Huddy Club
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Chapter 13: new chapter, hope you'llenjoy it

House and Cuddy pick up Rachel, the little girl seems to have had fun with Wilson and Kate. Wilson looks at his two friends, they seem relaxed and to be on good terms.
-Mommy! House! I ate a big ice-scream and I play with Uncle Wilson and Kate.
-That’s great, Rachel, Cuddy says and takes the little girl in her arms. Now House will drive us to Doctor MacEnzie, we’re gonna live there for two days and then we’ll mover in our new apartment.
-No! I want House! I want to play with Dad! I want to watch the pirate cartoon with Dad! Rachel replies stubborn.
-Rachel, House has to work, maybe you can play with him tomorrow, Cuddy says to the little girl.
-No! Why can’t we go to House? He promised to play with me!
Cuddy looks at House, he nods and she doesn’t know what to say.
-Listen to me, little pirate, House says. My apartment is too small, you can’t come to me, that’s why you and mommy are going to Doctor MacEnzie, he has a big house with a garden where you can play.
-No. You have a bed, don’t you? Rachel replies mischievously.
-Heu, yes, House respostas caught off guard.
-And a sofá in your living-room?
-Yes, House respostas with a smile. He got it, he knows why Rachel asks this.
-So mommy sleeps with you in your cama and I sleep on the couch, the little girl says very proud of her. Cuddy looks amazed and embarrassed, House, Wilson and Kate burst out of laugh.
-There’s a little problem in your plan, little pirate, replies House and scratches the back of his head. Uncle Wilson sleeps already in my couch.
-Oh, Rachel says disappointed and sad. Can’t he go to Kate and sleep with her?
Cuddy looks embarrassed at Wilson who blushes, Kate and House laugh.
-Rachel, Cuddy says, squats and puts her hands on the shoulders of the little girl. It’s only for two days and tomorrow evening House invites us to the restaurant, so you can see him…
-But I want to play with Dad! He promised!
-Ok, Cuddy, maybe I can take you first to MacEnzie and take Rachel to me for an hora to play with her like I promised, and then I’ll drive her to MacEnzie. What do you think of it? House asks.
-Well, I don’t know…
-Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Mommy, please, Rachel says and jumps around her mother.
House stares at Cuddy, he can see that she weighs up the pros and the cons, then she looks at House, she’d like to be with him too, she’d like him to drive her to his apartment too, she’d like him to embrulho, envoltório his arms around her, she’d like to spend the night with him, she needs him, she needs his touch, his caress, she’d like him to make amor to her… House can read her thoughts so obvious they are in her grey eyes, he’d like to have her por his sides this night too, but … and she’s a little scared to be alone with this guy, even if it’s for an hour. House seemed to worry about her because of him… But Rachel seems so happy to be with him, to have him for her alone without Cuddy.
-Ok, let’s do that. Rachel, be a good girl with House, listen to him, ok?
-Yes! Ok, Dad, let’s go!
House drives Cuddy to MacEnzie, he can feel that she’s tense. She’s lost in her thoughts, she tries to think of the seguinte dia when she’s gonna meet all the staff of the hospital, she tries to concentrate on her speech, on what she’s gonna tell them… but it’s really hard, her mind always comes back to House, to her feelings for him… she hopes that they’ll get soon over their past relationship, she hopes that they’ll soon find their way back to each other, that they’ll forgive each other and start a new life, together. Despite all the horrible things he’s done to her, despite her bitchy behavior, she knows he’s the one for her, she knows that she’ll never find a better man for her and Rachel, she’s ready to try again, to give him another chance because as the song says For worse or for better, they’re better together.
-Here we are, House says suddenly and parks the car in front of a big house. He looks at Cuddy and his coração squeezes, she seems so strong and so fragile at the same time. He has to resist the temptation to take her in his arms. Cuddy…
-If you don’t want to go to MacEnzie, we can find a solution…, he says staring at her and taking her hand.
-I know, House. But we both know it would be a too big risk for us, she replies looking at him tenderly. And I don’t want to take any risks now that we just got back at each other. I don’t want to lose you one mais time…
- Do you want me to go with you?
-No, stay with Rachel and come back in an hour, she says and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek. Then she goes out of the car. House waits to see her going into MacEnzie’s house, then he leaves.

-Doctor Cuddy, nice to meet you, MacEnzie says with a big smile as he opens the door. Please, come in, and he steps aside to let her in. Where’s your daughter?
-She’s with House, he takes her here back in one hour, Cuddy replies and comes in.
MacEnzie eyes her greedily, she’s gorgeous, the colleagues were right. And it’s great that we’re alone for one hour…, he thinks staring at Cuddy’s ass. He jumps a little when she turns to him and blushes. Well, please follow me, I’m gonna show you your room and the room of your daughter. Cuddy feels uneasy, this man has “hungry eyes”, she thinks. House was right as usual. MacEnzie shows her the house, then they go to the living room.
-Do you want to drink something? he asks.
-Hm, yes, if you have some water, I’d like one glass please, Cuddy says rather coldly.
-Oh, MacEnzie replies a little disappointed. I thought you’d like some wine. It would be much mais easy to learn each other with a glass of wine.
-No, just some water.
MacEnzie goes to the cozinha and Cuddy looks around her. This man has good taste, he has nice furniture.
MacEnzie stops on the threshold of the living-room and observes Cuddy, she’s tiny, with dark curled hair, her clothes fit perfectly her body and MacEnzie feels his blood going faster in his body, this woman is really beautiful and she seems to know what she wants, she must be smart to run such an hospital as the PPTH, she’s just the kind of women that MacEnzie fancies. And she’s going to live with him for two days… He must admit that she seems cold and distant with him, but … it doesn’t disturb him, she doesn’t know him, he will show her that he’s worth it. But he has no time to waste because in 45 minutos her daughter will be there. He hopes she’s going to cama early so he can be alone with Cuddy. Cuddy turns and sees him who observes her, she looks at him straight in the eyes, determined to be a little bitchy with him, she doesn’t like this kind of men, they think that all women just wait for them, they’re arrogant and pretentious, but she knows how to deal with such men. Well, she hopes so…
-Hm, here’s your glass of water, Doctor Cuddy.
-Thank you, Doctor MacEnzie.
-Hm, I was wondering… maybe we can call each other with our first name.
-I’m afraid not, she replies, I’m your boss and your one of my employees, don’t forget it, it wouldn’t be correct.
-Ok, MacEnzie replies a little upset and surprised.
-You have a nice house, Cuddy says and sits down on the sofá with crossed legs so that MacEnzie can admire them. And in fact he stares at Cuddy, he can’t help but to focus on her legs, then his eyes go up and stop on her breast. Cuddy looks at him and a smile appears on her lips, she’s satisfied, she knew it, this man would like to have her, it’s obvious, and he won’t, he has no chance and she finds funny that he believes he can seduce her. She’s impatient to see how he plans to act. Doctor MacEnzie! Are you lost in a dream world? My eyes are a little higher…, she suddenly asks him in a soft voice.
-Hm, sorry, no…. yes… What did you say? I’m sorry I was thinking of a medical case I have at the hospital, he replies embarrassed and blushes. Mac! Be careful, she’s your boss and she’s smart, don’t be too direct with her, win her trust first, he thinks.
-Oh, I see, Cuddy says and uncrosses her legs. That’s very kind of you to accommodate me and Rachel, I hope we won’t disturb you, she adds with a wonderful smile.
-You’re welcome, that’s a real pleasure for me, he says and smiles too. I hope our hospital and our little city will please you and your daughter. I can show you the city tonight if you want… or tomorrow.
-I’d better like tomorrow after work if you don’t mind because I’m tired tonight. I think I’m going to go to cama early, I have a hard dia tomorrow.
-Yes, I understand, he replies and Cuddy can see how disappointed he is. We’ll go tomorrow after work. What do you want to eat?
-Do you have some vegetables? I don’t like meat.
-Hm, yes, he replies surprised. House told him she eats only meat and fish! Fortunately he bought tomatoes. I have some tomatoes and some salad… Just tell me what you want.
-Thank you, I think Rachel and I are going to eat tomatoes and salad, she ate an ice-scream, I don’t think she’s very hungry.
-Ok, he says and goes to the kitchen. It’s much mais difficult that he has first thought. This woman is really smart, he has the impression she can read in him as in an opened book. And she likes playing, so he’ll play with her, but at the end he will win. Maybe.
Cuddy is tired, she just wants to sleep. This MacEnzie is so boring… She hopes House will soon bring Rachel so they can eat and go to bed. The doorbell rings. Cuddy stands up and shouts to MacEnzie: I’m going to open the door, I think it’s Doctor House and Rachel. She opens it and sees effectively House and Rachel. He looks at her, trying to see if everything was going well with MacEnzie. Cuddy sees his look and says with a smile: Don’t worry, I’m fine, he didn’t jump on me!
-He’d better not do it if he wants to have a long and quiet life, House replies calmly but Cuddy knows he’s jealous and he’s worried to know her alone with this guy.
-Mommy, we played and we watched the pirate cartoon, and House gave me chips and laranja juice! Rachel says and she yawns. But now I wanna go to bed, I’m tired.
-Ok, my little pirate, Cuddy says and kisses Rachel’s forehead.
-House, you read me a story, the little girl adds and takes House’s hand to make him come in.
-Rachel, I don’t think it will be possible, Cuddy says.
-No problem, I’m gonna read her a story and puts her in pajamas, don’t worry, I used to do it before…, House replies determined and comes in.
-Oh, good evening, Doctor House, MacEnzie says surprised. And obviously annoyed.
-Good evening, Doctor MacEnzie. I’m going to put my little girl to cama if you don’t mind, House says with a smile. Honeybun, can you show me Rachel’s room, he says and turns to Cuddy who rolls her eyes and try not to burst out of laugh when she sees MacEnzie’s face. This one looks very vexed and jealousy lights his eyes. House is so … “housian”, Cuddy thinks and finds him so sweet when he acts like her man and Rachel’s father. She knows he just wants to show MacEnzie that she’s his, that MacEnzie has no right on her and on Rachel, that’s a kind of warning and she’s him grateful for it.
-Hm, no, of course not, I just didn’t know that you and Doctor Cuddy…, he says trying to contain his disappointment and his anger
-Oh, I forgot to tell you, I’m sorry. Honey, didn’t you tell him? House says to Cuddy and grabs her bunda with a big smile, he finds very funny to play this role, especially because MacEnzie seems to be so disappointed, jealous and vexed. Cuddy jumps a little when House grabs her and gives him a severe glance.
-No, I didn’t think it was relevant, she respostas and smiles at MacEnzie. I’m sorry, don’t care about him. So follow me! I’m coming back soon, she adds then to MacEnzie. House and Rachel follow Cuddy to Rachel’s room, MacEnzie is too stoned to react and he remains in the hall.
-Cuddy, are you sure you’ll be able to deal with this man? He seems to completely have flashed on you! It can be dangerous for you…
-House! she says and rolls her eyes. What do you think he’s gonna do after your “play”? I think he’s smart enough to understand your warning.
-I hope so, Cuddy. This kind of men are crazy when they meet a gorgeous woman like you, I don’t want you to have any problems with him.
-House, don’t worry, she says and comes close to him, puts her head on his shoulder and wraps her arms around him. House wraps her waist and tightens her tenderly. He feels the warmth of her body and his blood is running faster in his body, he can smell her skin, her perfume, he had hoped for such a moment since several weeks, he so often dreamed to hold her in his arms, to feel her body close to his. He’d like to remain like this forever.
-Dad, I want my story, Rachel says and takes House’s hand away from Cuddy.
-Yes, my pirate, give me your book and go in the bed, he replies and sits on Rachel’s bed, looking tenderly at the little girl. Then he sees Cuddy leaving the room.
-Doctor Cuddy, I didn’t know that you and Doctor House were…
-You’re right we were, she says sadly. I’m hungry, can we eat?
-Of course, MacEnzie replies, his mood up. After all, he still has his chance with her, House was just trying to put me away because he probably wants her back , but I see clearly in his game and I’m gonna try to seduce Cuddy, I’m not afraid of him, and all he said to me about her is probably wrong, he tried to scare me so I won’t try to seduce her because he’s afraid she can fall for me, MacEnzie thinks, very proud of him, sure that Cuddy will find him irresistible. Do you mind if we eat in the kitchen?
-No, it’s ok for me, Cuddy says and sits down on a chair. Your salada seems great, she adds with a little smile.
-Do you want some wine?
-No, I prefer water. I’m too tired to drink wine.
MacEnzie serves her with some salada and they begin to eat. About 10 minutos later, House comes in.
-Well, Rachel sleeps, I’m going início now, see you tomorrow darling, he says and gives a gentle kiss on Cuddy’s forehead. Then he gives MacEnzie a strange, but threatening glance, in order to make him understand that Cuddy is his woman and that he’d better behave good with her.
-See ya, she respostas and looks at him tenderly.
House gets in his car, he’s worried, he doesn’t like that Cuddy is alone with MacEnzie. He knows he shouldn’t be scared, he knows he can trust her, but… this man has a strange light in the eyes and he doesn’t trust him at all. I hope everything’s gonna be ok. I’ll call her in half an hora to see if she’s fine.
added by Lady_Augusta
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posted by potter-girl
hey, sorry i think this is kinda crap but go easy on me im young and this is my 1st article. btw this sounded betta in my head! :b pls leave feedback ways 2 improve it if you want mais or if u think i should just quit!

House and his team were all in his office working on a case. For weeks now every one seemed to think house has melowed out a bit, he's less sarcey, doesn't try to make every one miserable and even mais wierdly he had been taking a back assento in the diferentials.

The case had been farly easy so house hadn't bothered giving his opinion just kept looking at his watch every few minuits....
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I've thought about it a thousand times,
and it still doesn't make sense,
only because all my life,
I've been building me a fence.
A mural to keep away fear,
to keep away the grief and pain,
to divert the hurt I knew could come,
that in my coração would it sustain.

I stagger the halls in shame,
for atuação the way I do and how I treat you,
And I know that I shouldn't,
but its the only thing I know how to do.
I force myself to push you away,
accompanied with fret,
cause I know that's not what I want
and it becomes another regret.

When the thought of you comes to mind,
the pain begins to seep,
the grief begins to...
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