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He was sleeping. He was lying on the ground and he was sleeping. Until he felt a dull pain in his waist. He slowly opened his eyes.
“Get up”
He felt how someone threw something solid to his head. He lifted up his head and looked at it. Drumsticks. Cold drumsticks. But since they hadn’t been exactly generous with comida he didn’t complain. He picked up one of the drumsticks and ripped a piece off with his teeth. The person who had awakened him left the room. He sat up and looked at the walls. Small, white lines ran from halfway the walls to the floor. The window frames were ripped off and repaired with tape and the glass was replaced with carton. Someone had lost his temper in this room. Though it was mais likely it was a certain beast who had done these damages. But it wasn’t him. He knew that. There hadn’t been a full moon yet since he was brought here. That was probably part of the reason why he was here. Because of what he was, seguinte to human. And it was probably why they weren’t generous with food. If he turned on an almost empty stomach he’d go wild, mais than usual, and he would make a lot of victims. And from the screaming he had heard the past night it was a sure thing his abductors loved to make victims.
He heard a shriek and listened carefully. It was coming from the room seguinte door. He knew who was in there, which made it even mais painful to hear her cries. He wanted to help her, but there was absolutely nothing he could do. But when it would be full moon again and they needed him, he would take his chance. He couldn’t be controlled once he turned. Once the full moon rose he would get away and get help.
“You did what?”
Jo had told Dean about Isabel’s visit and the fact that she had told her Cas’ real name and where to find him.
“Are you out of your freaking mind? Why would you do that?” he said angry.
“I’m sorry! How was I supposed to know we’re supposed to keep Cas’ name a secret? No one ever tells me anything around here” Jo defended herself.
“That’s because you can’t keep your big mouth shut!” Dean snapped. Jo walked to him and hit him in the face.
“Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not your dog” she said mad.
“Oh, how I wish you were. Then at least I...
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Cas was sitting on the sofá of an unfamiliar house. The people who lived there were out. He looked at a box with blue pills.
Cas landed on the rua and in his anger he didn’t see where he was walking. He bumped into a man, older than his vessel, who was carrying paper bags. The man dropped the bags. The content fell on the pavers and Cas kneeled to help the man collect them. When everything, except for one small box, was put back in the bags, the man turned around. In any other circumstances he would’ve thanked Cas, but he’s was a little embarrassed and wanted to leave as fast as possible....
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“You’re a what?” Daphne exclaimed.
“Sssshhhh!” Cas hissed and he looked around to make sure no one was listening along. “I’m an angel. Literally. I have big, black wings whereby I can fly. I have special abilities, like healing people and I’m very strong”
“That explains a lot” Daphne replied with big eyes.
“Please, don’t tell anyone” Cas insisted.
Daphne raised her eyebrows. “No one would believe me if I did. I’m a nut job, remember?”
“Promise you won’t tell” Cas repeated.
“I promise” Daphne said. She shoved the annulment papers towards Cas. “I should...
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Janice was wondering around in the clinic. She had walked up to Daphne’s room several times, but each time she was almost there she stopped suddenly and turned around again.
She walked to Daphne’s room again. She gathered all her courage and put down the latch. She peaked inside and saw Daphne was sleeping. She tiptoed into the room and sank down in the comfy assento seguinte to the bed. She picked up the newspaper lying on the pedestal cupboard and read the headlines. She held her head diagonally and pricked with her finger at a picture of a man.
“Bad man. Very, very bad man” she said with...
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A nurse was helping Daphne with her lunch when Zoey came in the room. The nurse looked up.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” Zoey said apologizing.
“No, it’s okay” the nurse said. “Maybe, if you want, you can take over”
“Yeah, sure” Zoey said and she walked to the bed. The nurse got up and offered Zoey his chair.
“Enjoy your meal, Daphne” the nurse said. “When you need something, just push the button. I’m staying close”
He walked to the door and left.
Zoey sat down on the chair and looked at Daphne’s plate. “Oooh, chicken, yummy”
Daphne shrugged. “You can...
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Meg stood behind a wall, lurking at Cas and Alexia through her field-glass. They were sitting on a terrace eating waffles and drinking milk-shake. Cas looked as if he was drinking heaven itself.
Meg wanted to go to him and explain why she had to run, but she couldn’t without telling him who he was. And she knew she was being watched. She had escaped Crowley’s demons, but it would only be a matter of time before they caught up with her. And if they did she had no chance of defending herself. She had been so stupid to leave the angel faca at home.
As she was staring through the field-glass...
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Zoey was sitting at the cozinha mesa, tabela in Daphne’s house. After her appointment with the dentist Zoey had decided to have a coffee chat with her sister.
“How are you doing?” she asked casual.
“I’m doing fine, Z” Daphne answered.
“Are you still taking your medication?” Zoey asked insisting. Daphne frowned, annoyed. “For goodness sake, Daphne, it’s for you own good and ours. The doctor didn’t prescribe you these pills for nothing”
Daphne stood up angry. “I know what they are for” she snapped. She sighed. “I feel good, Zoey. Emmanuel is really good company. He makes...
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The seguinte morning
Cas opened the door of the house and helped Daphne inside. He guided her to the sitting room and put her gently down on the couch.
“You know, I’ve been thinking” Daphne said. “With you around I don’t need a car. Makes things a lot cheaper”
“Can I get you something?” Cas asked.
Daphne shook her head. “You’re here. That’s enough for now”
Cas wasn’t used to that much gratitude and he’d have to adjust to it.
“Actually” Daphne started. “Could you give me the phone? I need to call the locksmith to tell him I won’t be needing his services after all. I gave Zoey her key back”
Cas smiled weak. “I’m glad you made it up with each other”
Meg went back to her house to cover her tracks. It was only a matter of time before Crowley’s demons would figure out where she was hiding, but when they did she would be long gone and she didn’t want to make it too easy for them to track her down again.
So when she switched the light on in her living room she was quite surprised to see three demons standing in the room. She would’ve grabbed her knife, if the closest demon hadn’t thrown a cup of holy water in her face.
“Aaaaaaaahhh! You son of a bitch!” she cursed, but before she could act the other demons came closer and dragged...
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The fogo was out and the firemen left when a familiar car was parked at the same spot the fogo truck had been parked. The door opened and Zoey stepped out. She quickly walked up to Cas.
“What happened? Where’s Daphne?” she asked insisting. The man from Ethan Allen’s walked to his car and left. His colleagues had left the new furniture on the drive. Zoey looked at them. “What’s this?”
Cas smiled nervous. Since Zoey knew Cas smiled rarely she was immediately alerted. “Okay, spill, what did I miss?”
Cas coughed. “I might have done some regrettable things last night. And thirty...
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Cas kicked the door of their bedroom open. Daphne was sitting on topo, início of Mitch.
“Daphne” Mitch said, looking at Cas.    
“Don’t worry” Daphne said with a heavy voice. “That’s my husband. He knows I have my needs. It’s not my fault he’s incompetent”
Mitch pushed her off of him and searched for his clothes. Cas turned around and ran downstairs.
“What are you doing?” Daphne asked grumpy. “Come back in bed”
“Are you completely out of your mind?” Mitch exclaimed.
“Oh, please, you knew I was married” Daphne said.
“That was really low” Mitch said. “Get dressed. I’m done here. You go find someone else to consider your needs”
“Come on, don’t be like that” Daphne said.
They heard an enormous crack and they jumped.
“What the hell was that?” Mitch asked.
As soon as Meg opened the door Cas came rushing in. Meg’s eyes widened and she shut the door. “Hello to you, too” she mumbled and she walked into the living room, where Cas was sitting on the couch. He was staring in front of him. Meg walked towards him and sat down.
“What are you doing here?”
Cas didn’t answer. He was trying to keep his breathing under control.
“What happened?” Meg asked. “Is Daphne still angry about me being there? I can go there and tell her what happened”
Cas still didn’t answer.
“I made her unhappy” he eventually said.
“How do you mean?” Meg...
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Cas was showering while Meg was going through Daphne’s stuff. She found a purple dress and decided to try it on. When she had it on she walked to the bathroom and entered. She opened the curtains.
“How do I look?” she asked, spinning around.
“Is that Daphne’s dress?” Cas said frowning.
“Probably” Meg replied.
“Take it off. It’s not yours” Cas said a little mad.
“Take it off? Is that an invitation?” Meg teased. She did what he asked and took off the dress. Cas’ eyes grew wide.
“You’re naked” he noticed.
Meg looked down. “Oh, gee, now you mention it”
“Put the...
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Mitch, a tall, tanned man with black, spiky hair and hazel eyes opened the door of castelo Café and entered. The first thing he noticed was a man lying on the ground at the bar. He sighed and walked to the man. He kicked him softly. “Sir, wake up. We open in two hours”
Cas opened his eyes and suddenly felt how soar he was. He squeezed his eyes and looked at Mitch. “Who are you?” he asked.
Mitch rolled his eyes, grabbed Cas’ upper arm and lifted him on his feet. “There you go” he said.
“You are strong” Cas noted admirable.
Mitch frowned and looked away, not knowing what to think...
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When Cas and Zoey finally came downstairs mais guests had arrived. And among the guests there was a four ano old girl. She had blonde, wavy hair, green eyes, chubby cheeks and thin lips. She ran towards Zoey and Zoey lifted her in her arms.
“There you are, Poppy” Zoey said.
“Mommy” the girl squeaked, squeezing her chubby arms tightly around Zoey’s neck, suffocating her.
“Is that Alexia?” Cas asked. Zoey nodded and put her daughter on her own feet. “Say hi to Emmanuel, sweetie”
Alexia reached out her hand and smiled. “Hello, Emmanuel”
Cas accepted the tiny hand and Alexia...
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Someone knocked the door and Cas jumped up. He wasn’t supposed to let strangers in. But the person outside kept knocking and ringing, so Cas shuffled the hallway in.
“Who’s there?” he asked.
“It’s me, Meg” the person outside said. “From across the street? I brought you a plate with muffins earlier”
The door opened.
“I know you” Cas said. “You’re not a stranger, you can come in”
“Thank you” Meg said sweet and she smiled as he let her pass. She entered the sitting room and turned around. “Okay, confession, I waited until your girlfriend left before I came up here....
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Two hours later Daphne was baking cookies, while Cas was staring at the screen of Daphne’s laptop.
“How do I turn it on?” he asked careful; Zoey was in the room. She walked towards him and pointed at the start button. “This button” she said polite. She was still shaking from Cas’ last move. She’d had no idea he could be that strong.
“Thank you” Cas said. He looked up with cachorro, filhote de cachorro eyes. “Is your shoulder still hurting?”
“I’ll live” Zoey said soft.
“It was not my intention to cause you pain. My first priority was protecting Daphne” Cas explained.
Zoey raised her hand....
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Jack was putting on his casaco when his phone buzzed. He took him out of his pocket and smirked when Zoey’s name appeared on the screen.
“Miss Allen, I’m just finishing up here and then I’m going straight home, so that drink you’re dying to have with me, it’s going to have to wait”
“Check her facebook profile” Zoey said.
“What?” Jack asked distracted.
“She posted some pictures of her and Emmanuel on her facebook page” Zoey explained. “You can cut her out of it and scan the photo. See what you come up with”
“Are you still there?” she asked slowly.
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this is sparx part of story before ember dies
sparx was flying near a cliff when he saw ember standing near the edge sparx then hid behind a arbusto, bush to watch sparx says ' wat is ember doing here she should be at the dragon temple chasing spyro' then he sees ember jump of the cliff and ran back to tell ignitus ' oi big guy' 'yes young one?' 'i just saw ember jump off a cliff she said it was beacause spyro doesnt amor her' 'couldn't u stop her?' ' no i was actuly evesdropping' ' spyro?' 'yes cynder' 'this has somthing to do with me doesnt it?' no its not ur fault its mine cause i said i amor u and i do amor u' 'spyro cynder u have to get ember's dead remains and bring it back here' 'why?' 'beacause i can resurect her to make her alive again but i need her remains' 'ok we'll get her remains'
thus ends chapter 3
okay down to buisness someone commented last chap and wanted ember to die so bye ember
'EEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBEEEER!!!!'spyro called 'yes my boyfriend?' 'listen ur not my girlfriend im in amor with cynder so stop followin me forever and also for the final time im telling u FLAME LOVES UUUUUUUUUU!!!!' 'SO BYE'
'CYNDDDEEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!' ' spyro?' ' cynder there u r i neeed to talk to u' 'yeah?' 'i...i... i amor u!' 'i amor u too spyro!' (yay hug!!)
meanwhile... 'im gonna jump' 'spyro dont amor me im gonna jump goodbye spyro and see you in hell cynder!' (jumps) 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'
(ember died)