Thomas the Tank Engine Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Previously on Trainz

Miss. Laurent: Alright American, let's get this started.
Ms. Scarlett: Very well, and my name is-
Miss. Laurent: I don't care.


Miss. Laurent: You cheated!
Juliette: No I didn't! Jess didn't even try to pull me. She knew I was going to win.


Miss. Laurent: A 0 to 60 test. We will see who goes from 0 to 60, and back to 0 the quickest.
Ms. Scarlett: Hilary, you're up.
Miss. Laurent: You are going against Anna.


Hilary: *Hits 60, and brakes*
Anna: *Hits 60, and brakes, stopping 3 inches behind Hilary*

Stop the song

French People: *Arriving at Impala Station in the van*
French Person 1: *Gets out, and whispers into Miss. Laurent's megaphone*
Ms. Scarlett: What is he telling you?
Miss. Laurent: Oh. It was the 4th challenge. Another race, only this time, no stops until you reach the end. Since the coaches from the anterior challenge have not been moved yet, the race will end at Hunterdon.
Narrator: As soon as she said that, I arrived with Mily.
S.B: *Jumps out of Mily's cab* Hold everything!!
French Person 1: *Trying to lift the van* I can't. It's too heavy!
Audience: *Laughing*
S.B: *Spots Jess* You!! I gotta have a word with you!!
Jess: Save it until the challenges are complete.
S.B: What challenges?
Miss. Laurent: Young man. You just interrupted a series of challenges competing my engines, against these Americans. Even though we didn't begin the seguinte challenge yet.
Audience: *Laughing*
S.B: Ms. Scarlett, what's going on here?
Ms. Scarlett: There's nothing I can do to stop her. She won't leave until all five challenges are complete.
S.B: *Sees the board* The Americans are winning 2 to 1, and there's 2 mais challenges left. *Looks at Miss. Laurent* You might as well give up. *Looks at the French engines* They have no chance against Ms. Scarlett's engines. You may have one victory, but that's all you'll ever get. Now why don't you get back to Mossberg Harbor, and get out of here?
Miss. Laurent: Your words will not make us give up. We will succeed. The 4th challenge is a race. Ally's topo, início speed is 141 miles an hour.
Marisa: 141?
Danielle: *To Jessica* Can you go that fast?
Jessica: No, my topo, início speed is 95.
Juliette: Does anyone here that hasn't gone yet go 141 miles an hour, or faster?
Holly: *Worried* None of us can go that fast!!
Mily: I can.
Narrator: Everyone looked at Mily as she said that.
S.B: She has a topo, início speed of 143. What do you say Ms. Scarlett?
Ms. Scarlett: What do you say Miss. Laurent? Is Mily allowed to participate in the race against Ally?
Miss. Laurent: Sure. It's not like she's going to beat my engine anyway.

Theme Song: link

S.B: *Pats Mily's cab* Don't doubt this blue beauty. She can go faster than any engine on this island.


Sean: *Passing Jesse as he goes up the colina to Delta Station*
Makenzie: *Winks at Dustin as she leaves the yards with four coaches*
Grayback: *Pulling a freight train with Eddie*
Panzer: *Pushing a freight train in reverse*
Kenny: *Passing Elmo as they both pull freight trains*
Juliette: *Laughing at Marisa, seeing that she's derailed*


Marisa: *Uses her steam to tip Juliette onto her side*
Ferris & Jack: *Enter Mossberg Harbor with Assault Rifles*

Starring Sean of the Eastern Pacific
Makenzie of the Mossberg Narrow Gauge Railway
Grayback of the Hunterdon Central Railway
blindado, panzer of the Northern Errol Line
Kenny of Kenny's Line
and Juliette of the Eastwood & Mossberg Railway
Also starring Sean Bodine as S.B.

Hilary: *Pulling her two coaches, and caboose*
blindado, panzer & Robert: *Pulling a freight train over a bridge*

Mily: *Next to Ally in Impala Station*
Narrator: This was it. The big moment. The 4th challenge of the Americans VS The French.

Episode 87: Bonjour Part 3

Narrator: If Mily won this race, the Americans would be victorious, but if the French won, they'd get another chance at winning the competition with a 5th challenge.
Miss. Laurent: Jess, Emily, shunt the coaches for Ally, and... Billy?
Audience: *Laughing*
Mily: *Giggles* It's Mily.
Miss. Laurent: Don't you dare make fun of me.
Mily: *Sad* I, wasn't.
S.B: She lacks a sense of humor. What else would you expect from the French?
Audience: *Laughing*
Juliette: To be afraid of everything.
Audience: *Laughing*
Juliette: I'm surprised they challenged us to these challenges.
S.B: You really think the French are afraid of everything?
Juliette: Yes.
Mily: That's an outdated stereotype.
Audience: *Laughing*
Miss. Laurent: STOP INSULTING US!!!!
Audience: *Laughing*
S.B: Come out of your car, and make us.
Narrator: Miss. Laurent stayed silent after that. A few segundos later the coaches were being shunted. Jess got Mily's coaches, and Emily got Ally's coaches.
Jess: *Stays behind Mily's train*
Emily: *Backing up* Are you coming Jess?
Jess: Of course. I'm just low on steam.
Emily: Okay. *Heads back to the others*
Miss. Laurent: You are now coupled up to ten coaches. After being refueled por Ms. Scarlett's workers, you are full on coal, and water, and can go from here to Hunterdon Station non stop.
Ally: *Looking at Mily* You will lose American.
Mily: Speak for yourself.
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Miss. Laurent: Don't disappoint me Ally. You know what to do.
Ally: Oui mademoiselle.
Juliette: And you better not disappoint me you two.
S.B: What are you including me in this for? I'm just here for moral support.
Mily: And you're also my good luck charm.
S.B: *Nods* Hm, there's a first.
Ms. Scarlett: On your marks.
Anna & Citroën: Go Ally!
Emily: *Notices Jess has not returned*
Miss. Laurent: Get set!
Emily: *Goes backwards*
Jess: *Still coupled up to Mily's train with her brakes on*
Ms. Scarlett, and Miss. Laurent: Go!!
Ally: *Leaves the station*
Mily: *Slips, and can't pull her train*

Emily: *Heading to the back of Mily's train*
S.B: Something's not right here.
Mily: *Slips on her 2nd attempt to pull her train*
Danielle: Something's wrong.
Zoe: Come on Mily, go for it!
Emily: *Sees Jess* Jess!! How dare you!! Uncouple yourself right now!!
Jess: *Uncouples from Mily's train*
Mily: *Takes off* Phew.
S.B: *Sees Jess, getting a lecture from Emily* I think someone coupled up to the back of our train. Good thing someone stopped her, otherwise we'd still be stuck there.
Mily: So the French engines are willing to cheat to win, huh? Well, we'll still win this race. *Catching up to Ally*
Emily: *Pushing Jess to Miss. Laurent* Miss. Laurent! Did you tell Jess to couple up to Mily's train?
Miss. Laurent: Uhh.. *Sweat goes down the door of her car from her megaphone* Yes?
Ms. Scarlett: That's an automatic win for us then. Get them back here.
Miss. Laurent: It's too late.
Ms. Scarlett: What do you mean too late? You gave your own engine a head start.
Jade: Yeah! That ain't fair!
Alinah: You cheater!
Miss. Laurent: You want them to come back? You fetch them.
Ms. Scarlett: Fine. *Gets into her Porsche, and drives away*
Miss. Laurent: No matter. She won't catch up to them. *Gives her own team a 2nd point*
Holly: What's that for?
Miss. Laurent: You see, Ally is going to win the race, because sometime soon, Mily will crash, and lose the race. Hopefully, Ms. Scarlett does not return, putting me in control of these challenges-
Holly: That's not fair!
Emily: She's right. You're taking this too far!
Citroën: I agree with Emily. You're a terrible person, for allowing yourself to cheat in order to win.
Holly: Never mind that. We gotta stop Mily from crashing.
Juliette: There's nothing we can do. Let's hope Ms. Scarlett, or somebody else stops her in time.

Song: link

Ms. Scarlett: *Passing the two engines in her cars*
S.B: *Sees Ms. Scarlett* Hey, Ms. Scarlett's on the road to our right.
Mily: I wonder what she's up to.
Ms. Scarlett: I'm too far away for them to hear me. I have to warn them up ahead. *Going over 150 miles an hour*
Ally: I amor success.
Mily: *Passing Ally* See you at the finish line. *Increasing her speed*
Ally: No you won't.
Ms. Scarlett: *Stops her car at Porsche Station* I have to turn the signals red for them to stop.
S.B: *Sees the red signal* You see that?
Mily: Yeah. They probably want us to head back to Impala Station. *Applies her brakes*
Ally: Oh no you don't! *Gets behind Mily's train, switches onto her track, and pushes Mily*
Mily: *Notices she's increasing speed* Uh, what's going on?
S.B: Your brakes are still on, and your regulator is closed. Somebody's pushing us!! Go in reverse!
Ms. Scarlett: *Watching Ally push Mily* What is she doing? *Notices part of the track with no nails* Uh oh. I better plan ahead, and get some help. *Drives away in her car*
Ally: *Slows down, watching Mily go towards the tracks with no nails*
S.B: She stopped pushing us. That's good.
Mily: *Sees the track ahead of her with no nails* Oh no, WE'RE GOING TO CRASH!!
S.B: What?! *Sees the track with no nails* AHH!!!
Mily: *Derails, and goes to the left, falling onto her side*
S.B: *Climbs out of Mily's cab. He tries to walk, but falls down*
Mily: *Worried* S.B?
S.B: *Rolls over onto his back, but becomes unconscious, and closes his eyes*
Mily: *Tears come out of her eyes as she watches S.B* S.B!! Oh, I hope he's okay.

Song: link

Ally: *Stops seguinte to Mily* It seems that Americans can't win at racing after all.
Mily: Yeah, no wonder. After you get a head start, I get sabotaged on bad tracks.
Ally: *Looks at S.B* A shame about your friend. You should have slowed down
Mily: *Angry* You shouldn't have sabotaged my tracks!
Narrator: Okay, this is starting to get dark with the crash, and the music, and the speech you're giving to Mily.
Audience: *Laughing*
Ally: What's wrong with the music? It was used in the pixar short, Geri's Game.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Okay, you know what? Forget it. No mais music.

Stop the song

Audience: *Laughing*
Ms. Scarlett: *Arrives with three police officers in three police cars, as Juliette, and azevinho, holly arrive with cranes*
Juliette: Oh Ally! *Stops behind her*
Holly: The cops would like to have a word with you.
Narrator: And an ambulância also arrived to take me to the hospital. A few days later, I drove to Impala Station to check on Ms. Scarlett, and her engines on the Eastwood & Mossberg.
S.B: *Sitting seguinte to Ms. Scarlett's megaphone, sticking out of a window*
Ms. Scarlett: I'm so glad you're feeling better S.B.
S.B: Thanks. How did everything go with the Frenchies?
Emily: *Stops in front of him* Just fine, thank you very much.
S.B: Uh....
Narrator: I thought they were gone.
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Ms. Scarlett: It's okay. She, and Citroën helped to make Miss. Laurent, and her other engines leave the Island Of Errol for good.
S.B: And, where is Citroën?
Ms. Scarlett: In Eastwood. I found out that's she's actually Romanian. Not French.
Emily: So even if we didn't cheat in the race with Ally VS Mily, we would still be disqualified for having Citroën participate.
Narrator: Miss. Laurent did say it was American VS French engines only, and she broke her own rule in an attempt to win an event she lost at anyway.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: When will the French learn not to cheat?
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Let's check on Citroën.

Citroën is seguinte to Holly, and Alinah at the station

Holly: Are you enjoying everything on this railroad?
Citroën: I most certainly am. Thank you very much for letting me stay here.
Alinah: No problem.
Holly: We should be thanking you, and Emily, for helping us get rid of Miss. Laurent, and her other engines.
Citroën: Hehe, the pleasure is all ours. *Blows steam from her cylinders, and blushes*
Alinah: On the other hand, that smells terrible.
Holly: You should try to stop doing that.
Citroën: I am, but there's nothing I can do to stop it.
Alinah: por the way, how did you get the name Citroën?
Citroën: My builder drove a car with the same name.

Song (Start at 2:25): link

Conductor: All aboard!
Citroën: It's time for me to go. Au revoir. *Pulls her train out of the station*
Holly: Bye Citroën
Alinah: See you soon.
Narrator: And as soon as Citroën left the station, Holly, and Alinah got the all aboard from their conductors too.

Ending theme (Start at 1:10): link

The end credits begin with Holly, and Alinah leaving the station with their passenger trains, side por side.

Characters used for episode

Ms. Scarlett
Miss. Laurent
azevinho, holly
And S.B AKA Sean Bodine

Songs used for episode

Whiskey On The Mississippi: Kevin Macleod
CHiPs Theme: John Parker & Alan Silvestri
Hit & Run: Ren & Stimpy Soundtrack
Flambee Montalbanaise: Gus Viseur Et Son Orchestre

The End

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog production from July 20, 2016
 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see.
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
tv show
thomas the train
thomas and friends
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thomas the train
thomas and friends
added by Seanthehedgehog
thomas the train
thomas and friends
added by Seanthehedgehog
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thomas and friends
thomas and friends
thomas the train
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thomas the train
added by 80smusiclover1
thomas and friends
thomas the train
added by Seanthehedgehog
This is funny and scary at the same time.
tv show
thomas the train
thomas and friends
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Sean The Amtrak Engine
Sean The Amtrak Engine
For those of you that don't know, I created a series called Thomas & friends on this website. I'm going to change the título to Adventures of Thomas The Tank Engine: And Friends.

Here are the characters that will show up in the series, and what they'll be like.

From the Railway Series


In the seguinte episode feauturing Thomas, we'll see him carrying a freight train of chemicals to the Scientific Research Facility. However, a fallen árvore causes Thomas to crash, and also gets the chemicals to fall out of Thomas's train, and onto Thomas. The chemicals have not harmed Thomas, but they did give...
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Source: Me
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Source: Me
posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Sodor, 1977

Thomas: *Pulling Annie, and Clarabel on his branch line*
Paxton: *Stops at a station with a short freight train*
Thomas: *Stops seguinte to Paxton*
Paxton: Hello Thomas. What's going on today?
Thomas: Oh, I'm just running my branch line as usual. What's going on with you?
Paxton: Sir Tophamm Hat asked me to deliver toys for the children.
Thomas: That sounds like a wonderful job.
Paxton: Why thank you Thomas. Listen, I've been hearing Diesel 10 talk about you, and the rest of the steam engines....
continue reading...