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SDraq said about kim kardashian
Her sex tape online got lots of hits during her wedding week. It's a reminder how she became big. Why did her brother call her that nasty name on their show? I'm no prude but, I thank God I was raised the way I was. Morals have really gone down the tubes over the years. Even her new husband has been honest about her character on the show in respect to her being so controlling. Her wedding was so far from "royal". America has no royalty and no money can make the gimmick look as such! Posted over a year ago
SDraq said about Ali Lohan
Don't recognize you now. You destroyed your looks girl! Posted over a year ago
SDraq said about Charlie Sheen
You are the reason I stopped watching your show. I feel bad for the others working on it. Your arrogance and selfishness has now caused them to be out of work. You set a poor example for the younger generation. I don't get why celebrities should get special treatment when breaking the law. I don't think you have been worthy of being put up on a pedestal. Look how far you have fallen. Please just get well and find God. Posted over a year ago
Rose082358 commented…
Finally someone with Common Sense, why do these stars have such a sense of entitlement! Great Actor, dumb human... over a year ago
BogartsLoungeMi commented…
God Bless ya Charlie and thanks for the entertaiment, stick to your guns, your fãs just got mais faithful, the people dogging you now are the same kind of idiots that won’t let us smoke tobacco in bars. over a year ago