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Can anybody tell me if this work is good enough to upload on FanFicion, or if it's just crap? It's the first half of chapter 1 to a story I am writing, however I've always had a problem with writing. I'm Dyslexic, so my work always comes out as a jumbled or scrambled mess, even though my story is clear in my head it just never comes out that way whenever I try to writeT_T So if you have time, care or interest please read this and tell me what you think, all criticism is welcome, just don't be too harsh, okay. Thank you, and any help and or conselhos would be highly appreciated.

Chapter 1

‘I know this isn’t the way things are meant to be.’

The thought echoed in his mind. ‘It is not meant to be like this… I…’

‘I am…’

The thought stopped there. Really who was he really, a demon, a lord, someone with the potential to rule over vast lands with an army of demons unrivaled in the known world, all crying in salutation and praise for… Sesshomaru…. Sesshomaru, all hail the great Lord? He could hear the words, the roar of the crowds pronouncing the all too familiar sound of his name with no less a force than the waves crashing upon the seas coast. He could hear it echoing along no differently in the background of… ‘who am I… am I really…. It is not supposed to be like this.’

‘… it’s not supposed to be like this!’

‘Damn it!’

A wave crashed against a rock, the force was harder this time for the white spray came noticeably closer. His eye caught upon the droplets as they fell and landed on the gray terrain before him. He felt it, even though he were yards away the slightest chill from the droplets as they came soaring through the air sending out waves of cold that vertebrate outwards to meet his skin. The sensation was no different than actual contact, being in such close vicinity. He took a mental note of it, but that was all. Even though such a skill was what made his power truly admirable, it was nothing new to him, since he was born with it.

It was in his makeup, having been born into such a high class and noble family his hearing and sense of smell weren’t the only senses about him that were keen he could also feel out the differences of the world around him, a skill which ran in the family. Every hair on his body was like a tiny antenna, where even the tiniest feeling like a falling droplet of water could send tremors running through him signaling to him that a droplet had fallen. It’s how he was always aware even when asleep, that something was happening or all was calm his body knew it before his mind does, sometimes long before; it’s one of the secrets to his skill, as well as to his power.

Consciously he would be aware of this and every time attribute as much of it to his pride as the mental note accounted for. It now told him that many droplets fad fallen and that they had come closer, much closer. He looked to the horizon.

But there was something else his senses were telling him.

The winds were blowing harder now. The sky has been fully escuro, nublado since daybreak, but it wasn’t until an hora atrás did he care to notice. The sky was dark, grayish blue with a hint of green, a storm was brewing, and it was Typhoon season. That time of the year, and a single great storm had yet to have its say over the lands of this mortal world.

How strange it felt to realize he was an immortal being in a mortal world, and how alien this recognition made him feel being so far away from where he rightfully belonged, as though he had crossed into a strange foreign land. Though he had walked these paths countless times before, only now did it occur to him how different he truly was, from what lay around him, and from the very trepidation which brought up from his gut, he was a lord, he was superior… he was….

He gritted his teeth. He was… bleeding.

It has been one dia since the encounter but his wounds had yet to close on their own. He knew the reason for this, it was shock. Such trauma had its way to affect the body’s functions, and in this case prevented him from healing. He just couldn’t accept it…. How… how did this happen…. When did I become so weak?

Weakness, it had to be…. He was injured and there was n excuse for that. What else could it be?

What else could it have been?

A dia atrás he came upon this demon, was he just being careless… a demon he had assumed was of no particular threat to him, and yet before he had successfully slew the fool for annoying him, the demon managed to get in one good hit on him.

A common ogre, with its spiked mallet, and he doesn’t know how it really happened but somehow before the beast succumbed to the form of rubble on the grama of the valley where the incent occurred the ogre somehow manage to balanço his mallet well enough to have hooked his left shoulder and grazed it with a deep red bruise.

The shock of this drove Sesshomaru to kill this beast with far mais power than was clearly necessary. It was only for a instant that he let his anger get the better of him, but it was enough to send the body of that ogre, a creature that was at least ten times his size into bite sized parts… too bad he doesn’t eat ogre, this would have been far too convenient. But he was no such beast, and the scent of the ogre’s blood only disgusted him, so he moved on. Ignoring the dulling pain that nagged from his shoulder as he moved on, however not a moment too soon.


Came the familiar voice. It was Inuyasha, and of course it was. Only he would pop out of the woodwork at a time like this… what?

“What did you do with that ogre? Where is it?”

Hm, Sesshomaru thought to himself as he glared back at him, covering his curiosity with his typical mask of ice. What is this idiot babbling about, why would he care about some forgettable ogre? But the demand came again, “Sesshomaru, what did you do with it?”

“I killed it.” Came the obvious response. What else was there to say, the facts were obvious. The blood was in the air and his back was to the valley where the remains lay. What other outcome could be mais obvious? He was Inuyasha, his nose had to be as keen to pick up the right messages, he was of the same blood line, just being a damn half-breed couldn’t affect his skills that much could it? Could it?

“Damn you Sesshomaru! I knew it!”

This was confusing and a bit irritating, for who cares about a damn ogre, this boy was starting to annoy him mais than usual, when inuyasha spouted out, “Damn it, I knew I should have came sooner. That Ogre knew something about the demon that attacked our village. I had yet to make it talk. And you killed it!”

Oh, now it makes sense. He wanted information out of it. Hm, oh such a pity, Sesshomaru though then shrugged inwardly while passively turning away, all the while saying the words, “If your village was attracted who’s fault was it that it happened in the first place?” it was all he needed to say.

The ever predictable hanyou came flying. Sword unsheathed and flaring out, “damn you Sesshomaru… that beast almost killed Kagome!” The last syllable of his words fell just as their swords clashed, sending a flash of light out from the impact. The Tenseiga sang in unison with the Tetsuaiga’s searing roar. Of course he drew the Tenseiga, it was not a weapon, and at the moment he cared not to see the Tetsuaiga dissolve into a puddle of molten scrap metal from the power of his prized Bakusaiga. He only intended to block the attack, which he succeeded in doing with relative ease, however... baka.

Sesshomaru was in no mood for this, nor for inuyasha at this particular moment and made a bold mover to send the boy out flying well beyond the line of the trees with hopes that he’ll take the hint and get lost, but of course just as he should have known the last thing he heard was “Wind Scare!” the light from the attack blinded him, yet with his special skills was able to dodge the attack before the blades could cut him, but that wasn’t the end of his brother’s attack. For before he knew it inuyasha was on topo, início of him, swords clashed in mid air. Again he sent him flying before landing gracefully on his toes upon the soft ground, this time maybe… when his ears picked up, “Adamant Barrage!” Alarm struck him, just as a sudden pain struck through his arm and lower side, a lesser streak from his lower leg and he realized just as he moved that he had been hit. Though he blocked the majority of the greater shards some of the smaller ones and their splinters had pierced him. The shock was mais than he could bear, for not only did that lowly creature from before get it hit on him, so did not his little brother, a hanyou. The fact must have been obvious for seguinte he heard, “heh! How you like that! You Bastard!” Naturally it came with a nulling feeling to respond with silence; he would not justify his brother senseless words with as much as a retort. He sneered.

‘That little bastard actually hit me!’ At that instant he was soaring through the air. His body obviously sprang to action before his mind could catch up. And realized once it did that he had run away, he was soaring through the winds.

Knowing full well that he had escaped…. His right hand was clinging to the wound on his upper arm, blood pouring out from between his fingers like little messengers of his misfortune leaving a trail of crimson mockery behind him, not even conscious of the fact that the same was occurring from his abdomen and lower leg… but over all that he was running away… Away. Why, and from what?

He was humiliated, embarrassed beyond belief. Not only did he fail to win the battle and defeat his brother with ease, which he absolutely knew he could do, instead he fled. Fled, as though he had run from a fight… as if he knew fear, no, he knew that wasn’t the reason, it was not fear that drove him away, it was… it was…. what was it? Some form of dreaded apprehension stirred in him, was it from his heart, why did he run away? What was it he was really running from? Once again the words echoed in the depth of his mind… ‘No… it isn’t supposed to be like this…. Who am I?’
Katherine was sitting on Caroline’s bed, a blood bag in her hand. Her stomach was healed and she was wearing one of Caroline’s tops. When she had finished the bag she gave it back to Caroline.
“Thank you” she said, though it took her quite some effort. They heard a car park. “I think your mother’s home”
Liz had been working really late. Caroline walked to the window and shoved the curtains. “No, it’s not mom” she rotated her head to the bed. “It’s Matt”
Katherine nodded and got up. “Yeah, I need to go início anyway”
“No, you can stay” Caroline said. “I’ll just...
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Present Day
“She suggested to stay with her so we could catch up, but I already promised Keith to stay with him. But we spent mais time together. When Mayor Lockwood died I returned, but you know that. You basically stalked me with your calls to get you out of trouble. How many nights did you spend in jail?” Kelsey chuckled. Then she sighed. “If I had foreseen this I would’ve enjoyed those little moments”
Amber didn’t react.
“Amber, sweetie, did you fall asleep?” Kelsey asked with a squeezed voice, knowing better. She pulled her sister up, taking her face in her hands. “Come on, it’s night. You’re a vampire, you should be awake” she said with a trembling voice.
But Amber still didn’t show any sign of life.
“Amber?” Kelsey sobbed, tears rolling over her cheeks and she held her little sister tightly in her arms. The moon slowly rose…
The door in the living room went open and Kelsey entered the house. She had wished her parents were gone to bed, but even her 13 ano old sister was still awake.
“You’re início early” Amber noted, looking at the clock. “It’s not even midnight yet”
“What’s on your head?” Gabe pointed at Kelsey’s head. Kelsey, who had forgotten there was blood on it, tried to wipe her head. “Oww” she groaned.
“What is it?” Gabe repeated. Kelsey shot a glance at her sister and Rachel understood what she was trying to say. “Amber, go to your room. It’s bedtime”
It was as if Rachel...
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Stefan walked downstairs, Katherine following him. When he was downstairs she grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. “Do you now finally believe me?” she said pissed off and shocked. “If your Bonnie sweetheart is so kind that wouldn’t have happened” she pointed upstairs.
“I know, Katherine, I know” Stefan said. “I was wrong. I’m sorry, I should’ve trust you” “You should’ve trust Damon” Katherine pointed out.
“I know” Stefan repeated. He paced through the room. “Is there anything we can do to make it stop? And what exactly is wrong with Elena? Because...
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Damon was sitting on his knees, in his cell, his hands chained above his head. Bonnie sat behind him and stroke with her middle finger over his naked back. It was pitch dark, but somehow she managed to see everything she needed to.
There was a small jar of a colorless liquid seguinte to her. She dipped her index finger in it and pulled it out again. She waited five unbearable segundos wherein she could hear Damon’s hectic breathing. She placed her finger on his shoulder blade and starting from there she formed letters. Though Damon only groaned, she saw him grasping the chains and pull his back,...
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The seguinte morning
Elena woke up por noises coming from downstairs. She rubbed her eyes and checked the alarm clock. Nine o’ clock. Time to get up. She put on her dressing-gown and her slippers and walked down the stairs. The noise came out of the kitchen. She walked in and saw Damon making breakfast. He was baking pancakes. Elena sniffed the scent and sneaked up behind Damon. She threw her arms around his waist, laying her head on his back. Damon placed the pan off the cooker and turned around. “Did I wake you?” he asked a little concerned. Elena nodded. “But that’s okay. I want to be...
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Ryan and Lauren were driving back from a party. They stopped when the traffic light was red. Ryan tapped the wheel while he looked at his wife every now and then. The light jumped on green, but the car in front of them wouldn’t move. “Come on, dude, move” Ryan mumbled irritated. But the car just stood still. Ryan decided to just drive passed it, but as soon as he performed his manoeuvre the car in front of them moved in such way Ryan couldn’t overhaul it. “Okay, fine, drive right in my way, whatever” Ryan said. “Well, at least they’re moving again” Lauren said shrugging. “Yeah,...
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Damon was sitting in the couch, his head in his hands. “Is it still not over?” Elena asked slightly worried. “I gave you two painkillers, it shouldn’t hurt no more” Damon looked up and gave her an irritated glance. “I’m not making this up, if that’s what you think” “I didn’t say I think you’re making this up” Elena defended herself. “I just find it strange… Maybe you need to get a doctor” “Yeah, let’s do that” Katherine scornfully said. She came from out of the kitchen. “Let’s go to a nice doctor and have him examine Damon. Surely he wouldn’t notice...
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“Damon! How long will you be in there? You’re almost worse than I am and that’s saying something!” Katherine yelled to the bathroom door. Damon was inside for about half an hour, which was not normal. Okay, Katherine could spend hours in the bathroom, but then again she was a woman. It was some sort of duty to spend a certain amount of time to grow mais beautiful. Men, on the other hand, only had to chuveiro and shave, and preferably within five minutes.
The door opened and Damon exit the room, a towel around his waist. Katherine pursed her lips. “I think you forgot some spots” she...
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The door of Damon’s bedroom went open and Katherine walked in with a breakfast plate. Damon looked up with a weird expression. “What are you doing, Katherine?” “Bringing you breakfast, of course” she said lifting the plate. She walked to the cama and crawled on it. “It has all your favorites” she said pleased with herself. Damon looked at the plate. “No, these are all your favorites” Damon said. “You’re lucky I’m not picky” He took one of the sandwiches and bit it. “You know, if you’re hitting on me, you can just-” He stopped and gagged. Katherine looked at Damon...
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A few hours earlier
Klaus and Stefan were sitting at a mesa, tabela with a group of voluptuous clothed women all with the same hungry gleam in their eyes, staring at the young girl sitting in the center of Klaus and Stefan. She kept her eyes on the table, her coração beating painfully. She should’ve gone straight início after school, but her boyfriend had asked her to come to this place. There had been something odd about him, like he wasn’t himself. Like he was under hypnosis. And now she was sitting here with these people, who had come sit por her uninvited. First just the men, but one por one the...
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“You are amazing! You totally ditched them!” Meg said full admiration. She was driving the Impala. She didn’t have the keys, but she didn’t need them. Just because she was human, didn’t mean she was a saint. “So, where do you want to go?” she asked, looking at Cas.
Cas pulled a paper out of his jaqueta and opened it. “I need to find these people, in the exact order” Cas said serious.
Meg took the paper out of his hand and studied it, while trying to keep an eye on the road. “Who are they?” she asked curious.
“People who’ve wronged me” Cas explained bitter. “People...
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Dean parked his car at the first motel they came across with. “Wait here” he said as he opened the door and stepped out. He closed the door and walked to the motel.
A few minutos later he returned to the Impala and Sam and Meg got out.
“We got two rooms” he said.
“Yeah, go guys go ahead” Meg mumbled. “I just need to take care of something” She eyed the car that was positioned a few yards away from them.
“Alright” Dean said a little suspicious. “Here are your keys” He threw them at Meg and she caught them with one hand. Deciding to let Meg handle whatever is what that...
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Cas glanced at the clock on the wall. An hora had gone por and they hadn’t heard from Jo or Meg.
“I’m sorry, buddy” Dean said, a little too chipper. Cas shot him a furious look and Dean swallowed. “Maybe if you just get some sleep, then I’ll take care of dinner. And don’t come up with the ‘I can’t eat, when Meg’s not around’ crap. You have to eat”
Cas shrugged wearily. “Fine, then, if you insist” he mumbled and he stood. When he walked around the mesa, tabela he quickly bagged Sam’s phone, which Sam had left on the table.
He took the phone to his room and put it on the...
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Doctor Tyson did some standard examinations, while Heather looked from the doctor to Meg, waiting for him to say something.
“I think you have been very lucky, Miss Masters” he eventually said. “A little mais to the left and you might not have made it”
“When can she go home?” Heather asked.
“I’d like to keep her here in observation for at least the rest of the week” Doctor Tyson. Meg frowned and shook her head.
“No” she mumbled weak. “I have to call Cas” She tried to get out of bed, but Heather stopped her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it” she said and she...
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Anna materialized in the ICU. The doctors had brought Cas here. There was nothing they could do as long as they didn’t have the donors they needed.
Anna, holding a pair of kidneys in her left hand and a liver in her right hand, quickly walked to the bed. She removed the sheets with her mind and cut open Cas’ belly. While blood streamed alongside Cas’ unconscious body and on the matrass, Anna put the organs in their rightful place.
The monitor started beeping and Anna vanished, when a team of doctor’s came rushing into the intensive care.
“I need to talk to security” the doctor said, when he’d fixed up Cas’ properly. “Someone was here. Someone attempted to kill this man”
“Someone who gave him the organs he needed?” his assistant frowned. “Why would anyone do that?”
“I don’t know” the doctor said. “But I want someone to keep an eye on him, as long as he’s here”
Crowley was training his new powers on some of his demons, while he thought of all the things he could do with it. The ironic thing was that Cas had given him his powers to save Dean, and the first thing Crowley wanted to do with his new abilities was drain the life out of that Winchester chucklehead.
But that wouldn’t be the most clever plan ever. The Winchesters would probably expect him to strike now. So, maybe, he should send someone else.
As if on cue, Kevin appeared and a malicious smile appeared on Crowley’s face.
“Kevin!” he exclaimed and Kevin turned to Crowley.
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Damon looked around in the building, when he saw a silhouette. He rushed towards it and grabbed Veronica por her throat and lifted her from the ground. He threw her inside the fourth room where the fogo had started and locked the door. He heard her scream, but ignored it.
Damon turned around and Elena ran towards him. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.
“We have to get out of here” she said when she let go. Damon threw her in his arms and rushed outside.
“Elena, you have to go back to the hospital” Damon insisted. Elena wanted to protest . She...
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It was early morning, Saturday and Liz was gone to the office. Caroline rose from her cama and put on her dressing vestido and slippers.
She walked to the window and opened to let the fresh air ventilate her room.
Bonnie, who was still asleep, felt the cold wind and shivered. She opened her eyes and frowned.
“Sorry” Caroline said. “Sometimes I forget people get cold”
“Don’t worry about it” Bonnie replied, getting up as well. “I used to be a lot colder, when all those spirits where inside me”
“How are things with you and Elena?” Caroline asked careful. “She didn’t seem to...
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Damon walked Elena away from the dance. Actually he was walking and beijar her at the same time. They reached the stairs on the football field and Damon clenched Elena’s butt and lifted her up.
“Damon, everyone can see us” Elena mumbled uneasy, while Damon’s hot and wet kisses made her body feel like it was set on fire. She gave up resisting and threw her arms around Damon’s neck. She turned around Damon and pushed him down. She sat on his lap and kissed him again.
She wanted to open his button-down, when she gasped and her eyes bulged.
“Elena!” Damon exclaimed. “Did I do something?”...
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