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posted by nocofangirl218
 A pic of Demetry - drawn por AnimeTama! :D
A pic of Demetry - drawn by AnimeTama! :D
Hope you all like my re-made bio for Demetry! x3 Also, I'm making him bisexual this time, and......he kinda has a boyfriend. ;) So, if you don't like the idea of two boys being together; I advise you to not read this. Also........I've noticed something......I only do two charecters when thier best freinds in love, or almost in love! xD Oh well.....a cliche is a cliche. :P


-Charecter 1-

Name: Demetry J. Fisher

Age: 16

Background: Grew up with a pretty normal child hood. Of course, his mom did die of cancer when he was four. All of his family (expessually his dad and brother) seemed to be shaken por this, but both manedged to get a grip and carry on. Since he was so young; Demetry didn't really remember his mom. Despite this, he did faintly recall her cantar him to sleep every night. So, every ano on her birth day, his family takes a trip to her grave and leaves white roses. Other than this, Demetry was pretty average. That is....till he discovered he liked both males and females. (say....9, 10?) Demetry often feels, in other words, un-clean for being bi sexual, wasn't his fault. As Lady G says; you were born this way! xD ) Of course, Demetry is basically staying in the closet for as long as he can. he really doesn't want to admit being bi, but knows that sooner or later he's gonna have to pick which sex he really wants to be with. And, of course, he chooses to decide later.

Interest: The smell of pepermint, Nickelback, books, shakespear, Stepen King, and a lot of famous writers.

Personality: Very kind, smart, a bit of a push-over, and is willing to do anything just to fit in - so basically like Cody. He often thinks for himself, but if someone offers him a way into the "in crowd", he'll gladly do whatever they ask. He even smuggled cerveja he roubou from his father into school for the jockey's because they told him they'd set him up with a cheer-leader if he did. (he wanted to try and convince himself he liked girls mais than guys)

How he met his best friend: He first met Nigel when he was crying in a janitors closet. People had been calling him gay, and Demetry didn't know how to respond. He was attracted to both guys and girls, was just confusing for him. The teasing got worse, and he suddenly had the need to be alone. He then ran off, and ran into the nearest closet. He then sank to his knees, and started to cry heavily. He stayed like that for a long time, but then, suddenly, he heard someone walk into the closet and up to him. Demetry then looked up, and, to his suprise, he saw a handsom tanned male with long choclate brown hair and wire frame glasses looking down at him. Demetr felt a light blush appear on his cheeks, por he manedged to shake it off. The boy then sat seguinte to Demetry and asked what was going on. demetry then sadly explained what had happened, and, when he was finished, the boy gave him a sympathetic look. He then said they were all jerks, and to just ignore them. Demetry then wiped away a few tears with his sleeve, and asked if the things they said actually were true. The taller laughed, and said if you were gay you'd know.....cause he did. The taller then got up, and walked to the door of the closet. He stopped at the door frame, turned around and said his name was Nigel if he ever needed someone to talk to about this stuff again. Demetr then introuduces himself to Nigel. Said taller boy then walks out, and Demetry realizes what he said. Demetry was momentarily stunned that he had hit it off so well with a homosexual, but soon got over it. he thn got up, and raced after the teen. Ever since, they've been the best of friends. Of course, Nigel wants to be mais than friends. Demetry doesn't really wanna mover on from friends, the same time he really does think he wants to have a boyfriend. Of course, he just can't decide, so he just continued on with their awkward friendship.

Friends: Everyone except enemies.

Enemies: Duncan and Alejandro. (they remind him of two bullies from his school who repeatedly pick on him)

Fav couples: Dosn't really have any favs.

Least fav couple: None. He's cool with everyone with everyone.

Fav charecter: He thinks their all pretty awesome.

Least fav chareter: Duncan, and Sierra. (Duncan because hes a bully, and Sierra because shes over obsessive)

Crush: Likes Nigel, but can't decide if he really likes him as mais than a friend.

Description: Looks like Cody but with pointier hair, and glasses. He wears a gray T-shirt, a baggy pair of regular blue jeans, and a pair of worn-out, old, sneakers.

-Charecter 2-

Name: Nigel D Brooks

Age: 17

Background: Grew up with two sisters and one brother, and his whole family was into soul music. People often ask if he's related to Noah, but he just says no. Even though he looks a lot like the High IQ, they don't even know eachother. Although, the two both have a high IQ score. Anyway, Nigel's life was pretty normal. That is.........until he discovered he liked other males. Nigel felt like total crap about it at first, but, once he finally got the nerve to tell his parents, they were actually okay with it. Thy gave him their full support, and Nigel has been openly gay ever since. Of course, he doesn't go parading around announcing his homosexuality to the world. He only tells the people he trusts enough, or cares about the most. The only people he told of his sexuality were girls that come onto him, and......Demetry. He didn't know why, but he felt very comfortable around the small red head. In fact......he's in amor with him.

Interest: Jazz, the trumpet, guitar, books, Nickelback, science, and other aleatório stuff.

Personality: Kind, caring, a bit sarcastic, humoris, and relaxed.

How he met his best friend: he had first met Demetry when he happened to see him run into a closet. You see, he had been getting somehting from his locker when he saw this person run past, and run into a closet. Curious, he went to the closet, and opened it to find a crying red head with his knees to his chest. He then approuched the boy, and the weeping child looks at him with these huge teary blue eyes. Nigel feels a blush come over his cheeks, but manedges to keep it hidden. After a moment of keeping thier gaze locked, Nigel takes a assento por the crying boy. He asks what was wrong, and the boy told him tons of people in his class called him gay, queer, and ect. Nigel just tells him to ignore thse jerks, but the boy then asks if what they were saying could be true. Nigel laughed, and said that if he was gay he'd know. Without even thinking, he then adds that he knew he was. Nigel - a little suprised he just said that - then got up, and walked to the door. He then turned around, and told the red head his name. The boy then revealed himself as Demetry, and Nigel couldn't help but think it was the cutest name ever. Nigel then went out of the closet, and started walking down the hall. Of course, a pair of running feet in the distance made him stop. He then turned to see Demetry rnning toward him. When he finally cought up, he quickly asked if he wanted to hang out some time. Nigel was suprised at first, but he quickly said sure, and they've been best friends ever since. Now, however, Nigel wants....more than a friend from Demetry. I mean, the little guy looked so helpless, and.....Nigel wanted to protect him. Of course, the red head, (who Nigel instantly knew was either gay or bi) was still in denial. So, Nigel would just try and try again. He'd do anything in the world if it ment being por the red heads side for the rest of his days....

Friends: Everyone except for enimies.

Enemies: The bully types, and preppy people. (with the exeption of Demetry)

Fav couples: Doesn't really take an interst

Least fav couple: Same as Fav couples.

Fav charecter: Noah

Least fav chareter: Those who make fun of Noah or Deemtry.

Crush: Demetry, but he doesn't really seem interested. Of course, that doesn't mean he won't stop trying.

Description: Basically a bit taller version of Noah. He also has an Alejandro-like stubble on his chin. He wears a dark-blue sweater vest and a light blue camisa under it. (hes always jocking Noah roubou the look from him) He also wears glasses, and can't see without them.

-Audition Tape-

Demetry: *is shown putting the camera in foucuse with his tounge handing out* Perfect! *gets a few feet away from the camera, and smiles* oi TD peoples! Names Demetry, and I'm auditioning for the new show! :D

Nigel: *comes out of no where* Don't you mean we're auditioning for the new show.

Demetry: -.- No Nigel, I'm doing this alone....

Nigel: But you could get hurt out there! I couldn't live with myself if anything bad happened to you! Besides... *puts arm around Demetry* I'm still trying to win you over. *winks*

Demetry: *blushes* Fine...audition with me then.

Nigel: Yay!

*they both then sit on a aleatório sofá that magically is there*

Demetry: So, for my audition, I thought I could resite something from Stephen Kings: The Green Mile. *pulls out the book from no where, and flips to a aleatório page* We all are walking the green mile in a way. For some it's a short journey, but for others, such as myself, it is a long painful one. But, if we can over come these trial, we shall be rewarded with the loving company of death and arrive at the gates of heaven. The journey thats not the hard's seeing your life - all the regrets you have, all the mistakes you made - that makes it a living hell. And for some, like myself, the green mile is an endless journey that will not be over as quick as you desire it to be. *snaps book shut*

Nigel: sound sexy when you get all serious like that.

Demetry: *groans* Way to kill the mood Nigel....

Nigel: *chuckles* Sorry dude. *ruffels Demetry's hair* Okay, now my little friend, it's time for my audition! *pulls out a guitar* So, I'm gonna be strumming a tune from the greates band ever.......Nichelback! Enjoy! *starts to play "If today was your last day" on his guitar*

Demetry: *watches him with googly eyes the whole time*

Nigel: *finally stops* And there you have it. *sees Demetry staring, and smirks slightly* So, Demetry, if today was truly your last, what would you do? *puts violão, guitarra aside, and inches closer to him*

Demetry: *sees Nigel getting closer, and blushes*'d.....

Nigel: *is now bt Demetry* Well, would you.......I don't know.......perhaps kiss me? *smiles devilishly*

Demetry: *blushes deeper* Well....uh....

*just then, Nigel gets really close to Demetry, and the gap between their lips begins to close. Demetry is then seen as if he smells something plesent, and his eyes glaze over. Their lips meet, and, soon, the two are actually making out. At the bottom of the screen, the battery ícone is blinking - showing thier isn't much time left. The two soon pull away, and Demetry gets a blank look*

Demetry: You had a pepermint....didn't you?

Nigel: *smiles innocently* Oh, I may have had a few before coming here.

Demetry: *gets an awesome pouty face, and crosses his arms* NO FAIR! You know I go gaga when I smell pepermint!

Nigel: That was kinda the plan....

Demetry: OUT! *chases Nigel - who is laughing very hard - off screen* *he then gomes back on screen, and groans* Man...........I'm glad no body saw that. *sees camera, and gets wide eyed* Oh holy f-

*the camera then dies*

-end of audition tape-


Yeah.............I like this one a WHOLE lot better! xD Oh Nigel you sly dog you; using Demetry's one and only weakness! ;)

Anyway, please leave thoughts in the comments! :D
 A pic of Nigel - also done por AnimeTama! x3
A pic of Nigel - also done by AnimeTama! x3
Still with me? Here is the uke of "It's Scenery", Rokuro Shigeru. Enjoy!


Name: Rokuro
Surname: Shigeru
Nickname(s): Uro-chan
(Who calls him this?:) Two of his three brothers
Age: 15
Occupation: None
Interests: Manga, anime, video games, regular supplies of pocky
Dislikes: People who are too friendly, vegetables, loud noises
Bad Habits: A short temper, is a bit judgmental, void of speech in public
Student at: Yoshinori High School (1st year)

Rokuro is a fresh-out-of-middle-school stoic type who hates a fluctuation in pace. Everyday he attends school, and returns início to complete homework and spend...
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So... I decided to write a story. I'm going to try and gather together all of my OC's in this (that is, if they want to cooperate...) So, enjoy!
Natalie fell out of her bed. Well, technically, she was pushed.
"OW!" she shouted from her purple carpet. She looked up to see a blonde laughing hysterically on the purple sheets. In the Charm Original OC Mansion, new OC's joined almost weekly. Dannica was a newer OC in the mansion. She proved to be a bit of a troublemaker in some senses. Sometimes she also provd to be crazy.
"DANNICA!" the blonde teenager shouted...
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 maçã, apple blossom
apple blossom
Name: Oceane Peru Fancy
nicknames: french girl baby girl and sweet assassin
friends: all the boys and girls
appear in : tda and tdwt
team: Killer grips and team victory
enemies: sometimes Alejandro
dislikes: Alejandro flirting and duncan playing
likes: hanging out
Boyfriends: use to be cody
hates being called: bad girl which duncan calls her
bio: a sweet french girl that mover to new york and met Leshawna she is now a punk rocker and change her name so her father cant find her
Name: maçã, apple Blossom
nickname:shy girl
friends:all girls and some boys
appear in : tdwt
team: Team chris...
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posted by Duncan-superfan
His parents aren't here? I'm alone with him? Wait, why am I so worried..?

"O-oh.." ^^;

He took a hold of my arm and started to lead me towards the living room.

"C'mon, I'll show you around." He smiled.

"Okay." I smiled as well, feeling comfortable again.

When stopped in the middle of his living room, I looked around with big eyes. His furniture was goregous!

"Wow..! It's so pretty!"

He chuckled softly, "Thanks."

I walked up to the dark red sofá and rubbed my hand acrossed it. It was soft. I saw Jamie's hand slip onto mine, moving our hands across the couch. I blushed madly, feeling him press against...
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(This is a rp between me and Krista(Zachhapyunicorn),and it's still going on,so this'll be dividido, dividir into parts.There is also typos,cusing,and ALOT of,yeah.....:3)

*It's dark outside,and the large group wakes up in an empty looking mansion like house after being knocked unconsious por some unknown force*

Leeroy: *waking up,rubbing his head* Nyeah,Zemmy needs to warn me before wac-...*looks around*..o.o;

Tyson: Owie I hit my head to hard this time falling down the steps 3:<

Leeroy: *rubbing his head* Who in the bloody hell are you?

Tyson: Oh im Tyson...Do you have headache medicine?...
continue reading...
posted by brittnw15
Warning: Contains some language.
All characters belong to me.
Sitting in the crowded lunchroom I managed to tone everyone out por putting in the earplugs to my ipod and turning the música all the way up. Blaring ACDC was about the only way to get my mind off of the idiots that surrounded me. Why the hell I even showed up to this place was still a mystery to me. I had almost made it through an uneventful lunch when I heard shouting. Rolling my eyes, I looked across the cafeteria to see what was going on. Standing in the middle of the room was the bleached blonde, brown eyed, devil...
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posted by Seastar4374
 Rochelle human and lobo form
Rochelle human and wolf form
Name: Rochelle Abbey Hetrick

Nicknames: Ro (most popular, Seashell, and Ro-ro.

Bio- Rochelle is one of those sweet girls unless you get her mad. She was origionally born in California and lived there until her father got a job in Pessylvania. Rochelle has lived in Pennsylvania ever since.

Birthday: March 11th

Loves: All animals. music. choclolate, field hockey, books, some kinds of video games (depending on the type), cruz country, cheerleading, and softball.

Hates: Thunderstoms, fights, her rival school, country music, whenever it rains, bad haid days, and certin kinds of shell fish.

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posted by bcthestrongest
Kenya: stomp stomp ive arrive drop the beat nasty face why u looking at me
Nightstar:flyin flyin flyin through the sky in my spaceship im an alien tongnight
Nightlight:dirty dirty sucka u think i cant get dirty like u motherf
Kenya: i can do it like a brother do it like a dude grab my sh wear my hat low like u
Nightstar: i can do it like a brother do it like a dude grab my sh wear my hat low like u
Nightlight: boom boom pour me a cerveja
Kenya:no pretty drinks im a guy out here
Nightstar:rollin rollin rollin my money like a pimp
Nightlight: my b i t c h e s on my d*** like this
posted by Courtneyfan785
Full Name:Kristen Maria Hollman Nicknames:Kristy,Krist,And Dork(By brother) Likes:Spanish,Caramal Apples,Dogs,And The Color Blue Dislikes:Bugs,Her Brother,And Worms Bio:She is an orphan who lives in an abandoned factory.She has an annoying older brother named Andrew. Friends:Holly and Lucas and anyone who would like to be friends with her!
Chapter 2
"Excuse me?!?" Lisa tried to keep her calm,obviously failing.The girl glared at her,and stood up.
"What do you want?"
Lisa slightly laughed a twisted laugh,and shot another death glare.
"What do I want? I want you to go be a whore somewhere else and leave my boyfriend alone,got it?!" Lisa was barely ever angry,so this was a shock to everyone. The girl snarled,and went to soco Lisa,but stoped mid-air,and walked away,feeling everyone glaring at her. Lisa smiled,and hugged Damien,the others still not sure of what to say.
The seguinte dia started off slowly.It seemed like the first blocked...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
Name: Eilli

age: 18

Oresonallity: fun nice and musical

Nicknames: Eil

Fears: hights and breaking bones

favorito singers and Bands: Avril Lauvign Big Time Rush Ke$ha

favorito food: Chicken

Bio: Eilli was bron in Husten Teaxas she moved to New York when she was 13 then she moved to Califronia when she was 15 she has light brown hair nd Green eyes. she likes to sing,dance and act. she hates fakes , phnies nd liars. she likes to listen to the radio. when she was 14-18 she was in the glee Club. One time when she was 16 she got elected to go to hollywood with Selena Gomez. she has a lote of firends, Aj Aly Samamthat, Rochelle, Matt, Chey, and Trever
posted by aprilacne
"GOD!" I cried "Controll you're self, insect!" I heard Sister MicHaven whip at me. She was the meanist nun at [i]"Gods Prayrs". I had to respond "Y-yes S-sister M-micH-haven..." I wimperd, "Sister MicHaven! Have you forgottin that we have to amor and care for this child?!?" Sister Raven reminded her,these two wher the ony ones i kepped living-all the rest i killed including the kids-"I know child, but what do you expect her to do when shes older? Harm everyone and evrything?" "SHE'S JUST SCARED TO BE ALONE!" I did not realize that she was trying to protect me in a way that my mother protected...
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Jason:what do you want me to do to ease the pain?
Jason*kissis her forhead*This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong
Who would have guessed it
I will not leave alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late
It's never too late

Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late

No one will ever see
This side reflected
And if there's something wrong
Who would have guessed it
And I have left alone
Everything that I own
To make...
continue reading...
posted by brittnw15
The song As She's Walking Away is owned por Zac Brown Band.
I was hiding around the corner, watching the hallways. Class had just been dismissed so it was about to become really crowded out here. I kept my eyes on the locker in front of me. It was Nick's. I continued to hide behind the wall, waiting for him to show up. Why was I so anxious for him to show up, you ask. Well earlier this week that varmit had shoved me in my locker. I was stuck in there for three hours. It won't too pleasant. But I'm not one to hold a grudge. I prank and forget. "What...
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Damien: Tonight, my head is spinning
I need something to pick me up
I’ve tried but nothing is working
I won’t stop
I won’t say I’ve had enough
Tonight, I start the fire
Tonight, I break away

Break away from everybody
Break away from everything
If you can’t stand the way
This place is
Take yourself to higher places

(ohhh, ohhh)

At night I feel like a vampire
It’s not right
I just can’t give it up
I’ll try to get myself higher
Let’s go
We’re going to light it up
Tonight we start the fire
Tonight we break away

Break away from everybody
Break away from everything
If you can’t...
continue reading...
posted by Courtneyfan785
 Gina Lee Vinna
Gina Lee Vinna
Full Name: Birth Name-Gigi gaio, jay Vinna Changed-Gina Lee Vinna Age:15 Birthdate:September 3,1995 Horoscope:Virgo Hair Color:Black With A Light rosa, -de-rosa Highlight Eye Color:Hazel Birthstone:Carnelian favorito Animal:Flamingo favorito School Subject:Gym favorito Color:Pink favorito Food:Strawberrys 2nd favorito Food:Grapefruit Personality:Sweet,Kind,Funny,But Sometimes A Little Stubborn Likes:Fruit,Sports,Strawberrys,ect Disklikes:Meat,To Much TV,Snakes,ect Bio:She Lives With Her Dad And Sister Julie,She Has A Dog Named Angel. Description:She Has A rosa, -de-rosa Tank Top,Blue Shorts,And rosa, -de-rosa And White Sneakers...
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(This will NOT be continued,it's just for fun XD)
*A jail gate opens,letting a prisioner out for the first time in what you assume years*
Prisoner: *walking out,takes out a cigarette,and lighting it*
*A car pulls up to the stoplight*
Prisoner: *sees this,smiles,and runs up to the car,punching out the window,somehow pulling the overweight driver out of the car,and getting in,running over the driver,and speeding off,until he sees a crying little girl in the back seat,with a camisa that says "I <3 Bunnies". Getting an evil smile,he drives the car into a Bar,quickly drinks a beer,and walks into...
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~Aydan's POV (Well,the whole chapter is her POV)~

Well,I was walking along the edge of the woods. How would I get out of Wonderland!?...How'd I get here in the first place!? I was stopped por something...I couldn't quiet tell what. He had a sword in his hand,almost like he was offering it to me. "Um...Why are you offering me a sword?" I asked. It didn't respond with a noise,it just held it higher. I hesitated at first,but I accepted it. The thing dissappered.

I started to feel....strange. Like I was transforming into a new thing.... I started to blink rapidly.I felt something mover across the...
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Lani: Now, that we’ve got the teams settled in, we’ll have our first challenge! (Gets pushed off screen)
Jasper: Yeah, and we’d like to call this X-TREME ICE SKATE-O-RAMA!!!!!
Anna: I amor skating!!!!
Jasper: Not after you play this way! It’s a 3 part challenge that involves lots and lots of skill! First, you have to (gets pushed)
Lani: Do a three legged race across the ice…
Raven: That’s not too hard.
Jasper: Considering you’re on thin ice, it’s very difficult. AND each pair of two will have to cruz while BOTH team mates are blind folded! Only the voices of your fellow team mates...
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 (Right) DanixxDumb- Jasper (Left) soxfan89- Lani
(Right) DanixxDumb- Jasper (Left) soxfan89- Lani
oi guys! We're coming at you live from Camp Fit, somewhere around New York, New York; I'm you one and only host, Jasper—
(Gets cut off from voice off scene) and what about me?! Jasper: Fine. And co-host Lani. (Lani is shown) Lani: Hi, I’m-- (gets cut off from voice off from Jasper as she’s pushing Lani out of the way)
Jasper: No one cares! Any way I’m dropping the newest reality shows on television, now! (Moves to Dock of Shame) And just like the original season Total Drama Island, were on an island! Ok, so here's the deal, thirteen campers have signed up to spend- uh, a couple weeks...
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