Winchester's Journal Club
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Sam: Remember that thing in the paper yesterday?
Dean: "Stripper suffocates dude with thighs"?

Dean: It’s simple. Black and white. Human or non-human. See, what the doc is, is a freaking monster. I can’t do it. I would rather go to hell.

Dean Winchester: Oh, hiya, doc. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.

Rufus Turner: There are things that you don't know about her.
Dean Winchester: Oh and you do? Right, because you know things.
Rufus Turner: Yep.
Dean Winchester: And let me guess, you lift her fingerprint?
Rufus Turner: Yep.
Dean Winchester: And that got you jack.
Rufus Turner: Yep. She burned them off. Probably years ago.
Dean Winchester: Yeah, so you're right where we are.
Rufus Turner: Nope. You do her ear?
Dean Winchester: Sorry?
Rufus Turner: You do her ear?
Dean Winchester: oi man I'll try anything once, but I don't know, that sounds uncomfortable.

Sam Winchester: Dean, there's no way she still has the Colt. That was months ago, she probably sold it the segundo she got it.
Dean Winchester: So then I'll kill her. Win-win.

Doctor: Didn't you read my report?
Dean Winchester: Of course we did. Oh, it was riveting, a real page-turner. Just delightful.
Doctor: You done?
Dean Winchester: I think so.
Doctor: Please, go away.
Dean Winchester: Okay.
Sam Winchester: Sure.

Dean Winchester: [to Bela] I'll see you in Hell.

Dean Winchester: Hiya, Bela. Here's a fun fact you may not know: I felt you hand in my pocket when you swiped that motel receipt.
Bela Talbot: You don't understand.
Dean Winchester: Oh, I'm pretty sure I understand perfectly. Y'see, I noticed something interesting in your hotel room. Something tucked above the door, an herb. Devil's Shoestring. Well there's only one use for that.
Dean Winchester: Holding Hellhounds at bay. So you know what I did? I went back and took another look at your folks obit, turns out they died ten years atrás today. You didn't kill them. A demon did your dirty work. You made a deal, didn't you, Bela. And it's come due.

Flashback, young Bela swinging, crying
Crossroad Demon: I can take care of them for you. And it won't even cost you anything for ten whole years.
Her eyes glow red

Dean Winchester: Is that why you roubou the Colt, huh? Try to wiggle out of your deal? Our gun for your soul?
Bela Talbot: Yes.
Dean Winchester: But stealing the potro, colt wasn't quite enough, I'm guessing.
Bela Talbot: They changed the deal. They wanted me to kill Sam.
Dean Winchester: [sarcastic] Really. Wow. Demons, untrustworthy. Huh. Shocker. That's, uh, kind of a tight deadline too, uh, what time is it? Oh, look at that! Almost midnight.
Bela Talbot: [crying] Dean, listen, I need help.
Dean Winchester: Sweetheart, we are weeks past help.
Bela Talbot: I know I don't deserve it.
Dean Winchester: You know what, you're right. You don't. But you know what the cadela, puta of the bunch is? If you would have just come to us sooner and asked for help, we probably could have taken the potro, colt and saved you.
Bela Talbot: [still crying] I know, and saved yourself.
Bela Talbot: I know about your deal, Dean.
Dean Winchester: And who told you that?
Bela Talbot: The demon that holds it. She holds mine too. She says she holds every deal.
Dean Winchester: She?
Bela Talbot: Her name is Lilith.
Dean Winchester: ...Lilith? Why should I believe you?
Bela Talbot: You shouldn't, but it's the truth.
Dean Winchester: This can't help you, Bela. Not now. Why are you tellin' me this?
Bela Talbot: Because just maybe you can kill the bitch.
Dean Winchester: [long pause] I'll see you in Hell.
He hangs up on her
Dial tone. Bela hangs up as the clock switches to 12:00 midnight. Hellhounds howl in the background. Bela stands to look out window, and there is a crash as the Hellhounds presumably attack and scene fades to black[/i]
added by servaege
Sam Winchester: Hey, there's salt over here. Right inside the door.
Dean Winchester: You mean like protection against demons salt? Or, uh, oops I spilled the pipoca salt?

Sam Winchester: Dad, we don't even know what these things are yet.
John Winchester: They were what Daniel Elkins killed best... vampires.
Dean Winchester: Vampires? I thought there was no such thing.
Sam Winchester: You never even mentioned them, Dad.
John Winchester: I thought they were extinct. I thought Elkins and others had wiped them out. I was wrong. Most vampire lore is crap. A cruz won't repel them, sunlight won't kill...
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added by servaege
Dean Winchester: I like him. He says "okey-dokey."

Dean Winchester: We are so screwed.

Dean Winchester: You have no right to talk about my dad like that. He was a hero.

Frannie: So, what's it like, being an FBI guy?
Dean Winchester: Well, it's dangerous, yeah. And the secrets we gotta keep, oh God, the secrets. But mostly it's... it's lonely.

Ronald Reznick: Get on the floor, now!
Dean Winchester: Okay, we're doing that. Just don't shoot anybody, especially not us.
Ronald Reznick: I knew it, as soon as you two left. You ain't FBI. Who are you? Who are you working for, huh? The Men in Black? You working...
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Meg: [to Pastor Jim] The other dia I met this man. A nice guy, you know? And we had a really good chat, sort of like this. Then I slit his throat and ripped his coração out through his chest. Does that make me a bad person?

Pastor Jim: Salvation was created for sinners.

Sam Winchester: It seems that as closer as we get to this demon, the stronger my vision starts to happen.
John Winchester: Why didn't you tell me about that? Dean, you should of have called me in my cell phone and leave me a message!
Dean Winchester: [surprised] Call you? Are you kidding? We called you at Lawrence, I called you when...
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Evil Dean: Dad knew who you really were. Good solider, nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you?
Dean Winchester: Son of a bitch!
Shoves Evil Dean.
Dean Winchester: My father was an obsessed bastard!
Kick Evil Dean against the wall. Hits him with the sawed off shot gun and pins him with it.
Dean Winchester: All that crap he dumped on me about protecting Sam, that was his crap. He's the one that couldn't protect his family!
Hits Evil Dean again.
Dean Winchester: He's the one who let mom die! Who wasn't there for Sam, I always...
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Dean Winchester: Bring me some pie!

Andy: Have you got something of Dean's on you, like something he touched?
Sam Winchester: I've got a receipt, if that'll work?
Andy: Yeah.
Looking at receipt
Andy: D. Hasselhoff?
Sam Winchester: Yeah, that's Dean's signature. It's hard to explain.

Sam Winchester: Crazy is relative.

Lily: I feel like I'm in a nightmare and it just keep getting worse and worse.

Dean Winchester: We got work to do.

Dean Winchester: Whoo, that was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels.
In regards to the vision he received.

After Sam gets stabbed.
Dean Winchester: Hey, hey... come here,...
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Dean Winchester: What's a P.A.?
Sam Winchester: I think it's kinda like a slave.

McG: Marty, what do you think?
Martin: Not married to salt, what do you want? Still sticking with condiments?
McG: Just sounds different, not better. What else would a ghost be scared of?
Walter Dixon: Aww, ya gotta be kidding me.
Martin: [Aside] What would a ghost be scared of?
To McG
Martin: Maybe shotguns.
McG: K, that makes even less sense than salt.

Dean Winchester: I'm sorry, what were you saying?

Martin: Your one hell of a PA.
Dean Winchester: Yeah, I know.

Dean Winchester: Oh, like "Poltergeist"?
Sam Winchester: It could...
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Dean Winchester: I might be like you, and I might not. But you're the one tied up right now.

Sheriff: What newspaper did you say you worked for?
Dean Winchester: World Weekly News.
Sam Winchester: Weekly World News.
Dean Winchester: World...
Sam Winchester: Weekly World News.
Dean Winchester: Wor... I'm new.
Sheriff: Get out of my office.

Dean Winchester: You're good... you're a monster pain in the ass... but you're good.

Dean Winchester: Wish we never took this job. It's jacked everything up.
Sam Winchester: What do you mean?
Dean Winchester: Think about all the hunts we went on, Sammy, our whole lives......
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Dean Winchester: Yeah, you can't kill Death.

Dean Winchester: Dude, I full on Swayze-d that mother.

Talking to Dean whose in a coma
Sam Winchester: ...we were just getting to be brothers again.

In a very heart-felt way
Dean Winchester: Thanks for not givin' up on me, Sammy.

Upon seeing the demolished Impala
Sam Winchester: Oh man, Dean is gonna be pissed.

Dean Winchester: Don't worry, Sam, I'm not goin' anywhere.

Dean Winchester: I feel like I'm at a slumber party.

Dean Winchester: You see me mucking around with crystals and listening to Yanni?

John Winchester: I just want you to know that I'm proud of...
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