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Ok this has some mature theme matter. So read with discretion. i was as gentle as I could be.

She was awaking slowly and she was startled por the fact that she had slept through the night. She hadn’t slept in so long that it actually frightened her. When she awoke the sun was breaking in through her window. She stretched for a moment and then moved slowly to the baby's bed. He wasn't in it and she immediately rushed to through the house yelling.

House!! As she entered the cozinha she was surprised to find marina with the baby. Rachel was eating her cereal. Marina,” was House here when you arrived?” Was the baby alone?

"Senora Cuddy," no, Dr. House already had breakfast fixed and was feeding the baby. He had taken care of Rachel and they were eating when I got here. He said to let you sleep at least until 8:00. He got a call and he had to get to the hospital but he fixed you this plate. Dr. Cuddy he also left this note for you.

I talked with marina and she can stay late with you a few evenings. I will pay any extra charges. You are a good mom Cuddy. Rachel is smart and very articulate. I am sorry about the pirate cartoon. I know you are worried about the baby and if you will bring him in we can check everything really well. We can run some tests and make sure his lungs are developing well.


House was in his office going over the file of the patient when she entered his office in a huff.
“You talked to marina behind my back?” You told her to let me sleep in? Have you lost your mind?

“Cuddy, I was trying to help you.” You were so tired last……

“I was doing just fine before you came along. I didn’t need you then and I don’t need you now.

Cuddy, “I am just trying to help.” I think you are overreacting.

“Help!” Now you want to help. Why couldn’t you help when we were together? Why couldn’t you have grown up then? Do you know what kind of fool I would look like if I allowed you in my life now?”
“I didn't know this was about everyone else. “I thought it was about you and me.

“Joseph’s mine and I can take care of him.” I don’t need your help nor do I want it. You are my employee and that is as far as this is going to go.

He dropped his head down searching for a thought, a word, or a sentence that might help. I would like an opportunity to be a father to Joseph.

You want to be a father? What do you know about being a father? You’ve never cared about anyone but yourself. I will supervise you and that is where our communication will end.

You didn’t seem quite so irate last night. You see, “I was right.” You were ready for an affair but not for a relationship. I was your project, not your boyfriend. Let’s see if we can make House talk right, and shake hands with the shareholders and smile. I didn’t fit into your world, just your bed.

As she approached him quickly, she slapped him across the face. You son of a …………… You crashed your car into my dining room because you didnt get your way.

And you will remind me of it the rest of my life! Fixing me made you feel better about yourself. I admit I am broken but you just raise your standard a little higher so nobody can meet your expectations. Then you can stay superior to everyone around you and you never have to actually let anyone in.

Don’t worry I won’t be trying to fix you anymore. I won’t make that mistake again. Some things can’t be fixed. As far as superiority, "if you are the bar I don't have to aim high now do I?" And who the hell have you ever let in?

In a whispered beckoning he called out to her. “Cuddy.” Is this really what you want?

“She allowed her eyes to gaze over him.” "As angry as she was every part of him she longed to feel and to be touched by."

"You amor me Cuddy and I amor you."

“Let me go House.”

“Are you sure?” He moved in closer to her as his breath swept across her.

She was trying hard to pull away but she had always wanted him and he was right. She was afraid of how she felt about Him and the fact that she couldn’t control him. Now he was so close she could feel his breath and just a simple sweeping across her arm with his finger sent chills all over her body.

I didn’t mean to take over with asking Marina. I just wanted you to have help. I am trying to do the right thing. i am trying to face up to my mistakes. I understand your anger but I don't know what to do.

“I know.” I don’t know if I can find peace with you House but I know I have never been able to get you out of my system. I did overreact but I don’t know if I can forgive you and i don't know how to deal with you.

He picked up the phone as soon as she left the office. “Chase where are you with the tests on the patient?” As they discussed it House gave them the seguinte steps to take. As he put the phone down his mom was at the door of his office.

"Mom?," “what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to buy my son a reuben and talk.”
He put his arm around her they walked to the cafeteria.

I’m glad to see you mom. It’s been a long day.

“Are you having some trouble with a case Greg?”

No. I am having trouble with Cuddy.

“Greg you will have to give her time to process everything.”

I don’t think she can forgive me mom. I don’t know if she is going to let me have a relationship with my son.

Speaking of your son, “What is his name?”

“Joseph Gregory Cuddy.”

“She gave him a part of your name.” My guess is son that you both have struggled with relationships. You have tested and tried her and committed an act of abuse. That kind of anger is frightening. If you amor her you need to put your whole coração into showing her that you are the man for her and you will have to have patience.

“What if she doesn’t want me?”

“Then you will know Greg.” Be patient with her son and understanding and if she forgives you then you will have the amor of your life and if it doesn’t work then prove to her that you can be her friend.
As they finished their lunch Wilson had come in and noticed how easy his old friend and mom seemed to be with each other.

Mom I will be seeing you soon. Thanks. He kissed her on the cheek and hugged her tight.

“Your mom looks good”, Wilson said while sitting down.

“Yes she seems well.”

"You seem at peace with her" Wilson said very hesitantly.

Yeah. We have been talking.

“I have tickets to the monster trucks for Saturday if you aren’t doing anything.”

"I'd loved to go Wilson."

“I checked into that artigo you gave me. I have an appointment with the doctor seguinte week.

“Good.” I could go with you if you want me to.
I am going to go meet with the team now about this case we have. Wilson thanks.


For, "forgiving me."

Cuddy's PA was typing notes for the last meeting when Hsoue's mom approached her. Yes mam, “can I help you?”

“Yes can you tell Dr. Cuddy that Blythe House would like to see her if she has time?”

Dr. Cuddy said to come in.

Mrs. House it’s good to see you. Sit down. I …

Dr. Cuddy I am not a woman that minces words. I know that I have a grandchild and I also know what my son has put you through. I believe that he has made a choice to do things differently.

"How do you know that," Mrs. House?

Dr. Cuddy his father was a hard man. He did some pretty horrible things to Greg but he loved him in his own way. But his way was not Greg’s way. Greg came to me a couple of days atrás and apologized and also extended forgiveness. I believe he is sincere. Give him a chance Dr. Cuddy.

"I am his employer and he has a job."

He is mais than that to you. It is in your eyes when I am talking about him. I believe he was able to forgive the horrible things that his father did because he has done some horrible things and now he needs forgiveness. I twas an awful thing that he did.

“I will think about everything you said.”

Dr. Cuddy, “do you have a picture of my grandson?”
I have him right here on my computer. You can watch him for a moment if you like.
Oh my goodness. “Is that him?”

"That's him."

He’s gorgeous. Oh my goodness.

"Maybe I can fix jantar and invite my mother and everyone can meet?"

I would like that very much Dr. Cuddy. I will go and get out of your way. Thank you for your time.

“You’re welcome.”

As the dia went on she thought about all the things that House had said and about her conversation with his mom. All her thoughts of the dia bombarding her mind and leaving her with a very incredible sized headache. How could she forgive him for such terrible a act and break up with him over so small issues?
As she started to pack up for the dia and head início she called marina and asked her if she could stay a little late. She had a stop she needed to make and marina told her to take as long as she needed.

She knocked on the door as he opened it he was a little surprised. He stepped back and invited her in.

"Did you need something?" "Can I get you something?"

"No I won't be here long."
I invited your mom and my mom Saturday for dinner. If you want to come it w………

“I would amor to come.”

“You don’t have plans?”

Nothing that’s as important as this.

"I passed Wilson on my way out House, and he said you guys were going to see monster trucks.” You amor monster trucks and you amor Wilson.

“I amor you.”

“Even if I dress you up and make you go and shake hands with the board members?”

He smirked just a little as he told her he would hire a mariachi band to make it fun.

“You were going to pass up monster trucks for a jantar with our moms?”

"I know what I am missing without you. “The truth is I will let you down again but not because of the big things and I will work at the little things.”

“You ran a car into my dining room.” It’s insane to forgive you. I can't even believe I am here.

I can't believe you are here either. "Cuddy"; "do you amor me?"

“It was never a pergunta of me loving you House.” You are the one and you always were but amor wasn’t enough.

He walked closer now to her. It’s a start. I know you are afraid to let me in. You were always afraid and before maybe you had a reason to be afraid.
I don’t want to play games anymore Cuddy. I don’t want to pretend that I just want to be your friend. I want to be the man you lean on, that you laugh with, that you touch, that you make amor to.

“House I gave this a chance.” I came to you that night and told you I couldn’t get you out of my head. I told you that “I loved you.” It wasn’t enough for you then so why is now any different.

It was enough Cuddy. You got scared and you pulled away so fast I couldn’t stop you. I didn’t know how to stop you. I didn’t know how to amor you. I just wanted you to slow down. I didn’t make you feel seguro when you needed to feel safe. He pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. When I saw you moving on I made the biggest mistake of my life. I just wanted you to slow down. I just……… I was wrong. You came to me that night and now I am coming to you.
Now Cuddy I am stuck. I know this can work. I amor you and you do make me better. Hopefully I can make you better.

There was only enough o espaço between them now only for air to move. He combed his fingers through her hair as she melted underneath his touch. You’re beautiful. You are so beautiful. He put his hand gently on her face. Tell me what you want Cuddy.
She was melting in his touch and she could feel his body ever so slightly pressed against hers.

With that deep throaty voice that was full of lust,she spoke the words, "I want you."

“Tell me what you want me do?”

She began undressing him. “House you know what I want.”

As he slid his hands to her waist he began to remove each piece of clothing that was keeping him from her. His gaze fixed tight on her and with his eyes full of lust he pulled her into his body as moans were escaping her breath.

He brushed his lips across hers but she quickly captured his lips and they deepened the kiss. It had been a long time and they missed each other, they needed each other.

Cuddy tell me how you feel.

“I want you to touch me.” I want you to make amor to me.

“That’s not what I am asking you Lisa.”

I want to feel you inside me she began to cry out.

Cuddy,” tell me how your coração feels.”

“I amor you House.” I've always loved you.

As they moved inside each other they were locked together for hours. They came to a moment of rest and she softly asked him how he knew it would be different this time.

“Because I am different.” I will guard your coração this time. I’ll be your lover, your friend, and a father to our children. I can be that man Cuddy.

They held each other a little longer. They could have stayed that way all night but Cuddy had to get home. He walked her to her car and reached in and kissed her goodnight.

"You will call me when you get home", and if you need me to help with the kids?

"I will" And, House I will do the moms, you go do monster trucks with Wilson and then you can come back início and do me.

"That brought a smile from ear to ear to his face." Cuddy I'll be there for the dinner. I will do monster trucks another time but I accept the offer to do you anytime.
posted by Hughlaurie4ever
When House fell asleep Cuddy and Wilson Went into the livingroom and Cuddy treated to Wilson's bloddy nose.

"Cuddy,..ow..,Do you think that House will be okay?"

" Sorry, Yeah I think so."

" away! Leave us alone!"They both heard a voice coming from the bedroom.

" Are you okay?"Cuddy said as she walked into the room.

When House opened his eyes saw Cuddy's face he breathed out a sigh of relief, smiled and said,

" yeah.Can I ask you something?"

" Sure anything."

" What's my name?"

Cuddy's face went concerned" You don't know?Do you know what my name is?"

" Lisa Cuddy, but i can't remeber mine...
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Chapter 4 - "The Dinner"


“So for now, I’m not very optimistic about the poor guy” – concluded Wilson in serious tone, still talking about his patient.

“Well…” – Begun Kelly, clearly disturbed about his speech – “Perhaps we should talk about something mais cheery, don’t you think?”

House examined Kelly. She had brown hair, and catching green eyes. Good looking in a sweet way. So far he had nothing against her.

“How about you tell us about how you two met each other for the first time!” – She suggested, looking at House...
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"Why do you have to negate everything?" she says with a dark sadness filling her eyes.
What do I say to this? I have never really known the answer.I've asked this pergunta of myself so many times.I really do want her to be happy.
"I don't know." I finally say to her.
She is so raw in this moment. The baggy clothes hide her taut form, and her makeup is all gone except for a few traces of mascara. She looks like she wants to yell some more. She looks like she wants to cry some more... She looks confused. She thought I would say something else. She thought I'd make another jackass retort. She realizes...
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After the kiss, from the night before. House wakes up in his cama at around 09:20am and gets ready to arrive late for work, as usual. On his way to the cozinha he sees Cuddy on the sofa sleeping softly with her drink spilt on the coffee table. Her shoes were on the floor seguinte to her. House thought about putting a blanket over her but didn’t. Instead House sat watching her for a bit, before finally waking her up with a loud incoherent noise.

House: Wake-up sleepy head.

Cuddy: Eughh. What time is it?

House: (checks his watch) Uh-oh, seems you are going to be late.

(Cuddy sat up and held her...
continue reading...
When does amor become something we need, rather than something we want? amor was seen as something special a long time ago. Now amor is what we are expected to have with us everyday of our lives. amor is common currency when you are a teenager, but turns to worthless pennies the older you get. Do we not care about the substance of what amor was and not what it has been made into today por commercialisation from American filmes and televisão commercials and soap operas? Only when we experience amor for real, can we comment and judge others who are in Love. amor means something different to everyone. Not two people’s feeling of amor is the same. Why do we generalize, rationalize and compartmentalize Love? amor is and will continue to be an enigma. Only a handful of people will ever unlock it and witness its true beauty and essence. The essence we all crave.

added by arianneadler
Source: [Anne]
added by huddycallianfan
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by Batty
Source: Meeee
added by EnjoyHuddy
I just thought this vid was great XD!!!Must watch it again .This is what happens in House's dreams. "is in the water, is in the pils he took" all about his dreams with Cuddy
hugh laurie
lisa edelstein
Song: "Please Don't Leave Me" por P!nk Disclaimer: I do not own the clips or song used in this video. I do not gain any profit from this as it is purely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement intended.
lisa edelstein
hugh laurie
house md
added by Electra131E
Source: me/ f
added by huddycat69
Source: raposa
added by xjsx
added by karosama
added by tatotoot
Source: Global Promo 7X15
added by huddycallianfan
Source: FOX, edited por me
added by Katia1997
added by Katia1997