disney princesas Club
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Hi. This is my first artigo for this club and I thought it would be logical to make it about my favourite Princesses and express my feelings about them. I have 8 favourite disney girls, not all of them are actual Princess, but I feel the need to share my amor for them here. English is not my first language and I apologize for any mistakes.

All the pictures and screen caps taken from various fanpop spots.

Number 8: Belle

I know a lot of people consider Belle to be the best disney Princess and have her as number one. I appreciate that, however, for me, as much as I amor her, she didn't make it higher than my last place. And I'll try to explain why. Belle is a girl who is misunderstood because of her open mind and desire for something mais than the quite village life she lives can offer her. She also loves to read and educate herself which makes her even mais different from her neighbours. She wants to break away so bad - sadly, she doesn't do much about it, not untill the circumstances put her in extreme situation where she decides to stay with Beast in order to save her father from imprisonment. So, while I give her a credit for her selflessness and bravery, I also don't think she would have ever acted on her own in order to find the adventure she dreamt of or in order to have something mais than she already had, as much as she wished for it. She was pushed into action por circumstances. Another thing is her being known as smart. No, I don't even doubt it. She is smarter than most people in her village but her leitura books doesn't exactly turn her into the smartest person in the world, especially taking that she reads an equivalent of Twilight, books about amor and cheesy stories about lucky girls who find their one and only - not to mention re-reading this stuff for mais than 2 times. So while I give her a credit for her being so determined to be self educated and open minded I also don't share the common POV that Belle is the smartest out of all the disney heroines. However, she also has plenty of great qualities such as not judging people por how they look like and always giving them a chance, being able to see deeper than the surface and recognizing who, in Frollo's from HoND words, is the monster and who is the man.

Number 7: Megara

Megara has such a deep and heartbreaking story of her life: she gave her coração to a wrong man and he broke it por betraying her after she sacrificed everything for him. After that she sworn off amor and not that anyone can blame her after what she went through. Meg has to work for the world's greatest evil without any perspective to see her freedom again, ever. At some point she develops a newfound interest and a brand new feeling towards a guy, despite her desperate tries to never let heself fall in amor again because amor brings misery and heartbreaks, and that guy also happens to be the one her master wants to kill. Meg has to work against the first person who made her feel something after so much time and eventually she decides to open up and stop fighting this feeling - which ironically results in her sacrificing herself again for love. Was that a stupid and crazy thing to do? Maybe. But people do crazy things when they are in love, don't they? And the main difference was the person she was in amor with this time, it was not a blind idealized love, Meg was sure and could rely on Hercules, she worked through her inner conflicts, brought down her walls and got a chance to start all over because of her strength and willingess to stand up and try again as many times as needed.

Number 6: Cinderella

cinderela is a daydreamer (and this aspect of her personality helps me to relate to her mais than I can to any other disney heroine even though I find all of them relatable in some way), she has nothing por default and lives with her abusive family that treats her horribly, uses her and emotionally pressures her, not allowing her to live her own life, she lives in a constant fear that they throw her out of the house if she doesn't work for them 24/7 and work hard. Her life is awful and yet where most people turn into angry, bitter, avenging persons under similar circumstances she still finds the strength to meet each new dia with a smile on her face, to be caring and kind, to amor animais and to dream. It requires such a phenomenal emotional strength. cinderela has to watch her dreams falling apart and coming true again on mais than one occasion. Unlike other disney girls who usually have to go through some major obstacles and then gain their happiness, which is their reward in the end, cinderela actually finds and loses her dream mais than once - first when she is so excited to go to the ball and tries to finish all the work her stepmother told her to do (in order to prevent her going to the ball in the first place), then realizing she will never be able to finish it all and dedicate time to prepair for the ball, etc when her little friends end up helping her and giving her hope. She is so happy, she is dressing up in her new gorgeous dress, her dream of attending the ball - possibly the first significant event in her life, after years of not going out anywhere - is about to come true when her sisters and stepmother ruin this dream, and as she believes, it is ruined forever. She will never have a chance like that. And even if she does, she knows they will destroy it again. Then when Cinderella's dream finally comes true with the help of the magic fairy, she is warned about the fact that when it's midnight, all the magic will be gone and her life will be the same again, but she accepts it with grace and joy because she wasn't even hoping for more. At the ball she meets someone she really likes and feels something for the first time in her life - and then she has to leave that person with a perspective of never seeing him again. One dia she found and lost her dream mais than once and yet she still kept holding on to it and never gave up. Her stepmother does everything to prevent the Prince finding cinderela and reuniting with her, she locks her up, yet cinderela still doesn't give up and takes action in her own hands and finally has her dream coming true thanks to her loyal friends (that she had thanks to her kind and caring heart) and her strong spirit.

Number 5: Rapunzel

I think in fandom she either gets a passionate hate or an over the topo, início love. Well, I think I will be in minority when I say that I adore her, but she is not among my topo, início favourites. Rapunzel is an extremely Valente girl and I think a lot of people understimate her bravery: yes, maybe she didn't go to war like mulan or sell her voice to sea witch like Ariel, but for her whole life (18 years) she was kept away from people, living in a tower and believing it is normal. She didn't know any other way to live and her supposed "mother" made it all look like she cares about her safety when the truth was that Gothel not only cared about herself first and foremost, but also used Rapunzel for her own selfish purposes. Rapunzel lived the way she was tought to live, not interacting with people and not having friends, other than Pascal who cannot talk. She doesn't know other ways of living because she was cut off normal life against her will in early childhood. And yet somehow, due to the fact that her coração has a strong desire to "see the light" she decides to follow her coração and go against the only thing she is supposed to and tought to do - staying in a tower like Gothel told her to because "mother knows best". Raounzel doesn't even know the world outside of the tower and yet she still takes a risk because she wants her dream to come true even if it means using a wanted theif to help her. She makes an incredible development throughout the movie: from a girl who is deadly afraid of disappointing her "mother" because of running away to a person who starts fighting for her freedom and independence against a woman who raised her with the idea that she is not supposed to be independent and free. "Mother knows best" stops working for her. Rapunzel doesn't have any idea about being the missing princess and yet she still wants to explore the real life with all the scary and frightening and dangerous aspects of it even if it means no support from the side of the only person who - as she believes - cares about her, Gothel. She develops a bond with Flynn/Eugene por being able to listen to him and understand him where other people would just judge and turn away after getting what they want from him. Rapunzel builds her own new dream and eventually gets what she wants, because she is willing to fight for it.

Number 4: Esmeralda

I know she is not a Princess (neither is Meg) but she will always be, in my opinion, one of the most iconic disney heroines. Other girls, as much as amazing they can be, embody some rather overused cliches, however, when it comes to Esmeralda, she is not even close to being a cliche. She is 100 percents unique. She is free spirited, but not in a reckless and irresponsible sort of way, not at all. She just knows how to stand on her own and doesn't take crap from anyone. She can stand up for herself. She is deeply attached to her people and fights against cruelty and injustice whenever she can even if it means rebelling against the most psychotic and powerful man in Paris. I think one of the best ways to describe her personality was the "God help the Outcasts" song. Other peope in church were just as desperate, sad, tired as her. Some of them asked for wealth, some of them asked for glory. "I ask for nothing. I can get by. But I know so many less lucky than I" - even hiding from injustice in a place where she basically became a prisoner, not being able to even go outside out of the fear of being jailed/tortured/executed, she still doesn't ask anything for herself, she thinks about people that are less lucky than her. Is she flawless and selfless completely? No, not at all. Esmeralda has her wishes and goals. She wants to get out of there since she cannot stay in "cage" because of her free spirit, she doesn't jump in Phoebus' arms just because he helped her once and twice, she wants other people to live and let live and that is what she fights for. She inspires Quasimodo to change his views and his entire life, he sees her free spirit and her strength/bravery and decides that it is time for him to be Valente too. Esmeralda has so much amor to give to the others and even risks her life to help the others mais times than I can count (like when she helped Quasi or helped Phoebus at risk of being caught and killed) and at the same time she stays a very independent strong person who loves herself and respects herself. I think it is a very important massege.

Number 3: Pocahonstas

And yes, I am going to talk about the sequel here, so be prepaired... Pocahonstas goes further than any other Princess: while being a loyal daugher of her family land she manages to make significant changes to things that for many years couldn't be resolved between her people and white men. Things that promised a neverending war between two cultures and it seemed to be impossible to prevent it. In the first movie Pocahontas shows the destructive influence of war to both sides and encourages others to at least start thinking that differences not always should make us enemies and that everyone is allowed to have their place in life irrespective of where you come from. That instead of fighting people should get to know each other, learn from each other and respect each other's space. Pocahontas asks advices from spirits and follows them, which helps her to bring peace between two sides. And then there comes the segundo movie, the sequel, and as unpopular this opinion can be, I think Pocahontas' journey wouldn't have been finished and complete without it, mais than that, I think two filmes are almost like the halves of the same novel, they are meant to tell us the story of this Valente young woman and this story no geral, global is so impressive. In the sequel Pocahontas learns that only spirit within can guide you, that to make changes she also has to take actions, she learns to cope with loss and still manages to mover on (staring "a new life on her own" like she sings in her beautiful song "Where do I go from here?") and keeps protecting her people and trying to make a peace, that is why she agrees to travel to the New World. This time she is the one to face a completely new culture that scares her a lot and yet she manages to not lose herself in the world so different from hers and find a common ground with it's people. She finds balance both around and inside her. As for the Smith/Poca/Rolfe triângulo from hell, trust me, I couldn't care less who she ends up with, because a) Pocahontas can be with whatever man, woman or object she wants, she is still awesome b) both Smith and Rolfe played a significant part in her life and so did she in theirs. Both guys learnt something from her and she learnt something from them and I feel like either guy fits into her story at different periodes of it c) you don't always end up with your first love. It is unrealistic and it was nice to see at least ONE disney movie addressing it.

Number 2: Ariel

Ariel will always be my girl and nothing ever changes it. She is so completely different from all the other disney Princesses and there are so many reasons why I will always amor her mais than most of them. First and foremost, one of the most unique and amazing things about her is that she does not wait till her chance comes, she takes the chance herself, mais than once. She is not forced into action por circumstances, she is always in action, she is always in a process of achieving something. Ariel explores a world so different from hers while other sereias including her own father not only judge humans wrongly without even putting any effort into getting to know them, but also don't want to see Ariel's side of things and realize that maybe if they were not so narrow minded and prejudiced they would see a whole new side of life, new world, new beings. And despite not getting the approval of majority, Ariel still rebels against prejudiced standards and explores a different world and a different culture, sometimes at risk of her own life, even though it would have been much safer to stay away and be just as dellusional and prejudiced as everyone else, not trying to make a change. Yet Ariel wants to know, she doesn't just pretend that humans are evil just because thinking so is a safer option, she takes risk and tries to get to know them and their world. I like how first we are introduced to her desire to "explore the costa up above" and to be "part of that world" and only then we are introduced to her amor interest that so ironically happens to be a part of the world she desperatelly wants to belong to. It is such a significant thing that the words in her song change from "part of that world" to "part of YOUR world", which represents how not so much changed about her dream, she still is one of the "bright young women sick of sweaming, ready to stand" and yet now she also has amor worth fighting for, and this young passionate amor gives her strength to follow her dream. And Ariel takes an incredible risk to follow it. And unlike many other princesses that are always saved por their princes in disney movies, it is Ariel who saves her prince on mais than one occasion - first during the storm and in the end when Ursula almost kills him. She teaches her father how harmful it can be to completely ignore or despise everything that is different, a whole different world and believe like everyone there is evil when the truth is that the evil can exist under the sea as well (represented por Ursula) when humans can actually be good, loyal and caring (like Eric). It was a beatiful story of a young woman who literally changed the world be taking action in her own hands and made two different worlds live in harmony, also it was a great story about fighting for what you believe in and flying from your nest as you grow up, creating your own family with someone you love. Ariel is everything and more.

Number 1: Mulan

Despite my unconditional amor for Ariel, I have to give the first place to Mulan, because... because of so many things. And just a few of them are:

mulan is such a perfect example of an average clumsy girl stereotype in the beginning of the movie. Yet somehow it not only doesn't make her irretating, it actually makes her incredibly relatable. She is determined to bring the honor to her family but at the same time she doesn't want to betray herself and to see "her reflection being someone she doesn't know". She is full of contradictions. Yet at some point her world turns upside down when she takes a faithful decision and here she has to face the biggest conflict of her entire existence: to literally become someone she is not while using all the strength, bravery and all the useful qualities she has to succeed. Mulan's relationships with people, including her future amor interest, don't go the right way as they start, it is never the case with her. She has to work hard to be treated with respect. It is easy to fight against your enemies yet when it comes to people you barely know but maybe will have to fight and die por the side of only few weeks later, such as guys in the army, you have to put a lot of effort into not allowing them treat you like dirt and at the same time communicate with them and make them respect you. And eventually she gains their respect and becomes friends with most of them, managing to effectively hide the fact that she is a girl and knowing that is her lie comes out, she will not only put a shame on her family but will be executed. mulan has to go through both physical and emotionall challenges to succeed. Fighting alone with men, winning the war and becoming a heroine of China are not even all of the things mulan does throughout the movie: she also proves everyone wrong about her (in a time when women were not even close to being equals to men or being treated like equals) and changes her own opinion about herself, finally finding a peace and harmony within.

is like the things that made that princess our favorite, i´ll bassed on the comments i see in fanpop and another sites,i´ll try to don't put personal comments
We are looking at the princess as theirselfs ignoring their looks,the quality of the animation , the characters around them , their amor story and (i speak specially for pocahontas;sequels)

1.snow white:
people who don't like snow white says:
she is the weakest of the princess , doesn't even have a sequel to show a rebel or strong side.And she is dump cause she was told to don't talk to strangers and it was the first thing she did

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posted by avatar_tla_fan
mulan had studied for all of her exams. She was ready to get the best grades possible. She didn't want her parents to be disappointed in her.

She went to school. She was talking to her friend Jasmine.

"I'm going to do the best I can on these exams. I studied all night last night." mulan told Jasmine.

"You're really determined. Why?"

"I really want to bring some honor to my family."

"That's all?"

"What to you mean 'that's all'?"

"They don't get angry or something if you get bad grades?"

"No. But they get disappointed."

"Then who cares?"

"I do."

"Why? Why does bringing honor to your family matter so...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Aurora and her mother arrived at the hospital.

They walked in only to be alarmed.

"Please, evacuate the premises." Somebody told Aurora and her mother.

"My daughter needs help!" Aurora's mother yelled.

"We would amor to help your daughter, but we're having a serious situation here."

"What kind of situation?"

"That is secret information. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

"Then at least let us in."

"It's not safe!"

"How is it not?"

"Because of our secret situation."

"This is the only hospital in town, we can't go anywhere else, and my daughter needs help."

"From the looks of her face, she's been scratched...
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Eight months ago, I started an artigo series explaining my no geral, global opinion on each princess in as much details as possible. I've decided to start over! :) Technically, we don't know if Anna and Elsa will even be included in the lineup, but like last time, I'm including them. The categories I will analyze are: original thoughts, thoughts now, beauty, wardrobe, singing/speaking voices. Also, I will be doing these in chronological order, form my least favorito princess to my favorite!

My Original Thoughts

Most of you new gents and ladies weren't around to witness my blindness to the "Frozen" hype....
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Me
Source: http://storybrooke.tumblr.com/
Merida's condition gradually worsened. The cut on her leg was badly festered, she was still unconscious, her breathing was rapidly slowing down, and she spiked a fever. Mulan, Shang, Pocahontas, and John were waiting anxiously outside Kekata's tent. It wasn't long before Chief Powhatan joined them. "How is the girl?" he asked. "Not so good father." Pocahontas answered sadly. "In times like this, we must be strong for her." Powhatan replied. mulan had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Excuse me for a moment." she said. She went to Powhatan's teepee and began to cry. She couldn't stand the devastation...
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 PrueFever interviews fã of the mês avatar_tla_fan for September 2014.
PrueFever interviews Fan of the Month avatar_tla_fan for September 2014.
When avatar_tla_fan won fã of the mês for September, I got the pleasure to do the FotM’s Interview with her. So let’s get to it, people.

1. How does it feel to win fã of the Month?
Well, it feels great! I was really surprised when I won, I haven't been on the club for that long, only a couple months. But nevertheless, I am still very happy (and surprised) that I won. Thanks to all the people who nominated and/or voted for me. :)

2. It says on your perfil Page that you've been Fanpopping since July 2014. What made you cadastrar-se fanpop in the first place?
Well, I amor leitura articles. One day,...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
WARNING: This will be darker then the anterior parts. Well, it might be, I'll find out when I'm done with it. :3 Continue if you want to.

I miss Mary and I hardly knew her, Rapunzel thought.

"Don't worry, we're going to procurar soon." John responded to her.

"How..? How?" Rapunzel said to her.

"It's easy to tell you're thinking about her." John responded.

"We're going to search!" Dylan yelled.

Maybe she's still alive.

They walked near the spot in which she was holding off the men.

They couldn't find anything.

"Maybe she left! Maybe she's looking for us!"


They looked near the water.

They saw...
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Late that night, Merida snuck out of the house to mail the letter. She had to do it quick because of 2 reasons. 1. Soldiers were out. 2. mulan would be a nervous wreck if she knew Merida was gone. She slipped the letter in the mail carrier and got out of the post office area ninja-style. "PLEASE get to Scotland!" she silently prayed. The young archer started walking slower as she got closer to the house.

"Be as quiet as possible!" Merida told herself. Just as she was heading back to her room, she heard a noise. She hid a muffled scream. As she gathered up the guts and headed towards the sound,...
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John was getting restless. Nightfall had come, and Pocahontas was still being tested on. Shang and Ping had already fallen asleep before the moon came up. Mulan, Merida, and the princesses were keeping a vigil while Ling, Chien-Po, and Yao acted as guards. "Ancestors, hear our prayer. Watch over Pocahontas!" Mei prayed. mulan silently cried. Just when all hope seemed to be lost, the doctor came in.

"Well, the early tests indicate that she may have been under too much pressure. In order for her to get proper rest and a speedy recovery, we're keeping her over night." the doctor said. "Then I'll...
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Merida had just come back from an archery match and went to her room. She plopped down on her bed, the fatigue slowly leaving her body. She thought about her friendship with Pocahontas and Mulan. *I wonder when I'll be able to see them.* she thought. Shang suddenly entered her mind. *I don't know why he hates me!* she quietly told herself. *John's right. It'll take some time for him to warm up to me.* she thought.

Maudi came into the room. "You got a letter from your friend." she said. "Thank you Maudi." Merida thanked as Maudi exited the room. Merida opened the letter. "From Pocahontas. Probably...
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posted by snsdlover4ever
 I woke up like this... FLAWLESS
I woke up like this... FLAWLESS
I decided to make a parody based off of For the First Time in Forever. Hope you like it!

"Ugh, I have to get ready..." *sees 7:45 A.M.*
"Oh, I'm gonna be late for work!"

Why can't I just
Open this door
And not have to go work anymore?
Because I'm just going to clean the leftover plates!
For years, I've been working with little pay.
Why can't I just go out and play?
How long will I have to wait for this sweet day?

No mais taking orders from people.
It'll be totally strange.
Wow, am I so ready for this change!

Cause for the first time in forever,
I can just relax and have fun!
For the first time in forever,...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: facebook
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: tumblr
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
It was really very difficult for mulan to live in China,her own country only.You know,the Huns problem and all that.But what will happen when mulan will go to Agrabah.And that to accidentally!!Find it out por leitura the story coz its STORY TIME!

OMG!I have no idea where I am!It doesn't look like China.Its something different.Its an another country!WOW!A country I don't even know!And a country where Mandarin is not spoken!Oh my goodness!Its Arabic written everywhere!What I will do?What I will do in a place which I don't even know!

I'm Mulan. You maybe knowing...
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