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This is the segundo book to my first short story "As the sun sets" This is a story about the life of Renesmee Carlie Cullen ( In her POV with some exceptions) now that she is a teenager! I suggest leitura my first book (as the sun sets), so you can better understand this one (Daylight)

This will take place just where we left off in the first novel! Please Enjoy, and thank-you! I hope you enjoy this book as much (if not more) as you did the last! Again any comments, questions, suggestions please leave a comment or message me! I will always respond to fanmail ASAP!

-----------------------------------------Bri <3

Chapter 1: Decisions, Decisions.

My coração beated heavily in my chest as I stood awaiting the arrival of the volturi. I think Jacob could tell I was nervous aswell. He pulled me closer towards him and whispered in my ear;

"Calm down Nessie, It's going to be fine."

I looked around at each of my family members as we stood in the large field where we once had before. Maybe that's what had made me so anxious, the memories from when I was a child. I used to fear their coming, this place. It must all be in my head. I sighed

"I hope your right Jake.."

I could tell I wasn't the only worried one, though. My Mother and my Aunt Rosalie stood close-by , protectivly. My father was talking to Carlisle a few feet away. Jasper and Emmett were play-fighting but I could tell Esme who was watching them carefully was all to worried one would get hurt. I peeked behind Jacob and there stood Seth, Leah and Sam.

I was glad i was able to convince Jacob not to let many come, it may intimidate the Volturi which is the last thing we want to do. If I could have it my way, it would only be me here. But as you can guess that motive was shut down pretty quick.

Hmm.. where was Alice? I looked around until I spotted her. She stood there leaning up against a árvore not far off from Esme.

She seemed spaced out.. She must be trying to see the future, but I doubt it was easy for her with the lobos here.

The air was cool, although It didn't bother me much. Between my body tempature and Jacobs I wasn't likely to be cold.

Suddenly Alice looked up. "They're here"

The same moment the words escaped her mouth, everyone had regrouped. And Just as predicted there walked 5 figures in the distance. I felt Jacob pull me nearer, I could tell he didn't want any o espaço between us.

Sam, Leah and Seth stood behind us, eyeing the figures anxiously. My mother and Father stood beside us. Jasper, Rosalie, Alice and Emmett stood a couple feet infront of us, Carlisle and Esme beside them.

Oddly enough I seemed to be the calmest person there. I felt.. comfortable near them. Like there was nothing to worry about.

Soon those figures turned into the faces of Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane and Alec.

"Aro" Carlisle nodded

"Ah, Carlisle. So nice to see you again.." Aro greeted.

I scanned each of their pale white faces, yet none showed any fault. It seemed seguro enough, but I doubt the others felt that way. A pair of eyes in particular caught my attention; Janes. I stared for a moment, curiously. Then I noticed what she was doing - or rather trying to do.

"Jane!" My father exclaimed.

She smiled quietly "Just checking"

The rest caught on quick enough, it seemed to thinken the air. Although she still didn't frighten me.

"Jane, we must be kind. Remember all she has done for us..all she could do.." Caius stated strictly towards Jane.

She dropped her gaze, staing at the floor. Although she didn't look at me anymore, I could still tell her hatred only proceeded to grow. I tried to pull away from Jacob, but his arms only tightened in response. I knew he didn't want me close to them, and he wasn't about to let me wonder off now.

"Jake" I whispered "Trust me"

He looked at me for a moment. I stared into his anxious eyes, but made sure mine had no fault. I knew if there was even a flicker of worry in my eyes he wouldn't even think to let me go. He slowly, but surely unraveled his arms.

I smiled lightly, then walked swiftly towards the Volturi.

"Remarkable!" Aro exclaimed as I approched him. ".. So It's true. You have reversed the transformation process.."

"A transformation that shouldn't have tooken place" My father added bitterly.

Caius turned to me "We are greatly sorry for what has happened, but look at it this way; We found a whole new generation to Vampires.."

"She almost died!" Rosalie exclaimed "Are you trying to pull this off as no death, no fowl?"

"She knew the risks before she got into this!" Jane said, in obvious defense of her brother. She lowered her voice "She could have left when there were other close calls-"

"Enough, Jane" Aro commanded

"What?" I heard Esme ask quietly.

I turned to meet my family's anxious glare.

"It was nothing, really. Just a couple close calls with some newborns.."

"You had her around newborns?" Jasper asked, wide eyed.

"She was perfectly safe" Alec said quickly, defending them.

It fell silent for a moment. It was odd, having Alec speak of my saftey. Especially after- I didn't want to remember the horrible hours. The burning, and then when I turned back. I shook my head slightly, trying to rid the memories.

"None the less, that isn't what we came here to discuss" Marcus said, breaking the silence. He turned to me slightly. "Renesmee, what exactly happened?"

I thought back for a moment, trying to remember the time before the darkness.

"Well I remember running, then i suddenly felt lightheaded.. Almost tired. Then I passed out. I don't recall much after that..But the whole thing was - different."

I didn't know quite how to explain it. The time when I saw my family, the words I heard. The darkness and then the blinding light. It all made no sense to me.

"Was that all?" Aro asked slowly.

I thought for a moment. It would be hard to put it into words, everything I felt, saw, touched, heard. I couldn't make sense of it, how would one explain it?

I looked back at my parents for a moment, I knew my father could tell I wanted to show them. She hesitantly noded once, he must be tracking their thoughts, seeing if it's safe.

I carefully took a step closer to them, "Well, I could show you. It's quite hard to explain.."

He nodded once. I knew this was against Jacobs rules, I guess this counted as dangerously close because Jake was already at my side. His hand was held on to my wrist, refusing to let me go. I patted his hand softly.

"Jacob, It's fine"

He watched me for a moment, yet again I showed no fault. He let go of me, but stayed por my side for what I assume is in case of emergency.

I carefully placed my hand to Aro's ice cold cheek, showing him everything that I saw or felt. It was the only way it could be understood. I repeated this with Marcus and Caius. Jacob grew mais tense each time.

When I was finished, I carefully slipped back into Jacob's arms hoping he wouldn't be too upset with me after this was done. He pulled me a couple steps back with him, creating distance between us and the Volturi.

"Wow." Marcus said, in response to what I had showed them. " This is.. confusing"

I smiled "Imagine how I felt.."

"Has anything else changed? Your speed, agility or even your thirst?" Aro asked curiously

"No, As far as I know, everything is exactly the same"

The field felt tense again, like an orb of suspense waiting to burst. Silence filled the air as each watched me. Everyone met my gaze except for Alec.

I could tell he was avoiding me. One part of me hated him for what he did, but the other;as his friend, had forgiven him. I am actualy quite thankful for him. If it wasn't for the friendship we had built there i might have gone insane.

"Well, If that is everything you needed I think it's time we head back" Carlisle suggested firmly.

"Not quite.." Caius said turning to me. "Renesmee, we know that you will be returning seguinte year, but we were hoping that you could come a bit earlier.."

Wait, had I told Jake I was going back.

"What?" His voice called urgently

..Apprently not.

"Jacob, I still have to go back seguinte year.."

"Nessie" He said quietly, holding me closer. "You dont Have to do anything."

"On the contrary" Jane started "She does.." Jane turned to me "That is unless you want the young one to die."

I looked down remembering my promise I had made.

"What is she talking about?" I heard my mother ask curiously

"When I had saved the young one, It was under the condition that she could live only if she went at least a ano with no faults" I explained " I promised to go back for the end of her last ano to examine. If I don't then they.. get rid of the child."

"Can't somebody else do it?" Alice pushed

"It's Renesmee's responsibility" Jane said, smiling. I felt like there was a dark twisted side of her, hoping the child would die. Wishing she would get to do it. Although I knew she would rather rid of me then the young one.

I took a breath, getting back on the subject of my return. "What changed that you would need me to come back early."

"We came across an abandoned girl, Half human, half vampire, like you. I beilive she is around two years old. So young, but reckless. We dont know much about her kind and therefore can't teach her. If she can't be taught then were going to have to destroy her.."

"And you want me to teach her?" I asked quietly.

They nodded once, watching me carefully.
I paused for a moment, taking this in. One part of me wanted to stay início as I had promised. But then this image of a small girl, like me. Orphaned, confused and probaly scared.But It worried me to think that if i do go, and failed to teach her they would kill her and it would be my fault. But could i really deny her the chance?

"No." Jacob said staring at them . "I'm not letting her go again with the risk that it may happen once more."

"You could very well go with her.." Caius suggested.

I didn't like the Idea of that at all. As much as I trusted them with me, I didn't trust them with Jacob. Especially with Alec around. I didn't even wan't to think of the possibilities and outcomes with that situation.

I looked back at my family, each seemed to hold a different expression among the lines of panicked and surprised. I looked back at Sam, Leah and Seth. Each of their jaws hung open in awe. I looked back at caius.

"Absolutely not." I was firm with my answer, and I made sure they knew it.

"Renesmee, I don't see the problem with it" Aro insisted.

"..I have saftey Issues.." I said, eyeing Alec.

Aro nodded. "We will give you the night to think about it. If you have decided to not come call us, If so then get on a flight as soon as you can."

They looked up at the rest "Thank you for your time" Marcus said, slyly.

Just before they turned to leave, I got the slightest gaze from Alec. His eyes worried me. I wasn't fearful, I felt bad. They held shame and regret, as if they were searching for forgivness. And i knew he still loved me, but that wouldn't change the fact.

A gust of wind stood in the place of where they stood. I didn't know what to say or do. But I do know that I would not get my way this time either. I knew I would be going with Jacob, or not at all.
posted by team_robward
Chapter 14.
New Arrivals:

I just sat there for a couple of minutes, leitura that last paragraph over and over I was truly mesmerized por it. I couldn’t really get over how sweet it was no one ever talked to me like this and he’s handwriting also helped.
“When you’ve finished leitura the letter please write a reply, this is the third last reply we’ll be doing in class” Mrs Anderson announced. The class began groaning. The noise woke me from my dazzled state.
“Well you honestly didn’t think we were only composição literária to pen pals for the rest of the term did you?” Mrs Anderson asked the...
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Okay, Here's all 8 of my chapters + my two amor stories.

I've decided to make all my Twilight story chapters into a book like thing, So that's why i put them all together in this, I'm naming it "Breaking Twilight."
i was also thinking "Breaking Eclipse"
but I'm still thinking, but yeah.
I'm glad everyone likes my story! x]
theres mais coming!
-Yuki <3

Chapter One: The Game.

It was
Saturday evening, I was sitting on one of the couches in my new family’s house,
I was waiting for Edward to come back with Renesmee or as everyone else liked to call
her “Nessie” which I was getting used to por know....
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oi everybody. sorry its taken so long i've had quite a lot to do. its not long but i hope you like it anyway :) Cari i hope the last bits okay you logged off when i needed the answer so i just went with my instincts, i hope thats fine with you??

part 3
Carlisle wasn’t listening to much of our conversation. He seemed preoccupied in his own thoughts.
“Are you okay?” I asked him. Edward suddenly let out a growl, letting go of my waist, he stalked out.
“What’s the matter?” Emmett asked.
“I know who’s after us.” Carlisle said dully.
“Who?” Esme pleaded.
“Victoria’s sister,...
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Chapter 16: Unspoken favoritos (Jake's POV)

As I was about to take my anger out on Edward, a crushing thought came into my mind.
My voice was unsteady. “I told her she would be ok… I knew all along that this was a bad idea and I went along with it. It’s all my fault… and here I am blaming everyone else. I’m sorry.” My head was spinning I had to get out of there. As I headed for the stairs a strange beeping started up in Amore’s room. A strange coração began to beat furiously. I paused where I stood about to head down the stairs. I slowly turned around ignoring everyone else as...
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oi guys!!
So I kinda let the idea sit around for a couple days and now have a total of 7 people who would be interested in composição literária a piece for the contest.


I am going to give this list another 24 hours and then tomorrow night I will post word limits, themes, and how judging is going to work. I'll let you know right now that we're going to keep it short, probably around 1500 words.
posted by twilight-7
I stared at Alice, convinced I’d misheard what she just said. She’d seen Charlie? That was impossible....no one could see him. Not with the Shadow Hunters there. But Mitchell said the Shadow Hunters were gone. So that means Alice can see him.
I smiled widely and jumped with happiness. Mitchell stood up slowly, finding it hard to believe too.
“What did you see?” we both asked together.
She frowned then, looking up at Edward. He nodded once. I hated that. She was asking him permission to tell me. Why did people do that? Edward wasn’t my owner. They could tell me anything they wanted to,...
continue reading...
posted by _madz_
okay guys, this is really short. im sorry, i've just had no time this week. please tell me what you think anyway :)

part 22
“If there was only some way to make you see that I can’t leave you.” I whispered. “Time, I suppose, will be the way to convince you.”
The corner of her mouth pulled up slightly. The idea must have pleased her. “Okay.” She said agreeably.
I was glad to see her happier again but the pain was still flowing through me at full force.
A questioning look came into her eyes before she asked “So—since you’re staying. Can I have my stuff back?” she spoke in...
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posted by AdaLove
Laurent was an original member of James' coven. When James and Victoria chose to hunt Bella Swan, Laurent told the Cullens everything about them.
After this, Laurent went to live with the Denali Coven; despite living with "vegetarian" vampires, Laurent cheated the diet as evidenced por his red irises.


When Bella visited Edward's meadow, Laurent stumbled across her, having returned to Forks as a scout for the vengeful Victoria. He attempted to kill Bella (he was currently hunting when he found her) and he reasoned that being killed por him was a better fate than being found by...
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Hey. two in one day! Here’s the seguinte part.

part 2
“Are you okay?” esme asked
“no.” I replied holding Edward.
“What’s the matter Bella”” jasper asked.
I let go of Edward and turned towards the rest of my family. All of them had their faces full of worry. I couldn’t hurt them again, this is my last time I told myself. I took a deep breath that whizzed down my throat. “ I’m so sorry.” I told them” I’ve put you in danger again.”

Part three.
“Well there’s no surprise there then.” Emmett chuckled. Rosalie threw a look of pure disbelief I his direction. Emmet shut...
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posted by AdaLove
Emmett McCarty was changed into a vampire por Dr. Carlisle Cullen in 1935, two years after Rosalie Hale had been changed. When Rosalie came across him, Emmett was being mauled por a urso in the mountains of Tennessee. He had nearly died from the attack, but Rosalie saved him and carried him over a hundred miles back to Carlisle. Rosalie was noted as saying that it took nearly all her strength not to kill him. She also said that she brought him to Carlisle so that he, with his stronger endurance of human blood, could save Emmett. She also said that the reason behind having Carlisle save Emmett...
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hi again. some people wanted mais to this story, so I’ve done a bit more. I’ve had a lot of coursework to do so this is sort of short so hopefully it will keep your interest.

Part 1
“Bella what’s the matter?” Edward asked anxiously.

I let my shield down, heft it right out my brain so that it wouldn’t protected me anymore. And shouted with my mind in to Edwards.

“His got amnesia.”

Edward looked confused “who?” he asked out loud?
“Charlie” I whispered with my mind just before it snapped right back.

Edward flinted towards me in less the 3.2 of a segundo and he had me in his glorious...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
This is a continuation to my original story, Sunbreak. I couldn't find a good enough name, so for now it's just 'The Sequel' haha. =D I hope everyone likes this as much as Sunbreak, and I rely on LOADS of positive comments to continue this Sequel! So read, review and rate! Enjoy! xoxo mrsblack_1089

"I just can't believe how big they are!" Emily cooned as she and I watched the twins sleeping. The blue-ish, green-ish light of the bonfire flickered across their faces where they lay on Jacob's lap, breathing steadily in and out.
I could never get over how breathtaking my two little children were....
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posted by renesmeblack
Hey, peeple! I wanted to let you know that the never-ever-ever-ending story of Renesmee hasn't ended. YOU'RE STILL leitura IT RIGHT NOW!!!
Yup. Welcome to chapter 22. Yay!
Okay, I'll let you get back to your reading...


I had to be surprised. Why wouldn't I be? Edward was pretty mad when he read in my mind what happened two nights ago. He was even madder when he found Renesmee was crazy enough to keep... IT. I thought Renesmee was going mad. She would still bite if we'd taken the thing out first chance. I felt sick to my stomach. This wasn't right. I'm going to be a father. If it's a son,...
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posted by jaime-kataeff
Renesmee's POV

Today is my first or last dia with Jacob, still to be decided.

See I am a unique person, I was conceived, carried and delivered por my mother whilst she was human and my father as a vampire, (I very nearly killed her, but my father saved her life por turning her), And that was when I met him... "My Jacob", we've been together everyday since I was born, I saw him as my big brother,protector... but now my feelings have changed towards him. I have started to notice him in a completely different light, I find his smile,eyes,russet coloured skin, smell irrestible. I catch myself just...
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posted by thecullensftw_x
I stretched out my long, marble arms, and ran a hand through my honey-coloured hair. Keeping up the act of a human is having effects on me. I don't need to do that stuff, but it comes as habit. The mood of the house was tense, and I was really feeling the strain. Even with my beautiful little Alice sitting por my side, squeezing my hand gently, I wasn't feeling much calmer; the weight of the mood was too strong. I sank back into the sofa, and listened as Edward and Bella arrived at the door.
"Hey, you two," Edward said as he barged through the door. He tried to keep his tone and face expressionless,...
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posted by renesmeblack

It turns out that yesterday was Renesmee's "18th" birthday. I have a lot to catch up on. Renesmee was shopping at a fancy new dress store downstairs, where I ordered Alice to take her to buy two new dresses. One was for her party, the other for the seguinte part of the night.
Meanwhile, I was at the jewelry store, looking at sparkling necklaces. One was perfect for Renesmee. It was a ruby-and-diamond flower, with a gold chain. I bought it, and then felt my coração race as the cashier asked, "Is that all?"
I looked around, eyes resting on a particular case.
"One mais thing," I murmured as I headed...
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posted by twilightGGlost
THIS IS NOT PART 5!!!! Just wanted to tell you guys whats going on with TOF…I have exams this week so the seguinte few parts will be few and far between but I will try to write soon..the seguinte part will be out tomorrow afternoon so don’t worry…I wanna thank my biggest fan just_bella…and special thanx to _madz_ and mcclare34 and patrisha727

I wanna thank EVERYONE who commented:


Ur comments REALLLLY help..the positivity and saying ur fave part...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter Two:
First Writings

“Okay, everyone’s chosen a pen pal, you have the seguinte two session’s to write about yourself, and with any luck you’ll have a reply por Friday” Mrs. Anderson announced.

Immediately, everyone started writing, quickly. I took another deep breath, and began.

Dear Edward Cullen, Hmm Edward, that’s a weird old fashioned name, but I guess, these days if you can call a child Apple, than Edward is plain, normal.

My name is Bella Swan.

I'm 17 years old and my birthday is September 13. I live in Phoenix, with my mother Renee and her boyfriend Phil. He doesn’t need to...
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posted by renesmeblack
I ran as fast as I could towards Bella's scream. Alice was left behind. I ran faster and faster until I was a couple of yards away from HER.
"Hold it, EDWARD," sneered Victoria. Her teeth were glistening as she opened her mouth and put it dangerously close to Bella's throat. Bella was in pure terror. She was breathing reggedly, her coração was trying to break free, and I saw tears flowing down.
"Bella, don't move," I said. Victoria put her mouth closer.
"I wouldn't talk, pretty boy. It'll kill her faster, and that would be less fun."
Bella struggled. Then she cringed as Victoria tightened her grip...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Carlisle was running tests on me. I had apparently "going to go through pregnancy at an accelerated speed, twice as quickly as the normal human scenario, and I must have gotten pregnant at some point on Isle Renesmee."

* * *

I wasn't sure how to feel about this. At the moment it had fully dawned on me that I was pregnant, my hand had drifted to my stomach, and I hadn't felt any different, but I'd felt as if I just had mais reason to live.

It all made a lot mais sense to me. Why I'd slept to much. Why I'd felt I was missing something on the plane. Why I'd gotten sick over seeing animal...
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