The fans pick: Elsa (Top 3)
The fans pick: Rapunzel and Flynn; Flynn gets knocked out numerous times... por Rapunzel
The fans pick: There should be a separate countdown about it.
The fans pick: Elsa/Kristoff
The fans pick: Modern: Tiana
The fans pick: Renaissance: Ariel
The fans pick: Merida/Shang
The fans pick: Your favorito disney Princess and your least favorito disney Prince
The fans pick: Cinderella.
The fans pick: Learn from the past
The fans pick: Modern: Tiana
The fans pick: Cinderella.
The fans pick: Fixer Upper
The fans pick: Elsa's dress and hair transformation
The fans pick: I'd like it the same as the original version.
The fans pick: Anna/Flynn
The fans pick: Grand Duchess anastasia
The fans pick: Elsa/Kristoff
The fans pick: Tiana's green vestido
The fans pick: Create a disney Princess
The fans pick: Yes, we need more!
The fans pick: Charlotte's rosa, -de-rosa vestido
The fans pick: Her movie wasn't appropriate for younger children.
The fans pick: The Fault in our Stars
The fans pick: Snow White
The fans pick: The Role Models: Mulan, Tiana, Belle
The fans pick: Megara from Hercules
The fans pick: Yes, remaining single doesn't make a DP gay.
The fans pick: You decide. It's YOUR story after all.
You decide. It&# 39; s YOUR story... |
The Power Of Friendship 2 |
The fans pick: Of course I will!
The fans pick: Yes, she's awesome!
The fans pick: 2. Elsa's Ice Dress
The fans pick: Mandy Moore. (Rapunzel.)
The fans pick: It's her choice, she listened to her heart.
The fans pick: I like my favorito Princess significantly mais than I like my favorito Prince.
The fans pick: Cinderella/Phillip
The fans pick: 1. Rapunzel.
The fans pick: 8. Pocahontas.
The fans pick: 11. Mulan.
The fans pick: Snow White & Ferdinand
The fans pick: Chi Fu (mulan)
The fans pick: Prince Phillip (sleeping beauty)
The fans pick: I'm not sure.
The fans pick: Charlotte's rosa, -de-rosa vestido
The fans pick: Yes, she's mais than a heroine!
Yes, she&# 39; s mais than a... |
No, she doesn&# 39; t need to be. |
The fans pick: Part of Your World
The fans pick: disney Princess.
The fans pick: Yes, I have one in particular!
The fans pick: No, she's mais of a forgotten character.
No, she&# 39; s mais of a forgott- en... |
Yes, and she&# 39; s great! |
The fans pick: Pocahontas
The fans pick: Pocahontas
The fans pick: Brother urso