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posted by funnyshawna
this is the sequel to our story, Maximum Twilight. I like it, and i think u will too:)

Maximum Twilight: Part Two
By: Fast Farms

Fang woke up to a bright blue sky, and something hard hitting his head. Ow, he thought rubbing the spot where a small pinecone had hit him. He looked around. Gazzy was grinning and when he spotted Fang's gaze on him, he quickly looked away. Fang sighed and jumped down from the huge árvore he had perched on for the night. The rest of the flock was up and eating a loaf of French pão that they had stolen the anterior night. They were in France, and had been for a few weeks now. Actually, Fang was getting a little tired of France. It turns out France was kind of boring when you weren't running from erasers or trying to stop mad scientists from taking over the world. Who knew? Fang went over to cadastrar-se the group. They all looked well rested, with the exception of total who kept complaining about his sore back. cachorros didn't like sleeping in trees, apparently.
"I'm tired of France," said Angel. "And so is Fang."
"Yeah, me too," said Gazzy, and Iggy nodded.
"Okay," said Max. "Where should we go?"
"How bout Alaska?" asked Nudge, "Alaska sounds cool."
"Alright," Max answered. "We're off to Alaska."
Since they no longer had to carry Jacob & Phillip around, they flew to Alaska. Max used her supersonic flying powers, and they all made a bird kid chain and they flew really fast to Alaska. They landed in trees.
"Whoa," Fang said, "there's like, trees. EVERYWHERE!" And then a urso stepped out of the woods.
"Hey," he said, "I'm fred figglehorn the bear. Wuddup??"
"Um," said Max. "What-"
"Hi!" angel interrupted Max. "I'm Angel."
"Nice to meet you." said Fred. "Here I'll take u sightseeing around Alaska. I'm an old timer here!"
Since Fang and the flock had never been to Alaska before, they decided that they needed a guide. fred figglehorn the urso would make a perfect guide, they decided. In his words he was an old timer here.
"Okay," said Max. "You can be our guide."
"Yay," said fred figglehorn the bear, licking Max on the face with his giant Alaskan urso tongue. Eew! Thought Max, having segundo thoughts about this whole bear-guide thing.
"Where do you wanna go first?" asked fred figglehorn the guide bear.
"Uh.." Max had never been to Alaska, so she had no idea where she wanted to go. "I don't know, you pick."
"How bout Denali?" asked angel very innocently.
"Amazing," said fred figglehorn the urso guide, surprised. "That is just where I was gonna suggest we go." Yeah, amazing, thought Max. Nothing mais amazing than a six ano old who could read minds. But whatever, angel was useful most times.
"Okay, " Max agreed. "Denali it is." So Fang & the gang & fred figglehorn went to Denali.
"So," said Fred. "We can go hiking up into the mountains."
"Ok." said the flock. Then they went hiking off into the woods. angel and Gazzy and Nudge got bored, so they decided to go back to the visitor's center, and play hide in seek inside it. Then they rangers got mad at them and told them that they were disruptive and needed to go outside. So then Gazzy and angel and Nudge decided to make a rock mermaid in the middle of the sidewalk. Apparently the park rangers didn't like that either, so they decided to just sit and wait and play caveman games till Max and Fang and Iggy had come back.
Meanwhile, Max and Iggy and Fang and fred figglehorn were walking around in the national park.
"Wow, this is so beautiful." commented Max.
"Yea," said Iggy.
"Shut up, you can even see!" said Max.
"Whatever, i can SENSE its beauty." Iggy said haughtily back at her. Then suddenly out of the blue, a beautiful person stepped in front of them. They were extremely sparkly and extremely beautiful. It was a girl. And then a male stepped out behind her.
"Hi," said the girl. "I'm Shannon. But you can call me Shanny." said the girl. Max and Fang looked at each other. Fang felt really suspicious; he remembered someone telling him about beautiful shiny people in Alaska. And then it hit him- these were vampires.
Oh, crap. Thought Fang. I know that Jacob said that the vampiros weren't enemies, but I am not sure if I believe him… Fang whispered to Max, "these are vampires, pass it on." And Max passed it on to Iggy. Apparently the vampiros noticed, because they started to look wary. Fang didn't know what to do. They could always do an up-up-and-away, but the little kids were still down at the rec. center. These shiny weird creatures could definitely outrun them, so there was no pergunta of that. Fang decided to just let the vampiros know that they knew their secret.
"Hello, " said Fang pleasantly. "You are vampires." Shanny looked at him with a "duh" expression.
"Uh, yeah," she said rolling her eyes. "Why else would I sparkle like this?"
"Uh," Fang didn't know what to say. "Maybe cos you are…I don't know…shiny?"
"Ha, yeah." Shanny looked quite bored now. "We are vampires. But don't worry. Look, see? My eyes are not red, they are gold, which means I don't eat humans."
"Yeah, I see," said Iggy. Max kicked him.
"What?" said Iggy.
Max ignored him
Shanny said, "So wahts up?" to Fang and Max and Iggy. Max replied, "Oh you know..Just chilling. Hanging out. In the woods. With Fred, our tour guide, the bear."
"Oh" said Shanny, "we promise we won't eat him."
"Ok thanks." said Max.
"Yea.. " said Fang. "So wanna hang out with us?? I guess we can like…go see Mount Everest or something…"
"Um THAT would be DENALI." said Fred, in a "duh" voice.
"Whatever," Fang said. "They're both mountains. Right??"
fred figglehorn rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm cold let's keep on moving."
"Um," Max said, "You is furrier than all of us. You should not be cold."
And fred figglehorn was like, "Yea?? Well Ihave THIN bones!"
And Fang was like, "What does THAT have to do with anything??" And then Shanny was like, "GUYS TONE IT DOWN." And then everyone was silent.
Then Shanny said, "How bout we go to France??" And Fang was like, "Um, been there, done that." Max nodded her head in agreement, and said, "France is so last year. This ano is all about the Caribbean."
"But it hasn't even been seguinte ano yet!" Shanny protested. Max eyeballed her.
"I know these things," she said. Shanny backed off. "Okay, off to the Caribbean! She said.
"So…how are we gonna get to the Caribbean?" asked Fang.
"Uh, we fly, of course." Iggy said.
"But what about the sparkly people?" Max asked.
"Um, hello, we can run." Shanny rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah," Fang said. "Ok. So we fly and run to the Caribbean." It turns out that the Caribbean is pretty far away from Alaska, so it took the flock a little over 10 minutos to land on a sandy de praia, praia in the tropics.
Shanny and the other vampiros arrived a whole ten segundos later, and they were all wet.
"Hey," Shanny said in an accusatory voice. " You didn't tell us that there was water on the way to the Caribbean!"
Iggy snickered. "We kinda thought you knew that," he said. Shanny huffed and crossed her arms.
"So, what do we do now?" asked Fang.
"Um, I don't know." Max looked around as if an idea would spring out of the water for her.
"Uh, Max?" Iggy asked. "We forgot the other kids." Max looked like, "oops" but then she quickly composed herself.
"Whatever" she said, "Angel can read minds I'm sure they'll get along fine. We'll come back sooner or later!"
Fang looked at her quizzically. Max glared at him. "Okay, okay.." he said, even though he was pretty positive he had done nothing wrong. So Shanny and her friends were totally sparkly.
"Wow it's so sunny!" said Shanny. "I feel so sparkly!"
"YOU ARE so sparkly!" said Fang.
"Ugh i hate being wet," said Shanny.
One of her friends looked at her, and said "I'm sorry, I forgot the umbrella."
"Stupid!" said Shanny. Not even an umbrella could have kept us from getting wet....in the OCEAN."
"Oh." said her friend.
"So let's get looking!" said Iggy. "For treasure."
"No what??" said Shanny. "I thought we came here to look for Johnny Depp! Rumor is that he's a vampire!"
"Ok chill out dude." said Fang.
"Ok.." said Fang backing away slowly from Max.
"I still vote we look for treasure," said Iggy.
"Yeah okay, fine." said Shanny. "Treasure is shiny...like me!!!" And so off they went to look for treasure.
After about a week of fruitless treasure searching they struck gold.
"Ooh!" said Max excitedly.
"What?" Fang asked, now getting pumped about treasure.
"I found a…" Max trailed off very suspenseful. "QUARTER‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼!"
"NO WAY!" Fang yelled. "Will you share it with me???‼!" Max deliberated for a second.
"Okay…" she said after a minute. "I guess I could share with you…considering I amor you and all…"
"Okay. Thanks." Fang was happy. Then he took out his handy dandy pocket faca and cut the quarter in half. He handed half to Max and held the other half up to his eye to inspect its very extreme shininess.
"I wonder what this will buy…" Fang wondered to himself. He thought that he could maybe buy an air nerd….
"Hey guys." Fang said having a sudden idea. "Let's go on a… SHOPPING SPREE!"
So they went to the mall. Fang and Max held hands while they walked up to the dolce and Gabanna store, because they were in love, and they were rich, and they wanted to impress the Caribbean people. They had left Iggy and Shanny and co behind because this was a Max/Fang shopping trip only. Anyways, they walked proudly into the D&G store, thinking that all the people staring at them because they were just jealous. Fang plopped his half quarter down on the counter, and so did Max.
Fang tried to look all surly and sexy as he said, "So..What can THIS buy?? Oh well, don't tell me, I'll just tell YOU."
The sales lady stepped back from him. Fang thought it was because that she was so stunned por his sexiness.
"Hit em, baby." he said to Max, and Max slapped the sales attendant obediently.
"NOT LIKE THAT" Fang hissed. "Hit them with your wish list."
"OHHH!" said Max. Then she went all coolly, "I'd like a purse, some lip liner, some red galoshes, a bag, a package of skittles, and oh yea- a frying pan."
The lady looked scared. "Um, she said timidly, we don't have those things... well not the frying pan-" Fang's death glare shut her up.
"HEY IVE GOT HALF A QUARTER HERE! GET WHAT WE WANT, PRONOTO!" The lady looked scared, and then she spoke in a low voice into her microphone thingy.
"Security?" she said. Max and Fang looked at each other.
"Up and away?" said Fang.
Max nodded. With one rápido, swift movement both of them were airborne and were bursting through the skylights of the Caribbean Mall…
They soared through the warm Caribbean night.
"Well," said Max as they were flying back to Iggy and Shanny and the crew, wherever they were.
"I think we should refine our shopping techniques."
"Yeah," Fang agreed. "And also I don't think that we should ever go to that mall again for at least ten years."
"Good thinking," Max said. "Oh well. I guess we will have to find a new store that sells purses, lip liner, galoshes, bags, skittles, and frying pans. Oh, and also I would really like a unicorn costume to play leap frog in."
Fang whipped out his handy-dandy Caribbean shopping map that listed all the stores in the Caribbean islands.
"Hmm…" he said, contemplating the map. "This store sells skittles, but not galoshes."
"And this one sells unicorn outfits, but nothing else."
"Ooh, this one says it sells everything!"
"Well, that is where we are going now," Max decided, changing course towards the everything store.
When they got to the everything store, they went it. They were playing Take A Bow, por Rihanna, and since Fang had been though a giant rihanna phase at one point in his life, he knew all the lyrics, and decided to sing along. People thought he was a hobo, and was cantar for money, so they gave him. lots of shiny quarters. Fang got very excited, so he started adding visual aids. He tried to get Max to stand seguinte to him, and be a naked chick with clothes on, and Max was like, "Okay," because she wanted money too. So they did this for about an hour, and when they were done, they had over one million dollars!! Max and Fang were so excited! They decided that they would go back to the Dolce&Gabanna store, and buy the entire store, and then laugh in the stupid sales lady's face. So they went back to the Caribbean Mall, and bought the store. Then they laughed in the stupid sales lady's face, who's name was Aubree. They laughed in Aubree's face, for a long time, until their sides hurt from laughing so much. Then they went and spent mais money on Max's unicorn suit, and frying pans, and skittles. Then they went back to Shanny and Iggy and everyone else. They found Shanny and Iggy making out on a sand dune.
"Whoa!" Said Fang. "Go IGGY!!!"
Iggy turned all red. "shut up," he said. "I see you and Max making out all the time."
He turned away, then turned back really fast. "Whoa! I can see‼‼‼‼‼‼‼!" he jumped up and started running around yelling out what stuff looked like. "Ha! I can see!" Iggy was obviously very excited.
"Max is wearing a unicorn suit! And fang is holding giant bags of quarters! Woah, and Shanny is very sparkly!" then he started atuação very weird indeed, and cantar amor In This Club, por usher for some reason, and max and fang decided to leave him alone for a little while, at least until he stopped cantar usher songs.
"Let's go fly around a bit," Fang suggested. Max nodded and off they flew. They had been flying for about a half hora when they saw something far off in the distance, but getting closer every second. It didn't look like a bird, it was too big and awkward looking. As they got closer the shape dividido, dividir into two, then three, mais familiar shapes.
"Max," one of the shapes screamed. "Fang!" It was Angel, Gazzy, and Nudge flying toward them.
"Hey guess what?" Fang yelled back. "We're rich and Iggy can see‼‼"
"Wow, that's great." Said Nudge, sarcastically. "But you know what? We don't care. Sorry Iggy. But we're very angry at you guys now. Because you LEFT US. So now we will leave you!" And off she and angel and Gazzy flew.
Fang looked at Max. Max looked at Iggy. Iggy looked at Shanny, and Shanny said, "Oh well, there were too many of us in the story anyways."
"No there weren't!" Max said angrily. "We need to find them! And share our wealth! And sight!"
"Um, no way am I sharing my sight," said Iggy. "It's mine! ALL MINE!" Iggy hugged himself protectively.
So then they flew. They found Nudge and Gazzy and angel in the movie theaters, watching Twilight. "WHOA! THAT'S MY FRIEND!" said Shanny, pointing to Edward on the screen. Then she ran into the movie theater, jumping up and down, yelling Edward, over and over again.
"EDWARD! EDWARD! I'M RIGHT HERE, LOOK YOUR OLD BUDDY! SHANNY!" Then Edward stopped acting, and looked annoyed at Shanny.
"SHH!" he said. "I'm trying to be in a movie!!"
"WHO IS SHE?" cried Bella.
"Just a friend!" Edward said defensively. Bella raised her uneven eyebrows.
"I SWEAR!" Said Edward.
"WHATEVER!" Said Bella. "I QUIT!" and then she walked out of the scene.
"CUT!!" they heard the directors yelling.
Shanny looked like "whoops" for a minuto but then she got over it and went to go talk to Edward. Iggy got all jealous looking and stood up straight and tried looking impressive, which was hard to do seguinte to Edward. Edward looked very annoyed and kept on glancing in Bella's direction with a scary expression on his face.
"Grt," said Edward annoyed. "I am so fed up with bella! She is just a dumb human who probably only follows me everywhere cause if she didn't she would be dead tomorrow. Screw her. I will come hang out with you and your weird human friends."
"Uh," Max said irritated. "We are so NOT human! We are two percent bird! So HA!" Edward gave her a weird look but didn't say anything.
"So," said Iggy sliding very subtly to stand seguinte to Shanny, shoving Edward to the side. "What do you want to do now?"
"Well," Fang said looking thoughtful. "I guess angel and Gazzy and Nudge aren't coming with us wherever we go, and we also picked up a new member of the group, so…uh…I don't know. You pick." He poked Edward in the arm and then screamed.
"Aaaarrrgghhh! I think you broke my finger‼‼‼‼" he glared at Edward which didn't have much of an effect, because Edward just glared back and he was so scary that Fang dived behind max and used her as a shield between him and the scary vampire man.
"Uh…" Max said, ignoring Fang who was quaking in his boots behind her. "Lets go."
They decided on Sea World. Why?? Cause they wanted to SEE the world! They were in the Caribbean now, but they wanted to go back to the US. SO they decided to go to California. It only took them, like ten segundos because all of them were super fast and had awesome fast powers. So when they got to Sea World, Max decided that she and Fang would go see Shamoo, because they both liked Shamoo, plus, they were in amor so it made sense for them to hang out together. Iggy and Shanny decided that they wanted to go see the seals, because Shanny loved how seals tasted. But she promised that she wouldn't eat any, because that would be not very nice to the zoo. Plus, it would blow her cover. Iggy was still kind of crabby that Edward was with them, but he eventually got over it, because Shanny started paying extra attention to him. Edward was like, the third wheel, and he was crabby because he was used to having Bella with him. But he decided that didn't matter, and that he was going to fly solo for a while. So while Iggy and Shanny went to the right, and Max and Fang went to the left, Edward decided to go straight. Straight ahead was the cotton doces stand, and it smelled really good to him- almost as good as human blood! So he decided to eat some because it smelled really good. So he got out some half-quarteres, and plopped them down on the table, and then flashed the waitress a blinding smile.
"Cotton doces for one, please." he said.
After he had gotten his cotton doces he decided to go on the Mary Go Round. He had a lot of fun going around and around on circles, so he did that for an hora and one half. After he was on the merry-go-round for one and one half hour, he decided that it needed to be mais exciting. So he stood up on the horse and started dancing as it was going around. That made it much mais fun for him. also he was getting very tired of the tinkly Merry-Go Round music, so he sung Bleeding amor as loud as he could for a while to drown it out. por now there was a huge crowd around the Merry Go Round watching him sing and dance on his horse. So he decided to kick it up a notch. He did a flying leap off of his horse and landed on the seguinte one. That was fun so he leaped onto the seguinte one. It crumbled into dust and he fell onto the floor. He was very embarrassed, so he leaped up and ran as fast as he could to go cadastrar-se Max and Fang, cause the crowd was booing him and it was lowering his self esteem.
He got there in about negative 2.8 seconds, cause he was a fast, fast, shiny vampire. When he got to Fang and Max they were in the middle of watching Shamoo do lots of tricky diving things.
"Whoa…" said Edward, very impressed por Shamoo's swimming skills. "But I could do better," he muttered to himself.
"YOU WISH!" said Max.
"I KNOW!" said Edward, and with that he jumped into Shamoo's performing tank, and started doing all the fancy whaley moves with him.
"I SPEAK WHALE!!" Edward boomed, as he did a dive.
"COOL!" said Max. But then they all got tired of seeing the world, so they decided to leave. When they were walking out of the World, they had to cruz a street. Edward decided to go first, because he had a lot of experience with cars, plus, he knew that he could block them. So he went first. But as soon as he stepped out onto the street, a strange man's voice came from the sky: "Cross rua with caution- vehicles may not stop."
Edward looked around, confused. "God, is that you?" he said.
"Cross rua with caution- vehicles may not stop." The strange man's voice said again.
"I think it is God," Fang agreed with Edward. "You better do what he says."
"Okay…" said Edward, uncertainly. Then he started calling: "CAUTION!! Oh, CAUTION, where are you?? I am a yummy sexy vampire…won't you walk across the rua with me??"
No response. Edward was very disappointed, he though that anyone would want to cruz the rua with him. Well, he wasn't exactly wrong about that, because after he had started calling for Caution, about 20 young attractive females (and even a couple of young males) came flocking over, claiming that they were Caution.
"Well," said Edward, disappointedly. He had thought that Caution was, like one of god's angels, or something.
"Maybe Caution is busy, or something." Max said, helpfully.
"Yeah…" said Edward, sadly. "I guess one of these fake Cautions will have to do." He turned to the crowd of people. "You, please. cruz the rua with us."
The young girl was only so happy to do so.
They crossed the rua happily, glad that they got to see the World, and happy that they had found a Caution to cruz the rua with them. They skipped over to Iggy and Shanny and then they all skipped down the middle of the road (they still had Caution, so they were safe) and off into the sunset.
 The lobo clan was kinda awesome, except for the crappy animation and the fact that they're allergic to shirts.
The wolf clan was kinda awesome, except for the crappy animation and the fact that they're allergic to shirts.
Okay, I'll admit that I haven't laughed this hard at a film since I saw The Hangover last summer. Seriously, what was the plot here? I actually found the first film to be much better than this travesty. You can find my review of the first movie link. I'll go through it like I do with all movies. Pros and cons, then an overall.


The Volturi

Finally! Some ACTUAL vampires!! The Volturi I found were pretty awesome because, you know, they actually were cruel, soulless, mean, and did some actual VAMPIRING. The part towards the end where a tour group of humans is led directly to them and you hear...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


When I opened my eyes in the morning, something was different.
It was the light. It was still the gray-green light of a cloudy dia in the firest, but it was clearer somehow. I realized there was no for veiling my window.
I jumped up to look outside, and then groaned in horror.
A fine layer of snow covered the yard, dusted the topo, início of my truck, and whitened the road. But that wasn't the worst part. All the rain from yesterday had Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante solid - coating the needles on the trees in fantastic, gorgeous patters, and making the driveway a deadly...
continue reading...

Maureen Reed

Chapter 1

The misunderstanding with the Volturi was something I could never forget. Unlike all the near death experiences that were fading from my memories left from my human life, this one would stick.
It made me sad; Nessie would put her hand to my cheek and replay when I told her she would have to run. No mater how many times I told her we would be together, she still seemed unsure.

"You ready to hunt Nessie?"
"A huh"
"Do you mind if I come.....Nessie?"
Jacob new she'd say yes but he wouldn't give it a rest that I was calling her after I had refused to use his nickname...
continue reading...
camras went mad right let her go now you are gonna kiss her to death at the rate you two arew going alice thought comming up behind bella
"bella its time" i ignored her and kept beijar bella harder then i ever let myself before.
her coração sped up and her hands slid up and down my neck i loved it when her coração beat that fast.
"do you wont to miss your plain> i`m sure you will have fun camping out in the airport waiting for another plain." she was right beside bella now edward get you hands of her and go and get the plain i wont to see her in her dress!!! she was getting mad now.
i turned...
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amor is the closest thing we have to magic
But It can be hurtful and painful too
it lies in those whos hearts are cold
it glows in those who are true.

You can find it in the least expected places,
It can kill to let amor go
It can comfort those who are in need of help
It can fight and take over woe

Love is something that never dies,
It stays in the hearts of the gone,
Love is a candle that never goes out,
No one knows where its from

Love is the glue that holds us together,
It is the thing that makes us smile
Without knowing, we rely on love
More then anyone would know

It can kill those who turn against it,...
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"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of light and reason… and then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded por the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no mais reason for anything."
―Edward Cullen to Bella[src]

Isabella "Bella" Marie cisne (later Bella Cullen, born to Charlie cisne and Renée Dwyer on September...
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posted by _madz_
just another short one :P

part 2
I was nervous, so nervous. My mind was still frozen, unbelieving.
Rosalie’s voice came from behind me. “Alice! What on earth is he doing?” she whispered.
Alice’s reply was sharp. “Shush, Rose! This is important!”
I was almost there when I stopped, just out of sight. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t handle the let down.
Nobody in the family knew what was happening, aside from Alice. Jasper and Rosalie were curious and Emmet knew there was someone there, but he was confused as to why I had stopped.
“Dude, just go!” Emmett whispered to me impatiently....
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posted by SuperFunFan1001
Where am I suppose to go? Victoria left me and I can't go back home.

(Bella POV)

I ran and ran and ran.

No wonder vampiros always run! This feeling will never get old.... just like me.

At first it felt as if I would hit a árvore but I quickly got over that.

All I ever did now that I was a vampire is run and hunt. Sometimes if things got real bad I would curl up in a ball and just look out into the forest or wherever I am at the time.

Every dia I worry I might see him or his family while I ran. How would they react if they saw me like this? A shiver ran down my spine even though I wasn't cold.

This is...
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posted by twilight-7
Kayla’s POV

Breaking the news to Kyo that his mother was gone was not easy. He refused to accept that she was gone and he continually called for her. Charlie thought that the boy was just grieving and tried to soothe him but he pushed Charlie away. Zach and I tried to speak to him but he didn’t want to see us. He blamed me for Loretta disappearing, which was partly right. I had kicked her out of my body but I hadn’t banished her from the face of the earth. Maybe she had just accepted her fate and passed on. But something didn’t mover on with her. Like her amor for her child. The time...
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1. If a boy is aloof, stand-offish, ignores you or is just plain rude, it is because he is secretly in amor with you — and you are the point of his existence.
2. Secrets are good — especially life-threatening ones.
3. It’s OK for a potential romantic interest to be dimwitted, violent and vengeful — as long as he has great abs.
4. If a boy tells you to stay away from him because he is dangerous and may even kill you, he must be the amor of your life. You should stay with him since he will keep you seguro forever.
5. If a boy leaves you, especially suddenly (while telling you he will never...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Bellas pov
I was driving 150 mph I just wanted to get out of forks and escape from Damien but…I really missed the Cullen's they were my first real friends in 100 years of my existence.
After 2 hours of driving I pulled over and glanced at the beautiful full moon when someone grabbed my shoulder my body tensed my coração started beating like crazy who could it be? I was so scared what if its Damien? I slowly turned around and met Damien's eyes they were full of anger and fear. what hes afraid of me? pshhh right!
-don’t run away from me Bella!
He whispered and then hugged me and I pulled...
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posted by demilovatirocks
Hello wonderful people of the eeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrtttttttthhhhhhhh,yeah!!!!
even though i am not get much views i decided to make a marathon it may be 5-10 MAYBE 15 episodes long so but it will all probably be up during the weekend.

Demi:(Sittting there watching them fight,watching tv,eating popcorn,writing a song,and playing guitar.)Hey
Everyone else:(still fighting)
Demi:(Screaming)LISTEN TO ME
Everyone stopped to listen because she might hurt them
Demi:Want to hear my new song??
Dont try to explain your mind
I know whats happening here
One minute, its love
And, suddenly, its like...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 12:

    So Jane, How does it feel to have you own gift used against you. Doesn’t feel so well dose it. I have a solution. We’re going to play a game. You can play or I will kill you now. No segundo thought at all. Your choice?” I said she looked at me with this evil game and also like she was looking progressivo, para a frente to this.
    “I will play the game” She said with that evil laugh of hers.
    “Sounds good. No backings out after you hear the rules. Well this is how you play. Any of us meaning Edward, Jasper, Carlisle...
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We were together, meant forever
I thought so
Till Jasper came after me
And Edward thought oh no

So the Cullens had to leave
And I was so down
But that's when Jacob came in
And things turned around

I became reckless
Just to hear Edward's voice
I was so out of it
I didn't have a choice

Me and Jacob were friends
Till we didn't talk for a while
Then he told me his secret
As before, I wasn't scared por a mile

Edward thought I was dead
So he went to the Volturi
But then he changed his mind
Once he finally saw me

So when we got back home
To have Edward, I was happy
I wished to be like the Cullens
But then he wanted to stop me

He said I could
But 1 condition he carried
He said he'd do it
But only if we got married
posted by bella01
then suddenly earth started to float on midair creating a very big ball of rock,then it flew very fast toward darius.darius caught it and threw it back to bella,but when its about to hit bella it turns into dust.then bella turned her attention to us.darius took advantage of the time while she is looking at us.hushed her to the ground.

"no"we shouted at the same time.

darius hand is on her neck.i know what he is planning to do and i will not let him.he is even smiling.hesitantly i turned my full attention to emmett.

"i am sorry emmett"i whispered before i pushed him.i look at my family they...
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 In honor of New Moon Premiere tomorrow!
In honor of New Moon Premiere tomorrow!
I wasent paying attention while writing,and I went out of things in the wrong order so here is in the car,as Bella basicly tells edward she knows what he is,then I will continue with the 'book'. I just need to get this in.And after this im just gonna skip till i get to the part about Seattle.

My hands gripped on the steering wheel as she basicly told me that it doesn't matter what i am to her. I fought back a hiss from myself. I never thought this would happen. For her to figure it out,for me to blow everything that we have built for a century. My family. Everything.
She was staring at...
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 The bikes Jake (Taylor) and Bella (Kristen) rode! No lie its the real ones people!
The bikes Jake (Taylor) and Bella (Kristen) rode! No lie its the real ones people!
Ok everyone this is scream worthy! If you go to the Toys r us in Times Square, yea the really big one! There is a whole new Moon section! Like its huge! And in the middle of the section there are these two bikes? You might wondwer to yourself 'Oh my god! Are those the actual ones fromt he movie?' hmmm? Then you look above your head and and see the Volturi chairs thats Marcus, Cauius and Aro sat in and you think...wow they look pretty real too! So you become really excited! Then you see an employ and go over and ask you you find out they are THE REAL props that Taylor, Kristen and all the actors...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 6: headache.
I was leitura a book on my cama when I heard my phone buzz
-hi Alice!
-hey Bella I was wondering if me and edward could come and see u?
What? People just don’t call and invite theme selves over! ugh! just be nice Bella she's a good vamp or I think she is……
-yeah sure when are u coming?
I asked. I was positive she even had a set time to come here….
-at 3:00 pm it gives u 1 hora to clean and dress up! I'm so happy to come over! Yay!
Then she hung up oooh I don’t want to dress up! Right now I just want to sleep or continuing leitura my book! I just climbed of my cama and cleaned...
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posted by BellaCullenHale
 My legs going at blinding speed
My legs going at blinding speed
Here I sit,in biology. Emmett's bite had healed.The pleased my family. She walked in then,her scent filled the room. Mr.Banner walked in with a VCR. A movie day... She sighed. She turned to look at me. Her eyes mesmerizing,milky brown eyes staring deep into mine. My throat burned the slightest bit at the reaction of her scent. ''Enjoying the weather?'' I asked a little smug,staring out the window. The rain punded againest the glass. ''Umm...No'' She said sarcastic. I laughed half heartedly. The lights went off then. I heard the small whispers of my classmates. The opening credits...
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posted by MissCupcake
 Carisle Cullen
Carisle Cullen
Name: Carlisle Cullen

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: None

About Them: Carlisle Cullen, born Stregoni Benefici, is Esme's husband and the adoptive father of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Carlisle whose physical age is twenty-three and he is described as looking like a model. He has blond hair, stands at 6’2” and is slender but muscular. Carlisle theorizes that when a human is turned into a vampire, they will have an enhanced ability from their anterior life. So according to his theory Carlisle believes he brought compassion from his human life. Carlisle has had centuries to perfect...
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