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(I never got around to finishing this and I doubt I ever would've. It's a shame that my laziness got to me because this was actually pretty good in my eyes. Oh well, hope you enjoy what's in here right now. XD)

(This is a parody of the famous Dr. Seuss book named "The manteiga Battle Book" that I worked on around 2 months ago.)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…..

Whoops, wrong series. GODDAMNIT!

Anyways, it was a peaceful and sunny dia in the town of Cityville, (I’m serious. XD) When all of a sudden….


When all of a sudden……




I mean, it was Marvin The Martian! Right the f**k out of nowhere!


He was a beeline for Cityville! Quick, somebody do something!




God I hate being the narrator.

Marvin: Greetings earthlings! It is I, Marvin Th-

Marvin: Where is everyone? @___@

Actually, that’s a good question.

♫On the other side of the wall!♫

Marvin: What in the name of Melmacian culture was that!?

Oh no, I sense a song coming…..

♫On the other side of the wall!♫

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. :D

Marvin: Where AM I!? @__@

We’re kinda sorta… Sorta kinda…..

In a Dr. Seuss story called The manteiga Battle Book.

Marvin: ……… (Too many dots in this fan-fiction!)

Marvin: Well, we’re screwed.

♫On the other side of the wall!♫

At least now I realize why nobody’s even here, we’re the ONLY ones in this area, the others are over there.

Me: ♫On the other side of the wall!♫ XD

Marvin: Well, at least have the courtesy to tell me what’s going to happen! Or else I’ll get out every weapon I have….

♫Butter side down! :D♫

Those red-dressed people over there like putting manteiga side down when they eat toast, and we like manteiga side up. We’re also dressed in blue.

Marvin: SERIOUSLY!? We’re starting a war over BREAD!?

Not just any pão war Marvin, this is the battle…..


Marvin: Whatever, I’ll annihilate them in two seconds! What could possibly go wrong?

Kyros: ♫Butter side down!♫ >:D

Are you freaking KIDDING ME!?

seguinte time somebody says that I’ll go Mortal Kombat on them. >.<

Kyros: ♫The idiots on that side… They give me a frown. I mean, they don’t eat with the manteiga side down!♫

Marvin: ♫Au Contraire, you don’t even care! You’re just morons who don’t eat right, living in despair!♫

Oh this is gonna be good. :D

Kyros: Let’s skip the singing, we’re starting a war. Each of us has one dia to make a weapon and at exactly 5:00 P.M, we’ll fight with them and see who wins. There’s going to be three fights total, and the winner with the most fights won gets……

Kyros: ♫The other side of the wall!♫

Kyros: So, deal? >:)

Marvin: What if we refuse?

Kyros: Then I’ll have a good dinner….. Haha, HAHAHAH!!!!!

Marvin: Accursed earthlings! Well, now what Jared?

Who, me? I’m not even a character, I’m the narrator! >:D

Marvin: THAT’S IT! I’M NOT FIGHTING ALONE, GET OVER HERE! *Drags me into the book*

Jared: Well, that’s what happens when you push your luck. Also, I’m surprised you didn’t make a escorpião reference there! :D

Marvin: Really Jared? -___- Also, wasn’t there armies for BOTH sides in the book?

Jared: I didn’t even know you DID read the book. And yes, there was. But they, uh….

Jared: I have no idea what happened to them. Maybe they died, who knows. I mean, it’s not like they’re having a party.

The Entire Blue Population: YEAH! WHOO! PASS ME THE WHISKEY! ^____^

Jared: Well this is great, NOW who’s going to narrate the story? Hmm…..

Jared: How about Kirby? He’s a good narrator!

Marvin: Uh, sure I guess. :P

Kirby: Bio bio! ^___^

Jared: oi Kirby, use this mike to speak clearer!

Kirby: *Transforms into Mike Kirby*

Kirby: *Blows everything up*


Marvin: *Shoots teleportation canhão at Kirby* There we go, he shouldn’t bother us anymore.

Jared: Great! I wonder where he went….

Entire Blue Population: OH GOD MY EARS!!!! NOOOOOO!!!! WE’RE ALL GONNA DDIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

Marvin: One last thing before we start building the weapon, my teleportation canhão is only in an alpha state, so there might be a few….. Glitches with it.

Jared: Alrighty! :D Besides, who needs narrators anyways?

Marvin: Well, we better get to work if we want to win. So, you have any ideas for weapons?


Marvin: Alright then, let’s get to work!

*One Eternity Later*

Marvin: We’ve finally finished the Tesla Cannon, and it looks absolutely extravagant! What do you think Jared?


Marvin: This’ll make a great weapon for round one, we can’t lose!

Marvin: So, we have plenty of time left, what do you want to talk about?


Marvin: Wasn’t aware you’d go Nostalgia Critic on me there. Well, let’s take the weapon to the battlefield! FOR CITYVILLE!

Nonexistent Narrator: Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall…..


Other Red Person: We should call Kyros!

Yet Another Red Person: We should make an even better weapon!



Yet ANOTHER Red Person: How the heck did PATRICK get in here?

YET ANOTHER FREAKING RED PERSON: It’s a Dr. Seuss story, why are we even questioning this?

*I hope you enjoyed that pointless advance in the story*

*Now back to the other side of the wall*

Marvin: It’s 4:45, I wonder what they’re doing? Well, all we can do is wait and hope we win.

Jared: *Makes a grilled cheese with the Tesla cannon* YUMMY! ^___^

Marvin: Hmm….. I hear something approaching us.

Kyros: Guess who? >:)

Jared: Dinkleberg….

Jared: I mean, uh, Kyros…..

Marvin: So, where’s your weapon? I don’t really see it.

Kyros: Look beyond what you see….. (Really? I’m ripping off The Lion King now? XD)

*Ground shakes*

*We’re screwed*

*Give my regards to Broadway*

*Brace for impact*

*Stop it Jared*

Marvin: Oh no! It’s UNDER us!?

Jared: WHAT DO WE DO!?


Marvin: WHAT IS IT!?

(And I stopped here. I didn't finish this because I got lazy, sorry. If I get enough positive feedback maybe I will continue this, but for now, that's not happening. Hope you enjoyed regardless of that. XD)

(Seriously though, I really had something going here. I was planning a bunch of cool twists, funny jokes, and even an epic rap battle at the end! I even finished it as well, so if you want to see that, let me know.)

(Again, I'm really sorry I didn't finish this. Oh well, lazyitis gets the best of all of us every now and then. :P)
“Where’s Barbie?” Katherine asked when Stefan was standing on the front porch of the Boarding House. She had gotten used to the sight of him with Rebekah.
“She’s out, doing something” Stefan explained vague. “Can I come in?”
Katherine shrugged and let him pass. Stefan turned around. “I’m looking for Elena. Is she here?”
“No, she’s at school. You should know that” Katherine said uninterested.
“Not anymore she isn’t” Stefan said. “School’s over”
“Then she’s probably at the Grill” Katherine said, a little annoyed. “What do you need her for anyway?”
“I want to apologize for what happened last time she came over” Stefan said. “And I want to make sure she’s okay. I mean, I know Rebekah’s blood already left her system por now, but still, it must have freaked her out”
He looked at Katherine who stared at some point behind Stefan. Stefan quickly turned around and saw Damon standing in the doorway.
Caroline walked out of the grocery comprar and closed the door. She turned around and bumped into Tyler.
“Sorry” she mumbled and wanted to walk away, but Tyler called her.
“Caroline, wait up” he said.
Caroline held her steps, but didn’t turn around. Tyler walked to her.
“Hey, I’m…I’m sorry for last time” he started uneasy. “I was a little uptight”
Caroline raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t act uptight, Tyler. You acted like a jerk”
“I know, but I’m trying to explain myself here” Tyler continued.
Caroline shuffled with her left foot over the paving. She then looked...
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Jeremy ran through the hallway of the hospital. Stefan had given him a call to fill him in and he had also mentioned in which room Elena was ‘staying’. Ignoring the reproaching of several doctors and nurses and other medical staff he opened the door and stopped to breathe.
“Jeremy, why aren’t you at school?” Elena asked a little harsh.
“I was there” Jeremy said. “But then Stefan called me, saying you were sick”
Elena looked away. “He shouldn’t have said that” she said grumpy. Jeremy walked to the cama and sank down. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine” Elena said...
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Katherine threw her arm in the air and called for a taxi. As one stopped she dialed a number.
“My dear Katerina, please tell me you have fixed the problem” Klaus said slowly.
“I haven’t” Katherine started while she got in the cab.
“Well, how unfortunate” Klaus said.
“But I know what’s wrong with Elena” Katherine quickly continued. “Tell me where you are, then I can show you”
Klaus gave her directions and Katherine passed them to the driver.
Fifteen minutos later the driver parked the car in front of an abandoned hotel. Katherine got out and the cab drove away.
As soon...
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“I have to go to him” Elena said agitated. She got out of cama and wanted to walk to the door when Katherine grabbed her por her upper arms.
“You can’t leave now” she said.
“Why not?” Elena asked angry. “He might die if I stay here. I should’ve listened to Derek”
“Elena, they won’t let you go” Katherine said. She looked at Elena. “Give me your clothes” she ordered.
“What?” Elena asked confused.
“Give me your clothes, then I will give you mine” Katherine insisted.
“You’re willing to stay the night here so I can go see Damon?” Elena asked with raised eyebrows....
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Caroline was making homework, yes homework, when someone rang the doorbell. Her mother wasn’t home, so she’d have to get up.
As soon as she opened, she wanted to close the door again, but Ronnie stuck out her foot.
“Five minutes” she said. Caroline sighed and opened the door. “What?” she asked.
“I, eh,…I want to apologize” Ronnie started. “The way I harassed you. I was going too far. I know you’re close with Tyler and I jumped into conclusions. I assumed you knew where he was”
“And I told you I didn’t” Caroline replied cold.
“Yeah, I know” Ronnie said. “That’s...
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Rebekah and Stefan were walking hand in hand in the shopping rua when Rebekah squeezed Stefan’s hand and nodded in front of her.
“Isn’t that your friend?” she asked. She nodded at Elena who was walking their way, though she didn’t seem to notice them. They accelerated their steps until they reached her.
“Hi, Elena” Stefan said.
Elena startled and put out her earphones. “Stefan, geez, you’re going to get me a coração attack someday”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” Stefan apologized with raised hands. “Rebekah saw you walking”
Elena looked at the girl who smiled at...
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The sun rose and shone through the curtains. Damon opened his eyes and looked at Elena’s crown. He looked up and saw the planks still lying on the ground. He recalled the last night. At a certain moment Elena’s cama had collapsed and Damon didn’t have the coração to send her to another room and so he let her sleep with him.
“I think you’re starting to recover” Elena had softly said. She had crawled up against him and fallen asleep.
Damon stroke her hair and she woke up. She looked up and gave him a soft kiss. “Hi” she smiled. “Good morning”
“Good morning to you too” Damon...
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Tyler opened his eyes and gasped for air. The night was slowly giving in to the dia and Tyler was still tied onto that chair.
“Good morning, sunshine” Klaus said, who was sitting in front of him in Indian style. He had a small flask in his left hand. “I hope you’re hungry”
“Can’t you just let me go already?” Tyler said, who was having trouble breathing. Blood came streaming from his eyes. What was wrong?
“I can’t let you go” Klaus said. “Not before you had breakfast” He continued, waving the flask. He scribbled up and opened the flask.
Tyler pressed his lips together, but Klaus easily separated them and poured the blood that was in the flask into his mouth.
“Now you won’t be so eager to run off, now will you?” Klaus said as he untied Tyler.
“So this is where people go these days to be social” Rebekah said looking around in the Grill.
“Well, it’s definitely the most popular establishment in town” Stefan replied.
“Don’t you mean the only establishment?” Rebekah said disdainful. Stefan emptied his glass. “You want another shot?” he asked.
“Sure, keep them coming” Rebekah smiled. She emptied her glass, as well as the segundo and the third. “How long does it take for you to get drunk?”
“Why?” Stefan asked. “You have plans for me?”
A smirk appeared on Rebekah’s face. “Well, if you come with me, I...
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Elena parked her car in front of the Boarding House and got out of it when Bonnie walked out of the house. Elena quickly walked to her with fierce steps. “What are you doing here?” she snapped upset.
“Elena, please, just hear me out” Bonnie begged. She reached out her hands, but Elena pushed them away.
“Did you talk to him?” she asked mad. Bonnie nodded. “But he wouldn’t listen to me. He wanted me to leave” “Why would that be?” Elena said sarcastic. She pushed Bonnie aside and ignoring her tears she ran inside.
“Damon?!” she shouted.
Damon was sitting on his knees, collecting...
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She walked to the closet and pulled out some aleatório clothes when she heard a thick. She walked to the window, but didn’t see anything out of place.
“Aaah!” Elena screamed. Damon appeared out of nowhere.
“Sssh!” he hissed. “Ric can’t know I’m here”
“Are you flying?” Elena asked a little shocked as she looked out of the window.
“No, I’m trying really hard not lose my grip, so if you could let me in, that would be very nice” Damon said. Elena stepped aside and Damon threw his legs over the window-ledge.
“Why are you here, Damon?” Elena asked.
“I want to...
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Tyler entered the Grill and headed to the bar. Ronnie gave him a bottle of beer. “On me”
“Thanks” Tyler said, a little surprised. “You want something from me?”
“Why, because I give you free booze?” Ronnie asked with a smirk.
“Well, yeah” Tyler said.
“Hmm” Ronnie smiled. “Maybe I’m trying to make you my best customer?”
“Keep it up this way and you might succeed” Tyler said. “Cheers” he said before drinking.
Without any warning Ronnie grabbed his colarinho, colar and pressed her lips against his. Tyler pushed her away and she smacked against the cabinet with bottles and...
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Tyler was sitting at the bar in the Grill, having a beer. “Aren’t you supposed to tell me I shouldn’t drink this time of day?” he said. Ronnie was cleaning glasses. “No, actually I was going to reproach you for not buying me one”
“Please, be my guest” Tyler said waving his hand. “Thank you” Ronnie said. She opened the fridge and got herself a cerveja which she opened with a spoon. She took a sip.
“I haven’t seen you around here” Tyler said. “When did you get here?”
“About a week ago” Ronnie said. “My friend died. I’m here for the funeral”
“I’m sorry to...
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Elena’s fingers touched the carpet and her eyes opened slowly. Damon’s heavy body was lying on her light one and she tried to push him off, in which she failed miserably. There was chocolate on Damon’s chin and Elena couldn’t help but kiss it off. Her lips went up higher and kissed his. Damon groaned sleepy and cuddled up against her bosom. “Damon?” Elena gently pushed his shoulder. “Damon, I need to get up. I need to get to school” “Mm” Damon disapproved. “Call Ric” As he mumbled Elena could feel his lips soft on her breasts. “I can’t risk getting late on my third...
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segundo dia of school

Come on, Elena, only twenty minutos left. You will go through this torture. That’s what Elena kept repeating in herself, while checking her watch every five minutes. She felt like Alaric was dragging his class out, but maybe that was because she couldn’t wait to go início to meet a certain someone. Not that she couldn’t live without him for a little while, but their relationship was still early on and they hadn’t seen each other since breakfast.
She jumped up when someone tapped her arm and looked aside. Caroline passed her a note. She opened it and read: ‘Seen Bonnie?’...
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Zoey looked at Cas with compassion in her eyes.
“You’re really in pain, aren’t you?” she asked. Cas nodded and Zoey opened the buttons of his shirt. She held her breath when she saw the wound she had made. “I thought anjos could heal”
“You used an angel sword” Cas explained. “It takes longer to heal. If you had pushed it any deeper I would’ve been dead por now”
“Oh, my poor Cas” Zoey said. She took off her camisa and revealed a red tank top. She pressed the camisa against the wound and Cas groaned.
Zoey frowned. “You need to be distracted” she decided. She sat down...
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The seguinte morning.
Jo woke up in her bed. Dean had told her to sleep there instead of with him. Just when things seem to go in the right direction, something was holding Dean back. Ever since that whore had shown up yesterday Dean hadn’t said one friendly word to her.
She came out of cama and walked into the kitchen. She saw Sam sitting at the mesa, tabela in the living room, apparently looking for cases on his laptop. Her mom was doing the dishes of the anterior evening. And Dean was sitting at the cozinha table, staring at his cup of coffee.
“That coffee won’t drink itself, you know” Ellen...
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Meg and Cas were alone again. The demon had left to get the right material to torture Cas.
“I hope you don’t expect me to feel guilty” Meg said. “You chose to take my pain. You can’t hold that against me”
“I’m not” Cas said. “It was the right thing to do. You helped me through my mental breakdown. I should do something to show you my gratitude”
“Cas, I only stayed with you to gain your trust. I didn’t do it because I care for you” Meg said. She couldn’t have a fallen angel crushing on her.
“Well, congratulations, you have it. My trust, I mean” Cas replied. “I...
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Ellen walked towards Dean and Dean expected her to give him a hug. Instead she slapped him.
“What was that for?” Dean exclaimed.
“How could you be so stupid to end up here?” she asked furious.
“I didn’t do anything!” Dean defended himself. “Cas and I were taking down Dick Roman, seguinte thing we end up in Purgatory”
“And where’s Cas now?” Ellen asked, her arms crossed.
“I don’t know” Dean said. “He ditched me. Bastard”
“Guys, I’m sensing something” Anna waved her hand to draw their attention. “Someone’s here”
“Can you tell who it is?” Ellen asked....
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