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posted by huddycat69
This a collaboration between "TAMMYR50 and myself." It is has been an honor and pleasure to work on this with her. She's the Huddy's Angel.
We hope you'll enjoy.

The seguinte few nights brought little sleep and knowing that she was the leading witness for the defense really wasn’t helping Dr. Cuddy get any rest. She remembered the hurt in his eyes when he was being handcuffed and led away. “When he turned and asked her if she had ever loved him”, the pain radiated her head and heart. She didn’t even have time to answer and the answer was too long and too complicated. Now she was sitting in a courtroom and waiting to testify.
As he walked in, he looked sad and despondent. The bruise below his eye worried her as she wanted to help him. It was a shock for Cuddy to see him this way. He looked broken and vulnerable. House went to his assento and turned to the public. He saw her and she was even mais beautiful than in his memory. Her black suit was pale and her eyes showed the pain she felt. The hearing began as the judge stated the fact:

-Gregory House, you’re accused of driving a car in Dr Cuddy’s dining room. How do you plead?


-Do you have a lawyer or do you want the state to appoint you one?

-I have a lawyer your honor. He didn’t want someone to help defend him because he felt he had to be punished for what he’d done.

-Cuddy interjected. Your honor he needs a lawyer. I have made a call.

-Dr. Cuddy, “wasn’t it your living room this man drove a car through?”

-“Yes your honor but there were mitigating circumstances.” I have talked with someone and they will be representing Dr. House.

-Your honor, “I believe that decision is mine and I have a lawyer, and Dr. Cuddy has no say in my case.”He felt he was guilty for failing to make Cuddy happy and to keep her, for failing in their relationship, and for losing the only woman that could have stayed with him.

-Please note that the defendant refuses the help of a lawyer. The trial will take place in two weeks and until this time, Gregory House, you will remain incarcerated. The case is adjourned. seguinte case.

As they led him away House gave Cuddy an intent glance and she felt a pain in her heart. What did I do? She asked herself. But she knew what she had to do right now. House couldn’t defend himself because Cuddy knew exactly why he refused, she knew him so well, she knew he thought he deserved to go in jail – and in fact he did, didn’t he? - she knew he wouldn’t do anything to escape or to decrease the sentence, on the contrary he would wait for it. He needed a lawyer and Cuddy knew one who’ll be able to deal with House. Once back at the hospital, Cuddy dialed Stacy’s number.

-Stacy this is Lisa. I need to meet with you today if it is at all possible.

-Lisa, “what’s wrong?” “Are you ok?” What has Greg done now?

-Stacy, I … well, it’s a long and complicated story and I really just need to see you in person?” Do you have any free time today?

-Lisa I am three hours away from you. This must be pretty important.

-It’s House. He has been arrested and if he is convicted he could serve quite a bit of time in prison and lose his license to practice.

-What did he do?

-Can you meet me Stacy?


That evening Stacy called Cuddy to let her know she was at the bar of the Excelsior Hotel and waiting for her. It was one of the longest afternoons Cuddy ever had. She couldn’t concentrate on her work, she was thinking about what she was going to say to Stacy. There was history between House and Stacy and Cuddy was beginning to feel a little uneasy about calling Stacy.
She thought back when she hired Stacy as a lawyer for the hospital. She wasn’t sure what she was trying to accomplish. Part of her wanted to see if there was anything left between House and Stacy but they also needed a lawyer for House. She thought maybe if House could forgive Stacy then maybe he could forgive her for the role she had played in his surgery.
When it seemed as if House and Stacy had rekindled their romance Cuddy remembered the jealousy she had felt. She remembered what it felt like thinking about House with someone else and in someone else’s bed. There had always been something between House and Cuddy and there had been for a long time.
Cuddy had finally come to House that night. He had lost his patient, his friend, and in his mind he had lost Cuddy. She managed to convince him and herself that they could work because they loved each other deeply. She had to know if it could work. She had tried to make it with Lucas but she couldn’t get House out of her mind. Was she right to come to him? Did she just succumb to a whim? Was she right to give this relationship a try?
She knew him and she knew how unstable he could be… and she probably overestimated her strength. All these memories haunted her mind. Did she have to tell Stacy the whole story or would a few snippets be enough to help House? What could she tell him that would help him without exposing herself? When she left the hospital to go to Stacy’s hotel, Cuddy hadn’t found a solution to her dilemma.
Stacy was at the bar waiting for Cuddy. She was curious to learn what House had done this time that could send him to jail. Did he kill a patient? He was a doctor not God and sometimes lives were lost but with House and his crazy antics he had been known to stretch the line between right and wrong. Cuddy was weird on the phone earlier this morning, she seemed to be tense. What could House have done?
Stacy would have to await Cuddy’s explanation but it shouldn’t be too long, she saw Cuddy come in and a few segundos later, she sat in front of Stacy.

-Hi Lisa! You seemed to be in a hurry, so I guessing this is serious.

-Hi Stacy. No you’re right, House’s trial will take place in two weeks and he refused to have a lawyer por his side…

-So we have to convince him to accept me…


-You called me, so I guess you are concerned for him and as always trying to help him…

-Yes, of course, but…

-Lisa, what’s the problem? What did Greg do?
Cuddy looks at Stacy helpless. I … I don’t know por where to begin nor what is important for his defense, I’m lost…

-Why don’t you tell me what happened Lisa?

-She took a deep breath and she began to speak. He drove a car in my dining room.

-He what? Stacy exclaimed surprised, she had thought about a lot of things but this! Why?

-It’s … it’s a long and complicated story, and… I don’t think it’s very relevant.

-I’m the lawyer Lisa so let me decide what’s relevant and what isn’t.

After a few segundos of hesitation, Cuddy’s need to save House won over her will to protect herself and she tried to explain to Stacy what led House to this desperate act. When she ended her narrative, Cuddy’s eyes were full of water. Stacy felt sorry for her. She always knew there was something going on between Cuddy and House. She knew House but she never thought it was capable of doing something like this.
Well now that I know the causes of House’s act, I think I’ve an idea to get House to hire me…

The dia after, Stacy went to visit House in jail. She was waiting in the visiting room to see House. She was wondering if she was going to find him changed or if he was still the same sexy jerk.

-As she looks at his sullen appearance she can only manage to get his name to pass through her lips. “Greg?”


-“What happened to your face”, as she began caressing his cheek just slightly.

- People here haven’t warmed up to my charm. I haven’t grown on them yet.

-I’m glad to see that you’re the same smartass. He stared at her. And then he asked her the pergunta that was burning his lips: -Why are you here Stacy? How did you know that I was in jail?

-Well, I assume you remember that I’m a lawyer. House stared at her, waiting for an explanation, maybe hoping Cuddy was the reason of Stacy’s presence here. Because it would mean that she still cared about him. I work for a firm and one of my boss’s relatives was one of your patients. That’s why I’m here…

-Really! You disappoint me Stacy, I thought you were a better liar.

-Oh, you don’t believe me?

-No. And you can tell Cuddy I don’t want her pity… I don’t want a lawyer, I can defend myself.

-Greg you can’t defend yourself. Your career is on the line here. If you are convicted you could lose your right to practice medicine.

-It was nice to see you Stacy.

-Greg! It’s stupid to think you need to be punished for what you’ve done! You’ve already been punished! Just look at you! It’s obvious that your leg hurt, that you’re broken, but jail isn’t a solution, you won’t feel better when you come out. You’ll feel worse and mais bitter. You’re going to waste your time and your skills here. You’re going to get hurt and beaten just to be able to punish yourself but also punish Lisa?
Do you really think you need to continue punishing either one of you? What’s going to happen after a stay in jail? Do you think everything is going to be ok or that both of you will suffer and this will somehow hold her to you?
Stacy waited for House to react but he remained still with his head bowed. Finally I was wrong, you’re not the same man that I knew, you’ve changed, Greg. Years atrás you……….

-I… I could have hurt her…, House whispered.

-Greg, look at me. House raised his head to look at Stacy. Greg, do you amor her?
After a while, House finally said “Yes”. It doesn’t matter how I feel. I’ve managed to push everyone away that ever loved me.

-I’ll come back tomorrow and will begin working on this case.

House nodded slowly. He was about to leave the room when he suddenly turned. Stacy, “will you tell Cuddy that I’m sorry?”

She approached him and softly rubbed his cheek. “Keep yourself alive.”

Upon leaving the jail Stacy’s mind began racing with ideas for House’s defense. She knew she would need to go and talk to Wilson and gather information of House’s mindset before the incident that day. She would to talk to House’s surgeons to talk about the medication he had been taking since his surgery and actually to what his state of mind would have been that day.

Wilson glanced down at his phone and saw “Stacy Warner” flash across his screen as he answered and heard her familiar voice on the other end. Stacy, “Wilson answered puzzled as to why she might be calling?”

James it’s good to hear your voice. I was wondering if we could get a cup of coffee and talk.

That would be great, “but is there anything in particular you want to discuss?”

I want to talk about House James. I’ll meet you in the hospital cafeteria in ten minutes?

OK. I will see you then Stacy.

When she arrived Wilson had a cast on his wrist. As she approached him she hugged him and gently touched his cast. What happened to your wrist?

Oh come on Stacy! They didn’t tell you, really! Replied Wilson upset.

When House drove his car into Cuddy’s dining room, he almost ran over me, I just had time to jump aside and I broke my wrist.

Oh I’m sorry Wilson; I didn’t know you had gotten hurt. Will this affect you as a surgeon or did they expect it to heal completely?

We will have to wait and see but they don’t think I will have any problems. It will just require some time.

Speaking of time I was hoping maybe you could help me assure that Greg will not be receiving any time. Can you tell me exactly what happened between House and Cuddy that led House to crash his car in Cuddy’s house?

-Stacy, I think you should ask them, not me.

-Wilson, I’m here to hear you.


-Because I need to have an outside perspective and as objective as possible.

-And what? Do you think I’m the only one who can tell you their story? Just go and ask House’s fellows or the nurses.

-Wilson, you’re House’s best friend and one of Cuddy’s friends, you know them better than anyone else here. You know Greg better than anyone else, probably better than he knows himself. I need to know his frame of mind that day. What and how drove him to the point that he drove his car into Cuddy’s house? You were there with them and I know you. You saw signs and I know you must have tried to help him. I need to show his state of mind and that this was an abnormal reaction to a man who was completely out of his mind.

-But what if I didn’t want to help him? What if for once I decided to pull away from him and his problems?

-James he is alone and I know he needs help but do you really think prison and losing his career is justified here?

-Maybe I do.

-Then I guess I was wrong about you being able to help me.

-Stacy, “wait!”

-“She called you didn’t she?” Cuddy, “she called you to help him?”

-Yes she did Wilson. House needs you and the seguinte decisions you make will affect the three of you for a lifetime.

Wilson thought a few segundos about what Stacy said. Of course he knew that House needed him, even if he would never admit it. And to be honest, he needed House; he missed their stupid jokes, their funny bets. What do you want to know, Stacy? What do you need to help him get out of jail?

-Just tell me what happened between them that led Greg to that insane reaction? I know Greg; I never thought he was capable of such thing. Knowing House his level of rage was matched por his level of hurt.

-I hope you have time because it’s a long story.

As Wilson tried to explain to Stacy what the relationship between House and Cuddy was, their intense moments of happiness, their arguments about nothing, their deep amor for each other, the way they hurt each other, the walls they built to protect themselves and hid behind, House’s relationship with Rachel, Arlene and Julia… Cuddy’s illness and the fear to see House going back on drugs to face her possible death… and her realization that House wasn’t the right guy for a woman with a kid, and that he didn’t fit her expectations although she didn’t know what she wanted nor what she needed. House loved Rachel, and the little girl loved House and Cuddy knew it. But she listened to the criticism of her sister, a real wicked tongue. House behaved like a stupid boy that’s a fact but he truly loved Cuddy and was deeply hurt por the break up.
I went to his apartment to see if he wanted to get a drink and maybe talk about things. He went to get a hairbrush that belonged to Cuddy and on the way to the bar he wanted to stop por and drop it off to her. I know they talked earlier that dia and it seemed to drive House further into the bottle of vicodin. I had never seen him so hurt and so inconsolable. He longed for you Stacy when you left but the self-destruction I saw in him this time was at a whole new level. I don’t think jail time is what he needs but Stacy without some form of help he will destroy himself this time. When we arrived he was going to take the hairbrush to her but froze in his tracks. At the time I didn’t know what he had seen but he got in the car and demanded that I get out. Later I realized he had saw Cuddy with another man.

-As Stacy sat across from Wilson she looked at him so intently and thought about all she had heard. We definitely have a defense. I need to talk to Lisa. Wilson I thought he was seeing someone to work through some things.

-Dr. Nolan. HE was actually good for House and I liked him.

-Do you have a number I can reach him at?

-Stacy, House is not just going to agree to see him.

-I know but I can be persuasive and when all else fails I can be just as stubborn as him.

-Stacy, “is Mark ok with you doing this?”

-“What do you think?”
posted by cheery_blossom
I'm sick today, so I figured... why not? Enjoy!
I can't beleive I've been on fanpop for a whole year...


Friday, April 2nd 2010

James Wilson installed the "Social Interview" Application.

Social Interview asked James Wilson a question:

"How would you describe Greg House's sense of style?"
James Wilson answered:Something between hobo on the rua and college student rolling out of cama after a wild party.
Robert Chase likes this
Greg House commented: The amount of time you took to formulate the perfect response to this pergunta astounds me.


Tuesday, April 6th 2010

Greg House updated...
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posted by HLforever
Hellooo my Huddies!!

So, since the Huli spot is having one, I thought why not? I'm just going to go ahead and copy most of @Belle's artigo on the Huli FF Contest (BTW, IF YOU ARE A HULI, ENTER IT). Of course, with a few differences.

I'm actually going to make this open to pretty much any FF. But, if you're looking for some inspiration, I have a few suggestions:

Extension of Small Sacrifices (when Cuddy arrives at House's apartment)
Larger Than Life (we know seguinte to nothing about this ep, so go crazy)
A Huddy Thanksgiving (sadly lacking in the actual show)
A Huddy Slow Dance (I mean come on, we all...
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posted by Iane_Casey
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to raposa or the TV show House. I'm only borrowing some characters. The characters belong to David costa and company.

SMUT Warning: To those who don't read smut, it's somewhere close to the end. ;)

A/N: Decided to share this one here on FP. This was previously published on as a two-shot. I merged/edited it into a oneshot here. :) If it makes it easier for you guys, you can read it on hope you guys enjoy it as much as the others did! :)

I hope the length doesn't discourage you guys to read it! Please leave a comment to let me know what you...
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Chapter 4 - seguinte morning -

House got up earlier that he was used to. Cuddy was picking him up, so he had to be ready por the time that she got there.

It was almost 8.30am and he was ready. For the first time since he started working at PPTH House was going to be there on time. He saw the car arriving, but he didn’t move; he wanted to see Cuddy come up to his door.

The doorbell rang, and after a few segundos House got up and opened the door.

“Good morning. Are you ready?” Cuddy said smiling.

‘God she’s beautiful’ House thought. “Yup. Let’s go.”

“So what do we have today? You didn’t...
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added by babybell
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The name of the news episodes of House!!:

5x21 "Saviors" April 13, 2009
Cameron postpones her vacation with Chase in order to ask House to accept the case of an environmental radical who collapsed at a protest with unexplainable symptoms. Although suspicious of her motives, House agrees. Since she pushed him to take the case so emphatically, House forces Cameron to take the lead and run many of the tests on the patient. Meanwhile, House is unsure of Wilson’s new healthy diet.

5x22 "A House Divided" April 27, 2009

5x23 "Samsara" May 4, 2009

5x24 "Both Sides Now" May 11, 2009
A man's left brain...
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posted by migle
I hope you'll like this chapter,pretty long

Chapter 3

Finally Saturday came. House with his team still worked on their case, but just till afternoon, when they finally find the real diagnosis and confirmed it. House with Wilson packed their stuff, took their tuxedos from drycleaner, and finally get on the road to the party. They had to drive slow, cause the weather was really bad, it was snowing so it was hard to see the road. And they get lost, of course, so the place they reached just after three hours. And the place for party was amazing. It was big old style hotel, with rooms in the third...
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