alexander rybak Club
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Попаду я стрелой Амура,
Открою для тебя любви секрет.

Открываю я глаза: “Привет!”
Крылья, стрелы – и я одет,
Забираюсь выше, чем всегда,
Я над облаками.
Раскрываю крылья и, слегка
Разукрасив небеса,
Картину вижу на земле:
Уходит он и больно ей.
Но в жизни роль моя -
Летать и стрелять,
Соединять сердца.

Попаду я стрелой Амура,
Открою для тебя любви секрет.
Зацеплю я стрелой Амура,
Две половинки вмиг найдут рассвет.

Как хочу я, чтоб моя стрела
Бумерангом стала для меня,
По закону жизни сделав круг,
И попала в моё сердце вдруг.
Там где-то на земле
Ты вспомнишь обо мне,
К тебе летит стрела.

Попаду я стрелой Амура,
Открою для тебя любви секрет.
Зацеплю я стрелой Амура,
Две половинки вмиг найдут рассвет.

Но плачет дождь, я же вместе с ним
Борюсь с моей грустью и тоской.
Я верю, где-то там, в глубине души,
Что придет ко мне та светлая любовь.

Но попаду я стрелой Амура,
Открою для тебя любви секрет.
Зацеплю я стрелой Амура,
Две половинки вмиг найдут рассвет.

Попаду я стрелой Амура,
Открою для тебя любви секрет.
Зацеплю я стрелой Амура,
Две половинки вмиг найдут рассвет.

Strela Amura

Popadu ja streloj Amura,

Otkroju dlja tebja ljubvi sekret.

Otkryvaju ja glaza: “Privet!”

Kryl’ja, strely – i ja odet,

Zabirajus’ vyshe, chem vsegda,

Ja nad oblakami.

Raskryvaju kryl’ja i, slegka

Razukrasiv nebesa,

Kartinu vizhu na zemle:

Uhodit on i bol’no ej.

No v zhizni rol’ moja -

Letat’ i streljat’,

Soedinjat’ serdca.

Popadu ja streloj Amura,

Otkroju dlja tebja ljubvi sekret.

Zaceplju ja streloj Amura,

Dve polovinki vmig najdut rassvet.

Kak hochu ja, chtob moja strela

Bumerangom stala dlja menja,

Po zakonu zhizni sdelav krug,

I popala v mojo serdce vdrug.

Tam gde-to na zemle

Ty vspomnish’ obo mne,

K tebe letit strela.

Popadu ja streloj Amura,

Otkroju dlja tebja ljubvi sekret.

Zaceplju ja streloj Amura,

Dve polovinki vmig najdut rassvet.

No plachet dozhd’, ja zhe vmeste s nim

Borjus’ s moej grust’ju i toskoj.

Ja verju, gde-to tam, v glubine dushi,

Chto pridet ko mne ta svetlaja ljubov’.

No popadu ja streloj Amura,

Otkroju dlja tebja ljubvi sekret.

Zaceplju ja streloj Amura,

Dve polovinki vmig najdut rassvet.

Popadu ja streloj Amura,

Otkroju dlja tebja ljubvi sekret.

Zaceplju ja streloj Amura,

Dve polovinki vmig najdut rassvet.

(music por Alexander Rybak, Markus Eriksen, Sebastian Dankel, Asmund Berge Jenssen, lyrics por Anna Tereschenko)
Alexander turned out to be so far from his motherland due to his father. in 1990, at the age of 36, having left his wife Nataliya with little Sasha, the father had all of a sudden decided not to return from a tour to his native Belorus. he had only a violin and a suitcase with clothes.

from another point of view Igor's decision could seem strange.He had a loving family, a loving job, a pair of rooms in a communal flat. as it is said, he lived no worse than the rest.

but in those times things on the Motherland went bad. rather good wages were reduced por inflation. In 3 years afer coming to Norway...
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Every dia the winner of "ESC-2009" Alexander Rybak it is nowadays painted on minutes. Norwegian elf travels about with tours, in plans — shootings in a televisão movie.

Disputes on a phenomenon of "the solar boy”, the won coração of a mullions-strong audience, do not cease till now. Experts speak about charisma, charm and sincerity of the musician from the country of fjords. Astrologists refer to a successful horoscope of the young musician when planets have made among themselves “the Chariot of the winner”.

But only close people for whom it not "the Eurovision" star, and Sashka —...
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(translatated por google-translator)
Winner of the Eurovision-2009 has given to the Ukrainian party very modest rider.

On June, 26th to Kiev the winner of the international song competition « Eurovision 2009» Alexander Rybak will welcome. The visitor honourable and to meet him, for certain, will be with hospitality peculiar to Ukrainians.

However, Rybak is not whimsical also any royal honours does not demand. His rider - a modesty example. The house-keeper a class is ready to fly, to go on a city por the bus. In meal not whimsical - the only thing that has asked to exclude leite products and...
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Suddenly I'm famous
And people know my name
I've got a thousand girls just waiting
And therefore it's a shame
That my coração has been captured
By your funny little smile
And finally I'm happy
If only for a while

People call me stupid
For treating you like a queen
But I don't even worry
'Cause you're my unforeseen
And I hope that you'll be with me
If only in my dreams.
But here you are seguinte to me
And you're glad, or so it seems

And I don't know for sure
Where this is going
Still I hope for more, and more
'Cause who would know that you
Would treat me like a boy
And I treat you like a girl
In this funny little world...
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