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Dwightfan0275 said …
One ano ago, I met someone on here that has turned out to be my very best friend in the whole world. She makes me laugh and she's my Dwight Schrute/Rainn Wilson outlet. She's always there when I need her and she's one of the most beautiful people I know. Vixie79 - Here's to an amazing friendship and I hope to know you forever! =) Posted over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! That was so sweet. I'm glad too. You are my outlet too. amor talking to you about Dwight, Rainn, Dwangela and The Office itself. <3 over a year ago
big smile
Rae2233 said …
Quiet you!
Ohh..I amor that. :) Posted over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
I amor that Thanks for the comment =) over a year ago
JeffFisch gave me props for my images
oi there! Nice pics! Posted over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
Thanks, I appreciate it! =) over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 said about Rainn Wilson
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RAINN!!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
Vixie79 said …
*waves high back* Hello Kat. Are you cool with me calling you Kat? If not I will not make a habit of it. Posted over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
I have a lot of different nicknames and Kat is one of them...that's totally cool with me. =) over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Okay Awesome! over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
I wanted to do it....No worries. over a year ago
jester616 said …
Thanks for adding me to your list! It's nice meeting another Rainn fan! Posted over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
Oh, totally!! I'm so glad to meet someone else who can appreciate him! over a year ago
Vixie79 said …
Hey, have you seen Six Feet under? Posted over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
No - but I know that he's in that! Is he in the entire series??? over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Sadly no. To save yourself from some serious pretentious crap, he shows up in season 3. But he leaves I think before the season ends, because of stupid Ruth. >.< But he's so cute in it. I felt so bad for him through out though. People treated him like trash. I didn't really like the whole series to be honest. I just wanted to see it for Rainn. He made it bearable for a minute. over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
I'm not a Twilight fã either...first heard this song on the radio. But amor it - and I thought of Dwangela immediately. over a year ago
Vixie79 said …
Here's that picture I was talking about. So sexy!

link Posted over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
Wow!! That pic reminds me a little too much of Jack Nicholson in The Shining lol Ver intense!! This is one of my favs.... link Makes me want to be his monkey. lol over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
Well - I'm willing to share. over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Well share away. LOL! over a year ago
Vixie79 said …
You are quite welcome. It's nice to see another one as well. Us Dwight fã girls are hard to find, but we are out there. And there is a very big differece between a "fan" and a "fan girl." XD Posted over a year ago
Dwightfan0275 commented…
I think he's adorable...completely and totally. I feel that we, as fã girls, are able to see beneath everything that everyone else sees and see the true Dwight. And not to mention, Rain Wilson, as a person, is so amazing. He truly loves his wife and kid and he seems so down to earth and grounded. amor him!! over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Me too. I know this sounds weird, but sometimes I think I know why Dwight reacts the way he does, or why he acts in a cetain way towards certain people. I guess that's why I have a high bias with him. And you're right a lot of people don't spend time and study him. We fã girls do ♥. I also amor Rain as well. He has a HUGE heart. He's helped so many people in Haiti: both him and his wife. There is so much mais to him than Dwight that's for sure. I will support him in anything he does even after The Office. have you seen Super, Hesher and Peep World yet? over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Sure! He's always worth it. over a year ago