A Lady e o Lobo Club
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 13: Apologies

Humphrey awoke late in the morning, Kate was already gone doing her morning hunt so he had the antro, den to himself. However instead of sitting around waiting for his soon to be wife to return he decided to go out and visit with his friends. Surly they were still confused about the whole idea of him and Kate actually being together, so he would have to explain everything that happened while he was a lone wolf. He was excited to see them all again, three months felt too long to be away, of course it was only a matter of time until they were back to playing their games together. After searching around the antro, den grounds he finally found them in a clearing not too far from the river that ran por the territory.

"Hey guys" He greeted as he walked into the clearing

"Humphrey! It's about time you came to see us." Salty said as the three turned to face him.

"Yeah I know, I was pretty busy yesterday but I got most of the dia now to hangout and catch up."

"Great, it's good to see you back and all but what the hell happened?" He asked

Humphrey smiled "What do you mean Salty? I got my dream girl is all I can say."

Mooch shook his head "To think that after how much we tried to convince you to adjust your sights on a mate, you still end up getting Kate to fall for you. I don't know how you did it Humphrey, but you are some lucky dog." He said.

"Thanks Mooch, I can't really believe it either."

"Well then, tell us what really happened, I know you left because of Kate but how did you end up finding each other again." Salty asked.

Humphrey took a breath before telling them about how Kate followed his scent and ended up finding him at the antro, den he was using for the night. Shakey just sat and listened along with the others, however he already understood what happened because of yesterday.

"Wow she must really amor you, doing all that just to be with you." Shakey said when he finished.

"Yeah man, I guess us three are the only ones left yet to find someone" Salty added.

"That is true, but that could all change after the seguinte howl, there will be someone eventually." Humphrey said.

They all nodded before Salty looked back at him "So did you pop the pergunta to her yet?" He asked.

Humphrey smiled before replying "Last night I did, picked a nice spot under the moon, talked and sat close for a bit before I asked her to marry me, and she said yes." It was such a bittersweet thing to say, obviously that was a statement he never thought he would say to his friends, being that they tried to keep him away from her for his own good in a way.

"Ah I never realized you were quite the romantic type eh?" Shakey replied.

"What can I say, she's special to me so I treat her just as that."

"Well maybe you can teach us some of your tricks, so we can get some girls." Salty said raising and eye brow.

Humphrey laughed "Sure if you want, but believe me guys I'm not any amor expert now that I have a mate you know. I consider myself lucky."

"Lucky you may be, but still you have to have a few moves that you could teach us." He said.

Humphrey could tell they wanted his conselhos even if he couldn't give anything useful, but they were his friends and they helped him in the past so now he could return the favor. Also he did agree that their pickup lines could use a little work.

He laughed again at how his friends believed he could give them relationship conselhos "Oh alright, I guess I have a few tips." He said receiving smiles from all of them.

Elsewhere in the forest Garth and Lilly were enjoying a quiet lunch in the feeding grounds. Garth had proposed to her he night prior so now they were soon to be married mates alongside Kate and Humphrey, however both of the couples had no idea of that fact yet. While they talked and ate part of a caribou they decided to get married a few days after the upcoming moonlight howl. Of course they still needed to speak with Winston and the others to see what dia would be the best to do so. They could get married right now if they really wanted too but there was no rush, they had all their lives left and they were already together. Marriage was just a título in their opinion.

They both laughed as they talked until a sudden cough fought their attention. Garth turned his head and saw his father sitting before him, he wasn't really in the mood to see him after yesterday. "Oh oi dad." He greeted causally.

Lilly didn't feel comfortable being around Tony, she knew he didn't approve of her and Garth being mates, so whatever it was he came here for she hoped it was good. "Hey Garth, oi Lilly" Tony greeted back looking at them both.

Tony well understood and could sense the fact that they weren't happy to see him but after some time to think alone he really needed to apologize for his actions. The words of his son and Winston yesterday stuck with him and eventually he came to the same realization that he had made a mistake. His son was happy, and seeing the two of them laughing and talk as he walked up reinforced that fact. Why should he stand in the way?

There was a short and kind of awkward silence until Tony spoke again, he sighed and looked at Garth. "Look Garth, I am sorry for how I acted yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you por what I said and after some time thinking I realized that I was wrong about, well... everything."

Garth was surprised to say the least, he never expected his father to come around about this so quickly, he was really apologizing to him.

"You deserve to be with who you choose, and as your father I should not stand in the way of that. You two look happy together so I can only give you my best wishes that you live a great life." He continued before finally turning to Lilly who looked back at him. "And Lilly, I'm sorry for the things I said. I may not know you to well yet but you are a good mate for my son, and I'm glad to call you my daughter-in-law."

You could say Lilly was mais shocked than Garth to hear that, Tony had understood the fact that they really loved each other and instead of disapproving it he was not doing the opposite. It felt so sudden and Garth couldn't help but smile, the only thing left holding him down emotionally was now erased. "Thank you" Lilly replied.

Tony smiled and looked at Garth "What do you say son? Do you forgive me?"

"I forgive you dad" Garth replied "I'm glad you finally understand"

"Yeah it was a mistake on my part, but now we can mover on and see how this whole alpha and omega couple thing works out."

"Well the pack seemed to support it when we had the meeting yesterday, if you didn't already know." Garth said.

"Oh good, I didn't know." Tony said "Well you two enjoy the rest of your lunch, I'm going to speak with Winston and apologize to him as well."

"Alright I'll see you around dad" He said before watching him talk off.

Lilly turned to look at him "Well that was surprising" She said.

"Yeah I'll say" He replied

"I guess things can become better between you two now."

"I hope so, only time will tell."

"Well I think we should hang out with him mais now that the problems are out of the way." She suggested.

She did have a good point in his opinion, his relationship with his dad was the only negative thing in his life currently so he wanted nothing mais than to get along with him. "Your right" He said before taking a final bite out of a caribou leg. They continued to talk for a bit under the shade until it was his time to go do his alpha duties, he kissed her goodbye before running off towards the valley. She smiled before deciding to go visit her parents and talk about planning their marriage, as well as to see what was new.

While Garth was heading to his duties Kate had already finished hers and was out searching for Humphrey, she could only imagine he was with his omega friends so they could be anywhere. Her hunt was routine and her team brought down a single deer, however she was the buzz of conversation between them. Hutch, Vik, and Sally were all curious about how she managed to keep her and Humphrey a secret for so long. She only smiled and stated that she just simply snuck out during her free time, which was all she really did. She found it funny how this was such a big shock to the pack, sure their amor was forbidden until now but her and Humphrey weren't any different than any other couple.

As she was heading towards to valley to see if she could find her amor there the sound of rumbling caught her attention. She quickly looked up the colina in front of her and saw an amusing sight, there was Humphrey along with his friends all going down the colina in a log sled. She quickly picked up the pace and headed down to the valley floor where she knew they would end up. It was nice to see him having a good time, it almost looked like he had never left Jasper in the first place. Eventually she found where they had ended up and could see the four of them laughing and talking seguinte to the logsled.

"Man we ought to do that again!" Mooch said

"Yeah Humphrey, you've gotten better since you were last here." Shakey agreed.

Humphrey laughed "Well I did have a lot of time to practice on my own." He said.

Kate silently walked up por his side while he talked, she smiled and looked at him "Hey handsome" She greeted, catching his attention.

He jumped a little in surprise to see his mate sitting beside him all of a sudden "Oh oi beautiful" He replied before nuzzling her.

"Well as much as I want to have another go down the colina I think it will have to wait until seguinte time." He said looking back at his friends. Kate didn't mean to ruin the fun they were having but they had already planned to go meet with her parents after her duties.

"Alright then we'll have to continue on without you" Salty replied.

Humphrey smiled "Okay, just make sure to work on the turn I showed you. Cya guys." He said before turning away.

"Cya Humphrey, just don't forget about us now that you have a girl and all." Shakey teased.

Humphrey laughed and looked back at them "Don't worry I won't." He said before beginning to walk away with Kate por his side. She just smiled and was enjoying the fact that she was getting to hang out with him again after being gone all morning.

"You know you could have stayed and had fun." She said after a minuto or so.

"Yeah I know but I want to hang out with you more, besides we did plan to go see your parents." He replied.

"Yeah we did, come on." She said before leading him up and out of the valley towards the antro, den grounds.

A/N: Life sure knows how to keep you busy but I haven't forgot about the story! It seems that Tony has finally accepted his son's choice in a mate after some time to think, which is good. All that's left now is to plan out a marriage and simply enjoy life for both couples. As for the story we got two chapters left! Cya.
 The Devil's roars emblem
The Devil's roars emblem
Four years ago, two lobos gently and lovingly pranced about in the snow. The female, gently and playfully nipping at the male's hip, would tease him to come along with her... That was a while atrás however. Everything was good. They had a litter of 4 pups, one white, one true lobo grey, the other two red, matching the father's fur. But then it happened. Had it not been for the remarkable sense of smell, that mother wouldn't of been able to save two of the pups... When she returned, the two pups were dead, and so was the dad. She ran into the forest... The urso followed her. Half wittedly, she...
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[This artigo is from humphrey's son Jon's point of view]

Here I am sitting in the pits not just any pit though my dads pit i was there for the Daytona 500 hundred watching the race which was 300 laps in and it was getting intense my dad was in Fourth and began to pass through the middle of two cars i was scared but he made it skimming one cars front end then he mde the pass on the lead car and tapped it bumper making it swerve then it hit my dad back end and sent him hard into the mural flipping and ripping the car apart when it came to a rest it burst to flames for sevral moment i was scared my dad was dead the the officials exstingushed the fogo and there was movement in the race car and my dad pulled himself out and took off his capacete i was so glad even though we didn't win the race but my dad still went with the paramedic just to be checked and they found he had a broken rib but other than that he was fine but a bit shooken up....[End Of Part 1]
posted by REDWolfleader
As I left his suite I felt I needed to protect him but I decided to go to check on the lobos at where I came to the wasteland. After hours of following my nose, and retracing my tracks, I finally made it to the cave. A few minutos after getting there, there was a sudden shadow that came from outside the cave. When I went to look guess who I found...
"Well look at you." I chuckled, "Get taken from some humans that injected you with some green serum and put in to a semi-circular machine and find yourself lost?"
"How- how did you know?"
"How do you think I got here?"
"Where am I?"
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posted by REDWolfleader
 Enclave's symbol
Enclave's symbol
"Well is there anything about the 'Wasteland' I should know?"
"Lots. I know one thing thats for sure stay away from the mutants and the Enclave!"
"The Enclave?"
"Yes it's the only government of humans left. They don't take much to be friendly. Other humans though they've grown soft. They will only kill you if you show aggression. So be careful!"
"Gotcha!Anything else?"
"Well don't come towards anything with armor. Other then that there's not anything else."
"Okay well see you guys later!" and I was off for the adventure of my life a whole new world to explore. It wasn't long before I met a human,...
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John wrote a song and he was gonna sing it at the pub and he thought about it and directed it to the girl of his dreams and when he got there he saw her and smiled and she smiled back then he started:
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

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posted by REDWolfleader
One day, when I was two years old my whole pack was whipped out, por the 'offset' pack. The offsets must have thought I would die soon after my pack was gone. But my dad taught me better than anyone else. Soon after eating a big meal I was off. por myself,
"Lone-Wolf, No limits, No-one to rely on, And no-one to wait for." I thought to myself. I liked my new motto, little did I know... That was the lema I was, from then on, to follow for the rest of my life.

Later I found another pack. It was a long walk from my pack to their's... 50 clicks to be precise... Well I didn't find them, they found me....
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posted by REDWolfleader
"Hello Kat, this is Kelly and my mate."
"And my mate's name is Red." Kelly blurted out.
"Oh. Well would you like to stay with our pack?"
"It's tempting but we have to go, we might get a drink on our way through though!" Kat led us to where the pond was,
"Well take care you two!"
"You too!" Kat left.
"Alright... Lets go."I said looking at Kelly.
"Okay." She said, and we where off again. We traveled and traveled and never looked back.


Written por yours truly,
posted by kates-mate101
We pulled into my driveway. I opened my door and then immediately went over to Kate’s and opened it for her. I then led her up my driveway. She immediately began sniffing my mom’s garden as well as the bird’s nest that had fallen from the tree. “Come on Kate... There’s mais to see...” I told her. She had a sceptical look in her eyes. “Casa... Del... Setho...” I joked, upon opening my door. Kate walked in casually. She took one whiff and then ran into my kitchen. I slowly took off my Nikes, and followed her. I entered the kitchen, and found her supporting herself on two hind...
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added by Liliya_01
posted by SentinelPrime89
Story: 5/10
It's pretty much what the trailer made it out to be. A lobo pup Olympics and that's it. There's mais to it but it's not really explored into that much. Also, Garth, Lilly, Tony, Winston, and Eve are absent so don't expect to see any of them. King and Princess are present but only for a quick second.
Kate is in the movie but her role is limited. However, you do see some sweet moments that involve her.

Animation: 7/10
There's improvement on the animation. Fur's mais detailed, color shading is mais like the original's. However, there's still flaws that can hopefully be fixed in the next...
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(note that this book contains gore, strong language, sci-fi, future weapon technology, humans, aliens, and anthros)

Radio OX-12 replayed the hidden files from the edge of the cliff buried in deep snow. Blood was right over us, our crew members either stabbed or thrown from the force of the ship were ripped in pieces, especially since one jammed the engines fans. Everything was covered; windows, side barriers, wires, suits… everything.
My last breath after from the crash was unbearable to catch under the blizzards of negative 30 degrees. I was still passed out, waking up under the barriers of...
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As Kate tugged on six to get him to Winston and eve's antro, den until the noble realized he didn't fit in, he was surrounded and felt feelings for reach how long had it really been?, was this still reach?
"Of course not reach is gone burned into a glassy hell" he said to himself

"Something on your mind six?"

"No just memories, burdens they taunt me but can't physically hurt me."

"Huh sounds like me and Humphreys first time" as she glared at him

They approached the antro, den noble six resisting the urge to shoot the lobos on sight

"Kate what is that thing?!" Eve and Winston growled and six leveled his magnum...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 10: Humphrey's Return

Morning came a little too quickly for Kate and the others, the sun was barely up and she was already on the mover to Humphrey's den. Her father had planned for them all to meet por the river at mid-morning and she had to go get Humphrey and tell him about what happened. The dia was pretty gloomy so far, light rain was falling and there was a good breeze that made the treetops sway. However if everything went well then this dia would become one of the best in her life even if the sun was not shining. She decided to not worry about what was to come and instead thought...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 5: Fun and Games

One mês later

"Alright Humphrey this should be good enough, now show me what you've learned" A pleased Kate said looking over at her love

"Yes mam" Humphrey replied before creeping around some bushes, she just giggled to herself from how he responded before watching him leave.

The two lobos had been stalking a lone deer through the woods for the past several minutos until Kate saw a good opportunity for Humphrey to go in for an attack. This was a big moment Humphrey, if he pulled this off then he will have successfully brought down his first kill. Kate was excited because...
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added by JennaStone22
posted by Slenderwolf
Mission Details:Kill all Enemies, Find the hostages.
Weapons: M4A1 Acog sight, Desert Eagle.
Here Goes Nothing......
Time:10:50 Am.
Desert Special Units.
January 4 2014.
"Wake up!" Sandman said.
I opened my eyes only to find myself into a upside down hummer. I crawl out of hummer. "Here your Gun!" he gave my M4A1. I cover on a sandbag and shoot some enemies. Of course I didnt loose my pistol. I ran to a small house but I got hit por a sniper hidden.
"SHIT, SLENDER IS DOWN!" i heard a soldier. "Im fine..." I said. I took my M4A1 to shoot at sniper, he was hidden on a small...
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The drips of pellucid water dripped on continuously all dia and night, m right ear flopped and buzzed almost half an hora or so.
I stretched and yawned while I was still laying on the ground.
I rosed with an ache, popping my neck sideways.
The sun was barely rising as its heat started flowing inside the cave.
Damn it made me feel drowsy, wanting to go back to bed, well…in a cave; though what’s the difference.
I twisted my body to get a good glance over at Tesla, but she wasn’t there; neither her cover nor journal.
I forgot, she volunteered as a(n) councils apprentice which...
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posted by sanman7
Andrew (me) watched as the strange looking lobo ran down the alley he heard the click of a loaded gun and he ducked three shots rang out three bodies hit the sidewalk the lobo walked out the armas barrel smoking

Dead and forgotten.

She said as she began to walk out of the alley way Andrew yelled down to the sidewalk to inspect the corpses

oi can I help you?

The lobo shrugged and aimed the .357 magnum at his head

I suggest you don't step closer.

Andrew backed away as he was told he held his hands in the air

And yes I suppose you could be of use.

Andrew asked how

You could shelter me from them.

She lowered the weapon Andrew gladly accepted to shelter her Andrew only wanted to shelter her so he could fuck her. but first he'd gain her amor and trust he grinned as he let her into his apartment.
added by BeautifulKate
Source: BeautifulKate