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added by Lolly4me2
Source: Yana Toboso
I am honestly SO STUPID. Kieran keeps telling me that Kayako is on our side, and that I have "nothing to be afraid of", but after watching The Grudge and The Grudge 2, I'm not so sure. The reason for the título is that we pretend Kayako (AKA The Grudge) is our kitty. :D Heh-heh... we amor our deranged, psycho, dead cat.

SEE!!?? WEIRD-O!! I get all happy about my creepy RP life, and then I turn my head to look at my basement closet and a swear Kayako's freezing white fingers are going to claw out of that rat-hole and kill my sorry ass! EEEEK.

Ranma, SAVE ME!... Oh, right...

Yup, I'm screwed. >.>
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Yana Toboso
por no means a bit character in the mangá series, Miss Hinako is one of the coolest characters in Ranma 1/2... with one of the most unique powers imaginable. It's a shame she wasn't featured in the animê mais often.
The people of the Aki* tribe were noble, fearful, and fox-like. They traveled through the lands of ancient Japão in procurar of adventure with other civilizations, but were only shunned because of their appearance. Those of which were of the Haruka* tribe, cat-like enemies who despised anyone outside of their companionship. Through the Aki's generosity, a treaty was finally settled upon each group, and the feud was over. However, both tribes still had secret conflict that led them to disband to different sections of the country. From then on, they were never joined again.

Meet Kitsune* Chiyoko*:...
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To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro!

Who leaves the seeds,
For you to find?
Follow them and you will see,
a treasure there.

Then plant the seeds,
and help them grow!
It may seem the like a dream,
things are not what they seem.

Now begins a new adventure for you!
And you'll be with

To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro!

Living in the forest trees,
for such a very, very long time!

There you'll be with

To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro!

You only see him when your very young,
a magical adventure for you!
It's magic for you.

Rain tumbles down...
the bus is late.
Suddenly, a furry wet giant
is por your...
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The english lyrics to the segundo OVA ending for Ranma 1/2: link por DoCo.



Up in blue sky silly blimp go by,
where it come from where it going,
ziggy-zaggy it fly high!

Today is Sunday,
past one-thirty,
why you no come by?
Maybe you late but I no can wait...

Now I cry...


Pretty red bricks,
bridge that spans the tide.
Draw the picture see the face
of the one I want por my side!

There you are all dressed in black
but I can't see your eyes.
Can it be your dressed that way for me?

Why are you so shy?

Beep-beep! Beep-beep!


This pager's drivin' me crazy!

Just so! You know!

If some dark stranger asked me I might go...
And so...

Don't blame me when your lonely!
We're sailing out to see the ship and me.

Lalala, lala, lala, lalalaa~!
Lalala, lala-la-la-la-la-la, laa~!

Repeat x3.
**99% of the credit goes to Rumiko Takahashi. This is one of my favorito chapters in Ranma 1/2, so I'm re-creating it in a mais sophisticated dialogue.**


"Oh, Upperclassman Kuno!"
"Please, Upperclassman Kuno!" The two beautiful ladies pleaded on their knees wrapped in frilly outfits.
"Mm...?" Kuno mumbled, "The pigtailed girl! And Akane Tendo!"
"You have to decide, Upperclassman Kuno!" The red head said with her hands por her mouth.
"Which of us do you love?"
"Hmmm..." he mumbled again, staring into their eyes. "I amor you bo--"
"You have to choose..." The pigtailed girl smiled, lifting a...
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added by Lolly4me2
First off, it was at an unfamiliar school. I saw it through a narrator's point of view, and it was my character walking through the hallway clutching books to her chest. A few girls saw her as she passed and began to talk about her. One of the girl's brought up that she believed my character "lived alone", and the other admitted she had seen her only once at the grocery store with a man who she thought was her father. My character then entered the classroom with a bunch of other students that followed soon after, and she sat at the escrivaninha, mesa directly in the middle of the room. The teacher cracked...
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posted by Lolly4me2
Currently, I have been obsessing over this movie. There are no words, in my opinion, to express the pure beauty of this film. Miyazaki never fails to dazzle and enlighten me with his creations, and this movie por far is my favorito of all his works.

The story is about Satsuki and Mei Kusakabe, two young sisters moving into the town of Matsugo, a place close enough to their mother who is sickly and staying at the hospital 4 hours away. Mei meets a magical forest spirit named Totoro and tells Satsuki and her father, but at first her sister doesn't believe her. After they both encounter Totoro,...
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added by CUTEDXC
Haha, loved it. :D
added by Lolly4me2
Source: madeleine-elizabeth on deviantart
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Hayao Miyazaki
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Characters por Rumiko Takahashi
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Yana Toboso
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Unknown
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Yana Toboso