A Lady e o Lobo Club
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Having known where Kayne stayed with his alliance pack it was only a short matter of time before they were standing outside the rotting warehouse again, staring at the broken windows and blood stained floor brought a lot of bad memories back to garth. His dried blood adorned the floor.
Garth started to whimper loudly as if in pain.
All the pain that Garth had felt was returning via the memories that were pounding into his mind once more.

Lily: garth! GARTH!! whats wrong, speak to me!!

Garth collapsed to the floor as if he was about to die, the pack gathering round only made the hallucination worse as the friendly início faces turned into the deadly faces of the alliance.

Eve: i will deal with this. (she said calmly and laughing slightly)

Eve lifted her paw and with a mighty balanço slapped Garth across the face with a sound like thunder emanating from her paw. Garth snapped out of the hallucination and wondered where the feeling in his face went.

Winston: we cannot go in there without some sort of plan!
I say we surround the place!

Eve: I have a better idea for these SHIT BAGS!!
Lily where did you get the gun you saved Garth with honey?

Lily: I got it from Paddy and Marcel, they have opened up a comprar in north jasper where you can get anything!!
(quietly to Garth while picking him up off the floor) i got us a little something for when we get back home...

Garth: what is it? (he said, feeling excited)

Lily: you will just have to wait and see so stay alive for me baby! (she said sexily)

Knowing about the store they headed back to jasper to visit the new store known only to the privileged few as "all your needs": slogan :"taken care of".

Northern jasper was not the best of places but was still in the boundaries of início so there was no reason that the two birds wouldn't help.

Reaching the store they saw paddy for the first time in ages.

Paddy: oh my!!! hello everyone, my isn't this a big crowd you have behind you (he said getting rather nervous) Anything i can sell you today: water, fizzy drinks, FOOD! (he said nervously laughing, foolishly thinking he could be lunch)

Kate: We need guns, lots of guns!!

Marcel: my little chocolate quasont, what could you need all zese armas vor?

Lily: Killing the alliances!

Marcel: i am sorry i am going to need to see your gun license's!

Lily: but you sold a magnum to me? why can't you for everyone else?

Marcel: i cannot ave lobos running around with gun's villy nilly, zis would be dangerous, who knows who would get zem.

eve then slowly walked up to the stall and shook her head, she then looked up in an angry-insane way and grabbed marcel por the neck..

Eve: LOOK BIRDBRAIN!!!! we need armas to avenge lil's pride, DONT GET IN OUR WAY!!!!

marcel: O.K, O.K!! i will get them to you!!

marcel took a deep breath and steadied himself...

Marcel: what can i get you all?

Kate: lets see.... we need a:
B.A.R x 10
M249 SAW x 5
M60E4 x 5
M4's x 10
AKS74U x 10
M82 x 5
Thompson SMG x 5
and just incase..
G18 x 40
you can do that right?

Marcel and paddy were stunned and immediatly thought about what they could get out of this..

Paddy: what will we get out of this?
pay or a encontro, data perhaps?

as weird as it sounded Garth asked why he wanted a encontro, data from the wolves.

Garth: as beautiful as we all are- why would you encontro, data a wolf?

Paddy: ew! no! i meant from that little patinho over there!!

he pointed toward a little pato over near the pond, a yellow little pato with big flash eyelashes and as paddy explained "a rear you could get lost in" (typical of us british)

Garth told him to give him a minuet.

The only thing the pack could see was Garth walk over to the female pato with a massive smile on his face, gleaming sharp teeth on show, he whispered in the females ear and came running straight back with a happy spring in his step.

Paddy could see the little yellow pinhead turn his way with a beautiful smile on her face, shining like the morning sun and with a little wink from her-paddy knew it was on.

Paddy: you lobos have yourself a deal.

Marcel stood seguinte to paddy, mouth gaping-starring at his caddy in amazement at how easily he would swap riches for amor and annoyed that he got nothing.

1 dia LATER....

the armas had arrived via an upturned army train and the lobos were ready, nothing would get in the way of Garth's bloody revenge.

In the matter of an hora the pack was outside the warehouse again, thinking of a plan that would kill kayne and the alliances once and for all.

Winston: as i have said before, i say we surround the place and invade it from all sides!

Eve: i say we should storm them then capture them and torture them, cut out their eyes, then cut off their testicles, dividido, dividir them open and stuff the eyes in their ball sacks then semear, porca the dividido, dividir together then stuff the ball bags in their eyes sockets so they can see me KICK THEM IN THE BALLS!!!!!!!

(everyone stared at her, scared out of their lives,
as usual!!)

Lily: OR!! how about we send me in there alone? while you all surround the area, they will all surround me and will all be together, then when you'r all in place pick them of all at the same time and then we get Kayne!!!!

Lily said his name with immense anger in her voice, the physical and emotional pain that he caused Garth will never heal and lily hated Kayne for it.

Garth: NO! i will not lose you again!!!, if you go in there....let me go in your place!!

Lily: or how about we go in there together? we entered this adventure as a couple and if we die then at least we will exit this adventure as a couple as well.
she said whilst rubbing Garth's face gently with one paw.

everyone agreed that this would be the best way to kill the alliances and so the plan was underway.

Lily and Garth both entered the seemingly empty and broken warehouse on guard, weapons at the ready.

???: look at who it is everyone....it is the innocent couple.
let us make sure that there innocence is dead before sundown.

and as the jasper pack surrounded the warehouse the alliance came slowly-creeping out of the shadows just as they did when they almost killed Garth. Garth struggled to keep the horrible memories down, his teeth grinding in his head the flashbacks swirling and the pain starting to come back in his scars.

the shadowy figures surrounded Lily and Garth and circled them in the pale moonlight emanating from the broken roof. Kayne was among them.

Lily: stay cool baby! it will all be over soon, one way or another!

Kayne came out into the moonlight, the spitting image of before, so much so that it almost seemed like da ja vu.

Kayne: the innocent one is back and he has brought his beloved back from the dead to die again!!!
let us not waste time, kill them!!

all the lobos surrounding Lily and Garth jumped inwards preparing to claw them both to death.

Garth: NOW!!!!

The jasper pack that had surrounded the warehouse opened fogo from high up on the roof with snipers and MG's blazing.

One por one the alliances fell to the ground, bloodied with tunnelling holes in their heads and bullet shells raining down upon them until eventually they were all dead except for Kayne.

Shakey: I got 4, go me, go me, go me!!! it's my birthday- it's my birthday!!

Reba: well done sexy!!! how about changing into your birthday suit and curing my vegetarianism por giving me some swollen meat (sexy little howl)!!!

Shakey: O.K, where ever and when ever you want breakfast baby.

Eve: grrr...you two, focus!!!

Kayne looked on in amazement at the bodies of his dead alliance

Kayne: you killed them and want me to suffer i take it!!!

Garth: what? you would rather yourself die and leave THEM to suffer! Garth said with a smirk on his face
Kayne... i leave you with EVE!!!

Eve walked strongly out of the shadows with one claw unsheathed, a big angry frown on her face mixed with a smile, looking at Kayne.

Eve: deary..... it is time to die. she said calmly

they tranquillised Kayne in the arse and dragged him away back to jasper and what awaited him was all eve's decision, ready to suffer Kayne heard eve say as the jasper pack dragged him away.

his fate would be decided and death was immanent, smile if you want to reader, Kayne is a bastard!!!!

see chapter 10 to see the conclusion to the metal festival.

Metalwolf loves you all :)
It was 2 hours after the high alert was signaled and the caution level was towering over all others and dread was was looming in the hearts of all the pack leaders. Every one of the alphas were looking out for the alliances (except for kate who was still trying to fit into a pele, peles tight lobo suit) as Winston made sure none would touch the marked targets Lily and Garth.

Lily: "Garth- i'm scared, are you sure we shouldn't postpone the festival, just for a while"?

Garth: "I am so sorry i put you, the best thing that has ever happened to me in such worry and danger. he said with great fear in his voice....
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*A Week after Humphrey’s incident*
“Damn this Plasma is AWESOME!”Humphrey says
“I Know right!”I say
*We Watch A&O 3D On Bluray on the Plasma Screen*
“OK!”I say
*We play A Car game Which also was altered for mais better controls for paws*
“HI PAW!”I Say because we tied
*Also I added a feature that you can use your tail to control it as well plus either saying command PAWS or Putting both paws on the bottom of the screen*
“Hey guess what Humphrey”I say With Wide eyes at my IPAWD
“What?”he says
“I got asked if I would make Software for windows...
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The twilight world stood silent, two lobos confronted por a grim visage in the night. It was little mais than a voice and a shaded blur through the thick fog and mist, but Eight knew. He could see those eyes, glowing yellow in what little light there was. They maintained their still for a moment, peering beams of bright fogo in the darkness, beacons of terror. As they danced forward, she came into view through the veil of white atmosphere and her eyes faded slightly.
She stood tall and proud before the two, not to be challenged. The Cougar that Eight had happened upon and survived only a month...
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posted by REDWolfleader
 The Serum
The Serum
Awhile after being in Canada for a few weeks a few humans decided to tranquilize me and bring me BACK to area 51. But this time they didn't allow me to escape. they must have put a homing device in me to identify me or something. And they gave me a new name... 245878372 Delta. They injected me with a green serum and put me in a semi circular devise. And as they did so I over-heard a conversation.
"Sir, 245878372 Delta is ready."
"Lets do it then." Then I saw him push a red button and then the devise I was in started humming quit literally then I found myself among a group of dogs.
"What the fuck just happened?!?!"
"Well I cant tell you that but I can tell you your in the ano of 2277 and your in The Capital Wasteland!"One of them replied.
"One... How the hell did I get from 2011 to 2277... Two... What the hell is 'The Capital Wasteland'?"
"The Capital Wasteland is what used to be 'Washington D.C.'"
Author's Note: I made this one a little shorter then i wanted It to save me some time to work on chapter 5 and 6

I remember Waking up and hearing screaming from Garth and Lilly's tent. I ran out to see if they where ok but I go out to see Thomas and brik running out of their tent laughing with a camera in Thomas hand. “Thomas Give Me The Camera!!” Garth Screamed as he ran out of the tent after Thomas and Brik only in his pants from yesterday that were ripped from the bullet shots and covered in blood and man was he pissed!!!

After most of the drama was over Topgun and Hell Merry came out...
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posted by EightySix
Name: Velvet
Appearance: Red-Brown, slender, muscular frame. To look at her, you would instantly gain the impression of a perfect mixture of strength and speed. Her beauty she got from her mother, her strength from her father.

Velvet is the quintessential older sister, as well she should be, being the oldest member of all the children of the pack. If there was an Alpha of the family, she would be it. She is por far the most mature of the rest of her siblings and acts as 'den mother' even under her mother who does the same.
Velvet leads and heads up any activities that her brothers and sisters engage...
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As the three lobos approached the others and the... apparatus, Eight began to notice a trend. These lobos must be the clever sort, there were scribblings in the dirt depicting... things, and other broken down... things, as well as plenty of lashings, vine, lumber. They clearly enjoy making... things.
And this thing was no different. They were all very pleased to present it to him, this jumbled mess of vine and fallen limbs.
Lilac had begun pulling back a vine with her jaws. The center of the vine was stretched between the two trees, wrapped around the tronco, porta-malas once and went up and over the...
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posted by Red_Pyramid206
Umbrella, the most powerful comercial entity in the world. 9/10 homes carry its products. But, even unknown to its employees, Umbrella is known for the development of new viral weaponry. The Tyrant Virus, or T-Virus is the newest most powerful.

Kate and Humphrey, two of Raccoon City's best S.T.A.R.S. agents are sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances of former member Albert Wesker. Accompanied por Garth and Lilly, two rookies, they encounter the HIVE, Umbrella's topo, início secret bio-weapon lab. But while the investigation continues, a deadly bio-weapon virus escapes and causes infection throughout the city. Will they get out alive? Or will they be infected.
posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 7

Saphire, Seth and Kate began to approach a small antro, den lined with stray tufts of grass. Voices, male and female could be heard inside. Then a petit white female walked out. One of her eyes were covered with her locks, the other was a bright purple. "Hey Saphire..." The female said. Saphire smiled. "Hey Lilly... Hows life?" Lilly shrugged. "Same old... Same old..." She laughed. Saphire nodded. "Who are these two?" Lilly asked turning her head to Seth and Kate. "Well, this one over here, is Seth." "Nice to meet you!" Lilly smiled. Seth could tell she was fairly friendly. He hadn't met...
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added by SentinelPrime89
A Lady e o Lobo
added by OmegaLeader
posted by TimberHumphrey
well, another ano and another "Swan Princess" movie's coming out... and we get a trailer... where the hell to start? well, i'll start por saying: why, Crest? couldn't you just, oh i don't know, stop the franchise at the third movie? that would've been 10x times better. but no, they just had to butcher the franchise with a god awful fourth movie, and now they're making another one....
so yeah, like you can predict, in "Swan Princess 5" we're joined once again por Prince Derek and Princess Odette (she still looks terrible in CGI) and this time, they adopt a little girl named Alice or whatever....
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posted by sanman7
So this is going o be a sort of draw my life thing for my Birthday

So I was born in Texas I'm currently 16 years old the age on my perfil is my fursona I have always loved animais and always will I have had multible accounts and am known por many names I had a dark past on here I don't want to remember but only one is the bad past the rest are pretty neutral

I have talked to Jon before about matters of this club and he would congratulate me if he knew how much I changed me and him agreed on things and made changes

I have a rebellion against thatdarnhippo because he/she is a piece of half lifed...
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posted by LexiMcCoia
Through the veil of my tears, I watched my closest friend get lowered into the cold, unforgiving ground. Although the body was wrapped in leaves, I knew far too well that the limp mass was Lexi. As I cried, Humphrey; a fun loving omega put his paw on my shoulder. "Wynter, it's ok, you did all you could. There was nothing mais you could've done. It wasn't your fault." Wasn't my fault? I looked up at him, tears rolling down my face "Then why....why does it hurt so bad"? He sighed and brought me into his chest and hugged me. As we were hugging he said "Wynter you need to try to be strong for Lexi."...
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as I ran back through the forest i noticed something a lobo it was solid white I could see through it slightly rumor has it a lobo died from a Arqueiro through the skull. could this be the legendary wolfstar I passed the strange creature it followed me início is what it occasionaly said I never looked behind me i just thought it would leave but then it just poofed out of thin air. wake up wake up! huh? what? i was sleeping tony slapped me and said get up! so i did that he said; the raid starts in a couple hours get what you need. I told him ;why would you wake me up at 4am in the morning? he said...
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posted by Kiara_thats_it
 Zara is the villain of Lily's Friends, a big fanfic of mine.
Zara is the villain of Lily's Friends, a big fanfic of mine.
This is Zara.
But she wasn't always...

Things were different. Before her family was split. But ever wonder why?

Once, she was a normal omega pup named Ria.

She knew this domestic called Caleb, and they were a perfect match.

After some time together, Caleb began to consider Ria mais than a friend. She didn't want to say anything, but she thought so too. "Too bad it's impossible" she would tell herself.

One day, she woke up feeling really weird. When she looked in the water, she saw herself, but not quite. "Green? What is going on? Why are my eyes green?"

She went around asking if anyone had any idea....
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Explaining how Viggo can understand the lobos is something I felt I had to do since it was something that we’d never seen before. If you think about it, the explanation I give makes sense. All animais communicate in some way be it through sound, body language, or a combination of the two and the bee thing is totally true. And it’s completely plausible that if you studied and watched closely enough, you might get a very basic understanding of what an animal may be trying to “say”. Dolphins use clicks and whistles, all are slightly different from each other.

The fantasia aspect of the...
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