A Lady e o Lobo Club
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Summary: Kate made it back to Jasper in time to stop the packs from starting a war, which is what she wanted the most. Now she's set on marring Garth and uniting the packs to keep the peace. All should be well but there's one thing that she just can't get her mind off of...

A/N: This is another song inspired one shot, this time featuring "Changes", an electronic track por Eminence & RedMoon. Listening to it is optional of course, enjoy.

It was just past midnight in Jasper Park, the moon shined above and a few clouds passed por in complete silence as the western pack slept. It was a typical quiet night for all but one lobo in particular, Kate. She had just recently returned from a long and difficult journey to get back início after being relocated elsewhere. She didn't do it alone though, one of her old friends from puppyhood was taken with her and through teamwork they managed to escape many dangerous situations along the way. Luckily they made it back safely, and just in time too. The western and eastern packs were on the verge of fighting due to her disappearance and how it got in the way of her completing her responsibility.

For many months there have been conflicts between the two packs due to a comida shortage, war seemed to be unavoidable until the leaders of both packs finally agreed on a peaceful way to just unite rather than fight. The plan was to marry the western leader's daughter and eastern leader's son together to serve as the bond that would bring the two packs together. Kate was okay with this plan and agreed to go meet the lobo she would be wedded to. The plan was going smoothly for the leaders until Kate, along with Humphrey, suddenly disappeared. Immediately tensions rose between the packs to the point that there would be war if she did not return por the seguinte full moon. But now everything is back on track, Kate has returned, and has agreed to marrying Garth as soon as possible, being the very seguinte morning.

Now Kate lied in her parents antro, den just looking up at the dirt and roots that covered the roof of the cave like início she had grown up in all her life. She knew that marrying Garth was the right thing to do; she would be doing the pack a service which was what her job was as an alpha. Yet for some reason she just couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't that she was excited or anything, no she was far from that, she didn't know how to feel right now. Perhaps she wasn't sleepy because of all that has happened in the past week, there have been a lot of changes and she's just been along for the ride, but there was something more. And as she lied there in thought she couldn't help but feel guilt build up inside her.

The feeling confused her greatly, 'Why do I feel like I've let someone down?' She thought. She had done nothing mean to anyone; in fact the pack should be proud of her right now for the debt that she will be paying tomorrow. There was nothing that she could think of to explain why she would be guilty, and she needed an answer because it was keeping her awake. It felt like her body was being constricted to the point where each breath was heavy and all her thoughts were desperately trying to find a solution. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and decided to head outside and get some fresh air to maybe help clear her mind.

Upon entering into the silver moonlight she sat down at the edge of the overhang that stuck out from the den. The cool breeze did feel good against her pele, peles as she looked across the infinite view that was before her. But this didn't seem to be helping her thoughts as she had hoped it would. Never had she been so confused por her own emotions before. There was nothing to be guilty about in her current situation, there was no one she would be letting down por marring Garth and uniting the packs as far as she knew. And as she was lost in her mind she missed hearing the sound of approaching paw steps behind her.


Kate turned around to meet her father's gaze as he stood beside her. "What are you doing out here?" He asked in a calm tone.

"I just needed some fresh air; I'll come back in soon." She replied looking back out across the valley again. However her father knew something was wrong.

"Darling I can tell por your voice that something is wrong." He stated, sitting beside her. Kate didn't reply. "It's about tomorrow isn't it?"

She sighed "I don't know dad, for some reason I just feel like I've let someone down..." She said quietly.

Winston looked at her confused "What do you mean por that?"

"I just... don't know, I feel so guilty and I just can't figure out why"

There was a moment of silence as Winston tried to understand his daughter. "You didn't do anything that you regretted on your trip did you?" He asked.

"No nothing bad like that happened, the trip was great besides there being a few mishaps." She answered.

"How about tomorrow, do you regret having to marry Garth?" He said.

"No it's not that either, it's my responsibility to marry him and that just what I'm going to do for the good of the pack. This is why I can't sleep, the feeling is just too much and I need to find a solution."

Winston sighed "Well I'm sorry you feel this way right now, and your right it just doesn't make sense if you're okay with marrying Garth." He replied "Maybe you should go for a little walk, which helps me clear my mind when my job gets stressful."

"Maybe I will, thanks for trying to help though." She said hugging him.

He smiled "Well that's just one of my jobs as your father. I amor you and want only the best for you."

"I amor you too dad." She smiled back

"Now go on, don't worry about tomorrow, I can delay the wedding if you need to get some sleep in the morning." He said.

"Thanks again dad" And with that Kate got up and headed away from the antro, den and out into the forest.

Where she was headed she had no idea, she just went where ever her paws carried her as she continued to think. But just as before, nothing new came to mind and it was causing her to get mad at herself now. 'How long will this feeling go on? I need to have a clear head tomorrow' She thought to herself. She walked on for around an hora until a sudden sound stopped her dead in her tracks. It was a sound any lobo would stop to at the sound of, the sound of a howl filled with sorrow. The note lasted several segundos before fading back into the silent night.

Kate wondered where that howl came from and mais specifically who made it this late in the night. So she followed it as it became audible a couple mais times, almost breaking into a sprint since it sounded close. She realized it was coming from howling rock and as she approached the base of the mountain her eyes fell upon the lobo that was making the howl. To her amazement it was the last lobo she expected to see howling like that, Humphrey...

Unknown to Kate, she wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep tonight. Humphrey, who had accompanied her on the trip to Idaho, was in his own mix of emotions. However he actually understood them and was releasing them out into the cool night sky. He was depressed, upset, and angry all at the same time which was hard to believe given his nature of being a passive and loving omega. Ever since a young age he always saw Kate as mais than a friend, they got along so well as pups and eventually as they grew older he realized he was falling in amor with her. However it was forbidden amor given that they were opposite ranks, and law prevented a relationship between them from ever working out. But that didn't stop him and during the trip to Idaho he and Kate got along so well and he thought that things would actually work out of them. Yet it was never meant to be as intended because as soon as he learned Kate would be marrying someone else his coração turned to stone.

What hurt the most to him was that Kate played it off like it wasn't a big deal, they even howled together during their trip, something that was forbidden at home, but apparently that meant nothing to her. Now Humphrey's world was collapsing around him and he needed to figure out what to do next, and so far all he wanted to do now was to howl out his emotions to the night sky in order to help himself feel better. Which actually worked since it's what he would normally do whenever he was upset about something.

Kate was astonished after hearing his howl yet again, and began to walk up the slope towards him in silence. His voice pulled her in much like it had back on the train, and she couldn't understand why. For some reason there was something about his voice that her subconscious seemed to love. Once she reached the ledge he sat upon she stopped and watched as he howled again, totally unaware of her presence. That is until she made it clear.

"Humphrey?" She called softly.

Humphrey immediately stopped and almost jumped out of his skin when he recognized the voice, his eyes met hers as he turned around to face the one who called his name.

"Kate? What are you doing out here?" He asked surprised, she was the last one he expected to see out this far tonight.

"I should ask you the same question" She replied walking up closer to him.

"Well I couldn't sleep so I'm just howling to the moon; I do it quite often actually." He lied, there was no way he would reveal the true reason why to her, especially now.

"Oh... because it sure sounds like your upset about something." She continued.

There was an ever apparent awkwardness as they talked, making it hard to believe that they were getting along so well severely hours ago. Humphrey sighed "I was just remembering my parents..." He stated plainly.

Kate was very familiar with Humphrey's past and she really felt bad for him when he first told her about his parents. Humphrey wasn't born in the western pack, but was adopted into the pack after his parents died from a cougar attack. It was the darkest dia in his life and as a pup there were many times he broke down and cried when he remember his parents.

"You still haven't answered my pergunta though" Humphrey said looking at her.

"I can't sleep either, so I've just been wandering the territory to clear my head. That is until I heard a howl and followed it here." Kate replied.

Humphrey understood and decided to help her even if he was upset at her about what had happened earlier. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

Kate nodded, this wasn't the first time Humphrey was there to comfort her. To Kate Humphrey was her best friend back when they were pups and that surly hasn't changed even though some things have come between them now. "I just have this feeling of guilt stuck inside me, I feel like I have let someone down..." She admitted.

Humphrey immediately realized that something was up; did she really care about him after all? However now he knew better then to just jump to conclusions, so he waited to hear her out. "How come?" He asked

"I don't know, and that's why I can sleep, because I don't know what I have done to feel this way." She replied, looking down at her paws.

"Is it because of your marriage tomorrow?"

"No, that's what my dad asked me earlier. I'm fine with having to marry Garth for the good of the packs. So it can't be that." She said

It all made mais sense to him now, like the final piece of the puzzle, she was feeling guilty because she had let him down, her own best friend. Only she couldn't tell. She was lost in her emotions while being overwhelmed with the events of this past week. She did care about him but was too held up to see it. Humphrey knew that now was the time to admit his feelings towards her, it was so obvious that she had to feel the same way about him. At least that's what he hoped...

"I think I know why you feel that way Kate" He said.

She immediately looked up at him "You do?"

"Yes, you feel like you have let someone down because you have, you've let me down today Kate."

A look of confusion came across her face after he said that "How could I have let you down? I haven't done anything to hurt you, and never would I do such a thing." She said.

He sighed; she really was lost in her emotions. "You did por not telling me that you were going to marry Garth, maybe then I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to express my amor to you." He said plainly to get his point across.

Her eyes widened, did he just say that he loved her? An omega, her own best friend loves her? "You amor me?" She managed to say after a few seconds, his words have made her speechless.

"With every essence of my soul Kate, I've loved you since we were pups and I stopped at nothing to try and win your amor even though I'm an omega." He noticed that she wasn't going to say anything mais so he continued. "You're an amazing girl and I feel blessed to be in your presence whenever we hang out. I've always looked after you and put your needs before mine. You drive me crazy and I want nothing mais than to just spend the rest of my life with you. I know you have to feel the same way because why else would you feel this way right now?"

Things began to click into place for Kate; she knew he was right because she always had this warm feeling whenever she was around him. She never understood why but she did, and now she could see what that feeling really meant. She did amor him, and was guilty because she had lied to herself about not loving him and let him down because of it. She felt so stupid and amazed that she had failed to recognize this sooner, because if she had then maybe things would be different right now.

"I'm so sorry Humphrey; I didn't realize you felt that way about me..." She said, still trying to process everything.

Humphrey however knew that everything was falling into place, and could feel the pain inside him begin to ease away. But he wouldn't be happy yet until he got a straight answer from her about how she felt about him.

"I can forgive you Kate, but what I want to know is do you feel the same about me?" He said, getting closer to her.

Kate looked deep into his eyes as they looked at each other for what felt like forever. She could feel herself loosening up the longer she stared, as if his presence was easing her mind and clearing everything that has ever confused her. She knew her answer and now felt certain about it; she really had fallen in amor with an omega.

"Yes Humphrey, I amor you too. I may have not noticed it before but because of you it all makes sense now. There's a reason I get this soft feeling around you and I understand it to be love." She replied with a smile.

Humphrey couldn't help but smile as well, finally he had the girl of his dreams and she loved him back. So many emotions swelled within him that nothing could stop him from leaning in and beijar her. A feeling he had waited so long to feel and finally got to experience the right way. Kate was surprised at first but quickly sank into the feeling and kissed him back. She had no mais regret; in fact it had disappeared quite some time ago. All she felt now was amor and the need to express it towards Humphrey. This was what she wanted, even if it was sudden. Humphrey was the lobo for her, not some aleatório lobo from another pack.

She couldn't help but cry after their kiss had ended, which confused Humphrey "Kate what's wrong?" He asked, slightly worried that he did something wrong.

"I just feel so stupid for not realizing this earlier and causing you to hate me because of it." She said as a tear ran down her cheek.

He placed his paw on hers before answering "Kate I would never hate you, I may have been upset about what happened earlier but never would I hate you. I forgive you."

She smiled for a moment but then it disappeared as she hugged him "I'm glad you can forgive me, but what are we going to do now? There's no way we can be together here, especially now."

"I don't know what we're going to do, but we need to do something. Whether it's trying to find a way to make it work here or running away together, as long as we're together I don't care."

"Same here, same here..." She replied, hugging him tighter.

Humphrey continued to hold her for a while as the night progressed onward. It was going to be morning soon and they were going to need rest if they were to confess their amor to the pack tomorrow. Humphrey suggested that they head back to his antro, den to rest before coming up with a plan in the morning. Kate agreed and followed alongside him already thinking of ways to get the pack to agree to their sudden amor for one another. It's amazing how much has changed in the course of a night and Kate can hardly believe the sudden turn of events. But one thing is for sure, and that's that she is happy that now there is nothing between her and Humphrey. Now she can finally rest easy knowing that everything will turn out okay for her future with her amor no matter what happens tomorrow...


A/N: Well originally I was going to write an ending that would fit in with the filmes ending but I decided to just continue on a different path and end it like this. I seem to write a lot of stories based on the 'alternative ending' theme don't I? Oh well, I hope you enjoyed yet another one shot por me and maybe someday I'll get around to a bigger story. Cya!
posted by alphaandomega24
Austin was walking down a dirt road and he spoted a female lobo walking not to far from him in the oppisite direction and decided to say hi,the female lobo looked over and replied hi.Her name was Raven.The two of them were getting to know each other well and Austin decided to walk her início and she agreed so while they were walking Austin asked if she was single or not,she replied yes so together they were haveing a connection with each other and when they got início they started to have mais than a connection with each other.They sat inside and talked and rubbed noses.Austin and Raven knew together...
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i died after the stamped when tony ran over i moved i wasny dead i just was alsleep tony said to me you was died then i mean dead (miska chuckling) bye then it was seven 9:12 2 hours past my cama so we when to sleep i am only a cub i whispered wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy past my be time
so i settled down then the seguinte morning tony had to fight a evil person so i jumped on tonys back the on the evil person he threw me to the grond the i bit him and he ran away ***pant puff*** im ok tony howled for joy Read mais >4
Well Hello, everybody, I'm Alue26, and these are the thoughts I have scince I've seen Alpha and Omega for the first time. I'm only gonna post a couple of thoughts, the other are being post when you've read these.

1. My take on Garth.

As everybody knows, Garth is supossed to marry Kate, to secure Peace in Our Time for the packs of Winston and Tony, but I think that the relation of Garth and Kate wouldn't work. For instance, Garth is, for me, an insecure person.

Now, as anybody is leitura this, they would probably say that Garth in the beginning was atuação like a jock, enabeling that Garth is far...
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Katie died. No... It could not be.... The Katie that meant so much to me....the Katie who had bad breath in the morning....The Katie who no matter what she did, only made me amor her more....gone. Kate as well as the others started crying. I was bawling like a child in a toy store. Dr. Alex left me and my friends to mourn in the lobby since we were the only ones in there. I then got up and decided to go sit por her and get one last good look at her before she was taken from me. "Chris?" Humphrey asked. "Guys, give me a moment alone please. Could yall wait up here?" I asked. That's when Lilly...
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posted by Alphaman
It was a stormy night when I found Snowball in his room talking into a mirror "snowball what are you doing"I said "I'm talking to my new friend" he said. I walked into me and Lilys room and ask her why snowball was talking into a mirror. She said he's young but then I heard him yell dada. I ran in his room in the mirror was him standing their but he was bloody and dead in the real world. Lily ran in and said she was stabbed as she released her hands and their was a stab wound. "Who stabbed you"I said. "I looked in the mirror then..." she said this then fell. I went then looked in the mirror my reflection did not mover when I did but looked at me and said "your next" I then felt a sharp pain in my chest. I was stabbed some how I then ran to a closet and locked the door where I'm now. I'm bleeding to death and I can't stop this killing. But my time is about up so this is.........
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Without her, the evening would have seemed dull, drab. Lifeless.

Eight stared in silence for a length of time. He didn't know how long he had watched her, he didn't care. Seeing her silvery white pele, peles glisten from the moon's gift... He didn't feel his paws, or any extremity as he looked on her, he didn't notice the blink of an eye nor the feeling of the cold around him, only...
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On a Cool Fall Evening Lilly, Kate, and Humphrey (Garth is Going Late Hunting.)are watching the sunset and the moon, Kate says, "I Wonder what it's like up there?" "On The Moon?", replied Humphrey. "Yes." Replied Kate, Annoyed. Lilly said, "I Hope It's Made Of Cheese." Kate & Humphrey Stared At Her, confused. Behind Them, two people who are looking for lobos for (Spoiler Alert!) Their "Plans". "You Thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Said One Person. The Other Replied, "That The Moon's Made of cheese?" "NO!" The First Person Yells Madly, "Those Are The lobos Were Looking For!" He Aims His Tranculizer...
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*It was Eve’s Funeral*
“Im not going out for weeks”I say To sarah
“Grab me my Gun”I say
“Why”Sarah says handing the gun
“Goodbye”I say
*I Looked at my But it was Red tipped A Tranquiliser dart *
“Aghh Crap”I say stuttering
*I Pass out from the Tranquiliser Drug*
*Sarah Drags me towards the funeral*
“As we are here to mourn the loss of a Alpha in the pack “Hutch says
*I slowly come to*
“Does anyone have any words before she is set to rest “Hutch says looking around
*Winston puts his paw up*
“Eve was A Good mate although she was moody I know Tag it was a mistake I understand...
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posted by kates-mate101
Keida part 2: Trouble at the inn

Seth and Flora arrived at the castelo gates. Debris was everywhere, and the soldiers were cleaning up all the bodies of the foxes, and the Arid. Flora walked por Seth faithfully, with her arms tucked around her own body, examining the violence. "Seth... What happened here?" FLora whispered, linking her arm around his. "The foxes attacked us." "Did you guys win?" She asked. I nodded. "THat's good..." She replied. The castelo guards nodded at Seth but then asked him, "You have secured a prisoner? We will take her away to the dungeon my lord." "No!" Seth exclaimed,...
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Early in the morning Humphrey got up and packed the bags and he looked at Kate and said, "Man she looks so peaceful to bad i have to disturb her rest and our sons sleep" and he shook Kate saying "Kate..Kate hun we need to get up or we'll miss our flight" and she opened her eye and looked around and she got up half awake and they went to Jon's room nad he was peacefully sleeping with a few aleatório word coming out of his mouth from his dream. Humphrey and Kate went into the cozinha and Kate wrote a note for Jon to read [THIS IS THE NOTE: Dear my Son Jonathan,
Your father and I are going to Idaho...
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posted by kates-mate101
Family member: Shadow

Shadow, the older brother, is the envy of many wolves. Unlike Seth, or Northrend, Shadow gets females attracted to him, por raw strength... Not personality, or anything else. That's the onl reason he hasn't chosen any mate yet. His tough black outside resembles the body build of a bear. In strength and muscles only. He is the strongest of all Seth's family, and despite the scar on his right thigh, the evil black eyes, and the two sharp fangs, he has a coração of gold.

Personality: Determined, stubborn, and ornery. Quite the strategist.

Appearance: Jet black fur, with a scar, on his thigh.


Distinguishing features: Elongated claws. Was born this way.

Theme song: Dignity por new politics.
You may or my not herd of Humphrey and Kate,but you haven't herd of the packs out west.Two tribes,named E6 and and E7.They stand for Estras6 and Estras7.This story is about a lone lobo that came back from his mission to find destruction.AS he entered his native packs'(E7)camp,he saw the alpha lobo with teeth marks in his neck that look exactly like ones from another pack.when he left his camp that was burning slowly,he saw the E6 camp suffered the same fate. Leaving the valley that held the two camps the lone lobo only felt the sharp desire revenge and in memory named himself E13.
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It was no secret that when the herds moved on, the pack would be doing without a great deal longer. Even small game had a tendency to mover around less in the winter months, so some of the head Alphas had requested a situation recon to find out how much time they had to gather hunt teams and begin to stock pile food.
Buried, a caribou or mula deer would keep for a good long time during the cold...
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posted by VengeanceWolf
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Hits close to home with these wolves
I strode down Steel Avenue with Alec and our little group close on my heels.
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Some people ask me, where I’ve been lately
They thought I fell off, nobody could save me
I play in the background, I don’t back down
So don’t get it twisted, tryna play me
First I come out, they underate me
Then I come back, still try to fade me
They say I’m nasty, say I’m crazy
Ask what I think, I say maybe
I fly away
It ain’t nothin’ in my way so I may aswell fly away
It ain’t nothin’ else to say so I may aswell fly away
I know you wanna see me down but we aint gon die today
Cos I’ve been to the topo, início and there’s nowhere else to go
The only way to see me is if you lookin’ up from...
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posted by alpha7272
 Abandon P.O.W camp
Abandon P.O.W camp
It turns out the P.O.W camp that we we supposed to infiltrate was abandoned and the wave we took out was supposed to kills us. We were all screwed and we knew it, so Woods decided to just head for Quy Nhon but first we would make camp at the abandoned P.O.W camp. Hell Mary and topo, início Gun were able to find some medical supplies left behind and Smart bunda and I.Q were able to find some water so we could refill are water bottles. While Garth, Humphrey, Lilly, and Brik were pitching the tent,Bad bunda was polishing her desert eagle, I.Q was looking over his maps, topo, início Gun was Putting mais ammo in her...
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I was in the forest and all the sudden a group of lobos attacked me. I tore them up. Blood was all over the snow and my fur. The blood tasted good for some reason.When I had left the valley a few human had followed me. The human tranquilized me and took me to a testing facility in Nevada called area 51. They injected me with this serum that had a strange golden color. When I was injected with it I had the strongest urge I've ever felt to kill everything in that room and I couldn't control it... It was one of my rampages I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins and then the incredible strength that the serum gave me was a major threat. Then I tore out the sergon's neck and then the other three. The door opened and six security guard scrambled to see where I was but I was already out of the facility I had crawled through the vents and jumped over their fences. There was a defect to the serum though, it turned my pele, peles black...
 Red's fight
Red's fight
The days rolled por into a solid week. The sun rose and set over the landscape. The season changed ever so slightly. Each passing dia grew colder out and the leaves had all but fallen from the trees. The Autumn months were almost at a close, and with all that the prior mês had brought, Eight was glad to leave it in his trail.
He had been back to work for a few days now and it felt good. Reassigned to his prior task, it was good to be back with the hunt packs again, with those who knew him best. Each morning he awoke, filling his lungs with the day's cold and exhaling in a puff of warm air...
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I was always living in Italy and i finally got so bored i went to the U.S with a pen and paper i phoned the one person i knew Uriaha he awnsered and said 'Hello who is this its 9:00' and I said 'Its Alex Silly mind telling me were you house is?' and he said '252 sundrive avunue' I wrote it down and i drove over there and found his place i rung the door sino i heard the click of claws and the door opened and i almost jumped out of my skin there was a lobo right in front of then Uriaha came and said 'I see you've met humphrey' Whos oh yeah humphrey as i alpha and omega' and then i moved my stuff...
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Much of the antro, den members were knocked from their beds that night. There was a buzz all around as Stern was dredged in on a skiff, Ayame and Dolph pulled the last length of the trip. Eight trailed along behind them por 15 yards or more, his limp seeming and feeling worse. The bleeding had all but stopped por now, but it had gone on long enough to make him feel faint.
The Omega, Felan, accompanied Eight for most of the trip, except for a change out in the pull team once, shade bounced back and forth between Stern and Eight until they came closer to the Den. He ran ahead to get help prepared for...
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