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ser homem

Men: When you say "I am a man", what does that mean to you?

3 answers | my answer: this means i have a penis or i wanna buy one and st...

Serious Question: How Do You Know If You're Bisexual?

11 answers | my answer: i believe that no one is 100% gay or straight and e...

i amor cheese and who likes it mais than chocolate

11 answers | my answer: i like cheese mais than choclate ... but (no lie) i...
filmes de terror

How old were you when you saw your first horror movie? And what was the movie?

54 answers | my answer: i think 3 i might have been 2 but nearly 3 years ol...

ok, my b-day is comeing up & my mom is giving me 55 dollars! & i dont know what to get,what sould i get?!!!!=)

30 answers | my answer: gamble

Which is better, arco iris, arco-íris zebras or jellybean cars?

4 answers | my answer: jellybean cars (is that a jellybean shaped car or a...

favourite techno song?

2 answers | my answer: im not really a fã of techno but i did hear a tech...

Plz help me!! its sooooo URGENT!!

3 answers | my answer: cant you just use google

What's the most embarrasing thing that's happened to you?

9 answers | my answer: there are alot of embarasing moments in my life but...

I dont know how people get so much time to answer a stupid pergunta so long??? I mean the answer to all the perguntas are so long

2 answers | my answer: so looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...