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So a week atrás I finally got around to seeing the cinema phenomenon known as "The Avengers". And...? It was awesome. I noticed how well these two fandoms could collide to write a story. Coincidentally, I noticed that the user link was in the thought process of composição literária something similar. I messaged her, asking if I could write a cross-over as well, and she said it was fine. (Which I very much appreciate ^_^) I helped her figure out the plot of her story, so expect her fanfiction soon, too! Btw, if you think you won't be able to follow this story since you've never seen the movie...don't worry. There's going to be explaining. And a lot of it. This is where I leave you. I hope you enjoy the story!

"This is live coverage from New York's Time Square, where an army of—what appears to be—aliens, have emerged from a giant hole in the sky. The national guard has been called in, but nothing seems to be stopping this relentless force." The frightened voice of a newscaster stated, before screaming and ducking down, covering her head as a metallic hovering vehicle swooped over her; the beings riding it hissing in their warped voices. The reception of the broadcast flickered, causing the man watching it to growl in frustration. "Damn thing, the satellite must be blocked again!" He snapped, hitting the topo, início of the device. A woman sitting seguinte to him sighed nervously, and wrapped her arms around her daughter, who watched the televisão with wide, blue eyes. "I don't think it's the reception, Mike." The woman said, the man, Mike, suddenly feeling cold; his expression growing somber.

"I don't understand...how is this even possible?" The girl asked, her red hair flopping around her face as she covered her eyes. "There there, Bloom. I'm sure everything is going to be alright." The woman soothed. The girl, Bloom, looked back up and offered her adoptive mother—Vanessa—a strained smile. "How can you be so sure? Have you seen those things?" Mike sighed, and glanced back at the picture; the camera angle being crooked, as if it were on the ground; people fleeing and even a few kicking the object, causing the glass to finally give way and crack. "It's devastating, but what can we do?" Mike asked, Bloom looking at him. "We can help them, that's what we can do." Vanessa gasped and grabbed hold of Bloom's arm. "Oh there is no way that I'm letting you go to New York!" She scolded, Bloom shaking off her grip. "Earth is in danger, mom! If we let those things get farther than New York, who knows what they could do!" She snapped, getting off the sofá and reaching for her cellphone. She hit speed dial.


It had been some time since the Winx had been together. Each one of the girls were living their own lives on Earth, ever since their mission to find Roxy and defeat the Wizards was completed. They spoke to each other from time to time, but contact amongst the famous fadas had almost completely stopped; their only acquaintances being when Miss Faragonda had to speak to them, or they wanted to catch up. Today though, was different. Bloom had called them all and told them to meet her up at Gardenia Park. It was urgent.

So after many salutations and hugs, the girls had finally regrouped, they all sitting in a círculo on the soft grass. "So, what's the deal Bloom? Why did you drag us all here?" Stella wondered, she not really sure what to make of the whole situation; her friend seemed so uneasy. Bloom sighed and folded her hands in her lap. "I'm sure you've all been watching the news, right?" Most of the girls frowned, and some even seemed ashamed that they had no idea what Bloom was referring to. Thankfully, like always, Tecna knew what she was talking about.

"Unfortunately, I have been following this whole dilemma that is happening in the Earth city of New York." She said, her tone sharp, but her eyes soft and worry-full. Flora folded her arms to her chest. "What's going on?" Tecna reached into her pocket and pulled out her tablet, the green screen flickering to life, as a video beamed in front of the group. The poor quality clip showed a gaping hole appear in the sky, as a bright blue beam shot up from a very tall tower with the bold white words "STARK" plastered at the top. As the size of the hole increased, hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny silver things soon began spewing from it; the strange creatures snarling and whooping in their foreign language as they entered the city.

The girls unaware of these events, watched with avid fascination, their eyes glued to the video. As it finished and the screen flickered back off, their gaze focused on either Tecna or Bloom. "What were those things?" Musa asked, slightly shaken. Bloom shrugged. "I'm not sure...the news keeps referring to them as aliens." Tecna rolled her eyes. "I doubt they're aliens." Stella glared at the girl. "How can you be so sure? Those things certainly didn't look like anything I've ever seen before!" The others nodded with agreement to Stella's statement. "She's right. They don't look like anything we've ever encountered, and we've seen some pretty freaky stuff." Layla snaps, Stella nodding. Bloom raised her hand, stopping any further arguments between Stella and Tecna. "It doesn't matter what these things are or where they came from. All that does matter is what we're going to do to stop them."

"Bloom?" Flora asked, hesitantly.

"What is it?"

"Shouldn't we ask Miss Faragonda about this? Maybe she knowns something about it that we don't." Bloom tapped her finger under her chin, and then nodded her head in agreement. "Good idea, Flora. Tecna, can you get a hold of her?" Tecna smirked, and began scrolling through her tablet. "Of course I can..." In a few seconds, a screen had reappeared above their heads and soon the face of their headmistress could be visible. The older woman smiled down at them when she saw who it was. "Why hello there girls! It's been awhile. How is everything?"

There was an awkward silence that ensued after that question, before Tecna answered her, "It's not good, Miss." Faragonda raised an eyebrow, perplexed. "And why's that?" Tecna used her magic to create a small orb in her hand, in which a series of pictures of the creatures and hole from several sources could be shown as a slideshow. "Something very strange has happened in the city here known as New York. A big hole suddenly appeared out of the sky, bringing with it an army of silver men. The people here keep referring to them as aliens. We were wondering if you knew anything about the situation."

Faragonda blinked, completely taken back por this new information. She fidgeted with her glasses and moved closer towards the screen, her eyes narrowing as she peered intently at the images. "I have never seen something like this before, nor was I aware of its happening. I cannot identify those creatures, but that portal looks like magic from a very ancient object known as the Tesseract." Bloom scratched her head. "What's that, Miss Faragonda?" Faragonda clapped her hands and a book suddenly appeared in front of her, it opening up to reveal its contents.

The book began rifling through pages and suddenly stopped, a soft light falling on Faragonda's face. A soothing and eloquent voice then began speaking, leitura aloud the section that it had picked out. "The Tesseract is a very powerful object that is made of pure energy. Most believe that it was created in Asgard, início of the Gods." At this, most of the Winx became confused. "What does it mean por Gods?" Musa asks, Faragonda smiling. "I'm sure that Earthlings have their own Gods in mind, but these Gods are—shall we say—out of this world. I'm sure that some of you have heard the names Thor, Odin or Loki before, correct?" Tecna brightened at this new information, but the rest seemed lost. Faragonda frowned, but then raised her hand and waved it in Tecna's direction. "Could you explain it to them, please."

"Yes mam. I've read several folk tales talking about these three mighty beings. They never go into much detail about their início worlds, but Odin is is said to be the ruler of Asgard, and he is the son of the God Bor, who is thought to be one of the first Asgardians. He is married to a woman named Frigga, who raised Thor after he was conceived. I'm sure he wasn't conceived por her, but that is not relevant. He adopted the one called Loki, who is the son of Laufey, leader of their sworn enemies the Frost Giants. Most tales account that doing this was a terrible mistake, as Loki would try again and again to defy Odin and try to destroy Asgard, Thor and even Midgard—what they call Earth." The girls all had solemn expressions on their faces once Tecna had finished her explanation.

"But, what would Loki want with Earth?" Flora wonders, the others nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I haven't heard anyone here talk about harming Asgard, or something. So, why's he attacking us?" Stella snaps, puffing out some air; causing her bangs to flutter in front of her. "Well, the tales have always said that Odin never liked how much Thor cared for Earth. So, as punishment, Odin sent Thor down here without his powers and memories of being a God. He eventually found someone he cared for, a woman named Jane. Ever since then, Thor has been known as a protector of this planet, and Loki has tried again and again to destroy what Thor values as most precious to him." Tecna explains, Stella not looking satisfied with this answer at all. "Well then where is he now if he's this world's protector? Where was he when we were facing the Wizards, or when we were stopping the Earth from becoming a jungle or giant Popsicle? Some protector he turned out to be..." She grumbles, Tecna rolling her eyes. "These are just mythical legends Stella, none of them are true." Tecna snaps back.

At this, Faragonda spoke. "Ah, not necessarily Tecna. If what is beaming up that energy into the hole is truly the Tesseract, then you should consider that Loki, or maybe Thor, could not be far behind. This cube is said to be of Asgardian origin—where the both of them are from—so whose to say they do not exist? This cube is supposed to be a legend as well. But here it is, in New York." Tecna still looked as if she were going to protest, but Bloom gave her a look that made her think otherwise. "So what can we do, Miss Faragonda? We have to stop those creatures and protect Earth!" Miss Faragonda sighed, and rubbed her eyes. "I am not entirely sure what you can do, girls. The Tesseract is very powerful, and it made of pure energy. Not only will it be very difficult to destroy, but those creatures flying about do not seem like such easy foes either. It's going to take everything that you've learned to try and stop them. All I can say is...good luck." The screen suddenly twitched and the image of their headmistress fizzed out and they were all alone.

"Do you really think that we can stop those things?" Musa asks, doubt creeping into her voice. Bloom gave her a reassuring smile. "Of course we can. We're the Winx Club, and together, we can do anything." Layla smiled, and got up. "Yeah, Bloom is right. Let's show these space-men that they've messed with the wrong planet!" The girls could feel their confidence coming back, and soon, they were all up on their feet. "We got this girls, now let's go kick some alien butt!" Stella shouts, all of them nodding in agreement. "Winx Believix!" They all shout, and transform into their fairy outfits. "Everyone ready?" Bloom asks, the Winx all agreeing to go; adrenaline pumping through their veins. "Winx Zoomix!" And in a flash, they had all teleported.


The Winx had teleported to the outskirts of New York. From where they were standing, they could see that most of the city had already been demolished. Buildings had been crushed, windows shattered, apartments caught on fire. The screams of thousands of people in distress could be heard from miles away; the zooming and squawking of the invaders filling the fear-ridden atmosphere.

"This is horrible..." Bloom whispers, Flora placing a comforting hand on her friends shoulder. "Come on girls, we got this." Stella says, her friends agreeing with her and taking to the sky.

"So, do any of you have a plan as to how we're going to stop these things?" Musa asks, her hair blowing behind her in the wind. "Well, finding this Tesseract and destroying it should be our number one priority." Tecna replies, Bloom frowning. "But didn't Miss Faragonda say it was very powerful?" Layla nodded. "Yeah, she did say that, but even the strongest can fall. Even if this cube is powerful, it must have a weakness, a means of destroying it. Everything does—ow! Hey, watch it!" She suddenly snarled, all the Winx coming to a halt. "What's wrong, Layla?" Flora asks, Layla rubbing her arm. "I-I think I bumped into something." Stella scratched her head. "Are you sure you just didn't twist your arm or something? I don't see anything that could have hit you—"

"You there, levitating in front of us. You are unidentified persons and are trespassing in SHIELD territory. You will be apprehended and brought into our premises." A firm voice says out of nowhere. "Where the heck did that come from?" Stella asks, whirling around to try and find the fonte of the talking. Suddenly, a silver shine began to appear in the clouds. "What's that?" Musa wonders, soon shielding her eyes from the reflection of the metal from the sunlight. In less than a minute, a huge ship powered por spinning, razor sharp blades (Similar to a helicopter) had appeared in front of the Winx. There were windows lining most of its sides, where the girls could see tens, if not hundreds of people working on computers, or watching them intently. "What the—" Bloom began, but was cut off when a low grumble erupted from the ship, an airplane soon bursting from one of its openings.

"You will follow me, and behave as required, or I will use force on you, understood?" A male voice snapped from the airplane, the girls agreeing to his demands and following the aircraft back into the hanger of the ship. When everyone had landed, tens of armed men and women soon poured in from a door, they all pointing their weapons at the Winx. "Uh...we come in peace?" Stella said, laughing nervously. "I hope you know that we won't be persuaded so easily." A suave voice says from the back. "Who are you, and what do you want?" Bloom hisses, glaring at most of the soldiers who had surrounded them.

There was the soft clicking of boots, as a man made his way to the vanguard. He was tall, and sported a long black coat, and armas at his side. He was bald, and an eye-patch covered his right eye. "The name is Nick Fury, and I could ask you all the same question."


Author's Note: Well here's chapter one! I hope that I explained enough, as for who Thor and Loki are, and that you aren't too lost. mais information as to how the Tesseract was acquired por Loki, who these aliens are, and who SHIELD is will be revealed mais in the seguinte chapter. I hope you like this story so far! Please leave comments and favorito it as well. Thanks!
added by sunwarior
Source: i dont own this
added by alice25141
Source: Edited por me
added by Zamiatina
added by Elinafairy
Source: tumblr
added by Zamiatina
added by Elinafairy
Source: vk.com
posted by GhostLoveScore
I am sick of the people who say that 4Kids is the best dub when it fact it is a terrible dub that totally butchered Winx Club.I don't give a damn if you like it because it was a big part of your childhood,that still shouldn't stop you from realizing how bad it is.When I was a child the crappy"Lavagirl and Sharkboy"movie was my most favorito movie of all time but when I grow up I realized how bad it was and hated it.Yes it was a big part of my childhood and despite it being bad I am still glad that it was part of my childhood but I don't go around claiming that it is a masterpiece and that people...
continue reading...
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: WinxCLUBbrazil
added by Elinafairy
Source: caboulla.deviantart.com
added by Elinafairy
Source: colourfullwinx.deviantart.com
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: chibiusa-moon
added by MissUnknown13
Source: Me, KMPlayer for the screen shot, and someone unknown for the Bloom img.
added by Harmonyismagic
Source: I Don't Know
added by RomyMermaid
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Dessindu43
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: 3DCreater-LauraMaya
added by nmdis
Source: devinart
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: facebook