Huddy Club
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Disclaimer: I do not own House or the characters, however the story is mine.

Sorry for the late update. Things just keep getting mais hectic por the day. Let me know what you think! Sorry if it seems aleatório at some points lol


House walked into his and wilson's condo and threw his keys down. He couldn't believe he had actually admitted that to Cuddy. It's not like she loves me back, he thought, Now things are going to be really awkward.

He walked over to the piano and began to play hoping to get his mind off of things, but it didn't seem to be working as his mind kept going back to thoughts of her.

House went to the cozinha to get a glass of water when he heard a knock at the door. He was curious who could be here this late at night. He walked up to the door and looked through the peephole to see none other than Cuddy on the other side of the door. He sighed and started to walk away from the door when she began banging on it again.

"House open this door now," yelled Cuddy. "I know your in there...come one House we need to talk."

House figured he might as well get this over with and unlocked the door and opened it. He leaned up against the frame not letting her in, but at least putting him in her view.

"Now what exactly would be so important that you would come here this late at night? Shouldn't you be at início with your boy-toy and your daughter," House asked.

"I came here because we need to talk and I'm not leaving until we do."

House sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. "Ok so talk," he commanded.

"Can I come in," Cuddy asked trying to look past him.

"No. Because this way if I don't like where the conversation is going I can just close the door. This is my way of physically and metaphorically keeping you out."

Cuddy sighed, "House please."

House huffed out a breath and walked towards the living room leaving the door open. He went and sat down on the sofá and turned on the tv.

"House please," Cuddy said as she gestured towards the tv.

"Fine," House said as he turned the tv off and looked at her. "Now say whatever it is you need to say."

"House...what you said to me before...did you mean it?"

"If I didn't mean it I wouldn't say it," House answered honestly. He figured being honest would make this conversation go faster getting her to leave quicker.

Cuddy just nodded and sat there for awhile quite. House just looked around the room at anywhere, but her.

"House...I do amor you-" Cuddy began, but House cut her off.

"Bullshit Cuddy. You haven't shown once that you do and I'm not gonna listen to you lie to me for whatever reason," House said as he got up off the sofá and headed towards the door. Just as he was about to walk past Cuddy she grabbed his arm and spun him around to face her.

"House listen to me. I do amor you! It may not seem like it at times, but for some unknown reason I do. After all the crap you've put me through and I just can't seem to get over you."

"But...," House encouraged.

"But as much as I do amor you. We just can't be together. We would both just end up getting hurt and I can't put myself or you through that. I found someone who is there for me and truly loves me and isn't afraid to show it." Cuddy tried looking into House's eyes to read his emotions, but he kept his gaze away from her.

"Ok then," House said coldly. "Is that all or is there mais you need to say to hurt me with before you leave."

"House I'm not trying to hurt you I'm just trying to get you to understand-"

"Understand what exactly? That you "love" me, so you say, but I'm unsuitable for your amor so we can't be together. I understand you loud and clear Cuddy. You can show yourself out," House said as he went to walk away from her, but Cuddy grabbed his arm again.

"House please. I do amor you, but it just wouldn't work. I'm trying to get you to see that. I want to fix this so our friendship doesn't suffer." She kept trying to get a glimpse of his face, but he kept it hidden from her view.

House just bitterly laughed and finally looked at her. His eyes were cold, but full of hurt at the same time. "What friendship Cuddy? You obviously don't support me, you aren't there for me anymore, and now your telling me you "love" me while at the same time basically telling me to leave you alone. I'm not seeing the friendship there. You can't fix what isn't there so your better off forgetting about it right now."

Cuddy couldn't get over the cold stare he was giving her, but she didn't feel she had made her point yet.

"House whether or not you think it I do consider you a friend. Maybe not always a good one, but I do consider you one," Cuddy stated as she put her hand on his shoulder. House just shrugged her hand off and walked away towards the window.

"House please just talk to me. I want to fix this," Cuddy tried again. House just remained silent not answering. He was hoping she would just give up and walk away, but it didn't seem to be working when she walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulders in an attempt to spin him around. He refused to turn around, but Cuddy didn't remove her hands.

What neither of them knew was that Lucas was outside the door. Being a P.I. he got access to gadgets needed to spy on others. He had a camera under the door looking in and all he saw was Cuddy with her hands on House's shoulders. He quickly stood up ready to confront them, having heard the anterior conversation, and picked the lock.

Lucas burst through the door and Cuddy and House quickly turned around to see who the intruder was. House just rolled his eyes while Cuddy stood there shocked and confused.

"Great now it's a party," House muttered.

"Lucas! What are you doing here and why did you just break in," Cuddy demanded.

"Well I was gonna come see you after work, but you weren't in your office so I went up to ask House if he knew where you were when I saw him walk out of his office and you standing there crying. Just as I was about to go rip into him though, I saw you rush out of his office grab your stuff and leave. I followed you and you came here so I was sort of curious why my girlfriend went to another man's house. Let me tell you it was quite the interesting conversation I heard."

House once again just rolled his eyes, but Cuddy on the other hand was furious.

"You had no right to treat me like one of your cases. You don't get to spy on me just because your curious," Cuddy yelled.

"Oh really? I'm sorry if I was suddenly worried why my girlfriend was going to another man's house when he had just left her crying not that long beforehand," Lucas yelled right back.

House once again rolled his eyes beginning to tune them out. He thought this was stupid and he couldn't believe it was happening in his house. Just as he was about to walk away Lucas stalked up to him.

"I want you to stay away from my girlfriend. You got that," Lucas warned.

"That's kinda hard to do considering we work together there smart one," House sarcastically replied.

"Then find a new job because you will not continue to be around her."

"Oh really? Isn't that kind of her choice and not yours," House asked as he gestured towards Cuddy, who just stood there watching the exchange.

"Don't mess with me House. I mean it. Stay away from her," Lucas warned.

"Oh and what are you going to do," House challenged.

Before House knew it he was on the floor with a bloody nose. He hadn't honestly expected Lucas to hit him, but he had. Cuddy gasped and ran over to House to aid him.

"Leave him," Lucas demanded. "Let's go."

"What the hell has gotten into you! I'm not leaving especially not with you! We're done you hear me," Cuddy yelled.

"What!? Your seriously going to break up with me because of him," Lucas asked.

"No I'm breaking up with you because you have suddenly decided you get to make my life decisions and also because you need to learn to accept the choices I make. You obviously don't like the decision to keep House in my life, so before things get worse I'm ending it. Goodbye," Cuddy stated and she turned back toward House who was beginning to get up off the floor.

"Fine," Lucas stated as he walked out of the door and their lives.

"Are you okay," Cuddy asked as she tried to inspect House's face. House just turned his head away and walked towards the bathroom off of his bedroom.

"Let me do that," Cuddy said as she reached for the washcloth House had picked up. She sat him down on the toilet and stood in between his legs cleaning the blood of his face. House would hiss in pain once in awhile, but it didn't take long to clean his face up since the bleeding had stopped.

"Thanks," House croaked.

"No problem," Cuddy said as she remained standing between his legs.

"Can I get up now," House asked as he looked up at her. He was beginning to feel awkward having her so close to him and the look in her eyes didn't help the feeling.

Cuddy put her hands on House's shoulders and leaned down towards his face. House sat there Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante unsure of what to do. He felt Cuddy's lips gently brush up against his and responded, but just as quickly as he responded he pushed her away.

"Don't do this," House said as he got up and walked out of the bathroom into his bedroom

"House what is it," Cuddy asked confused. She couldn't get over how right that kiss had felt.

"You got here and you were telling me how we can't be together, and now that your boy-toy just broke up with you your beijar me. I can't do this. I won't be your back-up," House said as he sat down on the cama and Cuddy quickly joined him.

"House. I understand why this seems confusing, but after that whole ordeal with Lucas, I realize what an idiot I was being. Why would I give up the person I amor just to settle? I don't know what I was thinking honestly," Cuddy said as she looked towards House.

"Cuddy..just give yourself a few days and you will be feeling like an idiot again for wanting anything with me. Just forget anything ever happened and go início to your daughter," House said not making eye contact.

"House please. I want this. I know it may not exactly be the perfect time, but I don't wanna waste anymore time. We've already wasted so much," Cuddy said as she grabbed House's chin and forced him to look at her.

"Cuddy you don't want this. You just broke up with your boyfriend. You aren't exactly in the right state of mind to be making decisions like this."

"I honestly don't feel anything. I know I should feel hurt after that break-up, but I don't. The only thing I'm feeling is what I feel for you and I don't want to let that go. Please can we just try this," Cuddy pleaded.

"I don't get you. You just kept saying when you got here how we would just end up hurting one another and it's just not worth it, and now you want to try it anyways. Your confusing me Cuddy," House stated honestly.

"I know it's confusing, but I honestly had no idea what would happend if we did get together. I see no reason not to try now. There is nothing stopping us except ourselves. So will you please give us a try," Cuddy pleaded as she grabbed House's hand.

House sat there in silence unsure of what to say. He wanted to be with her so bad, but he didn't want her to regret it later. The last thing he wanted was to be a mistake to her.

"Cuddy the last thing I want to end up is a mistake to you. I don't want to end up hurting you, but....I'm willing to give us a try," House said as he looked up at her.

"You've never been a mistake House," Cuddy stated as she grabbed House's face between her hands and kissed him passionately.

He didn't know how things would work out, but if things felt the same as they did now he wouldn't have a problem with it. It was their version of happiness that nothing else could ever surpass.


Cheesy ending I know lol. Let me know if anything is confusing you in case I need to add another chapter as a filler, because I was planning to end it here.
Once upon a time in a faraway well organized an perfect fandom, there was a village that was controlled por Lord Shorefox and por queen Kathleen the sixth. The only nobles who habited that village were Sir Sweetsauce and Lady Cuddles. Gossip was coming from mouth to mouth about their strange relationship.

Lady Cuddles owned large parts of the land, her father had inherited them to her because a woman wasn’t allowed to posses lands unless she was the only child of the marriage and yet she had to look for a husband. Sir Sweetsauce own a small part of the land, like all men at the time who had...
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posted by lizzie22xo
    Feelings were complicated, especially if the feelings were for him. This is how Lisa Cuddy felt. She didn’t exactly know she had feelings for him, she merely thought she just had a little infatuation with him, and when he left Michigan she’d get over her little ‘obsession’. Oh, and how wrong she was about everything. At first there was an obsession, just trying to figure him out. But, the mais she began to be the victim of his annoying harassments, studying him, turned into loving him.
    He finally regains his composure, and speaks.
“I arouse...
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House’s hand caressed Cuddy’s rosa, -de-rosa blushed cheek, the silence felt between them could have been cut with a knife.

Cuddy placed her hand underneath House’s white and wrinkled shirt, as she gently felt the groove of his back. Her breath was visible in the cold atmosphere of the three estrela hotel room they were both staying in. As she felt the hairs on her arms stand up because of the cold air, she pulled House’s warm and clammy chest closer to her, as House struggled to pull his loose camisa of his back, even though it was minus three degrees.

“It’s cold.” Cuddy’s voice was weak,...
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"You can't possibly be my daughter." House said as he threw his red lollipop in the trash and sat down behind his desk.
"Why is that? You never slept with any black women? Especially, one who was smart and beautiful, that you shared a great weekend with twenty-one years ago, at a boring medical conference in Vermont." The young woman stated with a smirk as she sat down across from him.
House's eyes widened as the past started to come back to him.
"Nina Beaumont...Your Nina's daughter...." He said leaning his chin against his hand in thought. He looked the young woman over. Her eyes were like...
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posted by lizzie22xo
The walls of the house vibrated at the volume of the music, playing from the room-filled living room. Around fifteen college students, dance and grind in the middle of the room. Other are doing cerveja pong, or chugging from a keg. Lisa Cuddy on the other hand, was not doing any of those things. She’s sitting on half cution-less sofa. A still full bottle of cerveja in her hand, and a medical journal in the other.
“Liar.” House spoke from behind her.
“Excuse me?”
“You said you wouldn’t be here tonight.”
“Your point is?”
“You lied.”
“Everybody does.”
“What are you doing? This...
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posted by Sculy08
[House is awakened por a noise outside the bedroom window since he is such a light sleeper. House extracts himself from Cuddy's head lying on his chest and her arm strew across his abdomen. He slides out of cama and makes his way to Rachel's room to check on her. House enters the nursery where he see's a shadow outside the window. House walks to the berço and sees she is sleeping soundly. House then limps over to the window and sees a small person running across Cuddy's backyard. House knows that he can't run to catch that person. House will be waiting tomorrow night to see if Simon shows up again....
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posted by Fabouluz
Cuddy was swaying from left to right on the hard wooden escrivaninha, mesa chair in her dorm room; pencil in her mouth, and a blank pad of paper on topo, início of it’s dark mahogany finish.

There was a knock on her door, a heavy-handed knock. Ignoring it whilst she still pondered the ins and outs of kidney failure in teenage boys. However every time she was about to press the led pointed pencil down onto the bare paper, the person on the other side of the door interrupted her with the loud heavy thud on the door.

“For God’s sakes.” Cuddy muttered under her breath, before she un-curled her feet from underneath...
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posted by Sculy08
A Happy Life: Chapter 16 (6/18/09)
[The sun is setting over New Jersey. Its streams shine through the windows of House's office. House is sitting in his chair with his red ball in his hands. House's mind travels back to when he found out Cuddy had lost Joy. How broken she looked when he went to check on her. House knew he had pushed her really hard about becoming a mother. House knew that he really hurt her that day. When she asked him why he negated everything. Why did he negate everything at that moment he didn’t know what to say. Then House looked into Cuddy's eyes and he wanted so badly...
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posted by Sculy08
A Happy Life: Chapter 6
[A week later as the sun rises over PPTH Cuddy is sleeping in a chair beside Rachel's crib. House walks into the room with 2 cups of coffee in his hands.He stands at then end of the berço watching Cuddy and Rachel. Rachel opens her eyes and looks at him. The corners of her mouth curl up into a smile.]

House: Kid don’t look at me with your mommy's smile. That will get you anything. I just can't let mommy know that.

[He thinks back to the hallucination he had of Cuddy and how she helped him, she loved him. How she chose him to help him before going início to her happy life....
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1. 'You Cant Always Get What You Want'
2.'Your A Good Boss'
3. Injection Scene
4 House Goes To Cuddy's Window
5. 'You Cant Stop Our Love'
6. Cuddy Helps House In Court
7. The Bench Scene
8. Cuddy & House Wheelchair
9. 'Do You Like Me House?'
10. House Grabs Cuddy's bunda
11. Cuddy Goes To House's When He Is Detoxing
12.Cuddy & House Talk About The Past
13. House Watches Cuddy On The Plane
14. House Examines Cuddy On The Plane
15. House See's If Cuddy Is Lying In Her Office
16. 'You Are A Conniving Woman Its A Massive Turn On'
17. 'How Long Have You Known Me?'
18. House vs Cuddy 19. Performance...
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posted by huddy_aimee
AN thanks for all your guys comments and ratings...i hope you are enjoying this 'series'...please read and review.... PLEASE!!! XD

Cuddy had come into work, early as usual, and she recalled the talk she had, had with Wilson that night regarding the ticket to Greece...


"Hey, I have a ticket to go to Greece, I won't be using it, I can't be bothered going anymore, do you want to go instead?" he had asked.
"I don't know, I have Rachel and the hospital to look after, not to mention, House, with me gone he'd probably raze the building,"
"C'mon, Lisa, when was the last time you went on...
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posted by Fabouluz
House was back at the psychiatric hospital. It had been his first week alone, away from the place he had grown to loathe. Sitting in the same sofa, as his psychiatrist tapped her pen on the table, jotting short sentences down after every glance up at House’s face.

“Why don’t we start with your first week back; Do you think it’s going well?” House seemed reluctant to answer yet another pointless and leading pergunta into something deeper.

“I can say anything in here, nothing can be held against me?” House wanted reassurance that whatever he said, would never leave the old grainy...
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Comments pretty please :D

Chapter 3

Taking deep breath, House reached into his jaqueta pocket and grabbed the familiar laranja perception bottle from its depths. Giving it a shake, he listened to the hollow sound of pills hitting plastic, as he stared at the short list of symptoms on the dry erase board in the corner. Chewing his bottom lip for a moment, he turned each piece of his most recent puzzle over in his mind. “Tularemia…no…no she has a mild rash not an ulcer,” he said making a suggestion for his new patients illness then dismissing it. Mindlessly he flipped off the boné, cap of the...
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"I'm so tired of myself. If for a few hours I could just lose myself in some Thelonius Monk I would be feeling ten times better." House said to himself within the confines of his small room at Mayfield.
"Just my ipod for a few hours..."
"Yeah, like that's gonna solve this problem." The blonde snarked from the other side of the bed.
"Why can't you just leave me alone?"
"The better pergunta is why can't you leave you alone?" She said as she rested a hand under her chin and stared back at him.
He sighed deeply and began to look up at the ceiling.
"You're a reflection of my subconscious. You are...
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posted by LisaLover
“One… last.. time” he thrust into her and she cried out loudly. House step back from her, quickly pulling up his boxers and trousers, hiding the scar por the way. Cuddy was standing still for a few segundos based on the wall, looking around for her underwear. She took few deep breaths and started to dress up in hurry as House pushed the button. The elevator took them on a hospitals ground floor, open the doors near the clinic. Nurses were running around, letting some patients go out as the fogo alarm stopped.

„What happened?!” Cuddy shook the closest standing nurse while House didn’t...
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posted by lizzie22xo
The paramedics had come, along with Princeton PD, and the state troopers, which pronounced it was an over dose. Once they had left, paramedics placed his body in a zip-up bag, and carried him onto the stretcher. They wheeled him out of the office, with Cuddy right beside of the him. She was not crying, much to her surprise. It wasn't like she was happy, she was the farthest thing from it. Her fingers met the cold button, pressing harder than she needed to. After several segundos of waiting, the elevator doors opened, she and the paramedics, pushed him inside the empty elevator. As they got...
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posted by Fabouluz
It was Monday morning; Cuddy and Wilson were waiting in House’s office to see him. Cuddy was standing whilst Wilson was sitting down.

“Morning.” House slowed down, as he noticed both Wilson and Cuddy where in his office; for reasons he hadn’t thought of yet.

“What’s going on?” House put his backpack down, before sitting at his desk.

“We just wanted to see how you were.” Cuddy spoke in a soft tone as Wilson watched on as House and Cuddy kept their gaze longer than usual.

“I’ll see you at lunch.” Wilson left, looking back at Cuddy before the door closed behind him.

“So, how...
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posted by Fabouluz
Cuddy woke up, and rushed to the bathroom. It was the segundo time she had thrown up in the o espaço of days, she knew there could only be one reason.

As she made her way to get dress for work, she looked at her calendar; it had been a mês since House had checked into the rehab facility. Both Wilson and Cuddy had made a pact not to have any contact with House while he was inside, no matter how much they wanted to. They knew it was best.

On her way to the hospital, she picked up a pregnancy test, although she hoped it was just something she ate. The thought of becoming pregnant with House’s child...
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posted by Fabouluz
Cuddy woke-up in an unfamiliar setting; it took her a couple of segundos to realise that it was House’s cama she had slept in.

Looking to her right, she expected to see House’s smug face laying on the travesseiro seguinte to her, but she was alone.

House was already up, in his bathroom, getting ready. Looking into the mirror, he smiled like a man in love. It wasn’t until he noticed his Vicodin bottle on the side of the sink that his smile turned to a mais serious look. Like a ghost from his past, the Vicodin represented everything he had become. It was hard to find his true self under the addicted...
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"So, will there be a repeat performance of what we did this morning?" House said as he entered Lisa Cuddy's office. Cuddy looked up from her computer screen.
"House, I'm busy. You have clinic." She replied tersely.
House sat down in the chair across from her desk.
"No. I have an appointment with a certain Dean of Medicine, on topo, início of this desk, for about an hour." He said with a mock look at his wristwatch.
Cuddy let out an exasperated breath.
"This isn't the time or the place..."
"To screw each other's brains out? Okay. Your place or mine?" He said as he rested his chin on topo, início of his cane.
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