The Worst Generation Park and York: Once in a Bluemoon - Prequel RP

Windwakerguy430 posted on Jun 12, 2021 at 10:03PM
Oregon, 20 years ago.
A mysterious series of murders that left the victims brutalized, said to be caused by a group amongst the small town of Hauston. Some thought it was a mysterious cult or a local crime family dealing with those involved. But those that were involved with the case know just what it was, though hard to believe. What no one knows is just how it would effect the lives of those involved, all for the worst. This is the story of the two Constables who came to this case and left it changed forever, their small perspective on the unit they work for shattered

-This is merely a prequel story set twenty years in the past. Any mention of other characters is merely minor, as some have not been born yet or were not known to the two prior. This is only meant for the sake of telling both sides of Leo and Kyung-ha's backstories
 Oregon, 20 years ago. A mysterious series of murders that left the victims brutalized, said to be ca

The Worst Generation 61 replies

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over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Day 1, 5:35 AM. Just outside of the town of Hauston
Driving down the road in the crack of dawn, the dark blue of the night sky breaking way to a faint orange just over the many pine trees that line up the outskirts of the state of northern Oregon. The black Sedan hummed lightly, the headlights brightening up the road before it. Few houses were out this way. It was really a secluded part of the world, cut off completely. Not like the big city or even remotely a small college town. This place was really out there, cut off from the rest of the world and forgotten about. The reports called a town where people go to be forgotten. It was a small rural town with very little to speak of, a population of only 232 and miles from the nearest spot. The town was mostly just a place for people to retire, people just wanting to get away from the world. Some call it a place the old go to die like a graveyard. But Leonard York, he saw it as a place to get peace in this crazy world, to fit in with others that wish to stay away from this world.
Leonard York, 29 years old, in the twilight of his youth, and yet, his optimism has stayed strong. The hero of the world, stopping those that would dare to break the peace of the world, to stop evil wherever it was. He was not new to the horrible acts that happen in cases like these. A girl gets kidnapped, assaulted and then killed. But he knew that justice would win in the end. He had to keep that thought in mind. He had to tell himself that this was the right way of going about things. The world was harsh, but it was people like him that would keep that peace. He knew this.
It would not be long now before he would arrive in Hauston. There, he would be greeted with his on-and-off again partner in these cases, someone that he was not sure he could read, but it was someone he knew could help him. In an investigation, that was tricky. But in methods of getting info out more forcefully, and if things got rough, he couldn't think of a better person to work with. His partner, Kyung-ha Park.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Just down the morning lit road, a police cruiser sat in wait, the lights on as if it were waiting for the arrival of someone. The car hummed lightly as the engine was on, it's front facing the sign. Light brown wood with white letters on it that read "Hauston, est. 1893". The one occupying the car was hidden by the dark of the car, only standing out was his silver, well kept hair on his head, as he sat in wait
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Here is a 29-Year-Old Leonard York)
 (Here is a 29-Year-Old Leonard York)
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
(Out of all places in the world you chose OREGON?!?! xDD My post is pending until I find a decent picture of my smol rice grain xD)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Yes, cause Oregon is a boring state where people are trapped
Doesn't that sound just like Oregon?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Also, yeah, take your time
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…

A glossy, black spitfire pulled into an isolated alleyway after going well over the speed limit of the road. The figure who drove the motorcycle at first glance could easily be mistaken for a man because of its bulky features; however upon hopping off the bike and taking off its black helmet after seemingly "shrinking" a few inches, the figure revealed to be no other than a young Kyung-ha Park. She strapped her helmet on the bike's seat, shaking out her shorter hair. The similarities she shared with her future daughter was uncanny, but her East Asian features were much more noticeable with her smaller nose and round lips. The young agent wore a trench coat that she preferred for investigations over her traditional outfit, mostly because it concealed the many weapons strapped on her body. Her grappling hook and gun was almost invisible at her waistline, along with the daggers and fan blades attached to her thighs and extra bullets around her ankles. She also carried a series of weapons that could be used against the supernatural, such as bombs of salt, silver bullets, and holy oil. But most of all, Kyung-ha relied on her own abilities of paralysis and restraint even though she never failed to hide a blade under her tongue if things turned south. It was still a mystery how such a small woman could carry so many things for such a long period of time, but her fellow co-workers knew better than to underestimate Kyung-ha. After all, she was known to be independent, successfully completing missions on her own and standing out in her class. No one knew what her body truly looked like, but rumor said that she had bigger biceps than any other agent, even the larger ones like Bravado and Makveli being that she beat them both pull-ups and arm hang.

Kyung-ha retrieved a pouch from the inner pockets of her coat, sprinkling the magical powder her superior had given her over her motorcycle to conceal it from eyesight. During the entire walk to meet up with Leonard––an agent she would soon get to know more of and become close with, her expression of steel did not waver. It had been only a few months since she had given birth to Yoon and her marriage had crumbled apart. There was a shift in her ever since then, and everyone knew through her change of tone. She became more quiet and more reserved. Less merciful when it came to enemies. In fact, during meetings she wasn’t surprised or offended that people were hesitant to speak against her plans or let alone sit next to her. And to those who congratulated her for her baby and becoming a mother, she would respond with a stare that would automatically silence them. A stare that concealed her fear and worry with anger and resentment. She refused to admit the stress of balancing her job and taking care of a very hungry and demanding baby alone. In truth, it was hard finding a babysitter who was available to care for Yoon when she was called out for work, especially in a different country. Being more than 6,000 miles away from her wasn’t helpful either. But she could never say no to her job that she had devoted her entire life to.
 [I]VROoOoom![/I] A glossy, black spitfire pulled into an isolated alleyway after going well over
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
It had taken Leonard five minutes before he pulled up to the sign, the dusty wooden sign that would read, "Welcome to Hauston". If not for the sign, anyone could be mistaken that this was just empty woodlands stretching across the path. There was no sign of anything aside from trees, a cracked, worn rode, the the sky, turning from a light pink to a light orange as the sun slowly rose above. And if not for the light of the sun, Leonard would have missed the police cruiser parked ahead of him. Leonard took a step out, flicking at his lighter for the sake of easing his mind off the thought of a smoke before he spoke up, a pep in his tone. "You the sheriff?"
"Nah. Just the deputy sheriff around here."
The voice called from the old, rusted speaker of the police car. Out stepped a man, an elderly man, far older looking than he let off. he didn't look like the kind of man that should be working on the force at his age. Yet he greeted Leo with a smile. This man didn't have the aura of a cop at all. More like a crossing guard if anything. His silver hair, wrinkles across his face and his boney hands, and a smile that was there to greet new people. Though fragile and old, he appeared friendly. He stepped forward, his hand outstretched in a handshake from the moment he started walking as he replied, "Welcome to Hauston. You must be the investigator I was told about."
"How'd you guess?" Leo replied, taking the old man's hand into his in a gentle handshake, fearing a firm one would shatter the hand like glass.
"Oh, we don't get much visitors in our little town" He chuckled, nodding gently as he replied, "The names Deputy Nickels, but please, just call me Isaac. No need to be all formal here"

~Isaac Nickels~

The old man turned to look at the Sedan that Leo had arrived in, puzzled. He turned back to Leo and replied, "Funny, I thought I heard the sound of a motorcycle earlier. Not sure why a car is here."
"No worries" Leo answered casually. "That should be the partner for this investigation. If we're hired to investigate, surely some extra help is needed."
last edited over a year ago
 It had taken Leonard five minutos before he pulled up to the sign, the dusty wooden sign that would r
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Kyung-ha Park." The woman introduced herself, suddenly emerging on the opposite side of the parked police car. Eerily enough she had been there for a while and was waiting for Leonard before she would reveal herself. Her swift presence had gone unnoticed, however once she made herself visible, her presence cut through like a blade. Instead of shaking hands, she gave a perfect 90 degree bow for both the deputy and her partner in the investigation, her short black hair hanging past her small ears. She kept her distance, not staying too close or too far from the two men in case something were to happen and she had to take action.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Isaac would give a slight jump at the sudden introduction of the Korean woman, having not seen her even come by. He was taken aback a little before his attention turned back to Leonard, who was less surprised, but instead, greeted Kyung-ha with a smile.
"Ms. Park. I've heard a lot about you from the office. A perfect record on every case. Not to suck up or anything, but I just think it's a little odd that someone with a one hundred percent success rate would want to take on an investigation in a small town like this. But, don't take this as judgement from my side. Better to work with a professional than the newbies they usually partner me with."
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Leonard, despite not being returned the smile he gave to Kyung-ha, could see that the small nod she gave to him was more than enough as part of her "friendly" greeting. Her keen eyes shifted back to Isaac, intrigued and proud that what he had heard of her was all success and no failure. It buried the embarrassment she felt from a recent failed marriage further down, which explained her short hair. She couldn't necessarily chop George up into little pieces (legally, that is), so she opted to just chop her once long hair to relieve some weight off her shoulders. It also helped with baby Yoon's constant tugging of her mother's long hair whenever she wanted something. At Isaac's last comment, the flatness of her lips wrinkled into the smallest of smiles, which transformed into an almost natural exhale of a laugh. "Somebody need make sure you two stay alive." She threw in her own morbid joke casually. "We equipped to take down any enemy, no question."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Uh.... enemy?" Isaac asked in a confused state, not sure what she was referring to
"No need. I'm very capable in all sorts of combat, CQC, gun training and the sorts." Leonard replied to Kyung in a joking tone. He tapped the side of his head with a smirk as he added, "I'm a lot more than just brains, Ms. Park. No baby sitting required from your end."
"Um.... pardon?" Isaac asked again, still confused before he added, "T-This isn't a hunt for some monster, you know? I mean... I don't think so?"
"Course not." Leo chuckled, hoping to brush off the awkwardness that he and Kyung had let set in. He added, "We mean that in exaggeration. I mean, no one goes up to some innocent woman in the middle of the night, cuts her to ribbons and can be expected to be called anything besides a monster. And he could be a threat."
"I... guess so." Isaac replied, looking away for a bit, scratching his head. "You CIA types sure have a different view on things, but... you are the professionals here."
"Oh, don't be modest, Deputy Nickels. You'll be of help in this case too, I'm certain" Leo replied, turning over to Kyung as he added, "I assume you've gone over the case file, correct? The Werewolf of Oregon, as it's labeled."
"A-Are nicknames really necessary?" Isaac replied, his smile fading a bit, feeling a little bit of insensitivity from the two.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Nickname?" Kyung-ha's brows furrowed quizzically until memory hit her. "Ahh.." She concluded to herself. "Yes." Clearing her throat, she continued, "Perfectly fits description, no?" The woman said in reference to the name of the file. "We deal with those kinds all time, no problem." She swayed her hand to dismiss Deputy Nickel's concern and puzzlement. "What could possibly call someone who do that besides a monster, eh?" She agreed with Leonard. "You'll see why."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Uh... sure" Isaac replied unsurely as he scratched at his arm, a habit that usually came with being uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and replied, "Well, best we get to the station, no. You'll have to check in with Sheriff Woods and he is not exactly known for being patient. Um... Agent Park, was it? I take it you'll want to ride with Leo into town. The station is only a two minute drive. Right in the heart of Hauston, can't miss it."
"Of course, we'll meet you there, Deputy Nickels. And thank you for the warm welcome, most places we head to aren't so welcoming."
"Ah, well, ya know." Isaac muttered, feelin the awkwardness leave at the warm compliment from Leonard. "Gotta roll out the red carpet for some CIA agents. Hauston has to have some hospitality for the new visitors. But we'll go over that once you're down at the station. Business first and all that."
"Right. See you there." Leo said with a wave, Isaac responding with a smile and a wave of his own as he got into his cruiser, the low hum from it's engine coming to life as he backed up and pulled the car back before turning toward the town, the light glow from the towns lights faint in the distance.
With Isaac gone, Leo let out a sigh as he turned to Kyung, "We gotta keep this fake CIA shit up for how long now? I swear, they hear one rumor about a possible magic involved murder and we get put on the scene."
Leo had gone over the case file time and time again. The Werewolf of Oregon. Even he thought the name was stupid. The victim was Diana Garcia, a 22 year old with no career, no aspirations, and only born into money thanks to her business tycoon father, or so the report said. She was found at around 1:00 AM in the graveyard of the town's church, found later by the local preacher and gravekeeper. She was torn apart, her face shredded, her entire torso torn open, and even an arm cut off. Whoever did this was not some usual homicidal maniac. Leo only jotted it down as, "Some sick fuck" in his notes.
Brushing the thoughts aside and approaching his car, he turned to Kyung and said, "Well hop in. Don't wanna keep the boss of this town waiting for long. And I imagine we have a long investigation ahead of us. These small town cases always get crazy."

~Diana Garcia~
last edited over a year ago
 "Uh... sure" Isaac replied unsurely as he scratched at his arm, a habit that usually came with being
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha perked her head up the slightest when Leonard began talking directly to her. "See-ya agents is stupid name." She commented, not pronouncing the "C-I-A" separately. Unlike Leonard's notes, Kyung-ha's was more detailed about the case, including phone numbers on the victim's phones and maybe a few of notes of her grocery list here and there, which were a scramble of misspelled words like 'baby formula' and 'tissues'. Upon nearing the car, the woman opened the door on the opposite end and swiftly slipped inside it, shutting the door and triggering a secured locking sound. She snapped on her seatbelt and exhaled softly once done, awaiting for Leonard to start driving. She had to admit that while her motorcycle was her preferred method of transportation, the security and even warmth of a car felt reliable and safe. "We've handled crazier, no?"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Well, I don't know if we have, but I assume you've seen some shit in the field." Leo joked as he sat down in the drivers seat, disregarding the seat belt as he put the gear into drive and got the Sedan moving down the road, the sun poking out from the top of the pine trees like the head of god peaking over the small city, ready to pass his judgement on the town, or perhaps, to pass his judgement on the agents below. Leo's car was nice and clean, save for the full pack of smokes that he kept on the dash board just out of reach, kept there so that he could kick his smoking habit before this case was done with. Leo's eye's remained on the road, but his words were aimed at Kyung, "So what got you interested in this case? I doubt they'd ask someone with years of experience to take on a simple murder case in a nowhere town in a barren part of America like this."
As the car got closer, the town laid out before them, a small town, practically an old style village, with some two story houses lining across the street, a few shops could be seen sprawled out, a few cars moving in the distance. Pine trees kept the town walled off from the rest of the world, like a wall meant to protect it. Or to trap it in a prison of mediocrity. And plain as day, the red bricks of the police station stood out amongst the cool, autumn colors of the September season, not too far from them now, Isaac's cruiser already parked in front.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
The young warrior's eyes of steel narrowed upon seeing the blinking light on the dashboard, indicating someone wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Before answering any of Leonard's questions, she immediately leaned forward and retrieved the seatbelt from her partner's side, tightening it across his seated body and snapping it into place. "It be stupid if you die in car crash than to be shredded to piece by monster, we make fun of you in your grave." She stated with an unintentional morbid tone. "What got me interested?" She repeated the question with her innocent accent. "Kill bad man killing good man make me satisfied. Also Lady Constantine putting me on easy cases lately for some reason, thinks I need to slow down or have break." She said much to her disliking, cracking her fingers at the thought. "Also make sure you no die, duh." Kyung-ha added almost childishly, though her expression was as serious as ever.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leo turned his expression toward Kyung-ha once she clicked the seatbelt onto him, his eyes turning up to her as he replied to her series of answers, "I'm not going to die to some killer, Kyung-ha. I've trained for this sort of stuff for a long time and I think that I'm capable with dealing with these kinds of jobs. Besides, investigations aren't as easy as you think. You got a lot of stuff to find, gotta piece it together. We're just lucky it's in a small town and not in the big city. All those people would just make it harder to come up with anything."
As Leo parked the car outside the station, the humming from Isaac's still turned on cruiser, the only audible noise other than the birds chirping, Leo added, "And I doubt we're dealing with a monster here. Just some crazy guy who may have some magic ties. Nothing to get worried about. So let's try to keep this clean and simple."
With a nod, he removed the seatbelt that was only hugging his body for a second, turned off the engine and stepped out of the car, closing it behind him as he slowly walked toward the station doors, giving Kyung-ha enough time to catch up.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"That's why you do paperwork and I do the physical action." Kyung-ha sneered quietly. However, she didn't comment on whether their opponent was supernatural or not. It didn't matter to her, because either way what he or she had done was monstrous enough to consider them one. Upon arrival, she hopped out the car and despite her short legs, she caught up to Leonard with relative ease.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leo was already at the steps to the door once Kyung-ha had caught up to him, her shorter stature carrying her with ease. He gave a slight, "Hmm" before opening the door, seeing just what kind of station it was.
The place was more homely than everything. The reception desk was empty. In fact, all it was was a single waiting room, stairs leading to a holding cell in the basement, and one meeting room. The computers for the paper work were all at the reception desk and most of the gear was probably limited to the single locker. Clearly, this was a town that saw little crime, and little funding for it's police. The wallpaper was a brown red that made it look more like a hotel lobby than the lobby for a police station. No doubt, a touch added by the mild-mannered Isaac. And as if on cue, Isaac greeted them through the window of the reception desk.
"Hey, you make it okay?" Isaac said with a wave as he stepped through the door.
"Just fine. No trouble at all" Leo said, going back to his more chummy, warm demeanor rather than his more exhausted one that he used for Kyung-ha. He turned to Kyung and said, "Shame that we couldn't see more of the town though."
"I'm sure there will be plenty of time for that." Isaac responded with a smile, "We got all sorts of things here to-"
"That's enough, Isaac."
The voice of someone cold, but calm, was heard from the back as well, and soon, was followed by the door opening behind Isaac. Isaac was quick to take a step back as another officer made his appearance known. he was younger than Isaac, by how much was uncertain, but still younger, with his brown mostly hidden by his large hat, his handlebar moustache hiding the grimace that his lips expressed. He wore a beige uniform, as well as a badge. And with his eyes landing on Leo and Kyung-ha, he didn't say a word to either of them. Compared to Isaac, he was more cold, more cautious of the two. Leo was the first to make a move.
"So, you're the boss of this town, right?" Leo joked, extending a hand as Isaac did for him. But the gesture was not returned.
"Sheriff Wallace Woods" The man spoke in a gravely, western accent. His arms crossed, bringing his hands closer to his person rather than extending it out as he spoke, "And just what are C.I.A. types doing in Hauston, over a simple murder such as this?" His eyes glared over at Kyung-ha, as if wanting her to answer. He was patient, wanting to get a read on just what kind of person she was compared to her partner

~Wallace Woods~
 Leo was already at the steps to the door once Kyung-ha had caught up to him, her shorter stature carr
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha looked up at the new figure with her hands on her waist, her same deadpan expression unwavering. She reeked no sign of fear or insecurity despite their height difference and status, knowing very well she ate men like him for breakfast on her diet days. She did however give a pitiful scoff at Leonard's joke toward the sheriff, in which she replied to his question straightforwardly. "Your town no as safe and peaceful as you may think it is." She informed him. "We want same thing you want. Safety and well-being of the civilians. We here to ensure that value is followed through."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"That so?" Wallace replied, his left hand tightly gripping the sleeve of his uniform like he was trying to squeeze out a wet rag. He stared down at the woman before he replied, "Regardless, don't think you can go about all willy-nilly, doing whatever you please without my authority. When you're off the clock, you can do as you please. But while investigating, you stick with me or Isaac throughout. This is my town to protect, and I don't want no cracks in this investigation. No secrets, no bullshit. Got it?"
"Of course, Sheriff. Whatever evidence and testimony we find, we will be sure to greet you with it." Leo said, already having to think of ways to dance around giving info with the watchful eyes of both the sheriff and his deputy.
Though, even this reassurance did little to change Wallace's glare on the two. He shook his head and spoke, "Fine then. Isaac, you check on crime scene. I know how you get around more graphic scenes."
"You got it, Woods" Isaac said with a nod, already making his way out the door. Wallace's attention turned toward Kyung and Leo as he spoke, "You ride with me, you two. We'll be heading to the Oakland's office to check on the body. I'll be in the cruiser, but don't take all day."
Without so much as a wave, or even a look back, Wallace stormed out of the station, throwing the doors open with a huff in his lungs before they shut behind him, leaving the two agents alone for only a few seconds
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"No secrets, no bullshit eh?" Kyung-ha mocked Wallace's reprimanding. It was a shame she couldn't just kill people she disliked the way she would do so working as a mercenary for a Korean gang in Seoul before she got this job. She looked at Leonard, her eyes more than enough to tell him they would have issues with the sheriff in the future. "Brain too small to comprehend existence beyond the human eye." Kyung-ha added, "But it would be fun to see sheriff wet the bed once he finds out." She laughed hoarsely and eerily-like, since the times she would laugh were little to none, especially recently.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Perhaps" Leo said with a nod, trying hard not to crack a sort of malicious grin from Kyung's comments. He tried to brush it off as he stated, "But he does have a fondness for this town. Perhaps a little too fond, blinding himself to the outside world. Is it hate, fear, or total disregard?"
Leo asked these questions, though they didn't seem to be directed at Kyung, but rather just added in statement. He turned back to Kyung and continued, "Well, I'm sure we'll find out in time. Let's not keep the boss waiting.".
With a nod, he made his way toward the door, holding it open for Kyung to go through first rather than go first, if only slightly to not get on the bad side of someone who makes jokes as morbid as she does so casually.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Or stupidity." Kyung-ha added in as the better option from the three Leonard gave. She would never address neither the sheriff or deputy as her boss, being that she only had one true boss she looked up to, and the two men were nothing like her. When Leonard opened the door for her, she muttered a thank you since she very well could've just done it herself. She clearly wasn't used to having people do things for her, even tasks as small as opening doors. In fact, she would scold George sometimes for being too nice since she felt like a fragile woman that couldn't do anything herself.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard gave a shake of his head at her own guess for Wallace's response, but choose not to press any further than that. Once out the door, Leonard followed behind her, the cruiser that Wallace occupied waiting from the front for them. Wallace fingers drummed impatiently on the steering wheel as his eyes glanced over to the approaching agents. Leo was the first to get in, taking the front seat as to keep Kyung and Wallace from letting their deep dislike for each other gather any further, waiting for Kyung-ha to take the seat in the back
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha was actually annoyed she didn't get to sit in the front so she could easily snap Wallace's neck if things turned south. But, she could choke him from behind with the seatbelt. Or suffocate with a bag. Or stab his neck through that gap between the headrest and seat. So many options. She internally rolled her eyes and got into the backseat, snapping on her seatbelt. However, her eyes were glued on the rearview mirror to ensure nothing funny happened in the hands of the sheriff. She already regretted not just following the car in her own motorcycle, and despite the constant complaints in her head, her outside cold expression remained unwavering with her hand on her thigh where one of her many weapons laid in case something were to happen.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Without so much as a word from the sheriff, he got the car moving down the road, the street stretching out down for a full five blocks, assuming that the doctor's office wasn't that far a drive from there. The cruiser was mostly covered in the front with ash from cigarettes, and an ash tray covered in cigarette butts left by the sheriff. Leo took the time to examine, trying to get an idea on just what kind of man the 'boss of Hauston' was before he looked over and added, "Perhaps it would be best if we got to know a little better about each other, Sheriff Woods. After all, we're partners in this case and our goals are the same. Maybe you could tell us a bit about you or the town."
"Nothing I gotta say about myself, 'partner'!" Wallace mocked in an annoyed tone. His eyes remained on the road, yet he added, "But if you got questions about the town, it only makes sense to ask a cop. So ask away."
"Alright then" Leo said with a nod before he turned his eyes to look back and Kyung-ha and he responded, "How about you ask, Kyung-ha. You probably got some questions on your mind."
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Yee, how you survive off one brain cell? Was what she wanted to ask. But she bit her tongue and internally exhaled, telling herself she could ask it later next time he screws up. She gave Leonard a glare that was more than enough to scold him for thinking she even wanted to speak with him in the first place. "Oke." Was all she said, her eyes shifting back to the rearview mirror until she finally spoke. "How you get to become sheriff of this town, eh? She rephrased her mocking thought into a less mean one. "You had any inspirations to become it or you run out of options?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"I thought I told you not to-" Wallace was already starting to say, making it clear prior he had no interest in discussing himself. But with the question already brought up, he turned to glance at Kyung-ha, far from intimidated by the glare she was most likely returning to him as he answered, "I grew up in this town all my life. I always wanted to help it out. Simple as that. Just doing my part for the town I grew up in."
"So it's just you and Deputy Isaac working, correct?" Leonard thought to add onto the question.
"You see any other officers around here?" Wallace answered in an annoyed tone. "No, just us. I was hoping we'd get more with Masimo coming to town, but... Guess they say he's retired."
"Masimo?" Leonard asked curiously. And he was gifted an immediate answer.
"No one you need to associate with." Wallace didn't add anymore onto it and he changed the subject, "We'll be near the doctor's office shortly."
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Good." Kyung-ha replied to both him playing his part for his town and the fact that they were arriving shortly. At least he seemed to care about the civilians, so he wasn't too bad. However, hearing that it was only him and Isaac running the town was more than enough proof that this case would be a heavy loss to the town if they hadn't gotten involved. It was also proof that there must've been little to no crime if there was low need for police enforcement. But the lack of protection also put the town of Hauston in a very vulnerable position from enemies they couldn't even fathom or begin imagining.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
The car came to a slow stop, the wheels squeaking as the cruiser stopped in front of a small doctor's office, with light orange tiles on the roof, the outside bricks a darker orange, windows closed with violet curtains, and a sign outside that read 'Oakland's Office'. To Leo and Kyung, it looked more like a children's playground castle than a doctor's office with all the absurd colors surrounding it. On the plus side, Leo thought, it was impossible to miss.
"A bit... garish for a doctor's office, isn't it?" Leo couldn't help but ask, the sound of the driver's door already opening being the first thing that came from Wallace. He stepped out and answered, "If ya don't like it, tell Noah, not me."
With a slam of the door, Wallace walked around the car and made his way toward the door of the office. Leo turned back to Kyung-ha and replied, "I suppose we'd best prepare for whatever's inside. If the case file is correct, it's not going to be a pretty scene."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"York, pretty scenes boring." Kyung-ha stated, unlocking her seatbelt and hopping out the vehicle first, nice enough to open the door for her partner, repaying the deed since he had opened the door for her. Her eyes scanned the vicinity before commenting on the overload of color on the establishment. "Looks like unicorn puked all over building." She muttered. While following behind Wallace and entering the building, her skilled hands slid into the pockets of her trenchcoat, gripping onto the steel handgun that was hidden there for easier access in case it was needed soon.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Thank you" Leo replied as he stepped out of the car, giving a nod as Kyung-ha held the door open. Getting a better look at the doctor's office, he looked over at Kyung and replied, "Perhaps it's to be more appealing to children, enticing them before they pull them in for a check up. I was always scared of the dentist. Wish they at least tried to make the outside look like like a tool shed."
As he took a step forward, he glanced back at Kyung and added, "And loosen the grip on the weapon, Kyung. No one else will notice, but this is just an examination of a body. I doubt anything will come of it."
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha grimaced at the mentioning of children while removing her hand from her gun to itch her thumb inside her pocket. She stayed on a different subject to avoid the current one. "Afraid of dentist?" She scoffed. "I pull your teeth out with wrench, lets see if dentist scary then." She said, leaving Leonard confused as to whether she was joking or if it was a promise. Kyung-ha finally addressed the last part of his words. "We see too many bodies come back from the dead, I no taking chances." She disagreed.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Kyung-ha, I've seen many horrible things on this job. Monsters you can't fathom, the worst that the human mind can muster. I promise you, nothing is more sinister and more life shattering than a dentist. Not even you" He replied in a joking tone, taking a gamble that what she had said was a joke. As he stepped toward the door, he opened it for her and replied, "Miss Garcia has been deceased for over twenty four hours with no clear sign of returning. I promise you, it will be fine. All we need to do is speak with the doctor and the coroner, examine the body, and no guns required."
As he held the door open, he gave her a nod and replied, "Trust me on this, okay?"
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Funny white man." Kyung-ha commented with a straight face at Leonard's attempt of a joke, her disapproving frown and intimidating eye contact making his insides churn for only a few seconds. But her left brow soon raised upon him opening the door for her.

Trust me on this, okay?

The last time Kyung-ha trusted somebody, it had backfired hard. Too hard. "Fine." She finally said, regretfully. She walked past him through the opened door, removing her hands from her armed pockets.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Thank you" He responded, stepping in after her, unable to tell what kind of person she was, what kind of experiences she had to jump to aggression sooner than most. But he was just glad she wasn't jumping to violence immediately. The last thing they needed was getting on Wallace's bad side. Or rather, his worse side. Stepping into the office, it was a well lit blue room, with some chairs, a TV that was playing a hockey game that rested on the stand at the end, some magazines on the end table that had long since gone dated with the references to culture a full decade ago, and a single window with a dancing plant toy resting on the windowsill. It was an average doctor's office, that's for sure. Just one thing stood out: The nurse at the reception desk. The nurse wore a usual nurse's uniform, complete with even a hat on. The desk underneath did little to hide the fishnet stockings on the nurses' legs. To prying eyes, it was like getting a window to a free view of legs. But one trail up would reveal that this was no average nurse. Muscles expanding from the torso and arms. A beard on the face that was more profound than any other mans. In fact, this was a man. A large man, yet still fully dressed in nurses uniform. The nurse looked up and replied, "Hello. You must be the ones that Sheriff Woods mentioned, correct?"
"Um..." It was very clear that Leonard was taken aback. Though he was fully aware of people's preferences on their roles and their sexual orientations were more common place as the years were progressing, it was, to him, different. Not bad, not abnormal. Just... different. With a shake of his thoughts, he responded, "Yes, Agents Park and York."

~Xavier Kane~
 "Thank you" He responded, stepping in after her, unable to tell what kind of person she was, what kin
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
For the first time in a long time, confusion hit Kyung-ha's eyes upon seeing the nurse. "뭐야 씨발...?" She blinked, disturbed by the whole encounter itself. Because she grew up in a very strict patriarchic culture, seeing anything out of the usual that went against North Korea's abusive masculinity surprised her. In fact, upon first arriving to America, she was stunned to see how accepting the society was about homosexuality and gender-breaking norms. It pushed away her parent's scolding and made her feel less guilty that she once was apart of it. However, it was odd sights like these that always made her remember anything was possible in America, which was amusing to say the least.
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Well this isn't the last surprise for her then. And certainly not the craziest XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Xavier looked between the two agents back to back, taking notice of their stares and silence. But he did not return their curiosity with hostility or annoyance. Rather with a smile and an explanation. "No need to be quiet. I'm willing to answer any questions you have, case related or otherwise. "
"Nothing case related at the moment, sir... Or... Is it ma'am?" Leo stuttered, fumbling with his words. It only made the masculine nurse chuckle more.
"Either one is fine, agents." The nurse interjected. "I identify as male, but confusing me for a woman means it works. A proper balance of strength and beauty is what I aim for. Nothing wrong with a man wanting to be beautiful."
"No. Of course not" Leo said, confused yet fascinated by the different ideologies of these townsfolk. It was the main reason he liked small towns over big cities. More charm and character. But before he let himself get too distracted, he replied, "Where is the doctor and coroner?"
"Oh, right. Pardon me." Xavier apologised. "Passed the office door. Last room on the left"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
It took an extra second to process the nurse's words, being that Kyung-ha was still distracted by... the unusual. She was about to ask him a question, opening her mouth to do so until she thought it was best to not address the subject. Instead, she internally sighed and gave a small bow of gratitude upon him giving directions. "Tenk you." She said with her accent, walking past him while avoiding eye contact all together and following the signs to the next destination.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leo walked through the door to the right of the reception desk, holding the door for his partner once again, a habit at this point. Stepping into the hall of sickly pale yellow wallpaper with white stripes, Leo couldn't help but find charm in the town. "With interesting folk we've met so far, I'm almost sad our visit is temporary ", he commented as he and Kyung-ha approached the last door on the left, with worn letters that were scrapped off long ago. No small town would need a morgue. At least not until now.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Eh, nice town no outweigh obesity and racism in Amerikah." She commented, "You kno average Amerikan drink like 700 soda cans a year? You patriotic about most school shootings in world too?" She questioned him. "Oh, also high divorce rates." She added with a grit to her teeth as she herself fell into the percentage. "I not so sad about temporary visit. But town do make look country look better." Kyung-ha admitted.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"You can't focus on all the negative parts, Kyung" Leo responded with a half-hearted sigh. Though, he left it at that, wanting to keep his mind on the case for now. Opening up the door, he was greeted with a familiar face, as well as two other ones that weren't so familiar. The familiar one was Wallace, who's expression seemed to only harden the moment his eyes fell onto the two agents. "You're late." He grunted. "And close the door."
"You must be the agents the town has been getting into a fuss about." The unfamiliar face greeted. He was a black man, a fairly young one. Dressed in a doctors coat, it was no surprise that he was the doctor of the town. But one noticeable thing was the temporary eye covering he had on. "Don't mind this. Just got some pink eye from a patient of mine. You know kids, always wanting to touch stuff."
Leo waved it off, though he made sure not to get physically formal with a handshake. Instead, he focused on the former. "Already the town is talking about us? Guess word spreads fast when you live in a small town."
"You know it." The doctor said with a laugh. "Names Dr. Noah Oakland. Obviously the town doctor. Um... You mind, uh... Letting Graves over there do the talking with the body. I just run the place, but... Well... embarrassing as it is to say, I'm not good with.... corpses. I'm just a family doctor, I do minor stuff. Most I take care of is broken bones and illnesses. But... this is too much for a small town doctor like myself. Graves is uh... more experienced."
He gestured to the other man, who had still yet to speak.

~Noah Oakland~
 "You can't focus on all the negative parts, Kyung" Leo responded with a half-hearted sigh. Though, he
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
She casted a small glare to Wallace when he announced they were supposedly late, but what she heard next from the young man confused her. "You squeamish doctor? Kyung-ha's brows furrowed in concern and perplexity at the paradox, assuming he was joking. "Yee, you doctor no good with corpse and I FBI who can't aim gun." She joined in, but the agent soon came to realize maybe it was not a joke. "Eh, no worries, we handle corpses all time––sometimes just what's left of it anyways."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"That's the joys of your career. You find ways to make due, even if you are not good at some things. Just means you'll excel at others" The doctor replied in an optimistic tone. But as the other man stepped forward to greet the agents, he fell silent, turning back to his paper work to avoid the sight of the dead body that they would inevitably unveil.
The man was much younger than the doctor. In fact, he was younger than anyone else in the room. At least, in his complexion. His eyes on the other hand looked like they hadn't seen rest in centuries. And his clothes were not what they would expect from a coroner. He dressed all gothic, like a Victorian era bureaucrat. And he greeted the two agents with a formal bow, a bit too formal, with a full gesture of his hands and a glimpse in his tired eyes. "Good morning, agents. My name is Viktor Graves. Town gravekeeper and coroner. I make sure that the dead get the proper respect they deserve. So please, no bad mouthing Miss Garcia, no poor handling of Miss Garcia and no fetishizing Miss Garcia. It's rude."
"And don't forget you were also the one to call us about the body." Wallace interrupted, his arms crossed, giving an intimidating aura that Leo lacked and Kyung-ha could only compete with. "But I already interviewed him before you got here. he didn't see anyone at the scene of the crime. And he lives at the church's shed, so it only makes sense he'd be at the scene at the dead of night."
He glimpsed at the two, as if to tell them not to get on him for being the first to get there. As if to tell them not to jump at each witness they came across. As if to tell them he'd be there to stop them if they try.
Leo gave a slow nod as he replied, "Right... Well, don't worry. We're just going to find some clues and see if anything catches our eye. If Wallace has nothing to add on your behalf, we'll begin the examination."
"Told ya everything ya need to no" Wallace replied, biting the inside of his lip to keep himself from getting too aggressive. "Just make it quick. Poor girl didn't deserve this. Even for a Garcia."

~Viktor Graves~
last edited over a year ago
 "That's the joys of your career. You find ways to make due, even if you are not good at some things.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
cosmic_fusions commented…
COLA did it xD over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha was mildly impressed upon being greeted with a bow by the Victorian-dressed man, one is which she returned with a perfect 90 degree angle bow. She was getting slightly agitated by Wallace's commentary, squinting at the end of his words and inevitably letting the following words slide out her mouth, "Clearly you no know everything if we've been called here." Was all that she said to quiet him down and remind him that there was more that met the eye if the case hadn't been solved yet. "Garcia will be respected, yes, and we do so by solving investigation all means possible."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Viktor looked between the two agents, giving a nod as he replied, "Very well. But let's keep it brief. I would like to get Miss Garcia to her final resting place."
With a turn of the heel and a heavy sigh, Viktor pulled back the sheets that covered the deceased woman. Her body lay on the table, covered only by a white tarp. Her face was riddled with long scratches, like that of a wolf. From her left cheek to her neck to her torso, all like she was slashed in a single strike. To say that a monster did this was probably less of an exaggeration than those that assumed would think. Leo looked down at the body with pity, but undeterred. This was not the first body he had seen during his investigations. And he assumed it wouldn't be his last. But still, the sight of a young woman cut down, it was always stomach churning, even for the most jaded detective.
"Three large slashes from her left cheek, her neck, and across her left shoulder, just below the collar bone." Leo analyzed, pointing at each part with his gloved hand. "This had to have been a strike with a very specific weapon. Assuming it was with a weapon."
"What else could it be then?" Wallace interrupted, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, only taking glances at the woman's corpse every few moments.
Leo held back his answer, not need to make Wallace angry with the absurd claim that it was a monster. "Who knows? Perhaps a shotgun blast."
"No guns" Viktor interrupted. "I didn't hear any gunshots that night. Not even a scream. She was cut down before she had time to react."
"I see." Leo said, his eyes glossing over the body carefully, her pale complexation visible passed the stains of blood. "No prints, bruises or anything else. She wasn't dragged there or anything. She must have been followed, going there of her own volition. She must have gone to that cemetery for something, was followed by the killer, and finished the deed before escaping."
He took a step back, allowing Viktor to cover the body once again. "Hate to say it, but this only raises more questions than answers. What did she go to the cemetery for? What kind of murder weapon could leave three long strikes in a pattern like that? And what evidence can we find at the crime scene?"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leo stared over the corpse, scratching at his chin. It was an odd case. Even if magic or monsters were involved, this one taking place in a small town was so different. Most crimes are committed by accident. And those that are selfish, they're done for either personal gain, like sex or money. But none of her money was taken, and she was not stripped at the scene. It was a clean cut. The murder killed her and got away with it. And as Leo pondered what it could be, he turned to his partner and asked, "What do you think, Kyung? Do you have a hypothesis for this?"