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posted by groovychicklisa
Confrontations and Explanations


"Alice." I couldn't say that I was surprised to see her, but I had hoped that I would have at least a little mais time to prepare myself for this conversation.

"Can I come in?" She raised her eyebrows at me, and I realized that I was blocking the door.

I couldn't very well ask her to come back later, when I'd had a chance to think through what I would say to her, so I sighed.

"Sure, come on in."

I stepped aside and she glided past me into the apartment.

"I suppose you understand why I'm here." There was an edge to her voice that I didn't recognize.

"Do you mind if we sit in the kitchen?" I didn't want Lily and Caitlin to accidentally overhear us talking. I was pretty sure that they were busy playing and wouldn't notice anything short of an earthquake, but I didn't want to take any chances.

Alice followed me into the cozinha and accepted the chair I gestured at. I sat down across the mesa, tabela from her and braced myself for the accusations.

"How could you not say anything?" She spoke quietly, though I could tell that she really wanted to yell at me; fury was evident in her eyes. "How the hell could you not tell him?"

"First of all, Alice, I didn't even know myself until after… you left." I winced a little at the memories.

"Haven't heard of phones? I hear they're the latest fad." The sarcasm in her voice made me snap.

"You know what, Alice? You have absolutely no idea what I went through back then, so don't you dare judge me!" I could feel anger building inside me. "I did call. But I guess you decided to really mover on, huh? Because all I got was a mechanical voice telling me that the numbers had been disconnected. And since I didn't know where you were…"

"What?" She interrupted me, a confused look replacing the angry one on her face.

"Where did you mover when you left Forks? I still have no idea. Have you been in Seattle this whole time?"

"No, I just moved back last year." For some reason, I noticed that she said I and not we. "We moved to New York. Are you saying that he didn't tell you?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying." I shrugged. "I guess it was partly my fault. I got really mad when he told me that you were leaving that same day. I guess I didn't exactly give him a chance to explain anything." I had gotten to the point where I could view what had happened that dia from a somewhat objective perspective, even if thinking about it still hurt.

"I told him that he should talk to you the moment Carlisle told us we were moving." She muttered, mais to herself than to me. "But would he listen to me? No! I wanted to tell you myself, but he made me promise that I wouldn't, and since I thought you should hear it from him in the first place, I didn't. And as for the disconnected part, would you believe me if I told you that we were mugged?"

She had such a sheepish look on her face that I couldn't help but trust her.

"The first dia at the new school, I borrowed Edward's phone for some reason, I don't remember why, and then I put it in my bag where I kept my own phone. On our way home, a guy grabbed my bag and took off with it."

Hearing his name for the first time in so many years made me inhale sharply, and I was sure she noticed, even if she didn't say anything.

"That doesn't change the fact that I couldn't reach either of you. I even called information to get Rosalie's number in Seattle, only there wasn't one." I gave her an accusing look.

"She transferred to Pratt in Brooklyn, and Emmett and Jasper decided to go to NYU instead of Seattle U when we moved." Alice explained.

"That's pretty much what I figured." I sighed. The anger I had felt a moment earlier had disappeared, and all I was left with was an almost overwhelming feeling of sadness at the impossibility of the situation.

"I called you, you know." She said softly after a moment.

"I know." I nodded. I remembered the phone call I had overheard a part of during my very own personal hell.

"Charlie said that you weren't… doing so good." I could tell that she picked her words carefully. "And I thought that it might just make it mais difficult for you if we talked, so that's why I didn't call again. It didn't even occur to me that you didn't know where we were going, so I just figured that you'd call when you wanted to talk, and when you never did…" She shrugged.

"It probably would have been even harder if I'd talked to you." After six years, I could look at the situation with some distance, and I knew that talking to Alice at that point just would have made everything worse.

"I've missed you." She reached for my hand over the table. "I never understood what happened that day, I was so sure that you would work it out somehow."

"He didn't tell you?"

She shook her head.

"I mean, I could tell that something happened, obviously, but he refused to talk about it. He really wasn't himself for a long time after we left Forks."

It was a little comforting to hear that I hadn't been the only one affected por our break up.

"When he told me you were leaving, I accused him of wanting to get out of our relationship."

"No, Bella, that wasn't…" I held up a hand, and she cut herself off.

"I know that now, but I panicked. I thought that he was leaving me, so I attacked instead of listening to his explanation."

"I guess that explains why he wouldn't talk about it."

"I guess."

"So." Alice continued, apparently deciding to change the subject. "How long have you lived here?"

"Only a couple of months in this apartment, we lived on campus before." I explained.

"You went to Seattle U then?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I had to take a ano off after high school, of course, but I graduated this year."

"What did you end up majoring in?" She asked curiously.

"Marketing. I got a great job at a small advertising agency in town right after graduation."

"That sounds like fun."

"It is, I amor my job. And you're a teacher?" I had never thought about it, but she was actually perfect in that role.

"Yeah." She laughed. "I sort of just stumbled into it, but now I really amor it."

"You seem to be good at it, Lily's been ecstatic about "Miss Alice" all afternoon."

"Really?" A big smile appeared on her face.

"Definitely. You've made quite the impression on her. And Jasper, are you two…" She held out her left hand, and I saw a beautiful engagement ring on her finger. "Congratulations."

"Thanks. We got engaged right after I graduated last year. He got a great job offer at a Seattle based company last summer, that's really why we moved here. We live over in Sunset Hill, right por the water."

"And Rosalie and Emmett?" It wasn't really them that I was curious about, but I needed to work up some courage first.

"They live in Staten Island; they wanted to stay close to mom and dad. Emmett coaches a high school football team, and Rosalie's an interior designer." She giggled. "Well, they had a baby in June, Noah, so right now she's início with him."

"Tell them congratulations from me." I was glad to hear that they, too, were still together.

"I will." She studied me silently for a moment. "He's here in town, you know."

My eyes snapped up to meet hers as I registered the words.

"He moved here right after graduation last year." She continued when I didn't say anything.

"Oh." I didn't know what else to say.

"You have to talk to him." Her voice was intense.

"I really don't." And I definitely didn't want to. In fact, it was right there on topo, início of my "Things I never want to do" list.

"He needs to know." She insisted.

"No, you know what? I need to think about what's best for my daughter."

"She's his daughter too." Alice pointed out.

"Only in the biological sense."

"That's not his fault! I'm not saying it's yours, either, but you're the one who has the chance to fix it now."

"I can't risk that he wouldn't…"

"Do you think that I could?" She cut me off. "Do you think that I would even suggest it if I thought for one moment that he wouldn't amor that little girl just as much as I already do?"

I didn't know what to say to that, and was saved from answering at all when Lily and Caitlin came into the cozinha a moment later.

"Mommy, can we have some juice?" Lily noticed who was sitting with me at the mesa, tabela and her face lit up. "Miss Alice!"

"Hi Lily, hi Catie." Alice smiled at them. "Your mom was just telling me that you really enjoyed your first dia of school."

Lily nodded vigorously.

"Uh-huh. It was a lot of fun."

"I'm glad you liked it." Alice shot me a glance that I couldn't quite decipher before she continued. "Did you know that your mom and I used to know each other? Before you were born."

"You did?" I cursed Alice for revealing this, since I knew the perguntas that would inevitably follow when she had left.

"We did. We went to school together, just like you and Caitlin."

"Did you know grandpa too?" Lily wondered excitedly. "And aunt Angela and uncle Ben and uncle Jake?"

"I did know your grandpa, and Angela and Ben." She glanced over at me again. "I don't think I knew Jake, though."

"He's the coolest." Lily announced. "He takes me to the zoo, and the aquarium, and when we visit grandpa, we go out to the de praia, praia and we pick rocks that have all kinds of colors. And he can make a fogo that's blue." Her eyes widened at the last word; she was fascinated por the driftwood fires that Jake always made when we went to the de praia, praia for picnics in the summers.

"That sounds nice." I could see that Alice was very curious as to who Jacob was.

"It is. And he lets me play with his hair, I even know how to braid it, and it's longer than mine!"

I decided that it was time to end the bonding session, and took two suco, suco de pouches from the fridge and gave them to the girls.

"Why don't you go play again?" I suggested. "Catie has to go início soon."

"OK. See you tomorrow, Miss Alice."

They both waved at her before running back out of the kitchen.

"Did you have to tell her that? Now she'll ask a bunch of questions, and I really don't know what to say to her." I complained.

"The truth, maybe?" Alice suggested. "She must have asked about her dad."

"Actually no." I shrugged. "Donna, that's Caitlin's mother, you met her this morning, is a single mom too, so I think that might be why. I mean, she's seen other kids picked up or dropped off por their dads at the daycare center, but she hasn't asked about it. At least not yet."

"Well, I want to be able to be her aunt, and not just Miss Alice."

"I know, I just… God, I was so not counting on ever having to do this." When I had pictured telling Lily about her dad – a conversation I had already been dreading for years – I had imagined trying to explain to her why he wasn't around. I had never really entertained the thought that I would ever see him again – or any of the rest of his family, for that matter – so the whole "this is your dad" bit was definitely not part of my plan.

We sat in silence for a moment.

"Listen, Bella, I don't want to do this, but…" She hesitated, but then put on a harsh face. "He's my brother. And if you don't tell him, I will."

"Alice, please." I groaned, burying my face in my hands.

"No. He has the right to know."

"I know that!" I snapped. "Fine, I will talk to him, OK? I just… I need some time to get used to the whole situation, OK?"

"Saturday. He always goes to 15th Avenue Coffee and chá for breakfast at nine on weekends. He lives just a couple of blocks from the shop, in Stevens."

I knew the place. When we lived on campus, I used to take Lily to the playfield in Cal Anderson Park a couple of times a week. I realized that, if he had indeed moved to Seattle right after college the anterior summer, we would have lived only a few miles apart for over a year. The thought was… impossible to take in.

"OK." Today was Wednesday, so I had two days to prepare. Not that I had any idea how to do that exactly.

"Great!" Alice's face lit up in a smile. "And now I want to see pictures!"


I could see the pride and amor in Bella's eyes as she flipped through the pages of the fotografia album, pointing to the different pictures and explaining what was in them. We had started with pictures of Lily as a baby, and moved forward. Caitlin's mom had picked her up earlier, and Bella had put Lily to cama at nine. It was now almost ten, and we had gotten to mais recent photos.

"That's Lily and Jake at the zoo this summer. She loves the penguins, for some reason." Bella laughed, probably at some memory from the trip to the zoo.

I had noticed that this Jacob was in a lot of photos, and wasn't sure what that meant. I didn't get the feeling that there was anything between Bella and him, but thought it was best to make sure that I wasn't misinterpreting the situation.

"So, you and Jake…" I started.

"That's really none of your business." She cut me off before I could finish the sentence.

"Oh." Touchy much? "I see."

She sighed.

"He's just a friend." She shot me a quick, wondering glance. "Not that I have any idea why you care."

"Friends care about friends' relationships." I tried to sound casual.

"Is that what we are?" She asked hesitantly, looking up at me.

"We used to be." I titled my head to the side and smiled. "I'd like to think that we can be again."

"I'd like that too." She mumbled, focusing back on the album in her lap.

At that moment, my cell phone rang, and I quickly answered when the caller ID told me that it was Jasper.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized before he had a chance to say anything. "I lost track of time."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at… a friend's place."

"And are you planning on coming início anytime soon?" I could hear the sarcasm in his voice and knew that he wasn't really mad.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." I promised. "Bye, babe."


I hung up the phone and gave Bella an apologetic smile.

"Jasper's starting to wonder if I've run away with a touring circus or something."

"I guess we lost track of time." She said, looking at the clock on the mural above the TV.

"Do you have a fotografia of Lily that I could have?" I wondered. "I'd really like one."

"Hang on." She went over to the book case that was filled with books and CD's and dozens of fotografia frames. "I got some doubles last time I had pictures developed. Here we go."

She came back to the sofá and handed me a picture of Lily sitting on a blanket on what I recognized as First de praia, praia in La Push. She had a big smile on her face, an ice cream cone in her hand and some ice cream on her nose.

"This is from the Fourth of July weekend; we always go up to Forks to visit Charlie on the holidays." Bella explained.

"Thanks." I gave her a grateful smile and carefully put the picture in my purse.

"I have tons of fotografias on the computer; I can burn you a CD with them if you want." She offered.

"I would amor that, thank you."

She walked me to the door, picking up the few toys that were scattered on the floor and tossing them into a basket por the sofá on the way.

"I'm so glad to finally see you again." I realized that my hug surprised her, because she hesitated for a moment before hugging me back.

"So am I. And I've missed you too. So much."

I pulled back, and realized that we both had tears in our eyes. We started laughing at the same time.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before opening the door.

"I'll bring the CD." She promised,

I drove início in silence, turning off the radio that I always listened to whenever I was in the car. The dia had been eventful, to say the least, and I needed some time to digest everything that had happened before I faced Jasper. I knew that I wouldn't be able to hide my inner turmoil from him, and wasn't sure how to relate the day's event.

He was sitting on the sofá watching TV when I walked through the door. When he heard me, he looked up and gave me a smile.

"Hey." I crossed the room and sat down seguinte to him, pulling my legs up under me and leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Hey." He wrapped an arm around me. "You OK?"

He knew me so well; he could always sense my mood.

"A lot's happened today." I replied. It was cryptic, I knew that.

"New first graders." He noted, and I nodded.

"Yeah." I hesitated for a moment. Bella hadn't asked me not to say anything to Jasper, so I assumed it was fine. I knew he would never say anything if I asked him not to, and he would find out eventually anyway. "And I saw Bella."

"She's in Seattle?" The surprise in Jasper's voice was nowhere near the surprise I had felt when I saw Bella in my classroom earlier.


"So that's where you've been tonight." It wasn't a question, and again I marveled at how well he knew me. "Where did you meet her?"

"At school."

"How is she?"

"Good. She seems pretty happy."

He was quiet for a moment.

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you? Because seeing Bella again can't be it."

"It's not." I didn't know how to tell him, so I handed him the fotografia Bella had given me and let him draw his own conclusions. It shouldn't be too hard.

"Well, that's a… surprise." He said after having studied the picture for a moment.

"No kidding."

"I'm guessing she's in your class, then." He frowned. "Though I'm not sure how that's actually possible."

"She's starting a ano early. She turned five in May."

"Well, there you go then."

"She's the most amazing kid." I smiled. "So smart, and sweet. She seems a lot older than she really is."

"Well, she's got good genes." He hesitated. "Edward doesn't know, does he? I mean, he wouldn't keep something like this from us all these years."

"No." I shook my head. "He doesn't know. Thanks to stupid misunderstandings and even mais stupid muggers." I could tell that Jasper had no idea what I was talking about. "Remember when I got mugged and we had to get new phones? Well, Bella didn't find out that she was pregnant until after we left Forks, and when she called, the numbers had been disconnected. And the stupid idiot didn't tell her that we were moving to New York."

"Well, that sucks." Jasper stated matter-of-factly.

Yep, that pretty much summed it up.

"Tell me about it." I sighed.

"How do you think he'll take it?"

"I honestly don't know." I shook my head. "And that worries me, because I used to know him almost better than I knew myself... But he hasn't been himself since we left Forks, you know that. He'd probably be thrilled at just seeing Bella again; I really think that's why he moved back to Washington in the first place, because of the possibility of maybe running into her. But finding out about this? I have no idea."

"You just have to have some faith in him."

"I know. This whole situation just makes me so angry. Poor Edward, imagine all the things he's missed that he'll never get back. It's just not fair!"

"Poor Bella." Jasper countered. "Can you imagine getting pregnant at seventeen – in Forks of all places?"


When Alice had left, I called Angela. It was after ten, but I knew that she wouldn't mind.


"Ang, hi."

"Bella, is something wrong?"

"No… Yes… I don't know." I groaned.

"Why don't you start from the beginning?"

"Alice came over earlier."


"Yeah, oh." I decided to push the inevitable off for just a little while. "She and Jasper moved here last year, he got some job offer. They're engaged now."

"That's nice. I'm glad they're still together."

"Yeah. Carlisle and Esme are still in New York – that's where they moved, apparently. Emmett and Rose still live there too; they had a little boy, Noah, in June."

Angela didn't say anything, just waited for me to continue, knowing what was coming.

"He's in Seattle. Has been for over a year."

"It's a big city."

I wasn't sure if she offered that as an explanation to why I hadn't seen him, or a reason why I might not have to.

"I'm going to see him on Saturday." I told her. "Alice is practically forcing me."

"She can't make you do anything that you don't want to, Bella."

"It's the right thing to do, I know that. I'm just a little freaked out." I sighed, absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair around my finger. "Besides, Alice said that she'll tell him if I don't, that he has the right to know, and he really should hear it from me."

"That's true."

"You just said that I didn't have to see him if I didn't want to!" I said, exasperated.

"I was trying to be supportive, honey, but I really agree with Alice. Even if I don't like her making ultimatums like that. He does have the right to know. And I know that you're scared that he won't react well, but you won't know until you try."

"And then it'll be too late." I mumbled.

"No, it won't. Come on, Bella, you know him. Do you honestly think that he would turn his back on Lily?"

"It's been six years, Ang." I pointed out. "People change."

"Not that drastically they don't."

I hoped she was right.


"Are you in a hurry, or do you have a minute?" Donna asked after we had dropped the girls off at school the following morning. I knew that she must be curious, since she had noticed my reaction to seeing Alice the anterior day, and our interaction this morning.

"No, it's OK, I've got some time."



Since our jobs were only a few blocks apart, we each parked in their respective lots and met at our favorito coffee place right in between the two places.

"I thought you might need to talk." Donna said as we sat down with our cups at a mesa, tabela por the window.

"You picked up on that, huh?" I stirred the black liquid in the cup in front of me, focusing on the movement of the spoon.

"Miss Cullen told me that she used to live in Forks. I take it that's where you lived before you and Lily moved to Seattle?"

I realized that I had never told her where we used to live. I wondered how it had never come up during the past four years.

"Yeah. My junior ano of high school, I moved there to live with my dad when my mom went on the road with my stepdad." Donna had met Renée and Phil when they had visited a few years earlier. "I met Alice already on my first dia there, and we quickly became really good friends. Then she moved away right before senior ano started, and we lost touch. I haven't talked to her since."

"The way you reacted yesterday morning seemed to be about a lot mais than the surprise at seeing an old friend for the first time in years." She noted.

"It was." I took a sip of the coffee. "She's Lily's aunt."

"Biologically, you mean?" I nodded at her question. "But she didn't even know that you'd had Lily."

"No, she didn't. Like I said, they moved away before senior year, and when I found out I was pregnant a mês later, I couldn't reach them."

"So Lily's dad doesn't…"

"He doesn't know about her."

"Oh." She was silent for a moment. "I know we've never actually talked about it, but I guess I just figured that you broke up. I mean, teenage pregnancy doesn't exactly have a good effect on relationships."

"That's probably true." I nodded. "But not what happened in this case."

"And now? Are you going to tell him?"

"I have to." I sighed. "If I don't, Alice will. And he does have the right to know, even if it's a conversation that I'm not exactly looking progressivo, para a frente to."

"You're afraid that he won't want to be involved in her life?" She guessed, but I shook my head.

"That I could handle. I have for the past five years." I gazed out the window as I continued. "No, what I'm worried about is that he will want to be a part of her life, only to realize that it wasn't what he thought it would be. I could handle the rejection, but Lily… she's just five years old, she shouldn't have to deal with something like that."


When Jasper got início from work on Thursday, I popped the CD that Bella had given me that morning into the DVD player and started the slide. It was the same pictures that I had seen the anterior night, except for the last thirty or so which we hadn't gotten to when my phone had interrupted us. Jasper wanted to see them, and I didn't exactly mind going through them again.

"She really does look a lot like Edward." Jasper noted when the slide was over.

"I know, it's almost scary." I grabbed the phone that was on the mesa, tabela in front of us and hit speed dial two. Jasper saw what I was doing and took the phone from me, hitting the end button.

"What are you doing? I thought you were going to let Bella tell him?"

"I'm not going to say anything, silly. I just want to make sure that he doesn't – against all odds – have something planned on Saturday that could mess up our plans." I took the phone back and hit the button again.


"Hi little brother." I never got tired of reminding him that I was three minutos older.

"Alice." His voice was only one step above lifeless, just like it had been for years.

"You can't muster a little mais enthusiasm for your only sister?" I asked disappointedly.


"That's better." I stretched out on the couch, putting my feet in Jasper's lap. He mockingly held his nose, and I stuck my tongue out at him. "So, how's your dia been?"

"You called to ask me that?"

"I can't call my own brother and ask him how his day's been?"

The only reply I got was a sigh.

"The sooner you tell me, the sooner I'll go away and stop annoying you." I pointed out.

"You'll never stop annoying me." He grumbled."It was fine."

That had been his standard answer for everything the past six years. How are you? Fine. How's school going? Fine. How was work? Fine. Do you want to go out Saturday? Fine. Or, as was mais often the case, no.

"You're going to have to do a lot better than that to get rid of me." I snickered.

"How can someone so small be so annoying? Fine, I got the deal on that new commercial, they really liked my jingle. Happy?"

"Ecstatic." I replied dryly.

I was actually surprised that Bella and Edward hadn't run into each other yet. They were both in the advertising business in the same city. Of course, she had only been working for a couple of months. They probably would have bumped in to each other sooner or later. Well, now it would be sooner.

"Can I go now?"

"No, you cannot. What are you doing Saturday?"

"Well, I thought I'd hop the Red-eye to Los Angeles and party with the it-girls. I hear Lindsay Lohan broke up with her girlfriend, and thought I'd give it a go."

"Sarcasm, my old friend. It's been a while. Good to know you've still got it."

"Whatever, Alice." I could hear that his patience was about to run out. "Why are you asking?"

"I thought you might want to come over here and hang out with me and Jasper instead of doing what you always do on Saturday night – nothing."

"I am not being set up por you again." He warned me.

"Oh come on! I was talking about pizza and a movie! Give me some credit… And that last girl was not so bad."

"She spent the entire evening talking about her six cats, and then she couldn't understand why I didn't want to come back to her place!"

"Well, maybe you should have! You need to get laid!"

He was quiet for a moment.

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't just say that."

"Oh please. It's true. How long has it been?"

"That's none of your business."

"Six months? Longer?" The hint of anger in his voice was reassuring; at least he still had some human reactions in him.

"If you're just going to be rude, I'm going to hang up."

"No, Edward, wait!" I paused to make sure that he was still there. "I'm sorry, OK. You know I just worry about you."

"Well, you don't have to. I'm fine."

There it was again.

"Will you please come over on Saturday night? I don't like to think about you all alone in that cold place you insist on living in."

"I like my apartment."

"See? Apartment. Not even you think of it as "home", because it's not. It's just some bare, sorry excuse for a…"

"Will you stop criticizing my apartment if I agree to come over on Saturday?" He interrupted.


"OK, fine. But no set ups! I'll leave if I even suspect that you're up to something!"

"None whatsoever! cruz my coração and hope to die."

"OK. See you Saturday."

"See you."

I hung up the phone.

"Hopefully not." I added to myself.

"What was that for?" Jasper wondered. "I thought we had a quiet evening planned on Saturday. In my book, that doesn't include your brother, no matter how good a friend he is. But, I mean, if that's what's blowing up your saia these days…" I slapped him on the arm.

"I'm counting on him being otherwise engaged on Saturday night." I said with a mischievous smile.

"Aren't you the eternal optimist."


I stared at the phone for a moment after I had hung up. I wished that Alice would just give it a rest. I knew that she was just being a good sister, trying to cheer up her depressed brother, but it really was no use.

There was nothing wrong with most of the girls she had set me up with in the past couple of years. Most of them had been pretty, the majority nice, and some even funny and interesting to talk to.

None of that mattered, of course.

Because none of them were her.



por seven thirty on Saturday morning, I was a nervous wreck. Naturally, I hadn't been able to sleep much, and had spent the majority of the night obsessing over the coming meeting, getting mais and mais anxious as the glowing minutos ticked por on my alarm clock.

When there was a knock on the door, I almost jumped out of my skin, even though I knew it was just Angela who was coming to pick Lily up for breakfast and a dia at the zoo. She had willingly offered to keep Lily occupied so that I at least wouldn't have to worry about that part. Plenty of other things to worry about, though…

"You seem on edge." Angela noted as I let her into the apartment.

"I can't imagine why." I mumbled, not wanting Lily, who was in the living room, to hear. The sound of someone knocking on the door usually brought her into the hallway, and today was no expression.

"Aunty Angela!" She exclaimed, running straight into Angela's waiting arms.

"Hey there, princess." Angela gave her a kiss on the cheek and swung her up in the air. "Are you ready to spend the dia at the zoo with me and your uncle Ben?"

"Penguins!" A huge smile spread on Lily's face.

"Yeah, we can look at the penguins all dia if you want." Angela said, putting Lily back down on the floor.

I helped Lily put her princess backpack on, having packed some snacks and a thin jaqueta in it. It was a little chilly outside, and even if she had on a thick sweater, she might need the jaqueta later.

"There's a jaqueta in there if it gets colder." I told Angela, who just rolled her eyes at me.

"I know the drill. Come on, Lily-Lee, let's go. The penguins are waiting!"

"Bye, baby." I knew better than to try to get a goodbye-hug when there were penguins on the horizon – there was no way I could compete with them – so I settled for ruffling Lily's hair a little.

"Bye, mommy." Lily waved at me before opening the door.

"Bye, Bella." Angela gave me a quick hug. "It'll be alright." She mumbled in my ear.

The door closed behind them, and I was alone.

I took a quick chuveiro and put on the clothes that I had picked out the anterior night – with the intention of wanting to prevent a clothing emergency in the morning. I was done a little after eight, but decided that I might as well leave. Getting there early to get a lay of the land seemed like a good idea.

I didn't actually have a plan; I really had tried to figure out what to say and how to say it, but it had been useless. Unless some genius plan suddenly occurred to me in the car, I was just going to have to wing it.

When I got to the coffee shop, I chose a mesa, tabela close to the register, and sat down so I was facing it. That way he wouldn't be able to miss me when he had paid for his coffee. At least I hoped so.

And I waited.

por nine, I had finished two large mugs of coffee and was getting even mais jittery than I had been before I left home. Caffeine and nerves were not a good combination – it was funny how I always remembered that when it was already too late.

Every time the little sino over the door jingled, I looked over my shoulder, and every time, it wasn't him. Most people came in, bought their coffees and left, so the place wasn't very crowded, which was a comfort. A small one, but still. I would take anything I could get at this point.

At nine fifteen, I was starting to think that he wasn't coming, and relief surged through me. At least Alice couldn't say that I hadn't tried.

But just as I was about to get up and leave, the sino jingled again. When I automatically looked over my shoulder, my breath caught in my throat and I felt the exact same tingle down my spine that I had felt the first time I had seen him, mais than six years earlier.

It felt like no time at all had passed, like I was back in the high school cafeteria where our eyes had met that cold, wet January dia so long ago.

I had been able to convince myself that I had moved on with my life when he wasn't around, but seeing him now made the truth much too obvious to me. I wasn't over him. I wasn't anywhere near.

He didn't notice me, his eyes focused on the counter ahead of him. I took the opportunity of studying him a little mais closely.

He looked the same, but there was something a little off. At first, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but then I realized what it was. He looked tired. He was thinner than I remembered, though that could have been a trick of my mind, and he had dark shadows under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept in days. His hair was rumbled, like he had just rolled out of cama and thrown some clothes on before heading out the door. And the eyes… they were still the same color, of course, but no longer sparklingly green. Instead, they seemed empty somehow.

When he ordered his coffee, his voice hit me, and the memories of that last dia came washing over me. I had to take a couple of deep breaths to pull myself together. And then he turned around.

Surprise was evident in his eyes as he spotted me, and… did he look happy to see me, or was I imagining it? I couldn't be sure; I didn't trust my own senses at the moment.

"Bella?" He took a step closer, sounding like he didn't really believe that it was me.

"Edward?" I tried to sound surprised, but I don't think I quite managed to pull it off. I threw in raised eyebrows and hoped it looked like I was taken aback por seeing him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, and I held up my empty coffee mug in reply. "No, I mean in Seattle." He clarified.

"I live here."

Obvious much?

"Really? Me too."

"I figured as much." I was surprised at how calm I sounded, when my insides were really all enrolados up.

"Do you come here a lot?" He took another step closer.

"It happens." It wasn't technically a lie; I had been to the coffee comprar before. "You?"

"Every weekend, I live a couple of blocks that way." He pointed out the door in the direction of where I knew his apartment was.

"I see." I nodded; I already knew that, of course. "Are you in a hurry, or would you like to sit down for a minute?" For a second, I was terrified that he wouldn't stay, and my breath caught in my throat at the thought of watching him walk away.

In response to my question, he pulled out the chair opposite me and sat down, placing his coffee mug on the table. I let out a relieved sigh.

"You're out of coffee." He noted. "Do you want me to get you a refill?"

"No, thanks. I've really had all the caffeine I'm allowed for one morning." Who was this person, joking and laughing? I barely recognized myself.

He laughed with me, but it wasn't the laugh I remembered. It seemed empty, like his eyes, hollow somehow. And the smile on his lips didn't reach his eyes.

"So, what are you up to these days?" Alice had already told me, of course, but it was what one asked in a situation like this, right? I couldn't let it slip that I knew mais than I should.

"Well, I studied media at NYU, and some piano at Julliard, and now I write commercial jingles during the days and play at a jazz bar a couple of nights a week."

"That sounds like fun. NYU, huh?"

"Yeah, we were in New York anyway, it just seemed easiest." He shrugged.

"New York?" Again, I failed in my attempt to sound surprised, but he didn't seem to notice.

I wasn't sure why I was pushing this; did I want to relive that day? I should really mover on to the reason I was here, but when facing two evils, I instinctively chose the lesser. The pain of remembering the dia he left was nothing in comparison to the pain I was afraid was coming. If he didn't… no. I wouldn't let myself go there unless – until, the pessimistic voice inside me corrected – I actually had to.

"Right, I didn't tell you where we were going." Something flashed in his eyes before he looked away, and I briefly wondered if the memory of that dia hurt him as much as it hurt me, before concluding that that was physically impossible.

"How long have you lived here?" I changed the topic, and he seemed relieved.

"A little over a year, I moved here after graduation. You?"

"About four years. I went to Seattle U." I was desperately trying to figure out how to broach the topic "hey, you have a five-year-old daughter you don't know about". It wasn't exactly something you just slipped into a conversation, and I didn't want to spring it on him out of the blue. Though that might be a vain intention; I doubted that it would make a difference how I told him, he was still going to be shocked. At best.

"What did you study?" He wondered.


"We're almost in the same business, then." He noted.

"I guess so. I just graduated in June, and got a good job in town, so I decided to stick around."

"That's great." He frowned. "Wait, you said that you graduated this year? How come?"

I took a deep breath and bit my lip. This was my opening. No chickening out now.

"Well, I took a ano off after high school." My coração was beating so hard that I was surprised he couldn't hear it.

"Why? Did you do the backpacking thing or something?"

"No." I slowly shook my head, my eyes on the empty mug in front of me. "A little over a mês after you left Forks, I found out that I was pregnant."

He was quiet for so long that I eventually had to look up to check his reaction.

"What?" He sounded absent, somehow.

I took the fotografia I had brought with me from my bag and slid it across the mesa, tabela towards him. He took it, studying it intently.

"Her name's Lily, she turned five in May."

He stared at the picture for what felt like an eternity. Then he put it down on the table.

"I have to go."

I didn't stop him as he got up from the mesa, tabela and left the coffee comprar without looking back at me. I was Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante in place, unable to even ask him not to go. Tears formed in my eyes, and I didn't bother to wipe them away when they rolled down my cheeks.

After a while, when I had managed to get my breathing under control and regained the movement in my limbs, I picked up my phone and called Alice. I didn't know what else to do.


"He left." My voice broke on the segundo word.


"I told him, and he just left."

"What?" She instantly sounded furious. "Are you still there?"


"I'll be there in five minutes."

She walked through the doors four and a half minutos later, fuming.

"That stupid, insensitive idiot!" I heard her mutter under her breath when she spotted me. My tears had dried, but I apparently still looked like hell, because she crouched down seguinte to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I honestly didn't think that he would react like this."

"It's not your fault." I mumbled, though, in a way, it was.

"Come on." She pulled me up and along with her out the door. Stopping on the sidewalk, she looked me up and down. "Can you drive?" She asked skeptically.

"I'm fine, Alice." That wasn't really true, but I could handle driving myself home.

"Then you can follow me." She headed for her car, and I realized that she still had the Mini. It was parked behind my Accord on the rua a block from the coffee shop.

"Where are we going?" I wondered, not really interested, and slouched after her.

"Back to my place."

"I'm fine, Alice." I repeated. "I'm not going to do anything stupid if you leave me alone. You don't need to babysit me."

"It's not you I'm worried about." She muttered. "I need supervision, or I might track down my sorry excuse for a brother and kill him. Very slowly and extremely painfully. And though that does sound like a very good idea right now, I'm not really cut out for a life behind bars."

I couldn't prevent a small smile from spreading across my face at her words. Imagining Alice, of all people, actually hurting anyone was laughable.

"OK." I grudgingly agreed.

"Thank you."

I followed the electrically turquoise car to a brand new apartment building on Seaview Avenue, close to the Golden Gardens Park. When we entered the apartment on the topo, início floor, I gaped at the view.

"Wow, it's beautiful." The entire mural was a panorama window overlooking the bay, a large balcony stretching along it.

"Engagement slash graduation present from mom and dad." Alice shrugged.

Jasper came out of what I assumed was the bedroom, and I realized that Alice had lied to me when she'd said that I had to come início with her to keep an eye on her. I shot her a glare, but she ignored me, and I didn't have the energy to call her on it.

"Hi Bella." Jasper gave me a big hug. "It's good to see you again."

"You too, Jasper." I returned the hug. Over his shoulder, I saw Alice leave the room.

"I need a beer, do you want one?" She called from the cozinha a moment later.

"Sure." I shrugged. I didn't need to be início until two, when Angela was bringing Lily back. And a cerveja sounded like a very good idea.

"Let's sit on the balcony." Alice suggested, coming back into the room. "It's not that warm, but we have blankets."

I noticed Alice giving Jasper a questioning look, and him shake his head almost imperceptibly in return. I briefly wondered what that was about, but wasn't curious enough to actually ask. Alice held the door to the balcony open for me and handed me a bottle of Corona.

It was a little chilly outside, and I gratefully accepted the blanket that Alice offered me. Jasper didn't cadastrar-se us, slumping down on the sofá and turning the TV on instead. Alice and I sat down on a wicker sofá that was placed against the panorama window and looked out over the water in silence for a moment.

"You didn't have to trick me into coming back here." I pointed out.

"Sorry." She gave me a sheepish smile. "Do you want to leave?"

"No, it's probably better this way. I would just wallow in self pity if I went home."

"And if you're going to do that, you need cerveja and ice cream." Alice said. At first, I thought that she was joking, but she sounded completely serious.

"I haven't actually tried that combination."

"Oh, it's great." She got up from the couch. "Chocolate lorota, fudge Brownie or morango Cheesecake?"

"Chocolate, always go with the chocolate."

She giggled and returned a minuto later with a tub of Ben & Jerry and two spoons. We dug into the ice cream, and I had to admit that the combo was pretty good.

"You know I'm still here, right?" She said a moment later. "I mean, I still want to be a part of your lives no matter what happens with him." She almost spat the last word.

"I know, and of course you will be." I wanted that too.

"Not just as Miss Alice?"

"Not just as Miss Alice." I promised.

"And do you think I could tell the others? I mean, I know mom would be ecstatic."

"I guess."

It would be nice for Lily to have a bigger family than just me, Charlie and Renée. Even if the idea of another set of grandparents might be difficult to explain to her without touching on the subject of another parent.

"Thank you." Alice squeezed my hand. "I'm honored to be a part of yours and Lily's lives, and I promise to never abuse your trust again."

"It's not your fault, Alice." I repeated. I really didn't blame her.

"But I should have realized. What else is this stupid twin thing good for?" She sighed. "I really thought I knew him better than this."

"So did I."


I let Bella leave after we'd had lunch at one. She promised that she would go straight over to Angela and Ben's place and hang out with them for the rest of the day, since I kept insisting that she shouldn't be alone.

"What are you going to do?" Jasper asked when I closed the door behind her, once again proving how well he knew me.

"I am going to pay a little visit to brother dearest." I got the spare key Edward had given me in case of emergency from the cozinha drawer where we kept it. This was most definitely an emergency.

"Slap him for me too, will you? Hard." Were Jasper's parting words.

Edward wasn't there when I let myself in. That was fine.

I could wait.


To see Bella again was a shock, to say the least.

When I walked out of her cozinha mais than six years earlier, I had expected it to be the last time I would see her. Before talking to her that day, I had gone over the problem of me moving to New York again and again in my head, and I had really thought that we would be able to make it work. Sure, long-distance would be hard, but it would only be for a year. Then we would go to Seattle U together, and everything would be fine.

Her words had changed all that.

Of course I had expected her to be upset, angry, maybe even furious, that I hadn't told her about the mover earlier, but I hadn't been prepared for what actually happened.

What did you think would happen? We'd do one of those long-distance relationships until one of us got sick of it? We both know those never work.

The words still stuck in my mind; it was as if they were burned in my memory. Like when you look directly at the sun, and then see a red círculo when you close your eyes. Only they wouldn't go away.

She couldn't have been as devoted to our relationship as I had been if she wasn't willing to at least try? If she could give up on what we'd had together that easily, did she really care?

So I had walked away, before she had a chance to say the words that would completely destroy everything we'd had.

Every dia for those first months, I dialed her number at least a dozen times. And a dozen times, I didn't call.

Because though I knew those words would give me the push I needed to mover on, I desperately clung to the memories of our time together. I needed them.

And so I never called.

After college, there really was no pergunta about where I would go. It had been her plan to go to Seattle U; I had no reason to think that she would have changed her mind. I figured that it was probably a fifty-fifty chance that she would stay in the city.

A week after graduation, I moved into my new apartment.

Because a small part of me – the part that refused to believe that she had said those words because she no longer cared the way that I did – was screaming to the rest that Seattle was the only place to go. Where else would I be likely to run into her?

Sure, I had entertained the thought of driving to Forks to see her mais than once since then, but every time the thought had popped into my head, I had managed to convince myself not to. And I turned around in the rua at least once a week when someone passed por that reminded me of her in some way.

She had moved on, of course she had. Even if that small, delirious part of me wasn't wrong, and there had been some other reason that she had disregarded the idea of us staying together after I moved across the country, she must have moved on with her life. It had been six years. Just because I was stuck in the past didn't mean she had to be, too. A part of me hoped that she had in fact moved on, wanted her to be happy, but it was overshadowed por the part that didn't most of the time. Deep down, I was a very selfish creature.

And then there she was, right in front of me. Looking so much like Bella that it physically hurt. At the same time, seeing her made me happier than I had been in longer than I cared to think about. Talk about conflicting emotions.

"Bella?" I took a step closer to assure my disbelieving eyes that it was really her, and not some mirage. What I really wanted to do was touch her, but I didn't think that was the greatest idea. A tiny part of my brain was telling me that it had, at last, happened; I had finally lost my mind and started hallucinating. And then she spoke.

"Edward?" She raised her eyebrows in a surprised look, but there was a tone of something else in her voice. I didn't know, or care, what that was about.

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask, and she held up a coffee mug. "No, I mean in Seattle."

"I live here." She actually lived in the same city as I did? Even though I had hoped that she was still in Seattle, I hadn't dared let myself believe that she actually was.

"Really? Me too." Redundant, idiot!

"I figured as much."

"Do you come here a lot?" Lamest pergunta ever, but my mind hadn't fully recovered from the shock of seeing her and wasn't working on any higher levels yet.

"It happens." Why had I never run in to her before? "You?"

"Every weekend, I live a couple of blocks that way."

I pointed in the general direction of my apartment, and cursed my words. Every weekend? Sure, make her think that you're completely pathetic. Which you are, por the way.

"I see." She nodded. "Are you in a hurry, or would you like to sit down for a minute?"

I had no idea if I had any plans for the day, but it wouldn't have mattered. There was no way I was walking away from her at the moment. I pulled the chair opposite hers out and sat down, noticing that her mug was empty.

"You're out of coffee." Like she didn't already know that… "Do you want me to get you a refill?"

"No, thanks. I've really had all the caffeine I'm allowed for one morning."

I joined in on her laugh, but even I could hear that it sounded strange. It had been a while since I had laughed without forcing it. It felt nice, but odd.

"So, what are you up to these days?" She asked.

"Well, I studied media at NYU, and some piano at Julliard, and now I write commercial jingles during the days and play at a jazz bar a couple of nights a week."

"That sounds like fun. NYU, huh?"

"Yeah, we were in New York anyway, it just seemed easiest." I shrugged.

"New York?"

I realized that she didn't know that. The memory of that dia hit me so hard I almost lost my breath.

"Right, I didn't tell you where we were going." I had to look away from her to avoid seeing the accusation that would be in her eyes. That should be there.

I wondered if the memory of that dia still tortured her like it did me. Probably not.

"How long have you lived here?" She wondered, and I silently thanked her for changing the subject.

"A little over a year, I moved here after graduation. You?"

"About four years. I went to Seattle U."

Had we really been in the same city for mais than a year? Seattle was big, but I would have thought that we'd inevitably run into each other in a bookshop or música store.

"What did you study?" I was actually curious to know what she had ended up doing, even if it was also a way to get her to talk more, stay longer. I couldn't urso the thought of her leaving yet.



"We're almost in the same business, then." Even stranger that our paths hadn't crossed before now.

"I guess so. I just graduated in June, and got a good job in town, so I decided to stick around."

"That's great." June? This June? I frowned. "Wait, you said that you graduated this year? How come?"

She was smart, dedicated to school. I couldn't imagine that she would have been held back.

"Well, I took a ano off after high school."

Oh. Why would she do that? I didn't think she was the kind to go backpacking across the country, but maybe I was wrong.

"Why? Did you do the backpacking thing or something?"

"No." She shook her head and kept her eyes on the mug in front of her, so I couldn't read her expression. "A little over a mês after you left Forks, I found out that I was pregnant."

I heard the words, but they didn't immediately register.



She rummaged through her bag, and then slid a fotografia across the table. I automatically picked it up. A little girl, maybe five years or so, was sitting on a swing, a smile on her face.

"Her name's Lily, she turned five in May."

I studied the picture mais closely. She had the same color hair that I did, and even I could see the other similarities. The same nose, same cheek bones. She was even smiling the same, slightly crooked smile that I had perfected during high school. The eyes were Bella's though.

I felt overwhelmed por merely looking at her, and concentrated on the rest of the fotografia instead. I recognized the background as the playground in Cal Anderson Park, just a couple of blocks away. I walked through that park every time I went downtown. Had I passed through there when they had been there? Maybe only a dozen or so feet away? The thought made my head spin. I put the fotografia down.

"I have to go."

I got up abruptly and left the coffee shop. She didn't try to stop me.

Once I was on the sidewalk, I didn't know what to do, so I started walking without a goal, letting my feet choose the way as my mind wandered freely.


My daughter.

My daughter.

The words didn't seem to fit together at all; I couldn't get my mind to embrulho, envoltório itself around the concept. It was just… mind-blowing.

It was a wonder that I didn't get run over, because the seguinte time I became aware of my surroundings, I was outside the library. I had walked over a mile, and had no memory whatsoever of the route I had taken.

My cell phone started vibrating in my pocket, and I pulled it out. Alice. I waited until the call went to voice mail and then turned the phone off. I didn't want to deal with her at the moment.

I continued down to pique, lúcio Place Market, took a right and ended up in Elliot baía Park, where I finally stopped. I sat down on the damp grama and stared out over the bay, not seeing what was right in front of me. Instead, the picture in front of my eyes was that of a beautiful little girl with big, brown eyes.

I sat there for I don't know how long. It was a nice day, and people passed por me continuously. College students on bikes, couples holding hands, families with kids and dogs. A hot dog vender came along after a while, and I realized that I was starving, so I bought two and quickly finished them.

I didn't think actively, only let my mind wander where it pleased. Which was why I was unaware that I had come to a decision until I actually had.

There was a little girl out there that was my daughter, my own flesh and blood, and I had already missed five years of her life – five years that I would never get back. I had no intention of missing another minute.

I got up, absentmindedly noticing that the park was almost empty – a glance at my watch told me that it was almost four in the afternoon – and went in procurar of a phone booth. I finally found one, and quickly flipped through the directory.

"Swan, Swan… Swan, B." There were three listings for Swan, B. and I tried the first number.

"Hello?" A male voice answered.

"Hi, I'm calling for Bella."

"There's no Bella here, you've got the wrong number."

I didn't have a chance to apologize before he hung up.

The segundo number went straight to an answering machine that informed me that Bradley cisne was not in at the moment, but to leave a message and he would get back to me. The third number had been disconnected.

How was I supposed to find her if she wasn't listed?

I slumped against the wall, running a hand over my face. Then I realized how stupid I had been and flipped to the same page of the directory again. She wouldn't be listed as Bella, of course.

"Swan, I." I mumbled to myself as I ran a finger down the page. There were two of those, but I got lucky on the first one.

"Hi, you've reached Bella."

"And Lily!"

"We're not in right now, but leave a message, and we'll get back to you."


I didn't leave a message, but ripped the page with their number and address from the directory and stuffed it into my back pocket.

Realizing that I was five miles from home, I caught a cab on Elliot Avenue and was at my apartment in ten minutes.

"Edward." I heard Alice's sharp voice from the living room when I closed the door behind me.

"I knew I would regret giving you a key." I muttered as I entered the cozinha and found her glaring at me from the sofá in the adjoining living room.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She looked absolutely furious, her eyes throwing daggers at me.

"I was just about to throw an intruder from my home, actually." I glared back at her. "How about you?"

I was definitely not in the mood for this.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"Then would you please tell me what you are talking about, because I sure as hell don't have a clue." I took a jug of laranja suco, suco de from the fridge and poured some into a glass, downing it in one big gulp.

"I'm talking about what you did this morning. I'm talking about Bella."

I froze as I realized that she knew.

"You know?" I slowly turned to face her.

"Of course I know!" She had a livid expression on her face. I hadn't seen her this angry since… well, ever. "Did you think it was a coincidence, that she just happened to be in the same coffee comprar that you go to every Saturday for breakfast?"

"You know." I repeated. I put the glass down on the counter, because I was afraid I'd crush it in my hand if I didn't. "How the hell could you not tell me?"

"I only found out three days ago! Bella promised that she would talk to you, and I thought you should hear it from her. I would have told you if she had refused." Her expression changed from pure fury to disgust. "Now I'm starting to regret pushing her to do this. How could you?"

"This is none of your business, Alice." I said through gritted teeth.

"Like hell it isn't!" She got up from the sofá and for a moment I thought that she was going to hit me. She didn't, though, but stopped an inch from me and looked as menacing as she could. She was surprisingly good at it, considering she didn't even reach me to the shoulders.

"Just stay out of it, Alice." I warned. She did hit me then, slapped me across the face.

"And watch you ruin everything? I swear, if you break that little girl's heart, I will never speak to you again! You hear me? Never!"

I touched my left cheek, which stung a little. Then her words registered.

"Wait, you've met her?"

"Of course I have, she's in my class."

"She's… what?" I was not following her.

"She's in my new first grade class that started this Wednesday." Alice clarified. I could hear in her voice that the anger was wearing off.

"But she's five." I tried to connect the dots, but didn't quite succeed.

"I know." Alice shrugged. "Her best friend is a ano older, and the pre-school teachers thought it would be better if they could start first grade together, so Bella had her start school a ano early. She's very mature for her age."

"What's she like?" I asked, eager to know this stranger that was my daughter.

Alice glared at me again.

"Why do you care?"

"How can you say that? Of course I care."

"You sure have a funny way of showing it." She muttered. I realized that she was talking about Bella and the coffee shop.

"I was shocked, I couldn't think straight!" I tried to explain.

"And why the hell didn't you tell Bella that we were moving to New York? Do you have any idea of the hell she must have gone through?" Her quick change of subject threw me for a moment before I realized what she was talking about.

I didn't want to think about that day. Alice must have realized that she had hit a sore spot, because she quickly continued, without waiting for an answer

"So now what?"

That was the big question, wasn't it? I pondered it for a moment.

"I want to see her, know her. Be a part of her life, in any way possible. I couldn't stand not to, now that I know that she's out there, you know." The idea was unbearable; I felt a lump forming in my throat at just thinking about it.

Alice surprised me por wrapping her arms around my waist. I hugged her back.

"Thank you for not being the jerk I was afraid I was wrong thinking that you weren't."

"Could you take that in English?"

"Never mind." She pulled away. "You have some serious sucking up to do."
posted by allisoncarleton
This is just a little extended ending for breaking dawn. I loved the cute ending where Bella removed her shield, so Edward could hear her thoughts for the first time ever. I don't want to change that, I just had this idea, and decided to write it down. I'm not a great writer, it was just an idea. Just imagine it added on the end of the book.

I finally felt at início again. After 100 years I was finally able to come back to Forks, Washington. I had been back at Forks high school for two months now, and of course it being the small town it is, we were the most exciting event in months, the Cullen...
continue reading...
*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

As the dia progressed, I considered ways to get out of whatever was going down at the Cullen house tonight. It would be bad enough to have to celebrate when I was in the mood to mourn. But, worse than that, this was sure to involve attention and gifts.
Attention is never a good thing, as any other accident-prone klutz would agree. No one wants a spotlight when they're likely to fall on their face.
And I'd very pointedly asked - well, ordered really - that no one give me any presents this year. It looked like Charlie and Renee weren't the only...
continue reading...
Nikki’s POV
I was in my house alone, when the door sino rang, it was Kristen she’s my bff, since we were in a movie together.
-Hi Kris!
Kris is really shy! She doesn’t speak too much, but she’s also really friendly, she’s always there for her friends!
I amor talking to her! She’s a good listener!
-Why did you call me, dear? - She sat in my bed
-I wanna talk to you…
-Is about him again, right?
-Nikki, forget this fucking boy!! – I have a crush on Kellan, and it isn’t healthy for me because I know he would never amor me!
-Kristen you fell for Rob and I supported...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

The sight of Alice there - her tawny eyes brilliant with excitement, and a smel silver-wrapped quare in her hands - made me frown. I'd told Alice I didn't want anything, anything, not gifts or even attention, for my birthday. Obviously, my wishes were being ignored.
I slammed the door of my '53 Chevy truck - a chuveiro of rust specks fluttered down to the wet blacktop - and walked slowly toward where they waited. Alice skipped progressivo, para a frente to me, her pixie face glowing under her spiky black hair.
"Happy birthday, Bella!"
"Shh!" I hissed, glancing around...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 24 - AN IMPASSE

I could hear my mother now. She was talking to someone, maybe a nurse, and she sounded tired and upset. I wanted to jump out of the cama and run to her, to calm her, promise that everything was fine. But I wasn't in any sort of shape for jumping, so I waited patiently.
The door opened a crack, and she peeked through.
"Mom!" I whispered, my voice full of amor and relief.
She took in Edward's still form on the recliner, and tip-toed to my bedside.
"He never leaves, does he?" she mumbled to herself.
"Mom, I'm so glad to see you!"
She bent down...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


"Would you mind, very much, if I left a little letter of my own for your Edward?"
He took a step back and touchd a palm-sized digital video camera balanced carefully on topo, início of the stereo. A small red light indicated that it was already running. He adjusted it a few times, widened the frame. I stared at him in horror.
"I'm sorry, but I just don't think he'll be able to resist hunting me after he watches this. And I wouldn't want him to miss anything. It was all for him, of course. You're simply a human, who unfortunately was in the wrong...
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jacob black
Jacob Black
10. “He’s brave. Valente as you are. Didn’t pass out or throw up or anything. I gotta say, I was impressed. You should’ve seen his face when I started taking my clothes off, though. Priceless.” (Page 495)

9. “How much blood would it take to keep her going? At some point, would they start trotting in the neighbors?” (Page 271)

8. “He was right – she was beating herself up about hurting his feelings. The girl was a classic martyr. She’d totally been born in the wrong century. She should have lived back when she could have gotten herself fed to some lions for a good cause.” (Page...
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oi this is the l;atest chapter to the story, it is set when Nessie isfive months pregnant...x Hope you enjoy and keep your eys peeled for the seguinte chapter...x

I slipped mums wedding dress over my head, it fitted perfectly. Mum smiled and sighed as she wiped a joyous tear from my eye.
“Don’t cry baby, Alice will kill us if you ruin your makeup she has spent all morning getting you ready.” She laughed looking at me with a delighted expression on her face,
“Oh mum! I am so happy; Jake is waiting down there for me isn’t he?” I asked nervously. I had felt a little queasy...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


"So what was Carlisle telling you before?"
His eyebrows pulled together. "You noticed that, did you?"
I shrugged. "Of course."
He looked at me thoughtfully for a few segundos before answering. "He wanted to tell me some news - he didn't know if it was something I would share with you."
"Will you?"
"I have to, because I'm going to be a little... overbearingly protective over the seguinte few days - or weeks - and I wouldn't want you to think I'm naturally a tyrant."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, exactly. Alice just sees some visitors coming...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


It was hard to decide what to wear. I doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you início to meet his vampire family. It was a relief to think the word to myself. I knew I shied away from it intentionally.
I ended up in my old saia - long, khaki-colored, still casual. I put on the dark blue blusa he's once complimented. A quick glance in the mirror told me my hair was entirely impossible, so I pulled it back into a ponytail.
"Okay." I bounced down the stairs. "I'm decent."
He was...
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posted by joe-edwardfan

I was playing with my pizza when edward sat across me
“hello”i raised my head and smiled at him then I realized rose was taking a sit beside me my mouth was hanging open and I heard edward chuckle, what was she doing?
“rose wants to apologies to you” edward answered my unspoken pergunta I was still confused what did she wanted to apologies to me about? rose was looking the mesa, tabela and said
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


"But I resisted. I don't know how. I forced myself not to wait for you, not/ to follow you from the school. It was easier outside, when I couldn't smell you anymore, to think clearly, to make the right decision. I left the others near início - I was too ashamed to tell them how weak I was, they only knew something was very wrong - and then I went straight to Carlisle, at the hospital, to tell him I was leaving."
I stared in surprise.
"I traded cars with him - he had a full tank of gas and I didn't want to stop. I didn't dare to go home,...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


I was sorely tempted to ditch the rest of the day, at the very least Gym, but a warning instinct stopped me. I knew that if I disappeared now, Mike and others would assume I was with Edward. And Edward was worried about the time we'd spent together publicly... if things went wrong. I refused to dwell on the last thought, concentrating instead on making things safer for him.
I intuitively knew - and sensed he did, too - that tomorrow would be pivotal. Our relationship couldn't continue to balance, as it did, on the point of a knife. We would...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


Everyone watched us as we walked together to our lab table. I noticed that he no longer angled the chair to sit as far from me as the escrivaninha, mesa would allow. Instead, he sat quite close beside me, our arms almost touching.
Mr. Banner backed into the room then - what superb timing the man had - pulling a tall metal frame on wheels that held a heavy-looking, outdated TV and VCR. A movie dia - the lift in the class atmosphere was almost tangible.
Mr. Banner shoved the tape into the reluctant VCR and walked to the mural to turn off the lights.
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Bella's POV

I had the best dream, The sweetest dream, one a little girl would have, where the prince actaully came and rescued her. I dreamed of him. I think im becoming a addict, Edward was my fix to keep me surviving, Was the only thing that made my coração to beat one after another.
But i diddnt mind that now, edward was worth the addiction. I wasn't scared anymore, for the first time in a LONG time i diddnt have something missing within me, i couldn't blame something or someone why this was, but why should i? THE only thing i was scared of, was waking from this perfect dream, for it changes,...
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posted by darkfairy97
A Poem About Edward Cullen

I read this on the internet, and thought it was pretty cool. Please type in your comments, curious what other people think about it. Thanks! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I want a guy that sparkles in the sun
I want a guy thats been pretty much alive since 1901
I want a guy that doesn't sleep at night
I want a guy that will hold me tight
I want a guy with topaz eyes
I want a guy that speaks no lies
I want a guy who will only be mine
I want a guy that is hard as rock
I want a guy who has lived a every hora of the clock
I want a guy whos smile dazzles and shocks
(ps i have trouble dealing with the fact he is a fictional character)
*by Stephenie Meyer*


Jess drove faster than the Chief, so we made it to Port Angeles por four. It had been a while since I'd had a girls' night out, and the estrogen rush was invigorating. We listened to whiny rock songs while Jessica jabbered on about the boys we hung out with. Jessica's jantar with Mike had gone very well, and she was hoping that por Saturday night they would have progressed to the first-kiss stage. I smiled to myself, pleased. Angela was passively happy to be going to the dance, but not really interested in Eric. Jess tried to get her to...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 14:
“Your right amor I would do anything in my power to keep you two alive. You shouldn’t be sorry you’re doing what’s best. Just be careful please. Anything my love.” He said. I could tell he knows already what I’m going to ask but I’m going to do it anyway.
    “If I do die I want you to take of Neisse. mover on. I don’t want you to soak or anything I want you to be there for her. She is going to understand everything but she want understand that it’s not her fought I want you to be able to live with her forever. I don’t want you to do...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


When we entered the classroom, Angela went to sit at a black-topped lab mesa, tabela exactly like the ones I was used to. She already had a neighbor. In fact, all the tables were filled but one. seguinte to the center aisle, I recognized Edward Cullen por his unusual hair, sitting seguinte to that single open seat.
As I walked down the aisle to introduce myself to the teacher and get my slip signed, I was watching him surreptitiously. Just as I passed, he suddenly went rigid in his seat. He stared at me again, meeting my eyes with the strangest expression...
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*by Stephanie Meyer*


It was beautiful, of course; I couldn't deny that. Everything was green: the trees, their trunks covered in moss, their branches hanging with a canopy of it, the ground covered with ferns. Even the air filtered down greenly through the leaves.
It was too green - an alien planet.
Eventually we made it to Charlie's. He still lived in the small, two-bedroom house that he'd bought with my mother in the early days of their marriage. Those were the only kind of days their marriage had - the early ones. There parked on the rua in front of the...
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