harry potter Present dia OC Hogwarts RP

Nevermore_ posted on Dec 02, 2012 at 07:29AM
Harry Potter may be gone, and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named may have fallen, but that doesn't mean there aren't still interesting things going on at Hogwarts. For instance, a small group has formed, unnoticed by the teachers as of yet, made up of students from all houses and all years who believe that some of the visions of the Dark Lord weren't all that bad and wish to eventually make some of them a reality.

There also exists a group of the opposite nature, an Order of the Phoenix of sorts, formed to oppose the beliefs of the first group.

Members from each group tend to bully those from the other, neither group being any more innocent in the matter than the other.

(This rp is strictly for OCs (original characters), aside from the teachers of course as I'm sure all of them would still be around.

You may make a profile but you do not have to as long as you somehow show your character's name, appearance, house, and year in your first post.

You may be any staff member, as long as no one else has claimed that position, or a student of any house and any year. Also, you do not have to be in either of the groups if you don't want to.)

harry potter 245 replies

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over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I walk inside of the castle singing the end of the song, I then put my iPod in my bag and make sure I have my 3ds and my kindle. I'm a huge tech and game freak and I need to have something with me or I can't function correctly. I make my way to the great hall and sit down at the Slytherin table, placing my bag next to me
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"Well, she must be pretty hungry down there." Sebastian said, seating himself down on the Slytherin table. He satchel on his lap; the bag that contains his textbooks, quills and a notebook. He sighed happily, leaning his chin upon his right hand.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I took around the table for people I know, I wave when I see Sebastian I wave a bit
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
Tobias sat next to Sebastian, his close friend, at the Slytherin table. "I know you like her." Tobias quietly teased.
Sebastian blushed.
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"She probably is. We'll just to go see, won't we?" Sophie sat across from Tobias and Sebastian & giggled softly when Tobias teased Sebastian.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I turn back around when a clumsy Gryffindor walks past and knocks my tech bag over I hurry to pick it up I open it to make sure nothing was broken. when I made sure nothing was cracked I glared at him. "im sorry" he said. " do uou know what you could have done?" I ask "b-broken something... bu-"
"and if you broke something you know what I woud do?"
" fix it and forgive me?"
"yeah, i'd fix it, but I wouldnt forgive you." I say evily "then what will I look like?"
" a really nice person, who forgives everyone?"
"nope, cause, im not nice or forgiving to anyone other than my own kind. so I advise you get back to your table before I say something that will hurt your feelings,got it?" I say as the small first year nods and runs back to the safty of his table. I take my bag and sit next to Sophie. "gosh some people really annoy me"
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"Ugh, I know!" Sophie says with an annoyed tone, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder and resting her head in her hands.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
"the world needs more cool people,or somethin." I say, brushing my hair from my face, my now green eyes shining in the candlelight. I might wear them brown soon. or just not wear the contacts and walk around with my abnormal eyes
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"Yeah, seriously." Sophie turns her head and looks back at Lindsay. "You know, I really like your eyes without the contacts. They're really pretty."
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
(lol not Lin, its Prysilla, idk if I put her name somewhere but its ok)
"thanks" I say "it is a bit of a pain when I have to change them constantly" I add
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
((Damn. Lol I didn't know.))
"You're welcome." Sophie smiles a bit.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
"hey, can I tell you a secret?" I ask
(XD its cool)
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
Sebastian was the quietest in Slytherin, though he was a great thinker and theorist. He dislikes people who he feels inferior, just like Tobias. Sebastian has bleach blond hair and sharp blue eyes. He was average height and weight, shorter than Tobias. His eyes shined towards Prysilla, showing that he was in a dreamy state.
Tobias noticed and flicked his eyebrows, "Thought so," he nudged him teasingly.
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"Yes, of course." Sophie says, sitting upright.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I giggle, "im a chronic gamer" I say, my giggling turning to full on laughing
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
Sophie giggles. "Well, I'm not a chronic gamer, but I love gaming."
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
"i mean I can stop, its just that somethines its hard to" I say
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"Oh, I know what you mean."
over a year ago RaRaRavenclaw said…
Emilia would stroll into the Great Hall, a smile slapped across her face, her hair flowing down her back like a waterfall of lovely curls and her Prefect badge flashing. Spotting her friends sitting at the Ravenclaw table she would run over to them, eager to talk to them after the summer. "Hey, how as your holiday?" she would say, her italian accent hinting in her voice, as she lowers her body onto the wooden bench.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Amaka sat down at the edge of the Slytherin table, now watching a different episode of Gravity. She had been watching Dipper vs. Manliness, and was now watching the next one; Double Dipper. She had her headphones on so she wouldn't disturb anyone.
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"Eh, you girls and your technology, huh?" Tobias said, rolling his eyes. Tobias couldn't talk, he and Sebastian enjoy experimenting with technology, turning them into useful objects with magical properties. Sebastian and Tobias met in the orphanage when Tobias was three, they have became friends because they shared common gifts and beliefs.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
"yeah, its pretty cool" I say. "and I rigged the Gryffindors table, with a press of a button on my ipod, its gonna be so funny" I say so onlu my froends can hear
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"Ooh, press the button!" Sophie giggles.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I press the button and almost instantly the Gryffindorks get snipers with green paintballs and for good measure I rigged their plates to spring up in their faces. So now they're covered in paint and food
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
Sebastian sniggered, "Somebody has to clean that up." He said in a sing-song voice.
"Well, I'm definitely not." Tobias replied.
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"Me either!" Sophie laughs.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I giggle "so y'guys liked it?" I ask
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"Of course." They both said with a grin.
Tobias noticed a little green button on the device. "Does that button do anything?" Tobias asked, hoping that the button would do something dreadful.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
"well if anything is the same thing happening to the Ravennerds and the Whinypuffs then yeah" I say
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"Do it. Go on, press it." Sebastian urged.
Tobias watched her in anticipation.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I smirk then press the button, within seconds the other houses are screaming
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"Surely, is that the best you can do?" Tobias teased, while getting out his own device. This device looked like an ordinary Ipad, though it's not as it seems. This device is Tobias' favourite weapon, apart from his wand. He shows it to Prysilla. "Do you like?" Tobias asked grinning.
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
Sophie is laughing uncontrollably at the other houses, then sees Tobias' device. "Ooh, what does this one do?"
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I stare at it, "that looks so cool!"
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"I could do anything I want to do to other people, which average jinxes, hexes and curses can't." Tobias explained. "You can almost always detect a spell, but who would expect it to come from this device?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"No one. That's what makes it great." Sophie says, a smirk beginning to appear on her face.
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"It can conjure anything; It can make people cry. I can shrink it to fit my pocket." Tobias shrunk the device, so it looked like an average phone. Then he explained, "It carries our blueprints for our next project and I use it to safely experiment with spells."
"He got one for me too." Sebastian said with pride. Sebastian's tablet was olive green.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I smirk "thats awesome" I say as I slip my ipod in my pocket "im working on better things, I just was rushed in setting up this stuff" I say. "i cant wait to get down to the real stuff"
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"I want one!!" Sophie whines.
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"What would you do if you had one?" Sebastian asked.
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
"Help you with blueprints and plans. And play pranks on the other houses of course. Make them cry." Sophie shrugged.
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"However, wands are useful in combat situations and remains my favourite weapon to use." Tobias said proudly.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
"cool." i say "i wonder if i should cover the Gryffindorks dorm and common room in ice, turn everything there green, or submerge it it water"
over a year ago claty said…
"No," I say, "You shouldn't cover the Gryffindor dorm and common room with ice turn everythng green and submerge it under water I've been listening in."
over a year ago claty said…
"Maybe we should cover your dorm and common room with ice, turn everything there red,and submerge it under water" "how would you like that!"
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"No, why don't we teach them, not to poke their snivelling nose into other people business?" Tobias suggested, looking at Melissa with a malicious look.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
I glare at Melissa "anyways, i can do whatever i want whenever i feel like it...and i'll make sure i leave...something extra for you, dear." i say with a evil glisten in my eye
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Amaka glanced at the paint splattered Gryffindors. Inside she was laughing uncontrollably, but she didn't do that for fear of drawing attention to herself.
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
"Do you not realize that our common room is submerged under the Black Lack?" Sebastian grinned.
Tobias towered over the second year student, his intimidating eyes burned down upon her. "Why don't you run along and play with your Griffin pals? That's what you do, isn't it?" Said Tobias in a patronising way.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Amaka glanced at the second year. If she knew how to be a spiteful person, she'd be right there, picking on her with the other Slytherins. She sighed, and wiped atear from her eye. She was an embarassment to her house. No wonder everyone hated her.