowers, create illusions, sing lullabies that calm things down, something related to Sonic Rainbooms, and your special super power, which you used to defend the elements of harmony." She stood up. "Thou should continue on thy journey. There is a lot to come a head of you." I stood up as well. RainbowDash opened the door. "RainbowDash will help thou with thy seguinte destination."
"Eclipse, head east of here until you reached the shore, then follow the coast until you see a very large mountain." She said as she walked towards me.
"Okay." I replied. "RainbowDash, AppleJack wanted me to say hi from her, Fluttershy, and PinkiePie."
"They're, alive?"
"Yes, they live in the Everfree forest." I said, approaching the cliff. "I guess it will be a while now?"
"Indeed," my mom said as she hugged be good bye. I hugged her back. I jumped of the cliff and opened my wings to fly.
Gliding over the clouds, I thought of what happened, and what was going to happen next. dragões or griffins, AppleJack said. I would guess dragões since the griffin species is basically gone. Once I reached the costa I flew along it. After about 45 min or so, I came along a very big mountain. Must be the one she was talking about, I thought. I started to fly my way up to the mountain when suddenly fogo disturbed my path. I flied in place, looking all around me to wonder what that was. Suddenly, my right wing was hit with ice. I fell down into the ground. I tried to run away but I was surrounded por walls of rocks that erupted from the ground. I looked up to see flashing lightning strike me. I passed out, my last seeing was 4 different colored dragões walking towards me until I blacked out.
I woke up to find myself in a cage. Again!? Couldn't I at least be in a bowl or a jar? I thought.
"She has awoken," a feminine voice said.
"Should I shock her again?" A masculine voice asked.
"There's no need for that Volteer," Another masculine voice said.
"Look, Ashmore is speaking!" A deep masculine voice exclaimed.
I fixed my eyes to what ever the dragões were looking at. There I saw a black dragon with two straight tubarão looking horns pointing out of it's head. It's under belly was a dark grey as is lead to the tip of it's tail, sharper than a katana.
"Behold, the alicorn!" The black dragon stated. I would guess that would be Ashmore. "With the help of Cryril, the ice dragon, Volteer, then electric dragon, Ignitus, the fogo dragon, and Terrador, then earth dragon, have completed the task of capturing the alicorn, Princess Eclipse!" The other dragões in the room cheered.
"Um, I don't mean to interuppt your ceremony, but I am on a tight schedule here, I'm trying to save Equestria from falling, so if you would just let me-" I explained, until I got cut off.
"SILENCE! You shall only speak when allowed to be spoken!" Ashmore yelled. Wait a second, I can just teleport myself to Rarity! I concentrated on teleporting to Rarity. Teleport Ink coração to Rarity, I said in my head. The glow on my horn covered my whole body until- whooosh! Just like that I was teleported to Rarity.
"AH! WHO ARE-" Rarity gasped. "Princess Eclipse, what are you doing here?" She asked. She was covered in dirt. We were in a cave of course.
"I'm here to save you, get close to me!" I said.
"My hero!" She said as she ran up to me. I teleported us out of the mountain once more.
"They are gonna be out here soon, you need to get out of here. You need to get to the everfree forest. There, AppleJack, Fluttershy, and Pinkiepie will be waiting for you."
"They are alive?" She asked.
"Very, now go!" I commanded. She ran into the swamp. I flew up into the sky above the clouds. I looked north to see pinkish and light blue mountains.
"Next stop, the Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante North."

I took flight up to the sky just right below the clouds, so I could see what I would com against and no surprises. I wonder what's gonna be up there in the Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante North, gotta be prepared for the worst, I thought. Where am I to find Twilight? The Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante North is a big place, she could be anywhere! I flew over Canterlot to see it devastated. Gone. Wiped off the face of Equestria, just like AppleJack said.
As I flew farther north, the air got colder, and I know I wouldn't last long. If i just keep my mind on finding Twilight, I will make it, I thought. I then saw the Crystal Mountains. Eventually I saw the Crystal Empire. I thought it would be peaceful and well guarded, but I was wrong. Everything the light touched was pure black. If I'm going to find Twilight, I'm going to have to be mais aggressive, I thought. I flew in to the gate and saw ponies lining up to enter. I got in the back of the line, hoping no one would notice me. The ponies in front of me were wearing black hooded clothing. I went into an alley and levitated one of the ponies to where I was. I has to take his clothes to get in without being detected. I kicked him in the face to give me time before I perform my seguinte move. Then I stabbed him in the coração with my horn and twisted. His eyes shook and rolled to the back of his head. I pulled my horn out of his body as he fell down. I looked at my horn as saw his coração stuck on it. I got nauseous and vomited. I felt weak but pulled myself together. I took the clothes off of the dead body and put it on myself.
I walked out of the alley and looked at the line. It had shorten por quite a lot. I got in line. One bye one the ponies would go through the gate. Then I came first. In front of me stood a guard pegasus.
"Identify yourself," he commanded. I pointed to the medallion on my cloak. It read Pixel Power
"Permission to enter," he said. I walked through the gate.
The empire was heavily guarded. two rows of 10 guards walking each street. On the walls of houses or alleyways, I saw posters that said "Wanted" Twilight Sparkle Reward 500000 bits. Damn, she must've done something bad. Continuing walking on the road, I heard commotion in towards the center of the empire. I hurried over to see what it all about. I came across a crowd of ponies surrounding a fight. I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw Twilight, fighting guards. I have to get her out of there without being seen. I teleported myself out of teh crystal empire, then teleported Twilight Sparkle to me.
"What? What just happened?" She said, looking around.
"Twilight, listen, I need you understand what I'm about to say very clearly." I said. She turned around and looked at me. Realizing who I was, she bowed to me.
"what is it?"
"We are about to go to war with the King, and I need your help!"
"How may I server you?"
"Send a letter to the dragons, cloudsdale, and applejack. Let them know that they need to be at the crystal empire NOW!" Twilight summoned a small purple a green dragon with her magic.
"Spike, take a letter please." She commanded Spike. He pulled out a quill and paper. "My dearest resident of Equestria. The Crystal Empire is about to be attacked, the last place to look for Princess. We need all the help we can get to defeat him." Spike copied every word for word down on to the quill. He breathed green fogo on the paper and poof, it was gone. I looked up at the sky, and saw the sun just touching the horizon.
"We don't have much time, we must warn the ponies."
"Right, but what about the guards?"
"Leave that to me, just get the ponies to a seguro place, perhaps under ground." And with that, I teleported us to the center of the empire. For some reason, the guards were still there, and so was the crowd. I used my magic at the ground to summon dusk wolves. From where I pointed, three lobos rose from the ground. They were not solid, but they almost looked solid. They were pretty much ghosts. The dusk lobos growled at the guards. I pointed at the guards, and the lobos attacked, send blood everywhere. The guards screamed in pain as I watched them be eaten alive. Twilight on the other hand, was announcing to the ponies to followed her out of the crystal empire. Without question, they did what she said.
"Keep good care of them Twilight Sparkle," I said to twilight. She nodded, and lead the ponies out of the empire. I summoned another monster from the ground, but this this time it was dragon. It climbed on the topo, início of the castelo and let out a mighty roar. I commanded them all to attack all the guards. 2 of the 3 lobos ran out and one stuck with me.
We attacked anything that came at us. The dusk lobo with me always went for the neck because from their perspective it was the fastest way to kill one. I for one, either used my magic, kick, or stab. One guard came at me. I kicked him so he fell down, I then pinned him and stabbed him in the eyes as blood gushed out onto my face. His body violently shook. I pushed harder so my horn went through is brain. He stopped shaking, I release my horn from his head as goo and blood mixed together dripped from my horn. I looked up at the sun. It was almost gone and I started to see the moon, but it was different, it was... red?
I saw the dragon up on the castelo breathing ghostly fogo onto the land, burning every pónei, pônei who touched it. The sun finally went down and the moon turned blood red. I looked where I came from and saw the first signs of the King's attack. The red dots in the sky.

I looked at the lobo beside me and gave it a look to get the others. The dusk lobo ran off in the opposite direction I was as I stood in front of the sky of red dots. I ran out of the empire and saw that it wasn't only the red dots in the sky, but a huge army of creature were charging at the empire. I can't let them near the empire, they'll destroy it!- I thought. I flew up and flied faster than before towards the army. 500 yards before them, I landed then casted an illusion spell that would drive them somewhere other than the empire. 400 yards, the illusion was still being created 300 yards, it was almost done. 200 yards, it was almost finished to drive them off. 100 yards the illusion was not ready yet. Suddenly, I heard the creatures stop. It had worked! I flew up to the sky above the clouds to plan my seguinte attack. I made a hole in the clouds and peaked through to see the creatures. They looked confused, meaning the illusion is working, but not for long. I thought of what I could do to get rid of them. I noticed behind me that the dusk dragon holding the dusk lobos came to accompany me in the clouds. I gestured them to defeat the enemies down there, or just to hold them off until I said so. They nodded, and the dusk lobos jumped off the dragon and nose dived into the crowd of enemies as the dragon followed behind them. I flew down past the creatures and landed on the snow. I looked up to the sky to see the red dots get bigger. I'm too late! We are all dead any minute! , I thought. Suddenly, one por one they were gone. I looked harder to see what was causing this, and saw flashes of as cores pass por the red dots. arco iris, arco-íris Dash! She got the letter! . I looked around the sky mais and saw mais pegasi fly down attacking the red dots. Suddenly, the sky was lit with elements of all sorts. The dragões as well got the message. I heard rumbling across the land, and saw maçã, apple Jack, leading a pack full of creatures from the everfree forest, including an eel-hound which had hatched from the egg. Alongside her was Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. I smiled, when I was levitated into the air and slammed back down. I stumbled to my feet, when I looked up, there I saw him. The King
"Well well well, look who's here..." The King said.
"Do us a favor, and get your minions the hell out of here!" I yelled.
"Do me a favor and DIE!" He said, using his magic to throw me away. I tried to get up on my hooves once more, but I fell to the ground as the King pressured his hoof on me.
"Remember this moment, Princess Eclipse, for it will be your last" He whispered. The tip of his horn summoned a small ball of pure black, bubbling. He pointed it at me, and I closed my eyes, waiting to be killed. Suddenly, Princess Luna tackled the King. They both were in the air. I opened my eyes and saw that Luna's flank, horn, and wings were almost gone, and part of her legs were starting to disappear too. She charged what's left of her horn and pointed it at the King, as well did the King. They both released their magic powers at each other, causing it to collide. I looked around me, and saw the pegasi falling down in the sky, the good creatures of the everfree forest, dying slowly. My dusk creatures, disappearing. I looked back at the ponies to see that Luna has been hit por the King's magic, and she slowly flew away, her body dissolving away. Tear flowed from my eyes down to the cold ice. I layed there, helpless, when I suddenly gained strength from memories. I suddenly remember everything. The King... he was my father. I remember we fought before. I remember Canterlot. I remember Equestria. I stood up.
"Hey you!" I yelled at my dad. He looked at me, and growled, seeing that I was up, ready for more.
"BITCH, DO YOU EVER DIE?" He charged his horn with mais pure black. I charged mine as well. The glowing dark purple aura on my horn released at my father, as his did well, once again making the magic collide. As the collided, it sent a sonic wave across the land. His magic was slowly gaining mais power than mine, causing his beam of magic beating mine. I still held back. I looked around me to see maçã, apple Jack, Rarity, and all those good ponies and creatures dead on the ground, blood slowly flowing out. Tears flooded my eye lids. Suddenly, the spirits of the dead around me floated out of my magic beam, looking at me with smiles, knowing that I could achieve victory, that I could win, that I could bring back Equestria. I saw the spirit of my mom, she hugged me, but I couldn't feel it. I wish I did. The spirits all charged at my father, causing him to lose a bit of focus. Now is the time, to unleash the true you , my mom said in my head. I closed my eyes, gaining strength and feeling mais powerful then ever. I opened them, and they were pure black. my magic started to beat my fathers, as it closed up onto his horn. He screamed no repeatedly. Suddenly, all went white, then black.
I woke up to find myself in eternal whiteness. There in front of me I saw my mom. I ran to her to give a hug, but she was transparent.
"You have done it." She said
"I did what?" I asked.
"You have defeated the king, there is no mais evil that will destroy the land.
"But, where am I then?"
"Ink Heart, you are my daughter, therefore obviously in a dream."
"What happened to everyone, what will happen when I wake up?"
"Listen, when you wake up, you must not speak of the war ever again. You must never speak of the King or your dreams to anyone. Do you under stand me? It is very important that I have your word."
"I understand."
"Good. I will miss you my dear."
"Wait! Don't go! I want you to stay with me!" She started to dissolve away.
"In your dreams, Princess Eclipse..." She fully was gone. I just stood there, not knowing what to do next. I looked where she went, and saw a universal dragon, flying towards me. I gobbled me up as I woke up from that dream, in the Canterlot Castle.
"Was that all a dream?" I asked myself. I got out of cama and looked out the window. Everything looked back to normal. It didn't make any sense, what had happen? Who was alive? I summoned a paper and quill and wrote:
Dear Twilight Sparkle, if you are still alive, please, bring anyone you can to Canterlot. I have no idea what is going on, but I need advice. Your Princess, Ink Heart.
I summoned a dusk phionex and gave it the paper. It flew off towards the Crystal Empire. There I watched it fly away, as I thought. What happens now?
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Taxi Ponies: *Driving taxi cabs to the station*

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Railway Pony: *Driving freight train across a bridge going over the train tracks at the station.*
Metal Gloss: *Drives freight train under bridge*
Pony: *In the station, buying a ticket. As soon as he gets the ticket, he runs across the platform, and boards his train.*
Hawkeye: *Preparing train for departure*
Stylo: *Looking at orders on paper*
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Please note..

This isn't like my other stories that involve creepy pastas.

This one is fully serious.

But still contains brutal violence and swearing.
So don't read it, if your sensitive to that stuff.

The point of this story is showing how it COULD of been written.

Instead of the twisted comedy it really was made into, with three brain dead fillies, and a horny psychopath.

This verison one has NO sex..

Sorry if you were hoping for that.

But I'm not a friggin pervert.. :(

It's meant to be terrifying.

So, Be aware of that.

The story is inspired from Walking Dead NO SANCTUARY..

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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song: link

Master Sword: Come on Tom, let's go meet the others.
Tom: Right behind you.
Double Scoop: *Standing on rua corner*
Aina: *Runs out of her house*
Sunny: Hey, wait for me. *Flying in the middle of the street*
Saten Twist: *Polishing his chain saw, but stops to go meet the others*
Pleiades: *Arrives at corner*
Mortomis: *Standing seguinte to Double Scoop*
Tom: mais ponies!!
Snow Wonder: *Arrives in a brand new Corvette*
Cosmic Rainbow: *Flies from the clouds*
Heartsong: *Climbs out of a manhole*
Annie: *Arrives on a bicycle*
Blaze: *Flies out of a house window, and lands seguinte to...
continue reading...
(Warning! This list contains swearing!)

Hello and welcome to another topo, início list! Today, we're going over my topo, início 5 least favorito characters in fiction. Enjoy!

#5: Kohta and Yuka (Elfen Lied)

These two are probably the most annoying animê characters of all time. I understand that cousins marrying is normal in Japan, but eww! Also, even when facts are given to Kohta about Lucy and how she can't control her murderous side, he completely ignores them. Also, Yuka a is crying b**ch who doesn't help at all.

#4: Most New 52 heroes (DC)

I don't know what was going through DC's mind when they rebooted the unvierse,...
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Trixie finished one of her magic acts and was now leaving when suddenly Saten appeared out of seemingly nowhere, scaring her.

Trixie: (after calming down a bit) Saten? What you doing here!?

Saten: I, I came to watch you.

Trixie: Saten, I been a magician for nearly ten years, you NEVER come to watch me.

Saten: Yeah well... I, I really need to talk to you.

Trixie: Yeah well.. I'm not in the mood.. It's been a long day.. I just want to go início and take a bath.

Saten: I, I can walk you home..

Trixie: No thanks.. I need the alone time.. (starts leaving).

Saten: But I have to know... Do you still amor me!?...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song: link

Master Sword: Come on Tom, let's go meet the others.
Tom: Right behind you.
Double Scoop: *Standing on rua corner*
Aina: *Runs out of her house*
Sunny: Hey, wait for me. *Flying in the middle of the street*
Saten Twist: *Polishing his chain saw, but stops to go meet the others*
Pleiades: *Arrives at corner*
Mortomis: *Standing seguinte to Double Scoop*
Tom: mais ponies!!
Snow Wonder: *Arrives in a brand new Corvette*
Cosmic Rainbow: *Flies from the clouds*
Heartsong: *Climbs out of a manhole*
Annie: *Arrives on a bicycle*
Blaze: *Flies out of a house window, and lands seguinte to...
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 My Corvette
My Corvette
Halligan's convoy just entered Canterlot. I was following close behind in my Corvette.

Halligan: *Stops at the restaurant Nikki was at in the anterior part of this fanfic*
Nikki: *Walks to Halligan* Let me drive.
Halligan: Oh no. For safety reasons, new recruits can't-
Nikki: Let me drive!
Halligan: *Slides into the passenger seat*
Nikki: *Gets into the driver's seat*
Sean: *Waiting in his car, and sets a sticky bomb to explode in twenty seconds* There's only four trucks in the convoy. Let's hope this bomb blows them all up. *Opens the right window, and drives forward. He throws the sticky bomb...
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: deviantart, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, EQD
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Saten Twist was watching mais television.

Master Sword: *Enters Saten Twist's house* You're still watching television?!
Saten Twist: They're still showing that drought in Alicornia. I really don't see why thousands of ponies care about that state.
Master Sword: They make most of our produce.
Saten Twist: We live in Neigh Jersey. We make our own produce.
Master Sword: Point taken, but still. If that drought gets worse, it could come towards us.
Saten Twist: Bullshit. We'll make it go towards the Canadians. Nopony cares about them.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: You're starting to act like...
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everyone knows how I feel about cupcakes.
I find it enjoyable.
And so.
It's obvious why Iwould make such a list..

It has one similarity to Rocket to Insanity, both have the fact that bolo de copo was all a bad dream.
But not as tramatic as Rocket to Insanity..
Plus, it's Pinkie herself who has the nightmare..

#9: bolo de copo COMIC:
It has the reactions of all the main six, after Celestia sents the book to Ponyville.
Pinkie herself is the first to read it. And becomes somewhat traumatized.
As do the others, except Dash didn't read it.
Everyone wants Dash NOT to read it, but he dose in the end....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Everypony started leaving Tom's house.

Tom: I hope you enjoyed the video I showed you.
Master Sword: And if you didn't, then f**k you!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Wait a minute, I almost forgot.
Warner Brothers Assassin: *Shoots sidewalk near Tom's hoof*
Tom & Master Sword: *Staring at each other* THE WARNER BROTHERS ASSASSIN!!!!
Saten Twist: I knew he was working for that FBI pónei, pônei who came here in the black car.
Master Sword: That was Aina!
Audience: *Laughing*
Saten Twist: Oh. Well, I hope she gets killed por that assassin.
Audience: *Laughing*
Warner Brothers Assassin: *Shoots ground por Saten...
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added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
posted by Seanthehedgehog
The Story of Corporal Agarn

Theme song

Though he goes on a rage from time to time
He is a very good friend of mine
And in Fort Courage he is well known as
Corporal Agarn

Starring Master Sword as Corporal Agarn
Tom Foolery as Captain Parmenter
Saten Twist as Sargent O' Rourke
Mortomis as Dobbs, the bugler
Snow Wonder as Wrangler Jane
Cosmic arco iris, arco-íris as Corporal Vanderbilt
Blaze as Corporal Duffy

Everypony was celebrating natal at Fort Courage.

Corporal Duffy: *Opens present* A hundred bucks?
Sargent O' Rourke: Do you like it?
Corporal Duffy: No!
Audience: *Laughing*
Corporal Duffy: Back at...
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posted by alexischaos2004
NOTE: No, there won't be any alicorn transformations or any alicorn characters in this fanfiction, just normal Equestrian stuff! Also, there is no demented, messed up content in this fanfic. Not yaoi or yuri. Not a creepypasta, either.

"Meet Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy paced through the sky, her cream colored wings flapping rapidly. She flew over the bustling streets of PonyVille, enjoying her flight. Fluttershy never flapped her wings this fast, but she still never gained confidence in challenging arco iris, arco-íris Dash to a race. She has also changed just a bit, she no longer has fears over pointless occasions....
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added by NocturnalMirage
Source: Deviant Art, Joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: Deviant Art, Joyreactor
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block, where a group of ponies that are friends live on the same block in Ponyville. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering*
Master Sword & Tom: *Standing in front of a house*
Master Sword: Today is a really bad dia for the fandom.
Audience: *Gasp*
Tom: What happened Master Sword?
Master Sword: It's Warner Brothers.
Tom: *Angry* Not again!
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: To show you what we're talking about, let me show you four pictures.

Look at the four bottom pictures.

Master Sword: Okay, so there was going to be a video with a special...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: February 4, 1957
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Time: 2:33 PM
Railway: Union Pacific

Pete was told about what happened on the Southern Pacific, and decided to give Renee another chance.

Renee: *Enters Pete's office*
Pete: I've got a freight train that needs to go north into Laramie. Do you think you have what it takes to drive it?
Renee: Yeah.
Pete: Okay. Your engines were destroyed in that explosion back at Ogden, so you're gonna use engine 844. Nemo, and Metal Gloss will help you find it.
Renee: Thank you.

Renee entered the servicing facility where she saw Metal Gloss, and Nemo.

Renee: Pete...
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