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added by _Chryso_
Source: tumblr.
diários do vampiro
damon salvatore
elena gilbert
season 4
added by Joy3570
Source: http://ribelledentro.tumblr.com/
posted by yasmeen40
The Darkest Side of Me
originally Written por : SuchALittleMonster
on FanFiction.net
Something was definitely wrong. Everything was dark. Pitch black...

I slowly rolled onto my side and reached for my phone. Nothing. I always keep my phone on the nightstand seguinte to my bed. Odd...

Sighing in frustration, I slowly sat up, groggy and irritated my eyes had not adjusted to my dark room yet.

I flung my legs over the side of the cama and blinked a couple times, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. How long have I been out? Oh, goody a pounding headache to add to the list, just want I need.

I managed to crawl...
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added by escada
Source: tumblr
added by bussykussi
added by Deiona
Source: Sakura971 @ FF
added by Nibylandija
Source: http://arabian.livejournal.com/415124.html
posted by delenasalvatore
 credit: Pufyfantastik
credit: Pufyfantastik
Please welcome our FOTM winner for February, the wonderful HaleyDewit (Ellen)! *round of applause* Big thanks to Ellen for taking the time to answer these questions!

1. Can you please introduce yourself?

Hi, my name’s Ellen. I’m 21, 22 seguinte month. I work in the cozinha of a tearoom. I have three sisters and one brother. I amor writing, making ícones and fanvideos. I’m addicted to music, filmes and TV-shows.

2. How do you feel about winning FOTM title?

I think it’s awesome! It really seemed as if I wasn’t going to be nominated, but then Delena4eva nominated me at the last minute.

3. When...
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posted by delenaluv
it was the morning after and elena had stayed all night with damon giving him the cure. while he was still sleeping she had nothing to do but relive last night in her head. what the hell just happened or better yet whats gonna happen? elena thinks that if she admits that she feels something for damon that would make her another katherine. elena doesnt want to be like katherine. she doesnt want to feel anything for damon. difference is katherine said she loved both but showed that wasn't the case. katherine knew damon would die using the dagger to kill elizah but didn't care or once again put...
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 2x18 (Elena looks rather accepting, doesn't she?)
2x18 (Elena looks rather accepting, doesn't she?)
So I've been considering posting this for a while, and with all the pessimism I've seen on here lately, I think it's about time I say it.
Now, all I hear lately is "ELENA TOTES DIDN'T REACT WELL ENOUGH TO DAMON'S 'I will always. choose. you' LIKE OMG!" and I just have to say something about that.
Listen, I know you may be frustrated, but I think honestly, that was a FANTASTIC reaction.
And you wanna know why?
IMMEDIATELY, I saw her face...
and you know what face she was making?
the same one from 2x8, 'Rose', when Damon told her he loved her.
There was a look of slight confusion, maybe even a little...
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posted by storyteller13
Damon arrived at Elena's room to check on her.
It has been a long time since she hasn´t seen Stefan, and Damon is worried that Elena has been taking it a little to good. Although ahe hasn´t done anything to herself yet, he could feel her sufering in the inside.

Damon sat on Elena's bed. He can hear the water going from the other room and so He lays on the cama and thinks about what he´s going to say. While he awaits Elena's return he difts off to sleep. Elena turns off the water and gets out. Elena got a towell and dries off her face. She has been washing her teeth thinking about every stefan...
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posted by georgouskadia19
Elena was lying on her bed, how she had been able to ignore her feelings, those she felt in the respect of Damon Salvatore. Indeed she knew that she was attracted por him, but what girl would not be por him? She had to see Damon taking care of this Rose to open her eyes. Shefelt so many things at the same time … Suddenly, she felt a cold breath on her neck, and turned around. It was him. It was Damon.
" Damon, what are you doing here? How is Rose doing? " She asked him,
" her state worsens from hours till hours, he answered por looking at her with his piercing blue eyes, it doesnt left her much...
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elena gilbert
damon salvatore
diários do vampiro
ian somerhalder
nina dobrev
added by ForeverEternity
added by vanszerelem
added by Kackahaluzova
added by Leytonfan4ever
Source: http://twin-flames.tumblr.com/
diários do vampiro
damon salvatore
elena gilbert
added by az0965022
damon salvatore
diários do vampiro
elena gilbert