A Lady e o Lobo Club
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Humphrey woke up in a strange place. As he opened his eyes and looked around, he couldn’t figure out where he was. He couldn’t even remember how he had gotten here. The place was fairly large, but enclosed. There were various weird items sitting all around him and he was laying on something soft and fuzzy. Slowly, it all came back to him. It was a little less than a mês atrás when he, along with Kate, his pups, Garth, Lilly, Daria, Marcel, and Paddy had set out to find his parents.

After finding out they were dead, the group had learned that the valley had been taken over por the Rogue lobos and they rushed back to help. During the battle, a group of humans had shown up. Then Humphrey remembered him. The General. He had been aiming his gun at Kenya, so Humphrey intervened and the two fought. In the end, Humphrey had jumped in front of a faca that was thrown at Kate and after the humans retreated, he…

Wait, he thought. I should be dead. He tried to get up, but as he rolled onto his stomach, he was hit with an intense wave of pain in his side. He grimaced as he looked down at his side and saw that his entire upper body had been tightly wrapped with white bandaging from the bottom of his ribcage to the back of his shoulders.

While he still didn’t know where he was, he knew that he was alive, although how remained a mystery. As he tried to stand up again, the door to the room he was in opened and a middle-aged woman stepped in. Despite her age, she looked very fit and healthy. Her blonde hair was tied up behind her head and she had a concerned look in her eyes.

At the sight of a human, Humphrey instinctively panicked and tried to get up as quickly as he could. He stood up right away when he saw her, but immediately fell over in pain. He scrambled to his feet again, the adrenaline in his body helping him to ignore the searing pain in his side that was telling him to stop. Humphrey backed into a corner, wanting to get as far away from her as he could. Humans were bad news. They always were.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down!” the woman exclaimed, putting her hands out in a calming gesture. “You’re still healing.”

Humphrey didn’t relax. He didn’t care about his wound right now. He was terrified of whatever this human was going to do to him. As she calmly approached him, the grey pele, peles on his back that wasn’t being held down por the bandages began to stand up and he began to growl. The woman stopped her approach and just looked at him. As much as Humphrey wanted to stay focused and not let his guard down, his body wouldn’t let him, and he eventually collapsed back onto the floor.

The woman rushed over and kneeled down seguinte to him. Humphrey tried to muster the strength to get up or growl or do anything that would get her away from him, but his body was completely spent. All he could do was lie there as she gently put her arms under his body and picked him up off the floor.

She brought him back over to the cama he had been laying on and put him down on it. It was then that she noticed blood seeping through the bandages on his side.

“Oh no,” she said, “you’re hemorrhaging again.”

She quickly got up and rushed out of the room, returning moments later with a towel that she tightly wrapped his side with and picked him up again. She hurriedly carried him through a couple of different rooms before they reached an open door that led outside. Humphrey was carried to a truck parked outside the house and placed inside of it. The woman got in the front and began to drive away, every now and then, looking back at Humphrey.

“Don’t worry,” she kept saying. “You’re going to be alright.”

She sped through the forest as fast as she was daring to go. They reached the western border of Jasper within twenty minutos and not long after, they entered a town. The woman drove to a fairly large building and stopped. She then jumped out of the truck, grabbed Humphrey out of the back, and rushed him into the building.

As they entered, a sudden onslaught of new and unusual smells flooded Humphrey’s nose. Some animais smelled somewhat like him; others smelled completely different. Humphrey began to feel tired and found it increasingly hard to keep his eyes open. As the woman brought him up to a desk, he passed out.

“Whoa!” the man at the escrivaninha, mesa said when he saw what had come through the door. “What are you doing with that?”

Several people sitting in chairs suddenly jumped out of their seats when they saw the lobo being carried into the building.

“He needs your help!” the woman said quickly.

The man rushed around the counter and Humphrey was taken back to a white room with a mesa, tabela on it.

“Wait,” the man said as he recognized the woman, “weren’t you two just here a few days ago?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“What happened?”

“I startled him when he woke up and he tore it open.”

The man pulled back the last of the bandages and a shocked look came over his face for a moment.

“Oh, he certainly did,” he said before calling two other people into the room.

After the towel and bandages were removed, Humphrey’s reopened wound began bleeding mais heavily. The bleeding was eventually brought under control and he was stitched up and bandaged again. He was brought over to a cage with a cama in it and placed inside.

“We’ll monitor him closely for a few days, and then we’ll transfer him to a place where he can heal up properly before being released,” the man said.

A few days passed and Humphrey’s wound continued to slowly heal to the point where he could at least lie on his stomach without too much pain. Eventually, the dia came when Humphrey was supposed to be transferred. The woman who brought Humphrey to the building had come to see him before he left.

“How do you plan on moving him?” she asked.

“Well,” the man replied, “he’s still too injured to mover on his own and he’s been fairly calm these past few days, so I don’t think we need to sedate him. We just have to be careful.”

As they opened the cage and set Humphrey on a gurney, he looked at the woman and began to whimper.

“Shh,” the man said, “I know it hurts.”

“I don’t think that’s why he’s whimpering,” the woman replied as she realized Humphrey’s gaze never left her.

The man noticed too and stopped pushing the gurney.

“It looks like he likes you,” he said.

Humphrey rolled his eyes internally. To be completely honest with himself, he didn’t know why he was doing this. Maybe this woman really didn’t mean to hurt him. Maybe she really did care about him. Whatever it was, he had a strange feeling about her. A good feeling, like everything would be alright. He didn’t know where these people planned to take him, and that thought was mais terrifying than returning to this woman’s house. And besides, her house was closer to the pack, which was comforting.

“Well,” the man said, “do you think you could handle him? All he really needs is cama rest and to stay hydrated.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” she replied.

“Alright then.”

Humphrey was wheeled out to the woman’s truck and carefully put in the back and the two returned to her house. Humphrey reluctantly relaxed and took it easy for the rest of the day. The seguinte morning, the woman checked in on Humphrey to find him trying to stand up. He ended up falling over again and let out a growl of frustration.

“Hey, you have to take it easy,” she said. “You’re still healing.”

“I’m not helpless,” Humphrey said to himself.

“I know you’re not.”

Humphrey suddenly raised his head and looked at the woman in shock.

“You-” he began.

“Oh, sorry,” the woman apologized. “I didn’t mean to surprise you. But yes, I can understand you.”

“H-how?” Humphrey asked.

“I work as a park ranger here in Jasper,” she replied. “I’ve been around animais my whole life and I’m especially fond of wolves. Needless to say, I picked a few things up.”

“Oh,” Humphrey said. “So, um, w-what’s your name?”

The woman laughed a little at his awkwardness before answering.

“My name’s Leyla. Leyla Johnson. I imagine you have a name too?”

“Yeah. I’m Humphrey.”

“Humphrey,” she said. “That’s a nice name. It means “peaceful warrior” if I’m not mistaken. Is that why your parents gave you that name?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” he replied. “To be honest, I never really knew my parents. We were separated when I was very young.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Leyla said.

She then paused for a moment.

“Would you...like to talk about it?” she asked carefully, sitting down seguinte to him.

“I don’t mind,” Humphrey said. “It helps to talk about it.”

He then spent the rest of the dia telling Leyla about his puphood and how he and Kenya were taken from their parents when they were young. He told of how his engradado, caixa had fallen off the truck and how he got lost in the woods. He told her about Arnold and the prank they played on Gerald. He told about when Arnold got caught in a urso trap and Humphrey had to leave him when he smelled a human approaching.

He told about how he was caught in a storm and how his tail was pinned down por a tree. He told of the lobos that rescued him and then he told of his banishment from their pack, only to be found por the Western Pack the seguinte day. He then told of Kate and how he grew up with her. He told of their accidental trip to Idaho and how they fell in amor along the way. He told of the adventures their pups had led them on and eventually told of how he went searching for his parents. How he found Kenya and Adam and how the pack was attacked. And how he had sacrificed himself to save his sister.

“Wow,” Leyla said, “no wonder you freaked out when you saw me the other day.”

“Yeah, humans and I don’t really mix,” he replied.

Leyla suddenly smiled and laughed to herself.

“What?” Humphrey asked. “What is it?”

“Oh, it’s just...I’m sitting here having a conversation with a wolf,” Leyla answered.

“And I’ll bet that’s not something you do every day?” Humphrey asked.

“No, not one bit,” she said. “It’s weird though. I...I don’t mean to offend you but, I don’t know, it’s almost...humanizing.”

“What is?”

“All this,” she replied. “Knowing your name, talking to you, getting to know you. You don’t seem like just an animal anymore.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Humphrey asked.

“Yeah, definitely, it’s just…strange.”

“I get it,” Humphrey told her. “I mean it’s not like I've ever sat down and talked with a human before either. But to be fair, every human I’ve come across has tried to kill me.”

“Well, not all humans are like that,” Leyla said.

“So, how did you find me?” Humphrey asked. “I mean, how did I get here?”

“I found you unconscious on the ground with that wound in your side, so I grabbed you and took you up to that animal hospital in the town a couple miles west of here,” Leyla explained. “They bandaged you up and turned you over to me because they didn’t have the room for you. They told me to bring you back once you woke up, but I never really planned to. You know you’re very lucky to be alive. Not only did you survive a faca wound, but they also said that they found a bullet lodged between two of your organs, but they were both perfectly intact. It’s a miracle you survived that.”

She looked at the time on a clock on the wall.

“You should get some rest.”

“Leyla I, uh,” Humphrey began.


“Aw man, this is embarrassing,” he continued.

“What is it?” Leyla asked again.

“I, uh. I have to go,” Humphrey whispered.

“Why are you whispering?” Leyla whispered back.

“Because I’m embarrassed,” Humphrey said again.

“Oh,” Leyla said, finally understanding. “Are you sure you can’t hold it?” she asked.

“No, I can’t,” Humphrey replied.

“It’s okay. I’ll help you up.”

“That’s not the problem,” Humphrey said.

“Don’t worry,” she reassured him. “I won’t look.”

Humphrey hesitated.

“Look, this is how it’s going to be before you can stand on your own again, so you better get used to it,” Leyla said, smiling.

She helped Humphrey up and out the back door into the woods. She kept her promise and looked away as he did his business. She then helped Humphrey back inside and onto his bed.

As the weeks passed, Humphrey slowly began to heal. The bandages were removed a few days after he and Leyla had their talk and por the end of the month, he was able to stand on his own again. A few days later, he was good enough to walk again, and as the seguinte mês passed, Humphrey continued to get better and better. Over the course of his recovery, he and Leyla had formed a strong friendship and she was beginning to get afraid that when the time came to release him, Humphrey either wouldn’t want to go or wouldn’t be able to survive on his own after months in captivity.

One day, she made the tough decision to send him to a nearby zoo instead. That night, Leyla drugged his comida and after he passed out, she drove him up to the zoo and left him there.
It was 2 hours after the high alert was signaled and the caution level was towering over all others and dread was was looming in the hearts of all the pack leaders. Every one of the alphas were looking out for the alliances (except for kate who was still trying to fit into a pele, peles tight lobo suit) as Winston made sure none would touch the marked targets Lily and Garth.

Lily: "Garth- i'm scared, are you sure we shouldn't postpone the festival, just for a while"?

Garth: "I am so sorry i put you, the best thing that has ever happened to me in such worry and danger. he said with great fear in his voice....
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*A Week after Humphrey’s incident*
“Damn this Plasma is AWESOME!”Humphrey says
“I Know right!”I say
*We Watch A&O 3D On Bluray on the Plasma Screen*
“OK!”I say
*We play A Car game Which also was altered for mais better controls for paws*
“HI PAW!”I Say because we tied
*Also I added a feature that you can use your tail to control it as well plus either saying command PAWS or Putting both paws on the bottom of the screen*
“Hey guess what Humphrey”I say With Wide eyes at my IPAWD
“What?”he says
“I got asked if I would make Software for windows...
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The twilight world stood silent, two lobos confronted por a grim visage in the night. It was little mais than a voice and a shaded blur through the thick fog and mist, but Eight knew. He could see those eyes, glowing yellow in what little light there was. They maintained their still for a moment, peering beams of bright fogo in the darkness, beacons of terror. As they danced forward, she came into view through the veil of white atmosphere and her eyes faded slightly.
She stood tall and proud before the two, not to be challenged. The Cougar that Eight had happened upon and survived only a month...
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posted by REDWolfleader
 The Serum
The Serum
Awhile after being in Canada for a few weeks a few humans decided to tranquilize me and bring me BACK to area 51. But this time they didn't allow me to escape. they must have put a homing device in me to identify me or something. And they gave me a new name... 245878372 Delta. They injected me with a green serum and put me in a semi circular devise. And as they did so I over-heard a conversation.
"Sir, 245878372 Delta is ready."
"Lets do it then." Then I saw him push a red button and then the devise I was in started humming quit literally then I found myself among a group of dogs.
"What the fuck just happened?!?!"
"Well I cant tell you that but I can tell you your in the ano of 2277 and your in The Capital Wasteland!"One of them replied.
"One... How the hell did I get from 2011 to 2277... Two... What the hell is 'The Capital Wasteland'?"
"The Capital Wasteland is what used to be 'Washington D.C.'"
Author's Note: I made this one a little shorter then i wanted It to save me some time to work on chapter 5 and 6

I remember Waking up and hearing screaming from Garth and Lilly's tent. I ran out to see if they where ok but I go out to see Thomas and brik running out of their tent laughing with a camera in Thomas hand. “Thomas Give Me The Camera!!” Garth Screamed as he ran out of the tent after Thomas and Brik only in his pants from yesterday that were ripped from the bullet shots and covered in blood and man was he pissed!!!

After most of the drama was over Topgun and Hell Merry came out...
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posted by EightySix
Name: Velvet
Appearance: Red-Brown, slender, muscular frame. To look at her, you would instantly gain the impression of a perfect mixture of strength and speed. Her beauty she got from her mother, her strength from her father.

Velvet is the quintessential older sister, as well she should be, being the oldest member of all the children of the pack. If there was an Alpha of the family, she would be it. She is por far the most mature of the rest of her siblings and acts as 'den mother' even under her mother who does the same.
Velvet leads and heads up any activities that her brothers and sisters engage...
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As the three lobos approached the others and the... apparatus, Eight began to notice a trend. These lobos must be the clever sort, there were scribblings in the dirt depicting... things, and other broken down... things, as well as plenty of lashings, vine, lumber. They clearly enjoy making... things.
And this thing was no different. They were all very pleased to present it to him, this jumbled mess of vine and fallen limbs.
Lilac had begun pulling back a vine with her jaws. The center of the vine was stretched between the two trees, wrapped around the tronco, porta-malas once and went up and over the...
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The sun was high on this day. por the time he woke and caught a little something for breakfast, the breeze had become nice and cool, the day's weather, very mild.
Eight padded down this path or that through the wilderness, sniffing here, looking there, The cool ground under his paws, the crinkle and crackle of leaves as he went along.
He'd been on the mover for some time now since he and his siblings left the den. For a while he had a few traveling companions, but they said their goodbyes along the way, promising to meet up again every so often, as family does. Cowboy stayed with him the longest...
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posted by Red_Pyramid206
Umbrella, the most powerful comercial entity in the world. 9/10 homes carry its products. But, even unknown to its employees, Umbrella is known for the development of new viral weaponry. The Tyrant Virus, or T-Virus is the newest most powerful.

Kate and Humphrey, two of Raccoon City's best S.T.A.R.S. agents are sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances of former member Albert Wesker. Accompanied por Garth and Lilly, two rookies, they encounter the HIVE, Umbrella's topo, início secret bio-weapon lab. But while the investigation continues, a deadly bio-weapon virus escapes and causes infection throughout the city. Will they get out alive? Or will they be infected.
posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 7

Saphire, Seth and Kate began to approach a small antro, den lined with stray tufts of grass. Voices, male and female could be heard inside. Then a petit white female walked out. One of her eyes were covered with her locks, the other was a bright purple. "Hey Saphire..." The female said. Saphire smiled. "Hey Lilly... Hows life?" Lilly shrugged. "Same old... Same old..." She laughed. Saphire nodded. "Who are these two?" Lilly asked turning her head to Seth and Kate. "Well, this one over here, is Seth." "Nice to meet you!" Lilly smiled. Seth could tell she was fairly friendly. He hadn't met...
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well guys, i know that i posted the video here (so don't judge me), but i decided to write down also. here are MY topo, início 11 best filmes of 2013. and just a quick side note: just like in 2012 and 2011, i didn't see every movie that came out in 2013. so, these are the filmes that i did see. also, you might notice a few changes in the list, compared to the video. it's cause i changed the places of some of the movies. so, let's get started.

starting off the list is The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. yea, even though i never read "The Hunger Games" books, i really enjoyed the first "Hunger Games" movie....
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added by SentinelPrime89
A Lady e o Lobo
added by OmegaLeader
posted by TimberHumphrey
well, another ano and another "Swan Princess" movie's coming out... and we get a trailer... where the hell to start? well, i'll start por saying: why, Crest? couldn't you just, oh i don't know, stop the franchise at the third movie? that would've been 10x times better. but no, they just had to butcher the franchise with a god awful fourth movie, and now they're making another one....
so yeah, like you can predict, in "Swan Princess 5" we're joined once again por Prince Derek and Princess Odette (she still looks terrible in CGI) and this time, they adopt a little girl named Alice or whatever....
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posted by sanman7
So this is going o be a sort of draw my life thing for my Birthday

So I was born in Texas I'm currently 16 years old the age on my perfil is my fursona I have always loved animais and always will I have had multible accounts and am known por many names I had a dark past on here I don't want to remember but only one is the bad past the rest are pretty neutral

I have talked to Jon before about matters of this club and he would congratulate me if he knew how much I changed me and him agreed on things and made changes

I have a rebellion against thatdarnhippo because he/she is a piece of half lifed...
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posted by LexiMcCoia
Through the veil of my tears, I watched my closest friend get lowered into the cold, unforgiving ground. Although the body was wrapped in leaves, I knew far too well that the limp mass was Lexi. As I cried, Humphrey; a fun loving omega put his paw on my shoulder. "Wynter, it's ok, you did all you could. There was nothing mais you could've done. It wasn't your fault." Wasn't my fault? I looked up at him, tears rolling down my face "Then why....why does it hurt so bad"? He sighed and brought me into his chest and hugged me. As we were hugging he said "Wynter you need to try to be strong for Lexi."...
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as I ran back through the forest i noticed something a lobo it was solid white I could see through it slightly rumor has it a lobo died from a Arqueiro through the skull. could this be the legendary wolfstar I passed the strange creature it followed me início is what it occasionaly said I never looked behind me i just thought it would leave but then it just poofed out of thin air. wake up wake up! huh? what? i was sleeping tony slapped me and said get up! so i did that he said; the raid starts in a couple hours get what you need. I told him ;why would you wake me up at 4am in the morning? he said...
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