A Lady e o Lobo Club
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posted by TheChriZ1995
A/N: Here's my segundo story, I hope that you'll enjoy it. Please review on what you think of it, or how I'm doing. Anyways enjoy the story.

Heres a Summary: Humphrey jumped on the train and left Jasper Park to become a lone wolf. Now Kate has to go find him and bring him home. Will she be able to bring him home? Or will Humphrey be too hurt to come home. Read to find out

Chapter 1: Leaving Jasper

Humphrey's POV

I sitting in the boxcar of the train I had jumped on a few hours atrás to leave Jasper. I looked out the open door and watched the forest go por me; the sun was beginning to set. My mind was lost in thought. 'I can't believe Kate never told me she was getting married to Garth, after all we went through.' I thought 'Well maybe being a lone lobo won't be so bad.' I laid down 'Hmm... I wonder where the train will take me this time.' I was heading north and out of Jasper Park. 'I guess I'll get some sleep and see where I am in the morning' I closed my eyes and fell asleep
Back in Jasper
Kate POV

I was laying down in the Alpha den, I couldn't sleep knowing that Humphrey was all alone out there somewhere. I never married Garth, how could I if my coração belonged to someone else, and that someone was Humphrey. Now I made him leave and I may never get to see him and tell him how I feel about him. 'I have to find him!' My mind yelled at me, I got up and was about to walk out the antro, den when my mom opened her eyes and saw me waking out of the den.

"Where are you going Kate?" She asked
"I'm going to find Humphrey, no matter what it takes." I said
"Well okay but you be careful I don't want you getting hurt." She said
"I won't, I'm going to find him and bring him home." I said before running out of the den

I ran a little way through the forest and stopped in a small clearing. I smelled the air around me looking for his sent; I couldn't find it so I walked around the area, still smelling for his sent.

After searching high and low for 20 minutos I found his sent. I started running again, following his sent. I wasn't long before I approached the train tracks that ran through Jasper Park. As soon as I got to the tracks his sent vanished 'He must of gotten on the train.' I thought to myself, I decided not to wait for the seguinte train and start walking along the track, heading north. "I'm coming Humphrey" I said and kept walking
Back on the Train
Humphrey's POV

The sun was rising over the mountains in the east, I opened my eyes. The train was still moving and I had slept through most of the night. I looked out the boxcar door, the scenery and trees look mostly the same as they did back in Jasper but there was a lot mais snow and it was much much cooler. I let out a shiver, I could see some dark clouds up ahead but where I was it was clear with a few high clouds.

I got up a stretched; my body was stiff from sleeping on the hard ground of the boxcar floor. I decided that it was time to get off the train and explore this new area to see if there was I place I could live. I looked out ahead of the train waiting for the perfect time to jump. When I saw a clear spot I jumped of the train, jumping in the opposite direction the train was going to minimize the impact one my legs. I landed safely on the ground, and watched the train keep going and disappear into the distance.

I looked around this new world I was in. There were plenty of trees and bushes. The ground was covered in snow in a few spots, I could see some birds flying around between the trees. 'This seems like a calm and peaceful place.' I thought to myself, I started waking again, still looking around for a place I could call home.

Up ahead I could see a small valley between two tall snow caped mountains. 'Maybe I'll find a good início in there' I kept walking toward the valley in the distance, the dark clouds were getting closer and I knew that I had to find some shelter fast. I quickened my pace to try and beat the distance storm. My path through the forest started to get a little steeper as I ascended into the valley up ahead of me. I kept up the pace the storm slowly catching up with me, I looked behind me and I could see some lighting striking out of the dark clouds, I could also see the pouring rain too. I looked up ahead and saw a huge narrow pond with a river running into it. 'I’m sure I have time to take a quick water break.' I slowed down and walled up to the ponds costa line. I bent my head down and started drinking the water. When I finished and was about to get back up I was hit on my side. I flew a few feet sideways and landed hard on the ground. I looked up to see a dark grey lobo above me, growling at me. I quickly got to my feet and backed away slowly.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my area?" The lobo asked
"I’m sorry, I didn't know this was your area, I'm new around here, please don't hurt me." I said still backing away
"Well I'll let you go this time, but seguinte time I see you in my area, I will kill you!" He said "Go now!"
"Okay okay" I said getting up and walking past the lobo and along the narrow pond costa line "Gees what was his problem." I said to no one in particular.

I kept heading deeper into the valley following the narrow pond. The storm was right above me and it started raining. I looked over and saw a small cave 'I guess I'll sleep there tonight.' I thought and walked toward the cave. I walked in and saw that no one was home. I walked to the back of the cave and laid down, falling asleep with the sound of thunder outside.


Chapter 2: A New Home

Humphrey's POV

I woke up in a moist cave, I could see fog just outside the entrance of the cave. I remembered that I slept here to ride out the storm that was chasing me the dia before. I got up and stretched cracking my back, the ground of the cave as hard and uneven making it difficult to find a conferrable position to sleep in. The air was moist and cool, it was much resfriador, refrigerador in this new place than it was in Jasper. I walked out of the antro, den taking a quick look around me. There was some snow patches here and there. There were lots of pine trees and shrubs all over, moss was growing on some of the trees and dangling down the branches. With all the fog you couldn't see vary far, everything had a kind of eerie look to them like there was something was going to jump out of the thick fog and attack me.

I walked around not straying too far from the cave I slept in, I found a small stream that flowed behind the cave where I could get some water. I lowered my head and drank the water, to my surprise the water was the purest I ever drank. 'Wow that's good water' I thought to myself 'Maybe I'll just stick around here and live in the cave for a few days.' I lifted my head back up and kept exploring. There was a light mist in the air making my pele, peles a little damp, I followed the stream upstream finding that it kept getting steeper and steeper. I kept climbing and the clouds kept getting brighter and brighter with each step I took, indicating that I was getting to the topo, início of the nuvem layer. I found that the vegetation wasn't as deice as it was back down at the cave. I finally popped out of the clouds and found that I hit the árvore line, all the trees just stopped and it was nothing but snow and rocks beyond that. I stopped and looked at the view around me. The mountain topo, início was about another mile or so up ahead, all of the clouds seemed to of have been pushed and trapped in the thin valley. It was clear enough that I could see the train tracks where I got off the train yesterday way far in the distance.

I decided that I climbed far enough and turned around descending back in to the clouds and fog. It was windier up here then it was back down in the clouds. I was making my way in the fog when I heard a twig snap across from me. I turned my head and prepared myself for another attack, but nothing jumped out at me. I walked over to where the noise came from and I saw a esquilo on the ground trying to break open a pinecone. I stopped and hid behind a small bush, 'Looks like I found some breakfast.' I thought to myself. I got into a crouching position and prepared to pounce at it. I jumped at him, flying straight for him, but the esquilo saw me and ran out of the way. I landed hard on the ground, I saw the esquilo running away. I quickly got up to my paws and ran after it, slowly gaining on it. I was right behind it almost able to reach him, I was so busy focusing on the esquilo that I didn't notice that it was heading straight for a tree. The esquilo ran up the árvore and I slammed head first into the tree. I fell to the ground, my head was in so much pain from the impact. I looked up and saw the esquilo laughing at me this ticked me off.

"Why you little bastard!" I yelled at it "Don't you worry I'll catch you seguinte time!"

"Who are you talking too?" A voice said behind me

This made me jump, I turned around and saw an all-black lobo staring at me with its head tilted to the side. The lobo looked obviously male because he was very muscled and had a male voice.

"Don't sneak up on my like that." I said trying to catch my breath from running and getting scared.

"I'm sorry, I just saw you run por and I saw you hit the árvore head on, are you okay?" He said

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just giving that esquilo a piece of my mind." I said

"What’s your name?" He asked

"Humphrey," I said "What's yours?"

"I'm Hunter, nice to meet you" Hunter said

"Nice to meet you too" I said

"So what are you doing out here?" He asked

"Well you see I'm not from around here, I left my old pack and became a lone wolf." I said

"I see, go on" He said sitting down

"So I spent the night in a cave not too far from here and I was exploring the area and looking for some food." I said

"Well por the looks of it you're not a very good hunter, judging por the dent in that árvore over there." He said pointing to the árvore I ran into

"Well I've never hunted before, I have no skills when it comes to hunting." I said

"I see, I'm guessing you were and Omega in your old pack." He said

"Yeah I was" I said letting out a small shiver, it was still cool and damp

He shivered too "Come on I'll take you to my antro, den where it's not so cold." He said

"Sounds good to me, I need to rest my head after hitting that tree." I said

"I bet, you hit that thing hard" He said getting up “Follow me" He said walking down the hillside.

"Right behind you" I said getting up and following him down the hill.

The fog was starting to clear up and the sun was starting to come out, the temperature has gotten warmer but it was still cool. We walked up to a big old árvore stump that had a small hole underneath. Hunter walked up and crawled inside and I followed. The inside was a lot bigger then it looked on the outside

"Wow you got a really big place" I said looking around

"Yeah it took me quite a while to dig out all the dirt." He said

"I bet" I said "Is it just you that live here because you could fit a small pack in here."

"It's just me and this is the main room, there are two smaller rooms in the back over there." He said pointing to two small dark holes in the wall.

"Wow but why so big? I mean it's just you that lives here." I asked

"Well when I was building this I decided to make it big just in case I found a mate and started a family, but I haven't found that special one yet."

"Oh I see" I said

"So what's your story, why did you leave your pack?" He asked sitting down

"Well it all started.." I said telling him the story of Kate and I being lobo napped and taken to Idaho, and our adventure getting home. ".... When we returned it turned out she was set to marry another lobo named Garth so that the packs would be united. I didn't want to stay with the pack and see the amor of my life get married to someone else, so I left and headed north and here I am now." I said

"Wow that's too bad, I feel bad for you." He said

"Thanks, but that's all in the past. All that matters now on now and the future." I said

"I see" He said

"So where's the rest of your pack?" I asked

"I don't have one, you see in this valley it's just single wolfs and single family living in small zones, so each area is about one square mile." He said

"Are there any vacant zones that I could live in?" I asked

"Yeah there's one right seguinte to me, you actually slept in it last night." He said

"How do I get one, because I would like to live here for now." I said

"Well you basically leave scent markers along the border and let out a loud howl to tell everyone nearby that you own that zone." He said

"I see, I guess I'll start now." I said getting up

"Mind if I tag along, I got nothing better to do this morning." He said

"Not at all, you can tell me mais about this valley and how everything works." I said

"Okay" He said getting up

We walked out of the antro, den and made our way toward the vacant zone that would soon be mine.


Chapter 3: Settling in

Humphrey's POV

Hunter and I walked up the cave that I slept in last night.

"This is the place." I said

"I can see that" He said

"So what do we do now?" I asked

"Well you can go mark out your zone with your scent, and I'll clean up inside the cave, making it a den." He said

"Sounds like I plan" I said walking away from him

I walked back toward Hunters zone so I could start marking my scent along his border, then the south, west, and north borders. All the clouds had vanished from the heat of the high noon sun, it had warmed up enough to where the snow was starting to melt. I could smell Hunters border and I turned to the south heading along his border stopping to mark my scent every few hundred yards. Along the way around my zone I could see what kind of landmarks I had in my zone.

I bordered a small pond to the south and my western border was marked por a stream that ran into the small pond. To the north I bordered along the árvore line that I ventured up to earlier this morning. To the west was a small meadow full of beautiful flores in bloom. In the middle was my antro, den along with a few dead árvore stumps that could be dug underneath to make extra dens if necessary. I found mostly squirrels in my zone, so it looked like I had to be taught how to hunt.

After I finished with marking my zone I climbed up on a high rock that could overlook the whole valley below. I sat and raised my head, letting out a loud howl that echoed out. Letting every lobo know in the area that I owned this zone. I lowered my head and jumped off the rock, heading down to my antro, den to see how Hunter was doing. It had taken most of the afternoon to explore and mark my zone, the sun was getting lower in the sky and was getting closer to sunset. I approached my antro, den and peered inside to see if Hunter was still there, and he was.

"How'd it go? I heard you howl so it must have been successful." Hunter asked

"It went great; I learned my borders and memorized so landmarks." I said

"Good" He said while pushing a stick with his paws across the floor

"What are you doing?" I asked confused at why he was pushing a stick around the floor

"I'm leveling the floor so it’s not so uneven." He said

"Oh, good idea," I said "because it was a pain to sleep last night."

"Well now it won't be" He said

"There’s one mais favor I'd like before you go." I said

"And that would be?" He asked

"Well since I was and Omega I don't have any hunting skills, so I was wondering if you didn't mind teaching me." I said

"Sure I'll teach you" He said "but not today maybe tomorrow since it's getting late."

"Alright" I said "How about we grab some jantar I'm starving."

"Yeah same here, I have two fresh squirrels that I caught earlier this morning back at my den." He said "You can cadastrar-se me if you want"

"Sure let's go" I said, Hunter and I walked out of my antro, den and headed to his den.

"So are there any other lobos I should know about that border me?" I asked walking beside him

"Well there's Lola that lives in the zone to the west of you. Thens there's me to the east, and no one to the north. But you have to watch out for Mason to the south of you, he doesn't take to kindly to trust passers and is one of the most vicious lobos in the valley." He said

"Yeah I noticed when I went to get a drink yesterday when I arrived." I said

"Well your lucky he didn't just kill you on the spot." He said

"Yeah I just told him I was new around here and was not a threat, so he just told me to leave quickly." I said

Hunter and I reached his antro, den and we both walked inside. Inside he walked into one of the dark rooms and walked out with two squirrels in his mouth. We both sat down and he slid a esquilo over to me and we both dug in.

"You know I got to say thank you for helping me and giving me some food." I said

"Oh no problem I didn't mind it, it's good to have a friend. It was getting quite lonely loving here all alone." He said

"Well aren't you friends with some of the neighboring wolves?" I asked

"Sadly no, we mostly kept to ourselves and minded our own businesses." He said

"I see" I said

We both finished our meals, I said goodbye and walked out of his den. It was already dark, a little bit of light still appeared over the mountains. The light from the full moon shone down on the forest, letting me be able to see the path ahead of me. I walked back to my den, but I decided to take a little detour and head up the mountain, to the rock that overlooked the valley. It was getting colder and colder as the night wore on. I made it to the rock and jumped up on topo, início of it. I sat and looked down my territory and the rest of the Valley beyond. It was a clear night not a nuvem in the sky, the stars were shining beautiful and the moon shone bright. Then what I saw seguinte amazed me, a band of greenish blue light shone up in the sky. Slightly rippling, I sat there with my jaw slightly opened, it was the beautifulest thing I've ever seen.

"Beautiful, huh" I heard a female voice say behind me

"Ahh!" I yelled "Why does everyone keep sneaking up on me today."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She said

"It's alright" I got a good look at her, she had dark brown pele, peles with golden yellow eyes. "I'm sorry but what are you doing in my zone?" I asked, I didn't want to be rude but she did trust pass in my zone.

"Oh, I thought this place was vacant." She said

"Well it's not anymore, I own it now." I said

"I see, can I sit with you? I always came up here to watch the aurora." She said

"Sure you can sit with me, what's your name?" I asked

"Lola" She said "What's yours?"

"Humphrey, so you’re my western neighbor?" I asked

"Yep I am now, it's nice to meet you." Lola said

"Nice to meet you too," I turned my attention back to the aurora in the sky. "So that what you call those dancing lights." I said

"Yeah" She said

"Well they sure are pretty, I never had those back where I came from." I said

"Oh, and where did you come from?" She asked

"I came from a place south of here, called Jasper Park." I said

"So I'm guessing something happened and you became a lone wolf, right?" She asked

"Yeah that's what happened, how'd you figure that out?" I said

"Well everyone here was or is a lone wolf, that's why some decide to live here and take a zone instead of just wonder aimlessly around the forest." She said

"Oh" I said

"So how do you like it here so far?" She asked

"Well I actually like it here, everyone I met so far was nice except for Mason, he's mais of a grouch." I said letting out a chuckle

"Yeah you can say that again." She said laughing "Well it's getting late and I got to get up early, goodnight Humphrey it was nice meeting you." She said getting up and walking away

"Nice to meet you too Lola." I said as she disappeared behind some bushes.

I sat there for 10 or so minutos watching the night sky. I started to get sleepy and decided that it was time to get some shut eye. I jumped off the rock and descended down the mountain to my den. I could see some clouds rolling into the valley and there were dark. 'Looks like another storm night.' I thought to myself. I walked into my antro, den and laid down on the now even and softer floor. I took a good look around my antro, den admiring Hunters work, 'I guess I owe him one' I thought to myself. I laid my head between my paws and drifted off into dreamland.


Chapter 4: New Forms of Transport

Humphrey's POV

I woke up to find that it was another foggy dull morning, but unlike yesterday there was now a foot of new snow on the ground. It was cold and the floor of my antro, den was damp, I looked up to see that some snow had gotten into my antro, den through some holes of the árvore stump above me. 'Well I guess I got to patch that up before the seguinte storm.' I thought to myself, getting up off the floor and stretching I walked outside into the dull grey morning. Even though I've gotten used to living here the forest still had an eerie look to it, the trees seemed to pop out of the grey fog along with the snow covered bushes. It was early in the morning I could tell through the fog that the sun was just rising.

I tried to walk further away from my antro, den but my paws kept sinking into the fresh snow, making it hard to walk. I turned around and walked back the entrance of my antro, den where the snow was shallower. I sat and tried to think of a way to get around the snow without sinking into it. I looked around the sides of my antro, den then I found a flat piece of thick bark about the length and width of myself. An idea popped into my head, 'If I stand on that piece of bark then I can use my back leg to push myself around, similar to log-sledding.' I thought to myself. I decided to give the idea a shot, I grabbed the bark in jaws and dragged it back to the front of my den. I stood on the piece of bark and with my back leg pushed myself forward, to my amazement the bark slid progressivo, para a frente in the fresh snow with ease. I kept pushing, faster and stronger each time. I started to gain speed as I slid over to Hunters antro, den to see if he was up yet.

I slid through the fog swiftly, 'This much easier them walking' I thought to myself. With all this new snow my zone seemed completely different o wasn't sure where it ended and the seguinte zone began. But I could still smell Hunters scent through the snow, so I knew I was in his zone. I could see the outline of his antro, den start to emerge from the fog. I also saw a dark outline of a lobo standing outside of the den, which I could tell was Hunter. I could see he was looking at me with a puzzled and confused look on his face.

I stopped seguinte to where he was standing. "Good morning" I said

"Good morning, what are you doing?" He asked

"Oh, well I kept sinking into this new snow so I decided to slide around on this piece of bark." I said

"And where did you come with such a genius idea?" He asked

"Well back in Jasper me and my other Omega friends invented this thing called log-sledding. It's where you sit in a hollowed out log and slide down a mountain slope, so I took that idea and figured I could slide around on this." I explained

"Wow I've never thought of anything like that before, I've always had trouble walking around in the snow." He said

"Well if we can find another one of these I can teach you how to use it, it sure does beat walking." I said

"Yeah, let's look for one after some breakfast, care to join?" He said

"Sure I'll cadastrar-se you" I said and followed him into his den

He gave me another esquilo and he got one for himself, we both dug in and chatted about a few things. I told him that I met Lola and saw the aurora the anterior night.

"Sounds like you Lola got along well." He said

"Sure did" I said

"Are you interested in her at all?" He said with a do you like her expression on his face

"Nah... She's not really my type" I said

"Well she's one of the few single lobos here." He said "So you don't have much of a selection"

"Well I not sure if I want a mate, I don't want to deal with the hurt and suffering of finding the one and then being told that you can't have her because she has to marry some other guy." I said

"I see" He said "but I've been looking for a mate and to be honest the only one I find to be attractive is a girl named River."

"Well, have you made any moves?" I asked

"Not really I've only met her a few times, she lives on the other side of the valley. I never go over there that often." He said

"Well maybe we can go meet her today, if you want." I said

"Well I was going to teach you how to hunt today, but with all this new snow the squirrels will be hiding in their homes. Sure we can go meet her, but you have to teach me how to slide on that piece bark first." He said

"Sure, you first have to find a piece that you can easily stand on." I said

"Okay let’s go procurar around" He said, I could tell he had a little excitement in his voice.

We both walked out of his antro, den and looked for a suitable piece of bark.



Kate's POV

It had been two days since I left Jasper, I had done nothing but walk, eat and sleep. I was tired and my paws were soar from all the walking I had done. For some strange reason the train had not passed por me once since I left Jasper. Making me walk along the train track hoping that the train would come around the seguinte corner. So that I could just jump aboard and rest my paws. It was a bright and sunny late morning, the birds were cantar and there were a few clouds above me. I had managed to catch a few squirrels to eat along my journey but I really craved some caribou.

It was getting slightly colder the further I walked north, and it was getting hard to sleep at night with no one to sleep close too so I could use their body heat to keep myself warm. My mind was always set on Humphrey, I wouldn't rest until I knew he was seguro and was por my side back in Jasper. But I knew he might not take me back because I hurt him, por not telling him that I had to marry Garth. Hopefully he will forgive me. I kept walking along the tracks hopping I was getting closer to Humphrey with every step I took. I suddenly heard the sound that I've been waiting two days to hear, a train whistle. I turned around and saw the train chugging along the tracks towards me. I stopped and waited to get closer, when it finally got close enough I started to walk, I started to run when it got right beside me. I saw an open box car and I jumped up and landed on the hard wood floor of the boxcar. I sat and watched the trees go by, I could now relax for a few hours and then jump off the investigate the area. I laid down and closed my eyes as I took a short nap.


To Be Continued

added by BeautifulKate
A Lady e o Lobo
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate
added by wolfik125
Source: Wolfikous
I decided to give all the original characters that I came up with their own section, just to explore the origins of their names. There are a couple of “categories” that these names fall under; ones named after friends of mine, ones that were just randomly thought of and don’t really mean anything, and then a few based off characters in filmes and TV.

Only a couple of characters got their names from friends of mine. This consists of Owen, Kyle, Adam, Jack, Lucas, Jason, and Lydia. Most of the characters, however, were names that I just randomly thought of to give them a name and have no...
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Chapter 23: The Final Battle of Jasper Park

The massive group of lobos had partially descended into the valley with Humphrey and the others standing up front, watching Viggo who was still standing in the middle of the valley. Humphrey had explained his plan to everyone, although there were some objections, mainly from Steven which was no surprise.

“This plan is insane!” he said. “You know that, right? If I’m saying it’s insane, it’s actually insane.”

“You know what? It is insane,” Jax added. “And for once, it wasn’t our insane plan.”

“If you go out there alone, Viggo...
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Chapter 15: The Great Destroyer

“Alright, we need to go and get them before Viggo has the chance to use it,” Humphrey said.

Stinky suddenly lifted his head into the air, his nose twitching rapidly before he began growling.

“Stinky, what is it?” Runt asked.

All of a sudden, they heard gunshots as they were ambushed por a group of men that Viggo had left behind. The fight didn’t last for long and the men soon retreated north.

“They won’t stay gone for long,” Adam said, “more will come.”

“We need to go now,” Stinky said. “Adam, Oscar, Runt, and I will stay here and help fight...
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Chapter 9: Cliffside Ambush

Everyone began to get settled and Adam started showing Humphrey and víbora through the maze inside the cliff. It was pretty dark inside for a human, but Humphrey and Adam had no problem seeing down the many tunnels and Adam knew his way around.

“We dug this out in case we were ever attacked again so we’d have a seguro way to retreat without anyone knowing,” Adam explained. “Each antro, den has a tunnel in the back that both connects the dens, and also leads into the maze.”

“So, what’s on the other side of this cliff anyway?” Humphrey asked.

“Not much, really,”...
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For the seguinte four months, Leyla and víbora anxiously waited for any news about Humphrey. Then one dia in early spring, they finally got it. Humphrey was finally getting out of his cast and Leyla left to go and get him. When she got there, she almost didn’t recognize him. Because he had spent so much time completely immobilized, Humphrey was being wheeled around on a large, flat cart. His pele, peles also hadn’t gotten much of a chance to grow back while he was in the cast, so Leyla could see his bare skin and most of his body was only covered in a very light casaco of fur. His head was the only thing...
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Chapter 6: A Friendly Competition

Back at the Western Pack, Viggo and Robert were enjoying some much needed and exceedingly rare free time. However, it wasn’t entirely for fun as Viggo felt the need to enhance Robert’s sense of strategy since his anterior plan had failed so spectacularly. The dia was young, and the temperature was perfect for relaxing outside.

Viggo leaned back in his lawn chair, the strands of pele, peles on his lobo pelt vest slightly blowing in the wind, his grey hair doing the same. The two friends then began their game of chess, which had taken some convincing to get Robert...
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Chapter 2: Wolfnapped

“So, how do we fight him?” Kenya asked.

“I-I don’t know,” Humphrey replied. “I honestly don’t know how I survived as long as I did against him.”

“Well, there has to be a way,” Adam said.

“Adam’s right,” Steven agreed. “Viggo may be smart, strong, but he’s not invincible. If he can be hurt, then he can be killed.”

“Now you’re speaking my language,” Mick chimed in.

“You have a point,” Humphrey said. “No matter how clever someone is, or how good of a fighter they are, everyone has a weakness. That includes Viggo. We just need to find...
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(Note: Before we get started, I need to say that right now, we're in the middle of switching out computers so I can't guarantee a new chapter every day.)

Part 1: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 1: Humphrey's Return

No one could believe what they were seeing. Everyone stared in disbelief as Humphrey stood before them. It wasn’t possible. Humphrey was dead. He had been for seventeen years. But there he was, right before their eyes. And Stinky’s nose never lied.

However, it didn’t look like the Humphrey they remembered. He had multiple scars all over his body, all from faca wounds. On his...
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Chapter 4: Return of the Crimson Pack

As the afternoon came to an end, Viggo and Robert prepared to leave the campsite and put their plan into action.

“I’ll meet you and the Crimson Pack here,” Viggo said, pointing to a spot on a map of Jasper, fairly near to the Western Pack, “and remember to leave enough of a trail for Stinky to find us.”

With that, the two parted ways for a brief time as they began to start the first phase of Robert’s plan. The return of the Crimson Pack would soon prove devastating to Stinky and all the others who lived in the valley.

Meanwhile, Stinky and the others...
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Chapter 1: Viggo Thanatos

Deep in the woods, the General traveled slowly, knowing exactly where he was going. It had been years since he had seen the man he was looking for. But he needed his help.

The General eventually reached a massive campsite deep in the Northern Region of Jasper Park. The tents stretched for as far as he could see, peeking out through even the most distant of trees. People were walking about, minding their own business as the General casually strolled through the camp toward a massive tent made entirely of lobo pelts.

The tent was made of many different lobo pelts of many...
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(Decided to combine the two to make sure the artigo was lone enough to post.)

Chapter 1: Viggo Thanatos

Chapter 2: Welcome to the Western Pack

Chapter 3: Rest and Relaxation

Chapter 4: Return of the Crimson Pack

Chapter 5: Dawn of Destruction

Chapter 6: Refugees

Chapter 7: The segundo Battle of Jasper Park

Chapter 8: Return of a Hero

Unofficial Soundtrack (to give a better sense of mood)

1. Viggo's Theme (Chapter 1: Viggo Thanatos)

2. Welcome to the Western Pack (Chapter 2: Welcome to the Western Pack)

3. Jax and Jonas (Chapter 3: Rest and Relaxation)

4. Return of the Crimson Pack (Chapter 4:...
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It's been five years since the lone survivors has been formed thanks to lara oscar starting to have self doubts about himself and worrying the safety of his new pack after johnny was nearly killed during scouting their's territory por jill buck's girlfriend became amargo, amarga and vengeful finding out buck was gone forever in her's life johnny ending up losing his right leg cause of a urso trap jill set up oscar had decided to leave the lone survivors and wandered into the western pack's territory then spotted a male dark brown pele, peles lobo who have tan eyes and a v scar on the left side of his face among...
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Chapter 10: "This is Just the Beginning"

As the lobos returned to the valley, Kyle and the rest of the Northerners began to return to their pack.

“Thank you for helping us in our fight,” Stinky said, thanking Kyle.

“Of course,” Kyle replied. “Anything for Humphrey’s pups.”

“I don’t think this is over,” Runt said. “When Martin and I were taking Oscar to Sawtooth Cave, he told us about a man who destroyed his entire pack single-handedly. We think he might be the Wolfslayer, the same one Hammond mentioned when he first attacked us. If the Wolfslayer really is the true leader...
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Chapter 9: The First Battle of Jasper Park

“What?” Stinky said. “No, Runt you can’t. That’s their way. You’re not a killer. Listen, we will get Lisa back, I promise. But no one has to die.”

“Alright,” Runt said, a bit calmer. “What’s your plan?”

“I’m not entirely sure yet,” Stinky replied.

“Well, we don’t have much time,” Runt said. “According to Oscar, Hammond isn’t known for his patience.”

“Then get everyone together,” Stinky said. “We’re heading out immediately.”

“What about a plan?” Runt asked.

“We’ll improvise,” Stinky replied.

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Chapter 7: Return to Sawtooth Cave

As the majority of the Crimson Pack rushed off to fight the main attack force, the lobos guarding Oscar were easily dealt with. Stinky, Runt, and Oscar then turned and retreated back toward the Western Pack as the battle continued on.

Stinky, Runt, and Oscar relaxed in the pack for around a half hora until the rest of the pack returned. The Crimson Pack had been chased off, but everyone knew they would be back.

“Okay,” Stinky said to Oscar. “We have got to find you a place to hide out. We cannot keep going back and forth like this, and we can’t find...
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