girls generation/snsd Club
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Taeyeon's Perspective

Being friends with a fiery Aries can be an exhausting but rewarding experience. The Ram has boundless energy and will take you along on some of their many adventures. You'll never know what you're in for with this pal -- on Monday it could be skydiving, Tuesday might be bungee jumping and so on and so forth. And while you'd never seek out such thrills on your own, you have to admit that some of your most thrilling experiences have come courtesy of Aries. And though the Ram may never admit it, this pal admires your willingness to try anything once. True, you don't appreciate when the Ram steamrolls over your feelings. You have to admit, though, that your moods have a way of dampening this sign's enthusiasm. The two of you may share a mutual interest in ice hockey, carpentry, or needlework.

Jessica's Perspective

It seems a miracle that a bold person like you could be friends with a shrinking tolet, violet like Pisces. However, you do have an affinity for each other, mostly because you admire each other's strengths. For instance, you wish you could possess the Fish's uncanny ability to say the precisely the right thing at the right time. Similarly, Pisces reveres the way you get what you want, even at the risk of appearing uncooperative or unreasonable. Sure, your pal's reclusive ways can drive you up the wall, while Pisces isn't fond of your bossy behavior. For the most part, however, you balance each other quite nicely, especially when engaging in mutual interests like surfing, film-making and volunteer work.
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