Total Drama Island & Action Club
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(INFO YOU MAY WANT TO KNOW: the total drama series never happened. Duncan and Courtney have been dating on and off- but no one knows about it. They both amor each other but are afraid to admit it.)

All 6 of us were going down to the de praia, praia that morning. The boys were told to meet us down stars in the lobby at 8:30 on the dot. It was now 8:45 and I hadn’t left my room yet. I was in the bathroom throwing up. After I washed out my mouth, I slide some shorts on over my black bikini, grabbed my de praia, praia bag, and headed to the elevator.

I got down in the lobby and walked up to my friends “Sorry I’m late.” I said as they turned to look at me.

“Courtney were have you been!” Duncan asked worriedly. He stepped closer to me and reached for my hand.

“I wasn’t feeling that great, but I’m okay now” I told them all “Are we all ready to go?”

“Yeah” said Trent “Geoff and I will go get the truck.

“Were coming” said Gwen as she rapped her arm around Trent’s and Bridgette jumped on Geoff’s back. They all rushed out to the parking lot, leaving Duncan and I behind.

He took my hand in his and pulled my de praia, praia bag out of my other hand “It looks kind of heavy” he said as he slid it on his shoulder.

“Thanks” I said softly. As we walked, a wave of nausea ran threw me and I got very light headed. I started to wobble and fall when his cool hands rapped around my bare stomach and pulled me into his side.

“Are you okay honey?” he asked me, slightly fearful.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” he looked doubtful “When we get to the de praia, praia and I get in the water, I’m sure I’ll feel much better”

“Okay then” he said……he still had a doubtful look in his eyes.

We got out to the parking lot and Gwen and Trent were in the truck, Bridgette and Geoff were in the back. Duncan put my de praia, praia bag in and lifted me up and set me down seguinte to Geoff, then he hoped in beside me. “It took you guys long enough” said Trent as he started up the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. I started to mover over seguinte to Bridgette, but Duncan laid a firm but gentle hand on my arm and I stopped.

I looked up at him and he leaned over and whispered in my ear, “please stay seguinte to me….. I’m afraid that you might do what you did in the parking lot again.”
“Oh please, Duncan, I’m perfectly fine” I whispered back, but then another wave of nausea rushed over me, followed por a sharp pain. “UGHHHHH!” I cried out in pain as I buckled over and clutched my stomach.

“Courtney!” Duncan cried as he rapped an arm around me and pulled at my arm to see my stomach.

“TRENT STOP!” yelled Bridgette as she banged on the back of the truck. He hit the breaks and I flew progressivo, para a frente a little and Duncan rapped his arm around me tighter, pulling me in closer. Gwen and Trent hopped out of the front and rain to us.

“Courtney, honey what’s wrong?” Duncan asked, panic setting in.

“I---UGHHHHH----I don’t know” I said, panting…..tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

“I’m calling 911” said Gwen as she pulled out her phone and started hitting buttons. I am hyperventilating por now and tears are rolling down my checks.

After about 10 minutos the ambulância get there and they start to mover me when another pain hits and I scream. “AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

“Courtney!” yells Duncan as he pushes past one of the ambulância people and rushes to my side.

“I’m sorry sir, but only family members are aloud to ride in the ambulance.” says the guy he knocked aside to get to me.

“Screw you man… I’m going with her!“ he shouts angrily.

I was so scared and I just wanted Duncan por my side. I let out another cry “I WANT DUNCAN!!!!!!!!!” I cried. He starred at the ambulância driver who was deciding weather or not he should let Duncan come. I let out another scream of pain “AAAUUUUUGHHHHH!!!!! PLEASE!”

“Come on man please!” Duncan pleaded with him.

“All right then….” the man said as he lifted the gurney up in the ambulância “get in here boy!”

The whole ride was terrifying and excruciating. I was in so much pain, but I didn’t care about my pain…. I cared about Duncan’s. Ever time I screamed, Duncan’s eyes would water up mais and he would plead with me to tell him what to do. “Please Courtney, tell me what I can do to make your pain stop, PLEASE!”

“Its…..AAUUUGGGHHHH….it’s not that bad.” I lied

Finally we got to the hospital and they rushed me into the ER. In the ER the nurses and doctors were running around me yelling orders at each other. “Dun- Duncan” I stammered timidly.

“I’m right here princess” he said from the doorway. The doctors wouldn’t let him in.

“Okay we got the test results back and we now know what is wrong with you.” said the head nurse.

“Well….what is it?” demanded Duncan, he pushed his way past the doctor blocking the door. He wasn’t about to leave me in there alone while this stranger told me if I was going to live or die.

“Well, Miss Gomez’s body is trying to fight off her pregnancy. Which por the way, you should have told us she was pregnant.”

“Courtney’s not pregnant” said Bridgette from the doorway. She and the others were standing, listening in.

“Oh yes she is.” said the nurse, turning to Bridgette and the others for a segundo then back at me and Duncan she say, “You are about seven months along right?”

“What?” I ask shocked. “I….I can’t be about seven months along…..I just now thought I may be pregnant! How could I be pregnant for so long and not know?”

“Wait- so are you admitting that you may be pregnant?” asks Gwen

“No… Courtney can’t be pregnant…she isn’t seeing anyone.” says Trent.

I block them out and focus in on Duncan. “I’m so sorry!” I cry into his arms…. “If I had know that I was pregnant all this time I would have been mais careful.”

“SHHHHH…..” he says as he smoothes down my hair “It’s okay sweetie. You and the baby are going to be okay.”

“So I’m thinking that you are the father… I right?” the nurse asks Duncan.

“Duncan the father? Please….they would have told us if they were dating.” says Gwen.

“Yes.” Duncan looks at our friends then the nurse, then me, “I’m the father.”

A gasp comes from the doorway.
“Okay then, well we are going to look at her charts… and if we think we need to then we will prep Courtney for an emergency C-section in about an hour” and with that the nurse leaves the room and in walk our friends.

“I’m so sorry!” I cry out again to Duncan. “I had no idea….I haven’t gained any weight or anything….”

“It’s okay honey” he says as he calms me down.

“When were you to going to tell us you guys were sleeping with each other?” asks Bridgette.

“Dude, why didn’t you tell me you guys were going out?” asks Geoff

“Are you guys going out?” asks Trent “Or is it just sex?”

“No of course it is not just sex!” Duncan parks “Courtney means so much mais to me than just sex!”

“So how long have you guys been going out?” asks Gwen

“About 10 months” I say quietly.

“Why didn’t you guys tell us?” asks Bridgette angrily. “Did you guys think we wouldn’t like it? That we would be mad?”

“I was afraid you would act like this!” I growl angrily. “Why are you atuação like this? Is it because we didn’t tell you or is there another reason?”

“Courtney honey, calm down……you need to stay calm for the baby.” Duncan says soothingly

“I’m sorry…..” Bridgette says softly “It’s just that I don’t understand why you didn’t tell us. Why you didn’t tell me……”

“We didn’t tell you because this was to important to us” Duncan whispers. “It was the best way for us.” they look at him and I confused.

“If we had told you that- UUGHH--” I grunt through the pain “ that we were dating it would had made things different. You wouldn’t have understood the way we act around each other.” they still weren’t understanding. “Duncan may act tough around you guys and everyone else but I have seen his other side….the side that---” I grunt again in pain “UUUGHHH--- the side that”

“The side that no one but Courtney has ever seen. The side I’m only willing to show someone I truly love.”

“We know Duncan is nice” says Geoff.

“That’s just it….you don’t really” he say, “sure I was nice to you buy helping you mover furniture out of your moms when she died and you moved in with your grandma, and sure I was nice to you Gwen when I helped her burry her dead cat, but I would never do for you what I have done for Courtney. I’m sorry to say that I don’t care about you guys the way I do Courtney. When she is in pain, even just a little pain, it kills me. When she is sad I want to drown in her tears. When she is happy I’m ecstatic. When she tells me she loves me, or shows me her affection in some little way, even if its just a little smile or wink nothing can hurt me….I’m invincible when I have her love.”

“Duncan is the sweetest man alive.” I say “you all may think that is an odd statement but hopefully you will understand when I tell you this- when Duncan and I first started dating, are very first date…. I got a really bad stomach ach. It was so bad that I threw up and passed out from the pain……he tried to take me to the hospital, but I didn’t want to go….so he took me to his house instead. He laid me down in his bed, took of my damp camisa and skirt, helped me put on one of his t shirts and stayed up all night taking care of me. He never tried to do anything to me…..he didn’t even make any remarks when I threw up on him. He just took care of me.” they all stared at Duncan, none of what I was saying sounded like Duncan to them, but it was the Duncan I know. “ He takes care of me when I’m sick or hurt or scared….he goes above and beyond to make me happy. He kisses me so sweetly……he holds me so closely to him when we slow dance that our bodies fell like one. He raps me in his arms at night and I feel so safe….safer than I have ever felt before. He protects me from anything and everything he can. One night we were driving down the road and a dog ran out in front of us….a puppy. I hit the brakes as hard as I could and prayed that I wouldn’t hurt it. I was to scared to get out and look but Duncan got out for me. He was out there for a long while. When he got back in he told me that I hadn’t hit the cachorro, filhote de cachorro and that he had walked it to the address on its coaler, but I say what really happened.” I’m looking at Duncan now, his eyes are resting on our hands enrolados up together and resting on my stomach. “I had hit the cachorro, filhote de cachorro and it was dead. It didn’t have a coaler so he couldn’t rush it to its owners house. He tried to save it but he couldn’t, so he quickly buried it so I wouldn’t have to see what I had done.”

“I couldn’t let you be sad princess.” he whispered to me…but the others heard as well.

“well,” Geoff says, “I guess we really don’t understand your relationship. But I’m glade that you guys are together….I just wish we new before now.”

“yeah” Trent agrees.

“excuse me…” the nurse says as she pocks her head in the room. “may I come in?”

“Yes of coarse” Duncan says.
“We decided that you don’t need an emergency C- section…..but that baby wants to come out so you are going to have to deliver it the old fashioned way.”

“okay.” I whimper…. I’m terrified now.

“we are going to ask that everyone but three support people leave the room.”

“Okay…well, I guess we will go.” says Geoff as he grabs the gang and heads for the door.

“Wait“. I say threw tears. “I…..I need you guys hear. Trent and Bridgette, please stay.”

“You want me to stay?” Trent asks.

“Yes. You are like a big brother to me… I amor you like you are… and AAAUUUUGHHHH” a huge wave of pain hits me hard.

“You are going to have to hurry, because we need to start pushing soon.” says the nurse as she and the doctor get ready to deliver my baby.

“Okay, we will go.” says Gwen as she and Geoff walk out the door.

The doctor has Trent and Bridgette get on both sides of me and push my legs up close to my chest. Duncan uses one of his hands to cup my cheek, the other to hold my hand and he angles his body so that I can’t see the others in the room.

“It’s going to be okay Court.” he whispers as he kisses my temple.

“okay, on three I want you to give me a big push.” the doctor instructs. “1.…2.…3”

I push with all I’ve got and scream in pain.

“that was good” the doctor say. I’m gasping for air trying to ignore the pain and focus on Duncan’s face. He is trying to keep me from see the pain in his eyes. “now on three do it again. 1.…2.….3...PUSH!”

I did this over and over again for about half an hora before I finally cracked. I was screaming like mad…..I couldn’t breath and I was feeling so tiered.

“I…can’t do it anymore” I cry weekly as I slowly shack my drenched -with sweat- head side to side. “I’m so sorry….Duncan…” I have tears rolling down my checks “Duncan make it stop… please don’t make me do it anymore please!” I’m pleading with him now.

“I’m so sorry honey.” he says, tears rolling down his face. “I wish I could make the pain stop… I wish I could take it from you.”
“I’m sorry, but Courtney, you need to push again.” the doctor instructs me.

“No… I can’t…I.. AAUUUGHHH!” I scream as I arch my back off the bed, a wave of pain shacking my hole body.

“Push Courtney!” Trent pleads. “Push so this can be over….so you will stop hurting, PLEASE!” he didn’t like to see me in pain like this either.

I did what they said and pushed with all my might, this time something was different about it….I felt something mover inside of me for the first time.

“I see the head.” the doctor shouted “ready, another big push in 1.…2...3..PUSH!”

This time I didn’t hesitate. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUGGGGHHHHH!” I screamed as I pushed. To someone on the outside of this room, it probably sounded as though I was being tortured.

“Your doing great Courtney!” says Bridgette as she takes a peek down at what the doctor is doing.

“Come on my pearl…..just a little longer.” Duncan says as he kisses my temple again.

“Another big push in 1.…2.…”

I didn’t let the doctor finish before another wave of pain hit and I pushed with everything left in me. As I held on to Trent and Duncan’s hands and squeezed with all my might I let out one mais scream, but this time I didn’t just shout. “DDDDUUUNNCCCANNNN!” I screamed at the topo, início of my lunges, and then we heard it. The most beautiful sound in the world. Duncan and I heard it at the same time, the sound of our baby’s tiny voice. We heard the sweet sound of our child cry.

“It’s a boy!” the nurse says happily.

“ I want him.” I say “Hand him to me!”

I reach out and she hands me my beautiful son. He was so handsome. He had my complection but Duncan’s jet black hair and cerceta, verde-azulado icy cold eyes. Eyes that pierce into your soul and seem so harsh but are so warm when you truly see into them like I do.

“He is breathtaking.” I hear Trent say as he gentle moves the tips of his fingers through my sons thick hair.

“Just like his mother.” Duncan says. I look up at him and he is starring at me and our son, with the biggest grin I have ever seen on his face. “I’m so proud of you.” he says as he softly kisses me on the lips.
At that time Gwen and Geoff come in and the nurse asks us for a name to put on the birth certificate. “That’s all up to you” Duncan says sweetly, “any thing you want will be the perfect name for our son.”

“Skyden Heath Gomez Meyers” I say “Skyden for his god mother’s middle name ‘Sky’ and Heath like his god father’s middle name. If you and Bridgette will be his god parents.” I say looking at Trent.

“Us, why us?” Bridgette asks.

“Because,” Duncan says “I know that you care about Courtney…she is your best friend so I know you will take care of her child.” he say looking at Bridgette, for just a segundo before turning his attention back to Skyden.

“And Trent….you are Duncan’s best friend and my best male friend. You’re like the big brother I never had but always wanted. I amor you, and I know you amor my son already…I know that if Duncan and I couldn’t take care of him you would be the seguinte best thing to his real father out there.”

“So will you do it?” asks Duncan.

“Yes!” says Bridgette.

“Of coarse.” says Trent as he leans over and gives me a little kiss on the cheek. “I’m so proud of you and I’m happy for you both.” he says as he looks at me then Duncan.

“Well, I guess we all will get going.” says Gwen.

And then they all left and Skyden fell asleep. Duncan put him in his little carrinho thing and then he climbed into my cama and rapped his arms around me. I rolled over so I was facing him.

“I was so afraid I was going to loose you.” he said as a tear rolled down his nose.

I reached up and kissed him right were the tear had stopped. “You didn’t.”

“Today, really made me think about our future….I amor you and I was want to let the whole world know.” He looked me in the eyes and kissed me. When he pulled away he rested his forehead on mine….his eyes closed.

“Yes.” I say. He gasps and then kisses me again. “You don’t even have to ask….of course I will marry you.”

“I amor you.” he whispers.