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When Revenge came to, it was almost morning. The faint sunrise could be seen over the horizon as the true catastrophe of the anterior night came into view.

Revenge's ganso chase had blinded him to the bombing of New York. Trapper's men had blown a hole in Times Square. Nothing looked the same. Bodies littered the rua and what looked like flesh splattered the wall. Revenge groaned and suddenly noticed he was tied to a clothes line.

No, not a clothes line, a power line. He could feel the energy pulsing through the cables. If he could just get enough power...

"Good Morning." a voice called. Revenge looked up to see Trapper, Holly, Nightingale, and about thirty soldiers standing there. "Nice dia for the end of the world, wouldn't you say?"

"Not grasping you." Revenge growled. mais power...

"Well, you won't be around to see it, but the basic jest is America is going to launch its nuclear missiles at Russia, China, and Germany. They fogo back, kaboom. End of the world."

"Not grasping the "you won't be around" part."

"Ah yes. Almost forgot. You remember that water and electricity is bad, right? Learned it in school?"

Revenge looked at two terrorists walking up with a hose aimed at him. The hose itself was hooked to a fogo hydrant.

"Lights!" Trapper yelled. A blinding light was turned on and focused on Revenge.

"Camera!" Trapper yelled again. Even from this distance, Revenge could see every televisão screen, including his HUD, turn to a picture of him handing from the power lines.


Palo Alto
04:32 PDT, March 3,

"Artemis!" Wally called from the kitchen. "Get in here!"

The blonde walked into the room and noticed every televisão on. "What--?"

"It's Revenge." Wally said, still holding his sandwich.


"Ladies and Gentlemen of the world!" Trapper said. "Today you learn the true cost of your politically correct society! Today you learn the price of being a hero in a world that doesn't need and doesn't want them. Today, you witness the death of your greatest hero!"


The fogo hydrant sprayed water at Red Revenge his eyes widened in horror for a brief moment. Then the water hit. Electricity arced and Revenge's body jumped.

"NO!" azevinho, holly yelled, lurching forward, she was held back por Nightingale.

Revenge's body stayed in the Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante position for a minute. His back arched, his limbs outstretched, and his head looking straight up at the skies. Then he went limp. One of the terrorists walked progressivo, para a frente and held out a scanner.

"Dead." he reported.

The terrorists cheered. azevinho, holly cried into the soft chest of Nightingale as she glared, unnoticed, a the men around her.

Mount Justice
06:39 EST, March 3,

"No." Nightwing said, slumping in a chair. The rest of the Team looked on in horror as the Black Hero's body dropped, without a movement, to the ground. A few cried, others hugged, and some looked on with determined looks set in their faces.

The Watchtower
09:40 EST, March 3,

batman shut his eyes tightly and turned away from the screen. The rest of the Leaguers looked on in horror as Revenge's body was dragged away.

"Let's go." batman growled, walking toward the zeta-tube. "I want the Team ready to go as well."

He walked over to the zeta-tubes and pulled up a computer.

"Access denied. Zeta-tubes now offline."

batman growled and slammed his fist down. "We're trapped!"

Palo Alto
04:47 PST, March 3,

Artemis cried into Wally's chest. He hugged her tightly and could only watch as the Black Hero was tied down with a ton weight and dropped into the Manhattan Bay.

New York City
13:42 EST, March 3

"Seven hours, sir." one of the technicians called. "We've shut down all teleportation devices on the planet. The only super-heroes that could get to New York in time to stop us are Batman, Static, and Flash. However, batman and Flash are on the Watchtower, and Static is bogged down in Dakota with a detachment of our men."

"What about Superman?" azevinho, holly asked.

"Offworld." the technician replied.

azevinho, holly wiped some tears off of her face and watched as Trapper continued planning the end of the world, with no one to stop him
Okay this is part 1 of the crackships that I posted on the forum. The other ones will probably be funnier...this turned out waaay mais lovey-dovey than I was planning.
It lasted longer than either of them had expected. For those moments, she wasn’t aware of the others, cheering and laughing, or the heat rushing to her cheeks. All she felt was his lips, pressed against hers. Finally, she let go, unable to take it any longer. She knew she was blushing, as she looked around, shaking a dark strand of hair out of her face, at the círculo of smiling faces. But she couldn’t look back at him. She...
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Time line: Some point in the past... Figure it out yet?

"Daniel!" Marquez growled. "You li'l cheat! Why do you always gotta steal my thunder."
Jaguar's cacau dark skin paled as he realized his mistake. "I- I didn't know- I didn't realize you- I mean, how could-"
"How'd you find this out?" Will asked, saving the speedster from his frantic stuttering.
"I was coming back from reconnaissance," Jaguar said, "and I heard Spence and Jessie talking about it with the other superiors and Sam in his office-"
"Hold up a sec," Will said, holding up a hand. "You were spying on the superiors? Outside Sam's office?"...
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posted by Robin_Love
This is from The_Writer!!! NOT ME!!!

"Hiya!" Sam yelled, slamming a kick at Two-Face. The man dodged and grabbed Sam's leg, yanking it out from under him.

"You've been working out Sammy, boy." Two-Face said. 

"Hey!" Becca yelled, punching a guy's face in. "Only I get to call him that!"

"Now is really not a good time, princess!" Sam yelled in reply. He leaped up and punched Two-Face on the scarred half of his face. The criminal mastermind crumpled to the ground. 

Sam would've congratulated himself if two dozen mais heavily armed thugs hadn't walked in at that moment.

"Down!" Becca yelled, throwing...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I know, I have a quite a few, but this one, is a REALLY important key to Sifts past.

Name: Blake Douglas
Alias: Kid Devil
Age: 16
Occupation: Villain
Powers: Blood bending, acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat
Past:Blake was introduced to crime at the age of 4, when his parents gave into robbing for money. At age 7 Blake joined Riddler in his fight against Batman, at age 9 Blade watched and helped his new teammate Jessica, train. Now, at age 16, Blake hopes for the dia that Jess returns to villainous side of humanity.
Other: Riddlers first apprentice
-Keeps a faca in his boot
-Dated Jess before she left.
-DON'T ask him about his's a bad idea.
 Jess and Blake
Jess and Blake
posted by Robin_Love
 Just cause I found it
Just cause I found it
The sound was haunting, alluring. It overruled her senses, driving her into some sweet perfection and causing her to crave it. It was dangerous, unknowing. And it seduced her. Her eyes opened, looking into light purple. Hypnotizing purple. A hand stroked her cheek lightly. The mais she stared, the mais she couldn't pull her gaze away.
“Glad you could cadastrar-se me. I wouldn't want to be called a liar. Are you ready?”
She nodded, not looking away. He removed his hand from her cheek and helped her up. She kept her eyes on him as he lead her into a different room. He turned to her.
“Get dressed....
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posted by Obscurity98
3 months after Pregnancy:
House in Gotham
August 23: 8:36 pm
Harley sat in her room, she was banned from going on the teams’ mission today. In fact she banned from them all now, or at least for the seguinte seven months.
She sighed and played with her hair. Suddenly the com link buzzed to life, “Harley, we need you! Klarion was mais of a problem than we thought. Part of the team is captured, Superboy is gone, and we cant contact the League. I know you’re not..” Harley cut him off, “Don’t worry Nightwing…I’m on my way.”

Harley ran out of her house. The door to her room open, and on...
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posted by InfinityYJ
“Judy? Joyce? Louise?”
“No. No. No.”
Fin squinted. “Wait.. you don’t have a middle name! Goddamn it!”
Aisling laughed at her stupidity, and after a moment Fin joined in. The two were sitting on an extra cot in the area above the shop, where Aisling had been living the past few months. They had caught up on everything a few hours back, and were now talking randomly at each other.
Just like old times... The thought flashed through Fin’s mind, making her smile waver a little, but she dismissed it. I will fix this. It’s not over yet.
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Mera
Alias: Frost
Occupation: Unknown to the JLA and all authority
Powers: Ice, water, able to breathe underwater, can control anything under the water, excelles at any type of combat, unfazed por weapons, seems to have no weaknesses nor fears, Siren's Call, wings, unlimited endurance, “Infinity” touch
History: Nothing is known about Mera's past. (But for you guys, I'll leak out info!) Mera is a Nephilim. In other words, she is a demonic entity that looks angelic. Her words are like a siren's; she can force you to do anything she wants without ever touching you. Her looks are deceiving...
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posted by VictoreYJ
Name: Victore

ID: Confidental

Age: 25

Occupation: Assassin and villian

Physical Appearance: light brunett, bronze colored eyes, 5'6"

Clothing: varies, but always wears a scarf that she can bring up to hide her identity.

Powers: por looking into her victims eyes, she can command them to do as she pleases.

Weapons: Doesn't always carry one, but she is skilled with a sword.

Personality: vengeful, focused, feisty

History: Unknown.

Relation to Team: actual relation is a secret, but she seems to have a hate for fire-casters...
posted by Robin_Love
Her heels clicked loudly on the floor. All eyes turned to her as she walked in and she waved one of her minions over.
“How far away are we?”
“We await the last arrival and all will be finished. My lady.”
“Good. Start it up. She'll be here within the hora and I want them here when she is. I don't care what you must do to break them, just keep them alive and get them in here.”
“As requested.”

“You going to tell me what this does? Or what the heck it is you're doing?”
“Shut up. You'll find out soon.”
Lizzie sighed.
“What about Terror?”
“He's fine. The bleeding has stopped...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley growled as she walked through the Zeta. Silver looked up at her, "Hey Har. Everything, okay?” Harley only scowled at her, “Does it look like everything is okay? Does it!?” Silver stared at her, unsure in whether she should answer or not.
Harley walked past crumpling a paper in her hands. And an unlucky Burke waved as she pasted the couch, “Hey...” Harley cut him off with a death glare. Burke stopped speaking. Silver watched her friend walk to Skylar’s room. Harley created a large thorn and then stuck the paper onto the door like a tack. Silver and Burke flinched as Harley...
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posted by SilverWingsYJ
It was surprising how awake and alert you could be at 3am when you were risking your life. Like when you're crouching on roof across from an abandoned warehouse. That was clearly not abandoned.
Or maybe, to the average citizen, the dark building appeared empty. Maybe Silver had spent too much time looking for the deseption beneath the blanket of innocence.
She laughed under her breath. Innocence. Was there really such a thing?
Her train of thought was derailed when she saw the flicker of a flame appear and disappear in a corner of shadows below. Silver brushed a finger over her angel pendant...
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posted by The_Writer
Still WIPs, but how would you like to see these girls in action?

New Characters

Alias: Nightingale
Real Name: Lexi Redio
Alliance: Criminal
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 118 lb.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Navy Blue (glows yellow while using powers)
Costume: Navy-blue skin-tight bodysuit. Black stripes and bright yellow bird symbol on wrists. Blue-white domino mask.
Powers: Control over darkness; can sing songs that can control people and seduce them.
Known Relations: Isaac Redio (Eagle)
Weakness: Bright Lights, is very emotional and distracts her from concentrating (which is required for)...
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posted by Obscurity98
Name: Sy

Gender: female

Species: Tiger

Relationship to team: Harleys pet

Super strength, change color from white to orange, Sonic roar, can grow to extreme sizes. agile, all the Tiger like abilities.mental link with Harley within a 5 mile radius.

Note: Doesn't like men. likes other cat girls,and will like guys with Cat DNA , doesn't like Skylar, or any other canine/meta human

Harley found the large cat while on a mission in India, where she found it being tortured por men, and receiving experimental drugs to enhance its molecular structure's. Harley saved her, and por accidently touching her while unhooking her, they gained a mental/ telepathic link.
posted by AislingYJ
“Of course we’re alone!” Chandler said, slightly irritable at Nathan’s sudden detachment. “It’s the middle of the freaking night!”
Nathan ignored the boy’s irritation, resuming his brisk manner. “They had to make sure.”
Lily crossed her arms. “They? So there’s more. It’s not just you two, is it?”
Nix nodded, smiling slightly. “No, it’s not just us.” She turned away from the children, calling over her shoulder to someone they couldn’t see.
“It’s safe!”
The three children looked at each other, perplexed, but they didn’t have long to wonder, because at that...
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posted by SilverWings13
The clang of forks and knives was the only sound to fill the silence. The four of them sat together, eating a normal dinner. Like a family.
The hot-head, blind telepath, winged girl, and energy manipulator. All under the age of 18. The most normal family you could think of.
None of them pretended the fifth place was supposed to be empty. Their knife-wielder, ex-thief and ex-conn. Youngest. Smartest. The first to grow out of the squad. Of the Double Helex.
Each teenager glanced at the empty assento multiple times. But neither had the insensibility to say anything, to call each other out. Not until...
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posted by SilverWings13
 Saber Tooth
Saber Tooth
These three are all members of the Pack (Dunno what that is? I'm getting to it...). They are the only three (at the moment) that I'll be doing for this artigo (I say this cuz I do know there are three not on here that are in the articles. First person to guess why, gets a shiny prop!) They for Before the After purposes only! No accounts, no using in other artigos for you peeps. I'll stop being bossy and make the bios now.

Hero name: Saber Tooth

Alter Ego: Marquez Alto

Gender: Female

Age (BtA time line): 12 years

Physical Description: 5', long brown hair, brown eyes

Race: Human/ Meta, cocasian

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posted by BloodyMascara_

Name: Melissa Wellings

Hero name: Coaxoch

Hair: Black.

Eyes: Hypnotic green.

Relation to the Team: ((*Snikers* R_L and KFF are going to kill me...)) Devin and Fangs child from the future. ((SHHH!!!! They dont know it yet....))

Powers: When hugged por the opposite sex or under to much stress, transforms into a small dragon(Willingly or unwillingly. SO I EXPECT ONE OF YOU GUYS TO TRIP ONTO HER!), (When dragon) Flight, (Human) levitation(Self and other objects/people).

Skills: Black cinto, correia in martial arts, Cooking, pick pocket.

Personality: Never gives up, (OVERLY)protective of friends, never backs...
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At LexCorp.: Batgirl sat silently in the vent, no movement was heard, and found it seguro to come down. She slipped out of the vent, onto her feet, and then closed the vent back up. She stood up walking backward, facing the corner turn in the wall, to make sure no one was following her. Batgirl turned around, and her face went right into a well created bosom. Batgirl stepped back with a gasp. There stood Lex Luthor’s Amazonian, literally mechanically armed assistant, Mercy.
“looks what we have here…” she started and then attacked Batgirl. Swinging her leg out to whack Batgirl in the head,...
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posted by Robin_Love
Thought you should know this about Cat. She's a hopeless romantic, she is sensitive about cheating, she hates cheater, and here's why. ;)

The sounds of the park filled her ears. Laughing, crying, talking, singing, playing, chirping, screaming, arguing. All these things filled her senses and sent her into overdrive. The past week had been emotionally draining on her. She hadn't done a single thing right! So she'd taken the dia off. She sat at a bench and watched as a young couple kissed. Her eyes became distant and she spotted a broken hearted girl come up to the couple. The tears and shouting...
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