girls generation/snsd Club
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I'm so sorry for making so many artigos recently, but i'm in the mood of making them so...xD

This is my ranking of the prettiest SNSD members, without makeup. Who looks the best? and who looks the worst?

Feel free to disagree with me, in the comments =)

Btw i'll use RECENT pics. And i KNOW, that, in the pics i'll show, the girls aren't entirely without makeup. BUT they're wearing very little makeup.

Number 9- Sunny

It's not that she looks bad but the difference between her with makeup and without makeup is HUGE. Tbh, i couldn't almost recognize her in those pics, the biggest difference...
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added by snsdfighting27
Source: snsdfighting27
added by snsdfighting27
Source: snsdfighting27
added by snsdfighting27
Source: snsdfighting27
added by snsdfighting27
Source: snsdfighting27
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Source: Soshified
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Jessica's Perspective

You and Aquarius get along famously. You've both got boundless curiosity. Aquarius will never discourage you from turning down a dark alley or ducking into an unfamiliar watering hole. Similarly, you'd never mock your pal about their idea for a car powered por uva juice. Aquarius has no problem with your taking the lead in everything you do, while you let the Water-bearer to hold forth for hours on their latest humanitarian cause. Yes, you'll accuse this friend of not having enough time for you, while Aquarius will call you a selfish pig from time to time. Happily, such...
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