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7x08 "Small Sacrifices" Episode Discussion



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ankcuta said:
WTF? I'm confused!....Cuddy was married? WTF.. I've ruined my night reading this post!
posted over a year ago.
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I don't know about this...don't panic...the title of that forum post said you could watch on Amazon early and I have a preordered season on Amazon and it's true that my order is ready today but I just checked and there is no way to watch it yet.
posted over a year ago.
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oh no--someone said on that LJ page that amazon deleted it....I knew something was weird when the order form came up in my mail this morning,how could they let this happen?
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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evropia said:
Ok...lust read some comments and have really bittersweet feelings...WTF..
posted over a year ago.
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what if it was leaked with a fake ending? But wouldn't it be leaked to itunes and other places too? Sounds more like amazon screwed up :( Freaking out now
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
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Does anybody have the file? On that spot they say something about a link.
posted over a year ago.
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evropia said:
I can't stop trebbling from frustration....First for not seeing the episode and second for ll these comments...
posted over a year ago.
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I'm more than confused.
posted over a year ago.
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i'm depressed :( Is this LJ reliable---that many people wouldn't make up an episode would they?
posted over a year ago.
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I watched it too =) It is reliable.
posted over a year ago.
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@caramelmilk: Where did you watch it? Is there any possibiity I can watch it, too?
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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The download link was deleted, but I'm trying to =) Just might take a while.
posted over a year ago.
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@caramelmilk: That would be nice! I'm feeling a little bit lost at the moment. It seems to be a milestone of an episode.
posted over a year ago.
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evropia said:
I really want that link too....With all these i can't wait much longer....
posted over a year ago.
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Ughhh feedback seems so negative.
posted over a year ago.
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@ evropia: yeah, me neither. But I'm glad that there is one person who tries to help.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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burgas93 said:
Hi if someone does find the link can you send it to me too that would be amazing thanks :)
posted over a year ago.
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thanks for the confirmation @ cm
posted over a year ago.
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I'll like to help but there's no longer a link,I only have the file, but I can't upload it.
posted over a year ago.
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oh no, .... this is kiling me. I need a link.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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How bad is it?? @anaperez
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I didn't get the idea of Cuddy was married, I'm confused and House didn't matter, that was sweet.
posted over a year ago.
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did it seem their relationship was headed in a bad direction in the future even though no break up now
posted over a year ago.
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It's nice but I was expecting more
posted over a year ago.
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To a good direction, House apologized
That's good
posted over a year ago.
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I have a link to download the Huddy Scenes of this espisode
Who wants the link??
posted over a year ago.
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tatotoot said:
just saw it. it was really not that bad after all.
i just hate the fact that cuddy was married :0
posted over a year ago.
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this being all over the net makes me wonder not the ep being geniune but it being leaked has made me a tad suspect on this leaking a day early does not make good PR having said that the ep was ok cuddy being married i hate it and house carryng her purse totally married dont see a huddy breakup happening that my take anyway
posted over a year ago.
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I don't Know,thats why If somebody wants the link for download the scenes send me a message, and I'll give you the link.
posted over a year ago.
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Nooo, I'll send it to you as message on fanpop
posted over a year ago.
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But just don't post it plz
posted over a year ago.
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HLforever said:

Okay, first of all--WHAT THE FUCK. Maybe when I actually watch the ep, it'll seem a little more realistic, but from all I hear right now this whole "Cuddy was married" sounds so incredibly retarded-drama. And not up to the standards of House storylines that we have come to expect.

By the way, was it leaked on purpose? I have a hard time believing the TPTB would actually authorize a doesn't seem like them. Then again, a lot of people have seen it.

UGH. GODAMMIT. I was waiting for some happy, smiling, making out Huddy in this ep. I was waiting for it to end on a happy note. But of course, they decide to make the hiatus unbearable in a BAD way. I feel the need to punch a wall.

Done. But I knocked my laptop charger out of the wall socket. And it hit my foot.


*long sigh*

*goes off to stare at old Huli pics and comfort self with the knowledge that House is a fictional TV show*

*still depressed*
posted over a year ago.
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okay that wasn't depressing to me---seems more along the theme of House changing slowly---little darkness thrown in at the end etc---Loved the "you look like Wilson" "It's weird." cuddy
posted over a year ago.
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@HL---yeah---just don't take it too seriously and you'll be fine. It's like a one-time throw away sentence, and it didn't bother me as much when I saw it.
posted over a year ago.
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HLforever said:
Wait I'm confused. Has anyone seen the whole ep? Because @anaperez's link only had the Huddy scenes, and one comment on the LJ discussion page said that House was lying with his little apology speech at the end. Is there a final scene that tells us that?

Oh and @mysusp the Huddy scenes weren't as bad as I thought, but I'm still scared for the whole ep...I feel like something darker lies in the final scene, which apparently is Hilson.
posted over a year ago.
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K-Jay said:
Wow, I'm really excited now! If somebody has the link of the epi or at least for the Huddy/Hilson scenes - could you please send it to me? Thanks!
posted over a year ago.
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possible about a different ending and a staged leak, but I don't know if they would have gone through Amazon.... Who knows, maybe the good fairy will come and change the ending for us and House and cuddy will move into together or discuss the "m" word. I think they would have leaked somewhere else besides a major company though...
posted over a year ago.
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@HL--yeah the comments say that he tells Wilson he was lying to get her to drop the subject...knowing House he intends to lie to her again of course, but at least he lied about not being sorry about the lie??? If that makes sense...also sometimes he lies to Wilson about how he feels.
posted over a year ago.
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DAMN! If I'd known there would be spoilers I wouldn't have opened the link. I thought it was a discussion of an upcoming episode. PLEASE mark it in the subject if there are possible spoilers. :(

So, now that I'm spoiled anyway, what were the circumstances around Cuddy's supposed marriage? When, why, for how long, who?
posted over a year ago.
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@Scuddy--no explanation just that she was married for 6 days at the age of 20...really just a set up line for House discovering something she has lied about.
posted over a year ago.
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HLforever said:
@mysusp Ohh, alright.

Now I'm really depressed because one of the comments on LJ said that this was the writers preparing us for a Huddy break-up...which I really don't know if I'll be able to handle. But I have to agree with the person who posted it: from the Huddy scenes that I watched, this doesn't seem like just another obstacle in the relationship. Maybe when I see the whole episode I'll be able to have a better grasp on the situation, but from what I've already seen this is going to be all-or-nothing. Either both House and Cuddy grit their teeth and plow through these troubles, or they break up. End of story.

I was also surprised that they made the Cuddy's-marriage thing such a small part of the ep. I agree with another comment on LJ: I'm really disappointed with the writer(s) of this episode with how they handled that. They can't just mention something like that and then drop it, like they just came up with it randomly for the purpose of Cuddy having lied before. It should be a lot bigger. When I read the comments before watching the scenes, I certainly expected it to be. I confess, I am very disappointed, and not just because I was hoping for something more happy-Huddy.

The whole tone of the scenes that I saw were dark and really made me uncomfortable. Cuddy was really harsh, and the scene near the end where she finally smiles just makes it worse because apparently we later realize that House's apology was a lie. In my dream world, they would just fucking TALK TO EACH OTHER HONESTLY instead of lying more and avoiding it, which is what House has chosen to do, and then they could FORGIVE each other and have make-up sex. Now I'm just really pissed. Is this what's going to be sustaining me through the hiatus? Because, to be honest, I'm really getting sick of the whole lying thing. I'm starting to really not enjoy it. You can call me a "hopeless romantic", but DAMMIT I WANT MY HUDDY. And I mean HUDDY. Not this angry, hurt, twisted version of Huddy that we're seeing now. Okay, I get that relationships start of fresh and happy and awesome, and then more often than not turn sour as the people in it learn more about each other. And I get that Huddy was bound to have tons of problems. But please, PLEASE TPTB, PLEASE find a way to fix this. If we're just going to get another few eps of Cuddy being nice to House under the delusion that he is actually sorry for what he has done, all the while knowing that it's all a lie, I don't think I'll be able to take it. I mean, come ON. We're only human. HAVE SOME SYMPATHY.

I'm beginning to force myself to hope that this is a fake ending. And that tomorrow's ep will be different. I really doubt that, but's nice to think that there's such a possibility.

*goes back to being extremely depressed*
posted over a year ago.
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Yeah, we'll never get to find out the circumstances behind the marriage, just like we never got anymore info on her sleeping with her father's best friend.

A little angst is fine but they sometimes go too far with it.
posted over a year ago.
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i don't like the episode , i feel so sad and frustated abouth huddy, it can't be that the writers are writting this way is so anoyed , it wasn't even a kiss or something like that really i hope more of this episode at least one passionate kiss more cuddy smiling , i really feel sad =( and then the hiatus is not a end good way for huddy fans
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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tammyr50 said:
Could be like "Help Me" and the final scene not shown yet. House was expecting Cuddy in the last scene that was shown. everything but the last scene got leaked out of "Help Me"
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Not even a small kiss?
posted over a year ago.
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@tammyr50 - I hope you're right.
posted over a year ago.
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Maybe it'll be like those mythical beach pics that we thought would be in an episode but they still haven't shown up in one yet.

Or, maybe they're kissing up to the anti-huddy's.

From the comments I've read it sounds like none of the couples are happy at the end of the episode.
posted over a year ago.
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tammyr50 said:
@Scuddy2010 - It might not be a good scene but it is hard to imagine that they will take something with so much potential and turn it bad. I believe there will be one more scene.
posted over a year ago.
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giubicri said:
ehm... can someone please send me the link? :S by message or in chat..
posted over a year ago.
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I just watched the Huddy bits and I have to say I think this is going to be a VERY GOOD epi.

I am sure there is a scene or two missing. But still I think that their issues get resolved and they move on to an even deeper commitment. I can't see them not having some kind of intimacy after the torrid time they have had. Even if it is just a kiss.
It is a natural conclusion to their conversation.

People have lives and history. So what if she was married for 6 days. Blame it on the exuberance of youth!! HOUSE does NOT care. HE has her now and THAT is all that matters to him.

I love that she lied about her age making herself older to get the job. Like being 43 instead of 45 is even relevant...

This will not break them up. If you want a reason for her marriage, I will give you one......

After their one night in Med School, they were both in love with each other. He got expelled and disappeared. She never knew where he went or why. So hurt and desperatley unhappy she meets and marries the first man that comes along. Her mom goes NUTS and has the marriage anulled......nuff said!!! Feel better ya'll
posted over a year ago.
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@LL: I wondered if they might have thrown that out to set up for the mother coming...if not, now that I have seen it I can move on. I freaked out for a long time reading the comments about everything but now that I've moved past the expectation phase I'm okay. I think at the end it paradoxicaly was positive from a House worldview sort of way. Wilson's "good for you" showed House moved from his stubborness. As people say about marriage "you can be right, or you can be happy". House's face at the end could show that he's compromised who he is (sacrificed a small part or who he is) which could ultimately be bad in the future because we have to have House stay true to himself, or House sacrificing his pride. Ultimately yes, House has a lot of things that could change, and I guess we will have to wait and see if the writers allow him to make small changes without sacrificing who he is. Can he be the brilliant diagnostician and genius and someone capable of connecting with others? I don't know if we will know until the last second of the last show. Whatever happens I hope we will find him more at peace at the end. And of course I hope they will manage to show that he is capable of being House with Cuddy and Rachel at his side.
posted over a year ago.
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okay small nitpick---How could House think Cuddy was lying about her age when he knew her in college lol
posted over a year ago.
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Belle0308 said:
I watched the whole thing and I am not sure what to say because I feel like everyone should watch it for themselves. It is hard to explain something when it really needs to be seen first hand.

Let me just say that this whole episode had some of the most realistic and honest lines about relationships that I have ever heard on a show. Some may find that depressing, but the truth is that the give and take in relationships is a bit of a downer at times. It isn't all "and they lived happily ever after."

House is House...he is who he is which sometimes makes me want to throw something at him. At the same time, he speaks a lot of truth that many are uncomfortable hearing said out loud, even if it is accurate.

I think it was a great episode. I don't think it is as bad as some are thinking. This was a direct blessing for me to get to see it early because my daughter has a concert tomorrow night and so I wouldn't get to see it.
posted over a year ago.
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@LL - Thank you! I'll try to stop freaking out and relax now.
posted over a year ago.
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@Belle--what is your take on House's lie at the end? do you think it is as the patient said "that if you lose your beliefs, you lose yourself?" Will House lose himself if he continues in this relationship, and are they headed that way with the story, or will this be conveniently dropped for another issue. It's hard for me to wrap my head around because nearly ALL my beliefs are opposite of House's. I can be a little analytical, and I've seen enough things to make me cynical about people sometimes, but I also have my own personal, and spiritual beliefs so in my point of view their are plenty of things that House could change without changing who he is if that makes sense. I would like to see them continue the slow transition of House that we've seen. "I don't want to be miserable, I don't want him to hate me" and some of the glimpses we got of him in Broken.
posted over a year ago.
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evropia said:
Just saw it...I think it was a nice episode saying so many truths about relationships.The last scene didn't bother me that much.In a realationship people have to do small or big sacrifices at times and face dilemmas.The fact that House lied to solve the problem doesn't prove that he is starting to lose himself or his believes nether that he's gonna keep lying without reason.That proves that he can't live without Cuddy.In a relationship sometimes we are forced to agree or accept things that we don't like...House is who he is...and in some point they gonna find a way to work things out...By the way i wanted a kiss in the end...Anyone know when is gonna be the next epi....?
posted over a year ago.
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thank you Evropia---I am happy to hear you say that.
posted over a year ago.
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evropia said:
The truth is i was terrified with all these comments but fortunately it wasn't so bad...I think the key in th whole situation wasn't about lying.House is right...everybode lies.But to see House put his stubborness behind and admit he was wrong even if he didn't believe so just for her sake.His need for Cuddy is beyond his need to always be right....So House is still the same genius jerk we all know...but he is simply in love and can't go on without her no matter what he has to sacrifice in the way.
posted over a year ago.
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i am sooo late to this party -- didn't see the link in time so i didn't watch it, but i think it's interesting that she was married. "beautiful women do not go to medical school unless they are as damaged as they are beautiful." i've been dying to find out what cuddy's "damage" is . . maybe this has something to do with it. anyways, hope it is a good epi :] been waiting forever for lisa in that damn blue dress :]
posted over a year ago.
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thanks again Evropia---I would hate to be depressed and it helps having someone give their point of view. I really like how you expressed the point of the episode.
posted over a year ago.
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sindy2507 said:
cual es el enlace????
posted over a year ago.
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HLforever said:
"But to see House put his stubborness behind and admit he was wrong even if he didn't believe so just for her sake.His need for Cuddy is beyond his need to always be right....So House is still the same genius jerk we all know...but he is simply in love and can't go on without her no matter what he has to sacrifice in the way."

@evropia Ahhh you don't understand how much better that made me feel. I guess I was being stupidly and hopelessly romantic before...of course Huddy is going to have problems, and I can't expect all of them to be as quickly resolved as the other ones were. I can't expect it to be pretty all the time. So, I'm going to try and take House's lying as a positive thing, just as you've done. I see your way of thinking now, and I agree with it: at first, I didn't really see House's lie at the end as a sacrifice, but now I do. The title of the ep is fitting: House isn't really avoiding the problem so much as making a "small sacrifice" in order to keep Cuddy happy. I suppose this is what relationships are about.

Ahhh well. Still hoping for a bonus scene at the end for tomorrow though...*fingers crossed*
posted over a year ago.
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Belle0308 said:
@mysus I really think that I am the sort of person who believes whole heartedly that Huddy can make it WITH all of their imperfections. People are imperfect and yet they manage to stay together for years and years. What I tend to think is that rather than lose himself in this relationship, House may have to make some compromises in order to hold on to what he wants. I think if he didn’t love Cuddy, he wouldn’t have tried so hard to get her to “forgive him” as he said. Of course the show is usually focused on House being challenged on his belief system and generally, he still sees himself as "right" even when he really isn't. I think back to the times when he reluctantly discovered that he was possible wrong. I agree that “there are plenty of things that House could change without changing himself.” There is a lot of House left to reveal as well as Cuddy and the damages at their core can either bring them closer together or further apart. I know what I believe SHOULD happen, but the writers may see things differently. If at the end of the day they both keep their eyes open about the others faults and decide to love each other anyway, then they will be ok.

@evropia I totally agree with your thoughts on the episode. Fortunately I saw the episode on accident because a friend passed it on without my knowing it had been released already. It was a very honest look at relationships at a level most people don’t want to look at.
BTW...I think that they are both super human because I swear that the looks they give each other could burn holes through the average human. WOW!
posted over a year ago.
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evropia said:
Me too but the episode lasted 43 minutes already so it's a little difficult.I love the way their relationship is revealed cause it's more like the real thing.It would be all smiles and kisses and everything is solved magicly...but fortunately is not.House is so screwed up that he needs too much time and too much Cuddy to fix himself.And Cuddy for me didn't care that much about the lie,she just needed reassurance that he'll be able to step back and try to see things from her angle even though he doesn't agree with them.And it might seam bad and even cruel the way they treated each other in the past couple of episodes but it is really romantic in a weird realistic way.Because in spite of all their arguments they still find the way back to each other and they never closed this damn door it took them almost a decade to open.

The lack of kisses is really killing me but luckily the sexual tention is back.The way he checked her out in her House.I hope for something really big in the next ep and hopefully we gonna have one during December.

Loving one an other isn't a choice for them anymore...they're walking hand in hand into happiness and disaster because they do share true and unconditional love even though it's not always shown.For her he was the worst choice ever..and yet she chose him..for him she was the only and one choice since there is an 'us' between them and they can't do nothing about it.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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big smile
Stands up and claps
posted over a year ago.
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evropia said:
And sth that just poped in my head.In the last scene did he kinda put Cuddy over Wilson.?I mean he obviously loves both of them but when his friend shows up broken-hearted for once House isn't the eternal burcelor[and he doesn't wait for a hooker]and says Cuddy is coming over.I loved the fact that Wilson understood him and left with the 'good for you'.And House didn't give him the 'i told you so'he owed him since he found out about them.It might seem bad in some point but the fact that he chose to spend his time with Cuddy than with his only friend in need proves how much he needs and misses her.
posted over a year ago.
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I loved Wilson's "does she know you'll be here?" LOL Aw poor Wilson---good scenes between him and Sam at the end. "You haven't changed"
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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evropia said:
I don't like watching him in pain.The whole Amber incident hurt me enough for the rest of my life.He is such a nice guy and he deserves to be happy....just like his best friend.
posted over a year ago.
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yeah I was really impressed with their acting and the writing for Wilson and Sam this episode. It's interesting that Sam is the "House" in the relationship and we get to see if she can change also. Maybe House will let him come over to watch tv some night...I'm sure Cuddy wouldn't be selfish.
posted over a year ago.
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Huddiness said:
Hello, everyone! I actually freaked out when I saw most of the tweeps went crazy about the said leakage. Having seen the ep this afternoon, and having known that most of you guys had seen it as well, I just wanna ask why am I so dying to let TPTB to bring back Cuddys Ex-hubby. LOL!!! I know, I know, I'm that cruel. *sinister grin*

I dunno, I just wanna see a jealous House(?) LoL!
posted over a year ago.
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Hmmmmm... so how long was the ep? Just wondering because the dvr shows it 7:00-8:01 running one minute over... remember when the finale last season ran a minute or so over? Hmm hmm hmm? *wishful thinking*
posted over a year ago.
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reebaila said:
i want the link plz plz
posted over a year ago.
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sent a message to you
posted over a year ago.
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ankcuta said:
@mysuspicions.. I've sent you a message too.. pls send me the link... Thanks!
posted over a year ago.
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Maria2493 said:
Wow, the discussion sounds amazing! Haven't watched the episode, anyone can send me a link, please???
posted over a year ago.
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reebaila said:

OK <<< I've JUST WATCHED the episode
It is great >> I don't understand why people r disappointed ??!!
It is really great >> especially house lying to cuddy it is old House's style
And if u look at it closely u would see that cuddy told house(in the first episode ) that she "doesn't want him to change and she loves him as he is " and house lied to her as he used to do but she got mad and wants him to stop lying to her !!! so she is changing her mind !!!
And remember … that house has made it clear that he is lying to her as his boss not as his girlfriend
So he is doing his usual stuff ,so why she wants him to apologize??
And for that I'm with house he should not be apologizing to her even if he is madly in love with her!!!!!!!!!!
Regarding the second lie "the false apology " I think it is very realistic ,people lie to their partner to make them feel good , I'm not saying it is good thing it is certainly one of the things that damage any relationship but that what people in love do and house is trying to make her happy and keeping his rational in place because he knows that he can't change and he will practice medicine the way he used to do!!
What I did not like is the Sam- Wilson thing !! it is really a juvenile
It is not even a real fight!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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I have also just watched the episode. I really enjoyed it. I have to run out to drop of ribbon for the limo I hired for my brother and his bride. BUT as soon as I'm back I will spill my thoughts !!!

House and Cuddy's implied intimacy is awesome. He trully feels bad for Wilson, but his need, physical and emotional for Cuddy is stronger.
posted over a year ago.
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ankcuta said:
ok....but why they don't show us a little, delicate kiss?:((
posted over a year ago.
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sorry ankcuta,
I went to bed before I saw your message, I only had Huddy scenes though because the link for whole episode didn't work anymore for me.
posted over a year ago.
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Random thoughts about the episode:

Lisa Edelstein's acting slipped a little into an impression of her mother with her "I need an apology, not flattery scene." LOL

Chase's womanizing is getting old :P He needs to get into therapy for his guilt and get Cameron back.

It was sad when Cuddy realized House brought up the subject of marriage just to trap her. She said "I will be first time" not I would be first time---to me that and her "this whole thing was a trap?" showed that she was talking casually as if she would be married one day and of course she would forsee House as the one she would be married to.

Was House still in wedding trickery mode when he told Cuddy weddings were kind of fun? I'm leaning towards him telling the truth. He really looked like he was having a good time with her, and he looks down to watch her dance immediately after that. Nice to see them having fun together.

House in the office sounded like a husband whining about being forced to go to a social event. He is even reading and sitting in an armchair with his feet propped up.

Nice to see that House still checks Cuddy out in the office even though they've been together for a while.

Wow--the scene with Wilson and Sam---loved when she looked at him and then left without a word. Good job channeling some House and Cuddy angst guys. :)

The pratical versus artistic ending scene the reviewer spoke of that she had a gripe with. Could that simply mean, why is Cuddy coming over to House's apartment instead of him going over there?
posted over a year ago.
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Okay, so he LIED AGAIN!!

Question is to whom?

And we all do it in our relationships, not to cause harm, hurt and unhappiness but rather to facilitate a happy, seamless existence.

BUT……before I go any further I have to say that Hugh Laurie almost stopped my heart several times this episode.

1) In his “Dressy Casual” – LORD have mercy!!
2) In that TUX wearing narrow, square tipped dress shoes and his Sean Connery accent. I think he has very sexy feet.
3) At the wedding with his crisp white shirt open to the 3rd button, showing his gorgeous chest and neck.
4) Standing at the bar with the boys drinking his Martini – ***F A I N T***

OH and his hair, so VERY, VERY sexy these days!

Now my thoughts:

Option 1

These two (House & Cuddy) are well and truly past the point of no return in this relationship. They are now and have always been completely, irrevocably in love with each other. She “wants” him just as much if not more than he “wants” her.

His moan about having to relieve himself of sexual frustration makes her smile, and pleased at the same time. Her approaching him in the lobby says she wants to engage him in conversation.
His question about not attending the wedding stopped her cold, because she wants him with her. She misses his company and his physical presence as much as he misses her’s. Knowing what the other staff in the hospital think about him, it really would make no difference to them on way or another if he was there or not. It is important to HER!!

Telling her he’d go if just for the chance of getting her drunk and scoring, was him being honest with her and testing her reaction. He has always been honest and open with her about wanting her, nothing new there. But how honest does she want him to be?

She, it seems really does not want him to change. I realize that now. She dislikes his “Dressy Casual,” because he is not THAT man! She wants her MAVERICK back, the Disheveled Devil she loves. Her shock at his unlawful forging of a signature, is absorbed by the surprise of his owning up to it.

I loved the look on his face as she leant over her desk in that RED dress. You can almost see what is going through his mind. A rather vivid visual of peeling it of her body, right there in her office, I would imagine. Also their natural, comfortable intimacy in her office, the argument aside, she is still HIS LADY. Her stopping next to his chair for him to zip up her dress, and his not missing a beat shows that their “togetherness”, their connection is still as strong as ever. They are completely in sync, proven again by the fact that without a single word or look she passed him her bag, which he took, calmly carrying it into the lobby. House may not have been in a relationship for a very long time, but he definitely understands the subtleties that will make him more irresistible to her. He may not realize it, but he is slipping back into the “boyfriend mould”, very comfortably.

The compliments and the teasing at the wedding, him staying close and the look at her body both front and back as they dance, is his way of letting her know he is still very much interested.

It appears he does not care about the fact that she was married. She is his now and that is all he is interested in. Not a youthful mistake that happened 20 years earlier. It is something that I would imagine will come up again, either while they are alone in bed or relaxing together, or with her mom. Something happened to drive her to make that mistake. Was it the fact that she was in love with him and he disappeared so suddenly? I am sure the writers will clear it up.

Now his issues with trust, they go back a long way, back to his childhood and his father. Those issues have made him the man he is. The man Cuddy obviously loves to distraction. Those issues cemented his ideas of trust and lies. He has been hurt, with the result he trusts NOBODY! It is not about NOT trusting HER! He clearly does trust her, but there is still something holding him back. He wants desperately for this relationship to work, and realizes that for that to happen he is going to have to take a chance on her. That chance as he says is his “leap of faith,” he needs to open himself to her completely. Believe in something he can neither see, touch nor taste, realize that by opening himself up to trust her he is also opening himself up to hurt.

He is really sorry about the lie. NO! Not the lie he told to save his patient, the lie about THAT lie! They both know that he is going to lie to her again, but he won’t lie about lying anymore. She has to know that!
The apology she wants is not about the fake lab test, it is about him lying to her about respecting her enough not to lie. If he had admitted it then and there in her office, she would have been angry, but she would have forgiven him because he was right about the medicine and because he was honest. She did milk the hurt and disappointed angle a bit though!

Cuddy knows House, probably better than anyone; she can tell he is being honest about his trust issues. She understands how difficult change is for him. She can see the sincerity in his soft eyes as he looks at her, and she can hear it in his voice. But she can also see the fear. She knows what she means to him, that he loves her and will take a chance with her. The natural conclusion to all this angst is physical intimacy, “make up sex.” Their love making is implied in his conversation with Wilson. The explanation to Wilson is a lie, told to protect himself, and “save face.” It is also obvious that although he feels really bad for Wilson, his physical and emotional need for Cuddy is stronger.


Option 2

All this is a load of old cods wallop, and he lied to Cuddy, to get what he wants. HER back in his arms and in his bed! And the explanation he gave Wilson IS the truth, which means he is going to go on lying to Cuddy for as long as he can get away with it. Nothing has changed and he plans to go on believing that everybody lies, so it’s okay. Wilson being the friend he is understands that House did what he did because his physical and emotional need for Cuddy IS so strong. House has achieved his goal and Cuddy, well she just got PLAYED!!!

I feel bad for Wilson, the hurt in his voice as it broke telling Sam she was quitting again was sad. He really has had rotten luck. But I am glad she is gone. Wilson needs someone that adores him. He needs someone to just LOVE him.

I am hoping we see a bit of Huddy intimacy. The show ended on my epi timer at 43:15. The total running time was 43:59. I hope there is a secret ending here.
If not, I did enjoy the episode. I am glad House and Cuddy have “resolved” their problem.
I even enjoyed the POTW and the Ducklings and their dramas…

posted over a year ago.
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It would be great if we saw Cuddy come in and tell House she knows he's lying but she accepts his apology anyway, and that she's okay with him lying to save patients as long as he comes clean afterwards.
posted over a year ago.
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watershed said:
small sacrifices....what a great episode, my favourite from this season...., House is back to being House, the tension is back, huddy is back...., I prefer them like this, stay in character & together, exactly what happened in this ep., and i would like to think that cuddy knows that his apology was a sacrifice from him for her, for their relationship, but he still believes that he hasn`t done anything wrong, and i would like to think that Cuddy knows this as well..., remember....she doesn`t want him to change, and this ep.`s House is House we all come to love
posted over a year ago.
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tammyr50 said:
"Everybody lies", so then trust is unfounded and doesn't exist. But trust is not an argument to be won or lost. Our boy is growing up so well.
"Shedding tears as I type."
They say that there is always a little hidden truth in the lies.
I only seen the Huddy scenes but House spent some time trying to find Cuddy in a lie only to find that after he did find this they were stiil in the same place and he didn't want to be in that place anymore.
"Hence", trust is not an arguement that is to be won or lost. Though Cuddy lied and House lied "trust" is about being able to confess your imperfections to each other. It is not about being perfect. Trust is about believeing you can be imperfect and trust that another person will still love you and still think you are the most incredible person they have ever met.
Cuddy has always known House was lying to her during cases and it was always about finding out what the lie was and to keep him out of a lawsuit. I think it may have even scared her that she did't know he was lying and that maybe she had let her guard down and wasn't watching as closely as she should.
The lie started out about the patient and on the clock then he continued in the lie off the clock and on a personal level.
The one thing that is a constant is that these are like magnets with each other and they always are drawn together by the desire in their hearts for each other.
Every obstacle reaffirms that they were made for each other.
posted over a year ago.
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I think Cuddy may have been scared that House was able to lie to her and she belieived it so completely too. She may be thinking that he would easily be able to get back on drugs and hide this from her, or other things easily.
posted over a year ago.
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Hey! I tried the link that is on the home page of the huddy site but it does not work..... can anyone send me the link that works per message? I am freaking out cause I really want to see this!Thanks so much!
posted over a year ago.
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Good Lord. This was so unexpected for me, i couldn't believe my eyes. An episode being out like this - this is unprecedented and i was hugely surprised...

Question: is this something that will happen again? The episode being available before actual airing time?

I have watched the Huddy scenes and i was a bit taken aback by the ending, but i agree, it was very housian and very true - like somebody said above, the most true approach of a relationship i have ever seen.

@MySusp, LL, Evropia, Belle, Tammy: thank you for your analyses, they helped a lot with understansing this. I am still dizzy with surprise, i couldn't really focus on it myself.

I agree with a few essential points:

- this was a MAJOR step forward for House, which proves, once again, the impossibility of them not loving each other at some point - they are doomed to love each other and that is how it's always going to be

- i LOVED the return of the tension, sexual and beyond

- i loved House being so much his old self, but only so clearly in love - it's wonderful to experience this!

- i found Lisa to be "stunning", just like all her outfits

- finally, i am scared; i never expected this to be all roses and rainbows, but i am scared because, at this point, i would say the chances for their future are 50%-50%: they can stay together or House can decide that, no matter how it will break him beyond mending, he just cannot handle it. That would break ME beyond mending, so... i am scared. But it's wait and see, with my heart on the line...

What do you guys think he meant, when he told Wilson he lied? That he isn't taking a leap of faith? That he WILL lie to her again? Or maybe he will try to do all he said, but he's not convinced and he will only do it against his own feeling and will. I am not sure how to interpret that.

posted over a year ago.
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HLforever said:
@Delia I think what House meant when he said that he was lying was that 1) he will most certainly lie again (I think that can be assumed) and 2) he hasn't really taken "a leap of faith" and decided to trust Cuddy. Even though he gave this seemingly heartfelt speech and apology to her in which he says he needs to learn to "believe", in reality House still does not trust her. He hasn't let go of his belief that "everybody lies": he just said that so the conflict between him and Cuddy could be resolved.

However, I'm beginning to think that this is a good thing. It certainly does not provide a satisfying resolution to the problems that Huddy has been having in these past few episodes, but it shows that House really is willing to make sacrifices. Yes, he did lie to Cuddy about sacrificing his distrust of people. But, he made a sacrifice when he decided to drop the whole getting-even-with-Cuddy thing to try and make amends. IMO, this shows that he's really serious about their relationship working. House may not be doing the right thing, but he is doing what his twisted mind is telling him to do in order to save his relationship with Cuddy.

Oh, and another thing: not certain about Huddy's future, but by 7x15 they're still together (according to recent Lisa E interview). Unfortunately, she doesn't say whether they're in a good place or a bad one. IMO, whether Huddy will ultimately make it or not will be decided in the Season 7 finale.
posted over a year ago.
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@DB-I think House meant he would surely lie again, he knows it well, but I suppose also Cuddy knows it. House has stayed House, but still we can consider it as good point, because it proves his love for her.

As you are, I'm still shocked by this revealed episode...How can it be possible? But I will watch the full episode when it airs, to be sure everything is real and complete. Still missing the plus intimacy, that would give us enough strength to be able to endure the hiatus!!!:(
posted over a year ago.
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@HLF: thank you for your answer:)

I read Lisa's interview and it made me very happy - episode 15, that means almost the whole season and we still have so much to look forward to.

As i said, at this point, i am certain that the only question is whether House decides that he can go on making the sacrifices and efforts required by a relationship or not. Actually, it's about whether the result of his efforts are making him happy or not... In my opinion, happy or not, efforts or not, he cannot live without her, so... in my book, the answer is clear, they stay together through thick and thin. But it's all very complicated.

I thought about it some more and my take on his final conversation with Wilson is that he didn't really MEAN what he told her. I think, however, that he will try. He wasn't manipulating her in that speech. He was honestly saying what he wished were true and what he will try hard to accomplish - let her in, open up to her completely, trust her and allow her to trust him fully - reach that level of perfect openness and honesty that she wishes.
Lying to Cuddy again is a very, VERY tricky thing. Maybe he will be faced with this dilemma again, but the chances that she catches on it are huge and he would take a very big risk. I think that, after that speech, him lying to her again is a major taboo - she has reasons to really end it if she catches him lying.
So i do think he meant it in terms of really trying to do what he said. But i think he lied, in terms of not really, really believing in what he said. It's his deep nature not to believe in leaps of faith and blind trust, so... yeah, he cannot really mean that and believe it. But i am sure he'll try. And that makes me very happy, because it's a huge effort on his part.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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@TLH: thank you for answering too:)

I kinda commented on that above. I think he didn't believe what he said with all his heart and mind, BUT he did mean it in terms of really wanting to try - to try and work hard at making himself more open and trustful, and to try to give her what she needs.

It's really beautiful, now that i come to think of it.

I am shocked about the way the episode was available too. But it was like the Gods planned it for me!!!!! My son has a bad cold and i was really worried that he won't sleep tonight and i won't be able to watch it. So... It worked out fine for me, but i wish this didn't become a habit. Seeing bits of the episodes like this is really not the ideal watching experience.

I am disappointed at ending this stretch of episodes on a worrisome note:( I really hoped i could dream beautiful dreams during this hiatus, but, however beautiful and true it was, it leaves me tense and worried about the future:(

Nevertheless, the writing of this relationship is more true and far smarter than anything i have ever witnessed.

posted over a year ago.
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@DeliaBea---glad you got to see it, thought about all those who were missing it. I'm still kicking myself over not realizing that my email about my season pass to House on Amazon yesterday morning meant it was ready THEN. I almost checked it but let common sense take over--bad mistake- LOL One thing that makes me feel better is the Lisa interview where they asked her about the trust issue and she said they're not going to "beat the issue to death" which makes me think that we are moving on to new issues now, and this was partly a November ratings sweeps thing to have three episodes dealing with the same issue. Not that the writing wasn't meant to move the story forward and wasn't good quality but still they have to increase drama for the ratings.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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@Delia - what Lisa interview? I would like to read it.

Honestly, this was my least favorite episode this season. But I'm going to watch it again before I judge it too harshly. I had a terrible day at work and was so pissed about work still that I was only half paying attention the episode. That is weird for me. Usually I'm able to let everything go for that hour.

I'm glad to read that a lot of people liked it. I was happy to hear that Cuddy was coming over. That's something at least. Maybe House won't have to choke another chicken at least. ;)
posted over a year ago.
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@GregYaitanes 2 things, Loved this ep and.. CUDDY WAS MARRIED?!

@Ashmarnet yep. and it won't be the last.
posted over a year ago.
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HE SAID WHAT??????????????????

Did he certainly mean the marriage thing???? Maybe he's screwing with us and he meant that it won't be the last episode?... I know that's idiotic, but i am too dead to think straight!!!!!!!!

Is this for real?????? My God. Would he really let out the spoiler of Huddy marriage like this? Maybe he's messing with us...


posted over a year ago.
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@Mysusp: i am glad they are dropping it too. It was very beautifully done and i hope it's a real growing experience - because i really, really need to see them expressing their feelings and connection in a more open way.

@Scuddy: here it is:)
I hope you watched it again and enjoyed it more this time. I only watched the Huddy scenes posted here yesterday and i was really confused - the whole thing surprised me and i was not in my usual "House"-watching mood.
But watching the entire episode was a whole different story. My favorite this season, by far - except for "Now What", of course:)

posted over a year ago.
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