A Lady e o Lobo Club
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posted by Ricoh_Alpha_626
Chapter 3: Rivalry
**Authors Note-I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, I put a lot of effort into it. I'm loving the feedback I'm getting, it's really helpful :). So I didn't want to devote to many chapters to the alpha school phase and the seguinte few chapters will involve a few jumps through days and maybe weeks. I hope I don't confuse anyone with a time jump. Please remember to write a review and enjoy the chapter.**
    Three weeks have passed since alpha school first began. The weather was growing colder as winter approached and it had been raining quite frequently the last few days. The rain was cold, but it wasn't enough to stop the growing alphas. They continued their training in the rain not letting it slow them down a bit. The group became closer to one another, they knew one another better and their teamwork had greatly improved.
    But nothing had grown stronger than the relationship between Hutch and Sadie. Hutch, still unaware of his mother's passing, had grown attached to her, he liked her, it wasn't far fetched to say that he loved her. He was never too far away from her, and ever since dia one he had never had to stop anyone from picking on her. But then again, being the meanest looking pup in the pack helped that.
    Hutch had grown exponentially in those three weeks. His pele, peles had darkened, he decided to let his mane grow out, and the two black stripes started to become visible on the sides of his face. His muscle mass had also become quite impressive, even por adult standards. Keeping up with Tiberius was no problem during their morning runs, and he could easily outlast all the others during their excercises.
    He was proud of himself. He started to act mais mature, his vocabulary had expanded, and some of the fears he had began to dissapear. Anxiety didn't affect him as much, and he was almost stress free. During their 'hide-and-seek' excersise Tiberius could stand seguinte to him for minutos and his coração rate wouldn't rise a beat. Tiberius was very impressed with Hutch, and each dia that passed was mais guilt building up on his conciounce.
    Hutch also noticed that Winston would visit them very frequently. He would stop por all the time and talk to Tiberius about something that must have been important because Tiberius wouldn't tell anyone what it was about. Not even Saide his own niece could get it from him. But it did seem that everytime Winston would leave Tiberius would take a minuto before he started the class again.
    Tonight was going to be special for the group. Tiberius explained that they wold be holding a moonlight howl, and they would be allowed to attend. For the others it was all in fun, but Hutch saw it differently. He saw it as a chance to tell Sadie how he felt about her, and hopefully find out if she felt the same way. He had spent all dia preparing himself for it. Despite having a new found courage, he was still nervous about going.
    Tiberius granted them the dia off to prepare and find a date, but they weren't allowed to leave the training grounds. The farthest they were allowed to go was to a small creek a small ways into the forrest to bath, and then they had to come straight back. Hutch had decided to spend all the time he could with Sadie, mainly to make sure that no one else tried to ask her out,
    "Tonight's going to be so much fun Hutch, I can't wait to howl with you," Sadie giggled as she playfully nudged Hutch's side.
    "It's going to be the best, I've been practicing my howl whenever I can,"
    "Oh really, care to give me a sample of it," she cooed causing Hutch's legs to go weak and a wide smile to go across his face.
    "You're just going to have to wait until tonight," he teased. She giggled and rubbed her head under his chin.
    "Aw please," she pleaded. Hutch giggled at her but shook his head.
    "Nope, you've got to wait,"
    "Aww look at the two amor birds," Roxa laughed. Hutch rolled his eyes and trid to ignore him, but Roxa refused to leave.
    "What's the matter Hutch, not going to give me one of your smart remarks," Roxa said irritably. Hutch laughed and refused to look back at him.
    "You know what Roxa, I'm having a good day, and I'm not going to let you ruin it. And you know what else, I bet if you would find a encontro, data like Percy and Lobo did, you might not be so alone right now," Hutch laughed. Roxa was furious, so furious that he charged at Hutch.
    "You little smug-,"Roxa jumped but Hutch moved, causing Roxa to land against the ground and roll.
    "Better watch yourself Roxa," Hutch growled only escalating the situation. Roxa turned sharply and rushed Hutch, slamming his forehead into Hutch's.
    "Shut up you little prick," Roxa snarled. Hutch growled at the insult and pushed himself progressivo, para a frente and up, causing Roxa to do a backflip and land hard on the topo, início of his head. por the time Roxa recovered Hutch and Sadie had ran off.
    "Hutch, I swear I'll get back at you for that just wait until tonight,"
    "Winston, it's been three weeks since the incident, and that poor pup still doesn't know," Eve said as she sat seguinte to her mate in their den.
    "I know Eve, but he'd be absolutely heartbroken to find out. He needs to pass alpha school if he ever wants to survive on his own and if we tell him his performance will suffer greatly," Winson sighed.
    "Well it's true he'd be heartbroken but you can't say for certaint that he would start to fail his classes. He's surprised us before, and maybe he would be mature about this," Eve argued.
    "Even so I'd rather not risk it, especially today. The poor boy is about to go out on his first moonlight howl, and I don't want to be the one to ruin it for him," Eve sighed and shook her head. 'He's impossible,' she thought to herself.
    "Please promise me that you'll at least tell him at some pont," she begged.
    "When alpha school is over, I promise," he said as a lump formed in his throat. He thought of how that dia would play out, and it hurt him. All of the pups running início excitedly to see their parents, and Hutch going to see, well, no one. Winston saw himself standing outside the antro, den and heard Hutch as he walked in the den.
    "Where's my mom at," Hutch asked sadly. Winston felt a tear start to roll down his muzzle.
    "I'm sorry Hutch, but your segundo dia of alpha school she was hunting, and there was an incident. A urso mauled her, and she died before the healers could get to her. I'm sorry,"
    "Winston dear are you alright," Eve asked as she sat seguinte to Winston with great concern. Winston shook off the thought and fell back to reality.
    "Yeah, fine," he said with a cracked voice, "just a bad thought is all."
    "It's alright Winston, I'm sure he'll understand that these things do happen," eve said as she nuzzled Winston comfortingly. Winston started to say something but stopped himself.
    'The poor thing has lost both of his parents to the same bear, I can only hope he doesn't go looking to kill it, he'll surely cadastrar-se his parents then,' he thought as he nuzzled Eve back.
    "Sir," said a dark grey lobo as he jumped to the antro, den entrance.
    "Felix, shouldn't you be preparing for the moonlight howl," Winston asked semi-irritated at the interuption.
    "Normally yes, but Tiberius has asked that you see him immediately," Winston sighed and nuzzled Eve quickly.
    "I'll be back in a while dear, I needed to bathe anyway," he joked causing Eve to giggle.
    "Be seguro you two," Eve called to them as they left the den. Winston waited until they were a fair distance from the antro, den before he spoke.
    "Tiberius can't take it anymore can he," Winston asked. Felix sighed and shook his head.
    "No sir, he's having a hard time controling himself. He doesn't like lying to Hutch, he said that if he has to keep it up any longer he's going to snap," Felix replied.
    "He never did like lying, *sigh*, I guess we'll just have to talk it over with him when we get there. Well how's your mate doing, I haven't seen her in a while," Winston asked trying to lighten the mood.
    "Oh well she's doing fine, we just found out that she's pregnant so she's trying to stay at the antro, den as much as possible," Felix said trying to hide his proud smile.
    "Well congradulations, have you concidered any names," Winston asked curiously.
    "Not really, I mean, we don't know how many so I havent given too much thought to it, but I do know I'd like to name one of the boys Humphrey," Felix replied.
    "Not to be rude but don't you think you started a little early, I mean the season only starts tonight," Felix blushed and shrugged nervously.
    "Well, you know there are times when I just can't help myself,"
    "Easy son you'll give yourself a coração attack," Winston laughed. Felix laughed as his blush started to fade. The two talked back and forth like that until they reached the alpha grounds, where Tiberius stood anxiously awaiting them.
    "Winston I can't take it anymore, we have to tell him," Tiberius pleaded.
    "Tiberius keep calm, besides, we can't ruin tonight for him, it's his first moonlight howl," Winston said shaking his head.
    "Well it has to be soon, I'm starting to lose it. The mais I hide it from him the mais painful it seems like it will be on him," Tiberuis said in such a way it was like he was being eaten alive. Winston cringed as he remembered his earlier vision.
    "I know Tiberius, just try to hold out," Winstin said as he tried to shake off the horrible vision.
    "Maybe he could use a small break, I think he should spend some time with his mate, that should take mind off of all this," Felix suggested.
    "Now there's an idea, how about it Tiberius, how would you like the rest of the dia off," Winston asked hopefully. Tiberius thought for a second, taking several glances back to the pups before he answered.
    "I suppose you're right, a night off would help relax me, but what about the class,"
    "Don't worry about that, Felix and I can help escort them to the howling rock. I had planned to meet her there anyway," Winston said.
    "Rose is stuck in the antro, den for a while and she wouldn't mind anyway, she's been taking a lot of naps lately," Felix added.
    "Fine, I'll take the night off, but tommorrow I'm comming straight back," Tiberius said firmly.
    "Just try to enjoy yourself tonight, now go on get," Winston laughed as he and Felix started to push Tiberius away. He laughed finally and nodded as he walked off into the forrest.
    "He deserves a break for as hard as he's been working lately," Felix said as they watched him walk off.
    "It's true, but I wonder if he'll be so caught up in worrying about Hutch that he'll forget to have a good time," Winston said worriedly.
    "That doesn't sound like the tiberius I know. The Tiberius I know always has a good time, no matter what," Felix chuckled.
    "I swear if he were to enjoy himself any mais than he did you'd think he was an omega," Winston laughed.
    "Well Winston, you know what I always say, both alpha's and omega's can be good wolves, but it takes both to make a great wolf," Felix sighed proudly as he dozed off into his own thoughts.
    "You know Felix, ever since we first met you've told me that, but do you ever think that one dia it will come true? That alphas and omegas could become mates," Winston asked curiously.
    "And as long as I've been saying it I've wondered the same thing. But you know, it feels like someday soon it will, and, well, it seems like I won't be around to see it," Felix said with a sorrowful tone.
    "Come on don't think like that Felix, you're one of the strongest lobos I've ever seen, you could easily outlive me," Winston shivered and his eyes widened as a cold wind blew. It was a slow, whispering breeze that blew gently across the field, seeming to laugh at their conversation.
    "Eerie wasn't it," Felix said knowing that Winston felt it.
    "No kidding, I'm going to change the subject before one of us gets struck por lightning," Winston joked trying to lighten the mood. Felix chuckled and nodded as he turned towards the valley.
    "Come on, lets go keep an eye on things,"
    "No way, Hutch's mom is dead," asked Percy in shock.
    "As a stone," Roxa laughed maniacly.
    "Roxa, don't tell me you're going to use this against him, I mean, what if he does something severe," Lobo said with concern but Roxa snapped at him.
    "I don't care, Hutch has done nothing but get in my way ever since I've gotten here. It would be good if he would do something sever, it would get him out of my way," Roxa growled.
    "Roxa, you've completely lost it, so what if Hutch is better than you," Lobo argued causing Roxa to pounce on him.
    "Shut your mouth Lobo, I refuse to be beaten out por an orphan. And if either of you say a word about this to anyone, you're dead," Roxa snapped. Lobo growled and kicked Roxa in the stomach, knocking Roxa off of him.
    "You know what Roxa, you're sick. Even for you that's low, that's as low as it gets, it's no wonder Hutch doesn't like you, you're a complete ASSHOLE," Lobo shouted as he stormed off. Roxa growled deeply and sharged Lobo, slamming into his side and pushing him down.
    "Where the hell do you get off calling me an asshole," Roxa growled as he pushed Lobo onto his back and slammed his pawn down onto his chest.
    "Get off of me," Lobo demanded but Roxa refused.
    "You listen and you listen good, I'm going to torture Hutch, I'm going to make him feel pain and misery, and there's no one who's going to stand in my way. Not Percy, not Tiberius, not Winston, and especially not you," Roxa snarled as he pushed his claws dangerously close to Lobo's throat.
    "Roxa I think you made your point," Percy said nervously. Roxa said nothing but continued to hold down Lobo.
    "Roxa that's enough," Percy urged. Nothing.
    "ROXA GET OFF OF HIM," Percy shouted, snapping Roxa back to reailty. He let out a fierce growl to Lobo and then let him go. Lobo growled and started to pounce Roxa but Percy stopped him.
    "Let it go Lobo," he urged.
    "Errogant little son of a-," Percy shoved his paw over Lobo's mouth to keep him from saying anything else.
    "Lobo, just calm down, it's not like he can do anything. Come on, let's just try to enjoy the moonlight howl," Percy seggested trying to calm Lobo.
    "Fine, but if he comes anywhere near me so help me I'll-," again Percy stopped him and pushed him away from Roxa to prevent another fight. Roxa, completely ignoring Tiberius' rules, wondered off into the forest. He walked himself though his plan again and again, making sure it was flawless.
    "Can't let it go wrong, can't let it go wrong," he mumbled.
    "Everyone line up, it's time to head out for the howling rock," he heard Winston call from the valley. A sinister grin spread across his face and he started to laugh to himself.
    "And so it begins. This is it Hutch, enjoy the night while you still can,"
**Authors note- oi guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, mais to come soon :) Don't forget to review!**
added by OmegaLeader
added by OmegaLeader
added by OmegaLeader
Source: Myself
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added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by Fearlessdude88
Source: lobo maker 2.3
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added by Metallica1147
Source: I took from my webcam
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added by HUMPHRY
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added by JennaStone22
Sorry this video is not HD but it is awesome!!
added by Red_Pyramid206
Source: Me
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