Total Drama Revenge of the Island (TDROTI) Club
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posted by emmab13
I was just sitting around and I thought what it would it be if two of the personalities fell in love. So this story is about Svetlana and her amor story.(p.s. this has nothing to do with the Taylor rápido, swift song)

It was just another Wendsday night. A young girl with black hair and tan skin was sitting down on the cold hard floor. She's been sitting there all day. Svetlana was thinking about something she needed. Love. The other personalities haven't noticed her just sitting there alone. That night Mike came in to visit his personalities. " oi guys. What's up" asked Mike. "Hey" said all of his personalities, except Svetlana. She didn't even look up to see Mike. Svetlana just sat there like a árvore stump. Mike knew he didn't hear Svetlana because she was the one that stood out the most. So he looked around for her. Sure enough there was Svetlana sitting in the corner with her her head in her knees. "what's the matter with Svetlana?" asked Mike. "I don't know she's been invisible to us all day" said Vito. "What? You guys haven't noticed her all day. Why would you do that. She's the only girl here. Pay attention for god sackes" yelled Mike. He walked over and sat seguinte to Svetlana. "Hey Svetlana, are you ok." asked Mike. Svetlana finally looked up and then she said "Yeah. I guess. Other then not being noticed all day". "Listen, I have married and usually when she says she is ok she usually isn't. So what's up Svetlana?" asked Mike. "Fine" started Svetlana" I've been feeling so alone Mike. I need someone to love, but you can't tell the others". "Ok, I won't, you'll find someone. Maybe you could be with Manitoba Smith or Vito. I've got to go. I just wanted to let you know your like a sister to me. Bye." said Mike. He helped up Svetlana and walked over to Manitoba Smith and Vito. "Pay mais attention to her" said Mike and he walked out not to be seen again until tomorrow.

Manitoba Smith and Vito walked over to Svetlana. "Shela, We're sorry for not paying attention to you. Can you forgive us". Svetlana walked past them and to her room(all the personalities had rooms). She walked over to her guitar. Svetlana was really good at the violão, guitarra and got one from Chester for Christmas. She picked up her violão, guitarra and started to play a song called Perfect Two. Svetlana was also a great singer and she started to sing. Manitoba and Vito put there head against Svetlana's bedroom door and listened to her. When she was finished she put her violão, guitarra down and went to bed. " I wonder what's wrong with her?" said Vito. "I don't know, Mate" said Manitoba "I'll see you in the morning". "k night" said Vito. The two went to there rooms to go to cama and as soon as they closed their doors Svetlana walked out over to Chester and tried to wake him up but after half an hora she just decided she would carry him over his shoulder. Svetlana took Chester and carried him over her shoulders to his room.
Svetlana must have woken up Chester. When she set him on his cama because he started to talk and he said "Svetlana, please close my door I want to talk to you". She did as she was told and closed his door.

Chester then gestured for Svetlana to sit seguinte to him. She sat seguinte to him and asked" what do you need Chester". "I heard you talking to Mike. Why don't you tell Manitoba and Vito that you need them more. To be there for you"said Chester. Svetlana replied "Thanks....wait you heard Mike and I talking". "Do you really think I sleep all day. I listen to people conversations. You would be surprised what I hear. Like one time I heard Manitoba talking about how he needs a koala and the lack of australian animals. And another time I heard Vito crying over Anne Maria."said Chester. They both laughed quietly because the boys were sleeping. "Thanks Chester, you may be old but you are wise." said Svetlana. She hugged him and went to turn out the light. "good night" said Svetlana. She turned off the light and walked out.Svetlana walked into her room and went to cama she thought about what Chester said and dozed off to sleep.

Svetlana woke up early in the morning, but Manitoba and Vito had the same idea. Svetlana brushed her hair and walked into the cozinha area( they basically had an entire house). She saw Manitoba and Vito making breakfast. "good morning Svetlana" said Manitoba. "Good morning boys" replied Svetlana. "listen we're really sorry about yesterday. Will you forgive us" asked Vito. Svetlana said "yes. I'll forgive you guys". "thanks. We're making waffles so go wake up Chester please" said Vito. Svetlana walked up to Chester's door and knocked. No answer. She walked in and saw Chester sleeping. She woke him up and they all had breakfast. After breakfast Svetlana excused herself and went to her room. She picked up a pen and her diary and wrote:

Dear Diary, I finally forgave Manitoba and Vito. I've been thinking what Mike said about how I'll find someone........ Svetlana was just about to finish when she heard a knocking on her door. She quickly put away her diary and pen and grabbed a book. "who is it" asked Svetlana. "it's the pizza man. Who do you think it is" said the mysterious man behind the door. "Come in" said Svetlana. The door opened and she saw Mike. "Hi Mike." said Svetlana while she gave him a hug "What are you doing here you not suppose to be here until tonight". "I had a feeling something was wrong". "Thanks for worrying but everything's fine." said Svetlana. " So did you take my conselhos to be with Manitoba or Vito" asked Mike. "Yeah, but I don't know who to choose. I mean Vito and Manitoba are both really sweet and really cute.Svetlana and Mike kept talking unaware Manitoba and Vito were listening to them. (this is my favorito part)"Vito, Manitoba get over here and away from Svetlana's room" yelled Chester. Svetlana heard Chester and walked over to to her door and opened it. She saw them standing right in front of her door. Svetlana turned to Mike "You know Mike, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship". She turned back to the the two boys" What is wrong with you. I completely misjudged you two. How much did you hear" asked Svetlana in an upset and angered tone. They didn't reply. "I HATE YOU TWO!!!"yelled Svetlana. She slapped both of them and stepped on their feet.

She slammed the door and ran over to Mike and hugged him so hard he felt like he was going to pop, but Mike still hugged her. She let go of Mike, sat on her bed, put her head in her hand and started to cry. Mike sat seguinte to her and put his hand on Svetlana's back and then he said "It's going to be ok Svetlana. I'm going to go talk to them then Zoey. Ok?" said Mike. "Ok, bye"replied Svetlana"oh one mais thing. Don't tell Chester, but he doesn't really sleep. He listen to other people's conversations". Really he doesn't sleep. Wow. Well bye. I'll see you soon." said Mike. He walked out of Svetlana's room and over to Vito and Manitoba. "What were you thinking. When I told you to pay mais attention to Svetlana I didn't mean spy on her. Your both stupid. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to Zoey." Mike left and he woke up seguinte to Zoey. He found himself on the sofá and with his head on Zoey's lap."Good morning sleepy head." said Zoey. Mike got up and sat on the coffee mesa, tabela in front of Zoey."Zoey, Svetlana is having a problem. You know what I told her yesterday,right". Zoey nodded. "Well I went to talk to her in her room and while i was talking to her, apparently Manitoba and Vito were listening to us talking. Now she hates them. So what should she do?" asked Mike.

"Really. That's sad. Ok the first thing you tell her to do is tell them that she is the only girl in here and if they don't stop treating her like crap then she's never talking to them or she's leaving. Then if they don't stop after a few days then she can do either of those options or something else. Maybe in time they'll give her respect". "Thanks Zoey.I'll go tell Svetlana right now." said Mike. "Oh. one mais thing MIke. What do you want for lunch?" asked Zoey. "A sanduíche with alface and tomato." replied Mike. "Ok" said Zoey. Mike laid on the sofá and Zoey sat seguinte to him and rubbed his head. Mike fell asleep and Zoey walked over to the kitchen.MIke went back to his subconscious and walked over to Svetlana's room. He knocked. "leave me alone" yelled Svetlana. "Svetlana,It's me Mike"." Oh. Come in". Mike walked in and closed the door."Hey Svetlana"said Mike as he sat seguinte to Svetlana "How you doin'.Zoey told me to tell you that you should tell Manitoba and Vito that you are the only girl in here and if they don't stop treating you like crap then you'll never talking to them again or your leaving. Then if they don't stop after a few days then you can do either of those options or something else. Maybe in time they'll give you respect".

"Thank you so much and thank Zoey for the advice. I'll go tell them right now". Svetlana hugged Mike and walked out of her room. Mike followed her and he saw Manitoba sitting in a chair with his head on the mesa, tabela with his hands over it. Vito was just sitting there playing video games like there wasn't a care in the world. Svetlana coughed and everyone looked up at her. Manitoba looked at her and a tear ran down his eye. While Svetlana was in her room he realized that he loved her. Vito also looked up. He smiled at Svetlana then looked at his feet. "Listen guys.I'm the only girl here and if you don't stop treating me like crap then I'll never talk to you again or I'm leaving. You need to treat me with respect" said Svetlana. Manitoba walked up to Svetlana and said"i'm sorry". He kissed her on the cheek and walked to his room. Vito also apologized, but it wasn't a good apology.

"Svetlana, I think Manitoba likes you."said Mike. "Yeah, I should go talk to him." replied Svetlana. "Cool. I'm going to go talk to Vito and Chester really quick then I'm gonna go"."OK. Thanks again for everything, Mike. See you soon." she hugged Mike then Svetlana walked to Manitoba's room. She knocked and there was a faint reply "come in". Svetlana opened his door and walked in. Manitoba looked up and Svetlana saw that he was crying. " I know you hate us and we're really sorry." said Manitoba. Svetlana walked over to to Manitoba and sat seguinte to him. She put her arm on his back "you are forgiven".Manitoba looked at her with a surprised look on his face."but we spied on you". "I know" said Svetlana. She kissed him on the cheek and replied "FYI: I like you mais than Vito". She got up and walked out of the room.

After a couple of days Svetlana started to talk to the boys more. And at the end of the week Manitoba Smith and Svetlana started dating. Life went on as usual. Vito still cried over Anne Maria, Chester "slept" through everything, Manitoba still wanted a kangaroo, Mike and Zoey went through life and were about to have a baby, and Svetlana, she was happiest of everyone there. She loved being with her friends.
I thought this was really cute. I hope you enjoyed it.