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(Part 3)

Previously on Red Revenge...

"Batman, my detective the Question. Question, this-"

"We've met." pergunta said.

"Ah." Flash said. "So you know him Batman?"

"Too well." the Dark Knight growled.

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed. The thief ran out into the hallway and was heading towards the doors when Sam grabbed him and slammed him into the wall. He snatched the bolsa away. Sam ripped down the man's capuz, capa and turned him around. He froze when he saw the man's face.

"It can't be." Sam said, stumbling away from the thief. "You-you're dead. I saw you-"

"Thank you-Sam? Sam? Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"I did." the male responded, turning to his girlfriend.

"Falcon aka Ryan Salvaderez was my sidekick for five months."

azevinho, holly looked back at the portrait. "So this is who you think you saw?"

"I know it couldn't have been." Sam said.

"Why not? Did he retire and leave New York?"

"Because I watched him die. And his death was my fault." Sam said.


New York City

June 5, 21:32 EST

"See you in hell." Ryan said. He put his finger on the trigger and started to pull on it when the window crashed in and a figure tackled Ryan. The gun flew away and Robin stood up.

"I see you keep a number of dangerous acquaintances." The Boy Wonder said. "You're lucky Cass and I were so close."

"Where is Cassie?"

"Here!" the blonde replied, flying in the window and landing gingerly. "Sorry, I don't like Batman's entrances or glass in my feet."

"Look out!" Sam yelled, tossing the two teens to the side as Ryan fired. Sam grabbed one of the daggers on the floor and threw it at Ryan. He missed, and the killer was gone.

"Well that was effective." Robin said, brushing his sleeves off and standing up. He offered a hand to Cassie who took it.

Sam started to walk out, but Robin put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey! What's going on?" the Boy Wonder demanded.

Sam shrugged the shoulder off, but Robin grabbed him and spun him around.

"I asked you a question." Robin growled.

"Stay out of it!"

"I don't think so!"

Sam punched Robin in the face. The Boy Wonder fell to the ground and Cassie caught it. Sam was gone por the time Robin was back on his feet, rubbing his jaw.

Mount Justice

June 6, 00:43 EST

"Recognized: Robin. B-20. Wondergirl. B-21."

The duo walked into the Cave to be greeted por Bart speeding through yelling something about school ending the seguinte day.

Robin sighed. "Is batman still on the Watchtower?"

"Want a surprise?" tigresa asked, turning from the console. "Other than your step sister being here of course, batman retired to bed."

Robin sighed. "How bad's the injury?" he asked, covering his face with one hand.

"No injury, he was "tired"."

Robin's eyes widened in surprise for a minuto before they were back to normal. "So who debriefs me?"

"Nightwing." Helena replied.

Robin and Wondergirl walked into the briefing room to see Nightwing talking to Red Revenge.

"Wondering what was taking you so long." Revenge said.

"Where have you two been?" Nightwing demanded.

"Saving his sorry ass!" Cassie exclaimed, pointing to the Black Hero.

"That was an hora ago! What took so long?" Nightwing demanded. Cassie looked down and Robin sighed. "We were looking for him."

"Well, he's off Team and off mission. I need you two for something different."

"But someone just tried to kill him!" Robin said.

"A lot of people want me dead, kid." Revenge said, folding his arms over his chest. He looked at Nightwing. "Thanks,"

"Sure," Nightwing said.

"Recognized: Red Revenge A-13."

"How do you get along with him on a professional adult to adult level?!" Robin exclaimed.

"He is an adult. Simple."

"So what did you need us—"

"Hold on." Nightwing said, touching his ear comm. "Alright, Wondergirl, meet Blue Beetle in El Paso for mission briefing. Batgirl will be in charge of you. Robin, with me."

"Where are we going?" Robin asked.

"To the beach." Nightwing said, putting his arm around Tim's shoulder. "We need to talk."

New York City

June 6, 8:00 EST

"I don't care what he used to do or how much it looks like him!" Revenge yelled, slamming his fist on the table. "I want him dead or in a jail cell! Now!"

"For what?!" the police captain of New York demanded.

"Attempted Murder on Samuel Grant!"

"Well por all means if the mighty Mr. Grant wants it, let's all just shove protocol aside and do what he says! Now get out of my office!"

Revenge busted through the door and out of the police office before driving off on his motorcycle.

Mount Justice

June 6, 01:09 EST

"Tim, what happened?"

"We chased down Revenge." Robin said simply, looking out over the water.

"No, you didn't." Nightwing said. "I saw the look on Cassie's face when I asked what took so long."

Tim sighed. "She kissed me. Nothing special, but she did, and now she feels bad for it. I feel like…like I took advantage of her, Dick."

"Did she kiss you or did you kiss her?" Dick asked with concern.

"I..I don't know. One moment, Revenge is in the room, punching me, the next, I have my hands on Cassie and we're kissing." Tim looked up at Dick. "I took advantage of her, didn't I? I took advantage of her emotional trauma and kissed her. My better part is trying to block out the memory, but..Dick..I—"

"Don't beat yourself up over it." Dick said. "I'm sure she wasn't thinking either."

"That's just it, Dick!" Tim said, exasperated. "She wasn't thinking! She gave in to her emotions that I took advantage of! It happens so many times, I always think of those people as trash, and I do it too…" Tim trailed off and looked out at the clear blue water.

"Tim," Dick said. "Go back início and rest. We'll sort through this in the morning."

"DICK!" Time yelled. "I can't just go home! What will Bruce think?!"

"He'll understand." Dick said. "Heat of the moment. Heck, the entire team made out on the torre de vigia after battling the Justice League."

"Just…don't follow me!" Tim said, standing up.

"Tim!" Dick exclaimed, trying to grab the boy's arm. The Boy Wonder snatched it away. Robin ripped off his mask and threw it at Nightwing. "Just leave me alone!"

Robin stormed away to the astonishment of Dick and grabbed his bike, driving off, throwing sand and leaving a trail. Nightwing sighed and made the trek back to the Cave. Helena was waiting inside the mountain. "Where's Robin?" she asked.

Dick sighed. "Tim," he said, holding up the domino mask. "Left this on the de praia, praia and went for a midnight ride."

"Wonder what's up with him." Helena said.

Dick sighed again. "He and Cassie kissed. He feels like he took advantage of her."

"Which one started it?" Helena asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Tim blames himself, but he's not sure."

Helena sighed. "Should I turn on his tracer?"

"No." Dick said.

"Why not?"

"He'd have ditched it por now."

"How do you know?" Helena asked as Nightwing walked into the zeta tubes.

"Recognized: Nightwing. B-02."

"I used to wear the "R", remember?" Nightiwing asked, then disappeared.

New York City

June 6, 4:00 EST

Sam's phone rang. He glanced at the alarm clock and saw the time. He groaned and picked it up, answering it.

"Samuel Grant." He said, rolling over on his side and holding the phone up to his ear.

"Hey there, Sammy boy." Sam's eyes jerked open. "Do me a favor. Put on a camisa or I put a bullet on your girlfriend's pretty face."

Sam glared around.

"Oh, you won't find me." The voice said, seeming to grow nearer. "I'm everywhere, and nowhere."

"Show yourself!" Sam hissed, standing up and reaching for the pistol under his nightstand. A fist grabbed his and slit his wrist. Sam hissed in pain, trying to keep azevinho, holly from waking up.

"Face me like a man!"

"Like you do?" the voice snorted. Revenge felt something clamp over his mouth. There was an overwhelming smell of odors and suddenly Sam was unconscious on the ground.

"I told you to put on a shirt." The invisible guy snorted, Sam's body seemed to drag itself out of his room.

The Batcave

June 6, 8:00 EST

"Yes, we'll do everything we can Emerald. Promise."

"Recognized: Wondergirl. B-21"

batman flipped up his capota, capuz and shut off the elevator. "Call you back." He said, and shut off the computer.

Cassie flew into the Batcave and landed seguinte to Batman. "Where's Robin?" she demanded.

"He's…out." batman said.

"Where?" Cassie demanded.

"Not going to say." batman cocked an eyebrow. "How did you get in?"

"Same access as the Bat-Bunker."

batman sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. The Bats seemed to do that a lot.

"Robin ran off last night. He refused to let anyone talk to him, reason with him."

Cassie nodded and flew back towards the zeta-tubes.

New York City

June 6, 12:09 EST

Sam woke up and groaned. He was tied, hanging upside down from the ceiling por his ankles. The chains creaked as he moved around, trying to get a grasp on his settings. He was still only clothed in his shorts, which he had been sleeping in. He groaned again and looked at the floor.

There was a pool of water beneath him. At the very bottom was a large blob. Before Sam could try to decipher what it was, a door opened on the far end of the room and a figure walked in.

"Sammy old boy! Nice to see you again. Well, the feeling is probably not mutual, but still."

"You bastard." Revenge growled. "You have no idea what you're doing."

"Actually, I do." The guy said. He gestured at the peixe tank below. "I don't know how long you can hold your breath, but it doesn't really matter. It's how long can you swim?"

"What?" Sam asked. The blood rushing to his head was making things blurry and dizzy. He felt like was going to puke.

"That, old boy, is a portugese man o' war. You touch it, you're dead."

"What do you hope to accomplish por all this?" Sam demanded, trying to twist from where he was hanging as the male walked around the room.

"To make you pay." The Hispanic said, grabbing Sam's face and shoving it in the water.

Gotham City

June 6, 21:09 EST

"I can't find him." Cassie said into her comm, flying over the streets of Gotham.

"He wouldn't go anywhere else. He had to stay in Gotham."

"Where did he become Robin?" Cassie asked.

"Checked that. All the bat bunkers and the Man—his apartment."

Cassie sighed. "Could he be in Bludhaven?" she asked.

"No, I seem to have developed a grudge with most of the Team."

"You killed your best friend!"

Nightwing sighed.

Cassie narrowed her eyes as someone walked out of an alleyway. "I think I found him." She said, landing behind the boy. She turned him around and sure enough it was Robin.


Except his glasses were off.

"So you're Robin." She said, astonished.

"Cassie," Tim repeated her name. "Please leave me alone. I don't want to hurt you again."

Cassie was shocked. "Hurt me?"

"I took advantage of you when I kissed you." Tim said, looking at the ground and tucking his hands in his pockets.

Cassie looked stunned. "I kissed you, Tim." She said. "If anyone took advantage of the other, it was me!"

Tim looked completely surprised.

"I was still down about Liam, but I needed comfort. I knew you'd give me that comfort no matter what," Cassie looked him straight in his eyes. "Because that's the type of guy you are."

Tim managed a small smile.

"Well?" Nightwing demanded in her comm.

Cassie looked at Tim who slipped on his dark glasses and nodded.

"Yeah," she said. "I found him."

"Well bring him on home."

New York City

June 6, 22:00 EST

Sam had been hanging in the same position so long he had gone to sleep. He was jerked awake por the sound of soft footsteps in the warehouse. Sam blinked sleepily and fell to the ground in a heap. Nightingale leaned over him and undid his chains. Sam looked at her crazily.

"Someone's been running around impersonating your brother." Sam said.

Nightingale didn't respond.

Sam stood up and flexed his joints. "Why did you do it?" he asked. "Why not just let me die. That's what you wanted."

"Yes," Nightingale spoke in her soft voice. "That is what I wanted. But we can't always have what we want, can we?"

Sam shook his head slowly.

"You got a lesson. You'll keep an eye on your partners a lot closer now, won't you?"

"Always." Sam said, shadows moving to cover his face.

Nightingale turned around to say something else to the man, but she settled for a glance and walked out.

"Weird." Sam muttered.

The Watchtower

June 7, 23:09 EST

"Recognized: Red Revenge A-13. Override. Red Revenge 13."

Samuel Grant stepped out of the zeta tube. "Someone malfunction my authorization?" he asked.

"No," batman said, handing the holo computer to Flash and walking toward Revenge. "We've got no reason to not trust you. You've proven time and time again that you are always on the side of justice. No matter what it may seem."

"Welcome to the Justice League."

Mount Justice

June 7, 8:09 EST

"Recognized: Red Revenge, 13." Revenge walked out of the zeta tubes and opened a holo-computer.

"Revenge," Nightwing said, starting towards the Black Hero. The zeta-tubes hummed to life again.

"Recognized: Tezla, A-23."

A blonde girl walked into the Cave, dark glasses on and backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Nightwing, we need to speak."

The black haired male looked at Revenge, the zeta-tubes, and lastly Brooke.


The three walked off to the side as the rest of the Team began to enter the Cave.

"This is Brooke Shields, Tezla. She's gonna need some basic training, tour of the Cave, but she is NOT a member of your Team." Revenge said, jabbing his finger into Dick's chest on the word "yours".

"Understood." Nightwing said coldly. He whistled a sharp, high tune and Robin ran in.

"Robin, take Tezla and introduce her to the Team. Give her a tour and start training."

The Boy Wonder nodded and departed, the blonde girl in tow.

"What happened to your identification?" Nightwing asked.

"He's part of the Justice League now." batman said, his face popping up on the screen. "We need all available Team members in Bialya. War just broke out. Revenge, you're with the Justice League. We'll be fighting while the Team preforms procurar and Rescue."

"Roger." The two males nodded. Nightwing tapped a holo-computer. "All Team members denunciar to Cave Briefing Room immediately. Delta Alert."
Ultra-Guardian, aka queen Beetles/Alanna's first daughter, aka Serenity. Current status: Missing.

Queen Beetle walked up and down in front of Kaya, whose one cheek was sore from the slaps. Kaya's eyes followed the queen she was trying her best not to laugh the embarrassed woman.
"Why did you agree to let my people take the Hexagons?" queen Beetle asked.
"I thought it was the only way you and I could talk without my husband and the others getting suspicious," Kaya replied smiling.
"Get out." queen Beetle order guards at the door. They obey and exited. queen Beetle addressed Kaya, "You embarrassed...
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posted by SilverWings13
I don't even know what I intended this to be when I started composição literária it, but... Here?

His brother was in her bed. His brother had shown up on her balcony, soaked in rain water and blood, and she had helped him. His brother had instructed her as she used tweezers to pull a bullet from his shoulder. His brother had kept his voice as even and calm as possible, asking pointless perguntas about her life to help keep her focused as she did so, then stitched the wound shut with her sowing kit and cared to his other wounds. His brother had, with her persuasion, gone to sleep in her bed. It was now 3...
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posted by Robin_Love
She fell back on her bed, hair sprawling out around her. She kicked off her shoes and stared at the blank ceiling, humming softly. Her eyes closed for a bit, trying to block out the pile of math work that would bring headaches and no sleep that night. If there was one thing she could change about school, it would be the option of taking math at all. Sighing she opened her eyes and grabbed her iPod for a few minutos of escape. She pulled a leitura book from her bag and opened it where she had left off last.
Page after page, she soaked in the story as if it were her own. The música in the background...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Chatham Prewitt ( Chat-um)

Alias: Phase

Age: 17

Appearance: short pixie cut black hair, deep brown eyes.

Personality: She will laugh at almost anything, she can't help it how much she laughs at the smallest things. she a Tomboy.

Abilities/Powers: she has the ability to stop time for a moment in time, whether it be dodging an attack or just to confuse her opponent. To others it may seem like she has super speed but she can mover at the speed of light when freezing the time.

Relationship: Single

Civvies: black tights, with toms, crewnecks, long sleeves, sweaters.

Past :Unknown

Others: sometimes her powers back fogo on here and she stuns herself and gets short term memory loss.
posted by Robin_Love
It's only long because it's a song-fic..

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.
Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.

The air reeked of sulfuric acid as dark, smoggy clouds hung in the air. The ground was fruitless dirt that crunched under their feet every time they walked. A dry wind blew through the desolated valley. A firm grip held his shoulder and he gave the slightest nod before the other five moved ahead. As he expected, they were met with an attack. What seemed like hundreds of enemies surrounded them with the intent to kill.

B-B-B-Be careful making wishes in...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
It was a quarter past midnight, not a single whisk of life stirred other then the leather cased finger stroking the brim of the amber elixir. He was calm. Breathing even as it course through his blood.

Inhale. Exhale.

He gazed over the brim of tainted shades, looking for his dearest fair sister cruising behind ebony. Her heels clicking to each sway of her pencil skirt, to every swoosh of the field of wheat grazing over her bum.

"Abel, I'm going back. Are you going to stop me?" The slick amber pool around his coarse bottom lip. Edging the tip of his tongue whilst whispering sweet tunes into the...
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Jaivus Telepathic Torture
Jaivus clinched his teeth at the sight before him. He was standing on the mountain that stood before the Beetle settle.
"Honesty Where are you?!"
"I'm right here." from behind Jaivus
"What the hell are you up to?"
"Not much....just sifting your mind to find out how my traitor parents were dealt with...should be entertaining"
"I'm not going to let you do that."
"What? You have intentions of stopping me?"
"Yes i do"
"If your intention is to fight me then I must disappoint it would've been nice to have a mental battle with you dear brother, but I have other things i must attend...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Seeker ( from his planet that is all he is known as, it will explain in his past.) His host is named Seth.

Alias: none.

Age: 1'000'000 but looks young from his host who is 17.

Appearance: White hair and light blue eyes, his host had dark hair with hazel eyes..

Species: Alien

Powers/Abilities: other than being able to control the body of his host and be able to see their memories. none.

Personality: unlike what most of his species is like, he is very caring for his host and doesn't want to send his species to attack the earth.

Relationship: Single.

Past: ( I got this from the movie the host sorta,...
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posted by BladeYJ
 White queen o:
White Queen o:
These tend to take me a long time.. sorry XD anyway.. ENJOY! Btw had to re-publish this because I had to unpublish it and change some stuff due to leaving out some vital info, but it's all good now!!


He's as crazy as she is. His body shakes and he scratches the walls until his fingers bleed. His broken coração made him crazy, he now only serves her, he knows what and who she really is, but his amor pushes him on. People pergunta his attempts at suicide but they all know he's just insane, for one he goes on about,"Wonderland being destroyed." But the Asylum still stands tall and ominous.

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"What'd you mean you give her permission?!" Koda asked harshly. with the other two young men Superboy and Akash behind him with their arms fold.
"Lelisa been coming over at our house pretty offend and I kept telling her to tell Alanna do what they wanted so I guess they did." Kaya said, finishing with a slight smile on her face.
"Have you lost your mind? What's wrong with you?Do you have any idea what you've done?!! And..."Koda yelled at her but was interrupted.
"Of course I know want i'm doing!" Kaya yelled back.
"Then what are you doing?" Akash asked quietly from the back.
"Alanna wants to show...
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posted by Robin_Love
Warning you now; don't expect anything from the original character based off of the pics. Some things I will mimic but I give full credit to the ideas I use to those who created the original character. I promise, I'm not stealing. And I always use animê pics anyways. Just an FYI. Ok. Enjoy!!

Name: Haru
Alias: Yin/Yang
Occupation: Varied
Powers: Acrobatics, Martial Arts Expert, Can turn every dia objects into weapons, Staff, Nun-chucks, Daggers, Shuriken, Sais
History: Haru is not his real name. He uses it as an alias to his real name due to a traumatic past he has all but forgotten. Sometime during...
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posted by khanna266
 Anya leaving início
Anya leaving home
Name:Anya Sonia Tassia
hero outfit: black pants,blacktanktop,black sanals black mask
civvies:nothing special changes a lot
powers:sorcery,brings back the dead(only if she wants to),flying, preminitions,and telekinisis,
BG story:Anya came to America leaving the Russian Revolution with her family on a plane on her 16th birthday when the plane crashed and the whole family died,and she was turned into an angel.After a few years she decided she wanted to come back to earth to stay so God let her in return of her wings,so her wings were clipped and she fell to earth.

<3<3<3 hope you enjoyed!
posted by Robin_Love
“You think I would give you that opportunity?”
“I think you'll have no choice.”
She looked at him, amusement in her eyes.
“You presume much.”
He smiled and opened his mouth to speak again but was cut off when Bruce came to the mic, asking for everyone to cadastrar-se in the torrada, brinde for Devin. She watched as her dance partner moved quickly off the floor and up to the make-shift stage. She glanced about before making her way out the door and towards the front door. Alfred handed her the casaco she'd worn.
“It was good to see you again, Ms. Stevens.”
“Same to you Alf. Watch over all of them for...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Name: Salil
Hero name: doesn't have one
Powers: Controls water
Appearance: Blue hair and eyes.
Age:18 yrs
Abilities: combat fighter. Salil is able to control every drop of blood in persons body. He can cause their blood to rush to their head to knock them unconscious. Good with any musical instruments.
Relations: Lelisa boyfriend.
Attitude: Charmer, flirtation
Statue:Aquanason. Fugitive of the Aquanason kingdom.
History&Past: Salil grew up with a mother and father that loved their job mais than they loved him. His parents worked for the King of the Aquanason, Ashley's father. Wanting attention...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
 I'm so stupid why in the hell did I when into that damn building. My sorry Jaivus. This is all my fault.
I'm so stupid why in the hell did I when into that damn building. My sorry Jaivus. This is all my fault.
Back in the Infirmary
"Here drink this." Devin said, handing Ashley a small glass at which the blue haired collected it.
"Your sister said you need a lot of water if you wanna get back to your full strength." Devin told her, with a smile
"Why aren't you healing Jaivus?" Ashley asked, bluntly.
"Well I do have an explanation for that. You see Ashley when you two were brought Jaivus flat lined your sister and i were focus on getting his coração beating again. When we manage to do that we decided to start healing his burns," She paused, "but then his lungs started to collapsed so we had to focus on...
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 Gun in a earlyer time
Gun in a earlyer time
Ooc: oke fore this I wil just make it so the rare oc's in here knowe armas situation whit the various conon carcters in this as I don't want to writ tons of one schots explaining them, the most imprtand whit Barbra Gordon alredy have a serie on here anyway.
Also some of the conon caraters wil be in some role frome the dc univer, other frome there young justice rol, and others a combination of bothe, this is needed fore sertain story elemends.
Nowe thad is said here is the story.

Twan sat on the chouse whit Mafia waching tv,when the phone rang, tess who just walked into the room picked up the phone....
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posted by Kurls_Basd
All the fighting stop upon the woman's entry. She smirked and placed her hand on her hip.
"Its been a long time Frostbite."
"Well well well look you decided to show up."
Alanna walked up to Frostbite giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek."Oh how I missed you child." she said, placing her hands on Frostbite's shoulders.
"The feeling not mutual." Frostbite replied.
"I suspected that." she gave a small devious smile.
"Frostbite what's going on?" Aquapoint asked in mind link.
"Alanna's here to pick up...." Frostbite tried to explain but was interrupted.
"Now now I can't have you plotting in a mind link...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
 Lelisa the fogo Slayer
Lelisa the Fire Slayer
Aquapoint's eyes widen upon seeing Frostbite she grabbed Koda por this clothes and asked firmly,
"What is going on?"
"Get off of me."
She quickly got off of him and both of them stood up.
"So?" she said, folding her arms.
"After 8 years for not seeing your older brother I'm surprise you can't say a single hello ."
"Call off those brats before my friends hard them."
"Kids cool it."
"Artemis, Mafia they work for my sister." she pointed at the girl with the dark blue hair. Artemis and Mafia stopped suddenly saving both there victims from their incoming attacks. Mafia and Whisperer shapeshifted back into...
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posted by khanna266
name:Adaam Wyatt
civvies:nothing special
hero suit:tight black pants and camisa w/ black ankle boots.
weapon:fire sword
powers:manipulates fire,superspeed,cloning,black magic,and is an empath
BG story:He was Minions nephew and used to help him out until one dia he decided he wanted to be good and make a difference and only cruz and Lily trust him,but he's very kindhearted and gentle,he's also has his moments where he gets alittle bit sensitive,but he's really tough and cool.

<3<3<3 hope you liked it.
 Adaam scared
Adaam scared
Nye grabbed his coffee cup and walked out of the bar, getting a few strange looks for people. As he walked out the door, he threw his half filled cup into the near por trash can and pulled out his cellphone. He clicked a few buttons and put the phone to his ear, waiting for the other person on the end to pick up. Come on Daniel, come on...

"Hello?" The voice on the other end asked.

"Hey Daniel, it's Nye."

"Hello Nye. Haven't heard from you in a while. How are things?" He pursed his lips.

"Not so good. I was wondering if you could help me. I need some definite respostas about something."

"Sure, come...
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