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I asked myself why the Elena from the TV show is so different from the Elena from the books. In the books, Elena is a spoiled highschool queen at the beginning of the story and stays very bossy throughout the books, while Katherine is a docile and obedient Renaissance girl, until she becomes insane. And one reason for this change in the characters could be that it is easier to show Delena’s development as twin flames. Because although it is not said like in the books, all of the parallels of DE in the show, the fact that they are so much alike ("She already IS like me.") and everything else that follows the definition of TF give Delena away as twin flames. In the books (where a twin flame quote can be found [The Return: Shadow Souls, 34]), Damon presents himself evil at the start, while Elena rules the school ruthlessly, before they become mais and mais alike ("Because they were alike in so many ways. Headstrong, each wanting their own way, passionate, impatient … She and Damon were alike." [The Return: Shadow Souls, 6]). And in the show, Elena is also wild and already much like Damon from the start, but it isn’t that obvious that soon after her parents’ death, so that DE constantly getting closer to end up completely alike (one of the main signs for twin flames) can be recognized much easier.
And to stay a moment with the doppelgangers: vampiros are normally drawn to the doppelgangers. It all started with Klaus, Elijah and Tatia, before Klaus’ desire to create hybrids caused him to see the doppelgangers only as human blood bags, while Elijah still had his sweet moments with human Katherine. Damon and Stefan were born way after Tatia’s death, but both fell for Katherine and Elena. Stefan usually loves a doppelganger, before he starts denying it and goes to the seguinte one; and it seems like that could go on forever. Damon on the other hand is hurt por all, got totally over Katherine (by admitting his former amor for her), and found restlessly perfection with Elena. You get the impression that Elena and Stefan could be replaced easily in their boring relationship, while Damon and Elena are perfect for each other, and none of them could be any different than they are, because they themselves make their relationship and build up so special and unique. Delena become mais and mais alike and get constantly closer, they have such a big influence on each other – like nobody else has –, and there can’t be anything like that ever again. It seems that Elena was perfectly created exactly for Damon and the other way around, they are meant for each other, and I seriously can’t imagine anybody that fitting for one of them ever again.

But to get back to the topic of my article, I want to give you a non-DE example of how the ones responsible for a TV show can be influenced por their own story. A while ago, I listened to the commentary of the "Angel"-episode "Destiny" [V,08] (with the director, two writers and an actress). To shortly describe the situation: Throughout season five, the story deals with the pergunta who is the vampire with a soul that an ancient prophecy is talking about – angel or Spike. And in episode eight, angel and Spike go on a quest to determine who is that vampire, and they get into a fight at the end. The show-runners originally wanted to come up with an episode where angel has to beat Spike before he can get a hand on his supposedly destiny. But while composição literária the long dialogue that takes place during the violent and bloody fighting, the writers realized with the reasons which were given in the conversation that Spike had to win the fight. There was a comprehensive discussion with the other responsible ones of the show, and they were convinced that the choice of who wins the fight had to be changed completely from how it originally was intended to happen, because the show-runners listened to their story. The whole quest was fake, nothing was decided at that point, and it was specificly said that angel won every other fight between the two of them, while angel always was kind of the leader – because it is his show –, and angel and Spike with all of their severe differences were (each taken as a whole) presented even. But this one time, for this one fight, the reasons demanded a win of Spike, and the "Angel"-responsibles followed what their story told them; and also the few "TVD"-responsibles that didn’t start as Delena shippers should be convinced por the development of their story, por justice and por reason, that Damon and Elena HAVE TO end up together. The story leads to the DE endgame, and even those very few who still doubt that – inside of the story as well as outside of it – can realize that por looking at the story; and por far most are already on our side anyway.

It has been made very hard to ship DE over the years, while they had to overcome many obstacles and we had to suffer through lots of setbacks, but we never stopped shipping Delena. We have only been caused to do it stronger and stronger, with everything that was thrown in their way, like their mutual amor also became stronger with every mastered difficulty, and mais and mais people joined our cause. Nothing ever stopped us, there is just no way around it, DE and we fãs of them only become stronger and deserve our Delena endgame mais and more.
And Damon and Elena obviously have the strongest love, considering all of the obstacles and setbacks that it has to deal with. They permanently fight, deny and resist, they both amor Stefan and don’t want to hurt him, Elena’s family and friends don’t like Damon, and the circumstances are against DE. Delena fear their emotions (she has never experienced anything like that, while he had turned off his feelings for many years), they stay apart out of guilt, and Damon "lashed out" on several occasions, while Elena sometimes isn’t fair to Damon (she still doesn’t know everything), has not given him a real chance so far and – like all the others – doesn’t listen to him. Elena and Stefan got together right away, behave very immature and deny and ignore the truth, while Damon and Elena took their time with their carefully in detail emerging relationship, their amor is mature, they are honest with each other and understand each other like nobody else even closely could; and all of that makes the DE amor real and true. Delena change each other and have the biggest influence on each other, they each bring out the best in the other, redeem each other and cause the other to grow, grow up and mover on. The main focus of the story lies on the development of the DE relationship, while Damon and Elena become constantly closer, their mutual amor stronger and their emotions deeper.
It is so obvious that Elena has NOT been with the right person so far; Elena and Stefan tried everything, but it is just not working out. It is not possible for Damon and Elena to stop loving each other and to get steadily closer, Elena can’t stop falling mais and mais for Damon, and their mutual amor overcomes all obstacles and setbacks, with each problem only making their bond stronger and their emotions deeper. Elena and Stefan were each time only together because of the circumstances, and Elena’s doubting and being-torn will end when she will finally be with Damon; the whole development of the story leads to Elena getting together with Damon in the end. Elena should realize that and try a relationship with Damon, because it can’t work out in the way that things were so far, and Elena’s doubts will vanish for good when she will choose Damon; Damon and Elena are just meant to be together. We viewers know that because we have mais information than Elena, but she really should realize that she has to give it a try with Damon.
Elena is still very young and lacks experience. She has to learn that one doesn’t necessarily has to stay with one’s first amor until eternity, that not all relationships work out, and that you can amor somebody forever, while he or she is always important to you, but it doesn’t last because you have even mais – and in Delena’s case EVERYTHING – with somebody else. Saying that you will stay together forever is very immature; most relationships don’t last, and those which do have to be fought for every single day. But Elena is young and inexperienced and will be confronted with reality sooner or later. I myself don’t believe in soulmates in real life, but DE are written like the true love; there is always fogo between them, they work on their relationship, and they have the good AND the bad sides of love. Delena don’t hide from reality, they are always true and honest with the other, and they are presented in the story as each other’s destiny; they have everything in perfection together, their amor is created to be everlasting, and they are led to become endgame. The story clearly leads there; the change to DE for good obviously tries to happen and can’t be delayed for too long.
Elena has always chosen Stefan, all of the circumstances (events, past, people around them, etc.) have favored their relationship so far, and they have tried everything to make it work out, but it DOESN’T. That is good for us Delena fans, because the audience is shown that there is nothing that can make the SE relationship last, while DE survive everything. Everything supports Stelena, and it doesn’t work out, while everything stands in Delena’s way, and they never end, but get steadily closer instead, until there will be at last no other way left than for them to finally officially get together.

Everything in the story leads to Damon and Elena ending up together, and that the producers officially deny that and refuse to admit it in public, while permanently increasing our fears, is a very good sign for our desperately desired DE endgame. The story and the marketing make it inevitable that Delena have to get together at some point, and saying that it is not decided if DE will ever be together, is the show-runners’ way of keeping up the suspense, because the story will be over when Damon and Elena will finally get together.
Stefan was introduced as the "good guy", he always tells Elena what she wants to hear and follows her lead in everything, he tries not to drink human blood and feels guilty about what he did, and he and Elena got together right away and permanently told each other that they will stay together forever. That sounds all so great at first look, with Damon being introduced as the "bad guy" that takes Elena’s free will and drinks human blood. But with time, Stefan’s ripper self is introduced and it is made clear that the brothers both have dark sides and a good coração – that Stefan can’t control himself, doesn’t make him an evil person. And on closer inspection, you realize that the SE relationship is immature and can’t survive being confronted with reality. Following Elena’s plans without thinking ends up in disaster, and it is very selfish to only let her have her will to avoid her wrath and hate. But Damon unselfishly protects Elena in every possible way (what she also does for her loved ones), he also regrets what he did, but doesn’t let it control him, and he accepts who and what he is, knows where his limits are and therefore knows how to not cruz his boundaries. Damon found a mature way to exist, has himself under control (now that he got used to his formerly turned off feelings) and understands things better than most others. Delena slowly, but carefully put together the perfect foundation for an everlasting and comprehensive love, and they fit together perfectly and become mais and mais alike ("Part of you knows you’re a lot mais like me than you’re like him."). So, the story came up with Stefan as a nice guy at the start, but developed steadily into showing what really lies beneath and that DE are actually destined to end up together.
Stelena may have had the official relationship so far (based upon "tainted" decisions), but Delena and we DE fãs had EVERYTHING ELSE. Elena and Stefan built their relationship on pretending and nothing real, while Damon and Elena put together in detail the perfect foundation for an everlasting amor and make sure that their relationship is built on everything real. [After telling Elena in 3x10 that Stefan helped Klaus to save Damon, and after telling Elena in 4x02 that blood-sharing is personal and that Stefan wouldn’t like it, Damon again is honest and wants things to be real between him and Elena (before an intimate moment) and tells her in 4x06 that there are problems between SE because Stefan tries to find a cure for Elena.] Damon and Elena are friends, what even keeps them close, when they are not officially together; they have a connection, bond and understanding that can never be destroyed and that holds them always together. SE only have words, with not much behind those, and also therefore the size of the different fanbases is nowhere close to being equal.
I would like to see something like the dream scene at the pool mesa, tabela in reality. There will always be fogo in everything between Delena, but there can still be some everyday relationship stuff. We have never had an exclusive DE relationship yet; we are only shown what could be, without ever getting something solid to keep. We see dreams, visions, fantasies, imaginations, hallucinations etc., but we still desperately await many things to finally become real. We are given an impression of an official Delena relationship, before it is taken from us again. It is an acceptable way of letting us see what the DE relationship will be like, while we still have to wait for the final Delena union in the end, but it doesn’t count as giving us DE fãs what we painfully long for (it instead makes our pain of yearning even bigger), and most importantly, it doesn’t ease the suffering of the tortured and heart-broken Damon, because he doesn’t know about any of that and has no benefit from it.
But I also don’t want the producers to put DE together shortly, only to satisfy the fans; that wouldn’t be satisfying for anyone. Delena could skrew up their relationship shortly, but there is no way back for Elena, when she will finally give in to their true amor and get together with Damon. And the story as well as we fãs demand justice, while DE and we need and deserve repayment for all the suffering and a reason for all the pain.

Otherwise, the story wouldn’t make sense and the executive producers would lose their credibility. Because why are there also so many official exclusive and intimate Delena pictures? Why does the main focus of the TV show lie on the development of the DE relationship and on their influence on each other? Delena have most in frequency, intensity and depth, their amor story is mostly shown, and their relationship is the only one with real development. A special atmosphere is created for DE, much work and time is put into creating their scenes, and their relationship develops carefully and in detail. Delena’s journey is slowly and unique and most beloved por almost everybody (what the show-runners have to know, considering that previews, promos, spoilers etc. normally are mostly about DE). Damon and Elena influence each other – like nobody else even closely does –, and their amor story is por far most talked about. Every look, every touch, every word, every action, every gesture, everything that is said and done, all of the signs, the songs in the background, and on whom the camera is at certain moments and during certain words mean something and lead to Delena as endgame. There are so many parallels for DE (in words, movements, actions, reactions, behaviour, circumstances for them, development of them and so many other things), there is so much sense in words, phrases and statements, it is so often EXACTLY the same for Delena; and what is said about DE is exactly what amor is about, and what Elena wants is exactly what she has with Damon. Damon is willing to be the "bad guy" to protect the others, while Elena is willing to be the "bad girl" to save her loved ones. Delena so often use exactly the same words in similar situations, that are sometimes even repeated in the songs, and they become mais and mais alike and fit the definition of twin flames with that and other aspects perfectly (and twin flames are two halfs of the same soul and ALWAYS end up together in the end).
Why does Bonnie see Damon in a vision when she touches Elena right at the start? Why does Katherine say that "I hate you" is the beginning of a amor story so close to Elena saying that she hates Damon? Why is everything about DE always declared to be real, when it is early said that you can’t walk away when it is real – while Stefan still can walk away from Elena, even when she explicitly asks him not to? And there are so many frases for Delena about not leaving each other and not losing the other as well as not knowing what to do without the other and about surviving everything. Damon will always choose Elena, and he is under her skin. Why is it said that Elena can’t shake off Damon, and at the same time that really being in amor can never be shaken? Why is there such an emphasis on Damon and Elena changing and influencing each other, while it is made clear repeatedly throughout the story that amor changes people? DE bring out the best in each other, they improve and redeem the other, they tear down each other’s walls and cause the other to grow up. Why is it said that it is right between Delena – not right now, but none the less right (with implying a right time)? And why is the word "consumed" used por Elena herself to describe what she has with Damon, and shortly afterwards por Damon – who knows and understands human nature and looks through people – to describe what Elena wants in love? And Damon isn’t aiming at preparing to conquer Elena at the beginning, and real and true amor really is consuming.
Everything that Damon says in 3x22 is exactly what amor is about and exactly what DE have: consuming, with passion, adventure and danger; and Elena herself says that she has that with Damon, and Elena is really the kind of girl for all of that. And also what Rose says in 3x19 is exactly what amor is about: Elena makes Damon a better person, while he also changes her, challenges her and surprises her, and he makes her pergunta her life and believes. We have here again the "changed por love"-part like on so many other occasions, and also the ability to be best or worst for someone is an aspect of true amor (and Damon really can’t be the worst for Elena). Rose takes a look at Elena’s relationship with both brothers and also comes to the conclusion that Elena belongs with Damon.
And why do Stelena get "Cut" – a song about relief through pain – for a special moment, while Delena get "All I Need" – a song about the redeeming power of love? And the song’s name "All I Need" speaks for itself, like the line "Make my coração a better place" describes one aspect of the DE amor story very well. Why does the line "I Was Wrong" is exactly played after Damon just said that he doesn’t deserve Elena – while "I Was Wrong" is even the name of the song? And we all also know lines for Delena like "It Is Everything You Wanted", "It’s One Door Swinging Open And One Door Swinging Close" and "Never Let Me Go"; and "Never Let Me Go" is again also the song title.
I could go on much longer with those examples. And during all of that, it is normally about what Elena’s mind wants to think with things concerning Stefan, while it is usually about what her coração and her body tell Elena with things concerning Damon. There is so much predetermination and foreshadowing everywhere in the story, and there can be found SO MANY hints – way too many to be unintended. All of that can’t be justified to be put into the show only for ratings. The audience needs to get an explanation and a reason for all of that in the end – and that can only be the DE endgame.

We Delena fãs already have a painful history, filled with tons of destroyed hopes and shattered dreams. As Damon and Elena finally after all of the heartache in the books confess their amor for each other, as Stefan finally understands and accepts that Elena really does amor Damon, and as Elena finally realizes that she didn’t only get close to Damon to help him (what she kept telling herself until then), but instead gets closer with him because she loves him, the publishers fogo Lisa Jane Smith and concentrate mais on SE in their story. Apart from the choice of endgame, such a behaviour is mais than cruel and unfair, especially because LJS brought the publishers such a huge success (and to still use her name for what clearly contradicts her ideas and wishes, is the worst [she called what was done to her "mutilating her child limb por limb and destroying it"]). Only the original author should have the right to decide how a story continues, the books were a great success, and most of the fãs want LJS to finish them (she followed her coração and listened to her story). And we fãs can now either go on with the books por the (extremely por the publishers controlled) ghost-writer – what is like paying for fã fiction –, or have to live without an end to the story, what I and many others do. And that is very hard, after we finally got the desperately wanted mutual amor confession before Damon and Elena had to part again, and it is not easy – if not impossible at all – to put the story aside without an end. Then, it was said that LJS was fired because she wanted to end the story with Damon and Elena as a couple, what was frustrating and comforting at the same time (we were so close), but the comfort was taken away again as that statement was taken back, what left only an even bigger frustration. L. J. Smith says that she can’t tell how her story would end without composição literária it herself, but looking at how her books are written and at what she says in interviews (what I dealt with in detail in my earlier articles), LJS was going for a Delena endgame. I think that she only wants to keep the last thing that she has left, after being treated in such an unfair and cruel way, and that is, that as long as Smith is not responsible for the end, all of the fãs will continue loving her; and LJS loves to please her fans.
There are many hints in the books that lead to DE as endgame: "the one she wanted to be with forever", "because she belonged to him" and "this person belonged with her", "the one Elena had been born to be with", "what her coração always yearned for" and so on. There are several mais Delena related frases concerning Elena’s heart, like there is also mais about destiny and about "meant to be". Something in Elena whispers "I’m yours" to Damon, she calls him her "best beloved", "soul’s eternal mate" and "twin flame", and Damon shows up as Elena summons up her future husband. It is so obvious throughout the books that Elena always TELLS herself and WANTS TO THINK everything with Stefan, while she FEELS everything with Damon. Whenever Elena reacts spontaniously, whenever she escapes her guilt, whenever she does something without thinking, there is always only Damon for her; it is all so clearly about MIND against HEART.
So, what we have left now, is the strong and deep feeling of injustice, the impression of the loss of the intented and desired DE end, but nothing solid that we could use for our cause.
Moving on to the TV show, where we had a very slow start for the Delena relationship and where we were repeatedly misled por Elena turning out to be Katherine, scenes turning out to be only dreams etc., as well as por deceiving previews, promos and other released information. We DE fãs had to endure lots of heart-breaking setbacks as well as all of the cheesy SE crap, while what we got was taken away from us right away. We have never had anything for a longer period of time, and we have never gotten anything solid that we could keep. Our hopes were torn to pieces over and over, and we had to urso enormous pain. Damon suffered extremely and we Delena fãs suffered with him, while there was even put an emphasis on Damon’s pain. Everything in the story leads to Damon and Elena ending up together, but our fears are steadily increased and our heartache is permanently intensified, while Stelena are pushed in public and our clear and outright majority is officially ignored. It is made very painful to ship Delena, but we still have that overwhelming majority, and that should tell you something and also shouldn’t be disregarded. It will always stay like that, we will never give up on DE, and our fanbase keeps on growing and growing.
And what we have left after all of that, is that we need the Delena endgame for justice, that we deserve it after everything that DE and we had to endure, and that we are right with shipping Delena – with what we will NEVER stop. After all of the suffering and the pain, the heartache and the fear, we DE fãs are left with an enormous desperation, while several of us even fell into depression; and we need and deserve the Delena endgame to be rewarded for all of that, and the story still leads there and will only make sense with it.

There are also other couples in the show that look at each other, carry the other, kiss, dance, react to the arrival of the other, have their hands on each other’s faces, hold hands – or whose hands otherwise touch – and protect and save the other. But nothing of that comes anywhere close to what DE have; Delena have things like that so often, each of those times are amazing and unforgettable, and all of them seem to be something totally different from the equivalent moments of other couples, because of the atmosphere, the tension and the details, because the focus is laid on such Delena scenes, and because they are so desperately awaited. So much planning and preparation is put into them, and they mover and effect the audience deeply; each single one of the moving DE scenes is special and unique, and nothing can stand any comparison with them.
And the Delena amor story shouldn’t be reduced to just one part of their epic and legendary love, relationship and journey. DE shouldn’t be only connected through the exchanged blood and their new situation – just in the "dark part" of their existence. They have hot AND sweet moments – AND all of the other things. Delena have been pretty much alike from the start, and they have really EVERYTHING together. Elena being a vampire and Damon teaching her how to control her blood-thirst are good for the development of their relationship, but that shouldn’t be everything that brings them together. Elena could shortly think that – so that the final DE union is still delayed –, but Delena should always be together, under all circumstances and no matter what, because their amor is true and real. Damon and Elena were destined from the beginning to end up together, they are meant to be together, so that it shouldn’t be tried to explain what DE have with only one aspect of their comprehensive amor story.
But although the audience could get the impression at the moment that Stefan is Elena’s human "fit" and Damon her vampire one, it is only true that Stefan can’t handle Elena as a vampire. Damon loves Elena "either way", and Delena already got close when she was still human. So, SE have only the human side, while DE have everything – always –, and that means that Damon has much mais with Elena (they have ALL and always), and that has to – no matter the circumstances – become clear and succeed in the end (to what all of the hints lead to).
Damon can show Elena now how to deal with her blood-lust, and he found the right way for it. Damon is realistic and honest, he has his blood-thirst completely under control, and he is not a bad person in it, now that Elena brought out the best version of him. Damon doesn’t have to kill for nourishment, and he knows where his boundaries are and how to avoid going too far. And he now can teach Elena how to find out where her limits are, and – por understanding them through testing and going near them – how to not cruz the line.
"You can’t enter the same river twice", because the water keeps moving on, and you also never get in exactly the same situation again, because time moves on, experiences are made and change constantly happens (that is especially true when you hid in a bubble and pretended that things were different than they really were). The relationship between Damon and Elena developed while Stefan was gone and couldn’t go back to its original state after his return, like it also changes now while Elena is a vampire, without the possibility of being turned back afterwards. Elena will remember what she experienced with Damon, she realized that it can work out for them to be together, and she had to grow up, when she had to deal with reality and consequences and take responsibility (she is still young, but she finally started to grow up) –, and growing up leads to her mature amor with Damon. Elena got to know much of Damon’s unselfishness and goodness (there is still more, but she at last good a better impression on all of that), and those will be kept in her memory. So, even if she becomes human again and tries to pretend that she is back to how she wants to be, her relationship with Stefan can’t work out. Elena chose Stefan at the end of the third season because of her (incomplete) knowledge at that time, and not because of her form of being [human]. When she isn’t losing control and lashing out in her "monster moments", vampire Elena is much like human Elena; in ignoring reality with Stefan and in denying her amor for Damon until now, in protecting her loved ones and in all of the everyday stuff, she was and is still like she had been before being turned. Because becoming a vampire brings out one’s true self, it pushes what is inside of people, but it doesn’t change one completely; one’s feelings are clearer and stronger – but NOT new. Elena now experiences the explosion of her suppressed emotions; her feelings were intensified, but – like she said herself – her feelings for Damon were already there before.
And turning Elena back into a human being is a way to postpone the final Delena union, because Elena wants to think that her human self is completely different from her vampire self and that things are like they were before she was turned, but she is always basically the same person and her experiences and memories make it impossible to go back. So, a cure would be fitting for the story as another delay for DE (the show will continue longer), and Damon can prove his unselfishness again in helping Elena to change back.
But there are always times for another delay of the final and desperately wanted Delena union (there are postponements of it throughout the whole story, because everything will be finally over with it). The skrewing up became less with time, but there are several other possibilities for a new delay. DE could lose control and get too close too quickly, or almost do that, what would emphazise the temptation, and that could scare them off for a while; or Elena could cruz a line, when Damon isn’t around to stop her, and blame him for that, because he introduced her to her boundaries (although she has to realize with time that knowing and understanding is the way to controlling); or Damon could push Elena away to avoid getting even mais hurt (or again for Elena’s or Stefan’s sake), or she could in another way finally realize how painful it is for him to be so close to her. There are lots of ways for another postponement, even without the "lashing out" and so on, and we are used to being hurt and misled and getting our hopes constantly destroyed. But Damon and Elena never stop loving each other and getting steadily closer, it is mais and mais difficult to understand why they still aren’t together (except perhaps that Elena still doesn’t know about everything that we viewers already found out), and each setback makes their amor only stronger and their bond deeper; and each phase between two setbacks makes all of that even mais obvious with time (every new stage increases each aspect of the Delena connection and understanding enormously), while DE get closer and closer.

And another very important aspect: Stefan can’t deal with Elena as a vampire; that is why he simply declares that that is not what Elena is supposed to be. That is the easiest way for him (like he also avoids Elena’s wrath and hate por telling her only what she wants to hear and por following all of her plans without thinking). Damon on the other hand loves everything about Elena; he doesn’t care if she is a vulnerable human or a tough vampire, he has no problem with her being covered with dirt or having blood that she just threw up on her chin. Damon only wants Elena to be happy and to be seguro ("It is because I amor you that I can’t be selfish with you", "I want you to get everything you’re looking for", etc.), and he does everything to achieve that. He is willing to let her hate him for protecting and saving her; he helps to give her the chance to become human again, because he thinks that she deserves to grew up, although being a vampire causes problems between Stelena and is therefore good for him. And Damon also doesn’t try to turn Elena into being like him to upset his brother, he instead endures the pain of being close to Elena without really getting her, because he knows that Elena needs human blood, that you have to know your limits to control yourself, and everything else that he does to help her with her transition. Damon unselfishly does what he can for Elena’s happiness and safety, and he loves Elena no matter what ("I’m fine with her either way.").
But Stefan only loves one side of Elena and can’t accept what else can be found inside of her. And you don’t become somebody totally different as a vampire, only your emotions become stronger and your control less (Elena’s emotions were already in their extremes around and especially FOR Damon before she became a vampire, and they are even much mais intense now [and amor is the strongest of all emotions]). Elena was always a girl that needed fun in her life and wanted passion, adventure and danger. She showed that even as a human for example before her parents died, during the trip to Bree’s bar and in the motel – whenever she could escape her guilt and fear. Elena is inexperienced, afraid and feels guilty, but that wild side was a part of her from the start, and she already was like Damon at the beginning, and they became mais and mais alike with time – what started way before she became a vampire (and Damon and Elena are changed por their mutual love). And no matter what kind of being Elena is, DE are in each case meant to end up together; Damon has the right way for Elena to be a vampire without killing people, and Damon unselfishly supports finding a way to turn Elena back, because her happiness and safety are most important to him (Damon admitted that he misses being human himself, but he would stay a vampire, because he needs the sobrenatural powers to protect his loved ones). Elena has to realize both of that sooner or later, and she will remember what she experienced with Damon in already such a short period of time as a vampire, so that each way – every way – still leads to the Delena endgame ("All roads lead to Delena"). [Damon tries to do everything for Elena, but when he is prevented from protecting and supporting her in 4x05, he tells her how to kill, because he can’t do it for her and wants her to get out of the situation alive and to get that act over with quickly.] And women and girls also normally don’t want to be with someone who only loves one side of them and can’t stand the rest of them. We hope that there are no problems and that everything works out, but we know that nothing – especially not in amor – ever can exist without problems, and we most importantly want somebody who always loves us and is there for us (in good and in bad times, in sickness and in health, etc.).
So, Stelena see each other like they want to see the other and only amor what they want to be, because also Elena doesn’t accept Stefan’s ripper-self. But Delena truely know each other and amor each other for how they really are. They are very realistic about who and what the other is, because Elena likes Damon "just the way he is", while he loves all about her, under any circumstances and no matter what, and he even likes her strong will and her compassion; Elena only still needs to realize that Damon doesn’t mean to take that away from her. DE’s amor is unconditionally and therefore lasts under all circumstances, and they are just perfectly created for one another.

To come back to another point, telling somebody only what he or she wants to hear, means ignoring the truth and is immature and can’t work out. Damon is honest and true; he only doesn’t say things, when it is just about himself and he wants to protect the others, like when he tried to hide that he was dying at the end of season two, because Elena had already lost so many, and because he didn’t want her to forgive him, only because he was poisened (he even exposed himself to the sun, so that she wouldn’t have to watch him die). Damon is usually very straight and direct, but he can be gentle with the truth, when it is really necessary. That is mature, right, true, real and honest; and Damon is normally right, but nobody listens to him. But you must deal with reality to grow up and accept the truth to mover on. I am full of expectation for the urgently needed speech that Elena finally has to give Stefan, when all of their pretending collapses and they can’t hide from the truth anymore. Stelena built everything on denying and ignoring, and Elena has to realize sooner or later, that Stefan reacted selfishly in always telling her only what she wanted to hear, because he feared her wrath and hate, and because that was the easiest way [although I must admit that in breaking up with Elena in 4x06, Stefan once was realistic, and although he probably couldn’t urso the pain anymore, he choose not the easiest way this one time]. Elena has to reproach Stefan with his false hopes, that caused her to delay dealing with reality, so that she couldn’t accept how things are and mover on earlier.
I want to tell you a story from my private life in this context: When I was younger, I had difficulties to accept other people’s opinions. I was raised to have respect for nationalities, ethnic differences and religions, so that those were never a problem for me, but I just couldn’t UNDERSTAND the varying in personal likings. Then, one day, my youngest cousin (who was probably around four or five years old at that time) came to me with a picture of three princess costumes (one blue, one white and one pink), and she asked me which one of those I liked most. Blue is my favourite colour, and so, I picked the blue one (blue –> white –> pink); she had ordered the rosa, -de-rosa one, but we agreed on liking all the dresses and were both happy and had no problem. But our other relatives – who sat around us – started right away to praise my cousin’s rosa, -de-rosa dress ridiculously and said that it was the most beautiful and best costume that they ever saw. They even tried to make me admit that I made a mistake and also liked the rosa, -de-rosa costume most, and all of my relatives pretended to think all the same like my cousin. I always stay polite, and there are many different possible ways to disagree between "ugly" and "not my style". When I for example see that some clothes make somebody that I know look fat, I say that I wouldn’t buy those clothes and suggest to take another piece. When we are really close, I honestly say what I think, but I always do that in a polite way. And I for example compliment something else on my friend; there is always something nice to say. And I would never insult a child; I am especially friendly and carefully around children. And my cousin and I were happy and agreed on liking princess costumes, while I know for a fact that our other relatives don’t like dresses like that. I myself always had a thing for barbie and really like princess dresses, so that I told my cousin the truth, but even otherwise, I wouldn’t have thrown that violently in her face.
But that incident made me remember, that while I grew up, every member of my family always liked and praised my clothes, toys etc., and told me that I had the best and most gorgeous things ever. It took a very long time until I finally came across a different opinion in my life, because I was raised in totally agreement por everybody, what caused me to develop an inability to deal with disagreeing. So, it is best to always tell the truth – while doing it in a polite way –; people have to learn that differences can be found everywhere in the world, and that it is no problem to disagree in politeness. And with the realization where my inability had its origin, I started to work on my difficulties with different opinions, and I changed that with time. And nowadays, I don’t have a problem when people disagree with me, I can accept to be criticized in a polite way, and I am even thankful for suggestions for improvements. Life becomes interesting through diversity, variation is nothing bad, but everything in reality has to be dealt with – because you are controlled por what you suppress, and you can only mover on after accepting the truth. You can’t hide and pretend forever, it is worse to be confronted with reality when you are not prepared for it, and the truth can’t be changed por ignoring and denying.

"We come to amor not por finding a perfect person, but por learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." And Delena know about the mistakes of the other, they are always true and honest about all of those, and they amor each other exactly how they are, what is one of the things that makes them perfect for each other. I only want to add to this quote that such a amor makes people better, while the apaixonados also cause each other to become better persons; and all of that brings them and their amor even closer to perfection.
We know that Elena should be with Damon, considering everything that we know, and being with Damon would be right for Elena because of her feelings. But staying so close to Damon and doing what she does with him, is not right for Elena because of her feeling of guilt and her moral standards. It was wrong to spend that much time and especially such intimate moments with her boyfriend’s brother, even mais so because of what goes on between Delena, but it would be right for Elena to finally mover on to Damon and do everything with him while being officially together.
But we came from "I hate him", "You’re an ass", "He’s a monster" etc., and we want the story to end in eternal amor in ultimate happiness and perfection; and that is a long way and needs time, especially with every detail created perfectly. And guilt, loyalty and fear still hold Elena back. She is afraid of these feelings that she has with Damon and never experienced before, she worries about what her family and friends say who don’t like Damon, and she doesn’t want to hurt Stefan who helped her. Damon is Stefan’s brother, and without knowing about the background, most people would call it "slutty" to get together with the brother of a former boyfriend (relatives and close friends are always problematic, and I think that brothers and best friends are the worst). So, there is still much to overcome, until DE can finally be together for good. And we also still don’t have a definition por Elena for her feelings for Damon, but we get steadily closer to one, and we all already know that she loves him.
And Delena fit together perfectly in everything, how the story develops increases my hope and my faith, because we seem to understand the story in the right way, and that DE have to end up together is SO obvious and clear to me, because the story otherwise wouldn’t make sense. No matter what is said in public to push SE, it is already proven wrong. The story goes through everything that supports Stelena, and nothing works out, while everything is thrown into Delena’s way, and nothing can ever end their mutual amor or stop them from getting closer. Damon and Elena didn’t get together because Stefan left or because she became a vampire or something like that; it will only be their mutual amor that will finally unite them in the end – after the slow and careful emerging of their amazing relationship. There will be no "only because of" and no doubt left, and there can only be one end that makes sense. Everything is dealt with, so that no other possibility will be left in the end, when we will at last – after all of the heartache and fear – get to the desperately desired and truely deserved DE endgame.

1. Damon only loves Elena because he's been hurt por Katherine; Elena is Damon's 'rebound' girl.

Never during any time I watched Seasons 1-2 did I get the impression that Damon fell in amor with Elena because he needed to replace Katherine, or because Katherine had hurt him. DE got to know each other as friends first, and when they met, Damon was still mad about Katherine, and remained one hundred percent focused on opening the tomb, getting her out, and then leaving Mystic Falls to live happily ever after with his lost love. Once the tomb is opened, and Damon discovers Katherine was never in...
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When I had seen the visualização for The jantar Guest, I couldn't resist playing on it, but instead of Katherine always mimicking Elena I decided that Elena would try to pass herself off as Katherine for a change. And passing herself off as Katherine she would give in to getting together with Damon.
Given the content of some of this I would have to rate it MA. Hope you enjoy :)

Elena Gives in to Her Naughty Side

Elena came into the study to catch Katherine doing her best impression of her. As Katherine, Damon and Stefan caught sight of her the all fell silent.
“Wow. I’m getting really good at...
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posted by niadk
Patience is a virtue my fellow Delena shippers and I felt the need to write that article, because I see a lot of DErs feel dissapointed after the last episode. Let me start por saying that I also felt that the writers "let me down" and I was really pissed off once the episode finished because I expected some development in their relationship. The thing is, that after I calmed down I realised that I shouldnt ask for something more, now. What I mean is that for me Damon and Elena's amor story IS the story of that show. I honestly feel that the whole show is based on the development of this relationship....
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posted by inuyashagirl82
SEer on twitter comes at me with "stefan and Elena belong together. Damon said it himself" I told her "Maybe Elena should see stefan's rutheless side 1st. Kill someone for fun. Then see if Elena feels the same." She responds "but that's not Stefan, he's too sweet."

--> gahhhh! are you kidding me with that.! This is part of who stefan is. He may not act on it but it doesnt just disappear either. Stefan only ever shows elena his "good" side. SEers say Elena does know his Dark side. He goes to great lengths to hide it from her. He doesnt say about his dark past cuz he doesnt trust enough in...
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posted by delenasalvatore
I didn't think it was possible to amor Damon or Delena mais than I already did after watching 'The Return'.
I was wrong.

I didn't know what to call this article. I decided to name it after a movie because the DE scene in 'Rose' reminded me a little of one of my favourite scenes in the film 'Love Actually'. In the movie, one of the characters, Mark (Andrew Lincoln) is in amor with a girl he can't be with, Juliet (Keira Knightley). Juliet has always thought Mark didn't like her, and is shocked when she discovers the truth about how he really feels. On natal Eve, Mark shows up on her doorstep....
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'The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart'

Florence and The Machine, 'Cosmic Love'

Every DE fã wants it to happen. But not every fã of 'The Vampire Diaries' feels the same way:

'The only way Elena will end up with Damon is if Stefan dies.'

'It would be wrong for Elena to sleep with Damon after she slept with Stefan.'

'If Elena had sex with Damon she would look like a slut/tramp/whore.'

'Elena could not possibly choose Damon who has a history of shredding innocent people to death.'

I'm sure you've...
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posted by shannon9396
1. Kings of Leon - Closer
You shimmy shook my bone leaving me stranded all in amor on my own
Do you think of me? Where am I now? Baby where do I sleep?
Feel so good but I'm old, 2000 years of chasing's taking its toll

2. Hedley - Perfect
Falling a thousand feet per second
You still take me por surprise
I just know we can't be over
I can see it in your eyes
Making every kind of silence
Takes a lot to realize
It's worse to finish than to start all over
And never let it lie
And as long as I can feel you holding on
I won't fall
Even if you said I was wrong...

3. evanescence - My Last Breath
Hold on to me love
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Chapter 1: Denying it

Damon Salvatore. Damon Salvatore. the name felt so familiar and comforting. it soothe me in times i thought nothing in the world could. at the time, stefan tried everything in his power to try and make me smile or at least make my worried dissaper. but he couldn't, as hard as he tried he just couldn't. it wasn't his fault. and it wasn't my fault for falling in amor with damon the way that I did, i'm not to blame. i mean who wouldn't fall in amor with Damon Salvatore?? he was the perfect guy. i loved him. but there were times that i couldn't admit that even to myself. damon...
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“How….” I said slowly, trying to get my head around what Katherine was telling me. I was her humanity? I was her SOUL? “How…” I said pathetically again. She sat down on the sofa and held her empty glass tightly. She looked up at me.
“When Emily removed my humanity, she locked it away. She told me that the only way I could ever get it back was if it was…born again. Then she would chant a spell and my souls would be united.” She stared sadly at the floor. “But Emily has gone. Her spell has gone. There’s no way I can get my humanity back…” Damon’s mouth stopped hanging...
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Again im not a writer but i am so in amor with the couple !!! x damon and elena

Damon and Elena school amor part 3

It was stefan, i had no idea what to do my mind just froze all i could think about was getting damon out of my room, damon stood up and walked slowly over to the window without taking his eyes off me and picked up his camisa where he had thrown it off in the heat of our passion. He just stood there looking at me but i was panicing that stefan would come up and see .
"DAMON!" i shouted but damon flew across the bedroom and put his hand over my mouth
"You shouldnt be so stupid to shout...
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I gasped and moved away from him. “Stefan…you didn’t…Oh my God, you killed that little girl!” He looked at me apologetically and his face filled with guilt.
“Elena, the pull of human blood is very strong. I couldn’t resist, it was too much…” He mover closer but I sprang up and backed against the wall.
“Stefan…I don’t…I think I’m going to be sick…” I felt ill thinking about that poor little girl…having her blood drained from her body… “Stefan…get out. I…I can’t hear anymore…Not now.” He nodded and got up. I couldn’t look him in the eye.
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This is not my article, but I found it on tumblr and wanted to share.

Damon (to Elena): “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you mais alive.” 4x08

Elena (to Damon): “That in death you’re the one that made me feel most alive.” 4x23

Damon (to Elena): “You are my life.” 5x03

Elena (to Damon): “I like our life when its like this.” 5x06

Like many things involving Damon and Elena, these parallels are deliberate.

Although for vastly different reasons, neither Damon or Elena wanted to complete the transition and become vampires.

Damon had wanted to turn for Katherine, and when he thought...
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added by AnamHussain95
Source: twitter
added by Veronny
Source: delena
posted by msmysticlove
I found this post on tumblr and i completely agree with all of this. So i thought i should share it with you all :)....

He didn’t…so I am not even going to think about the rest….okay, I will elaborate..here is the short version of why I don’t think that Damon killed Aunt Sara…and to take it further, I don’t think that he killed the Whitmores.

1. He knew that Enzo was alive, when he saw the blood bag in Dr. Ken Doll’s fridge because it had his number on it..so he figured out that something was going on with the revenge scheme, and it had to do with Enzo.

2. To further #1, he didn’t...
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I know what everybody is thinking what is wrong with this dude stefan is selfless and honorable but in the beginning of the show from the start he lied to elena throughout the show and you may think no he didn't. But in the first season he leid to her about nearly everything from how his brother made him turn and he was innocent and made his brother seem like he was the big bad lobo to
dropping bomb shells on elena to stop being mad with him hoping that he wouldn't lose another kathrine. And when his brother tried to get revenge for all he'd done he used that chance to make him seem like the...
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added by kwiatuszek446
diários do vampiro
damon salvatore
elena gilbert
damon and elena
nina dobrev
ian somerhalder
The following contains a list of songs that have played during Delena scenes, songs that have played during other TVD scenes, but could also apply to Delena, and songs that simply remind me of Delena. Some songs are not directly about Delena, but about how I feel towards the TVD crew (read: Julie Plec)

The list is in no particular order.

1. Plumb: Here With Me
2. Ingrid Michaelson: Maybe
3. Miley Cyrus: When I look at You
4. The Fray: Say When
5. Augustana: Just Stay Here Tonigt
6. P!nk: Who Knew
7. Ingrid Michaelson: The Chain
8. Parachute: What I Know
9. Shane Filan: Me and the Moon
10. Ross Copperman:...
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added by DEX173