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ANIME4LYFE said about animê
got rushed por a gang, he murdered each one of them and when início ful of blood soughting out revenge on BOTH heaven and hell for his damed fate" ~~~ im making a mangá am going to publicar it when done is the story good though? Posted over a year ago
kelciekt commented…
uhhuh over a year ago
ANIME4LYFE said about animê
would be out of place so he was sent to earth, of the time of war earth was the battleground, the boy was brought up por an old man who found him crying in the forest, he rose him but through out school he didnt fit in as there as rumours he was a demon of some sort and not human it was because of his eyes, he had demons eyes which were all black so didnt fit in, he lived his whole life in solitude until one dia he Posted over a year ago
ANIME4LYFE said about animê
"there was once a time were anjos fought against demons to end the blood on both sides the demon king and angel queen gave birth to a boy, but he couldnt live in heaven or hell because both sides agreed he........ Posted over a year ago