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ShyWildBoy said about josh hutcherson
I had never really seen much of Josh and thought I'll google him 2 C mais of his photos. Nothing sick, just that he's handsome & 2 enjoy what the cameras have caught.

I came across a statement he made during the GLAAD awards. What he said about his possible future son, tears began pouring from my eyes & down my cheeks. I just was not interested in looking any further or watching anymore. I was done for the dia on the Internet.

His friends R so lucky 2 have Josh N their lives. God Bless Josh. Posted over a year ago
twilighter1fan commented…
WHAT!!! he has a possible future son with who over a year ago
ShyWildBoy commented…
Start no gossp. Watch/listen to his speach on youtube - link over a year ago
ShyWildBoy commented…
It so caught me off-guard. What a kind soul. over a year ago