Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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OOC: Sorry it took this long but i got finly inpertion agien to make a newe part, warning migt contaoin stuff disturbing fore some pepol.

Afet the misels landet the merc's line was in ruiens, they retreadet back into the city. Gunfire called his oficcers together. The mercs are back in the ciry whe can't use are atilarie if we would inocends whoud die, so we have to take the city back hous fore hous, we will take back the city. He said. but howe are we going to fluss them out they had monds to prepere. a officer said. take out the smal petrol's and send the snipers out to hunt.

A group of merc's is ptroling the street, a big car is left abandont in the rua the mercs walk up to it to chek it out, a ra sniper presses the detonater, the car ecplotes riping the limps of 10 of the merc soldiers the ramaining merc's get taking out por the sniper.

On the other side of the city gunfire and his company wher figting trouw the streets, they turnd around a cornor and saw the rua cover whit death body's, civilans shot in the head por merc's, they stood ther fore a momend looking to the bodys in disbelief, we need to keep moving, gunfire said, and they moved into the closed building, gunfires companie moved trouw the building encountering no resistance, the heard a loud moarning wehn the wend up the stairs. gunfire kicked in the door frome the room wher the sound was coming frone, and they saw a disturbing side, they saw an merc officer having his way whit a young girl on a leas, they saw the tears in the girls eyes, when the merc saw them he reased fore his gun but before he even reacd it a bulet pierced his hand, he pulld his hand back and screamd in agony, gunfire cut throuw the lease whit his bajonet and pulld the girl of the merc, 5 ra soldiers puled the merc of the cama and truw him to the mural puting a gun to his head and beating him whit the back of ther ak's evrytime he made a wrong move. Get thad monster out of her gunfire shouted to the soldiers and they pulled the merc out of the room. he wraped the girl in a blanked, and wiped the tears out of her face as he walked back outside. your save nowe nowan is gona hurt you anymor, he said to her.
He coverd her eyes not wanting her to see the deat bodys. Burry those bodys he whiperd to the closesd ra soldier, they walked back to the comand post.

They wher is the comand post, the girl still looks shaken, so wat is your name, he asked. she stayd silend seemingly husr por the memory of her name and wat had hapend. wel than i shall just call you Tess if thad is oke, he said. Tes smiled seeming to like the sound of thad, thad is oke. do you knowe wher your pareds are, gunfire asked. tess started crying, he shot them. gunfire walked up to her, and laid a hand on her shoulder, it is al going to be oke, i wont let th do anyting like this ever agien, he said. tess huged him still crying , she advantly fell asleep exaused frome wat had hapend, he caryd her to his room laid her in his cama tuged her in and walked back to the command center, he sad down in a chair trying to get some sleep before the seguinte battel.
posted by ArtemisYJ
I have a VERY trustworthy fonte and gathered up as much information about what is going on.

~Rumor: The reason they cancelled Young Justice on Saturday was due to the fact Stephanie Brown made an apperence and they didn't have legal copyright stuff.
THIS RUMOR IS FALSE^ It's not true.

~: iTunes has removed both new episodes of Young Justice and Green Lantern: The Animated Series.

~There has been rumor that Young Justice and GLTAS will be done after this season but new information is arising that when the new batman and Teen Titans series is coming a full out DC night will come out including the...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came

"Sit down. We need to talk." I demanded. Ciel started to walk the other way. I stood up.
"Ciel!" I yelled. He turned and smiled. He sat on the chair across from me. I sat down at stared at him. I didnt know him anymore....

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with...
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*Giggle* Sorry Writer, I had too!

"Okay! Places everyone, chop chop!" The Director said(this time, its a real director, not the creepy lady.) clapping her hands, holding a script in between her torso and arm.
"And in 5...4...3...2..." Lights flashed on, I was in the middle of a small kitchen, standing over a small counter, with a blender, fogo extinguisher, a bag of nails, and a stack of balonga. I had a motorcycle helmet, and on avental on.
"Herro people!" I said, waving, inside of the cycle capacete I was smiling, the glass wasnt tinted, so you could see my face.
"Okay, so you see here, a stack...
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posted by Mclovin_69
She smiled leaning in the doorway " ready to go? ", " in just a minuto " he muttered standing in the bathroom mirror playing with his hair, she smiled still letting out a giggle and walked in and stepped infront of him brushing the hair out of his face, he flicked his hair back and it fell back in his face. " Bentley! " she whined out pouting playfully, he let out a giggle as she reached for his hair again as he tried blocking her with his arms. She sighed droppping her arms and put a hand at her hip and gave him a playful look " i cant quite understand you Thompson " she said. Bentley smiled...
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posted by The_Writer

Barbara sighed and pulled her capota, capuz off. The cold, hard piece of rubber sat on her escrivaninha, mesa and she sighed. The night had bee rough. batman and Robin always seemed to have everything under control when she got there. She wasn't needed.

Barbara sighed again and buried her head in her hands. She woke to a sharp rapping on her door.

"Babs?" her father called. "Barbara get up!"

Barbara moaned and sat up sleepily. It was ten o' clock.

"Shit." she muttered. She was about to answer the door when she saw her cowl, which reminded her she still had her costume on.

"Barbara, for the last time--"...
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I feel the rush of the wind, my panting breath, the cold stone of the tall glass fortress underneath my boots. I see the grand city as I stand in my red armor. In a sudden mover I launch a rope from a small metal device and I’m flying through the air, like my name sake a robin. I’m a bird flying through the air, my duty to protect the city is strong in my heart. I-
“Prince Richard! Prince Richard!” I sigh as I tear my eyes away from the skyline from the castelo windows.
“Yes, Wallace?” I ask, as I look at the fastest messenger in the kingdom, his face was rosa, -de-rosa from the cold winds and...
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"Declan, are you ready yet?" Aryess peered into the mirror, trying to fit in the back to her silver dangly earring.
"Almost," the 21-year-old called from the other room. "Why do I have to go to this thing again?"
"Because I want to be there when Jasper makes the big announcement."
"Again, why do I have to go?" Declan walked into the foyer wearing a navy three-piece suit. His fair hair was spiked in the front casually, somehow boyishly mature.
"To show support for our friends!" she said. "Where's Riley?"
"Tada!" the four-year-old exclaimed as he jumped up from behind the couch. His bright-blue eyes...
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 aleatório pic!
Random pic!
This artigo has been in my Drafts section for TOOOO long.
To keep note this is what I originally wanted Shadow to be when I first got introduced to this "OC club thingy". But since I thought about the character I thought it was just "Not modern".
I don't know if this should be made into a different person or what, your choice. (write in comments please!)
I just wanted you to see it 'cause from memory, it took me AGES to make her.
Note: ^ I just added that now. Down is the bio.

Name: Maria Kyle

Code Name: Black Phantom

Other Aliases: Sakura, Cheery (Only in civilian life)

Age: 13

Occupation: Ninja/Hero/Orphan...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Okay, spoilers for Darkest (if you haven't seen it you have no life). Otherwise, and comment? pwEASE.

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to rule

Kyra passed por the remnants of the cave, and glanced back at Demon, who was fingering the blade of her katana. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m dead serious.”
“But the cave was our home!”
“Then you can remain here and make sure it’s real. But I’m not joking with you. This is what happens to you-- to us all in a couple years.”
She walked straight...
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It was a crisp fall dia in the city of Melbourne, and a 2 yr old girl was perched on a red wooden tamborete, fezes in front of the huge glass window. Watching the bustling city, cars and stinky drivers, hotels filled with taxi cars and malls bursting with a large amount of shoppers. She wasn't so far up in the apartment, hardly on the segundo floor so she was able to see most things, her hands greedily moving up the window, wishing to go outside.
Her eyes followed traces of flying autumn leaves, rustling in the wind and dancing in the sky.
A big black furgão, van gave a big abrupt stop on the side of a jewellers...
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Name: Samuel Grant
Code name: Red Revenge
Age: 24
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 213 lb.
Eye and Hair Color: True blue eyes, shaggy dark hair with natural streaks of blonde
Physical form: Muscular, masculine (no they aren't the same thing), clean shaven
Normal "Civvies": Khakis, T-Shirt, Suit Jacket
Uniform: Black stab/bullet-proof body suit with red cape, mask, markings, outlines, and gloves.
Attitude: Nice guy, sympathetic for those who deserve it, harsh and cold when needed. Very much a politician and businessman. Cold and dark when Red Revenge.
Job: CEO of Grant Industries
Home: New York City
Powers: None
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Don't worry, this isn't a whole new series.. I kinda got carried away, so it’s probably gonna be at least 3 parts (would that be a three-shot or a series?? lol). BTWs this takes place when Aisling’s 8 so that’d, you do the math.
His eyes widened as he stepped into the alley, wrinkling his nose at the stench that wafted toward him in thick clouds. He had to walk on his tiptoes to avoid the piles of filth and unidentifiable substances, and he grimaced at the squelching noises his combat boots made on the ground. Pinching his nose shut, he scanned the alley, praying that no one...
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Timeline: 3 years in the future...

“Cʼmon, cʼmon, cʼmon,” Aryess muttered.
“Patience, kiddo,” Nic said through the communication unit in her ear.
“Itʼs freezing up here!” She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to gain warmth.
“What did you expect? Youʼre 102 stories up and itʼs the middle of the bloody winter.”
“Oh.. yeah.” The teenager tried to focus on the spectacular view from the topo, início of Empire State Building. The city lights were a dazzling light show of yellow, red, blue, white. She was grateful for the full head mask that tucked her long fair hair away and kept...
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posted by BentleyYJ
Interviewrer : oi so this week I'm interviewing one of gothams most mysterious ( cheeks redden a bit and says idiotically in amor ) and one of the biggest coração throbs Bentley Thompson I mean uh nice ( cheeks redden more)

Mclovin: he has a girlfriend you know....Ughhh don't think silver will let you flirt with her man...

Bentley: coração throb?...( looks at both of you confused)

Interviewer: so Bentley whats your favorito colour?

Bentley: umm.... ( shrugs) well I guess black I dunno

Interviewer: yeah black suits you....( stares at you lovingly)

Bentley: ( looks at you confused ) I have a girlfriend...
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posted by Robin_Love
I had to write this!!! It's just....Oh you'll have to read it! Enjoy!!!!

The smell wafted through the base. It was warm, comforting. Trevor, Zero, and Todd looked up from where they were playing cards in the living room. Zeth stood at the counter, piling chocolate chip biscoitos, cookies onto a plate. Terror ventured out of his room, eyebrows raised.
“You know Zero doesn't like this,” he said.
“Screw that.”
Terror watched Zeth place a fã por the cookies, aimed at the vent.
“There are reasons it's not allowed,” Trevor chimed in.
“I know. Couldn't help it.”
“What are you talking about?” Todd...
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For Silverwing's challenge. Crap-ass title. Fin's... 3 years younger, I think.. not sure... *shrug*

“Chelsea!” came a high-pitched young squeal of a voice that set the teen’s nerves on edge. The kid was ten, and already she was bugging the hell out of her. The 15-year old focused on the girl who was practically bouncing with happiness. “What?” she managed to ask, attempting to keep any venom out of her voice. Mr. Wilson had told her to be somewhat nice to the brat.
“Slade promised that you’d train me today!” Infinity screeched, jumping out of practically nowhere, which was probably...
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posted by AislingYJ
Before I unleash Hayden onto the world of RP (it should happen probably later tonight or tomorrow) there was one change I wanted to make to his bio. I didn't really wanna re-post the whole bio, so the only change is involving his personality.

He's now cocky, arrogant, over-confident, and slightly obnoxious. He likes to tease and tends to pick on people smaller/younger/weaker than him. He's also a flirt and a cusser, plus he has a temper and can get very violent.

Until I officially bring him into this world, stay whelmed my friends.
posted by CoaxochYJ
Just cuz I was borrrrrred.

This one~shot has no moral, its just stuff to read if your bored.

I woke up, covered in soft, warm blankets. I groaned and rolled over, not wanting to mover from my nest of blankets.
"Come we go..." Ciel said as he picked me up.
"Good morning." I said, groggily, and cheerfully.
"Morning sleepy feathers." He said, throwing me over his shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and felt the inconsistencies as he walked down the stairs. I felt like a lump of potatos. My legs thumped against Ciel's chest with every step he took. Ciel walked into the kitchen, pulled me off his shoulder,...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Brennan broke off the call with the team, turning to Joker. “Make it believable. We want them to think that’s actually her.”
The madman grinned. “I’ll do my very worst!”
Brennan rolled his eyes and walked out. “Idiot,” he muttered, walking out to another room. “Good thing I have that program.. incredible likeness to the real thing.”
Fin woke up to an indescribably strange situation. She sat in a large chair, one that towered over nearly the whole room. The room itself had little to no light, shadows dancing on the edges of the walls. She tugged at her arms, and found...
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posted by MercyYJ

She stared at the faintly glowing symbol on her wrist, the pain slowly increasing along with the visibility of the mark.
"Only Maura, Karas, Carter, Kyle, and Gavin?"
"The only ones we're missing, yeah."
"Well, how much longer?"

Boulder, Colorado:

She snuck up behind him, the smallest smirk plastered on her face. "Got you!" She squealed and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.
He laughed, tilting his head up to allow her to peck lovingly at his forehead. There were 3 or 4 mais segundos of giggles before there was a small tap on the window in front of them, causing...
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