LillyBlack Eos fantasia RP

LillyBlack posted on May 29, 2023 at 01:31AM
Within the ground of the beautiful planet of Eos flows a strong magical energy that moves throughout all of the lands and nature. On this planet of Eos, there’s a region of land largely dominated by a Capital City, Selfarion, and its surrounding cities: Yeres, Aralos, and Easea. Within each of these cities is an enormous tree that emits abundant amounts of magical energy. There’s a phenomenon that states that each tree was grown by its respective gods in order to encourage advancement in humanity and further the potential of mankind. These trees, it has become the central source of magical energy for these neighboring cities and has been the reason why they have prospered. Controlled by the Central Council located in Selfarion, the cities Aralos, Easea, and Yeres have all formulated their own guilds in order to not only protect their own cities but to come together and protect all their lands as a whole!

Selfarion, The Capital City
Native God: Selfarion, God of Fortune
Noble Family: The Walker’s
Elite Families:
The Forrester’s
The Voss’
Central Council Members:
Kaius Ida
Claudia Steel
Kurota Jaeger
Rylon Alves

Yeres, The City by the High Mountains
Native Goddess: Yelena, Goddess of Earth
Tank Guild of Yeres Members:
Guildmaster Kurota Jaeger, the Dark Knight
Available Guild Classes:

Aralos, The City by the Mystical Forest
Native God: Arafel, God of Nature
Damage Guild of Aralos Members:
Guildmaster Rylon Alves, the Swordmaster
Available Guild Classes:
Dark Mage

Easea, The City by the Elegant Sea
Native Goddess: Elysia, Goddess of the Seas
Support Guild of Easea Members:
Guildmaster Claudia Steel, the High Mage
Available Guild Classes:
White Mage

Other Places
Village of Astrola (Between Selfarion/Aralos and Yeres)

Height: (because why not)
Guild: (only if you’re in one)
Class: (if in guild)

Ize Konda
Marlene Steel

**wanna mention that you can also put your class as "unclassified" if there's something unique you wanna do but doesn't fit under any of the available classes... or we can always add new ones too**
last edited on Jun 18, 2023 at 07:26AM

LillyBlack 603 replies

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faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: Yeah? Sleep well Marlene.. You too, grumpy..
Ize: If it's not cute, it's grumpy.... I've got my time cut out for me huh?
Yuma: When you're with us, you'll always have your time cut out for you.
Ize: Whatever,, I'll see you in the morning Yuma...
Yuma: See ya . *He said as he headed to his room in Tier 2*
Ize: *He sighed, then looking at Marlene* Shall we proceed?
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Mhmm." Marlene continued to the top of the stairs, walking over to their reserved room. With the key in hand, she unlocked the door revealing their Tier 3 room. It was basically exactly how the receptionist described it to be. Walking in, the bathroom door was on the immediate left of the room. Along the left wall, the bed was centered with night stands on either side and the big ceiling window right above it. Then, at the very end of the room were the two doors that opened up to their balcony.
Marlene walked into the room and put down her belongings, looking around the room in awe, "I knew we were gonna spend the night in Astrola, but I didn't expect we'd actually find such a nice place like this.."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He looked around the room* Hm,yeah... Being inside of this place for the first time... Who knew you could make an inn this fancy? *He then took off his cloak, and hung it up. He then sat on the bed* Marlene.... I've thought about something..... When you told me about Zeno..... Told me about how heartbroken you were, it made me realize.... I won't let anyone make you cry like that ever again. I know, you're older now than when that happened.. But, if there was ever something to live by.... A lady should never shed tears unless they're tears of joy. But, a lady should only be allowed to smile.
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Ize...." Marlene knew that Ize cared more than he'd typically admit, but to hear him say it and express it.. it completely caught her off guard. For a moment she felt her heart skip a beat and she just stared at him, almost speechless. "Ize, I didn't think my story would stick onto you this much... Have you been thinking about this ever since..?"
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: It's been on my mind... I'd be lying if I said it wasn't... Especially when you're that close with someone, it just bugs me... You should've been able to be happy with him. He should've been happy that you were being treated better by everyone else. It's just, I don't get it... *He sighed* I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with... But even so... You should've been able to live a happy life with him. Who knows? Maybe you would've gotten married to him. It just sucks when you give it all up over something so trivial...
last edited faz 8 meses
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
Marlene sighed and walked over to sit on the bed besides Ize. "I've always wished that my relationship with Zeno ended up differently... I absolutely loved him, my heart was comfortable with every part of him.. And without a doubt I can say Zeno felt the same... It's just....." She looked down at her hands, "I guess his love just went extreme to the point where it just hurt me instead. It basically became love for attention... Sure, it could've ended up differently and we could've lived happily.. But, that didn't happen. So, I just have to keep moving for myself now.. If I made it this far, you shouldn't have it bother you so much, Ize."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: You're right... This shouldn't bother me. I should feel nothing but happy for the fact that you're moving forward like you are.. Then again, I guess it kind of resonates with me.. Thinking about what happened with Yuka... Maybe I'm just projecting how I feel within my own situation....
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"And wishing that it didn't end that way? Considering how your situation ended up, who wouldn't... It was all so sudden..." Marlene sat there quietly for a few seconds before a small idea popped in her head. She readjusted herself on the bed so she's facing Ize, "Well, you said you wouldn't let anyone make me cry like that ever again, right? So, how about we make a promise?" Marlene held out her pinky, "That'll be your part of of the promise. And mine... I promise that I won't let a single soul go behind your back and break your trust like that ever again. You didn't deserve anything that Yuka did to you and I'd do anything to prevent you from feeling like that, Ize."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Marlene.... *He looked at her pinky, making him think back a bit* [When was the last time?] Right... *He then wrapped his pinky in hers* Then it's a promise.. *He said with a small smile on his face*
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
Ize's small smile brought an even bigger one to Marlene's. "You know the moment that Yuma ever finds out about this, he's never going let hear the end of it." She said with a giggle.
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I know... He can be a bit annoying at times.... But ever since the beginning, I know he's meant well.. I'll never fault him for that. All of you have... I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure I don't screw that up. [If I never hear the end of this..... Hm...] It's been a while.... Since I could feel this warm... You know?
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
Marlene nodded, "Yeah, I was just going to mention... This is probably the most relaxed I've seen you ever since I first met you. Not to say it's because of meee, but.. around Yuma you were still pretty tense and defensive. And now, you seem to be a little more at peace.."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Mm.... [That whole defensive thing is nothing but a front... Just so I didn't have to admit how I feel.] I'll feel even more at peace once Yuka's gone.... That and... If I can find my sister...
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Right, I understand.." Marlene then went over to the bathroom to get herself ready for the night. Doing her hair in the mirror, she still spoke loud enough for Ize to hear. "You should start getting yourself comfortable then, I want you to be as well rested as you can be! Tomorrow is only going to be the beginning of that for you.."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: You're right about that.... *After she said that, he got himself comfortable in the bed* [The beginning huh? The beginning of a new and better life.] Very random question.... How did it feel? Leaving Easea for the first time.. Getting away from your parent to do your own thing?
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Hmm...." She still spoke from the bathroom, "Well, it was nothing about getting away from my parent... My mom and I have such a close and trusting relationship with each other that she never held be back from something I wanted to do. Leaving was more like escaping who I was in Easea... Finally detaching myself from all the built-up emotions from the Zeno situation... It's like I finally had full control over myself. It was freeing..." She grinned, "I can only consider myself lucky because my mom has been supportive of it every step of the way. Without her, who knows where I'd be..."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I see.... Sorry though, I guess I didn't quite word it right... Knowing what I know about Claudia from Yuma.... It's nice to know that you've got such a good relationship with her.. I meant it more in the light of just being away from her.. Though, I guess when you keep in mind that you always have a place with her.. That's a satisfying feeling....
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"A very satisfying feeling.. We still try our best to communicate with each other even when we're this far apart, so... I guess with how close we are, it doesn't even feel like we are far away from each other." When Marlene was done getting ready for bed in the bathroom, she peeked her head from the door. "Sorry, but.. From a random question to another, extremely off topic, random question..... Seeing a girl in her underwear wouldn't kill ya, right?"
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: A girl in her underwear.... It wouldn't kill me, but are you sure you should be this casual with me? You know some guys would kill for an opportunity like this. I mean just being able to see a girl in her underwear at all. [Guess it also shows how much she trusts me as well... You really are interesting Marlene.]
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Hmm, true but.... You don't really show interest in that many things... Took awhile to get you to call me your friend... Heh, you can barely even admit whether or not you're crushing on me." She joked, giggling a bit. "Sooo, the chances of you trying to pull something dumb is prettyyy low! I trust ya. Besides, it's pretty easy to read it off a guy."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Hm.... Yeah? Well, I'm glad that we're on the same page here. I'm also glad to know I'm trustworthy in this regard. You're good people Marlene... I mean that, seriously. You deserve the best in this world and only the best.. *He then looked up* And....... Thank you... For being with me on thus journey.... Joining the Blackened Daggers..
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Ize..." Marlene finally walked out of the bathroom, of course wearing mostly just her underwear and a cropped tank top. But, she did have a small blanket/cloth over her shoulders to at least keep it.. somewhat modest as she walked to the bed. She then sat down over on her side of the best, "Even though you can be a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes... whenever I hear you say things like this to me, it's always the best feeling. Because I know you're truly genuine about it..." Marlene looked up at the window above their bed with a smile on her face, "If I had the choice to do it again for you, I'd do it in a instant. I'll always be willing to be there whenever you need me, Ize."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I guess I could say the same..... Perhaps if I wasn't the way I was... We could've first met under better circumstances.. I know you said you understand why I was like that, but it still wasn't fair to you. Which is why once I'm done with Yuka.... I'm gonna do whatever I must to set things right between us.
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"You really are the cutest, Ize..." Marlene said, chuckling. She then laid down on the bed and got herself comfortable too. She laid on her side, looking at Ize. "I'd say it's unnecessary because I think things between us are already better.. But, I still wouldn't stop ya. If that's what you wanna do, then I'm excited to see what that would be like.."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: For starters, let me know what you want for breakfast tomorrow... I know you'll likely want something sweet... But, you've got your choice of breakfast. Maybe something with some kind of syrup over it?
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Oh? So we're already starting, huh?" Marlene then looked up, trying to think of what she'd want. "Hmmm, if it'd be something with syrup over it.... Ah, I can't choose between two! Some fruity pancakes sound great but.. the idea of french toast is winning over my sweet tooth right now..."
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Then that's what we'll do... We get our breakfast, then we make our way to Yeres.. *He then closed his eyes* For now though, let's get some sleep... Like you said, it'll be better if I'm rested for tomorrow...
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Mhmm.. I need you to be in the best condition you can be tomorrow, so sleep well dummy." Marlene started to close her eyes, "I'll talk to ya tomorrow..." She said slowly drifting to sleep.
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah, talk to you tomorrow... *He said as he began to drift into his slumber*

*The next morning, Ize ordered room service and had breakfast brought to their room. As Marlene wanted, she got some French toast with syrup, and Ize got sunny side eggs and a couple slices of ham*
Ize: *He then looked at Marlene* [I wonder if she's the type to smell breakfast and will wake up from a good smell...]
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
When Marlene sleeps, she can tend to be a pretty heavy sleeper. Buut, if anything with a sweet smell passes her, that's honestly more than enough to wake her up. I mean, how could she miss out on her sweets?
With the smell of the breakfast filling up the room, especially the french toast, Marlene woke up in a insant. "I smell something... Is that the french toast..?" Spotting the breakfast in their room, her eyes immediately lit up, "It is!"
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: [Got her. ] Good morning..... I figured we'd get some room service... Get some breakfast in bed.. That way we can leave here with some nourishment. Plus, it'll help your sweet tooth early in the morning. Think of it, as an extension of my thanks.
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Well thank you, I appreciate it. And I already can't wait to dig into it..." Staring down her french toast, she took the plate to her lap and took her first bite. "Mmm, the best thing I could have in the morning!"
faz 8 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He got his plate as well, taking her first bite* Mhm.... They know how to make a good breakfast here. It truly makes you realize how this place has such a good reputation. There's no shortage of good things here.
faz 8 meses LillyBlack said…
"Heh, this french toast is enough for me to give them a good review.." Marlene said, taking another bite of her french toast. She then looked at Ize, "But anyways, how'd you sleep last night? Any dreams?"
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I slept pretty decent... A little more decent than usual I guess.... As for dreams... Well.... More or less.... I was sitting in a dark void.... But, your hand reached out to me.. The void cleared and it took me to this field.. "You're home Ize." ......*He then turned his head and blushed* Uh, how about you? Sleep well? Dream well?
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
"Ooo.~ Mr. Grumpy's dreaming about me? You've been making me feel so special.." Marlene said with a small giggle. "I'd say I slept pretty good. Dreamt about having something sweet and now I'm living a dream come true." She smirked at Ize, "Think you could say the same?"
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: A dream come true? Perhaps you could say it's one of the few wishes that have come true... Just being able to be like this, it's a good feeling.. Luckily, I won't allow myself to be in any dark voids.... So, that dream may be a while.... But, I guess having you here is the dream come true so far. *He said as he continued eating his breakfast*
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
"I've only been around him for a few days and yet.. I almost feel more appreciated with him than I ever have with Zeno..." Marlene thought to herself.
She grinned, "It makes me overly happy when you say things like this, hehe.. Not that long ago I couldn't even get you to admit that I'm your friend. Are you gonna get all defensive again when we're back with Yuma?"
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I guess it's no need to keep face... There's no real point in disguising it... Though, Yuma.. It'll probably take time for him to get used to me not being on the defensive... Then again, it depends on how far he takes the conversation.
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
Marlene chuckled, "True. He does like pushing it sometimes... But, it's fine to me. Your defensiveness is always so cute because I can always read right through it anyways.~" She said, finishing up her french toast and placing her plate aside.
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: In normal circumstances like this, I guess I've always been easy to read. Even when I didn't think I was... When I hoped I wasn't... Regardless, I know Yuma will likely push this to "lovely couple" status.. But.... *He blushed even deeper* Thank you for trusting me last night.... Just... Thank you for this....
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
"Oh you don't have to keep thanking me, dummy. I trust you and you know I'm always willing to be there to support you.. But..." She smiler looking at his blushing cheeks and leaned over to gently kiss his cheek. "Take that as my 'you're welcome' to you. Don't mention it to Yuma unless you want your ears to fall off." She giggled and got up from the bed afterwards to get ready for the day.
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *After Marlene kissed his cheek, his face went red immediately* [Did..... That just...] Yeah, I won't... [Yeah, that just happened. Now I have to just keep my composure... But, does that mean... No, even a cheek kiss can be a sibling gesture... But what about- No no no... I need to focus... Compose yourself!!] *He then got up as well, getting himself ready* Right! A good night's sleep and a good morning's breakfast.. I'm all good to go! [I've still got a target to go after.. I can't forget that..]
last edited faz 7 meses
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
"That's what I like to to hear!" Marlene went into the bathroom like normal as if she didn't just kiss him on the cheek like it was nothing. She just smiled, knowing it must've affected Ize in some way from his red face. She then changed and finished getting ready in the bathroom, walking out. "Alright, I'm all good to go too! Shall we go check on Yuma?"
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He nodded* Yeah, let's go... *He then went with Marlene to Yuma's room in Tier 2, knocking on the door*, which was opened by Yuma a couple seconds later*
Yuma: Morning...
Ize: Hey Yuma...
Yuma: By the way, I appreciate the room service... Breakfast was great..
Ize: I couldn't dare to exclude you...
Yuma: Yeah? Well, I'm appreciative... Though...... Something seems... Different..
Ize: Different?
Yuma: Yeah.... Like.... I dunno.... You're glowing a bit...
Ize: What are you talking about?
Yuma: You can try to hide it... But, I can tell you've had a good morning..
Ize: I just slept well... Had a good breakfast.. That's it.
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
"Breakfast was pretty good..." Marlene smirked, "Who knows, maybe my presence just makes his mornings ten times better now? That's all I could think of.."
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: Hmm..... Well, considering it is your first time being together in a night.. I guess waking up next to someone could give you a bit of a happier feeling.
Ize: [Not far off, but not too close.. I can work with that.] ..... Maybe... That's the only thing that can bring that theory of yours together.
Yuma: Well, regardless... Happy to see you glowing, rather than being dim.
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
"Mhmm, especially on a day like this one. Which speaking offf..." Marlene looked at Ize, "With that assassin lil' brain of yours, do you have a plan for when we get to Yeres?" She asked.
faz 7 meses TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: A plan.... Well, we'll have to blend in as best we can, scope out the town... Hopefully, we scope out the town long enough, we find her and we get her..
Yuma: I mean, it's not bad... But, what are we even looking for,? Not to mention, it's been a while since you two have seen each other... She could've learned a thing or two, maybe even altered her appearance...
faz 7 meses LillyBlack said…
"Even the auras of people can change drastically.... We can't just go into it mindlessly." Marlene added. "Maybe... Is there a certain characteristic about her that you think wouldn't change? Likee for example.. I could completely change my appearance, but my horns still make me pretty easy to detect from a mile away. Is there something like that with Yuka? Maybe some sort of marking or something?"