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10. Governor Radcliffe
Coming in last as no surprise is the blundering leader of the Virginia Company. Pocahontas is a movie with a lot of potential that seemed to slip through the hands of Disney, and Radcliffe is no exception. This is a character who had a chance to be a deeply racist, cruel and dark man (sort of like the equivalent of Frollo) and instead turns out to be a half-assed, glittering man-fairy who prances about the screen, occasionally being underhanded and semi-developed with his racism towards the Native Americans por cantar easily-constructed judgmental lyrics with no real meaning or depth (they're not like you and me, which means they most be evil!"..I mean, really?) When not cantar a jovial música number about digging for gold among a choreography of shovels doing dance numbers. To summarize, I don't know what the hell disney was thinking with this one. That being said, the flamboyant flair in which he speaks is pretty hilarious.

Ratcliffe... he's name suits him perfectly. He IS a rato and he SHOULD jump off a cliff :) he's pretty much the biggest scumbag ever! -CallejahLUVsed

What a sad waste of imagination. They had the opportunity to make him a real, sadistic bigot in the grand tradition and instead they gave him a purple suit, pigtails, and a dorky comic relief/obvious gay lover. *sigh* (phantomrose89)

Not the best villian but he's still pretty awesome. I mean that accent when he proclaims the land as 'Jamestown' and then his little pigtails and how he makes everyone else do all the work. And he's not swayed por the whole Chief's we must have peace speech and instead tries to shoot him. But still not the best. (ArielandEric)

9. Dr. Facilier
Lack of character development strikes again, although not in the sad, uncreative way of Governor Ratcliffe. Unlike Ratcliffe, who seemed to be based on "Let's stick gay-as-can-be David Odgen Stiers in front of a microphone, give him a script, and let him have at it!", The design of Facilier seems to have an actual vision and construct. He certainly has flair and style, and brings a little snazz to a villain we haven't seen before, with his own personal dance number and song. In fact, he has one of the best villain songs we've seen in awhile. However, his motive is weak and for the first part of the movie, indiscernible. We understand that he wants to use voodoo and trick charlotte into marrying Naveen, but why? Halfway into the film we can figure out a vague idea and poorly thought out plan for money, one that seems, given all the magic he has in his power, pretty lame. And his useless (both within in the movie and as a character) sidekick drags him down, and takes away his intimidation, making him pretty one-note. His mysteriousness gets mixed up with his unclear actions making him sort of confusing, not to mention he comes across as a bit of a coward. In fact, I think his friends on the other side make better villains than he does. A lot of corrections I would make to this guy, but I'll save it for another time. He's just frustrating because you can see he had a design but he wasn't well thought-out.

Now I'm not a huge fã of this guy. He is just a stereotypical con-man trying to make a quick buck. I do hate his "Friends" though. (random-camo)

LOVE HIM. As someone who has seen a lot of creepy stuff around New Orleans, I know that voodoo really does exist and a lot of people still practice it. Besides, it was a controversial choice for Disney. Lots of people didn't like that he practiced a very real black magic. I liked that he had sold his soul to..someone.. and they left his back story kind of ambiguous. I think he's great, and he has one of the coolest villain songs EVER. (phantomrose89)

8. Lady Tremaine
Lady Tremaine is truly a classic, and sort of like an uppercrust, stiffer Gothel, without the faux-love for her faux-daughter. Lady Tremaine has the talent to be cruel to cinderela simply por being passive-aggressive and masking it with politeness. She suits the movie well; it would have been a waste to make some sort of flashy villain with a grand musical number. She's realistic and very chilling, but perhaps not "bad to the bone", which makes her not as memorable as the others.

She is a bad mother even for her real daughters. And that's why i amor her.She is realistic. (PociandSmith)

I do like the basics of Tremaine's character, in a nutshell. I amor how threatening and evil she is to cinderela without any magic or special powers; all she relies on is her wit and cunning ability. True, she is not as exciting as other villains, but there are moments where I just can't help but hate her, but in a good way. I mean, when she locked cinderela in her room, or when she leads her daughters to ripping Cinderella's dress, I hate her so much. She plays out her role very nicely, and I appreciate that. (ppgbelle4)

That's a villain who went up in my list, she's really awesome, and without using any magic, she could destroy Cindy's dreams and make her a slave in her own house, she barely even yelled through out the movie, i think she's really smart, and really evil despite what people say about her that she's not that evil for keeping Cindy just a slave, she knew what she was doing. (CuteDiana)

7. The Queen
Given the time-period, the queen is really innovative, and in fact seems mais advanced than Tremaine in some aspects. She's strong, cold-hearted, and is nothing short of scary. From glaring at Snow White out of her window and shutting the curtain, to demanding her coração in a box, to her sweeping cape as she goes climbs down the stairs, she is evil to the core and it emulates in everything she does. However, it seems people have gotten tired of the old woman villain obsessed with beauty, not to mention the fact we don't get to see much of her personality or real interraction with Snow White pre-Hag.

The only good thing I can say about queen is how beautiful she is. Besides her looks, she is rather bland to me. I don't really understand her actions as well as the other villains; for instance, why not just make a potion to make herself the most beautiful? However, she does utter the funniest line ever when she is a hag... "Thirsty?! HAVE A DRINK!" lol Makes me almost pee on myself every time. (ppgbelle4)

Entire feminist studies have been done on just this one character, and she is truly fascinating. That cold, calculated brutality, unshakable vanity, and her clearly possessive, dominant, sexual personality compared to Snow White's girlish purity makes her really interesting. I just wish she'd had mais screentime. (phantomrose89)

6. Shan-Yu
Shan-Yu seems to be, out of all the villains, the one with the most fear attached to his name. Just the utterance of his name in his movie seems to invoke terror, and his motive, while perhaps childish, is cruel and not taken lightly por the Chinese. It seems when Shan-Yu makes a threat, he is known to follow through. He is not underhanded or sneaky, nor does he pretend to ever be a good guy, or try to con anyone. He is simply a bad guy with a motive who slaughters thousands of people, who seems to have a foreboding reputation. That being said, we don't know much about Shan-Yu other than what we can infer, and he doesn't have the same charming flamboyancy (this does not include Radcliffe) or much outside of himself other than the fact that he wants to conquer China. He is captivating and horrifying, but somewhat unoriginal and lacking a little in realism. I wish we'd gotten to see him outside of just hunting down the Emperor. (Oh, and he has one of the best theme música in a disney movie hands down and a killer voice.)

He's a good villain, he just doesn't do much. He seems to lack personality. He's kind of a snarling, pissed off pit touro mais than anything. Although his voice is INCREDIBLE. (phantomrose89)

Seriously, I amor this bamf. I amor watching him on screen; he is so captivating to me. I amor how he just makes people tremble in fear of him with the sheer power that he has, and he also has excellent leadership because of the way he treats his soldiers. Usually with villains who have a sidekick or more, the relationship between boss and sidekick is mais fear based, so to see this type of loyalty on screen is really refreshing to me. Plus, his theme is epic, and I amor how he just kills people because he can. (ppgbelle4)

He's captivating, terrifying, and just makes me grin with how terrible he is on-screen [I tend to go for the villains who murder without remorse, even joy] and has some of the best lines a villain could have. His death was really lame, and frankly an insult to his character. (princesslullaby)

5. Mother Gothel
Mother Gothel is an amped up, mais developed, drama-queen version of Lady Tremaine. She is perhaps the least threatening of the disney villains, until the last scene, but even then she only commits murder when she's pushed against a wall. She's certainly the easiest to sympathize with and has some obvious good in her, which is very unusual for a disney villain, and one of the few new things brought about in Tangled. But I can see how some people can't take her seriously as a villain, or not even see her as one at all. In fact, many people lament her death and wish she had gotten a happy ending. But she is realistic and is fascinating in terms of mental and emotional abuse to a daughter, and still sparks debate about whether or not she loves Rapunzel.It would have been interesting to get a back-story on her, and why she's so obsessed with staying young. I would have taken that over the back story of Flynn.

Not as evil as the others but I do amor her song! I hate how she lied to Rapunzel about everything and anything she could. To me her death was tragic and scared me a bit. (random-camo)

Man, do I hate this character. She grates on my nerves mais than any villain ever. First of all, why are we still doing this female-villain 'I just want to be young and pretty' thing? It was kind of inventive with the Queen, but 2010? Seriously? Is this still all people think women care about? Also, I could take her melodramatic crooning and excessive stage-mother-ness if something had been made of it, like if they gave her a story about being an actress or something, but as it is she's just tediously annoying and pretty underdeveloped. (phantomrose89)

4. Gaston
Unique to the male disney princess villains, he isn't powered por a hunger to take over the world or riches. He just wants to conquer Belle (yes, I use that word because he doesn't want to truly win her over) and make her his bride. In fact, if you take away his narcissism, he would be the dashing hero of the story. But he is so used to getting his way, that when Belle spurns his advances over and over, he begins a manipulative plan that still doesn't work out to his advantage, and he lets his anger take over, and lets his hunting instincts extend into his attempts to marry Belle and become extreme. He's well developed, and one of the few disney villains who changes in character from the beginning to the end of the movie, not to mention downright hilarious.

He is so obnoxious and stupid, which makes me literally LOL, that I actually like him. Sure, in the end he tries to kill my babe Adam, but he goes out with a fight (Y) although I must admit, in real life, I'd soco a guy if he acted with me the way he does with Belle. (callejahLUVsed)

I really can't take him seriously. If this hadn't been a disney movie and he could actually say 'Belle, I want to have sex with you' instead of coding it with 'marriage,' he'd seem mais menacing. As it is, I can't buy the ultimate playboy being so hard-pressed to tie the knot and settle down. (Not that I immagine he'd be faithful.) lol (phantomrose89)

3. Maleficent
I think there's two sides to how people view Maleficent, the head honcho of the disney villains. Some people take the stance that she's elegant, graceful, and certainly charismatic. She portrays the original idea of a story-book villain, dragon and all, and consider her dangerous and scary in the way she sets a curse upon an infant. Then there's those who view her sitting in a castelo for 16 years sending minions to find the baby and kill it just plain pathetic. I, for example, am of the latter team, and find it a much better quality for a villain to actually do the damn job themselves instead of stewing in their castelo all day. It makes it seem like a obsessive, useless motive that does nothing for the villain in the end and makes them seem easily defeated. But she truly is powerful and yet retains her grace.

This chick is the most elegant, graceful, and kinda hot villain out! Sure, she has green skin, and weird horn thingoes, but I'd totally switch teams for her :) (callejahLUVSed)

LAME LAME LAME LAME, i HATE her, she's stupid, actually SO stupid, she may have the LOOKS of a villain, and i can admit that i see her really pretty, but she had the most STUPID most IDIOTIC motive EVER, and i can't ignore that, that's why she and the Evil queen are in the bottom for me, HAVE SOME MOTIVE YOU IDIOTS.

I amor her, but I do feel that the real 'mistress of all evil' would have just killed the baby right there and not spend 16 years sending idiots to do it. Just sayin'.

The ultimate disney villain who, in my opinion, is elegant, charming, and evil all at the same time. It's kinda sad that she is mad because she wasnt invited to a baby shower! Just my all time favorite! (random-camo)

2. Jafar
I can't even figure out why Jafar got this far because I've always found him a bit cheap. From what I can gather, people just find him comedic and likable, sort of in the same way as Hades (who is ANOTHER disney villain I am not swept up in the hype of!) He's evil, sneaky, and down-right entertaining. I don't know, I don't understand the hype for overly comedic villains so consider me stumped.

one of Disney's most comedic villains ever. He has got great style, good looking clothes, and a unforgettable sidekick! I feel like we could all learn to laugh from him. (random-camo)

1. Ursula
Ursula's got it all. She's charismatic, evil, charming, magical, powerful, and has one of the most fabulous designs of any disney villain, and actually has a back story (if vague). Although she's not my favorite, I truly believe she deserves this top-spot. She's smart, sneaky, and actually is actively involved in her own evil plot, not to mention her ending scene is a terrific explosion to the build-up she had been getting the whole movie.She has a clear motive from the get-go and her humor is both physical and verbal. She just has this dramatic flair that screams DIVA instead of overdone drama queen. topo, início it off with her Vanessa disguise, which gives her even more depth and mystery, one of the best disney villain songs, and a design based off of a drag queen and you've got a truly fantastic villain who deserves the spotlight.

I amor her. She waits until the perfect moment where Ariel wants something she can't have without Ursula's awesome magic and then she goes telling her how she can make all her dreams come true. Then when she sees that Ariel's about to get her kiss she doesn't just let it happen. (ArielandEric)

I amor her! She is hilarious and is just all out funny! She reminds me so much of my aunt! But all I want to know is why she hates King Triton so much?

Ursula IS DA SHIT, she's awesome, i amor her sarcastic attitude, and of course what i amor the most about her that she's actually really evil, and have a GOOD motive, not like some other villains -__-, she wants power and she got it for a small period of time because she was smart, really smart, she gave Ariel what she wants for a short while, and knew what she has to do after seeing Ariel so close to kiss Eric, she would have won if it wasn't for Eric, and the main thing is, that some villains become not interesting after they win, i can see couple of villains that will lose their personality and stop being interesting to watch after they get what they want, but she's not one of them. (CuteDiana)
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Source: thedisneyprincess.tumblr.com
added by PrueFever
Source: PrueFever
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by Raeraegirl
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Source: aladdin Animators(drawing) &chesire(gif)
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Source: Not Mine
 A beauty but a funny girl. That Belle
A beauty but a funny girl. That Belle
Dear diary,

Like every other day, in this poor provincial town,

I heard people talking about me behind my back- they think that I can't hear?

Well, I can! I try to keep focused on my book but listening to the words the other villagers say about me.

So what if I read books?

Is there really a need to outcast me BECAUSE I read?

Also, Gaston (URRGGHH) came up to me again (in his usual cocky, arrogant manner).

Words can't describe how rude he is!

He snatched my book then chucked it in the mud puddle!

That man is certainly primeval!

Did you see how those bimbettes swooned over that pig?

I just don't...
continue reading...
Everyone please congratulate Tiffany88 for being Marches disney princess fã of the month. She really deserves it. She makes incredible pictures and contributes a lot. She also just recently got her finatic medal for this spot. Here is what she had to say.

1. How do you feel about being fã of the month?

Thank you!I’m so grateful for everyone who voted for me.:) And I try to do my best for this spot.

2. Who is your favorito princess and why, least favorito pricess and why?

My favorito princess has always been Jasmine! I grew up with a her. I amor her personality,her sassy attitude and her...
continue reading...
added by mhs1025
Source: google imagens
animated film
disney princesas
a pequena sereia
a bela adormecida
snow white
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a pequena sereia
a pequena sereia
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animated film
disney princesas
a pequena sereia
jodi benson
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