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Disclaimer: The wonderful Stephenie Meyer owns the world of Twilight and all its inhabitants. I just wanna play with her toys. No copyright infringement is intended.

When Charlie slipped past the southern edge of Shuwah heading south on Highway 101 toward Forks, the speed picked up, and Charlie gunned the engine. He glanced in the rearview mirror at the headlights receding behind him. The Crown Vic interceptor gained speed slowly, despite the promise the growling 250 horse-power engine made. While the cruzador would never win a quarter mile, the car was made to hang tough and take the punishment police work occasionally dished out. Charlie's 2001 interceptor could catch and conquer almost anything that was rua legal. Almost anything anyone in Forks owned. Almost.

Charlie knew his chances of catching Cullen and the Volvo on the open road were slim, but the thought of composição literária that overly polite teenager a traffic citation practically made Charlie drool. Listening to the Interceptor's engine, Charlie imagined a high-speed pursuit that would culminate in an apprehension.

Dispatch, this is Sheriff Swan. I'm in a pursuit of a silver Volvo. The vehicle is turning north onto Russell Road from South Forks. The driver is wanted for kidnapping and larceny. . .

In Charlie's imagination, he bumps the Volvo, sending it skidding into a ditch. Leaping out of the police car, Charlie drags a dazed Edward Cullen out of his crumpled vehicle. Then, Charlie tosses Edward across the capuz, capa of the Crown Vic and ratchets the handcuffs down on his pale wrists in a flash.

You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. Yada, yada, yada.

The idea of being able to handcuff the delinquent and throw him in the back of the cruzador made Charlie want to dance. Unfortunately, Charlie rarely saw Edward's car anywhere in Forks other than in the school parking lot . . . and in front of Charlie's house. It was like the kid and his car disappeared the moment they hit the 101.

Charlie sighed. He didn't think Edward would intentionally drive in an unsafe manner with Bella in the car; the kid was too busy polishing his goody-two-shoes image to show off. Okay, when the boy isn't packing up and moving to the big city or meandering off to South America, he does seem to be genuinely concerned with Bella's welfare.

However, Charlie figured Bella's presence in the Volvo would increase the odds that Cullen would get distracted and blow a red light or roll through a stop sign. As a result, a time or two each week, Charlie made it a point to run radar close to Forks High School around the time students were arriving or being dismissed. The high school was usually in session from 8:15 to 3:15, but students were being released at noon today. Some teacher's union thing or whatever.

Charlie looked at his watch and called the dispatcher for a radio check. It was a reminder to the deputy on duty, who would be monitoring the radio, of course, that she should soon be pulling over near the intersection of East Division and Spartan to turn on the flashing warning lights atop the school crossing sign. Then, she'd park nearby where anyone driving past could see the patrol car. After the accident that almost killed Bella, Charlie started keeping a deputy near the schools to discourage speeders.

Another set of eyes on the lookout for the silver Volvo.

Charlie grinned. He didn't explicitly give instructions to that effect, but he grumbled about Edward and his expensive car often enough that everyone at down at the police station knew there were brownie points to be had for the deputy catching Bella's boyfriend doing something wrong. Jaywalking would do.

Charlie slowed down when he got close to La Push Road. He was tempted to hang a right and drive out to the Black's. Charlie had been delivering notes to Billy, who in turn passed them to Jacob. . . for weeks. Meanwhile, Billy was discouraging any direct response, at least, not until the right amount of pressure seemed to have built up. Now, Charlie and Billy figured the situation had taken about all the primer it could handle; and they hoped Bella's new freedom would be the spark that yanked Bella back to reality, and helped her see Jacob was a whole lot better for her than Edward could ever be.

The upcoming prom was still on Charlie's mind. Charlie and Billy thought they had devised the fool-proof plan for preventing Edward from taking Bella to the prom: Billy would throw a little party at his place. Charlie believed that Bella would be wary of plans with Edward on the night of the prom, so she would lean toward visiting her friends at La Push.

When Charlie mentioned the invitation from Billy for the upcoming weekend, Charlie was disappointed that Bella didn't seem even the tiniest bit excited; but the disappointment was nothing compared to the realization that Charlie and Billy's planning and scheming had provided an opportunity for Edward to carry Bella away for the weekend. When Edward raised the subject of a weekend trip to Jacksonville, Charlie was so mad at Edward that Charlie immediately attacked Bella, who played the move-out card. Get out of jail free.

Maybe Renée will scare Edward. Charlie visualized Edward struggling to andorinha Renée's half-baked culinary concoctions, while he sat on the floor pillows in her bohemian dining room. Charlie couldn't imagine what Renée's dining room in Jacksonville looked like, so he tried to think of style that described Renée and made Charlie cringe. Even if Edward was an adopted child, he was from a rich family and the rich only tolerated bohemian as a lifestyle for the duration of their child's post-secondary art education.

Charlie planned to plant a few seeds in Edward's mind before the trip, so that he might become leery of Bella's potential for turning out just like Renée. Charlie knew he'd have to apologize to Edward for reacting badly last night. "Someday, you'll be a father . . . no strike that . . . The trouble is that I see Bella growing up too fast . . . No, the word fast didn't belong in any sentence that pertained to Bella. Charlie was going to have to give the apology mais thought, but he knew just what subject he was going to bring up to make Edward feel uneasy: the fact that as soon as Edward had brought Bella início last night, she had tried to go see Jacob.

When Bella returned início after her evening with the delinquent and said she was going to La Push, Charlie hoped he could take Bella's attempt to visit La Push as a sign that Edward did not yet have Bella's undivided loyalty. Bella left, but she returned after a few minutes, reporting that her truck wouldn't start. It seemed strange, almost like an unseen force had its own agenda. Charlie sighed. In his eagerness, Charlie let his enthusiasm for the visit show por offering to let Bella take the police cruiser. Naturally, Bella declined.

Charlie hadn't talked to Billy since Bella tried to visit Jacob last night and Charlie really wanted to find out if she'd made contact with Jacob yet. This matchmaking stuff was new territory. Charlie envied the fathers who had been fortunate enough to live in times where a couple of rabbits (dead or alive) and a big, fat pig were sufficient barter for a wife. Billy seemed to take to it - matchmaking, that is - with gusto.

"Charlie, we both know that Bella's gonna go off to college and she'll forget all about Jake, but until then we gotta keep her out of Cullen's clutches."

Billy didn't have much to say about the fact that Bella and Edward were plotting to go away to college together. Charlie wondered what Billy would say about Bella's acceptance to the universidade of Alaska Southeast. Edward had been accepted there, too. Juneau was almost 2,000 miles away por car, a trip to Bellingham and a 3 dia ocean voyage or a six hundred dollar airfare out of Sea-Tac. If Bella stayed in Forks for a couple of years, she could attend Peninsula Community and then transfer when she was sure of what career path she might follow.

Charlie passed a young man strapped under a backpack, lumbering toward Forks. He doesn't seem to sure of what path he should follow either, Charlie thought. During the warmest months of the year, the town saw its share of college students and young soldiers from Fort Lewis hoping to enjoy the outdoor activities the Olympic Peninsula. Charlie might have picked the backpacker up if he wasn't a little bugged por a car that seemed to be pacing the police cruiser. Besides, if the backpacker hadn't wanted to walk, he could have caught the Clallam Transit bus into Forks.

Charlie looked at his watch again. 12:15 p.m. He'd taken too much time chatting with the matron at the jail in Port Angeles.

Forks' small jail only housed thirty people; and it wasn't suited for handling women, so females were transported to Port Angeles. The particular prisoner that Charlie dropped off was a regular customer. She and her husband seemed to take turns beating up on each other and breaking the furniture in their house. When the neighbors called 911 the night before, Charlie's deputy had arrived to find the woman standing over her husband's prone body. Neighbors reported that a right hook took the man down. The town of Forks provided the gentleman with a ride to the hospital; his wife was given a to jail. Again.

Charlie liked to take the opportunity to catch up on local rumors or at least find out where the peixe had been biting whenever he delivered a prisoner to the county jail, but no one was talking about the locals or fishing. They were mais eager to chat about the recent murders in Seattle. Law enforcement scuttlebutt. Generally, a bad thing, especially when it turned out the a law enforcement officer was involved in the crime.

Charlie almost wished he'd kept Bella confined to the house a little longer. Fortunately, Charlie and Bella lived in Forks and the most dangerous things in Forks were probably in the meat case at the Thriftway. Recalls for salmonella and botulism were becoming pretty routine.

Wasn't much chance Cullen was going to catch a nasty case of E coli; he didn't eat as far as Charlie could tell. Mamma's boy. Cullen had turned his nose up at Bella's stroganoff. The dish was one of Charlie's favorites, made from his mother's recipe. Mamma's boy. The irony wasn't lost on Charlie, but he wasn't going to dwell on it.

Eventually, Bella's delinquent was going to find out that Bella could get a little snippy when it came to her cooking. 'Just eat it Dad,' Bella would say, referring to brócolis or some other vegetable that she had decided would be good for Charlie. Edward would have to start eating her cooking, too, and when he complained, he'd be laid out on the front lawn the same way the husband involved in the anterior night's domestic dispute had been.

"We've been married for three years and he still runs over to his mother's house before he comes início at night," Charlie heard Bella saying.

"The truth is that I hate stroganoff," Edward confessed . . . right before Bella cold-cocked him again and sent him staggering to the floor.

The imagens in Charlie's head made him laugh, that is, until he really thought about Bella being married to the likes of Edward Cullen. Then, Charlie started to sweat. He hated to consider the possibility that Bella's might end up doing something that would force an early marriage, although Bella vigorously denied the possibility. Still, Charlie knew too well where intense feelings could lead. Since Cullen was really the only contender for the título of husband - Charlie gulped - and baby's daddy in Bella's life, Charlie knew he was going to have to try and see the delinquent as something other than the . . . well, the delinquent.

Charlie tried out a few new phrases and words. Bella's boyfriend. Bella's husband. Son-in-law. Bella's ex. Charlie thought the last one had a nice ring to it. por the time Edward would be the ex - and statistically, in this dia and age, that was bound to be título he'd win eventually - Charlie would be using mais familiar terms again. Heartbreaker. Thief. Convict.

The interceptor roared into Forks faster than Charlie had intended and he found himself riding the bumper of someone scooting around well under the speed limit. When the driver looked up in to the mirror and saw Charlie scowling, the man lifted his foot from the gas pedal suddenly. Fortunately, Charlie's reflexes were good enough to keep the cruzador out of the man's trunk. Charlie didn't recognize the car or the driver, so he an apology for the lapse of attention wasn't in the future. A local would have gotten some kind of an excuse. Forks was a small town, and even if the job of sheriff wasn't an elected position, disgruntled residents did have the power to persuade the town council to vamoose a corrupt or inept police chief like Charlie's predecessor had been.

Charlie would have had to follow the local into a gas station or the parking lot of the grocery store. People usually found a reason to stop driving as soon as they realized that they were being followed por a police car. Sorry to spook you, there, Mac. I didn't recognize you. Thought maybe some thief was joy riding in your car. Comments like that let the person know the town sheriff was vigilant and had a personal interest in everyone in the community.

Charlie was watchful. In fact, he knew every vehicle and face that belonged in town. He knew a little about everyone, but lately it had started to feel like people around him where saying one thing, but doing another. Charlie felt the tension rising in his neck and chalked his unease up to the unfamiliar role of custodial parent that he was still struggling to play.

Thinking about his job was mais pleasant. As long as no one was hurting anyone else and no major law breaking was going on, Charlie was content to ride herd over Forks quietly.

Despite his laid back and nonchalant attitude, Charlie knew the political climate of Forks and the Clallam County criminal justice community better than anyone. The significance of the last detail increased in importance when the regional state prison facilities became the largest employers in the area. First, the correctional officers working in those facilities were a pool of potential deputies, and second, the presence of well-compensated senior administrative jobs meant that Forks city leaders would want to make sure its police chief was never lured away. Since the town participated in the state's retirement and health benefits programs, the impact of jumping employers would be minimal. That situation encouraged decision-makers to make the salary competitive. They didn't realize that it was the car that guaranteed Charlie wouldn't relinquish his job without a fight.

Charlie slowed down as he passed Newton's. Bella didn't say anything about working, but it didn't hurt to take a peek in parking lot. He pulled in; but just as he was about the park, the car Charlie had seen in his rearview mirror screamed por doing at least twenty miles over the speed limit. Charlie spun the interceptor in the gravel and hit the blacktop. He was gaining on the gradually slowing vehicle when it finally dawned on him that the car he was following was a shiny, silver Volvo. Just like Edward Cullen's car.

Charlie's mind went blank and he couldn't remember Cullen's license tag number. Charlie hit the lights and crawled up on the Volvo. The car slid to the side of the road and stopped promptly. Charlie was shaking; he hadn't been this excited about a traffic stop since he was still a rookie.

Charlie called the plates in, but didn't wait to hear the dispatcher's verification that the Volvo was Cullen's. Charlie was sure the vehicle would come back registered to either Carlisle or Esme Cullen, so he put on his game face and walked stiffly to the driver's side of the Volvo. He tapped on the dark tinted windows, making a mental note to check and see if the tinting exceeded state tolerance. Charlie stared at the driver and his passenger, realizing immediately that, somehow, he'd been had.

Emmett Cullen and Jasper Hale stared back.

Charlie wriggled his mustache and snorted. These were not the faces that Charlie wanted to see. "Emmett Cullen, did you come all the way back to Forks just to get a ticket. Or did you forget how to drive while you were going to school back east?" Charlie was livid. He was sure Edward had something to do with this.

"Yeah, I guess I wasn't paying as much attention as should have been. I'm really sorry about that Chief Swan. I won't let it happen again. I was trying to get over to the high school to pick up my brother and sister," Emmett said.

Charlie didn't get a chance to respond before Jasper pointed. "Hey, that's Bella's truck."

Charlie turned to look at the nearby intersection where the on-coming vehicles were waiting for the traffic signal to change. The first vehicle in line was Bella's truck. It looked like Edward was driving and Bella was sitting beside him, but Charlie couldn't see Bella very well; she was too busy sucking on Edward's face. Sheesh!

Charlie whirled and beat it back to his cruzador in time to hit the siren before the light changed. Edward and Bella quickly disengaged, as Alice Cullen slowly peered up over the dashboard of the old Ford. Her hands formed blinders blocking her view of the delinquents beside her. Clearly, Alice was almost as mortified as Charlie was. Charlie felt sorry for her.

Ignoring the truck, Charlie moved the Crown Vic out onto the rua and stopped seguinte the Volvo. "You boys keep the speed down and tell your brother I want to have a word or two with him. Tonight." Charlie had a feeling that Cullen's brothers would amor to deliver that message.

Charlie was canceling that apology he had planned to make.

In the seguinte chapter: Alice pays a visit to Charlie and Bella.
posted by twilighter-1

“BELLA, WAKE UP. . . WAKE UP! IT’S ALREADY 8:30 AM --- YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE IN school” Charlie said loudly as he woke me. “Hurry up”. I shuddered from his loud voice.

    “Yes dad” I sighed. I dreamt of that guy again but still I can’t see his face --- since I was a child, I’m dreaming of him. This horrible dream is never going to be ended.

    Facing this new morning, I arrived in school late. You’re really such a klutz Bella, I thought. I felt so cold. It’s raining again. I am wearing thick clothes to keep my body lukewarm....
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posted by bella01
i realize the boy is not a human he is a werewolf.i can't believe it,does every mythical creatures i know live here in forks?before i know it the vision stopped.

{chapter 12}

"hey, miss ,hey"someone shouted at me.

"oh..what?"i asked still can not believe what i saw.

"are you ok?"he asked worried.he have black eyes and hair.

"yes"i said.

"are you sure?"he asked.

"by the way ,my name is jacob black"he said smiling,he gave me a beautiful smile but it did not top edward's smile.wait why am i thinking of him.

"hello jacob i am isabella swan but you can call me bella"; i said also smiling

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posted by bella01
[while unpacking]

I am absentmindedly arranging my books.I have many books,i amor reading.actually it takes 4 bib boxes for all of my books.

"you have many books" edward said.that brought me back to reality.

"what?" i asked

"i said you have so many books and it looks like you have a beautiful book collection"he said

"ahhhh......ok" i said

"bella,bella you have so many clothes ,ten boxes so far"alice said while jumping up and down.

"what?!"i asked confused,i told mrs. meyer before i leave not to send all of my clothes.

"we will be best friends ,because you are like me i can see it now we will go shopping...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 16
200 years later
Me and matt traveled the world and had a great time we even met some other covens like the irish coven,the romanian coven and the amazonas, amazon, amazônia coven we lived with them for 49 years and then took off cause it was getting kind of boring we went to paris and lived there for a cuppel off years then we went to new york,spain,egypt,germany,china,italy we even met the voltury they werent that nice! But kind of kreepy, specialy there hoods!but then we went back to london.
I got off the cama and got dressed matt was sitting on the sofá leitura a news paper and watching t.v
-what are...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 14
Bella pov
Me and matt went início and changed I took out the left ravioly out of the fridge and warmed it up for charlie I went upstaires and fiond matt lying on my cama leitura romeo and juliet
-that's one of my faves!
I sat down beside him and read a few pages with him when I heard Charlie's cruzador coming near the house I got up and went down stairs matt followed me he kissed my forehead and went and sat on the sofá turnning on the TV watching baseball ugh! I I don’t get that game and it reminds me of old times.
I ran up stairs and took romeo and juliet and went back down stairs in...
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11. Twinge

He road with me to the Elementary school. He talked about the game and I laughed. He was a great Player, he told me about the scholarship and how it all when away with one spit bone. I got to the school a bit late, Mrs. Martinez eyes Kevin anxiously and she told me about the rose sent to Alison today. I just nodded my head and introduce Aly to Kevin.

“Alison Love, I want you to meet my friend Kevin” I was holding her; she smiled at him and looked at me.

“Hi Kevin” she said in her sweet voice. She would say it to new people and grandpa when she wanted something. I shook my...
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posted by bella01
"I think she is hiding something from us"Esme said
"What do you mean?"Carlisle asked
"When I lead her to her room and i ask her if she is hungry and we have comida downstairs she just laughed"she said confused
"It's like that she didn't believe that there is comida here?"Emmett asked,laughing
"Why are we talking about this stupid human?"Rosalie said
"Shut up"Alice said angrily 'who is stupid here?maybe you are talking about yourself'Alice thought
""And she don't want touching her"I said
"And when someone touch her she's always in pain"Jasper said
We stopped talking when we heard a scream from upstairs."She's...
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posted by bella01
We arrive at the house.It's a very big and beautiful house and it is in the middle of the forest.I don't have many bags,just one and my violão, guitarra case.I walked towards the house and the door was opened por Edward 'maybe he really is nice'.
"thank you" i said smiling at him."your welcome",he said with a mesmerizing crooked smile.
I walked inside the house with my bag.It;s not heavy because dad's power is helping me.The cullens are in front of me.Then a man and a woman take a step progressivo, para a frente and i'm guessing is Carlisle and Esme.
"welcome início isbella",esme said."bella",edward corrected.i just smile 'my...
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posted by teamalice_0
I'm starting a new story, I read something like this off And I desided to do my own little verson of it. Please tell me what you think of it.

I have loved the Twilight Series ever since they came out. I only wish that it was real, not in a book.

Today was my 17th Birthday. And were were having the 'party'. It was just family so it was small. All traditions were kept, even the singing.

"Cassie! Make a wish!" My annoying brother said, I knew what he wanted. The faster I made my wish, the faster I blew the candels...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter 2)
I was in the forest running and I kept falling down trying to chase edward no matter how fast I ran I kept losing him then it started raining I was all wet but I didn’t give up cause I knew if I didn’t chase him my life would be useless I kept running and finally I caught him I went to talk to him but then Jacob came and grabbed me por my wrist and dragged me away from him no matter how hard I hit him he just kept running and saying some nonsense about edward and his family being dangerous. I woke up crying it was 3:00 AM I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t 3 hours passed...
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posted by Gabstaaa
It happens. There’s no avoiding it. When you can see the darkness coming, there’s nothing you can do rather than lie there helplessly, waiting. Waiting for the torment to end. Then finally, when you know it’s all over, there’s that one raio, ray of hope willing to take your life back. So you reach out for it, not wanting to loose it. Lock it in a box and throw away the key.
“Charlie how long atrás was it when you found her?”
That calm voice echoed around the large o espaço in my empty head. The light was fading, seeping out the sides of the box that I locked it in. It was escaping fast and...
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*The Encounter*

The blow sent my head spinning off my shoulders it felt, my eyesight turning blury as I fell to the ground. Gravel and dirt breaking my fall as I land hard on my stomach. I lay perfectly still, gritting my teeth to hold back a scream of pain.
I heard voices.
So many voices. Mens voices, all grunting and yelling at eachother right above me. My head ached as I tried desperatly to understand what they were saying.
"... have to kill her now..." one voice announced.
"... too risky... should have been mais careful..." another said, agreeing with the first. My head swam with fear. I didn't...
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posted by teamalice_0
I'm gunna be wrapping this story up, since barley anyone reads it anymore, so only a couple mais chapters left.

Mickey was passed out on the floor, with a book in her hands. I smiled, poor thing got tired. I picked her up and tucked her into bed. I sat there watching her for awhile. I got a text from Bella, I haven't text in forever.

(bold is bella, and italics are Lilly.)

Where are you?

Um..... Not gunna tell you right now, but I will soon, maybe I'll visit, I'm planning on going to the states soon.

So your not in the states?

I promise...
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posted by teamalice_0
Heyo! Btw for anyone who reads Mary Alice, It will be on the Twilight Series. This chapter probably sucks, I'm tired.

The seemed intrested in my talent, because they kept asking perguntas about it. While Marcus keeps staring at me. He looked like he was in deep thought. To be honest, it kinda freaked me out.

I seemed mais relaxed now that I met everyone. But Aro said there was more, which made me nervous again.

They started talking about 'visiting' a coven in New Hamshire. The discussed their options. Eventualy they confirmed about taking...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Jacob's POV
Chapter Thirteen

    I snarled, and paced. Seth whimpered beside me. The others were laying on the forest ground. Leah was bored por the whole deal, but Embry and Quil were mais understanding. Seth was just upset because someone else was upset.
( Jake, you need to chill out, man.) Quil said.
I snarled and turned on him. ( You have NO idea how bad it was! She choose that bloodsucker over me!) I yelled in my mind. They all flinched. I took a deep breath. They were right. I needed to relax.
(Just go back there, and tell her you’re not mad. Then everything can go...
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posted by teamalice_0

Were they serious?

I looked Felix dead in the eyes, and he now saw the gold the gold in them.

"Great. Another stupid diet of animal blood."

He just insulted my family. I growled and got right up in his face even though he's taller thsn me I still managed to stare him down. No one was going to insult my family without me going all kung fu on them.

I had my hand out towards the bench nearest. If he wants a fight. I'll give it to him.

"It's not stupid!" I growled.

"Felix! Lilly! Not here."

I almost forgot where we were. In the middle...
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posted by teamalice_0
Enjoy, this is, as my sister would say, an epic chapter.

I barley go to malls, so I had no idea really where to go. The time Alice took me she led me while I daydreamed about him. It still hurt to hear his name, or even see him in a picture. I just wanted for him to be alive. I should have protected him.

But I didn't. I tried. But I was a human then, but not anymore. I haven't used my 'gift' since that day.

I would amor him 'till the dia I died. No one could capture my love, not like he did. He was my mate, so to speak. He was my other...
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When I steped infront of the cullens house, i was breathless, it was so big! i smile a huge smile as the wind hit the trees, and the sun sparkled of my skin.

    Everything was amazing! an beautiful! the trees, bushes, just everything! but then, i sented humen blood, it was weak, but very strong, it was comming from in side the house. Then a little girl ran out side of the house, followed be a big tan man.

    I started shaking, then humen sent on her smelled delishes. but i had to rezist, and that onley made me sake more. As she got closer, i got weaker....
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
I decided to do another one in jacob's POV...but sadly this story is coming to a close...
Chapter Thirteen

    I snarled, and paced. Seth whimpered beside me. The others were laying on the forest ground. Leah was bored por the whole deal, but Embry and Quil were mais understanding. Seth was just upset because someone else was upset.
( Jake, you need to chill out, man.) Quil said.
I snarled and turned on him. ( You have NO idea how bad it was! She choose that bloodsucker over me!) I yelled in my mind. They all flinched. I took a deep breath. They were right. I needed to relax....
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Twelve

    I turned to Renesmee, my tears now drying on my face.
“ Nessie, thank you for everything. Tell your whole family I will never forget what they have done for me.”
She sat there, looking impossibly perfect, and stared at me with huge brown eyes.
“ What are you doing, Mika?” Renesmee asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.
“ I’m not going to tell you. That way, when they ask, you can be honest and say you don’t know.”
She nodded slowly and then reached out a hand. She rested it lightly on my cheek and her palm burned coolly. The picture that flashed...
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