A Lady e o Lobo Club
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Well, people, sorry for the long wait, but here's the third chapter of the Hell of Nome!!! And just like anything else, Comment If Readed!!!

Chapter 3: Taking the blow.

After Balto and Jenna walked trough the doggy door of her house, the sun had already set on the Alaskan tundra. Jenna decided to stay with her brother into her house, and she assisted to Balto to sleep at her house, too, because she was afraid that Martin would lunge an overnight attack at her. Balto couldn't stay at her house because he needed to wait for Boris to come back from his annual family visit in Russia. He said that he would come back tonight. Jenna understood. "Jenna, Boris would help us. Just stay in your house, OK?" "OK, Balto, good night!" Jenna said. Balto walked away. Jenna stood at the door, to watch him disappear into the fading sunlight. Jenna was away in thoughts, from the dia that had to be a great dia where they could celebrate their anniversary and could see that they were such good at keeping each other together after mais than 80 years. Jenna was sunk so deep into her thoughts, when Ewan said, "Jenna, lets get some sleep, alright?" Jenna was shot awake, but she nodded, and said "Yeah, you're right, Ewan, lets get some sleep".

Balto walked trough the Alaskan snow, in tears. He had the same toughs as Jenna had. He wanted just like her, too, to celebrate the 83 years they were together and that they were so good in keeping themselves together the same. After he boarded on the boat, he heard some rumbling in his house. “Boris? Jenna? Somebody?" he said. an shadow of something was moving around. It was the shadow of an she-wolf. Balto saw it and was confused, because he thought that it was a wild wolf. "Who ever you are, come out the darkness and let me see who you are!" There came no reaction. Balto said it again. Again no reaction. Balto's patience was out. He lunged out on the place where he saw the shadow, with an speed which could kill everyone who was in place. But then, "Please Papa, don't kill me! Please!!", the shadow screamed. Balto knew the sound of the scream and crash-landed into a pile of fishing nets which the fishermen had forgotten when they abandoned this boat. Balto climbed out the fisher nets, and run to the shadow. "Aleu!!! Girl!!! Oh man, how did I miss you!!" "Papa, it is hard to say, but it...... The pack did set me out because they didn't found any caribou. The caribou where extinted in Russia, but they didn't believe me, so I had to swim over the Siberian Sea." While Aleu was telling her story, they didn't saw that Boris was trying to fly over the Alaskan Tundra, but he almost crash-landed in an enormous pile of snow that was in the direction of Balto's boathouse. After him were two polar bears running and trying to follow him. "Not so fast, uncle Boris, we cannot follow you." said the little one, who was named Muk, the other big one, who was named Luk, mumbled something in the ways of yes, we are. "Will you please shut up, boychiks? I have here already troubles enough for controlling this flight." Boris said. Muk and Luk said both yes after it, while Balto and Aleu were still talking about why Aleu did get thrown out her pack. "Unbelievably Aleu, what a couple of jerks." "I know Papa, but how is it going on with you and mom?" After Aleu asked this question, Balto couldn’t bare to let an tear, and then bursted into tears. "Papa, what's wrong? Are you and mom divorced?" "No Aleu, it's......It's......Your mother is in trouble because her godfather is going to kill her!!!" "What?!!! papa, tell me the whole story, if it's cruel and horror full, I can take it!" Aleu said. "OK Aleu, so, it seems that your mother....." and Balto told the story that Ewan had told him. Aleu didn't knew what overcame her. She had heard the story of how her mother experienced the nightmare of her long life. She didn't wanted to believe it. "No.......no, this is impossible......Your covering it up.......I...." "Aleu, this has really happened" Aleu didn't said a word, until Boris crash-landed into the same pile of fisher nets where Balto had landed a few minutos before. Balto and Aleu heard rumbling behind them. "Goddamned, I still can't fly!!!" came a voice out the nets. Aleu recognized the voice. "Uncle Boris, your back." "Hey Aleu, eh, help me out here." "Alright, Uncle Boris, don't you worry." She helped her uncle out the fisher nets, but then, immediately, came out of the darkness an white mountain of fur, and of course it were Muk and Luk, both screaming "ALEU!!!!". They hugged Aleu, but with their strength they almost crushed her. "Uuuughh!!! Muk, Luk, let me go!!!!" She said, almost choking from Muk and Luk. "Alright you two, let her go." said Balto, with laughs. "Comnostiash, Muk, Luk, let Aleu go!!!!" Boris screamed to them. They let Aleu go, saying both their excuses to her, after they both heard their ‘uncle’ Boris screaming to them. “Aleu, everything right?" said Balto. Aleu, trying to regain her breath, said "Yeah, Much better. Uncle Boris, where did you get from? I thought you were with Stella, because you said you where going to marry her?" "Aleu, I'm sorry to tell you, Stella and I are divorced. I'm so sorry." Aleu said nothing.


Meanwhile, in the house of Jenna, Jenna was trying to get some sleep, but she still was on her guard, because she thought that Martin could come out the dark spots of her room. Although Ewan had told the story, she still thought that Martin would kill her because he would think that Jenna had told it. A few segundos later she felt into a light sleep, until she was shot awake por paw steps on the stairs. Next, she begun to scream, "No!!!! No, please!!! No, mercy, please let me alone, please?!!!!!!" The paw steps went on and on, and louder and louder, and Jenna begun to scream even harder. A paw begun to scratch onto her door. As a last ditch of hope, she jumped under the sheets of her bed, still screaming to let her alone. While Jenna pato in scared in the pillows, and screamed for mercy, Ewan walked in and saw her little sister in her bed, scared like hell. Ewan said, "Jenna!! It's me, Ewan!!!" Jenna slowly climbed out of the pillows to see the person who said the words, and if it wasn't a trap of Martin, to take his final revenge. First, she climbed very slowly out of her bed, were she saw red paws. Then completely comforted, she popped her head out and saw her brother standing for her. She bursted in tears, because she thought that it was Martin, ready to take revenge. Jenna said "Oh, Ewan, I didn’t....I thought....I....I" Ewan nuzzled her sister and tried to say something to her. He said, "It's alright Jen. I'm here!". Jenna stopped with her hysterical sobbing, and returned the favour for sharing the Brother-Sister moment.

After a while, Ewan started to walk down. Jenna begun to walk with him and said, "Ewan, wait! And Martin?" "Don't worry. If he's here, just scream, and I’m come running to you!", Ewan walked following over the squeaky stairs, leaving Jenna alone in her dark room. It was horribly quiet, and she perked her ears to hear anything that moved. She still heard it for some minutos and climbed in her bed, still on her guard. She began to find her sleapingspot, after she realized that it was save to sleep, and that Martin didn't came to haunt her, and settled for a easy sleep.

She felt after a while into a vast sleep and began with dreaming, but she didn't noticed that that dream would turn into a worse nightmare.........


Jenna was walking with her parents, Barrow and Celeste, over Nome Main Street, just like a normal family would do, talking about various things. A few minutos later, she felt into a complete darkness, only with sound of growling and yelping on the background. Jenna was feeling scared and wanted to run away, when she fell again in a darkness, where she then felt in a lake of mud. After she came back to consciousness, she checked the place where she was, looked down to herself, seeing that she was smeared full with mud, and then screamed hysterically. She had an trauma in case of mud. seguinte an ridge appeared in the lake, and Jenna leaped for her live towards the ridge, where she landed successfully. She tried to lick the mud of her body, but it didn’t came loose. While she tried and tried again, she realized the mud would never came loose, and causing her to cry, for her childhood trauma she got against mud. Next, the ridge disappeared as quickly as it came, causing for Jenna to fall again in the enormous lake of mud. After she fell into the rich mud, she lost again consciousness, almost like a coma, and sank towards the bottom. After she regained her consciousness, the first thing she felt was that her lungs were going to shrink, and smelled an high concentration of an earth like smell. After she regained consciousness, she smelled the smell of the mud, screamed like hell, and swam towards the coast of the mud-ocean. Next, she dragged herself on solid ground. She tried again to lick the mud of her body, which, again, didn't came off. When she almost started to cry, Martin came out of the darkness and stopped into his tracks. He saw that Jenna was covered with mud, and again swung his paw towards Jenna's face, again with an gigantic, bleeding wound, and screamed to her, "You B****, how many times I said, Don’t Play In The Mud!!!!!!!", where she flew again 5 metres in the air, landing into a low hanging tree, where she had fractured her front paw. Next, Martin sprung into the árvore and slammed headfirst into her chest. With the blow, she flew out of the tree, and, mystericaly, her front paw was healed, and the seguinte thing she did was running for her life.

An high-speed-chase occurred seguinte over the tundra of Jenna's dream world, with Martin, in uncontrollably anger, after her in hot chase. The chase happened over an hour, with a few close calls, for example that she tripled over an root, slamming with full force again into a pile of mud, causing for her to lose important metres of Martin. Strangely enough, she stood up and the chase could start all over again. Then, she saw her mother, Celeste, with an very angry face. She said to her that she was being chased por Martin, and that she felt into an enormous ocean of mud, but unfortunately her mother didn't listen a word of her and slapped her again and good. She begun to cry, and started to run, run away from her mother. She just saw that Martin ran to her mother, something said to her mother, and again came after her, were she fell into an black gap, coming out of nothing. Next, she screamed towards her death........


Jenna screamed when she was shot awake, shaking her head to convince herself that this was the real world, and screamed to Ewan. Ewan came running over the stairs, for saving her little sister for Martin, which he thought. He came into the room, but didn't saw Martin, or blood on the walls or anything else, but only an crying Jenna. He walked onto her, seeing that she had cried uncontrollably, because she had blubbery eye patches. Jenna was glad that her brother came towards her. Ewan said, "Jenna, sis, what happened? Did Martin attacked you in sleep and smacked you hard?" Jenna said, "No Ewan, It was much worse, I had the worse nightmare anybody could have!!"

And seguinte she told about the nightmarish experience of the mud river, the chase of Martin, the cold bloodiness of her mother and the rest of the dream, which only consulted in many mais crying. Her brother, trying to conform her from the horror, said, "Oh, come on, Jenna, it was only a dream, stop your crying. It wouldn’t happen in real life. You know what? I will let Balto come over to help you, right?" Jenna said, between sobs, "Okay....... Alright....... Thanks Ewan." And Ewan walked following out of the room, and towards the phone of the house, to call Balto to come over to their house.


A few minutos later, at Balto's boathouse, Balto, Aleu, Boris and his two polar bears, where talking about the things what happened over the past years and the story of Jenna's terrible youth, the deaths of her parents and who the demon was who doomed her whole life, when a ringing sound came from the direction of the group. Balto perked it up, and headed towards the phone. "It's Ewan.", he said, when he saw which name came on the display of his house phone, and he took it up. "Yes, with Balto? Ahh, Ewan, how it's going? Uh-huh, uh-huh, so,.........what? Jenna had an nightmare? Come on, Ewan, you could know that Jenna would have nightmares after the experiences she went trough the last years. What? We are needed at your house? Okay, we come!! Bye Ewan, and see ya soon.", and Balto laid down the phone. Next, he walked towards the group, who was still chatting, and said, "Alright, guys, Ewan had called, and we are needed at his house, because Jenna had a nightmare. Only I and Aleu are needed, so, sorry Boris, you needed to stay home." Boris and his two 'cousins' walked, saddened, to one of the dark spots of the boat, and Balto, a little concerned, said, " Hey, guys, it's just for a little minutes, you may come over after a few minutes." Next, Muk and Luk ran like crazy and almost crushed Balto in the progress. "Uuugh, Muk, Luk, I know your happy, but, don't kill me.", Balto said. They loose. "Thanks!" Balto said next.

A few moments later, Balto and Aleu walked in the direction of Jenna's parental início and Aleu begun chatting about the hellish events of her mothers youth and asked how she should see her when they came into her house. Balto said next, " I don't know, Aleu, I just don't know.", and walked further, hoping to find an husky in good form, not an victim of abuse.


Meanwhile, at Jenna's house, Ewan was trying to conform her sister from all what she went trough, even from the most hardest points, and she told Ewan for the first time things he didn’t saw or even heard from. As one of the points, Jenna told a story, dating back from the ano 1969, the first ano of Martin's madness, when he became hellish than ever, and it wouldn't stop until April 28th, 2001, when Martin disappeared from her memories, she couldn't tell the other stories of Martin's tortures he went trough, but now she told Ewan one that he never heard or knew the existence of. She began, "Ewan, I never told you about this, but Martin did in 1969 something worse that started the whole chain of events, ........."


The morning of June 27th, 1969, showed much promise of a new great Alaskan summer day, but in the room of an teenage Siberian Husky, were the walls of her room were once again painted with amounts of blood, because an Alaskan Malamute of unknown proportions, bit, sliced, throwed, smacked, clawed, and tortured of unimaginably proportions, his way on the young teenage Husky, who did her best not to burst into tears, because the Malamute was unforgivable for that sort of things, hoped for herself that he would go away, that she could mourn in her self, quietly but not for long, hoping to take something of the breakfast away and not run into a furious mother, screeching about the facts that she weren't on time for breakfast, about that she was an accident, that she was the cause that her father died because she couldn't stand her attitude, and many other things.....

After a while, the Malamute did go away, and the Husky, thanking the heavens that it was faster than ever, and that he didn't gave her her morning slap, or claw, or whatever, and begun to mourn in herself. She got herself to the breakfast mesa, tabela and the Husky, named Jenna, did got some amounts of her breakfast, unfortunately not enough for a dog, not even for a human, to leash the hunger, the unimaginably large hunger she got since that October morning of 1924, she did only got enough comida to last for a few days, but it wasn't enough to keep it at the point of an normal person would eat. As the dia went on, she did her normal things of the day, not returning until the evening because her mother don't wanted her to be around throughout the day, but after she returned to her house that evening, she saw that her mother, not even her brother was there, only the Malamute, named Martin, was there, wielding an jackscrew, the same thing they use to haul tractors up. Martin asked her, "Well, where have you been?" Jenna didn't knew where to start. Martin asked her it again, only he screamed this time, "I said, Where Have You Been?!!" Jenna still didn't knew where to start, and Martin's patience was up. Without a warning, he slammed the jackscrew with full force on the back of Jenna, then the legs, and at last the head. He then begun to slam the jackscrew at harder and harder speeds, until the pain was at the border of unimaginably, where the feeling of her body parts became at the point of feeling numb, and next, she forgot the time, he stopped with slamming on her, with the wounds bleeding of the hard compounds of the jackscrew, and she was crying a little. After it, he left her for death, causing Jenna to crawl upon her room, where she slowly curled up, tried to have some sleep, and begun to cry a little in herself.........


Ewan was pinned to the ground, after hearing this untold story of Martin's ravages onto her. Jenna, now crying, from the horrific memory, from the pain that still ran trough her body and from the unexpected attack that followed was even still fresh in her mind, Jenna said following, with a calm voice because she regained her emotions, "Ewan, why weren't you at the point after Martin hit me with the jackscrew? Why you didn’t came over to conform me a little? Please, Ewan, tell me!" causing Jenna to begin with her crying again. Ewan seguinte tried to conform her again, and said to her, after he successfully managed to control his emotions, in an calm voice, "Jenna, I wasn't there because I and mom where then going for an long hike. I said to her that I didn’t wanted to go, but mom said that she already had discovered that I helped you with rehabilitating. I had to lie to her, because she said that If it was true, Martin would begin on me as well, so, I'm sorry, Jenna, I'm so deeply sorry that I couldn't be there to help you." the seguinte few minutos could a long silence be heard, until then, bonks were heard on the door. Jenna, of course, screamed of terror and flow underneath the couch. Ewan said, "Easy Jenna, It's just Balto and Aleu." Ewan walked to the door and opened it, and indeed, there stood Balto and Aleu. Next, they walked in, and Jenna crouched slowly beneath the couch, happy to see that it weren't Martin and some kind of a helper who he summoned up to help him to torture and kill her. She ran up to Balto, screaming in the progress, "Oh Balto, thank heavens it's you!!!" and with contact, she almost blow Balto of his feet. Luckily, Jenna quickly saw in what she almost had done. Balto reacted even quickly on the point and said nothing. For the rest of the evening Jenna and Ewan told their eyewitness accounts to Balto and Aleu, and, strangely enough, Boris and Muk and Luk never came over to the house. The evening turned to night and everybody went to sleep, Balto went to sleep with Jenna to reassure her that Martin wouldn't came to kill her, not after he had passed her lover.......

To be Continued.....
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added by katealphawolf
When Mikey and Foxy Girl arrived at Justins house. Mikeys friend. they were staying for a week. ”dude they bombed your place and you survived in a fridge, dude you pulled off a damn Indiana Jones!” Justin said laughing. ” I know but how else were we going to survive?” Mikey said. ”I don't know, but you can stay here as long as the cops don't track us down.” Justin said. ” sure, Foxy Girl since you cant pay, you have to serve me and my good friend here.” Mikey said. ” WHAT?! f@$# no!!” Foxy Girl shouted. ” ok, I guess we will kick you out!” Justin said. Foxy Girl was...
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By Snow



It was a beautiful dia in Jasper National Park. The sun was out and the radiance of the green grama shone in the bright morning light. A gentle cool breeze flowed through my fur, making my casaco sway from side to side. The storms had been brutal the past two days but no matter the weather, nothing was going to ruin this perfect day.

I was playing with my new friends, Jessie and Ryan. Jessie had grey pele, peles with a white underbelly, her eyes a striking ice blue. Ryan's pele, peles was golden, and he shared the same white underbelly as his sister, but...
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Hello everyone! I just came up with an awesome story! It call Lone Wolf: A New Pack. It when a Young lobo travels alone por hurting the pack leader AKA his father. Now he travels alone try to find a pack an he founds one. But will he able to cadastrar-se in the pack and what will happen if he does make it in the pack and what happen when he dosen't? Find out here, right now! (And why my name is Stars. I Will tell you when I feel like you guys want to hear it.) Here is Part One! hope you enjoy.

WANRING: Please read Rating

Violence: 2/3
Sex: 0/3
Language: 1/3

Ch.1 Lone...
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4 hours Later...
Sgt.Carlos Johnson
dia 1
9:00 AM
carlos wake up after his fall.
sgt.carlos:"cough...cough..what just happend.."
carlos crawls to somewhere.
after reach the somewhere he gets up.
carlos is injured on his back and legs, but he can mover but at weak speed.
sgt.carlos:*at weak voice* "There Somebody here!"
carlos moves slowly.
carlos collapses.
carlos looks up and slowly dies.
screen to him slowly white.
1 hora later his death...
air camera tracks carlos.
carlos johnson
Status:K.I.A = Killed in Action
cpl.john:"he dead now."
cpt.lilly:"of course."
gen.winston:"nevermind, we will send ambush troops to get his HQ so we get mais power."
cpt.lilly:"i will recruit lobos to get our alpha's pack bigger."
To Be Continued...
Rest In Peace, Carlos.
(dont take it down, the slightest of adult references effecting sleep of other wolves)

All was quiet in jasper the exact mês after the metal festival and the sharp quick ending of humphrey and Kate's segundo honey moon. The sun rose over the valley, like a shield protecting all who dwelled within with its special burning light. Humphrey awoke from his cama seeing kate underneath his body, peacefully breathing, eyes fluttering as she dreamed. A few laughs, giggles and gafauls came out as she lye there unaware of Humphrey's wonderment as to what she was dreaming about.

Feeling great in himself...
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posted by katelover14
It was the middle of the night and I heard something outside of my antro, den i walked over there and i seen a beautiful raposa walking past my antro, den i shook my head and went back to sleep "thinking why did that raposa walk past my den"? i started to wake up when i felt the warmth of the sun.oh yeah i forgot that i had to go hunting today eves going to be pissed with me but i didnt care at all.i walked over to see hadashi sitting there with her bitchy look. hadashi:what the hell took you Adrien? the whole pack was waiting for you.I'm surprised curt even made you a beta.i rolled my eyes at her and said I'm not scared of you eve is much worse.
Chapter 3: Bodies
Winston suddenly noticed Hutch walking towards a cave-like crater. “What the hell are you doing?!” Said Winston. “The suits are not ready to sustain that much cold.” “I think I see something in there.” Said Hutch. Hutch then pulled out a device that emitted blue flashes to allow him to see in the dark cave-like crater. As Hutch descended into the crater his anxiety grew, he started breath heavily as he feared something terrible was going to happen. Suddenly a flash revealed the dead body of an Eastern Pack wolf, Hutch was terrified at the sight of the body. “Holy...
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