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So far, there have been two Blue's Clues films. The first was 2002's Blue's Big Musical Movie. It was the only film to be made for the original series. The segundo was 2022's Blue's Big City Adventure. This film was made for the Blue's Clues & You! reboot series. However, it also served as a nostalgic reunion for the cast of the original series, because Nick Balaban returned to voice Mr. Salt and the two hosts of the original series, Steve and Joe, joined Blue and the current host, Josh, on their adventure.

Blue's Big City Adventure was well received por fãs of Blue's Clues. People who grew up with the original series gave the film a watch just so they could see Steve come back. The film was a streaming release rather than a theatrical release, so it's hard to know how many people have seen the film. However, it appears to have been very well received por the people that have seen it. Also, Blue's Clues & You! has been making tons of money from merchandise, so making a sequel might not be a bad idea.

If a sequel were to be made, what would I want it to be about? Well, there's a particular story idea that I really want to be explored in Blue's Clues.

My idea is for a film that takes place after the original series but before the new series. I have heard people want to see an episode where Joe gets a proper goodbye and Josh gets a proper introduction. I think that idea might be big enough to make an entire film out of.

For those that don't know, the original host, Steve, was given a finale that was very emotional and sentimental. It served as the finale of a three-part arc that introduced Joe to the viewers.

Since Steve was given such a big goodbye, you might expect the same to happen for Joe. However, that didn't really happen. In the first episode of the new series, Joe had already moved out of the house and Josh was already living there. The episode does serve as Josh's first time playing Blue's Clues. The episode also has Steve and Joe teaching Josh how to play the game. However, we never got to see Joe leaving or Josh coming over for the first time.

Here's my pitch:

The film opens in present dia where Blue is throwing Josh a birthday party in the backyard of their house. Mr. Salt accidentally drops a few slices of cake on the ground. Mr. Salt feels guilty, but Josh doesn't mind. Josh is very excited and mentions how this reminds him of the first birthday party that he had with Blue.

The film cuts back to the past with the intro that was used in the fifth season of the original series. After the door is opened, Joe is shown playing Blue's Clues with Blue. Joe is trying to figure out what Blue's favorito thing to do is. His clues are a notebook, a crayon and the Thinking Chair. With the help of the viewers, Joe figures out that Blue's favorito thing to do is play Blue's Clues. After playing the game, Joe suddenly mentions that he has news for Blue and the others. He tells them that his cousin, Josh, will be coming to the house for a special visit. Blue and the others haven't seen Josh since they were little, so they don't remember him. However, Joe insists that they're going to amor him. Josh's birthday is coming up in a few weeks, so Joe goes to the cozinha so he can ask Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper to prepare a birthday cake for Josh. He looks around the cozinha and notices that there are a bunch of bolo de copo on the floor. An embarrassed Mr. Salt explains that he was going to make bolo de copo for everyone, but he accidentally dropped the bolo de copo on the floor. Joe tells him it's okay, while cleaning up the floor.

That evening, Blue goes to Joe's bedroom to say goodnight to him, but she notices that he's not there. She goes to the living room and sees that Joe has fallen asleep on the Thinking Chair. A bunch of presents that Joe has recently purchased from the Present Store are seguinte to the Thinking Chair. Joe has a flyer that came from the Present Store on the right side of the chair. Blue theorizes that Joe must have been thinking about something that has to do with the Present Store. However, Blue is too tired to figure out what Joe was thinking about, so she gets on the Thinking Chair and falls asleep on Joe's lap.

The seguinte morning, Joe wakes up and sees Blue on his lap. He gently pets her for a few minutes. After Blue wakes up, Joe goes to the cozinha and sees Mr. Salt panicking. When Joe asks what's wrong, Mr. Salt explains that he accidentally dropped the cake for Josh's birthday on the floor. Joe and Mrs. Pepper comfort Mr. Salt and explain that Josh's birthday is in a few weeks, so they have plenty of time to make mais cakes.

A short time later, Josh arrives at the house for the first time since he was a kid. He arrives with mais luggage than Blue was expecting, but Slippery Soap theorizes that Josh might be someone that takes as many possessions as he can when he travels. Joe and Josh reunite and talk about what they've been up to since they've last seen each other. Joe mentions that the Present Store is up for sale. Josh asks Joe what the neighborhood is like. Joe says that the neighborhood is a very peaceful, friendly place. However, he also mentions how a black suit, jaqueta and topo, início hat were recently stolen from the Clothes Store. Josh asks Joe if the thief has been caught. Joe says that the thief's still on the loose, but Steve is currently investigating the situation.

In the seguinte couple of scenes, Josh interacts with the talking objects for the first time in years. Josh gives each of them a friendly greeting. The talking objects instantly like Josh, because of what a kind, upbeat, fun-loving guy he is. Josh brings out his violão, guitarra and start singing. Blue taps her feet and start barking to the song. For a while, it seems like Blue enjoys having Josh around.

Suddenly, Joe hears that the mail is here. He explains to Josh that whenever the mail arrives, he and Blue do a special dance. Joe and Blue start doing their dance, while Josh watches along with excited glee. Joe sits down on the Thinking Chair, while Mailbox arrives and gives a letter to him. Joe sings the letter song and opens the letter. The letter is from various fãs of Joe that grew up watching him as the host over the years. They all have very nice, sweet things to say about Joe. Joe feels very touched. Josh is very impressed how Joe and Blue are able to make something like getting a letter so exciting and fun. Joe says that he can teach Josh how to do the mail dance and sing the letter song. Josh is very happy and eager, so Joe and Blue show Josh how to do the mail dance and sing the letter song.

The seguinte day, Joe, Josh and Blue are hanging out in the living room when they suddenly hear that the mail's here. With Joe and Blue's help, Josh manages to sing and dance to the mail song. Mailbox has arrived to drop off a letter, but this time, the letter is for Josh. Josh is pleasantly surprised, but he isn't sure what to do. Joe tells him that it's time for him to sit on the Thinking Chair and open the letter. Josh sits on the Thinking Chair for the very first time. Josh hasn't memorized the lyrics to the letter song, so Joe sings it. Afterwards, Josh opens the letter and sees that it's from people that wanted to introduce themselves. Josh feels honored and expresses how excited he is to make lots of new friends. Joe explains that he met so many wonderful new people after moving into the house, so he believes that Josh will make lots of great friends, too. Joe looks directly at the camera and explains to Josh that the viewers are some of the most helpful and kind-hearted friends that he's ever had. Josh looks at the camera, too, and gives the viewers a friendly greeting.

During Josh's first few weeks at the house, Joe pays close attention to how Blue and the others feel about him. He sees Josh play blocks with Blue, play in the backyard with Shovel and Pail, count time with Tickety Tock, swim with Slippery Soap, get letters from Mailbox, sing lullabies to Paprika and Cinnamon with Sidetable Drawer and bake treats for everyone with Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. Joe feels relieved after realizing that everybody seems to like him.

On the dia before Josh's birthday, Joe has Blue come to his room for an important announcement. He tells Blue that he decided to buy the Present Store. At first, Blue is excited, but then Joe mentions that he also bought a new place to live that's closer to the Present Store. Joe tells Blue that he's going to mover and is going to make Josh the new caretaker of the house. This news is too hard for Blue to swallow. Blue had a hard enough time with Steve leaving the house. She feels like she can't have Joe leave and be replaced por somebody that she's only known for a few weeks. Joe knows that the new changes will be hard, but he believes that things will get better after everyone has time to adjust to the changes. However, Blue already misses Steve living with her. She feels that she can't handle another caretaker moving out. Joe tries to comfort Blue, but Blue runs out of the room. Joe walks out of the room and tries to find Blue. He eventually finds Blue hiding behind the Thinking Chair. Joe asks her to come out of there, but Blue shakes her head in defiance. Joe speaks into a soft tone of voice, while saying that he understands that the new changes will be hard for Blue. He admits that the changes will be hard for him, too, but he believes that the changes will be for the best. He tells Blue that he loves her. Blue walks closer to Joe and hugs him.

Later, Blue walks por the cozinha and sees Mr. Salt preparing dinner. Mr. Salt looks happy, because even though he dropped the appetizers on the floor, he managed to carry the main course to the mesa, tabela without dropping it. Blue barks about not being very hungry, so she just grabs a quick snack. Mr. Salt is a bit surprised por this. It makes him wonder if something's troubling Blue. Mr. Salt tries to carry a couple of cups of leite to the jantar table, but he accidentally spills the leite on the cozinha counter. He sighs in disappointment.

That evening, Joe and Josh go to the cozinha for dinner. Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper have a big jantar prepared for them. Joe asks where Blue is. Mr. Salt explains that Blue didn't feel like having a full meal, so he just had a quick snack. Joe feels concerned about Blue, so he decides to check on her. He goes to the living room and sees Blue playing with blocks. Joe sits down and asks Blue if she's okay. Blue tries to bark that she's okay, but Joe can tell that something's bothering Blue. Joe correctly guesses that Blue is feeling uncomfortable due to him announcing that he's going to be leaving. He gently pets Blue, while explaining to her that life is full of changes but some changes can lead to great things. He gives her an maçã, apple to eat before returning to the kitchen.

After Joe returns to the kitchen, Josh asks if Blue is okay. Joe explains that Blue is having a hard time dealing with him leaving. Josh explains that he has concerns of his own. He says that Steve did such a great job as the caretaker and Joe did a wonderful job as his successor. However, he fears that he might not be able to be as good of a caretaker as them. Joe explains to Josh that he was worried about having to take Steve's place as caretaker, but Steve believed in him and helped him learn how to do the job. He lets Josh that he believes in him and that he has what it takes to be an amazing caretaker. Josh feels honored and touched por Joe's confidence in him. Joe tells Josh that if he needs help with anything, he'll show him how to do it. He explains that he needed a lot of help in the beginning, too, and that there's nothing wrong with asking for help. The two cousins share a hug.

Later, Joe and Josh try saying goodnight to everyone, but they a hard time finding Blue. They eventually find out that Blue has gone to cama early. Joe thinks that Blue needs some time to herself, so he doesn't interrupt Blue's sleep. Blue starts having a nightmare. In her nightmare, Joe has packed up his stuff and is ready to leave. Blue tries getting him to stay, but Joe says that he's going away and won't be coming back anytime soon. Joe starts heading out of the house. Blue tries to follow him, but Mr. Salt bumps into her and accidentally drops some bolo de copo on her head. Blue wakes up and gets out of her bed. She runs up to Joe's cama and sees that Joe's flyer for the Present Store. Blue feels tempted to rip up the flyer, but she decides not to. She gets on Joe's cama and falls asleep seguinte to him. This time, Blue is able to fall go to sleep without any nightmares.

The seguinte morning, Joe wakes up early, because he has to get a lot of things ready for Josh's birthday. He sees Blue resting on his cama and decides to let her sleep in. Joe gets out of cama and starts getting ready for his day. He tries to be as quiet as he can, so he doesn't wake Blue up.

Later, Joe and the talking objects are setting up decorations for Josh's birthday party in the backyard. Slippery Soap, Tickety Tock, Shovel and Pail are standing on the table, so they can help hang up decorations. Slippery Soap slips por and accidentally makes Tickety Tock, Shovel and Pail start to slip off the table. Joe sees what's happening, so he manages to save all of them from falling to the ground. They thank Joe for his heroic rescue. They mention how things are going to be different without him around. Joe says that he understands what they mean, but he believes that Josh is going to do a great job of taking care of them. He explains that the party isn't just about celebrating Josh's birthday. It's also about celebrating Josh's future as the new caretaker of the house. Tickety Tock asks Joe if he'll make time to visit them after he moves away. Joe promises to visit, because he thinks of everyone from the Blue's Clues house as family. Joe says that after he starts running the Present Store, he'll get presents for them.

A short time later, guests start arriving, including Magenta and Periwinkle. Magenta wants to hang out with Blue, because Blue's her best friend. Magenta looks around the backyard for Blue but doesn't see her. Magenta looks a bit sad, so Mr. Salt tries to cheer her up por giving her a piece of cake. However, Mr. Salt accidentally drops the piece of cake on the ground. Mrs. Pepper notices that Blue isn't at the party, so she asks Joe where Blue is. Joe mentions that he had let Blue sleep in, but he had assumed that Blue would have gotten up and been at the party por then. However, Blue isn't at the party. Instead, she's in Joe's room. She looks over old photographs of her adventures with Steve and Joe. Suddenly, Steve walks into the room. He had come to celebrate Josh's birthday, but after realizing that Blue wasn't at the party, he used his detective skills to figure out where Blue would be. Steve has heard that Joe plans on leaving, so he understands that Blue must be feeling sad. He tries to comfort Blue por telling her how proud he was of her when she let Joe take his place as her caretaker. He gives Blue a sentimental teach before telling her to come to the birthday party when she feels ready.

Steve returns to the party and reunites with Joe and Josh. The three relatives share a sweet discussion where they talk about how proud they are of each other. Joe asks Steve about his investigation of the Clothes Store robbery. Steve mentions that he found pictures of the Pet Store at the crime scene. Steve thinks that the thief might be interested in kidnapping pets. A moment later, Mr. Salt accidentally drops a slice of cake on Josh. At first, he's worried that Josh will be mad. However, Josh tells Mr. Salt that it's okay, while cleaning himself off. Mr. Salt notes that Josh is kind and forgiving just like Steve and Joe. Mr. Salt goes back to the kitchen, while, Steve, Joe and the talking objects start giving Josh birthday gifts. Steve gives Josh a record por G-Clef (Ray Charles's character from Blue's Big Musical Movie). Steve explains that G-Clef is an old friend of his that is no longer around, but he often listens to his songs to keep his memory alive. Joe gives Josh a suitcase full of blue shirts, because he knows that blue is Josh's favorito color. Josh feels grateful for all the gifts, but he is wondering where Blue is. Magenta misses Blue, so she starts making sad barking noises. Josh gets up and starts looking for Blue. Magenta also gets up and leaves the party, while Mr. Salt shows up with a brand-new cake. Periwinkle tries to perform a magic trick, but Mr. Salt accidentally bumps into him and drops the entire cake on Joe.

Joe goes back inside, so he can change into clean clothes. On his way to his bedroom, he sees Magenta pouting in the living room. Joe asks her what's wrong. Magenta barks about how she's worried about Blue. Blue and Magenta always do a special dance whenever Magenta comes over, but this time, Blue didn't even say hi to her. Joe explains to Magenta that Blue didn't mean to hurt her feelings. Joe tells Magenta how he's planning on leaving início and making Josh the new caretaker of the house. Magenta barks about how Blue must feel uncomfortable the changes. Joe wants to find Blue, so he can talk to her about what's going on. Magenta wants to find Blue, too, so she can catch up with her and make sure that she's okay. However, Josh walks up to him and says he searched every room in the house but didn't see Blue anywhere. Steve walks up to them and says that if Blue's lost, he'll use his detective skills to find her. Joe says he'll go check the front yard, while Steve and Josh decide to dividido, dividir up and procurar different nearby areas for Blue.

Meanwhile, Blue has ran away from home. She is feeling so emotional that she isn't even paying attention to where she's going. After running around for a long time, she looks around and realizes that she's lost. A man that's wearing a black suit, jaqueta and topo, início hat approaches her. Blue sees how he's dressed and realizes that he's the thief that robbed the Clothes Store. The thief introduces himself as Thackery. He notes that it's a rare to see a blue dog. He thinks that Blue might be worth money, so he tries to grab her. Thackery sings a song about how he wants to sell the world's rarest pets, so he can become rich. He also boasts about how great he thinks he looks in the suit that he took from the Clothes Store. The thief keeps trying to grab Blue, but Blue keeps moving away from him. Blue uses her left paw to leave a clue on Thackery's suit. This distracts Thackery, because he doesn't like having a blue clue on his suit. Blue quickly runs away from Thackery, while Thackery tries to get the clue off of his suit. Thackery uses some water from a nearby water fonte to wash away the clue. After doing so, he looks around Blue, but she's long gone.

After running far away from the thief, Blue sits down and takes a break. She whimpers on the ground, while thinking about how she doesn't want Joe to leave her. She thinks about how hard it will be to get used to Joe living somewhere else. Also, she thinks about how she abandoned Josh on his birthday. She starts thinking about Magenta. She suddenly realizes that Magenta was probably at the party, but she didn't get a chance to say hi because she skipped the party. She feels bad for not being there for Josh and Magenta.

Meanwhile, Joe and Magenta procurar the front yard for Blue, but they don't see her. Magenta looks extra concerned, so Joe assures her that they'll find Blue. He believes that Steve can find Blue, because he's a great detective.

Steve starts walking around the neighborhood, while looking for clues that can help him figure out where Blue is. He gets distracted when he sees a pretzel cart. He walks up to the carrinho and orders a large pretzel.

In the seguinte scene, Blue hears someone approaching her. At first, she thinks it's Joe, but it turns out to be Josh. Josh was so concerned about Blue that he left his own birthday party, so he could find her. Josh talks to Blue about how getting used to new changes is hard. He expresses how the new situation will take a lot of getting used to, but he'll do everything in his power to make Blue feel comfortable. Blue feels bad for giving Josh a hard time, so she tries to apologize. However, Josh reveals that he was never angry at Blue. He was simply worried that Blue might not like him being the new caretaker. Blue realizes that Josh is a great person and gives him a tender hug.

Meanwhile, Joe and Magenta see Steve coming back. Steve shows up with a bag of pretzels that he bought. He says that he didn't find Blue, but he did find snacks for everybody. Magenta feels worried about Blue, so Steve tries to cheer her up por giving her a pretzel.

When Blue gets back home, she, Joe and Steve share an emotional conversation. Joe assures Blue that even though he'll be living in a different place, he'll always amor her. Steve mentions that he never stopped treasuring the memories he made with Blue, so he has no doubt that Joe will be able to do the same. Blue runs up to Magenta and apologizes for not saying hi to her earlier. Magenta forgives Blue and gives her a big hug.

Suddenly, Thackery shows up at the birthday party. He sees Blue and Magenta and thinks that they're both worth lots of money. He looks at Magenta and notes how rare it is to see a cachorro, filhote de cachorro that wears glasses. Joe, Josh and Steve tell Thackery to not harm anyone. Thackery says he's not interested in hurting people, but he is interested in making money. He attempts to take Blue and Magenta. However, he trips over Mr. Salt and falls on the pieces of cake that Mr. Salt dropped on the ground. Steve grabs Thackery and takes him to the police station. Blue thanks Mr. Salt for helping save her and Magenta. Blue and Magenta give Mr. Salt a hug, while Mr. Salt feels proud of himself for the first time in a long while. Mr. Salt is about to grab another cake out of the kitchen. However, Josh volunteers to get the cake. Josh manages to grab the cake and bring it to the backyard mesa, tabela without spilling it. Josh and the others sit down at the table. Blue drops her plate with her piece of cake, but Mr. Salt manages to catch it before it can fall on the ground. The group congratulates Mr. Salt for catching something instead of dropping something.

A short time later, Steve returns to the party and brings out his bag of pretzels. He claims that he has plenty for everyone, but he ends up taking a good portion of them. Blue is amused por this. Mr. Salt accidentally knocks the bag of pretzels to the ground. At first, Mr. Salt feels bad, but Steve congratulates Mr. Salt on stopping the thief. He explains that he isn't able to solve every case, but he believes that as long as he and others use their minds and take a step out of time, they can still accomplish anything that they want to do.

After the party, Joe and Blue go back into the house. Joe tells Blue that he needs to have a serious talk with her. Joe and Blue use a picture given to them por Moona to skidoo into Blue's puppet room, so that Blue can talk to Joe. The room has Blue resume her puppet form from the Blue's Room show. Joe tells Blue that it was wrong of her to run around the city without adult supervision. Blue apologizes to Joe. Joe forgives her, but he tells her that she has to promise him to never run away from início again. Blue agrees to Joe's request. She tells Joe that she's going to miss him a lot. Joe reveals to Blue that he has been feeling reluctant to mover away, because of how much he'll miss Blue and the others. However, he explains to Blue how when some people get older, they mover to a new início and get a job. Blue tells Joe that she'll miss him a lot, but she'll work hard to make Josh feel welcomed. Joe pulls out of a violão, guitarra and starts cantar a song to Blue about how Blue is her best friend. The song makes Blue cry happy tears. After Joe finishes cantar the song, he and Blue share a long hug.

Steve, Josh and Magenta walk por the picture that Joe and Blue skidooed in. Steve asks if they're okay. Joe tells them that they are and that they can skidoo into the room if they want. Steve, Josh and Magenta skidoo into Blue's Room for the very first time. Both Steve and Josh look overjoyed and fascinated por Blue's Room. Magenta is a puppet when she's in Blue's Room. She gets to talk for the first time, so she starts having a conversation with Blue. Blue and Magenta start cantar and dancing together. Steve and Josh both look amazed to hear Blue and Magenta sing and talk for the first time. Suddenly, Fredrica pops out and starts claiming that it's her birthday. Josh says that it's his birthday, too. However, Blue explains to Josh to Fredrica always pretends that it's her birthday. Fredrica leaves to go celebrate another one of her pretend birthdays with her puppet friends. Since Blue can talk, she takes the time to tell Joe, Steve, Josh and Magenta that she loves them. The five friends share a big hug.

After Blue and the others skidoo back into the house, Steve says that he needs to get back to his detective work. He looks directly at the camera and gives a heartfelt goodbye to the viewers before heading out. Joe and Steve walk outside. Steve asks Joe how he's holding up. Joe admits that he does feel somewhat nervous about moving out and starting a new career. Steve says he know exactly how he feels, because he felt the same way when he went to college. He tells Joe that things are going to be okay. Joe thanks Steve and gives him a hug. Steve starts heading to his detective agency, but he stops and gets some mais pretzels.

A week later, Joe has finished packing. He shares a loving goodbye with the talking objects before saying his goodbyes to Blue. Blue has a few tears in her eyes, so Joe carefully wipes them away with a handkerchief before telling her that everything's going to be okay. Sidetable Drawer opens her drawer, so Joe can grab his notebook. Joe promises Blue that he'll keep the notebook forever. Joe and Blue walk up to Josh. Blue reveals that she's made a notebook for Josh. Josh feels very excited and honored. Joe tells Josh that he believes that he'll do a great job playing Blue's Clues with Blue in the near future. Josh thanks him and tells him that he'll work very hard to be a good caretaker. Joe looks at the camera and thanks the viewers for helping him find so many clues over the years. He asks the viewers to help out Josh and Blue with their future adventures. Joe says that he needs to get going, but he also says that he'll be happy to come back and visit whenever he can.

After Joe leaves, Blue starts hanging out with Josh. Josh knows that Blue still feels sad about Joe moving out, so he sings a song to her that he wrote. He sings about how excited he is to have a new início and so many new friends. Josh sings that he loves Blue before Blue barks that she loves him, too.

A few weeks later, Joe experiences his first dia as the new owner of the Present Store. He gets several customers, including Miranda, Purple Kangaroo, laranja Kitten and the Felt Friends. At first, Joe feels a bit overwhelmed, but he gets through the dia and starts to feel good about his new career.

After finishing his first dia at the Present Store, Joe visits the house to make sure that Blue's okay. He goes inside and sees Blue napping with Josh on the Thinking Chair. Joe realizes that Blue has accepted Josh as her new caretaker, so he feels proud of her. He whispers that he loves her before heading out.

The ending of the film would cut back to present day. Blue and Josh are still at Josh's birthday party. Magenta arrives at the party. Blue and Magenta perform their signature dance and shares a hug. Slippery Soap slips por and accidentally bonks into Mr. Salt. This leads to Mr. Salt dropping a slice of cake on Blue. Blue gets some frosting on her face, so Josh wipes the frosting off of Blue with the same handkerchief that Joe used to wipe off Blue's tears. Mr. Salt feels bad about being so clumsy, but Josh reminds him that his clumsiness helped save Blue and Magenta. Mr. Salt starts feeling better, but he says that he should probably be mais careful from now on. Josh and Blue look around the time and sees a lot of her old friends as well as a lot of friends that she met mais recently, including Sage, Ginger and arco iris, arco-íris Puppy. Josh talks about how great it is to change things up por making new friendships. Blue agrees and hugs Josh. Even though Josh's first birthday at the house was a little hectic, Blue has worked hard to make every birthday since then a fun dia for him. Josh tells Blue that he loves her. Suddenly, Steve and Joe arrive. They cadastrar-se in on the celebration and reminisce with Josh and Blue. Joe mentions that the Present Store has been getting mais customers than ever before, so work has been a bit overwhelming. He says that he could use the help of some old friends on the busier days. Josh and Blue both get excited about the thought of occasionally working at the Present Store. Steve mentions that Thackery briefly escaped from prison. However, thanks to Steve's detective work, Steve and the police were able to find the thief and bring him to back to prison. Steve gives Josh a G-Clef CD, while talking about how hard it is to keep up with modern technology. Joe gives Josh a picture frame of Blue's Room, so that Josh can skidoo into Blue's Room whenever he wants. Mr. Salt gives Josh and the others a plate full of pretzels. This time, Mr. Salt manages to deliver the comida without dropping it. Everyone is excited about the pretzels, especially Steve. Blue takes a selfie with the three caretakers that she's had over the years. The film would end with Josh, Joe and Steve cantar the goodbye song together.

The credits would show various pictures of Blue with her three caretakers. It would start with pictures of Steve, followed por pictures of Joe, and end with pictures of Josh. The picture gallery would represent the loving bond that Blue has had with her three caretakers.

Character Information:

Blue: Most episodes of Blue's Clues tend to have the host as the viewpoint character. However, Blue would be the protagonist of this film. The film would give her mais character development and show mais of her emotions. Blue's arc would be about learning to accept change. She has to learn to say goodbye to Joe and hello to Josh. The film could serve as a story to teach kids that things change in life and not all changes are bad. Like with most people, Blue isn't necessarily against the idea of things changing. However, she needs time to be able to adjust to things changing around her. Blue learns that she's not being very nice towards Josh por clinging towards Joe. She learns that new people, such as Josh, can become new friends that are great to have around. As the film goes on, Blue learns that even though Joe will be moving out, he'll still care about her and amor her just like how Steve still loved Blue after he left for college. The film would also have a lesson against the dangers of running away. Blue was so upset about things changing that she ran out of the house and started roaming around the town without any adult supervision. While she's doing that, a thief comes after her. This could serve as an important lesson to kids that running around their neighborhood without adult supervision is very dangerous. After Josh finds her and comforts her, Blue realizes that Josh has the same type of morality and compassion that made her amor Steve and Joe so much. An important thing to note about Blue's character is that she never deliberately acts rude. When she ignores Josh and forgets about Magenta, she doesn't do so because she doesn't care about them. Her reason for her behavior is because of how upset she is about Joe leaving. After Blue comes to her senses, she learns that how she acted was wrong. She works hard to makes things right between her and Josh and her and Magenta. Due to Blue being a character that doesn't normally speak, the animation would have to convey a lot of her emotions. The exception to this is the section where she's a puppet.

Joe: The first Blue's Clues film, Blue's Big Musical, focused on Steve, while the segundo Blue's Clues film, Blue's Big City Adventure, focused on Josh. This film would Joe the time in the spotlight that he deserves. Although all three hosts would be in the film, Joe would be the most prominent one in the story. When Steve left the show, he was given a special goodbye episode that was very emotional. The same didn't really happen for Joe, so this film would serve as a proper finale for Joe's time as the host of Blue's Clues. The film would reveal that Joe has been interested in the Present Store for a while. The store going up for sale is what gives Joe the motivation to go out and buy the store. In the film, Joe knows about the importance of moving on to new things in life. However, he knows that him moving away won't be easy for Blue, so he tries to do what he can to help her adjust. Joe makes sure to let Blue know that even though his time living at the house might be ending, the amor that he has for her and the others will never fade away. In the film, Joe serves as a mentor to Josh. He teaches Josh what he needs to know in order to be the new caretaker of the house. Joe also gives Josh the inspiration that he needs to accept the challenge of being the new caretaker. Josh is feeling a bit scared about taking on such an important task, so Joe tells him about how he went through the same thing when he took over for Blue. Joe also serves as a devoted mentor that Blue can confide in and seek comfort from. Because of this, Blue has a hard time accepting Joe moving. Joe has a hard time with it, too, but he's able to use his mind and take a step out of time so he can take on the new job that he wants. Joe has been Blue's caretaker for a long time, so he understands her better than most of the people in her life. Joe understands and sympathizes with Blue, so he works as hard as he can to continue being a great friend to her.

Josh: In addition to the film serving as a proper end to Joe's time as host, it would also serve as a proper beginning to Josh's time as host. The first episode of the new Blue's Clues show, Blue's Clues & You!, did show Josh's first time playing Blue's Clues. However, the film would show Josh moving into the house and bonding the others that live in the house. Most importantly, the film would showcase the beginning of Blue and Josh's friendship. From the beginning, Josh is kind, enthusiastic and friendly. However, Blue has a hard time accepting him as the new caretaker, because she doesn't want Joe to go. Despite Blue not giving Josh the friendliest of welcomes, Josh remains kind and patient with her. His dedication to helping Blue deal with the changes in her life is what makes Blue learn to be nicer to Josh. por the time of the ending, Blue has learned to amor Josh and accept Josh as her new caretaker. In the film, Josh serves as newcomer who hasn't quite figured how to take on the responsibilities of being a caretaker. Thankfully, Joe is there to show him everything he needs. Josh's kind, easygoing attitude make Josh get accepted por the various talking objects. However, Josh struggles to win Blue over. This isn't because Josh did anything wrong. It's simply because Blue doesn't want Joe to stop being her caretaker. Josh winning over Blue could serve as a message to kids about being open-minded about making new friends in their lives. Josh's role in the film could be seen as an exploration of the challenges of taking on a job that was previously done por somebody that was universally beloved. Josh feels scared about doing a job that his cousins did so well, but as the film goes on, he would manage to prove himself as a great caretaker in his own right.

Steve: Steve wouldn't come into the film until the birthday section of the film. This would be done in order to let the film develop an emotional sendoff for Joe and a strong introduction to Josh. Blue, Joe and Josh would be the protagonists of the story, while Steve would serve as an experienced person that would have conselhos for all three of them. In the film, Steve is in his early time as a detective. Steve getting distracted and still struggling to find clues would serve as comedy relief. Despite his sillier moments, Steve still serves as a warm-hearted mentor to Blue. Steve knows Blue was very sad when he left for college, so he accurately deduces that Blue is feeling sad about Joe leaving. Steve goes out of his way to try to help Blue deal with Joe leaving. He makes sure to know that he never stopped loving her. Steve had a hard time leaving for college, so he understands that Joe's having a hard time leaving to work for the Present Store. While Joe serves as a mentor to Josh and Blue, Steve serves as a mentor to Josh. Steve is the most experienced of the three men that have been caretakers for Blue, but he still has things of his own to learn because he's still figuring out how to be a great detective. Steve's odd way of atuação would be played for laughs, but he would be a good role-model and mentor during the mais serious scenes that he's in.

Magenta: Like Steve, Magenta wouldn't come into the film until the birthday section of the film. However, she would be an important player with Blue, because she and her friendship with Blue would serve as an important subplot. Since Blue is so focused on what's going on with Joe, Blue forgets about Magenta. This makes Magenta feel sad. Magenta's sadness would turn into concern after Blue goes missing. In the film, Blue would feel bad for ignoring Magenta, so she would make things right por apologizing to her and spending mais time with her. The film would show Magenta coming into Blue's Room, becoming a puppet and getting to talk for the first time.

Mr. Salt: Mr. Salt would serve as a comedy relief throughout the film. His clumsiness would lead to a lot of slapstick and funny moments. However, it wouldn't just be played for laughs, because Mr. Salt would be feeling insecure about himself for being so clumsy. Mr. Salt feels embarrassed for constantly dropping so much food. He starts to feel like he's too clumsy to be helpful. However, his clumsiness turns out to come in handy when it comes to stopping the thief. This would lead to Mr. Salt being treated like a hero, but Mr. Salt realizes that he needs to be mais careful from now on.

Thackery: Thackery is an original character created for the film. Thackery would be an overly-confident antagonist that has a big ego and loves the sound of his own voice. The main conflict of the film would revolve around Blue not being able to accept change, but Thackery would help provide further conflict for Blue. Thackery would be mentioned por other characters before finally appearing after Blue has run away from home. Thackery would serve as an example of how dangerous it is to run away from início and interact with strangers. Due to the family-friendly nature of Blue's Clues, Thackery would never be shown attempting any kind of physical harm on anymore. Instead, he would be a petty thief that would try to make himself feel like something special por wearing a fancy suit and por attempting to become rich. If the film needs a celebrity guest to help sell the film to a wider audience, Thackery could be the character that's played a celebrity.

The other characters would be given a limited amount of screentime and dialogue, so that the film can stay focused on the primary characters and storylines.

The film would likely have the same voice cast as Blue's Clues & You! I think it would be neat if Mr. Salt's voice actor from Blue's Clues & You!, Brad Adamson, voiced Mr. Salt in the scenes taking place in the present and if Mr. Salt's voice-actor from Blue's Big City Adventure and the original series, Nick Balaban, voiced Mr. Salt in the scenes taking place in the past. The scenes where Joe and Josh receive letters from fãs that grew up with him could be comprised of actual fãs of the series.

I know that the age of the actors might be seen as a problem since the film is a prequel rather than a sequel. However, I think that the age of the actors wouldn't be too distracting. After all, Blue's Clues is a franchise that has talking spice shakers, a talking clock and a talking bar of soap. por comparison, the three hosts looking older than they did between the original series and the reboot shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Art style:

The animation in the scenes taking place in the present would have the same look as Blue's Clues & You!. Most of the scenes that take place in the past would resemble the original series, particularly the seasons that had Joe as the host. The section that takes place in Blue's Room would have similar puppet designs as the show of the same name.


Joe would wear different shirts in different scenes, but starting with the birthday section of the film, he settles on a purple shirt. In the original series, Joe often changed his opinion on what his favorito color was, but in the new show, he has settled on purple. The film would have him learning that purple is his favorito color. Josh would wear the same clothes that he wears in Blue's Clues & You!.The section of the film that takes place in Blue's Room would have a similar appearance to the show of the same name. Magenta would be given a puppet design for the first time, because she was never in Blue's Room. Steve would wear the same detective clothes that he wears in Blue's Clues & You!. Thackery would be seen wearing an antiquado, à moda antiga black suit, jaqueta and topo, início hat. This would help symbolize that he likes looking and atuação like a classic style of villain.


Classic Blue Clue's songs that would be played in the film would include the theme song from the 5th season of Blue's Clues, the mail song, the letter song and the goodbye song. Original songs for the film would include a song that Joe sings to Blue about how much he cares about her and a villain song where Thackery sings his obsession with becoming rich. Joe's song to Blue would be sentimental and sweet, while Thackery's song would be very theatrical and over the top.


An idea I have for the film's poster is to have a picture of a sad looking Blue standing outside of the house. Steve, Joe and Josh would be on the left side of the poster, while Magenta, Mr. Salt and Thackery would be on the right side. Steve would have a curious look on his face, while holding a magnifying glass. Joe would have a hopeful smile on his face, while standing amongst some presents that he bought from the Present Store. Josh would have a concerned look on his face, while holding his luggage and staring at Blue. Magenta would have a sad expression on her face to symbolize her feelings towards Blue not greeting her. Mr. Salt would have a panicked look on his face, because he's seen dropping a piece of cake. Thackery would have a villainous smile on his face, while staring at Blue.

The film would be called Blue's Big Change and would likely be rated PG.

I know that my story idea focuses on mais emotional topics than Blue's Clues normally goes over, but I believe that it could work. A lot of famous movies, such as a lot of disney and pixar movies, are able to deal with serious subject matter while still being appealing and enjoyable for kids. I think that if the film were to be made, it could serve as a meaningful lesson to kids about accepting change.

Thank you leitura my movie pitch. Does my pitch sound like it would be a good Blue's Clues film? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
added by Dogpaws
Source: pinterest
added by Dogpaws
added by Dogpaws
added by Dogpaws
In 2021, the Blue's Clues franchise turned 25. To make this special occasion feel even mais special, a couple of really heartwarming vídeos were made. The vídeos have left a strong, powerful impact on Blue's Clues fans.

Steve's reunion with the viewers:

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Good Night My Dear Friend
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added by NectariaKiritsi
posted by whatsupbugs
Blue's Clues is a franchise that started in 1996. The franchise was something that I grew up with, so I'd like to share my history with the franchise.

Watching the original series as a little kid:

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Fan from the beginning of life:

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A kid's first collection:

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Expectations before seeing the film:

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Professor Bubbles

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Critics and audiences tend to respond differently from each other. I think it's interesting to see how much the scores differ from each other. This artigo is for looking at how Rotten Tomatoes critics and audiences scored the batman films.

Rotten Tomatoes critics scores for the batman films ranked from lowest to highest:

Batman and Robin: 12%

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: 29%

Batman: The Killing Joke: 36%

Batman Forever and Justice League (theatrical cut): 39%

Joker: 69%

Justice League (director's cut): 71%

Batman (1989): 73%

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