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All right, here's the results of the Favourite Pocahontas Character Countdown! And also my first article, so take a look at the results and (hopefully) enjoy!

15. Ratcliffe
The bad guy of the movie proves to be the least favourite character of most fanpoppers too. Not surprising, considering he isn't one of the most powerful villains in disney history. He's just greedy and doesn't understand the Indians. Nothing that makes you hide behind the sofá with your hands over your eyes.

"I HATE people like him." - fhghu

"He gets on my nerves. Not the best villain either. He's too much of a sissy and a lazy grouchy control freak." - MrsEmmaPeel

"L-A-M-E!!!!" - blablablu95

"Annoying and ugly" - callejahLUVSed

"Why does everyone hate Ratcliffe anyway? Dude the whole pigtails and Savages song if epic. And then when he's all like stabbing his British flag in the ground and saying 'I shall name this Jamestown' in that awesome accent. How is the amor not there?" - ArielandEric

14. Ben
Well, a character with no real impact on the storyline and very little screentime can't be expected to get far. The only memorable thing about Ben is that he's the guy with the Billy Connelly voice. Even so, it's apparent that he's a good guy who isn't as limited por stereotypes and greed as Ratcliffe is, making him slightly mais likeable than the villain.

"He serves no purpose whatsoever." - ajotma

"He's ugly and insignificant. I was kinda tempted to pick Kocoum but at least you see a little bit mais of him." - ArielandEric

13. Lon
No surprise here, as his role is exactly the same as Ben's. He only really beat Ben due to chance - one of them had to leave first.

"not Momerable at All!" - blablablu95

"UGH! He's so unimportant." - ajotma

"He bores me. Except on the scene when Grandmother Willow smacked his and the other guy's bums. So funny." - MrsEmmaPeel

"It is difficult because this movie has excellent characters. But Lon is not really important for the plot." - Saphir

12. Kocoum
Most people seem to be able to agree with Pocahontas on one thing: Kocoum is far too serious. We never see him smile, and that makes it difficult to feel any warmth towards him. A few people also have a grudge against him for ruining Pocahontas's kiss with John Smith. Personally, I feel a bit sorry for him, it must have been quite a shock to see his fiancee with another man. But other than being a particularly good warrior, he didn't have much going for him.

"Too Serious!" - SailorM91

"if he wouldn't have gone all crazy on John Smith... than Thomas wouldn't have shot him, and John wouldn't have been at blame for his death. and plus, he's too serious." - DamianLUVR

"Crack a smile every now and then douchebag" - callejahLUVSed

"Kocoum? Really? He wasn't so bad." - tiffany88

11. Kekata
seguinte to be eliminated was the old mystical shaman. Apart from a few impressive shapes made from fire, Kekata does very little to entertain viewers. Indeed, his main role seems to be to invoke fear into the Indians when the settlers arrive.

CuteDiana had a fair bit to say about him:

"the only character i hate mais that Powhatan !" - CuteDiana


the man can't act, AND CAN'T TALK !"
- CuteDiana

Others just found him plain ol' boring.

"booooooooooooooring" - Mongoose09

"Boring when compared to the rest" - SailorM91

10. Meeko
This upset me so much! *Wipes away tear*. I adore Meeko, I find him very funny and still cute enough to cuddle. However, people appear to be greatly divided when it comes to his popularity. Some, like me, really amor him, while others find him extremely annoying. Admittedly, I would probably find him annoying too if he spoke, because I don't think he would ever stop talking. Meeko is a character intended to give the film some humour, and this is a risky role - people will either enjoy the humour and laugh goofily everytime he appears onscreen, or they will cringe at his cheeky antics and continued attempts to annoy Percy.

"Annoying as hell." - ppgbelle4

"He gives me headache every time I see him." - BelleAnastasia

"He should've left a long time ago. He is such a dick to Percy. Seriously, remember the bath scene?

Percy: (chills in tub with cherries, just wanting to relax)
Meeko: TROLOLOLOLOL (steals cherries) U MAD?
Percy: DAM U!"
- ppgbelle4

"I amor Meeko.. ANd can't stand John. Ugh." - ppv

"omg noooo i amor Meeko :((((" - Mongoose09

9. Powhatan
Powhatan is one of those characters strictly tied to their role in the story - he simply serves his purpose as a chief, father and near-killer of John Smith, and is emotionally distanced from the audience. Compare him to Mufasa, for example - we don't feel that same attachment to Powhatan, he is simply there. Because of this, no one really seems to care much about him, or may even dislike him for his prejudice towards the settlers.

"LEAVEEEEEEE!!!!!" - blablablu95


8. Wiggins
I was a bit surprised to see Wiggins make it this far - he is of no real importance to the film, other than to provide amusement, and he has about as much screentime as Ben and Lon. Having said that, I believe he may have come this far due to his uniqueness, as well as his comedic appearances. There are few disney characters out there who are so, well, aleatório I suppose is the word. No one else shows up in their governor's tent wearing a homemade Arqueiro headpiece!

"Boring and pointless character." - Lisia

"I hope Wiggins lasts for a long time in this countdown; he's hilarious." - ppgbelle4

"He is a little bit comic but he is less than important for this movie." - Saphir

7. Nakoma
Wow. I never expected Nakoma to be so controversial! She was close to elimination through the entire countdown, and considering the number of "haters", I'm surprised she made it this far. Many people believe she is an appalling friend to Pocahontas and was too interfering when Pocahontas ran off to meet Smith. Her "defenders" argued that Nakoma only interfered because she was worried, and that this does not make her a bad friend. I think the comments speak for themselves with this argument. urso in mind there were many mais that included death threats (aimed at Nakoma of course).

"I hate her so much.I want to kill her.A friend in need is a friend indeed.I don't believe she asked Kocoum to follow Pocahontas because she was afraid about her.She did it just because she couldn't understand Pocahontas." - PociandSmith

"I like Nakoma, but I hate how she seems to be a little.. modern. With the midriff, the boy-gawking, etc. She sounds like a typical teenager at first. I do like how she worries for Pocahontas though, and other than the reasons listed above, I don't mind her." - NightFrog

"She is such a crap best friend. I mean, looking out for your friends is okay, but geez, stay out of her business !" - callejahLUVSed

"Nakoma is the worst best friend ever. God the stupid witch needs to die." - ArielandEric

"I'm going to defend Nakoma here. She was just worried about her friend, that's why she told Kocoum. Like she said, she thought she was doing the right thing." - fhghu

6. Percy
Like Meeko, Percy is a character you find either amusing or annoying, cute or ugly. But no matter how much you amor or hate him, there is no denying that he is spoiled. Really spoiled, especially considering this is set in the 17th century! His snappy ways, intended for comic effect, certainly get on the nerves of many, but fortunately this improves somewhat after Kocoum's death and his telling off from Grandmother Willow. The Percy at the end of the film is still cute with fewer annoying antics, and this could be seen as his mais likeable stage for many.

"He's too "comical"." - chesire

"I Cannot believe that MEEKO IS GONE AND PERCY IS ON THE VERGE OF LEAVING!!!!!" - ajotma

"I find Percy annoying, stupid and ugly." - BelleAnastasia

"I don't know why exactly, but he just annoys me in various ways." - NightFrog

"I like Percy! He's cute and funny! I can't believe he's being cut." - ajotma

5. Thomas
Most people seem to find Thomas either annoying (seriously, how many characters are annoying in this movie?) or uninteresting. However, he is not as in-your-face as Meeko and Percy, and he doesn't intentionally make trouble like they do, he just always finds himself in a bad situation. Personally, I think he's pretty cute, and the fact that he struggles to use a gun endears him to me. But overall, he creates mais trouble than he is really worth.

"annoying :/" - SailorM91

"Thomas he have never ben an interesting character to me. I like him he is not just my favorite." - ARIEL-RAPUNZEL

"I can't stand him." - tiffany88

"Oh, and I really like Thomas - he is the kind of imperfect character which tends to grow on me. I like how he found his confidence towards the end." - Swanpride

"Thomas is annoying and gay" - gumble

4. Flit
Strangely enough, this protective little hummingbird, who is small enough both in size and in role to escape the notice of many, made it into the topo, início four. He even beat his mais prominent animal counterparts, Meeko and Percy. Considering that all he does is buzz around with a few cute protective moments, this is a pretty big achievement for him.

"Doesn't do much just buzzes around and is a hater to John Smith" - ArielandEric

"He is such a useless character. And I don't even think that he is particular cute." - Swanpride

"He just...flies around and squeaks. He doesn't do anything helpful." - ppgbelle4

"He's almost as annoying as Meeko. And also he's a bit pointless to the story, he doesn't do much... " - BelleAnastasia

3. Grandmother Willow
This old árvore has so much mais to her than it first appears, and it is nice to see that so many people appreciate her as a character. Full of wisdom and spiritual advice, Grandmother Willow really is a bit like an old woman, but she still has some snap in those old vines. She is always there for Pocahontas, and appears to have retained a rather wicked sense of humour, ensuring her place as a likeable character, though por no means the most popular.

"Lol how did this árvore get to the topo, início three?" - chesire

"i think she's a cool character... but she isn't really majorly important to me... i like the other characters better than her." - DamianLUVR

"I amor grandma willow, but I amor the other two more." - MrsEmmaPeel

"She's annoying" - Mongoose09

2. John Smith
This is where the hardest choice came for many voters, as a lot of people amor both John and the eventual countdown winner. With his adventurous nature, bravery, and that look in his eyes when he sees Pocahontas, he certainly deserves his place at number two. The thing that most people disliked about Smith was that he can sometimes seem too perfect, and I suppose finding a soulmate like him is probably too good to be true.

"Eh, besides his arrogance, he seems too 'perfected' to me. How everyone adores him, etc. I don't dislike him por any means though." - NightFrog

"Aww, I like John Smith. <3 mais than Poca herself, actually." - ppgbelle4

"He is selfish at some time in the movie and in the segundo movie he is even worse!!" - Saphir

"He doesn't say: I'm perfect
John Smith is PERFECT xp
and he is not arrogance.he risked his life for pocahontas' father.for an indian (he was his enemy at first).If this is called arrogance in your language then..ok!"
- PociandSmith

"I really amor both. But there's something about John Smith that I love..." - ajotma

1. Pocahontas
This is her movie, and we're on the disney Princess spot, so it's fitting that Pocahontas should come out on topo, início in this countdown. People amor her for her independence and free spirit, and no geral, global she is one of the most balanced characters in this film, as she is also courageous and wise. There is very little to dislike about her, the main argument being that she can seem a little boring at times, but the strengths of her personality outweigh this, earning her the number one spot.

"I amor Pocahontas, she's great!" - BelleAnastasia

"Poca is a bit dull Imo. I like her, but she's just so boring after half the movie, and in the first half she's just ok (IMO)." - JonnaSe

"Pocahontas is my favorito princess.She is strong and Valente and independent." - PociandSmith

"John Smith is awesome but Pocahontas talks to trees and jumps off cliffs" - ArielandEric
Here's the third artigo for the Best disney Princess hair style countdown. It covers the places from 21 to 30. Enjoy!

Read the Best disney Princess hair style countdown: places 41-51 artigo link
Read the Best disney Princess hair style countdown: places 31-40 artigo link

30. cinderela - loose

Well, this hair style is not really that bad. But there's nothing special about it either. I personally don't like it that much because her hair looks really plastic.

It looks funny to me :P - callejahLUVSed

Cinderella's hair looks strange. - simmuska

Cinderella's hair was just plain boring when worn...
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So .. since this whole countdowns going on here, which i don't like half of them, and since i don't like how the countdown about this is going since it's very rigged, i wanted to make my own list of my fave DP hairstyles, this is my topo, início DP hairSTYLES, not hair.

10 : Mulan's low ponytail
It's cute, i just like it, it's my fave look of Mulan, i don't like the flor thing on her head, her dad not a good hairstyler, the low ponytail makes her look .. idk, nice, comfortable.

9 : Rapunzel's Short Hair
so this is unpopular opinion, i actually prefer her short Brown hair over her Blond one,...
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Here's the first artigo for the Best disney Princess hair style countdown. It covers the places from 41 to 51. Enjoy!

51. Ariel - with hat

In my opinion this hair style completely deserved to be one of the first ones to leave. The hat is ridiculously ugly.

She wears her bangs under her hat, and it makes me imagine her having a receding hairline, or something. - VGfan30

this hairstyle is just ridiculous - pretty_angel92

This hat is so ugly. - ajotma

It makes her forehead look too big. - CodyVenusTrent

I think she looks funny with a hat on. - MrsEmmaPeel

50. Tiana - with green hat

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 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
 In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hora of night, you rescue me, you save my life
In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hora of night, you rescue me, you save my life

I originally wrote this artigo a ano ago, which was obviously before enrolados was released. This countdown was much longer; I included 26 moments in this one, and only 9 in the last. I wanted to make sure ALL of the "romantic" moments were included!

26. Mulan: Would You Like To Stay For Dinner?
 amor at first sight is possible, but it pays to take a segundo look. ~Author Unknown
Love at first sight is possible, but it pays to take a segundo look. ~Author Unknown

As great as a movie as mulan is, the only thing missing from it is romance...which is sort of a no-brainer...
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This is, as you know, the amazing idea from Phantomrose89. Really girl you had a moment of illumination with this. It's always nice to know about new people(: Ok. The first thing that you have to know about me is that I amor to talk about me! (I'm not selfish at all, I like to share my opinions only), so BEWARE: long artigo warning. And don't be rude if you don't understand some parts, I'm learning!
Imagine if I make this in Spanish it would be twice bigger *-*

First Name:
Andrea but I don't like it, there are too many, call me Andi(:

Country of Origin:
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico (above...
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Here are the lyrics to a song I learned from my música teacher growing up. We'd act it out using her spinning wheel, and none of the girls could ever wait to be Aurora. Even though I didn't like her back then, I still wanted the chance to touch the spinning wheel. I thought it was fitting I post this, it being Aurora mês and all. So, in honor of our own Brier Rose, here's the Irish folk song "Fair Rosa":

Fair Rosa was a lovely child,
A lovely child, a lovely child,
Fair Rosa was a lovely child
A long time ago.

A wicked fairy cast a spell,
Cast a spell, cast a spell,
A wicked fairy...
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10. Snow White's Awakening
Although the scene was very touching with Snow White awakening, it lacked a lot of substance. The Prince seemed to come out of know where after barely appearing in the movie at all. I feel like there was a big gap in this plot, but it's still beautiful nonetheless.

9. Cinderella Fits the Glass Slipper
I'm sure we can all say that we were extremely happy when cinderela fit the glass slipper, and the evil step mother's plan failed. However, it was fairly predictable and cinderela and Prince Charming barely even knew each other so it definitely made the moment...
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posted by Gleek4ever
oi guys! So for the mês of June I'm taking this drama class at a professional Shakespeare theater. We'll also be putting on a production of Twelfth Night. It's going to be so amazing!! Anyway, today our assignment was to come dressed as a clown. Basically create a character and multiply it por 10. So naturally, being the disney geek that I am, decided to create a disney princess clown. I would just like to share her story that I created with you guys. Let me know if you like the idea or not.

My name is Princess Sophia. I am 16 years old and married to Prince Alex. We live in Sunflower fields...
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We all know that each disney princess is beautiful in her own way. And to ensure the beauty of the female leads, animators often drab down while designing the female co-stars to help the leading lady shine. Let's see who fanpop's disney Princess fãs voted from least pretty to prettiest supporting character in a princess film. For those wondering, the qualifications for being a supporting character were you had to have a line in the film and contribute to the plot somehow which is why only the two of Ariel's sisters that tell Triton that Ariel's in amor were counted.

9. Anastasia (Cinderella)...
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posted by moulan
Belle is a young woman living in the French countryside with her father, an inventor. She's a lovely free-thinker who likes to read and go on adventures within her own imagination. She is not shy and is not afraid to speak her mind, especially in tight situations. She is very compassionate and takes care of those in need. Belle can also be stubborn, but she tries to protect people she truly loves and is very patient towards others.
Belle is a shrewd nonconformist for her time in many ways. The most pronounced is her amor of books, adventure and knowledge, which the townspeople find...
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10. Snow White- Her hair is just soooo boring. It's so short and weird. Her face was beautiful though. It makes me mad cause they could of made her so gorgeous with long hair. I know it was made in the 30's though so that makes it okay.

9. Rapunzel- I know what you are thinking. I'm stupid for putting her so low on the list.. it's just I don't like her hair... It's waaay too long and it looked so unnecessary to have it that way. And then they cut it short and it looks so bad. Why didn't they just cut it to her waist? Then it would be perfect. And much higher on the list.

8. Tiana- Ehh.. I think...
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 Each sinister villain contrasts the noble heroine they antagonize.
Each sinister villain contrasts the noble heroine they antagonize.
♥ Please keep in mind: this is an opinion article, feel free to disagree. But also remember, my opinion is superior to yours.

10. Dr. Facilier

Definitely the weakest DP villain in my opinion. I spent the first half of the movie unsure of what his goal and motivation was. He just kind of seemed like a creepy hobo who lurks about and casts aleatório voodoo spells. He kind of seemed like an after-thought in the grand scheme of the story, there was no great climactic battle. His scene in which he tries to tempt Tiana is basically pointless because we know that the princess would never just hand...
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added by jessowey
Source: disneywallpapers.info
added by flowerdrop
Source: flowerdrop
posted by KataraLover
I watched all of the movies, the sequels, The Little Mermaid series, and the aladdin series yes I'm judgeing them on sequels and series too. I relized that some of them aren't as smart as some people think and some of them are smarter than some people think. Keep in mind this is my opinion I bet alor won't agree with some of this but since when does someone make a list of an opinion that every single person agree's with.

 Well, and what are you three dears up to
Well, and what are you three dears up to

9.Aurora okay so we all know she's not the smartest but I think she's still smart. She gives witty looks like in this picture of...
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Source: deviantArt
added by kenzieiscool
I thought it would be good to see in which order are anterior hairstyles eliminated. I would specially like to thank to all people who were voting, because we had some issues, like rigging and that, so I have to redo half of this, but I hope that results are almost fair

40.Mulan’s soldier updo:
“It's not pretty, she looks like a guy which is kinda the point” (KataraLover)

This hairstyle was eliminated with 50% among 40 other hairstyles in the first round. No wonder, I mean, look at it

39. Ariel with hat:
“She looks like Icabod Crane” (founten)

Some people don't even remember...
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added by LupinPrincess
Source: disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: disney